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target_blank>img src alt />/a> a href Us target_blank>img src alt />/a> a href Us target_blank>img src alt />/a>/div> !-- end .share-panel --> /div> !-- end .info-panel --> div classpost-text> h1 classtitle>About Us/h1> div classhr>/div> p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>span stylefont-size: x-large;>FIERCE EDITORS /span>/strong>/p>h3>strong>span stylefont-size: 13px;>a href>img classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18051 titleetcnewhair src alt width150 height150 />/a>/span>/strong>/h3>h3>a href target_blank>Ernessa T. Carter/a> – Editor in Chief/h3>p>strong>span stylefont-size: 13px;>Other than founding Fierce and Nerdy, Ernessa is the author of 32 CANDLES, a novel about a fierce nerd from the south. She considers representing for fierce nerds everywhere as her highest calling and thanks you for reading this blog. You can find out more about her at her author site, a href target_blank>span stylecolor: #ff9900;>>/a>/span>/strong>/p>p> /p>p> /p>h3 stylefont-size: 1.17em;>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18363 stylefloat: left; border: 0px initial initial; titleryandixonbiopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Ryan Dixon/a> – FIERCE ANTICIPATION Editor/strong>/span>/h3>p> /p>p>strong>A graduate of Carnegie Mellon, Ryan Dixon is the co-author of the graphic novel em>a href target_blank>Hell House: The Awakening/a>/em> and also works as a script doctor and ghostwriter. As a FaN “blogumnist” he mainly writes about his obsessions including (but not limited to) a href target_blank>themed furniture stores/a>, the “a href target_blank>Eddie Murphy Code/a>” and a href target_blank>beef stick/a>. span stylecolor: #00ccff;>a href target_blank>Follow Ryan on Twitter/a>/span>/strong>/p>div>strong>br />/strong>/div>h3>strong>span stylefont-size: 13px;>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-full wp-image-26264 titlespock src alt width126 height153 />/a>a href target_blank>T.E. Hibbard/a> – Editor in Fun/span>/strong>/h3>p>span stylefont-size: 13px;>strong>When not writing our “Procrastinate on This” and “One More Thing Before We Go” features, T.E. likes writing kick-ass sci-fi, reading kick-ass sci-fi, and watching kick-ass sci-fi. Other than that T.E. is obviously Team Spock. If you’re Team Kirk, don’t even bother to speak to T.E. You two can’t be friends./strong>/span>/p>p> /p>p> /p>h3 stylefont-weight: normal; font-size: 1.17em;>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a href>br />img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18384 stylefloat: left; border: 0px initial initial; titleamyrobinsonbiopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Amy Robinson/a> – Blogumnist Editor/strong>/span>/h3>p>strong>Amy Robinson, your Tall Drink o’ Nerd, grew up in a Colorado town of 900 people then moved to Chicago to be an actress. There she sang at a couple of jazz joints, did social work for the elderly and produced plays. Amy has worked at a href>Writing Pad LA/a> as a teacher, copywriter and contributes an occasional blog fora href>TheWellfedMuse/a>. Amy’s other ventures include the blogs; a href>Moons over Monuments,/a> where she shows her rear to historical monuments, a href>Things I Learned From Ling Ling/a>, the philosophical musings of a bi-polar calico cat and a href>Stinky Junior/a>, where she rambles on about every other thing. Additionally, Amy is a published a href>poet/a>, wrote a book about a href>monkeys/a> and is thisclose to being finished with her first novel. Amy currently lives with her husband in a beach town in Southern California, where she writes, watches too much TV, a href>volunteers with homeless cats and dogs/a> and works as a Project Manager for The Man./strong>/p>p> /p>h2 styletext-align: center;>FIERCE CONTRIBUTORS/h2>p> /p>blockquote>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18358 titlekellibiopic src alt width150 height133 />/a>a href target_blank>Kelli Bielema/a>/h3>p>Kelli Bielema is a blogger, volunteer, event planner, dog trainer, vegetarian, karaokist and all-around urban girl. After 10 years in Los Angeles, this gal from the Land of Lincoln has planted roots in Seattle. Through trials, tribulations and finding the right pair of life-changing Hunter boots, the Northwest is where it’s at for this fierce nerd./p>p> /p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classsize-thumbnail wp-image-18362 alignleft titleamybrownbiopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>a href target_blank>Amy Brown/a>/h3>p>Growing up in Marblehead, Massachusetts, Amy Brown was lucky enough to live down the street from the Abbot Public Library, where her mother took her every day to pick out the books her father read to her at night. After studying economics at Wellesley College and the University of California, Los Angeles, she is currently pursuing a career in financial services. Amy is very grateful to Fierce and Nerdy for giving her a forum in which to natter on about her love of books./p>p> /p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18359 titlezack_bunkerbiopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Zack Bunker/a>/strong>/h3>p>Zack is a designer, writer and artist. He is currently living and struggling in Los Angeles, and having a fabulous time doing so. He wades through pop culture and his personal history to bring you funny and insightful looks at the strange, strange world around us./p>p> /p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-32636 titlepatrick connolly src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>a href target_blank>strong>Patrick Connolly/strong>/a>/h3>p>Patrick is a writer, bagpiper, panel moderator and media guy who defected to the East and thinks the East Coast is the new West Coast. He wrote a blog for three years about his journey and even got published in em>The New York Times/em>. He still struggles with wanting to have dinner parties and reading more books. In his free time he thinks about working out. He can be found on Twitter at pjconnolly./p>p> /p>h3>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18360 titlegudrunbiopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Gudrun Cram-Drach/a>/strong>/span>/h3>p>span stylefont-weight: normal;>After perhaps too many years of art school, Gudrun does what any over-educated animator/illustrator/designer would do, she writes novels. Her films have been in festivals worldwide, and her books are works in progress. In 2009 she married a em>français/em>, and she now lives outside of Paris./span>/p>p> /p>p> /p>h3>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a href>img classalignleft size-full wp-image-18365 titlecharlescronbiopic src alt />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Charles Cron/a>/strong>/span>/h3>p>span stylefont-weight: normal;>Born in the backwoods of Pennsyltucky, Thought Chuck realized at an early age that he was different. After writing, producing, directing, designing and starring in his first play (put on by his brother & himself for his aunt in her living room at the tender age of 5) there was no way he was going to “stay down on the farm after he’d seen Pa-ree.” Over-educated at Carnegie Mellon’s School of Drama, Thought Chuck fulfilled his manifest destiny by moving westward to the vast urban sprawl of Lost Angeles to pursue his dreams. While there he has had the “privilege”of working for the Mouse House, AFI (creators of the “100 Years, 100 Best Key Grips” lists) and the company formerly known as DreamWorks SKG. An inveterate pie-baker and collector of random factoids, Thought Chuck is currently employed by the corporate descendants of Adolph Zukor and Cecil B. DeMille, where he is quickly learning that while you can’t necessarily make a dream work you em>can/em> make a para mount./span>/p>p> /p>p> /p>h3>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-full wp-image-18376 titlechbiopic src alt width139 height111 />br />a href target_blank> CH/a>/h3>p> /p>p>CH is Fierce and Nerdy’s resident IT department, art director, photographer, husband/p>p> /p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-full wp-image-26372 titlesarah retro pic src alt width120 height120 srcset 120w, 60w sizes(max-width: 120px) 100vw, 120px />/a>a href target_blank>Sarah Fazeli/a>/h3>p>Sarah Fazeli is a writer, actor, and teacher. Buckeye-born, she graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University and has an Interdisciplinary MFA in Theatre, Film, & Creative Writing from CalArts. She grew up on a steady diet of Muppets, Little Debbies, and Tab – none of which prepared her to swim with the sharks here in Los Angeles. She finds herself Bewitched, Bothered, & Bewildered by both herself and American culture at least several times a day, and is currently at work on a memoir./p>p> /p>h3>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18372 titleDebraGoykhmanbiopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Debra Goykhman/a>/strong>/span>/h3>p>span stylefont-weight: normal;>Debra Goykhman is from Pittsburgh, PA and has studied writing at both Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh. Currently she resides in Carlsbad, CA and is working on her novel writing. After getting married she began her Newly Nested column about a year ago./span>/p>p> /p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-19226 titlemirobio src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Miro Gudelsky/a>/strong>/h3>p>span stylefont-family: Helvetica; line-height: normal; font-size: small;>As a Doctorate of Human Sexuality, Sex Therapist and Professor of Human Sexuality, Dr. Miro Gudelsky is an expert in sex. Based in Manhattan with offices in both New York City and Los Angeles, she maintains a sex-positive perspective in all her endeavors./span>/p>p> /p>p>span stylefont-family: Helvetica; line-height: normal; font-size: small;>br />/span>/p>h3>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18374 titleroyahamadanibiopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Roya Hamadani/a>/strong>/span>/h3>p>span stylefont-weight: normal;>Roya Hamadani is a writer, crafter, foodie and bead addict living in Pittsburgh with her dog and two cats. She loves all forms of Asian cuisine, puppetry, and miniatures. She abhors picnics, aspartame, and tongue (as a food, because it feels like it’s licking you back)./span>/p>p> /p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-24644 titlejoshuairishbiopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>a href target_blank>Joshua Irish/a>/h3>p>Joshua Irish is an avid gamer and a blogger/occasional podcaster of all things geek with his fiance, Nicole and their cockatiel, Eleanor at a href target_blank>>. When not busy perusing and commenting on the latest in geek culture and technology trends, he works as a coordinator at a small software company. He also has an insatiable love for Chipotle burritos and word on the street is that within his possession exists an illustrious collection of Beanie Babies…/p>p> /p>p> /p>h3>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18378 titleme mirror src alt width150 height103 />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Jersey Joe/a>/strong>/span>/h3>p>If it’s about making life more fun – Jersey Joe is on it! From pop culture to new products and technology; he brings his every man approach to FaN. Jersey Joe grew up in small town Pennsylvania and is now an award-winning television producer in New York./p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18441 titlemichaelkassbiopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>a href target_blank>Michael Kass/a>/h3>p>Michael Kass has been training for his role as the Single White Nerd for over 33.8 years. He’s been single in Washington, D.C., Houston, Chicago, Florence, and, currently, Los Angeles. When not doing research on singledom, he’s been known to perpetrate acting (you may recognize him from. . .nah, you probably wouldn’t ), tell some stories into microphones, and gobble massive quantities of baked goods. When not doing those things, he works with My Friend’s Place, a service center for homeless youth. Looking for a cool nonprofit? Check them out strong>a href target_blank>here/a>/strong>./p>p> /p>h3>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18381 titlemkvbiopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Monique King-Viehland/a>/strong>/span>/h3>p>Monique is an urban redeveloper, wife and mother living in Trenton, NJ. She has a Master of Science in Public Policy from the Heinz School at Carnegie Mellon University and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Smith College where she graduated with honors. Her background is in community and economic development and she has spent the last ten years working on urban redevelopment, neighborhood revitalization and public policy issues in the nonprofit and public sectors. Her career has included stints as a gubernatorial aide and a White House Intern and most recently head of a redevelopment agency. Monique is a wannabe policy wonk and pundit who loves blogging about various political issues./p>h3>strong>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18851 titlemissybiopic src alt width120 height120 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w, 214w sizes(max-width: 120px) 100vw, 120px />/a>a href target_blank>Missy Kulik/a>/strong>/h3>p> /p>div id_mcePaste>Hello, my name is Missy. I am a graphic and product designer by day, by night I am an artist, crafter, and zine queen. I love drawing, sewing, knitting, baking, and studying trapeze and silks aerials. I live in Athens, Georgia in a very cute house with Raoul, Nilla, and Oreo./div>p> /p>h3>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-full wp-image-18382 titlekellykaboomlettbiopic src alt width103 height129 />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Kelly Lett/a>/strong>/span>/h3>p>Kelly Lett is a writer/actor living in LA. Before December 2009 she was also one of the original LA Derby Dolls. After six years and three broken thumbs, two snapped clavicles, a couple broken toes, countless bruises and pulled muscles she retired in order to focus on life off skates. Returning to her first love of acting Kelly is making the difficult transition from a solid theatre background, having gotten her degree at American Academy of Dramatic Arts, NYC back in 2002, to the world of professional LA TV/Film actor. She is trying to better understand this world with the help of the Lesly Kahn Institute. Being rather good at putting words in an interesting order when forming sentences she has a bi-weekly blog here at FaN as well as two blogs a week at a href>>. Kelly is also working on many projects, any one of which might one day place her in the “real” writer category. She divides her free writing time up between two pilots, one play, one screenplay and a novel. Hey it’s a start./p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-33581 titlejennifer may nickel src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>Jennifer May Nickel/h3>p>Jennifer May Nickel is yet another FaN contributor that is originally from Pittsburgh, PA and graduated from Carnegie Mellon with an MFA in Costume Design. (We’re EVERYWHERE!) Jennifer currently lives in beautiful downtown Burbank with her writer husband. She works as a Costume Designer for film, TV, interwebs, and theatre (and occasionally acts for SMBC Theater on the web). And she made the cape mini-Vader wears in the VW commercial. When she isn’t designing, she’s travelling and drinking wine./p>p> /p>h3>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18383 titlejoshpullinbiopic src alt width150 height133 />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Josh Pullin/a>/strong>/span>/h3>p>Josh Pullin is hungry. If he wasn’t a stay at home dad he would pedal his bicycle to Kansas City right now in order to try their burnt ends. When he’s not eating, taking care of his son, or playing softball he fancies himself a writer./p>p> /p>p> /p>h3>strong>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-full wp-image-24131 titlerobbio src alt width160 height120 />/a>a href target_blank>R.B. Ripley/a>/strong>/h3>p>R.B. Ripley is playwright and screenwriter whose projects have been seen across the U.S. And Europe. His development and production company Liminal Entertainment is dedicated to the art of independent storytelling. To read more of his Hyperbolic Tendencies, you can visit his strong>a href target_blank>blog/a>/strong> and follow him on Twitter at a href!/rbripley target_blank>>/p>p> /p>h3>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a href>img classalignleft size-full wp-image-18385 titlejeffrogersbiopic src alt />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Jeff Rogers/a>/strong>/span>/h3>p>span stylefont-weight: normal;>Jeff Rogers grew up in Michigan college towns. He’s an only child with four professor parents, three brothers and twin sisters. He dropped out of school and drove across the country to LA in 1983. He has lived, written and adventured here since, now joined by his wife Elise./span>/p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18471 titlejoerusinbiopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>a href target_blank>Joe Rusin/a>/h3>p>Joe Rusin lives in Los Angeles and works in “The Industry.” He enjoys the outdoors, good food, good film, good arguments, and the Pittsburgh sports teams of Misters Rooney and Lemieux. He is sometimes a producer, sometimes a writer, but always a contrarian./p>p> /p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-19294 titleericsimsbio src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>a href target_blank>Eric Sims/a>/h3>p>span stylefont-family: Helvetica; line-height: normal; font-size: small;>Eric Sims hails from New York where he directed numerous Off-Off Broadway productions and performed stand up comedy at variety of shady locales. He served for five years as Managing Director of the Powerhouse Theatre, leading over 70 productions and special events to the stage and is currently the Operations Manager of the Kirk Douglas Theatre. He is happily married with a mopey dog, small condo and a Scion XA which only his wife can drive./span>span stylefont-family: Helvetica; line-height: normal; font-size: small;>br />/span>span stylefont-family: Helvetica; line-height: normal; font-size: small;>br />/span>/p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-27325 titlematt_udvari_biopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>a href target_blank>Matt Udvari/a>/h3>p>A graduate of Carnegie Mellon and Wake Forest, Matt Udvari is a video game designer and playwright. In addition to a fun day job, Matt designs independent video games at a href>span classs1>Part Time Evil/span>/a>. In his spare time, he rants about the greatness of the movie em>Labyrinth/em> and continues his quest to find the perfect Pho. Here at FaN, Matt writes about the craft and industry of making video games./p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-full wp-image-28206 titlefrankie_v_bio_pic src alt width140 height179 />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Frankie V/a>/strong>/h3>p classp2>When she’s not dashing around on her horse, whipping knight’s butts and saving dudes in distress, Frankie V. goes to the farmer’s market, scoffs at the high prices, but stays because span classs1>it’s a good place/span> for people watching. She also writes about things – things in the film and TV world, things in her own world, which often seems like span classs1>a film or TV show./span>/p>p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>/blockquote>p> /p>p> /p>blockquote>h4>Send one of our Fierce and Nerdy contributors a note…/h4>/blockquote>blockquote>form actionmailfunction.php methodpost enctypeapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded accept-charsetUNKNOWN>input typehidden namesendto size20 /> input typehidden namepagename valueNote To Contributors size20 /> input typehidden namesendfrom size20 />/p>table stylewidth: 500px; border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligncenter>tbody>tr>td width500>h6>Your name:/h6>/td>/tr>tr>td width500>input idname stylewidth: 250px; height: 17px; typetext nameReaders Name size62 />/td>/tr>tr>td width500>h6>Your e-mail address:/h6>/td>/tr>tr>td width500>input idemail stylewidth: 250px; height: 17px; background-color: #ffffa0; typetext nameReaders E-mail Address size62 />/td>/tr>tr>td width500>h6>Which contributor are you writing to?/h6>/td>/tr>tr>td width500>input idcontname stylewidth: 250px; height: 17px; typetext nameContributors Name size62 />/td>/tr>tr>td width500>h6>Your note:/h6>/td>/tr>tr>td width500>textarea idnote stylewidth: 470px; height: 148px; nameNote to Contributor rows9 cols55> /textarea>/td>/tr>tr>td width500>/td>/tr>tr>td>input typesubmit valueSubmit size20 />/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>/form>/blockquote>p>!--END OF FORM SECTION-->br />!--BEGIN DIVISION LINE-->/p>p styletext-align: center; color: #999;>_________________________________________________________________________/p>p>!--END DIVISION LINE-->br />!--BEGIN CALLING WRITERS SECTIONS-->/p>blockquote>h4>span stylecolor: #ffcc99;>em>featured image credit: /em>span styleborder-collapse: collapse; line-height: 18px; font-weight: normal;>a styletext-decoration: none; background-color: #0063dc; href>span stylecolor: #ffcc99;>Spec-ta-cles/span>/a>/span>/span>/h4>/blockquote> /div> !-- .post-text --> /div> !-- .post-content --> /div> !-- #post --> /div> !-- #left-area --> div idsidebar> div idcategories-2 classwidget widget_categories>h3 classwidgettitle>Categories/h3>div classwidgetcontent>form action methodget>label classscreen-reader-text forcat>Categories/label>select namecat idcat classpostform > option value-1>Select Category/option> option classlevel-0 value8314>#NSFW/option> option classlevel-0 value793>*/option> option classlevel-0 value3990>2011 in Review/option> option classlevel-0 value679>32 Candles/option> option classlevel-0 value254>Aimee Swartz/option> option classlevel-0 value783>Alex and Emmy/option> option classlevel-0 value684>Amy Brown/option> option classlevel-0 value382>Amy Robinson/option> option classlevel-0 value8293>An Unexpected Purge/option> option classlevel-0 value195>Andy Allen/option> option classlevel-0 value8013>Ask Dr. Miro: What You Didn’t Learn in Health Class/option> option classlevel-0 value700>Awesome Girl’s Guide to Dating Extraordinary Men/option> option classlevel-0 value3991>Best of 2011/option> option classlevel-0 value779>BEST OF FaN/option> option classlevel-0 value7505>Better Than Good Hair/option> option classlevel-0 value660>betty experience/option> option classlevel-0 value715>Book Reviews/option> option classlevel-0 value760>BOOK WEEK/option> option classlevel-0 value512>Brian Pelfrey/option> option classlevel-0 value71>Brian Viehland/option> option classlevel-0 value8041>California Seething/option> option classlevel-0 value220>CH/option> option classlevel-0 value36>Charles Cron/option> option classlevel-0 value104>Clark Perry/option> option classlevel-0 value909>Corrie-lynn Dyson/option> option classlevel-0 value7942>Daily News Brief/option> option classlevel-0 value636>Dear Thursday/option> option classlevel-0 value47>Debra Barlow/option> option classlevel-0 value641>Debra Goykhman/option> option classlevel-0 value92>Delia Hauser/option> option classlevel-0 value833>DIY Nerd/option> option classlevel-0 value8082>Dork Lifestyle/option> option classlevel-0 value266>DVR Alerts/option> option classlevel-0 value1045>DW Brandt/option> option classlevel-0 value724>Elise Rodriguez/option> option classlevel-0 value619>Else Duff/option> option classlevel-0 value182>Emily Farrell/option> option classlevel-0 value726>Eric Sims/option> option classlevel-0 value2892>Ernessa T. Carter/option> option classlevel-0 value688>FaN Extra/option> option classlevel-0 value781>FaN Favorites/option> option classlevel-0 value764>FaN Notes/option> option classlevel-0 value550>Feminism/option> option classlevel-0 value6>Fierce and Nerdy/option> option classlevel-0 value652>Fierce Anticipation/option> option classlevel-0 value255>Fierce Fiction/option> option classlevel-0 value8260>Fierce Foodie/option> option classlevel-0 value680>Fierce Fwd/option> option classlevel-0 value563>Fierce Quote/option> option classlevel-0 value735>Fierce Thoughts/option> option classlevel-0 value7865>Fierce Women/option> option classlevel-0 value640>Fiercest Nerds On The Block/option> option classlevel-0 value544>File This Under/option> option classlevel-0 value8>Filly and Nerdy/option> option classlevel-0 value151>Fiona Craig/option> option classlevel-0 value1194>Frankie V/option> option classlevel-0 value8045>Friday 5er/option> option classlevel-0 value675>Friday Edition/option> option classlevel-0 value135>Gudrun Cram-Drach/option> option classlevel-0 value562>Guess the Random Lyric/option> option classlevel-0 value7373>Halloween 2012/option> option classlevel-0 value787>Halloween Week 2010/option> option classlevel-0 value2403>Happy Birthday FaN/option> option classlevel-0 value637>Hello Friday/option> option classlevel-0 value682>Hippie Squared/option> option classlevel-0 value696>Holiday Gifts 2009/option> option classlevel-0 value792>Holiday Gifts 2010/option> option classlevel-0 value2965>Holiday Gifts 2011/option> option classlevel-0 value3939>Holiday Gifts 2012/option> option classlevel-0 value29>Howard Leder/option> option classlevel-0 value343>interracial relationships/option> option classlevel-0 value520>ivf/option> option classlevel-0 value815>IVF Part Deux/option> option classlevel-0 value840>IVF Part Tres/option> option classlevel-0 value941>IVF Series Finale/option> option classlevel-0 value7981>Janelle Burmaster/option> option classlevel-0 value622>Janice Zeller/option> option classlevel-0 value592>Jeff Rogers/option> option classlevel-0 value4022>Jennifer May Nickel/option> option classlevel-0 value732>Jersey Joe/option> option classlevel-0 value210>Jessica Glassberg/option> option classlevel-0 value725>Joe Rusin/option> option classlevel-0 value731>Joe Stapleton/option> option classlevel-0 value1364>Jonathan Auxier/option> option classlevel-0 value526>Jordan Weeks/option> option classlevel-0 value531>Josh Grelle/option> option classlevel-0 value716>Josh Pullin/option> option classlevel-0 value727>Josh Tarjan/option> option classlevel-0 value940>Joshua Irish/option> option classlevel-0 value832>Joshua Mauldin/option> option classlevel-0 value907>Julianna Baggott/option> option classlevel-0 value646>Justin Time/option> option classlevel-0 value23>Kalimba Bennett/option> option classlevel-0 value2955>Kamille Misewicz/option> option classlevel-0 value7677>Karen Walcott/option> option classlevel-0 value158>Kasey Bomber/option> option classlevel-0 value82>Kelli Bielema/option> option classlevel-0 value782>Kelly Lett/option> option classlevel-0 value8024>Kickin’ Back with Jersey Joe/option> option classlevel-0 value2422>Kwikee Date/option> option classlevel-0 value126>Kyle T. Wilson/option> option classlevel-0 value7>Lit and Nerdy/option> option classlevel-0 value7783>Love Week/option> option classlevel-0 value6005>Madame HR/option> option classlevel-0 value734>Maegan Poland/option> option classlevel-0 value1046>Matt Udvari/option> option classlevel-0 value686>Michael Gutenplan/option> option classlevel-0 value631>Michael Kass/option> option classlevel-0 value7980>Michele Agius/option> option classlevel-0 value777>Miro Gudelsky/option> option classlevel-0 value35>Missy Kulik/option> option classlevel-0 value7339>MLPosts/option> option classlevel-0 value174>Modern Love/option> option classlevel-0 value835>Molly Garner/option> option classlevel-0 value56>Monique King-Viehland/option> option classlevel-0 value687>Month of Advice/option> option classlevel-0 value683>Month of Minefields/option> option classlevel-0 value4299>Most Amazing Love the Universe Has Ever Known/option> option classlevel-0 value8076>Movie Review/option> option classlevel-0 value910>movie reviews/option> option classlevel-0 value6248>My Life as a Mall/option> option classlevel-0 value849>Natalie V. Hall/option> option classlevel-0 value629>Nate Barlow/option> option classlevel-0 value4570>NERD LURVE WEEK/option> option classlevel-0 value4964>Nerdy Ish We Found on Etsy/option> option classlevel-0 value624>New Year’s 2009 Edition/option> option classlevel-0 value689>New Year’s 2010 Edition/option> option classlevel-0 value549>Oh It’s Tuesday/option> option classlevel-0 value145>Oh Merry Beaver/option> option classlevel-0 value639>One More Thing Before We Go/option> option classlevel-0 value3928>Patrick Connolly/option> option classlevel-0 value965>Paul Elwork/option> option classlevel-0 value642>Philosophical Monday/option> option classlevel-0 value1602>Phyllis Kaelin/option> option classlevel-0 value8244>Podcast/option> option classlevel-0 value7359>Poll on This/option> option classlevel-0 value613>pregnancy diaries/option> option classlevel-0 value598>Procrastinate on This/option> option classlevel-0 value694>Proust Questionnaire/option> option classlevel-0 value630>R.B. 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target_blank>img src alt />/a> a href Us target_blank>img src alt />/a> a href Us target_blank>img src alt />/a>/div> !-- end .share-panel --> /div> !-- end .info-panel --> div classpost-text> h1 classtitle>About Us/h1> div classhr>/div> p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>p styletext-align: center;>strong>span stylefont-size: x-large;>FIERCE EDITORS /span>/strong>/p>h3>strong>span stylefont-size: 13px;>a href>img classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18051 titleetcnewhair src alt width150 height150 />/a>/span>/strong>/h3>h3>a href target_blank>Ernessa T. Carter/a> – Editor in Chief/h3>p>strong>span stylefont-size: 13px;>Other than founding Fierce and Nerdy, Ernessa is the author of 32 CANDLES, a novel about a fierce nerd from the south. She considers representing for fierce nerds everywhere as her highest calling and thanks you for reading this blog. You can find out more about her at her author site, a href target_blank>span stylecolor: #ff9900;>>/a>/span>/strong>/p>p> /p>p> /p>h3 stylefont-size: 1.17em;>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18363 stylefloat: left; border: 0px initial initial; titleryandixonbiopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Ryan Dixon/a> – FIERCE ANTICIPATION Editor/strong>/span>/h3>p> /p>p>strong>A graduate of Carnegie Mellon, Ryan Dixon is the co-author of the graphic novel em>a href target_blank>Hell House: The Awakening/a>/em> and also works as a script doctor and ghostwriter. As a FaN “blogumnist” he mainly writes about his obsessions including (but not limited to) a href target_blank>themed furniture stores/a>, the “a href target_blank>Eddie Murphy Code/a>” and a href target_blank>beef stick/a>. span stylecolor: #00ccff;>a href target_blank>Follow Ryan on Twitter/a>/span>/strong>/p>div>strong>br />/strong>/div>h3>strong>span stylefont-size: 13px;>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-full wp-image-26264 titlespock src alt width126 height153 />/a>a href target_blank>T.E. Hibbard/a> – Editor in Fun/span>/strong>/h3>p>span stylefont-size: 13px;>strong>When not writing our “Procrastinate on This” and “One More Thing Before We Go” features, T.E. likes writing kick-ass sci-fi, reading kick-ass sci-fi, and watching kick-ass sci-fi. Other than that T.E. is obviously Team Spock. If you’re Team Kirk, don’t even bother to speak to T.E. You two can’t be friends./strong>/span>/p>p> /p>p> /p>h3 stylefont-weight: normal; font-size: 1.17em;>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a href>br />img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18384 stylefloat: left; border: 0px initial initial; titleamyrobinsonbiopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Amy Robinson/a> – Blogumnist Editor/strong>/span>/h3>p>strong>Amy Robinson, your Tall Drink o’ Nerd, grew up in a Colorado town of 900 people then moved to Chicago to be an actress. There she sang at a couple of jazz joints, did social work for the elderly and produced plays. Amy has worked at a href>Writing Pad LA/a> as a teacher, copywriter and contributes an occasional blog fora href>TheWellfedMuse/a>. Amy’s other ventures include the blogs; a href>Moons over Monuments,/a> where she shows her rear to historical monuments, a href>Things I Learned From Ling Ling/a>, the philosophical musings of a bi-polar calico cat and a href>Stinky Junior/a>, where she rambles on about every other thing. Additionally, Amy is a published a href>poet/a>, wrote a book about a href>monkeys/a> and is thisclose to being finished with her first novel. Amy currently lives with her husband in a beach town in Southern California, where she writes, watches too much TV, a href>volunteers with homeless cats and dogs/a> and works as a Project Manager for The Man./strong>/p>p> /p>h2 styletext-align: center;>FIERCE CONTRIBUTORS/h2>p> /p>blockquote>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18358 titlekellibiopic src alt width150 height133 />/a>a href target_blank>Kelli Bielema/a>/h3>p>Kelli Bielema is a blogger, volunteer, event planner, dog trainer, vegetarian, karaokist and all-around urban girl. After 10 years in Los Angeles, this gal from the Land of Lincoln has planted roots in Seattle. Through trials, tribulations and finding the right pair of life-changing Hunter boots, the Northwest is where it’s at for this fierce nerd./p>p> /p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classsize-thumbnail wp-image-18362 alignleft titleamybrownbiopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>a href target_blank>Amy Brown/a>/h3>p>Growing up in Marblehead, Massachusetts, Amy Brown was lucky enough to live down the street from the Abbot Public Library, where her mother took her every day to pick out the books her father read to her at night. After studying economics at Wellesley College and the University of California, Los Angeles, she is currently pursuing a career in financial services. Amy is very grateful to Fierce and Nerdy for giving her a forum in which to natter on about her love of books./p>p> /p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18359 titlezack_bunkerbiopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Zack Bunker/a>/strong>/h3>p>Zack is a designer, writer and artist. He is currently living and struggling in Los Angeles, and having a fabulous time doing so. He wades through pop culture and his personal history to bring you funny and insightful looks at the strange, strange world around us./p>p> /p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-32636 titlepatrick connolly src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>a href target_blank>strong>Patrick Connolly/strong>/a>/h3>p>Patrick is a writer, bagpiper, panel moderator and media guy who defected to the East and thinks the East Coast is the new West Coast. He wrote a blog for three years about his journey and even got published in em>The New York Times/em>. He still struggles with wanting to have dinner parties and reading more books. In his free time he thinks about working out. He can be found on Twitter at pjconnolly./p>p> /p>h3>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18360 titlegudrunbiopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Gudrun Cram-Drach/a>/strong>/span>/h3>p>span stylefont-weight: normal;>After perhaps too many years of art school, Gudrun does what any over-educated animator/illustrator/designer would do, she writes novels. Her films have been in festivals worldwide, and her books are works in progress. In 2009 she married a em>français/em>, and she now lives outside of Paris./span>/p>p> /p>p> /p>h3>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a href>img classalignleft size-full wp-image-18365 titlecharlescronbiopic src alt />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Charles Cron/a>/strong>/span>/h3>p>span stylefont-weight: normal;>Born in the backwoods of Pennsyltucky, Thought Chuck realized at an early age that he was different. After writing, producing, directing, designing and starring in his first play (put on by his brother & himself for his aunt in her living room at the tender age of 5) there was no way he was going to “stay down on the farm after he’d seen Pa-ree.” Over-educated at Carnegie Mellon’s School of Drama, Thought Chuck fulfilled his manifest destiny by moving westward to the vast urban sprawl of Lost Angeles to pursue his dreams. While there he has had the “privilege”of working for the Mouse House, AFI (creators of the “100 Years, 100 Best Key Grips” lists) and the company formerly known as DreamWorks SKG. An inveterate pie-baker and collector of random factoids, Thought Chuck is currently employed by the corporate descendants of Adolph Zukor and Cecil B. DeMille, where he is quickly learning that while you can’t necessarily make a dream work you em>can/em> make a para mount./span>/p>p> /p>p> /p>h3>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-full wp-image-18376 titlechbiopic src alt width139 height111 />br />a href target_blank> CH/a>/h3>p> /p>p>CH is Fierce and Nerdy’s resident IT department, art director, photographer, husband/p>p> /p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-full wp-image-26372 titlesarah retro pic src alt width120 height120 srcset 120w, 60w sizes(max-width: 120px) 100vw, 120px />/a>a href target_blank>Sarah Fazeli/a>/h3>p>Sarah Fazeli is a writer, actor, and teacher. Buckeye-born, she graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University and has an Interdisciplinary MFA in Theatre, Film, & Creative Writing from CalArts. She grew up on a steady diet of Muppets, Little Debbies, and Tab – none of which prepared her to swim with the sharks here in Los Angeles. She finds herself Bewitched, Bothered, & Bewildered by both herself and American culture at least several times a day, and is currently at work on a memoir./p>p> /p>h3>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18372 titleDebraGoykhmanbiopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Debra Goykhman/a>/strong>/span>/h3>p>span stylefont-weight: normal;>Debra Goykhman is from Pittsburgh, PA and has studied writing at both Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh. Currently she resides in Carlsbad, CA and is working on her novel writing. After getting married she began her Newly Nested column about a year ago./span>/p>p> /p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-19226 titlemirobio src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Miro Gudelsky/a>/strong>/h3>p>span stylefont-family: Helvetica; line-height: normal; font-size: small;>As a Doctorate of Human Sexuality, Sex Therapist and Professor of Human Sexuality, Dr. Miro Gudelsky is an expert in sex. Based in Manhattan with offices in both New York City and Los Angeles, she maintains a sex-positive perspective in all her endeavors./span>/p>p> /p>p>span stylefont-family: Helvetica; line-height: normal; font-size: small;>br />/span>/p>h3>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18374 titleroyahamadanibiopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Roya Hamadani/a>/strong>/span>/h3>p>span stylefont-weight: normal;>Roya Hamadani is a writer, crafter, foodie and bead addict living in Pittsburgh with her dog and two cats. She loves all forms of Asian cuisine, puppetry, and miniatures. She abhors picnics, aspartame, and tongue (as a food, because it feels like it’s licking you back)./span>/p>p> /p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-24644 titlejoshuairishbiopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>a href target_blank>Joshua Irish/a>/h3>p>Joshua Irish is an avid gamer and a blogger/occasional podcaster of all things geek with his fiance, Nicole and their cockatiel, Eleanor at a href target_blank>>. When not busy perusing and commenting on the latest in geek culture and technology trends, he works as a coordinator at a small software company. He also has an insatiable love for Chipotle burritos and word on the street is that within his possession exists an illustrious collection of Beanie Babies…/p>p> /p>p> /p>h3>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18378 titleme mirror src alt width150 height103 />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Jersey Joe/a>/strong>/span>/h3>p>If it’s about making life more fun – Jersey Joe is on it! From pop culture to new products and technology; he brings his every man approach to FaN. Jersey Joe grew up in small town Pennsylvania and is now an award-winning television producer in New York./p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18441 titlemichaelkassbiopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>a href target_blank>Michael Kass/a>/h3>p>Michael Kass has been training for his role as the Single White Nerd for over 33.8 years. He’s been single in Washington, D.C., Houston, Chicago, Florence, and, currently, Los Angeles. When not doing research on singledom, he’s been known to perpetrate acting (you may recognize him from. . .nah, you probably wouldn’t ), tell some stories into microphones, and gobble massive quantities of baked goods. When not doing those things, he works with My Friend’s Place, a service center for homeless youth. Looking for a cool nonprofit? Check them out strong>a href target_blank>here/a>/strong>./p>p> /p>h3>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18381 titlemkvbiopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Monique King-Viehland/a>/strong>/span>/h3>p>Monique is an urban redeveloper, wife and mother living in Trenton, NJ. She has a Master of Science in Public Policy from the Heinz School at Carnegie Mellon University and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Smith College where she graduated with honors. Her background is in community and economic development and she has spent the last ten years working on urban redevelopment, neighborhood revitalization and public policy issues in the nonprofit and public sectors. Her career has included stints as a gubernatorial aide and a White House Intern and most recently head of a redevelopment agency. Monique is a wannabe policy wonk and pundit who loves blogging about various political issues./p>h3>strong>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18851 titlemissybiopic src alt width120 height120 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w, 214w sizes(max-width: 120px) 100vw, 120px />/a>a href target_blank>Missy Kulik/a>/strong>/h3>p> /p>div id_mcePaste>Hello, my name is Missy. I am a graphic and product designer by day, by night I am an artist, crafter, and zine queen. I love drawing, sewing, knitting, baking, and studying trapeze and silks aerials. I live in Athens, Georgia in a very cute house with Raoul, Nilla, and Oreo./div>p> /p>h3>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-full wp-image-18382 titlekellykaboomlettbiopic src alt width103 height129 />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Kelly Lett/a>/strong>/span>/h3>p>Kelly Lett is a writer/actor living in LA. Before December 2009 she was also one of the original LA Derby Dolls. After six years and three broken thumbs, two snapped clavicles, a couple broken toes, countless bruises and pulled muscles she retired in order to focus on life off skates. Returning to her first love of acting Kelly is making the difficult transition from a solid theatre background, having gotten her degree at American Academy of Dramatic Arts, NYC back in 2002, to the world of professional LA TV/Film actor. She is trying to better understand this world with the help of the Lesly Kahn Institute. Being rather good at putting words in an interesting order when forming sentences she has a bi-weekly blog here at FaN as well as two blogs a week at a href>>. Kelly is also working on many projects, any one of which might one day place her in the “real” writer category. She divides her free writing time up between two pilots, one play, one screenplay and a novel. Hey it’s a start./p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-33581 titlejennifer may nickel src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>Jennifer May Nickel/h3>p>Jennifer May Nickel is yet another FaN contributor that is originally from Pittsburgh, PA and graduated from Carnegie Mellon with an MFA in Costume Design. (We’re EVERYWHERE!) Jennifer currently lives in beautiful downtown Burbank with her writer husband. She works as a Costume Designer for film, TV, interwebs, and theatre (and occasionally acts for SMBC Theater on the web). And she made the cape mini-Vader wears in the VW commercial. When she isn’t designing, she’s travelling and drinking wine./p>p> /p>h3>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18383 titlejoshpullinbiopic src alt width150 height133 />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Josh Pullin/a>/strong>/span>/h3>p>Josh Pullin is hungry. If he wasn’t a stay at home dad he would pedal his bicycle to Kansas City right now in order to try their burnt ends. When he’s not eating, taking care of his son, or playing softball he fancies himself a writer./p>p> /p>p> /p>h3>strong>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-full wp-image-24131 titlerobbio src alt width160 height120 />/a>a href target_blank>R.B. Ripley/a>/strong>/h3>p>R.B. Ripley is playwright and screenwriter whose projects have been seen across the U.S. And Europe. His development and production company Liminal Entertainment is dedicated to the art of independent storytelling. To read more of his Hyperbolic Tendencies, you can visit his strong>a href target_blank>blog/a>/strong> and follow him on Twitter at a href!/rbripley target_blank>>/p>p> /p>h3>span stylefont-weight: normal;>a href>img classalignleft size-full wp-image-18385 titlejeffrogersbiopic src alt />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Jeff Rogers/a>/strong>/span>/h3>p>span stylefont-weight: normal;>Jeff Rogers grew up in Michigan college towns. He’s an only child with four professor parents, three brothers and twin sisters. He dropped out of school and drove across the country to LA in 1983. He has lived, written and adventured here since, now joined by his wife Elise./span>/p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-18471 titlejoerusinbiopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>a href target_blank>Joe Rusin/a>/h3>p>Joe Rusin lives in Los Angeles and works in “The Industry.” He enjoys the outdoors, good food, good film, good arguments, and the Pittsburgh sports teams of Misters Rooney and Lemieux. He is sometimes a producer, sometimes a writer, but always a contrarian./p>p> /p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-19294 titleericsimsbio src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>a href target_blank>Eric Sims/a>/h3>p>span stylefont-family: Helvetica; line-height: normal; font-size: small;>Eric Sims hails from New York where he directed numerous Off-Off Broadway productions and performed stand up comedy at variety of shady locales. He served for five years as Managing Director of the Powerhouse Theatre, leading over 70 productions and special events to the stage and is currently the Operations Manager of the Kirk Douglas Theatre. He is happily married with a mopey dog, small condo and a Scion XA which only his wife can drive./span>span stylefont-family: Helvetica; line-height: normal; font-size: small;>br />/span>span stylefont-family: Helvetica; line-height: normal; font-size: small;>br />/span>/p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-27325 titlematt_udvari_biopic src alt width150 height150 srcset 150w, 60w, 180w sizes(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px />/a>a href target_blank>Matt Udvari/a>/h3>p>A graduate of Carnegie Mellon and Wake Forest, Matt Udvari is a video game designer and playwright. In addition to a fun day job, Matt designs independent video games at a href>span classs1>Part Time Evil/span>/a>. In his spare time, he rants about the greatness of the movie em>Labyrinth/em> and continues his quest to find the perfect Pho. Here at FaN, Matt writes about the craft and industry of making video games./p>p> /p>h3>a href>img loadinglazy classalignleft size-full wp-image-28206 titlefrankie_v_bio_pic src alt width140 height179 />/a>strong>a href target_blank>Frankie V/a>/strong>/h3>p classp2>When she’s not dashing around on her horse, whipping knight’s butts and saving dudes in distress, Frankie V. goes to the farmer’s market, scoffs at the high prices, but stays because span classs1>it’s a good place/span> for people watching. She also writes about things – things in the film and TV world, things in her own world, which often seems like span classs1>a film or TV show./span>/p>p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>/blockquote>p> /p>p> /p>blockquote>h4>Send one of our Fierce and Nerdy contributors a note…/h4>/blockquote>blockquote>form actionmailfunction.php methodpost enctypeapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded accept-charsetUNKNOWN>input typehidden namesendto size20 /> input typehidden namepagename valueNote To Contributors size20 /> input typehidden namesendfrom size20 />/p>table stylewidth: 500px; border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligncenter>tbody>tr>td width500>h6>Your name:/h6>/td>/tr>tr>td width500>input idname stylewidth: 250px; height: 17px; typetext nameReaders Name size62 />/td>/tr>tr>td width500>h6>Your e-mail address:/h6>/td>/tr>tr>td width500>input idemail stylewidth: 250px; height: 17px; background-color: #ffffa0; typetext nameReaders E-mail Address size62 />/td>/tr>tr>td width500>h6>Which contributor are you writing to?/h6>/td>/tr>tr>td width500>input idcontname stylewidth: 250px; height: 17px; typetext nameContributors Name size62 />/td>/tr>tr>td width500>h6>Your note:/h6>/td>/tr>tr>td width500>textarea idnote stylewidth: 470px; height: 148px; nameNote to Contributor rows9 cols55> /textarea>/td>/tr>tr>td width500>/td>/tr>tr>td>input typesubmit valueSubmit size20 />/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>/form>/blockquote>p>!--END OF FORM SECTION-->br />!--BEGIN DIVISION LINE-->/p>p styletext-align: center; color: #999;>_________________________________________________________________________/p>p>!--END DIVISION LINE-->br />!--BEGIN CALLING WRITERS SECTIONS-->/p>blockquote>h4>span stylecolor: #ffcc99;>em>featured image credit: /em>span styleborder-collapse: collapse; line-height: 18px; font-weight: normal;>a styletext-decoration: none; background-color: #0063dc; href>span stylecolor: #ffcc99;>Spec-ta-cles/span>/a>/span>/span>/h4>/blockquote> /div> !-- .post-text --> /div> !-- .post-content --> /div> !-- #post --> /div> !-- #left-area --> div idsidebar> div idcategories-2 classwidget widget_categories>h3 classwidgettitle>Categories/h3>div classwidgetcontent>form action methodget>label classscreen-reader-text forcat>Categories/label>select namecat idcat classpostform > option value-1>Select Category/option> option classlevel-0 value8314>#NSFW/option> option classlevel-0 value793>*/option> option classlevel-0 value3990>2011 in Review/option> option classlevel-0 value679>32 Candles/option> option classlevel-0 value254>Aimee Swartz/option> option classlevel-0 value783>Alex and Emmy/option> option classlevel-0 value684>Amy Brown/option> option classlevel-0 value382>Amy Robinson/option> option classlevel-0 value8293>An Unexpected Purge/option> option classlevel-0 value195>Andy Allen/option> option classlevel-0 value8013>Ask Dr. Miro: What You Didn’t Learn in Health Class/option> option classlevel-0 value700>Awesome Girl’s Guide to Dating Extraordinary Men/option> option classlevel-0 value3991>Best of 2011/option> option classlevel-0 value779>BEST OF FaN/option> option classlevel-0 value7505>Better Than Good Hair/option> option classlevel-0 value660>betty experience/option> option classlevel-0 value715>Book Reviews/option> option classlevel-0 value760>BOOK WEEK/option> option classlevel-0 value512>Brian Pelfrey/option> option classlevel-0 value71>Brian Viehland/option> option classlevel-0 value8041>California Seething/option> option classlevel-0 value220>CH/option> option classlevel-0 value36>Charles Cron/option> option classlevel-0 value104>Clark Perry/option> option classlevel-0 value909>Corrie-lynn Dyson/option> option classlevel-0 value7942>Daily News Brief/option> option classlevel-0 value636>Dear Thursday/option> option classlevel-0 value47>Debra Barlow/option> option classlevel-0 value641>Debra Goykhman/option> option classlevel-0 value92>Delia Hauser/option> option classlevel-0 value833>DIY Nerd/option> option classlevel-0 value8082>Dork Lifestyle/option> option classlevel-0 value266>DVR Alerts/option> option classlevel-0 value1045>DW Brandt/option> option classlevel-0 value724>Elise Rodriguez/option> option classlevel-0 value619>Else Duff/option> option classlevel-0 value182>Emily Farrell/option> option classlevel-0 value726>Eric Sims/option> option classlevel-0 value2892>Ernessa T. 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