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Port 80
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 04 Aug 2024 12:19:22 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlTransfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-alivex-amz-id-2: 2oLIbSS0rqHi8J4YzEgUxdFT2RAHWAtHAHKePSnBsRF7CcU80c8AQ5FjCQXvACm7pe4 !DOCTYPE html>html xmlns>head> meta charsetutf-8> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEEdge,chrome1> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0> title>Foldable Hats, the Hats with Wire Brim that Twist and Fold/title> meta namedescription contentHats that twist-and-fold are the hats that never crush. Simply twist the wide brim hat into a disc and store in its included pouch. !-- Le HTML5 shim, for IE6-8 support of HTML elements --> !--if lt IE 9> script src// typetext/javascript>/script> !endif--> link hrefthecss.css mediaall relstylesheet typetext/css /> meta namegoogle-site-verification contentCVjfJXrydiZ-BxitW6kw16mx2LRY5KDVIJhcpasjpd8 />/head>body> div classnavbar navbar-fixed-top> div classnavbar-inner> div classcontainer> a classbrand href/>Foldable Hats/a> div classcontainer> ul classnav> li>a href#sun_hats classscrollTo>Sun Hats/a>/li> li>a href#rain_hats classscrollTo>Rain Hats/a>/li> /ul> /div> !--/.nav-collapse --> /div> /div> /div> div classcontainer> div classhero-unit> div styletext-align:center>img altHat_pop_open srcassets/hat_pop_open.png />/div> div classpage-header> h1>Foldable Hats/h1> /div> p classlead> Foldable hats are large wide brimmed hats that have a stiff wire rim that can be folded into a small convenient 6 inch diameter disk. To unfold the hat simply let loose the hat and the wire rim will pop open with force. Comes in Sun and Rain versions. /p> /div> h2 idsun_hats>Sun Hats/h2> h3>Solid Color Sun Hats/h3> div classclearfix well> div classproduct styletext-align:center;width:215px; float:left;height:300px;margin:0 10px 10px 0;> small classproduct-title muted>strong>H14000-WT/strong>/small>br> small classproduct-attr-description>em>18" Foldable SUN Hat, White/em>/small>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 04 Aug 2024 12:19:22 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlTransfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-alivex-amz-id-2: 1OAuOzVj7K/mxsQWEaKjbocYCyWaQPvdpj2WFZykZCSwEhnfQsqPA1ybVus5td58OZb !DOCTYPE html>html xmlns>head> meta charsetutf-8> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEEdge,chrome1> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0> title>Foldable Hats, the Hats with Wire Brim that Twist and Fold/title> meta namedescription contentHats that twist-and-fold are the hats that never crush. Simply twist the wide brim hat into a disc and store in its included pouch. !-- Le HTML5 shim, for IE6-8 support of HTML elements --> !--if lt IE 9> script src// typetext/javascript>/script> !endif--> link hrefthecss.css mediaall relstylesheet typetext/css /> meta namegoogle-site-verification contentCVjfJXrydiZ-BxitW6kw16mx2LRY5KDVIJhcpasjpd8 />/head>body> div classnavbar navbar-fixed-top> div classnavbar-inner> div classcontainer> a classbrand href/>Foldable Hats/a> div classcontainer> ul classnav> li>a href#sun_hats classscrollTo>Sun Hats/a>/li> li>a href#rain_hats classscrollTo>Rain Hats/a>/li> /ul> /div> !--/.nav-collapse --> /div> /div> /div> div classcontainer> div classhero-unit> div styletext-align:center>img altHat_pop_open srcassets/hat_pop_open.png />/div> div classpage-header> h1>Foldable Hats/h1> /div> p classlead> Foldable hats are large wide brimmed hats that have a stiff wire rim that can be folded into a small convenient 6 inch diameter disk. To unfold the hat simply let loose the hat and the wire rim will pop open with force. Comes in Sun and Rain versions. /p> /div> h2 idsun_hats>Sun Hats/h2> h3>Solid Color Sun Hats/h3> div classclearfix well> div classproduct styletext-align:center;width:215px; float:left;height:300px;margin:0 10px 10px 0;> small classproduct-title muted>strong>H14000-WT/strong>/small>br> small classproduct-attr-description>em>18" Foldable SUN Hat, White/em>/small>
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