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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 05:04:50 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.29Last-Modified: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 10:36:01 GMTETag: b205-623e096455adeAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 45573Vary: Accept-EncodingContent-Type: text/html !doctype html>html langen> head> meta charsetutf-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1> title>High end audio-video & smart home show in the Middle East/title> link relapple-touch-icon sizes180x180 hrefimages/apple-touch-icon.png>link relicon typeimage/png sizes32x32 hrefimages/favicon-32x32.png>link relicon typeimage/png sizes16x16 hrefimages/favicon-16x16.png>link relmanifest hrefimages/site.webmanifest>link relmask-icon hrefimages/safari-pinned-tab.svg color#5bbad5>meta namemsapplication-TileColor content#da532c>meta nametheme-color content#ffffff> link href relstylesheet integritysha384-QWTKZyjpPEjISv5WaRU9OFeRpok6YctnYmDr5pNlyT2bRjXh0JMhjY6hW+ALEwIH crossoriginanonymous> link href relstylesheet> link relpreconnect href>link relpreconnect href crossorigin>link href,wght@0,100..900;1,100..900&familyOvo&displayswap relstylesheet> link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefstyle.css> script typetext/javascript async src>/script>!-- Google tag (gtag.js) -->script async src>/script>script> window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag(js, new Date()); gtag(config, G-K8H1MGBWQR);/script> /head> body>div classklaviyo-form-VzZyLJ>/div>div classbg-dark fixed-top py-3 > div classcontainer > div classrow align-items-center> div classcol-2> /div> div classcol text-center> a classnavbar-brand href#>img srcimages/logo.svg idlogo-img width72px> /a> /div> div classcol-2 text-end> button classnavbar-toggler typebutton data-bs-toggleoffcanvas data-bs-target#offcanvasDarkNavbar aria-controlsoffcanvasDarkNavbar aria-labelToggle navigation styleborder: none;> img srcimages/nav-icon.svg> /button> div classoffcanvas offcanvas-end tabindex-1 idoffcanvasDarkNavbar aria-labelledbyoffcanvasDarkNavbarLabel stylemax-width: 90%;> div classoffcanvas-header> h5 classoffcanvas-title idoffcanvasDarkNavbarLabel>/h5> button typebutton classbtn-close btn-close-white data-bs-dismissoffcanvas aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classoffcanvas-body text-center> img srcimages/da-Logo-text.svg classmb-3> p classtext-12 text-white>From the finest stereo listening to state-of-the-art multi-channel home theater systems and portable audio, Dubai Audios unparalleled product offering delivers pure uncompromising sound./p> hr> h3 classtext-center text-upper-12 text-white mb-3>Visit our showrooms/h3> a href target_new classbtn btn-border-light btn-block mt-2>LEGACY SHOWROOM/a> a href target_new classbtn btn-border-light btn-block mt-3>DUBAI HILLS BOUTIQUE/a> hr> button classbtn btn-fill-light btn-block klaviyo_form_trigger2 data-bs-dismissoffcanvas>Sign up with us/button> !--button classbtn btn-fill-light btn-block mt-3 klaviyo_form_trigger3 data-bs-dismissoffcanvas>Become a partner/button--> a href target_new classbtn btn-fill-light btn-block mt-3 style background-color: #C4AC7A;>Visit> a href target_new classbtn btn-fill-light btn-block mt-3 stylebackground-color:#e46400; color: #fff;>Visit>hr> h3 classtext-center text-upper-12 text-white mb-3>Contact Us/h3> a hreftel:+97143431441>img srcimages/phon-white-icon.svg>/a> a href target_new classpx-2>img srcimages/whatsapp-white-icon.svg>/a> a>img srcimages/mail-white-icon.svg>/a> !--p classmb-2 text-12 text-white mt-4>Visit our main website a href target_new classlink-text>> br>and browse our complete offerings./p--> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classcontainer text-center py-4 top-banner-text> div classrow align-items-center justify-content-center> div classcol-lg-8 col-md-8 col-xl-4> !--h2>For our 30th year Anniversary,/h2--> p>span stylecolor:#C4AC7A>Celebrate our 30th Anniversary/span> with us as we proudly sponsor the regions first High-End & Smart Home Show in the Middle East. Visit Rooms 408, 409, 420, and 421 for an exclusive showcase of cutting-edge technology and luxury audio solutions. Discover world-class sound systems and smart home innovations tailored for discerning enthusiasts, with personal demonstrations by experts on hand./p> /div> /div> /div>div classcontainer p-0 > div classaccordion accordion-flush idaccordionFlushExample> div classaccordion-item mt-2 mt-md-4> div classaccordion-header > a classaccordion-button collapsed typebutton data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#flush-collapseOne aria-expandedfalse aria-controlsflush-collapseOne stylebackground-color: #212121;> div classrow align-items-center> div classcol pe-0> h3>High-End/h3> p>Explore Our High-End Audio Experience in Rooms 408, 409, 420, and 421./p> /div> div classcol-auto ps-0> img srcimages/high-end-hero-2.png width100px> /div> /div> /a> /div> div idflush-collapseOne classaccordion-collapse collapse data-bs-parent#accordionFlushExample> div classaccordion-body p-0>div classcontainer p-0> ul classnav nav-pills nav-fill mb-3 border-bottom px-3 py-3 bg-light idpills-tab roletablist> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold active position-relative idpills-1-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#pills-1 typebutton roletab aria-controlspills-1 aria-selectedtrue>Room 408/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idpills-2-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#pills-2 typebutton roletab aria-controlspills-2 aria-selectedfalse>Room 409/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idpills-3-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#pills-3 typebutton roletab aria-controlspills-3 aria-selectedfalse>Room 420/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idpills-4-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#pills-4 typebutton roletab aria-controlspills-4 aria-selectedfalse>Room 421/button> /li> /ul> div classtab-content idpills-tabContent> div classtab-pane fade show active idpills-1 roletabpanel aria-labelledbypills-1-tab> !--room 1-->div classcontainer p-0> ul classnav mb-2 px-3 pb-2 brand-tab idroom-1-brand-tab roletablist> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold active position-relative idbrand-2-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#brand-2 typebutton roletab aria-controlsbrand-2 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/piega.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idbrand-1-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#brand-1 typebutton roletab aria-controlsbrand-1 aria-selectedtrue>img srcimages/gryphon.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idbrand-3-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#brand-3 typebutton roletab aria-controlsbrand-3 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/msb-2.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idbrand-4-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#brand-4 typebutton roletab aria-controlsbrand-4 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/transparent.svg>/button> /li> /ul> div classtab-content idpills-tabContent> div classtab-pane fade show active idbrand-2 roletabpanel aria-labelledbybrand-2-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Piega Switzerland is celebrated for its innovative ribbon tweeter technology, producing speakers with exceptional clarity and precision. With their minimalist Swiss design and flawless craftsmanship, Piega speakers blend effortlessly into any environment while delivering stunning, lifelike sound./p> img srcimages/piega-hero.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idbrand-1 roletabpanel aria-labelledbybrand-1-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Gryphon Audio from Denmark crafts some of the most revered pure Class A amplification systems in the high-end audio world. Known for delivering astonishing detail and power, Gryphon offers an immersive listening experience that few can match, making them a true audiophile favorite./p> img srcimages/gryphon-hero.png width100%>/div> div classtab-pane fade idbrand-3 roletabpanel aria-labelledbybrand-3-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>MSB Technology leads the charge in high-resolution digital audio with their world-class DACs and amplifiers. By pushing the boundaries of audio technology, MSB delivers sound so transparent and natural, you’ll feel as though youre in the recording studio./p> img srcimages/msb-technology-hero.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idbrand-4 roletabpanel aria-labelledbybrand-4-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Transparent Cable specializes in high-performance cables designed to preserve the integrity of audio signals, ensuring no detail is lost. Their cables are crafted with uncompromising precision, delivering dynamic sound that enhances every audio system./p> img srcimages/transparent-cable-hero.png width100%> /div> /div>/div>!--room 1 end--> /div> div classtab-pane fade idpills-2 roletabpanel aria-labelledbypills-2-tab> !--room 2--> div classcontainer p-0> ul classnav mb-2 px-3 pb-2 brand-tab idroom-3-brand-tab roletablist> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold active position-relative idroom-3-brand-1-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-3-brand-1 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-3-brand-1 aria-selectedtrue>img srcimages/mcintosh.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idroom-3-brand-3-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-3-brand-3 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-3-brand-3 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/sonus-faber-black.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idroom-3-brand-4-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-3-brand-4 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-3-brand-4 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/bassocontinue.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idroom-3-brand-5-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-3-brand-5 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-3-brand-5 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/audioquest.svg>/button> /li> /ul> div classtab-content idpills-tabContent> div classtab-pane fade show active idroom-3-brand-1 roletabpanel aria-labelledbybrand-1-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>McIntosh has been setting the benchmark for luxury audio since 1949, with its signature blue meters and iconic designs. Whether amplifiers, preamps, or speakers, McIntosh systems deliver powerful, precise sound with an unmatched aesthetic appeal./p> img srcimages/mcintosh-hero.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idroom-3-brand-3 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyroom-3-brand-3-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Sonus Faber blends traditional Italian craftsmanship with state-of-the-art acoustic technology to create speakers that are as beautiful as they are sonically superior. Their luxurious wood finishes and natural sound make every listening session a deeply emotional experience./p> img srcimages/sonus-faber-hero.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idroom-3-brand-4 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyroom-3-brand-4-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Bassocontinuo merges Italian design with advanced materials to create custom audio racks that not only support high-end equipment but elevate sound quality. Each rack is meticulously crafted to control vibrations and enhance the performance of your entire system./p> img srcimages/basso-hero.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idroom-3-brand-5 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyroom-3-brand-5-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Audioquest designs premium cables and accessories that optimize audio and video systems by minimizing noise and distortion. Their commitment to innovation ensures that every connection delivers the clearest, most dynamic sound possible./p> img srcimages/audioquest-hero.png width100%> /div> /div>/div>!--room 2 end--> /div> div classtab-pane fade idpills-3 roletabpanel aria-labelledbypills-3-tab> !--room 3-->div classcontainer p-0> ul classnav mb-2 px-3 pb-2 brand-tab idroom-2-brand-tab roletablist> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold active position-relative idroom-2-brand-1-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-2-brand-1 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-2-brand-1 aria-selectedtrue>img srcimages/mbl.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idroom-2-brand-2-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-2-brand-2 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-2-brand-2 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/solid-steel.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idroom-2-brand-3-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-2-brand-3 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-2-brand-3 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/transparent.svg>/button> /li> /ul> div classtab-content idpills-tabContent> div classtab-pane fade show active idroom-2-brand-1 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyroom-2-brand-1-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0> MBL’s Radialstrahler speakers offer a groundbreaking approach to sound, radiating in 360 degrees for a completely immersive audio experience. With their bold German design and peerless engineering, MBL creates the perfect fusion of sound and art./p> img srcimages/mbl-hero.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idroom-2-brand-2 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyroom-2-brand-2-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Solidsteel designs and manufactures elegant audio racks and stands that minimize vibration and maximize performance. Each piece is engineered to provide stable support, ensuring your high-end components sound their best and look sophisticated./p> img srcimages/solidsteel-hero-2.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idroom-2-brand-3 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyroom-2-brand-3-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Transparent Cable specializes in high-performance cables designed to preserve the integrity of audio signals, ensuring no detail is lost. Their cables are crafted with uncompromising precision, delivering dynamic sound that enhances every audio system./p> img srcimages/transparent-cable-hero.png width100%> /div> /div>/div>!--room 3 end--> /div> div classtab-pane fade idpills-4 roletabpanel aria-labelledbypills-4 -tab> !--room 4-->div classcontainer p-0> ul classnav mb-2 px-3 pb-2 brand-tab idroom-4-brand-tab roletablist> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold active position-relative idroom-4-brand-2-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-4-brand-2 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-4-brand-2 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/wilson-audio.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idroom-4-brand-1-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-4-brand-1 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-4-brand-1 aria-selectedtrue>img srcimages/dan.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idroom-4-brand-3-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-4-brand-3 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-4-brand-3 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/msb.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idroom-4-brand-4-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-4-brand-4 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-4-brand-4 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/stromtank.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idroom-4-brand-5-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-4-brand-5 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-4-brand-5 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/solid-steel.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idroom-4-brand-6-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-4-brand-6 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-4-brand-6 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/transparent.svg>/button> /li> /ul> div classtab-content idpills-tabContent> div classtab-pane fade show active idroom-4-brand-2 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyroom-4-brand-2-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Wilson Audio’s loudspeakers set the standard for high-end performance with proprietary materials and meticulous attention to detail. Their phase-coherent designs deliver a fully immersive soundstage, making Wilson Audio the ultimate choice for audiophiles and music lovers./p> img srcimages/wilsonaudio-hero.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idroom-4-brand-1 roletabpanel aria-labelledbybrand-1-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Dan DAgostino amplifiers are renowned for their stunning industrial design and peerless performance. With cutting-edge circuitry and extraordinary craftsmanship, each amplifier delivers breathtaking sonic purity and elegance, redefining what is possible in high-end audio./p> img srcimages/dan-dagostino-hero.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idroom-4-brand-3 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyroom-4-brand-3-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>MSB Technology leads the charge in high-resolution digital audio with their world-class DACs and amplifiers. By pushing the boundaries of audio technology, MSB delivers sound so transparent and natural, you’ll feel as though youre in the recording studio./p> img srcimages/msb-technology-hero.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idroom-4-brand-4 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyroom-4-brand-4-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Stromtank offers high-performance power generators that deliver uninterrupted, clean power to your audio system, isolating it from the grid for optimal performance. With Stromtank, you’ll enjoy consistent, pure sound, free from interference, ensuring the best audio experience possible./p> img srcimages/stromtank-hero.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idroom-4-brand-5 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyroom-4-brand-5-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Solidsteel designs and manufactures elegant audio racks and stands that minimize vibration and maximize performance. Each piece is engineered to provide stable support, ensuring your high-end components sound their best and look sophisticated./p> img srcimages/solidsteel-hero-2.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idroom-4-brand-6 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyroom-4-brand-6-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Transparent Cable specializes in high-performance cables designed to preserve the integrity of audio signals, ensuring no detail is lost. Their cables are crafted with uncompromising precision, delivering dynamic sound that enhances every audio system./p> img srcimages/transparent-cable-hero.png width100%> /div> /div> /div> !--room 4 end--> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-item mt-2 mt-md-4> div classaccordion-header > a classaccordion-button collapsed typebutton data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#flush-collapseTwo aria-expandedfalse aria-controlsflush-collapseTwo stylebackground-color: #212121;> div classrow align-items-center> div classcol pe-0> h3>Smart Home & Automation/h3> p>Discover the future of integrated living with Audio Excellence./p> /div> div classcol-auto ps-0> img srcimages/smart-home-hero-2.png width100px> /div> /div> /a> /div> div idflush-collapseTwo classaccordion-collapse collapse data-bs-parent#accordionFlushExample> div classaccordion-body p-0 py-3> div classcontainer> div classrow g-2> div classcol-6 col-md-4 col-lg > a typebutton classw-100 data-bs-togglemodal data-bs-target#Modal-1 >img srcimages/smart-home-brand-1.svg width100%>/a> !-- Modal -->div classmodal fade idModal-1 tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyexampleModalLabel aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-dialog-centered modal-dialog-scrollable> div classmodal-content p-2 p-md-3 > div classmodal-header pb-1> img srcimages/rithum-2.svg width90px> button typebutton classbtn-close data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body> p>Rithum delivers intuitive smart home controls with elegant design. Their systems integrate seamlessly with high-end audio, lighting, and security, offering users effortless control of their home environment. With a focus on simplicity and functionality, Rithum enhances modern living./p> img srcimages/rithum-popup-hero.png width100%> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-6 col-md-4 col-lg > a typebutton classw-100 data-bs-togglemodal data-bs-target#Modal-2 >img srcimages/klipsh-6.svg width100%>/a> !-- Modal -->div classmodal fade idModal-2 tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyexampleModalLabel aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-dialog-centered modal-dialog-scrollable> div classmodal-content p-2 p-md-3 > div classmodal-header pb-1> img srcimages/klipsch-black-2.svg width90px> button typebutton classbtn-close data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body> p>Renowned for its legendary sound and engineering, Klipsch brings high-performance speakers to audiophiles and home cinema enthusiasts alike. Combining cutting-edge technology with vintage-inspired design, Klipsch offers rich, immersive audio experiences./p> img srcimages/klipsch-popup-hero.png width100%> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-6 col-md-4 col-lg > a typebutton classw-100 data-bs-togglemodal data-bs-target#Modal-3 >img srcimages/smart-home-brand-3.svg width100%>/a> !-- Modal -->div classmodal fade idModal-3 tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyexampleModalLabel aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-dialog-centered modal-dialog-scrollable> div classmodal-content p-2 p-md-3 > div classmodal-header pb-1> img srcimages/integra-2.svg width90px> button typebutton classbtn-close data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body> p>Integra stands as a benchmark in home theater and custom installation products, offering powerful audio-video receivers and processors. With a commitment to superior performance and innovation, Integra is the trusted choice for high-end home cinema enthusiasts./p> img srcimages/integra-popup-hero.png width100%> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-6 col-md-4 col-lg > a typebutton classw-100 data-bs-togglemodal data-bs-target#Modal-4 >img srcimages/smart-home-brand-4.svg width100%>/a> !-- Modal -->div classmodal fade idModal-4 tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyexampleModalLabel aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-dialog-centered modal-dialog-scrollable> div classmodal-content p-2 p-md-3 > div classmodal-header pb-1> img srcimages/cerasonar-2.svg width90px> button typebutton classbtn-close data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body> p>Cerasonar specializes in invisible speakers that merge flawlessly with modern interiors. Designed for audiophiles who value aesthetics, Cerasonar’s speakers deliver high-fidelity sound without compromising on style, ideal for luxury spaces./p> img srcimages/cerasonar-popup-hero.png width100%> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-6 col-md-4 col-lg > a typebutton classw-100 data-bs-togglemodal data-bs-target#Modal-5 >img srcimages/smart-home-brand-5.svg width100%>/a> !-- Modal -->div classmodal fade idModal-5 tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyexampleModalLabel aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-dialog-centered modal-dialog-scrollable> div classmodal-content p-2 p-md-3 > div classmodal-header pb-1> img srcimages/zuma-2.svg width90px> button typebutton classbtn-close data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body> p>Zuma redefines home audio with its unique sound and lighting integration. Their products, which combine high-quality speakers with energy-efficient lighting, offer a discreet and sleek solution for immersive, multi-sensory home environments./p> img srcimages/zuma-popup-hero.png width100%> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-item mt-2 mt-md-4> div classaccordion-header> a classaccordion-button collapsed typebutton data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#flush-collapseFour aria-expandedfalse aria-controlsflush-collapseFour stylebackground-color:#212121; > div classrow align-items-center> div classcol> h3>Our showrooms/h3> p>Immerse yourself in unmatched audio-visual experiences within our expertly crafted spaces./p> /div> div classcol-auto> img srcimages/showroom-hero-bag.png width100px> /div> /div> /a> /div> div idflush-collapseFour classaccordion-collapse collapse data-bs-parent#accordionFlushExample> div classaccordion-body p-0 py-3> div classcontainer image-card-1> div classrow gy-3> div classcol-md-6>div idcarouselExampleIndicators classcarousel slide> div classcarousel-indicators> button typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleIndicators data-bs-slide-to0 classactive aria-currenttrue aria-labelSlide 1>/button> button typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleIndicators data-bs-slide-to1 aria-labelSlide 2>/button> button typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleIndicators data-bs-slide-to2 aria-labelSlide 3>/button> /div> div classcarousel-inner> div classcarousel-item active> img srcimages/ls-2.jpg classd-block w-100 alt...> /div> div classcarousel-item> img srcimages/ls-3.jpg classd-block w-100 alt...> /div> div classcarousel-item> img srcimages/ls-4.jpg classd-block w-100 alt...> /div> /div> button classcarousel-control-prev typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleIndicators data-bs-slideprev> span classcarousel-control-prev-icon aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classvisually-hidden>Previous/span> /button> button classcarousel-control-next typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleIndicators data-bs-slidenext> span classcarousel-control-next-icon aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classvisually-hidden>Next/span> /button>/div> div classrow gx-3 align-items-center mt-3> div classcol> h3 classmb-0>LEGACY SHOWROOM/h3> /div> div classcol-auto > a hreftel:+971 4 343 1441 target_new classbtn ronded-button>img srcimages/call-icon-black-r.svg width24px>/a> a href target_new classbtn ronded-button>img srcimages/whatsapp-icon-r.svg width24px>/a> a href target_new classbtn ronded-button >img srcimages/location-icon-black-r.svg width24px>/a> /div> /div> !--p>Emgate Building,br>Sheikh Zayed Rd, next to Business Baybr>Metro Station (towards Abu Dhabi)br>Dubai - United Arab Emirates/p> div classrow g-3> div classcol-6>a href classbtn btn-border btn-block>Get Dirction/a>/div> div classcol-6>a href classbtn btn-border btn-block>Call Us/a>/div> /div--> /div> div classcol-md-6>div idcarouselExampleIndicators-2 classcarousel slide> div classcarousel-indicators> button typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleIndicators-2 data-bs-slide-to0 classactive aria-currenttrue aria-labelSlide 1>/button> button typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleIndicators-2 data-bs-slide-to1 aria-labelSlide 2>/button> /div> div classcarousel-inner> div classcarousel-item active> img srcimages/dhb-1.jpg classd-block w-100 alt...> /div> div classcarousel-item> img srcimages/dhb-2.jpg classd-block w-100 alt...> /div> /div> button classcarousel-control-prev typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleIndicators-2 data-bs-slideprev> span classcarousel-control-prev-icon aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classvisually-hidden>Previous/span> /button> button classcarousel-control-next typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleIndicators-2 data-bs-slidenext> span classcarousel-control-next-icon aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classvisually-hidden>Next/span> /button>/div> div classrow gx-3 align-items-center mt-3> div classcol> h3 classmb-0>DUBAI HILLS BOUTIQUE/h3> /div> div classcol-auto > a hreftel:+971 4 343 1441 target_new classbtn ronded-button>img srcimages/call-icon-black-r.svg width24px>/a> a href target_new classbtn ronded-button>img srcimages/whatsapp-icon-r.svg width24px>/a> a href target_new classbtn ronded-button >img srcimages/location-icon-black-r.svg width24px>/a> /div> /div> !--p>Dubai Hills Mallbr>Dubai - United Arab Emirates/p--> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-item mt-2 mt-md-4> div classaccordion-header> a classaccordion-button collapsed typebutton data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#flush-collapseFive aria-expandedfalse aria-controlsflush-collapseFive stylebackground-color:#212121; > div classrow align-items-center> div classcol> h3>BECOME A PARTNER/h3> p>Become a partner or join our trade program for design professionals. Fill in our form below to register./p> /div> div classcol-auto> img srcimages/ae-logo.svg width100px> /div> /div> /a> /div> div idflush-collapseFive classaccordion-collapse collapse data-bs-parent#accordionFlushExample> div classaccordion-body p-0 py-3> div classcontainer > p classtext-14> Audio Excellence partners with high-end AV integrators and smart home dealers across the UAE and the Middle East, providing exclusive access to a curated portfolio of premium brands. Our offering includes unparalleled technical support and innovative solutions designed to empower our dealer network with the best in audio-visual technology./p> p classtext-14>Dubai Audio collaborates directly with system integrators, interior design consultants, and architects, delivering bespoke audio-visual solutions for luxury residential and commercial projects. Our trade program offers architects and interior designers access to cutting-edge technologies, enabling them to seamlessly integrate world-class AV systems into their designs./p>p classtext-14>To explore a partnership with us, please fill out the form below to register./p> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-item mt-2 mt-md-4> div classaccordion-header > a classaccordion-button collapsed typebutton data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#flush-collapseThree aria-expandedfalse aria-controlsflush-collapseThree stylebackground-color:#212121> div classrow align-items-center> div classcol> h3>Car Partnerships/h3> p>The Pinnacle of Sound and Performance./p> /div> div classcol-auto> img srcimages/car-hero.png width100px> /div> /div> /a> /div> div idflush-collapseThree classaccordion-collapse collapse data-bs-parent#accordionFlushExample> div classaccordion-body p-0 py-3> div classcontainer> div classrow g-3> div classcol-6 col-lg-3> div classrow g-0> div classcol-12> !--a typebutton classw-100 data-bs-togglemodal data-bs-target#Modal-car-1 -->img srcimages/lamborghini-hero.png width100%> !-- Modal -->div classmodal fade idModal-car-1 tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyexampleModalLabel aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-dialog-centered modal-dialog-scrollable> div classmodal-content p-2 p-md-3 > div classmodal-header pb-1> h3>Sonus Faber & lamborghini/h3> button typebutton classbtn-close data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body> p> lamborghini as the audio industry’s most passionate promoter of high-quality, high-powered amplification. He was an American audio pioneer, a true eccentric, and a proud member of the engineering and science hall of fame./p> img srcimages/lamborghini-hero.png width100%> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-6> div classp-md-4 p-1 py-3 stylebackground-color:#090909> img srcimages/lamborghini.svg width100%>/div>/div> div classcol-6 > div classp-md-4 p-1 py-3 stylebackground-color:#1a1a1a> img srcimages/sonus-faber-white.svg width100%>/div>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-6 col-lg-3> div classrow g-0> div classcol-12> !-- a typebutton classw-100 data-bs-togglemodal data-bs-target#Modal-car-2 --> img srcimages/maserati-hero.png width100%> !-- Modal -->div classmodal fade idModal-car-2 tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyexampleModalLabel aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-dialog-centered modal-dialog-scrollable> div classmodal-content p-2 p-md-3 > div classmodal-header pb-1> h3>Sonus Faber & Maserati/h3> button typebutton classbtn-close data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body> p> lamborghini as the audio industry’s most passionate promoter of high-quality, high-powered amplification. He was an American audio pioneer, a true eccentric, and a proud member of the engineering and science hall of fame./p> img srcimages/maserati-hero.png width100%> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-6> div classp-md-4 p-1 py-3 stylebackground-color:#090909> img srcimages/maserati.svg width100%>/div>/div> div classcol-6 > div classp-md-4 p-1 py-3 stylebackground-color:#1a1a1a> img srcimages/sonus-faber-white.svg width100%>/div>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-6 col-lg-3> div classrow g-0> div classcol-12> !--a typebutton classw-100 data-bs-togglemodal data-bs-target#Modal-car-3 --> img srcimages/jeep-grand.png width100%> !-- Modal -->div classmodal fade idModal-car-3 tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyexampleModalLabel aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-dialog-centered modal-dialog-scrollable> div classmodal-content p-2 p-md-3 > div classmodal-header pb-1> h3>MCINTOSH & JEEP Grand Wagoneer/h3> button typebutton classbtn-close data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body> p> lamborghini as the audio industry’s most passionate promoter of high-quality, high-powered amplification. He was an American audio pioneer, a true eccentric, and a proud member of the engineering and science hall of fame./p> img srcimages/jeep-grand.png width100%> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-6> div classp-md-4 p-1 py-3 stylebackground-color:#090909> img srcimages/jeep-3.svg width100%>/div>/div> div classcol-6 > div classp-md-4 p-1 py-3 stylebackground-color:#1a1a1a> img srcimages/mcintosh-white.svg width100%>/div>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-6 col-lg-3> div classrow g-0> div classcol-12> !--a typebutton classw-100 data-bs-togglemodal data-bs-target#Modal-car-4 --> img srcimages/nissan-hero.png width100%>div classmodal fade idModal-car-4 tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyexampleModalLabel aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-dialog-centered modal-dialog-scrollable> div classmodal-content p-2 p-md-3 > div classmodal-header pb-1> h3>KLIPSCH & Nissan/h3> button typebutton classbtn-close data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body> p> lamborghini as the audio industry’s most passionate promoter of high-quality, high-powered amplification. He was an American audio pioneer, a true eccentric, and a proud member of the engineering and science hall of fame./p> img srcimages/nissan-hero.png width100%> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-6> div classp-md-4 p-1 py-3 stylebackground-color:#090909> img srcimages/nissan.svg width100%>/div>/div> div classcol-6 > div classp-md-4 p-1 py-3 stylebackground-color:#1a1a1a> img srcimages/klipsch-white.svg width100%>/div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>div classcontainer p-0 mt-2 mt-md-4 text-center>div classfooter-before > button classbtn btn-light klaviyo_form_trigger>Sign Up with Us/button>div classklaviyo-form-VzZyLJ>/div> div classrow gx-2> div classcol-6> a classbtn btn-gold mt-2 mt-md-4 px-1 py-4 stylefont-size: 12px; href target_new>Visit/br>> /div> div classcol-6> a classbtn btn-gold mt-2 mt-md-4 px-1 py-4 stylefont-size: 12px; href target_new>Visit/br>> /div> /div>/div>div classfooter text-center py-4 mt-2 mt-md-4> p classsmall mb-0>© Copyright 2024 Dubai Audio/p>/div> script src integritysha384-YvpcrYf0tY3lHB60NNkmXc5s9fDVZLESaAA55NDzOxhy9GkcIdslK1eN7N6jIeHz crossoriginanonymous>/script> script typetext/javascript> document.querySelector(.klaviyo_form_trigger).addEventListener(click, function (){ window._klOnsite window._klOnsite || ;window._klOnsite.push(openForm, VzZyLJ); });/script>script typetext/javascript> document.querySelector(.klaviyo_form_trigger2).addEventListener(click, function (){ window._klOnsite window._klOnsite || ;window._klOnsite.push(openForm, VzZyLJ); });/script>script typetext/javascript> document.querySelector(.klaviyo_form_trigger3).addEventListener(click, function (){ window._klOnsite window._klOnsite || ;window._klOnsite.push(openForm, VzZyLJ); });/script> script>window.onscroll function() {scrollFunction()};function scrollFunction() { if (document.body.scrollTop > 30 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 30) { document.getElementById(logo-img).style.width 40px; } else { document.getElementById(logo-img).style.width 72px; }}/script>!-- script> // Scroll to active accordion item when opened $(.accordion-button).on(click, function() { var $accordionItem $(this).closest(.accordion-item); setTimeout(function() { $(html, body).animate({ scrollTop: $accordionItem.offset().top }, slow); }, 100); // Delay to wait for accordion animation to complete });/script> --> /body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 05:04:51 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.29Last-Modified: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 10:36:01 GMTETag: b205-623e096455adeAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 45573Vary: Accept-EncodingContent-Type: text/html !doctype html>html langen> head> meta charsetutf-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1> title>High end audio-video & smart home show in the Middle East/title> link relapple-touch-icon sizes180x180 hrefimages/apple-touch-icon.png>link relicon typeimage/png sizes32x32 hrefimages/favicon-32x32.png>link relicon typeimage/png sizes16x16 hrefimages/favicon-16x16.png>link relmanifest hrefimages/site.webmanifest>link relmask-icon hrefimages/safari-pinned-tab.svg color#5bbad5>meta namemsapplication-TileColor content#da532c>meta nametheme-color content#ffffff> link href relstylesheet integritysha384-QWTKZyjpPEjISv5WaRU9OFeRpok6YctnYmDr5pNlyT2bRjXh0JMhjY6hW+ALEwIH crossoriginanonymous> link href relstylesheet> link relpreconnect href>link relpreconnect href crossorigin>link href,wght@0,100..900;1,100..900&familyOvo&displayswap relstylesheet> link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefstyle.css> script typetext/javascript async src>/script>!-- Google tag (gtag.js) -->script async src>/script>script> window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag(js, new Date()); gtag(config, G-K8H1MGBWQR);/script> /head> body>div classklaviyo-form-VzZyLJ>/div>div classbg-dark fixed-top py-3 > div classcontainer > div classrow align-items-center> div classcol-2> /div> div classcol text-center> a classnavbar-brand href#>img srcimages/logo.svg idlogo-img width72px> /a> /div> div classcol-2 text-end> button classnavbar-toggler typebutton data-bs-toggleoffcanvas data-bs-target#offcanvasDarkNavbar aria-controlsoffcanvasDarkNavbar aria-labelToggle navigation styleborder: none;> img srcimages/nav-icon.svg> /button> div classoffcanvas offcanvas-end tabindex-1 idoffcanvasDarkNavbar aria-labelledbyoffcanvasDarkNavbarLabel stylemax-width: 90%;> div classoffcanvas-header> h5 classoffcanvas-title idoffcanvasDarkNavbarLabel>/h5> button typebutton classbtn-close btn-close-white data-bs-dismissoffcanvas aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classoffcanvas-body text-center> img srcimages/da-Logo-text.svg classmb-3> p classtext-12 text-white>From the finest stereo listening to state-of-the-art multi-channel home theater systems and portable audio, Dubai Audios unparalleled product offering delivers pure uncompromising sound./p> hr> h3 classtext-center text-upper-12 text-white mb-3>Visit our showrooms/h3> a href target_new classbtn btn-border-light btn-block mt-2>LEGACY SHOWROOM/a> a href target_new classbtn btn-border-light btn-block mt-3>DUBAI HILLS BOUTIQUE/a> hr> button classbtn btn-fill-light btn-block klaviyo_form_trigger2 data-bs-dismissoffcanvas>Sign up with us/button> !--button classbtn btn-fill-light btn-block mt-3 klaviyo_form_trigger3 data-bs-dismissoffcanvas>Become a partner/button--> a href target_new classbtn btn-fill-light btn-block mt-3 style background-color: #C4AC7A;>Visit> a href target_new classbtn btn-fill-light btn-block mt-3 stylebackground-color:#e46400; color: #fff;>Visit>hr> h3 classtext-center text-upper-12 text-white mb-3>Contact Us/h3> a hreftel:+97143431441>img srcimages/phon-white-icon.svg>/a> a href target_new classpx-2>img srcimages/whatsapp-white-icon.svg>/a> a>img srcimages/mail-white-icon.svg>/a> !--p classmb-2 text-12 text-white mt-4>Visit our main website a href target_new classlink-text>> br>and browse our complete offerings./p--> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div> div classcontainer text-center py-4 top-banner-text> div classrow align-items-center justify-content-center> div classcol-lg-8 col-md-8 col-xl-4> !--h2>For our 30th year Anniversary,/h2--> p>span stylecolor:#C4AC7A>Celebrate our 30th Anniversary/span> with us as we proudly sponsor the regions first High-End & Smart Home Show in the Middle East. Visit Rooms 408, 409, 420, and 421 for an exclusive showcase of cutting-edge technology and luxury audio solutions. Discover world-class sound systems and smart home innovations tailored for discerning enthusiasts, with personal demonstrations by experts on hand./p> /div> /div> /div>div classcontainer p-0 > div classaccordion accordion-flush idaccordionFlushExample> div classaccordion-item mt-2 mt-md-4> div classaccordion-header > a classaccordion-button collapsed typebutton data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#flush-collapseOne aria-expandedfalse aria-controlsflush-collapseOne stylebackground-color: #212121;> div classrow align-items-center> div classcol pe-0> h3>High-End/h3> p>Explore Our High-End Audio Experience in Rooms 408, 409, 420, and 421./p> /div> div classcol-auto ps-0> img srcimages/high-end-hero-2.png width100px> /div> /div> /a> /div> div idflush-collapseOne classaccordion-collapse collapse data-bs-parent#accordionFlushExample> div classaccordion-body p-0>div classcontainer p-0> ul classnav nav-pills nav-fill mb-3 border-bottom px-3 py-3 bg-light idpills-tab roletablist> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold active position-relative idpills-1-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#pills-1 typebutton roletab aria-controlspills-1 aria-selectedtrue>Room 408/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idpills-2-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#pills-2 typebutton roletab aria-controlspills-2 aria-selectedfalse>Room 409/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idpills-3-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#pills-3 typebutton roletab aria-controlspills-3 aria-selectedfalse>Room 420/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idpills-4-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#pills-4 typebutton roletab aria-controlspills-4 aria-selectedfalse>Room 421/button> /li> /ul> div classtab-content idpills-tabContent> div classtab-pane fade show active idpills-1 roletabpanel aria-labelledbypills-1-tab> !--room 1-->div classcontainer p-0> ul classnav mb-2 px-3 pb-2 brand-tab idroom-1-brand-tab roletablist> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold active position-relative idbrand-2-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#brand-2 typebutton roletab aria-controlsbrand-2 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/piega.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idbrand-1-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#brand-1 typebutton roletab aria-controlsbrand-1 aria-selectedtrue>img srcimages/gryphon.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idbrand-3-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#brand-3 typebutton roletab aria-controlsbrand-3 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/msb-2.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idbrand-4-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#brand-4 typebutton roletab aria-controlsbrand-4 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/transparent.svg>/button> /li> /ul> div classtab-content idpills-tabContent> div classtab-pane fade show active idbrand-2 roletabpanel aria-labelledbybrand-2-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Piega Switzerland is celebrated for its innovative ribbon tweeter technology, producing speakers with exceptional clarity and precision. With their minimalist Swiss design and flawless craftsmanship, Piega speakers blend effortlessly into any environment while delivering stunning, lifelike sound./p> img srcimages/piega-hero.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idbrand-1 roletabpanel aria-labelledbybrand-1-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Gryphon Audio from Denmark crafts some of the most revered pure Class A amplification systems in the high-end audio world. Known for delivering astonishing detail and power, Gryphon offers an immersive listening experience that few can match, making them a true audiophile favorite./p> img srcimages/gryphon-hero.png width100%>/div> div classtab-pane fade idbrand-3 roletabpanel aria-labelledbybrand-3-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>MSB Technology leads the charge in high-resolution digital audio with their world-class DACs and amplifiers. By pushing the boundaries of audio technology, MSB delivers sound so transparent and natural, you’ll feel as though youre in the recording studio./p> img srcimages/msb-technology-hero.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idbrand-4 roletabpanel aria-labelledbybrand-4-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Transparent Cable specializes in high-performance cables designed to preserve the integrity of audio signals, ensuring no detail is lost. Their cables are crafted with uncompromising precision, delivering dynamic sound that enhances every audio system./p> img srcimages/transparent-cable-hero.png width100%> /div> /div>/div>!--room 1 end--> /div> div classtab-pane fade idpills-2 roletabpanel aria-labelledbypills-2-tab> !--room 2--> div classcontainer p-0> ul classnav mb-2 px-3 pb-2 brand-tab idroom-3-brand-tab roletablist> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold active position-relative idroom-3-brand-1-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-3-brand-1 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-3-brand-1 aria-selectedtrue>img srcimages/mcintosh.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idroom-3-brand-3-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-3-brand-3 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-3-brand-3 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/sonus-faber-black.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idroom-3-brand-4-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-3-brand-4 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-3-brand-4 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/bassocontinue.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idroom-3-brand-5-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-3-brand-5 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-3-brand-5 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/audioquest.svg>/button> /li> /ul> div classtab-content idpills-tabContent> div classtab-pane fade show active idroom-3-brand-1 roletabpanel aria-labelledbybrand-1-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>McIntosh has been setting the benchmark for luxury audio since 1949, with its signature blue meters and iconic designs. Whether amplifiers, preamps, or speakers, McIntosh systems deliver powerful, precise sound with an unmatched aesthetic appeal./p> img srcimages/mcintosh-hero.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idroom-3-brand-3 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyroom-3-brand-3-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Sonus Faber blends traditional Italian craftsmanship with state-of-the-art acoustic technology to create speakers that are as beautiful as they are sonically superior. Their luxurious wood finishes and natural sound make every listening session a deeply emotional experience./p> img srcimages/sonus-faber-hero.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idroom-3-brand-4 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyroom-3-brand-4-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Bassocontinuo merges Italian design with advanced materials to create custom audio racks that not only support high-end equipment but elevate sound quality. Each rack is meticulously crafted to control vibrations and enhance the performance of your entire system./p> img srcimages/basso-hero.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idroom-3-brand-5 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyroom-3-brand-5-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Audioquest designs premium cables and accessories that optimize audio and video systems by minimizing noise and distortion. Their commitment to innovation ensures that every connection delivers the clearest, most dynamic sound possible./p> img srcimages/audioquest-hero.png width100%> /div> /div>/div>!--room 2 end--> /div> div classtab-pane fade idpills-3 roletabpanel aria-labelledbypills-3-tab> !--room 3-->div classcontainer p-0> ul classnav mb-2 px-3 pb-2 brand-tab idroom-2-brand-tab roletablist> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold active position-relative idroom-2-brand-1-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-2-brand-1 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-2-brand-1 aria-selectedtrue>img srcimages/mbl.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idroom-2-brand-2-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-2-brand-2 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-2-brand-2 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/solid-steel.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idroom-2-brand-3-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-2-brand-3 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-2-brand-3 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/transparent.svg>/button> /li> /ul> div classtab-content idpills-tabContent> div classtab-pane fade show active idroom-2-brand-1 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyroom-2-brand-1-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0> MBL’s Radialstrahler speakers offer a groundbreaking approach to sound, radiating in 360 degrees for a completely immersive audio experience. With their bold German design and peerless engineering, MBL creates the perfect fusion of sound and art./p> img srcimages/mbl-hero.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idroom-2-brand-2 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyroom-2-brand-2-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Solidsteel designs and manufactures elegant audio racks and stands that minimize vibration and maximize performance. Each piece is engineered to provide stable support, ensuring your high-end components sound their best and look sophisticated./p> img srcimages/solidsteel-hero-2.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idroom-2-brand-3 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyroom-2-brand-3-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Transparent Cable specializes in high-performance cables designed to preserve the integrity of audio signals, ensuring no detail is lost. Their cables are crafted with uncompromising precision, delivering dynamic sound that enhances every audio system./p> img srcimages/transparent-cable-hero.png width100%> /div> /div>/div>!--room 3 end--> /div> div classtab-pane fade idpills-4 roletabpanel aria-labelledbypills-4 -tab> !--room 4-->div classcontainer p-0> ul classnav mb-2 px-3 pb-2 brand-tab idroom-4-brand-tab roletablist> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold active position-relative idroom-4-brand-2-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-4-brand-2 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-4-brand-2 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/wilson-audio.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idroom-4-brand-1-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-4-brand-1 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-4-brand-1 aria-selectedtrue>img srcimages/dan.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idroom-4-brand-3-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-4-brand-3 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-4-brand-3 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/msb.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idroom-4-brand-4-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-4-brand-4 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-4-brand-4 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/stromtank.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idroom-4-brand-5-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-4-brand-5 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-4-brand-5 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/solid-steel.svg>/button> /li> li classnav-item rolepresentation> button classnav-link fw-semibold position-relative idroom-4-brand-6-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#room-4-brand-6 typebutton roletab aria-controlsroom-4-brand-6 aria-selectedfalse>img srcimages/transparent.svg>/button> /li> /ul> div classtab-content idpills-tabContent> div classtab-pane fade show active idroom-4-brand-2 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyroom-4-brand-2-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Wilson Audio’s loudspeakers set the standard for high-end performance with proprietary materials and meticulous attention to detail. Their phase-coherent designs deliver a fully immersive soundstage, making Wilson Audio the ultimate choice for audiophiles and music lovers./p> img srcimages/wilsonaudio-hero.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idroom-4-brand-1 roletabpanel aria-labelledbybrand-1-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Dan DAgostino amplifiers are renowned for their stunning industrial design and peerless performance. With cutting-edge circuitry and extraordinary craftsmanship, each amplifier delivers breathtaking sonic purity and elegance, redefining what is possible in high-end audio./p> img srcimages/dan-dagostino-hero.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idroom-4-brand-3 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyroom-4-brand-3-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>MSB Technology leads the charge in high-resolution digital audio with their world-class DACs and amplifiers. By pushing the boundaries of audio technology, MSB delivers sound so transparent and natural, you’ll feel as though youre in the recording studio./p> img srcimages/msb-technology-hero.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idroom-4-brand-4 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyroom-4-brand-4-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Stromtank offers high-performance power generators that deliver uninterrupted, clean power to your audio system, isolating it from the grid for optimal performance. With Stromtank, you’ll enjoy consistent, pure sound, free from interference, ensuring the best audio experience possible./p> img srcimages/stromtank-hero.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idroom-4-brand-5 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyroom-4-brand-5-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Solidsteel designs and manufactures elegant audio racks and stands that minimize vibration and maximize performance. Each piece is engineered to provide stable support, ensuring your high-end components sound their best and look sophisticated./p> img srcimages/solidsteel-hero-2.png width100%> /div> div classtab-pane fade idroom-4-brand-6 roletabpanel aria-labelledbyroom-4-brand-6-tab> p classtext-14 p-3 pb-0>Transparent Cable specializes in high-performance cables designed to preserve the integrity of audio signals, ensuring no detail is lost. Their cables are crafted with uncompromising precision, delivering dynamic sound that enhances every audio system./p> img srcimages/transparent-cable-hero.png width100%> /div> /div> /div> !--room 4 end--> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-item mt-2 mt-md-4> div classaccordion-header > a classaccordion-button collapsed typebutton data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#flush-collapseTwo aria-expandedfalse aria-controlsflush-collapseTwo stylebackground-color: #212121;> div classrow align-items-center> div classcol pe-0> h3>Smart Home & Automation/h3> p>Discover the future of integrated living with Audio Excellence./p> /div> div classcol-auto ps-0> img srcimages/smart-home-hero-2.png width100px> /div> /div> /a> /div> div idflush-collapseTwo classaccordion-collapse collapse data-bs-parent#accordionFlushExample> div classaccordion-body p-0 py-3> div classcontainer> div classrow g-2> div classcol-6 col-md-4 col-lg > a typebutton classw-100 data-bs-togglemodal data-bs-target#Modal-1 >img srcimages/smart-home-brand-1.svg width100%>/a> !-- Modal -->div classmodal fade idModal-1 tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyexampleModalLabel aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-dialog-centered modal-dialog-scrollable> div classmodal-content p-2 p-md-3 > div classmodal-header pb-1> img srcimages/rithum-2.svg width90px> button typebutton classbtn-close data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body> p>Rithum delivers intuitive smart home controls with elegant design. Their systems integrate seamlessly with high-end audio, lighting, and security, offering users effortless control of their home environment. With a focus on simplicity and functionality, Rithum enhances modern living./p> img srcimages/rithum-popup-hero.png width100%> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-6 col-md-4 col-lg > a typebutton classw-100 data-bs-togglemodal data-bs-target#Modal-2 >img srcimages/klipsh-6.svg width100%>/a> !-- Modal -->div classmodal fade idModal-2 tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyexampleModalLabel aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-dialog-centered modal-dialog-scrollable> div classmodal-content p-2 p-md-3 > div classmodal-header pb-1> img srcimages/klipsch-black-2.svg width90px> button typebutton classbtn-close data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body> p>Renowned for its legendary sound and engineering, Klipsch brings high-performance speakers to audiophiles and home cinema enthusiasts alike. Combining cutting-edge technology with vintage-inspired design, Klipsch offers rich, immersive audio experiences./p> img srcimages/klipsch-popup-hero.png width100%> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-6 col-md-4 col-lg > a typebutton classw-100 data-bs-togglemodal data-bs-target#Modal-3 >img srcimages/smart-home-brand-3.svg width100%>/a> !-- Modal -->div classmodal fade idModal-3 tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyexampleModalLabel aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-dialog-centered modal-dialog-scrollable> div classmodal-content p-2 p-md-3 > div classmodal-header pb-1> img srcimages/integra-2.svg width90px> button typebutton classbtn-close data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body> p>Integra stands as a benchmark in home theater and custom installation products, offering powerful audio-video receivers and processors. With a commitment to superior performance and innovation, Integra is the trusted choice for high-end home cinema enthusiasts./p> img srcimages/integra-popup-hero.png width100%> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-6 col-md-4 col-lg > a typebutton classw-100 data-bs-togglemodal data-bs-target#Modal-4 >img srcimages/smart-home-brand-4.svg width100%>/a> !-- Modal -->div classmodal fade idModal-4 tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyexampleModalLabel aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-dialog-centered modal-dialog-scrollable> div classmodal-content p-2 p-md-3 > div classmodal-header pb-1> img srcimages/cerasonar-2.svg width90px> button typebutton classbtn-close data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body> p>Cerasonar specializes in invisible speakers that merge flawlessly with modern interiors. Designed for audiophiles who value aesthetics, Cerasonar’s speakers deliver high-fidelity sound without compromising on style, ideal for luxury spaces./p> img srcimages/cerasonar-popup-hero.png width100%> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-6 col-md-4 col-lg > a typebutton classw-100 data-bs-togglemodal data-bs-target#Modal-5 >img srcimages/smart-home-brand-5.svg width100%>/a> !-- Modal -->div classmodal fade idModal-5 tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyexampleModalLabel aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-dialog-centered modal-dialog-scrollable> div classmodal-content p-2 p-md-3 > div classmodal-header pb-1> img srcimages/zuma-2.svg width90px> button typebutton classbtn-close data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body> p>Zuma redefines home audio with its unique sound and lighting integration. Their products, which combine high-quality speakers with energy-efficient lighting, offer a discreet and sleek solution for immersive, multi-sensory home environments./p> img srcimages/zuma-popup-hero.png width100%> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-item mt-2 mt-md-4> div classaccordion-header> a classaccordion-button collapsed typebutton data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#flush-collapseFour aria-expandedfalse aria-controlsflush-collapseFour stylebackground-color:#212121; > div classrow align-items-center> div classcol> h3>Our showrooms/h3> p>Immerse yourself in unmatched audio-visual experiences within our expertly crafted spaces./p> /div> div classcol-auto> img srcimages/showroom-hero-bag.png width100px> /div> /div> /a> /div> div idflush-collapseFour classaccordion-collapse collapse data-bs-parent#accordionFlushExample> div classaccordion-body p-0 py-3> div classcontainer image-card-1> div classrow gy-3> div classcol-md-6>div idcarouselExampleIndicators classcarousel slide> div classcarousel-indicators> button typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleIndicators data-bs-slide-to0 classactive aria-currenttrue aria-labelSlide 1>/button> button typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleIndicators data-bs-slide-to1 aria-labelSlide 2>/button> button typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleIndicators data-bs-slide-to2 aria-labelSlide 3>/button> /div> div classcarousel-inner> div classcarousel-item active> img srcimages/ls-2.jpg classd-block w-100 alt...> /div> div classcarousel-item> img srcimages/ls-3.jpg classd-block w-100 alt...> /div> div classcarousel-item> img srcimages/ls-4.jpg classd-block w-100 alt...> /div> /div> button classcarousel-control-prev typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleIndicators data-bs-slideprev> span classcarousel-control-prev-icon aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classvisually-hidden>Previous/span> /button> button classcarousel-control-next typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleIndicators data-bs-slidenext> span classcarousel-control-next-icon aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classvisually-hidden>Next/span> /button>/div> div classrow gx-3 align-items-center mt-3> div classcol> h3 classmb-0>LEGACY SHOWROOM/h3> /div> div classcol-auto > a hreftel:+971 4 343 1441 target_new classbtn ronded-button>img srcimages/call-icon-black-r.svg width24px>/a> a href target_new classbtn ronded-button>img srcimages/whatsapp-icon-r.svg width24px>/a> a href target_new classbtn ronded-button >img srcimages/location-icon-black-r.svg width24px>/a> /div> /div> !--p>Emgate Building,br>Sheikh Zayed Rd, next to Business Baybr>Metro Station (towards Abu Dhabi)br>Dubai - United Arab Emirates/p> div classrow g-3> div classcol-6>a href classbtn btn-border btn-block>Get Dirction/a>/div> div classcol-6>a href classbtn btn-border btn-block>Call Us/a>/div> /div--> /div> div classcol-md-6>div idcarouselExampleIndicators-2 classcarousel slide> div classcarousel-indicators> button typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleIndicators-2 data-bs-slide-to0 classactive aria-currenttrue aria-labelSlide 1>/button> button typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleIndicators-2 data-bs-slide-to1 aria-labelSlide 2>/button> /div> div classcarousel-inner> div classcarousel-item active> img srcimages/dhb-1.jpg classd-block w-100 alt...> /div> div classcarousel-item> img srcimages/dhb-2.jpg classd-block w-100 alt...> /div> /div> button classcarousel-control-prev typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleIndicators-2 data-bs-slideprev> span classcarousel-control-prev-icon aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classvisually-hidden>Previous/span> /button> button classcarousel-control-next typebutton data-bs-target#carouselExampleIndicators-2 data-bs-slidenext> span classcarousel-control-next-icon aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classvisually-hidden>Next/span> /button>/div> div classrow gx-3 align-items-center mt-3> div classcol> h3 classmb-0>DUBAI HILLS BOUTIQUE/h3> /div> div classcol-auto > a hreftel:+971 4 343 1441 target_new classbtn ronded-button>img srcimages/call-icon-black-r.svg width24px>/a> a href target_new classbtn ronded-button>img srcimages/whatsapp-icon-r.svg width24px>/a> a href target_new classbtn ronded-button >img srcimages/location-icon-black-r.svg width24px>/a> /div> /div> !--p>Dubai Hills Mallbr>Dubai - United Arab Emirates/p--> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-item mt-2 mt-md-4> div classaccordion-header> a classaccordion-button collapsed typebutton data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#flush-collapseFive aria-expandedfalse aria-controlsflush-collapseFive stylebackground-color:#212121; > div classrow align-items-center> div classcol> h3>BECOME A PARTNER/h3> p>Become a partner or join our trade program for design professionals. Fill in our form below to register./p> /div> div classcol-auto> img srcimages/ae-logo.svg width100px> /div> /div> /a> /div> div idflush-collapseFive classaccordion-collapse collapse data-bs-parent#accordionFlushExample> div classaccordion-body p-0 py-3> div classcontainer > p classtext-14> Audio Excellence partners with high-end AV integrators and smart home dealers across the UAE and the Middle East, providing exclusive access to a curated portfolio of premium brands. Our offering includes unparalleled technical support and innovative solutions designed to empower our dealer network with the best in audio-visual technology./p> p classtext-14>Dubai Audio collaborates directly with system integrators, interior design consultants, and architects, delivering bespoke audio-visual solutions for luxury residential and commercial projects. Our trade program offers architects and interior designers access to cutting-edge technologies, enabling them to seamlessly integrate world-class AV systems into their designs./p>p classtext-14>To explore a partnership with us, please fill out the form below to register./p> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classaccordion-item mt-2 mt-md-4> div classaccordion-header > a classaccordion-button collapsed typebutton data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#flush-collapseThree aria-expandedfalse aria-controlsflush-collapseThree stylebackground-color:#212121> div classrow align-items-center> div classcol> h3>Car Partnerships/h3> p>The Pinnacle of Sound and Performance./p> /div> div classcol-auto> img srcimages/car-hero.png width100px> /div> /div> /a> /div> div idflush-collapseThree classaccordion-collapse collapse data-bs-parent#accordionFlushExample> div classaccordion-body p-0 py-3> div classcontainer> div classrow g-3> div classcol-6 col-lg-3> div classrow g-0> div classcol-12> !--a typebutton classw-100 data-bs-togglemodal data-bs-target#Modal-car-1 -->img srcimages/lamborghini-hero.png width100%> !-- Modal -->div classmodal fade idModal-car-1 tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyexampleModalLabel aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-dialog-centered modal-dialog-scrollable> div classmodal-content p-2 p-md-3 > div classmodal-header pb-1> h3>Sonus Faber & lamborghini/h3> button typebutton classbtn-close data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body> p> lamborghini as the audio industry’s most passionate promoter of high-quality, high-powered amplification. He was an American audio pioneer, a true eccentric, and a proud member of the engineering and science hall of fame./p> img srcimages/lamborghini-hero.png width100%> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-6> div classp-md-4 p-1 py-3 stylebackground-color:#090909> img srcimages/lamborghini.svg width100%>/div>/div> div classcol-6 > div classp-md-4 p-1 py-3 stylebackground-color:#1a1a1a> img srcimages/sonus-faber-white.svg width100%>/div>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-6 col-lg-3> div classrow g-0> div classcol-12> !-- a typebutton classw-100 data-bs-togglemodal data-bs-target#Modal-car-2 --> img srcimages/maserati-hero.png width100%> !-- Modal -->div classmodal fade idModal-car-2 tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyexampleModalLabel aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-dialog-centered modal-dialog-scrollable> div classmodal-content p-2 p-md-3 > div classmodal-header pb-1> h3>Sonus Faber & Maserati/h3> button typebutton classbtn-close data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body> p> lamborghini as the audio industry’s most passionate promoter of high-quality, high-powered amplification. He was an American audio pioneer, a true eccentric, and a proud member of the engineering and science hall of fame./p> img srcimages/maserati-hero.png width100%> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-6> div classp-md-4 p-1 py-3 stylebackground-color:#090909> img srcimages/maserati.svg width100%>/div>/div> div classcol-6 > div classp-md-4 p-1 py-3 stylebackground-color:#1a1a1a> img srcimages/sonus-faber-white.svg width100%>/div>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-6 col-lg-3> div classrow g-0> div classcol-12> !--a typebutton classw-100 data-bs-togglemodal data-bs-target#Modal-car-3 --> img srcimages/jeep-grand.png width100%> !-- Modal -->div classmodal fade idModal-car-3 tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyexampleModalLabel aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-dialog-centered modal-dialog-scrollable> div classmodal-content p-2 p-md-3 > div classmodal-header pb-1> h3>MCINTOSH & JEEP Grand Wagoneer/h3> button typebutton classbtn-close data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body> p> lamborghini as the audio industry’s most passionate promoter of high-quality, high-powered amplification. He was an American audio pioneer, a true eccentric, and a proud member of the engineering and science hall of fame./p> img srcimages/jeep-grand.png width100%> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-6> div classp-md-4 p-1 py-3 stylebackground-color:#090909> img srcimages/jeep-3.svg width100%>/div>/div> div classcol-6 > div classp-md-4 p-1 py-3 stylebackground-color:#1a1a1a> img srcimages/mcintosh-white.svg width100%>/div>/div> /div> /div> div classcol-6 col-lg-3> div classrow g-0> div classcol-12> !--a typebutton classw-100 data-bs-togglemodal data-bs-target#Modal-car-4 --> img srcimages/nissan-hero.png width100%>div classmodal fade idModal-car-4 tabindex-1 aria-labelledbyexampleModalLabel aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog modal-dialog-centered modal-dialog-scrollable> div classmodal-content p-2 p-md-3 > div classmodal-header pb-1> h3>KLIPSCH & Nissan/h3> button typebutton classbtn-close data-bs-dismissmodal aria-labelClose>/button> /div> div classmodal-body> p> lamborghini as the audio industry’s most passionate promoter of high-quality, high-powered amplification. He was an American audio pioneer, a true eccentric, and a proud member of the engineering and science hall of fame./p> img srcimages/nissan-hero.png width100%> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classcol-6> div classp-md-4 p-1 py-3 stylebackground-color:#090909> img srcimages/nissan.svg width100%>/div>/div> div classcol-6 > div classp-md-4 p-1 py-3 stylebackground-color:#1a1a1a> img srcimages/klipsch-white.svg width100%>/div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>div classcontainer p-0 mt-2 mt-md-4 text-center>div classfooter-before > button classbtn btn-light klaviyo_form_trigger>Sign Up with Us/button>div classklaviyo-form-VzZyLJ>/div> div classrow gx-2> div classcol-6> a classbtn btn-gold mt-2 mt-md-4 px-1 py-4 stylefont-size: 12px; href target_new>Visit/br>> /div> div classcol-6> a classbtn btn-gold mt-2 mt-md-4 px-1 py-4 stylefont-size: 12px; href target_new>Visit/br>> /div> /div>/div>div classfooter text-center py-4 mt-2 mt-md-4> p classsmall mb-0>© Copyright 2024 Dubai Audio/p>/div> script src integritysha384-YvpcrYf0tY3lHB60NNkmXc5s9fDVZLESaAA55NDzOxhy9GkcIdslK1eN7N6jIeHz crossoriginanonymous>/script> script typetext/javascript> document.querySelector(.klaviyo_form_trigger).addEventListener(click, function (){ window._klOnsite window._klOnsite || ;window._klOnsite.push(openForm, VzZyLJ); });/script>script typetext/javascript> document.querySelector(.klaviyo_form_trigger2).addEventListener(click, function (){ window._klOnsite window._klOnsite || ;window._klOnsite.push(openForm, VzZyLJ); });/script>script typetext/javascript> document.querySelector(.klaviyo_form_trigger3).addEventListener(click, function (){ window._klOnsite window._klOnsite || ;window._klOnsite.push(openForm, VzZyLJ); });/script> script>window.onscroll function() {scrollFunction()};function scrollFunction() { if (document.body.scrollTop > 30 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 30) { document.getElementById(logo-img).style.width 40px; } else { document.getElementById(logo-img).style.width 72px; }}/script>!-- script> // Scroll to active accordion item when opened $(.accordion-button).on(click, function() { var $accordionItem $(this).closest(.accordion-item); setTimeout(function() { $(html, body).animate({ scrollTop: $accordionItem.offset().top }, slow); }, 100); // Delay to wait for accordion animation to complete });/script> --> /body>/html>
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