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data-200opacity:0;> div classtranslatez-sm> h4 classplayfair italic animated white font-16-mobile data-animationfadeInRight data-animation-delay600> Mobile Crusher Series /h4> /div> div classtranslatez-xs> h1 classbold-title mini-mt animated white font-55-mobile data-animationfadeInLeft data-animation-delay800> p> Leading The New Trend of Advanced Material Crushing br>/p> /h1> /div> div classtranslatez-md> a href classhero-slider-next lg-btn xxs-mt inline-block border-btn border-dashed border-gray3 radius-lg bold-subtitle font-12 white animated bg-colored1-hover border-colored1-hover slow data-animationfadeInUp data-animation-delay1000> Read More /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classslide moving-container> div classslide-img bg-soft bg-soft-dark2 skrollr data-anchor-target#home data-0transform:translate3d(0, 0px, 0px); data-900transform:translate3d(0px, 200px, 0px);> div classscale-timer data-background>/div> /div> div classdetails> div classcontainer v-center bg-orange> div classskrollr moving data-0opacity:1; data-200opacity:0;> div classtranslatez-sm> h4 classplayfair italic animated white font-16-mobile data-animationfadeInRight data-animation-delay600> QHSE Commitment /h4> /div> div classtranslatez-xs> h1 classbold-title mini-mt animated white font-55-mobile data-animationfadeInLeft data-animation-delay800> PT FMM committed to establishing policiesbr> that refer to Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment /h1> /div> div classtranslatez-md> a href classhero-slider-next lg-btn xxs-mt inline-block border-btn border-dashed border-gray3 radius-lg bold-subtitle font-12 white animated bg-colored1-hover border-colored1-hover slow data-animationfadeInUp data-animation-delay1000> Read More /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classslide moving-container> div classslide-img bg-soft bg-soft-dark2 skrollr data-anchor-target#home data-0transform:translate3d(0, 0px, 0px); data-900transform:translate3d(0px, 200px, 0px);> div classscale-timer data-background>/div> /div> div classdetails> div classcontainer v-center bg-orange> div classskrollr moving data-0opacity:1; data-200opacity:0;> div classtranslatez-sm> h4 classplayfair italic animated white font-16-mobile data-animationfadeInRight data-animation-delay600> Our Committed Employees /h4> /div> div classtranslatez-xs> h1 classbold-title mini-mt animated white font-55-mobile data-animationfadeInLeft data-animation-delay800> Their commitment and said passion,br> is fundamental to our continued success. br> /h1> /div> div classtranslatez-md> a href classhero-slider-next lg-btn xxs-mt inline-block border-btn border-dashed border-gray3 radius-lg bold-subtitle font-12 white animated bg-colored1-hover border-colored1-hover slow data-animationfadeInUp data-animation-delay1000> Read More /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classslide moving-container> div classslide-img bg-soft bg-soft-dark2 skrollr data-anchor-target#home data-0transform:translate3d(0, 0px, 0px); data-900transform:translate3d(0px, 200px, 0px);> div classscale-timer data-background>/div> /div> div classdetails> div classcontainer v-center bg-orange> div classskrollr moving data-0opacity:1; data-200opacity:0;> div classtranslatez-sm> h4 classplayfair italic animated white font-16-mobile data-animationfadeInRight data-animation-delay600> Our Services /h4> /div> div classtranslatez-xs> h1 classbold-title mini-mt animated white font-55-mobile data-animationfadeInLeft data-animation-delay800> 13 Services Cover a wide range of> /h1> /div> div classtranslatez-md> a href classhero-slider-next lg-btn xxs-mt inline-block border-btn border-dashed border-gray3 radius-lg bold-subtitle font-12 white animated bg-colored1-hover border-colored1-hover slow data-animationfadeInUp data-animation-delay1000> Read More /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section>section classsm-pt > div classdivider-1 font-11 container extrabold sm-mb> h5 classwhite label font-11 uppercase ls-1 lh-lg bg-fmm styleletter-spacing: 1px;>All About Fajar Mas Murni/h5> h2 classbold-title mini-mt> Our Services/span> /h2> /div> div classt-center container qdr-col-12 clearfix> div idexample5 classslider-pro> div classsp-slides stylebackground-color: #000;> div classsp-slide> div classpl-4 pr-4> h2 classpb-4>Rotating and Process Equipment/h2> p styletext-align: justify;>We are delivering advanced technology product rotating with high performance and reliable equipment with more than 30 years of experience in providing services in Oil and Gas Productions from the earliest stage of your projects./p> hr> ul classnav-list> li classanimated fadeInUp visible data-animationfadeInUp data-animation-delay200> a href>Fan and MVR Blower/a> /li> li classanimated fadeInUp visible data-animationfadeInUp data-animation-delay200> a href>Turbine /a> /li> /ul> /div> div classsp-caption>/div> /div> div classsp-slide> div classpl-4 pr-4> h2 classpb-4>Industrial Technology Equipment and Services/h2> p styletext-align: justify;>Solving industrial, Installation, Expansion, & Consolidation Challenges. PT Fajar Mas Murni provide superb service, support, engineering and applications assistance. Our experiences base allows us to take the project specifications and apply smart, innovative thinking to achieve the best production solutions now and in the long term./p> hr> ul classnav-list> li classanimated fadeInUp visible data-animationfadeInUp data-animation-delay200> a href>Air Compressor System/a> /li> li classanimated fadeInUp visible data-animationfadeInUp data-animation-delay200> a href>Power Tools/a> /li> li classanimated fadeInUp visible data-animationfadeInUp data-animation-delay200> a href>Lifting and Material Handling /a> /li> /ul> /div> div classsp-caption>/div> /div> div classsp-slide> div classpl-4 pr-4> h2 classpb-4>Construction & Mining Equipment/h2> p styletext-align: justify;>We provide equipments for drilling and rock excavation from equipment unit, consumables and services. PT Fajar Mas Murni strive to be your credible partner for your high performance operations at a low operating cost. We improve your productivity with the help of our cutting-edge technology and innovations equipments for your quarry./p> hr> ul classnav-list> li classanimated fadeInUp visible data-animationfadeInUp data-animation-delay200> a href>Drilling Machine/a> /li> li classanimated fadeInUp visible data-animationfadeInUp data-animation-delay200> a href>Crusher/a> /li> li classanimated fadeInUp visible data-animationfadeInUp data-animation-delay200> a href>Hydraulic Breakers/a> /li> /ul> /div> div classsp-caption>/div> /div> div classsp-slide> div classpl-4 pr-4> h2 classpb-4>Laboratory and Inspection Equipment/h2> p styletext-align: justify;>PT Fajar Mas Murni offers a comprehensive range of equipments from basic laboratory, Anatomy Pathology and Cytology, Nanoscience research microscopy & microanalysis, stem cell and IVF research. The product portfolio is supplemented by innovative equipment and the latest technologies, which make it easier for users to work at all levels. We provide superb service, support, and applications assistance./p> hr> ul classnav-list> li classanimated fadeInUp visible data-animationfadeInUp data-animation-delay200> a href>Lifescience Solution/a> /li> li classanimated fadeInUp visible data-animationfadeInUp data-animation-delay200> a href>NanoScience Research/a> /li> li classanimated fadeInUp visible data-animationfadeInUp data-animation-delay200> a href>Microscope & Imaging System/a> /li> /ul> /div> div classsp-caption>/div> /div> /div> div classsp-thumbnails> div classsp-thumbnail> div classsp-thumbnail-image-container> img classsp-thumbnail-image src /> /div> div classsp-thumbnail-text> div classsp-thumbnail-title pb-3>Rotating and Process Equipment/div> /div> /div> div classsp-thumbnail> div classsp-thumbnail-image-container> img classsp-thumbnail-image src /> /div> div classsp-thumbnail-text> div classsp-thumbnail-title pb-3>Industrial Technology Equipment and Services/div> /div> /div> div classsp-thumbnail> div classsp-thumbnail-image-container> img classsp-thumbnail-image src /> /div> div classsp-thumbnail-text> div classsp-thumbnail-title pb-3>Construction & Mining Equipment/div> /div> /div> div classsp-thumbnail> div classsp-thumbnail-image-container> img classsp-thumbnail-image src /> /div> div classsp-thumbnail-text> div classsp-thumbnail-title pb-3>Laboratory and Inspection Equipment/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section>section classsm-pt > div classdivider-1 font-11 container extrabold sm-mb> h5 classwhite label font-11 uppercase ls-1 lh-lg bg-fmm styleletter-spacing: 1px;> a href stylecolor: #fff;>All About Fajar Mas Murni/a> /h5> h2 classbold-title mini-mt> About the Company/span> /h2> /div> div classrow no-mx fullwidth calculate-height> div classcol-md-6 col-12 bg-dark white t-left lg-py py-mobile sm-pl sm-pr> div idstepOne> h1 classbold-title> 46 Years helping and providing best services /h1> p classxs-mb white> p>Starting as a general importer back in early 1973, PT Fajar Mas Murni has turned the pages of its history. On May 11, 1978, the activities were consolidated and stepped-up./p>br> p>Our main activity becomes representing national and international well-known manufacturers mainly as their exclusive distributor for the territory of the Republic of Indonesia./p>br> p>FMM, as it is generally known, is an Indonesian limited liability company. Within a relatively short period of time, FMM’s sphere of endeavor’s has steadily grown, and FMM is now well-established as a major supplier of various types of essential equipment and materials used to support development in almost all sectors of the Indonesian economy./p>br>DOWNLOAD OUR COMPANY PROFILEbr>p>br>/p> a href target_blank>img alt src styleheight:64px; margin:0px; width:64px>/a> /p> /div> /div> div classcol-md-6 col-12 bg-cover bg-center data-background>/div> /div>/section>section classsm-pt t-center> div classdivider-1 font-11 container extrabold sm-mb> h5 classwhite label font-11 uppercase ls-1 lh-lg bg-fmm styleletter-spacing: 1px;>Our Products/h5> h2 classbold-title mini-mt> Features Products /span> /h2> /div> div classt-center container qdr-col-3 clearfix> div classslow xs-py c-default> a href classlightbox thumbnail-img block-img> img src data-original alt classbs-sm stylemax-height: 200px;> div classimg-overlay> div classoverlay-wrap> span classfont-15 bold-subtitle>Vertical laminar airflow cabinets/span> /div> /div> /a> h4 classxxs-mt bold-subtitle>a href>Vertical laminar airflow cabinets/a>/h4> p classgray7>Faster/p> p classxxs-mt gray7 font15>Vertical laminar flow cabinets are positive pressure ISO Class 3 which represent far more economical ... /p> /div> div classslow xs-py c-default> a href classlightbox thumbnail-img block-img> img src data-original alt classbs-sm stylemax-height: 200px;> div classimg-overlay> div classoverlay-wrap> span classfont-15 bold-subtitle>Fume cupboards/span> /div> /div> /a> h4 classxxs-mt bold-subtitle>a href>Fume cupboards/a>/h4> p classgray7>Faster/p> p classxxs-mt gray7 font15>ChemFAST Fume cupboards belong to the latest generation of ductless fume cupboards using the m ... /p> /div> div classslow xs-py c-default> a href classlightbox thumbnail-img block-img> img src data-original alt classbs-sm stylemax-height: 200px;> div classimg-overlay> div classoverlay-wrap> span classfont-15 bold-subtitle>-60°C - Chest Low Temperature Freezers/span> /div> /div> /a> h4 classxxs-mt bold-subtitle>a href>-60°C - Chest Low Temperature Freezers/a>/h4> p classgray7>Arctiko/p> p classxxs-mt gray7 font15>Our LTF/LTFE range of low temperature chest freezers provides reliable low temperature freezing and ... /p> /div> /div>/section>section classsm-pt t-center> div classdivider-1 font-11 container extrabold sm-mb stylepadding-top:10px;> h5 classwhite label font-11 uppercase ls-1 lh-lg bg-fmm styleletter-spacing: 1px;>All About Fajar Mas Murni/h5> h2 classbold-title mini-mt> Business Center /span> /h2> /div> div classrow no-mx calculate-height> div idmap classcol-md-9 col-12 no-pm> link relstylesheet href /> script src>/script> div idmapid stylewidth: 100%; height: 550px;>/div> script> var map, 118.0148634, 5); var greenIcon new L.Icon({ iconUrl:, shadowUrl:, iconSize: 25, 25, iconAnchor: 12, 25, popupAnchor: 1, -34, shadowSize: 25, 25, }); map.scrollWheelZoom.disable(); L.tileLayer(https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png, { attribution: © a href>OpenStreetMap/a> contributors }).addTo(map); L.marker(-6.284625411773168, 106.98788175485247, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(map) .bindPopup(b>Bekasi/b>br />Jln. Raya Narogong No. 214 br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(-7.327624282014501, 112.73872612554862, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(map) .bindPopup(b>Surabaya/b>br />Jln. Jemur Andayani No. 27 br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(-1.2737360968243148, 116.87234096967836, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(map) .bindPopup(b>Balikpapan/b>br />Jln. Jend. Sudirman No. 597, Balikpapan 76114, East Kalimantan, Indonesia br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(-7.077685706210055, 110.41117563903987, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(map) .bindPopup(b>Semarang/b>br />Jln. Perintis Kemerdekaan No. 56 B, Banyumanik, Semarang 50269, Central Java, Indonesia br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(-6.941895789528249, 107.65133381205057, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(map) .bindPopup(b>Bandung/b>br />Lima Building (Office Space - Commercial Space - Virtual Office) Lantai 1. Jl. Sunda No. 55 - 61, Kebon Pisang, Kec Sumur Bandung, Kota Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, 40112 br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(1.1716376310929504, 104.014453189735, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(map) .bindPopup(b>Batam/b>br />Kawasan Bintang Industrial Park I Blok B No. 19, Batu Ampar, Batam 29457, Indonesia br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(-5.098820086700284, 119.52160592552715, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(map) .bindPopup(b>Makassar/b>br />Jl. Dg. Ramang No.147, Sudiang Raya, Kec. Biringkanaya, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90552 br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(3.6637528286311607, 98.670204567819, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(map) .bindPopup(b>Medan/b>br />Jln. Medan-Tanjung Morawa Km. 9 No. 200, Medan 20148, North Sumatera, Indonesia br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(-2.957569536040381, 104.74174212551114, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(map) .bindPopup(b>Palembang/b>br />Jln. Jend. Basuki Rachmat No. 81, Palembang 30001, South Sumatera, Indonesia br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(0.5023495965385972, 101.46420046782393, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(map) .bindPopup(b>Pekanbaru/b>br />Jln. Bindanak / Pontianak Ujung No. 5A Tangkerang Utara, Pekanbaru 28282, Riau, Indonesia br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(0.1779429043459606, 117.46839429666029, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(map) .bindPopup(b>Bontang/b>br />Jln. Pupuk Raya Ruko No. 2 (in front of KIE warehouse) br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(-7.694084362759814, 109.03494888322322, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(map) .bindPopup(b>Cilacap/b>br />Jln. Setiabudi No. 27 br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(-6.28463074394505, 106.9878602967026, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(map) .bindPopup(b>Holding/b>br />Jln. Raya Narogong No. 214 br/>a href > View Map /a>); /script> script> var mymap, 118.0148634, 5); var greenIcon new L.Icon({ iconUrl:, shadowUrl:, iconSize: 25, 25, iconAnchor: 12, 25, popupAnchor: 1, -34, shadowSize: 25, 25, }); mymap.scrollWheelZoom.disable(); L.tileLayer({id}/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_tokenpk.eyJ1IjoibWFwYm94IiwiYSI6ImNpejY4NXVycTA2emYycXBndHRqcmZ3N3gifQ.rJcFIG214AriISLbB6B5aw, { maxZoom: 18, attribution: Map data © a href>OpenStreetMap/a> contributors, + Imagery © a href>Mapbox/a>, id: mapbox/streets-v11, tileSize: 512, zoomOffset: -1 }).addTo(mymap); L.marker(-6.284625411773168, 106.98788175485247, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(mymap).bindPopup(b>Bekasi/b>br />Jln. Raya Narogong No. 214 br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(-7.327624282014501, 112.73872612554862, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(mymap).bindPopup(b>Surabaya/b>br />Jln. Jemur Andayani No. 27 br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(-1.2737360968243148, 116.87234096967836, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(mymap).bindPopup(b>Balikpapan/b>br />Jln. Jend. Sudirman No. 597, Balikpapan 76114, East Kalimantan, Indonesia br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(-7.077685706210055, 110.41117563903987, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(mymap).bindPopup(b>Semarang/b>br />Jln. Perintis Kemerdekaan No. 56 B, Banyumanik, Semarang 50269, Central Java, Indonesia br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(-6.941895789528249, 107.65133381205057, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(mymap).bindPopup(b>Bandung/b>br />Lima Building (Office Space - Commercial Space - Virtual Office) Lantai 1. Jl. Sunda No. 55 - 61, Kebon Pisang, Kec Sumur Bandung, Kota Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, 40112 br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(1.1716376310929504, 104.014453189735, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(mymap).bindPopup(b>Batam/b>br />Kawasan Bintang Industrial Park I Blok B No. 19, Batu Ampar, Batam 29457, Indonesia br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(-5.098820086700284, 119.52160592552715, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(mymap).bindPopup(b>Makassar/b>br />Jl. Dg. Ramang No.147, Sudiang Raya, Kec. Biringkanaya, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90552 br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(3.6637528286311607, 98.670204567819, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(mymap).bindPopup(b>Medan/b>br />Jln. Medan-Tanjung Morawa Km. 9 No. 200, Medan 20148, North Sumatera, Indonesia br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(-2.957569536040381, 104.74174212551114, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(mymap).bindPopup(b>Palembang/b>br />Jln. Jend. Basuki Rachmat No. 81, Palembang 30001, South Sumatera, Indonesia br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(0.5023495965385972, 101.46420046782393, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(mymap).bindPopup(b>Pekanbaru/b>br />Jln. Bindanak / Pontianak Ujung No. 5A Tangkerang Utara, Pekanbaru 28282, Riau, Indonesia br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(0.1779429043459606, 117.46839429666029, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(mymap).bindPopup(b>Bontang/b>br />Jln. Pupuk Raya Ruko No. 2 (in front of KIE warehouse) br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(-7.694084362759814, 109.03494888322322, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(mymap).bindPopup(b>Cilacap/b>br />Jln. Setiabudi No. 27 br/>a href > View Map /a>); L.marker(-6.28463074394505, 106.9878602967026, { icon: greenIcon }).addTo(mymap).bindPopup(b>Holding/b>br />Jln. Raya Narogong No. 214 br/>a href > View Map /a>); /script> /div> div classcol-md-3 col-12 white xxs-px bg-dark bg-dark1-hover slow> div classv-center> div classinline-block> i classicon-home text-lg1 colored_fmm>/i> /div> h2 classxxs-mt bold-subtitle playfair italic> Holding /h2> p classbold-subtitle lh-sm xxs-mt> Jln. Raya Narogong No. 214 /p> a href data-iframetrue classlightbox bold-subtitle underline-hover block uppercase xxs-mt> i classfa fa-map-marker mini-mr>/i> Find Office on Google Map /a> a classbold-subtitle underline-hover mini-mt block uppercase> i classfa fa-envelope mini-mr>/i> /a> a hreftel:+62218203989 classbold-subtitle underline-hover mini-mt block> i classfa fa-phone mini-mr>/i> (+62-21) 820-3989, 820-3990 (hunting) /a> a hreffax:+62218203989 classbold-subtitle underline-hover mini-mt block> i classfa fa-fax mini-mr>/i> (+62-21) 820-3993, 820-3994br>(+62-21) 820-3985, /a> /div> /div> /div>/section>section classsm-pt t-center> div classcustom-slider container block-img qdr-controls c-grab data-slick{dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 1500, arrows: true, fade: false, draggable:true, slidesToShow: 5, slidesToScroll: 1}> a href> div classgap-10> img src alt stylewidth:100%> /div> /a> a href> div classgap-10> img src alt stylewidth:100%> /div> /a> a href> div classgap-10> img src alt stylewidth:100%> /div> /a> a href> div classgap-10> img src alt stylewidth:100%> /div> /a> a href> div classgap-10> img src alt stylewidth:100%> /div> /a> a href> div classgap-10> img src alt stylewidth:100%> /div> /a> a href> div classgap-10> img src alt stylewidth:100%> /div> /a> a href> div classgap-10> img src alt stylewidth:100%> /div> /a> a href> div classgap-10> img src alt stylewidth:100%> /div> /a> a href> div classgap-10> img src alt stylewidth:100%> /div> /a> a href> div classgap-10> img src alt stylewidth:100%> /div> /a> a href> div classgap-10> img src alt stylewidth:100%> /div> /a> a href> div classgap-10> img src alt stylewidth:100%> /div> /a> a href> div classgap-10> img src alt stylewidth:100%> /div> /a> a href> div classgap-10> img src alt stylewidth:100%> /div> /a> /div>/section>section classsm-pt t-center> div classdivider-1 font-11 container extrabold sm-mb stylepadding-top:10px;> h5 classwhite label font-11 uppercase ls-1 lh-lg bg-fmm styleletter-spacing: 1px;>All About Fajar Mas Murni/h5> h2 classbold-title mini-mt> span>What They Say/span> /h2> /div> div classrow no-mx calculate-height lightbox_gallery fullwidth> div classcol-md-6 col-12 bg-dark white t-left lg-py py-mobile sm-pl sm-pr> div classcontainer-sm c-grab white t-center custom-slider qdr-controls-3 light data-slick{dots: false, arrows: true, draggable:true, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1}> div> !-- Icon --> div classm-auto> i classfa fa-quote-right fa-4x opacity-5>/i> /div> h3 classbold-subtitle no-pm xs-mt>Giuseppe Bardes/h3> h6>Anonymous/h6> h6 classxxs-mt font-16 no-ls merriweather italic light>Good relation and nice people. Always available in any circumstances. Good arrangement for visit customer and its accommodation. Has longer relationship more than 20 years./h6> /div> div> !-- Icon --> div classm-auto> i classfa fa-quote-right fa-4x opacity-5>/i> /div> h3 classbold-subtitle no-pm xs-mt>Frank Lloyd Wright/h3> h6>Architect/h6> h6 classxxs-mt font-16 no-ls merriweather italic light>A doctor can bury his mistakes but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines./h6> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-6 col-12 bg-cover bg-center data-background> div classdetails v-center t-center white> a href classplay-button t-center lightbox scale-hover inline-block xxs-mt> span classicon icon-xl icon-mobile-lg icon-animated white circle fa fa-play bg-colored1 bs-light bs-lg-hover slow font-12>/span> /a> /div> /div> /div>/section>section idblog classqdr-blog post-radius dark post-shadow lh-lg py bg-gray2> div classdivider-1 font-11 container extrabold sm-mb> h5 classwhite label font-11 uppercase ls-1 lh-lg bg-fmm styleletter-spacing: 1px;> All About Fajar Mas Murni /h5> h2 classbold-title mini-mt> News & Media /span> /h2> /div> div classcontainer> div idposts classcbp> !-- Post --> a href classcbp-item news> div classcbp-item-wrapper> !-- Mark --> div classbasic-mark to-left bold uppercase font-10 radius-lg bg-fmm white>news/div> !-- Image --> div> img src alt> /div> !-- Post Texts --> div classxs-px xs-py xs-px-mobile bg-white bs-sm> !-- Date --> p classfont-12 underline-hover> January 31, 2025 /p> !-- Title --> h4 classbold-subtitle dark> HSE DAYS /h4> !-- Sender, Tag, comments --> !-- Post Message --> p classxxs-mt> p>Dalam rangka memperingati bulan K3 Nasional, PT Fajar Mas Murni menyelenggarakan beberapa kegiatan a.l :/p>p>1. Seminar K3 /p>p>2. Donor Darah/p>p>3. Webinar Kesehatan/p>p>4. Hazard Police/p>p>5. Puzzle Winner/p>p>6. Photo Competition/p>p>7. Cerdas Cermatbr>/p> /p> /div> /div> /a> a href classcbp-item event> div classcbp-item-wrapper> !-- Mark --> div classbasic-mark to-left bold uppercase font-10 radius-lg bg-fmm white>event/div> !-- Image --> div> img src alt> /div> !-- Post Texts --> div classxs-px xs-py xs-px-mobile bg-white bs-sm> !-- Date --> p classfont-12 underline-hover> August 06, 2024 /p> !-- Title --> h4 classbold-subtitle dark> Mining Expo 2024 /h4> !-- Sender, Tag, comments --> !-- Post Message --> p classxxs-mt> p>Mining Indonesia is Asia’s largest international mining equipment exhibition and provides a professional platform for Indonesia’s mining industry to do>br>Meet us on Jakarta I /p> /div> /div> /a> a href classcbp-item video> div classcbp-item-wrapper> !-- Mark --> div classbasic-mark to-left bold uppercase font-10 radius-lg bg-fmm white>video/div> !-- Image --> div> img src alt> div classimg-overlay> div classoverlay-wrap> i classfa fa-youtube-play font-20>/i> /div> /div> /div> !-- Post Texts --> div classxs-px xs-py xs-px-mobile bg-white bs-sm> !-- Date --> p classfont-12 underline-hover> July 24, 2023 /p> !-- Title --> h4 classbold-subtitle dark> PT Fajar Mas Murnis business /h4> !-- Sender, Tag, comments --> !-- Post Message --> p classxxs-mt> p>Are you curious about what products PT Fajar Mas Murnis customers are usually looking for?br>/p> /p> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div>/section>section classsm-pt t-center> div classdivider-1 font-11 container extrabold sm-mb> h5 classwhite label font-11 uppercase ls-1 lh-lg bg-fmm styleletter-spacing: 1px;>Social Media/h5> h2 classbold-title mini-mt> Instagram/span> /h2> /div> div classt-center container> iframe src classsnapwidget-widget allowtransparencytrue frameborder0 scrollingno styleborder:none; overflow:hidden; width:90%px; height:405px>/iframe> /div>/section> div classdivider-1 container xs-mt xxs-mb> span classxs-py> div>img src altlogo icon classlogo>/div> /span>/div>!-- FOOTER -->footer idfooter classclassic_footer stylebackground-image: url(;> !-- Container --> div classcontainer footer-body> div classrow clearfix> !-- Column --> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 sm-mb-mobile> !-- Title --> h4 classuppercase black extrabold>About/h4> p classmini-mt> 48 Years helping and providing best services Starting as a general importer back in early 1973, PT Fajar Mas Murni has turned the pages of its history. On May 11, 1978, the activities were consolidated and stepped-up. /p> h6 classxs-mt xxs-mb bold gray8>FOLLOW US/h6> a href target_blank classicon-xs radius bg-dark youtube black-hover slow1>i classfa fa-youtube>/i>/a> a href target_blank classicon-xs radius bg-dark facebook black-hover slow1>i classfa fa-facebook>/i>/a> a href target_blank classicon-xs radius bg-dark twitter black-hover slow1>i classfa fa-twitter>/i>/a> a href target_blank classicon-xs radius bg-dark instagram black-hover slow1>i classfa fa-instagram>/i>/a> a href target_blank classicon-xs radius bg-dark pinterest black-hover slow1>i classfa fa-linkedin aria-hiddentrue>/i>/a> /div> !-- Column --> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 sm-mb-mobile> h4 classuppercase black extrabold >Fajar Mas Murni Head Office/h4> h6 classxxs-mt bold gray8>i classfa fa-map-marker mini-mr>/i>OUR ADDRESS/h6> p classmini-mt>Jln. 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