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Mobile Companies and Packs, Internet Services. List of Country Codes, City and Area Codes. International dial codes. Reverse lookup. Search by phone>td>Europe Mobile Phones in Stores. Compare cell phones, prices, plans and packages in mobile phone>td>a href/europe.htm>Europe /a> Countries tr>td>a href/united-kingdom.htm>UK /a> tr>td>a href/albania.htm>Albania /a> tr>td>a href/andorra.htm>Andorra /a> tr>td>a href/armenia.htm>Armenia /a> tr>td>a href/austria.htm>Austria /a> tr>td>a href/azerbaijan.htm>Azerbaijan /a> tr>td>a href/belarus.htm>Belarus /a> tr>td>a href/belgium.htm>Belgium /a> tr>td>a href/bosnia-and-herzegovina.htm>Bosnia and Herzegovina /a> tr>td>a href/bulgaria.htm>Bulgaria /a> tr>td>a href/croatia.htm>Croatia /a> tr>td>a href/cyprus.htm>Cyprus /a> tr>td>a href/czech-republic.htm>Czech Republic /a> tr>td>a href/denmark.htm>Denmark /a> tr>td>a href/estonia.htm>Estonia /a> tr>td>a href/finland.htm>Finland /a> tr>td>a href/france.htm>France /a> tr>td>a href/georgia.htm>Georgia /a> tr>td>a href/germany.htm>Germany /a> tr>td>a href/gibraltar.htm>Gibraltar /a> tr>td>a href/greece.htm>Greece /a> tr>td>a href/hungary.htm>Hungary /a> tr>td>a href/iceland.htm>Iceland /a> tr>td>a href/ireland.htm>Ireland /a> tr>td>a href/italy.htm>Italy /a> tr>td>a href/isle-of-man.htm>Isle of Man /a> tr>td>a href/jersey.htm>Jersey /a> tr>td>a href/kazakhstan.htm>Kazakhstan /a> tr>td>a href/kosovo.htm>Kosovo /a> tr>td>a href/latvia.htm>Latvia /a> tr>td>a href/liechtenstein.htm>Liechtenstein /a> tr>td>a href/lithuania.htm>Lithuania /a> tr>td>a href/luxembourg.htm>Luxembourg /a> tr>td>a href/macedonia.htm>Macedonia /a> tr>td>a href/malta.htm>Malta /a> tr>td>a href/moldova.htm>Moldova /a> tr>td>a href/monaco.htm>Monaco /a> tr>td>a href/montenegro.htm>Montenegro /a> tr>td>a href/netherlands.htm>Netherlands /a> tr>td>a href/norway.htm>Norway /a> tr>td>a href/poland.htm>Poland /a> tr>td>a href/portugal.htm>Portugal /a> tr>td>a href/romania.htm>Romania /a> tr>td>a href/russia.htm>Russia /a> tr>td>a href/san-marino.htm>San Marino /a> tr>td>a href/serbia.htm>Serbia /a> tr>td>a href/slovakia.htm>Slovakia /a> tr>td>a href/slovenia.htm>Slovenia /a> tr>td>a href/spain.htm>Spain /a> tr>td>a href/sweden.htm>Sweden /a> tr>td>a href/switzerland.htm>Switzerland /a> tr>td>a href/turkey.htm>Turkey /a> tr>td>a href/ukraine.htm>Ukraine /a> tr>td>a href/vatican.htm>Vatican City /a> tr>td>a href/Europe>Phones in Europe /a> - The code of Europe is: (+) In the List of Phone Codes of the European Uniontr>td>a href/directory titledirectory>Directory of phones in Europe /a> tr>td>a href/international>International dial codes of Europe /a> Country codes of the World - List with all the dial codes of the worldtr>td>a href/messages titlesend text messages>Messages /a> SMS - tr>td>a href/guide>Guide in Europe /a> Guide to Find Phone Numberstr>td>a href/search titleSearch>Search /a> - How to search phone numbers in Europetr>td>a href/information>Information /a> and Contacts about phone numbers in Europetr>td>a href/phones>Find Phones in Europe /a> tr>td>a href/europe>Country codes of Europe /a> tr>td>a href/white_pages>White Pages in Europe /a> tr>td>a href/yellow_pages>Yellow Pages in Europe /a> tr>td>a href/mobiles>Find Mobiles in Europe /a> - The code of Find Mobile phones in Europetr>td>a href/codes>Codes of Europe /a> Prefix - The code of Dial codes for the main cities in Europetr>td>a href/vodafone.htm>Vodafone in Europe img data-src classimg alt - > /a> tr>td>a href/company.htm> Phone Companies /a> Europe - List of mobile phone companies and stores with internet>td> h2 classtop1 onclicki_open(this);> Cell Phones Europe /h2> div classopen-content>p> div classiconc1>i classfa fa-mobile-screen>/i>/div> img data-src classimg alignright alt - > Find the latest cell phones : Samsung, iPhone, Motorola, Sony, Huawei, Honor, Xiaomi, Oppo, OnePlus, LG, Windows, ZTE, HTC, Nokia, Alcatel, Android and more. p> Compare mobile phones, price, plans, brand, models and technical specs, with screen size (inches), cameras (MP), memory (RAM), storage (GB), processor speed, sensors, operating system, apps y other details. div classtab>button classtab-button active onclicki_tab(event, phones-tab);> Mobile Phones /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, samsung);> Samsung /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, iphone);> iPhone /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, motorola);> Motorola /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, xiaomi);> Xiaomi /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, huawei);> Huawei /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, honor);> Honor /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, oppo);> Oppo /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, oneplus);> OnePlus /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, lg);> LG /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, htc);> HTC /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, sony);> Sony /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, nokia);> Nokia /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, alcatel);> Alcatel /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, zte);> ZTE /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, pixel);> Pixel /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, android);> Android /button>/div>div idphones-tab classtab-content styledisplay:block> a href/phones>Phones Europe /a> img data-src classimg alignright alt - > br> Where to find the best cell phones Europe? br> Search smartphones by brand, model and technical specifications. List of cell phones and plans in stores and mobile companies> Find the best prices in mobile phone companies. Packages, offers and promotions. Prepaid and billing plans with internet, minutes, messages, whatsapp, social networks, wifi and TV. /div>div idsamsung classtab-content> Samsung Europe img data-src classimg alignright alt - > /a> - Models: Samsung Galaxy Z Flip, Fold, S23, A22, Edge, Plus, Mini, Note and other devices. The Samsung S23 Ultra is the new smartphone with a screen of 6,8 inches and 5 cameras, 200 MP wide + 12 MP ultrawide + 10 MP periscope telephoto 10x + 10 MP telephoto 3x + 12 MP front selfie camera. Includes 12 G of internal RAM memory and options with 256, 512 GB or 1 TB of storage. The 5000 mAh battery with fast charge and wireless power share technology. /div>div idiphone classtab-content> a href/iphone>iPhone Europe img data-src classimg alignright alt - > /a> - Apple. iPhone models : Plus, Pro, Max. - The iPhone 14 Pro Max display is 6.7 inches with a resolution of 2778 x 1284 pixels at 460 ppi. The operating system iOS 16. Includes 4 cameras, the main rear camera is 48MP + 12MP ultra wide + 12MP and a 12MP front camera with automatic focus. With 6GB of RAM Memory and Storage options with 256, 512 and 1 TB. Chip CPU A16 Bionic Hexa-core. Battery 4,323 mAh Li-Po with fast and Qi wireless charging. /div>div idmotorola classtab-content> a href/motorola>Motorola Europe img data-src classimg alignright alt - >/a> - Moto - Models One Fusion Plus, G 5G Plus, Edge, RAZR, X Force, G9, G8, Droid. The Motorola Edge is a mobile phone wita display of 6.70 inches, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 765 processor of eight nucleus, and 4GB of RAM. Includes 3 cameras with 64 + 16 + 8 megapixels. The front camera is 25 megapixels, with f / 2.0. The 128 GB internal storage, can be increased with a microSD card (up to 1000 GB). IP54 protection against dust and water resistant. Runs with Android 10. The 4500 mAh battery accepts fast charge. /div>div idxiaomi classtab-content> a href/xiaomi> Xiaomi Europe img data-src classimg alignright alt - > /a> - Redmi, Note, Mi, Mi Max - The Xiaomi Mi 11 screen is 6.81 inches with a resolution of 1440 x 3200 pixels, the processor is a Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 with eight nucleus and 8GB of RAM. The operating system is with Android 11 OS. The 4.600 mAh battery with wireless and fast charge./div>div idhuawei classtab-content> a href/huawei> Huawei Europe img data-src classimg alignright alt - > /a> - P, Mate - The Huawei Mate 40 Pro Plus screen is 6.76 inches, the processor is a Hisilicon Kirin 9000 5G, with 12 GB RAM and a internal storage of 256 GB. Includes 5 cameras: 50+12+8+20+TOF 3D megapixels and runs Android 10./div>div idhonor classtab-content> a href/honor> Honor Europe img data-src classimg alt - > /a> - Honor 50 smartphone screen is 6,57 inches (2340 x 1080), processor qualcomm snapdragon 778G, front camera 32mp and 4 cameras 108mp + 8mp + 2mp + 2mp, memory RAM 8 GB, storage 128 GB, battery 4300 mAh, Android 11 Operating System /div>div idoppo classtab-content> a href/oppo> Oppo Europe img data-src classimg alt - > /a> - Oppo Find X3 Pro screen is 6,70 inches (1440 x 3216), cameras 50MP + 50MP + 13MP + 5MP + front : 32MP, memory RAM 12 GB, storage 256 GB, processor qualcomm snapdragon 888, battery 4500 mAh, android 11/div>div idoneplus classtab-content> a href/oneplus> OnePlus Europe img data-src classimg alt - > /a> - The OnePlus 8T screen is 6.55 (2400 x 1080 20: 9 120Hz AMOLED) - Processor: Snapdragon 865, RAM 12 GB Memory, Storage 256GB, Cameras 48MP f.1.7, Ultra-wide: 16MP f 2.2. Macro 5 MP + front 16MP f 2.4. Runs oxygen os 11 (Android 11) Operating System. The 4.500 mAh battery, 5G, Bluetooth 5.1, NFC, Dual SIM, stereo speakers Dolby Atmos, Dimensions 160,7 x 74,1 x 8,4 mm, 188 gr /div>div idlg classtab-content> a href/lg> LG Europe img data-src classimg alignright alt - >/a> - LG G - LG Velvet 2 screens of 6.80 inches. The processor is a Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 of eight nucleus. Internal Memory 6GB RAM. Runs with Android 10 OS. The 4300 mAh battery can be charged with the Quick Charge 4+ or wireless. /div>div idhtc classtab-content> a href/htc> HTC Europe /a> - Ultra, Desire, One - The HTC U12 Plus screen is 6,00 inches with a resolution of 1440x2880 pixels, and a Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 octa-core of 2,8 GHz processor with 6GB of RAM. Runs Android 8.0 and the battery is 3500 mAh. The back camera is 12 Ultrapixels and 8 megapixels selfie front camera. /div>div idsony classtab-content> a href/sony> Sony Europe img data-src classimg alignright alt - >/a> - Sony Xperia L 4G LTE and 5G - Sony Xperia L4 is a smartphone with a 6.20 inches screen with a resolution of 720x1680 pixels. The processor is a MediaTek Helio P22 (MT6762) of eight nucleus with 3GB of internal RAM. Runs Android Pie OS. The 3580 mAh battery is fast charging./div>div idnokia classtab-content> a href/nokia> Nokia Europe img data-src classimg alignright alt - >/a> Nokia Lumia and Windows Phone /div>div idalcatel classtab-content> a href/alcatel> Alcatel Europe img data-src classimg alignright alt - >/a> - Alcatel One Touch Fire/div>div idzte classtab-content> a href/zte> ZTE Europe /a> - Blade Max, V8, V7, Axon 7, Pro - The Blade V8 includes 2 cameras and fingerprint reader. The best sound experience. High Quality Photos with the Bokeh effect. /div>div idpixel classtab-content> a href/pixel> Pixel Europe img data-src classimg alignright alt - > /a> made by Google models : Pixel 7 and 7 Pro. The Pixel 7 Pro display is 6.7 LTPO OLED, refresh rate of 120Hz, 3120×1440 QHD+ pixel resolution. Storage options of 128, 256, or 512 GB with internal RAM memory of 12 GB. The rear cameras are 50 MP sensor with f/1.85 lens, 12 MP ultrawide sensor with f/2.2 lens & 48 MP telephoto sensor with f/3.5 lens. The front camera is 11.1 MP sensor with f/2.2 lens and 92.8° field of view; Laser detect autofocus, optical image stabilization. The battery capacity is 5000 mAh non-removable with fast charging, wireless charging and reverse wireless charging. Uses the Google Tensor G2 processor. The operating system Android 13 OS. With Corning Gorilla Glass Victus and IP68 water and dust resistance. /div>div idandroid classtab-content> a href/android> Android Europe img data-src classimg alignright alt - > /a> - Android OS is an Operating System that runs in most smartphones. Last version is: Oxygen os 11 (android 11) and previous versions 10, Pie 9, Oreo 8, Nougat 7, Marshmallow 6, Lollipop 5, Kitkat 4.4, Ice Cream Sandwich 4, Honeycomb 3, Gingerbread 2.3, Froyo 2.2, Eclair 2, Android 1. You can update it, setup, configure, install apps and games from the Google Play Store. /div>/div>script typetext/javascript> var ydocument.getElementsByClassName(tab-content); var n0; for (n0; n y.length ; n++) { if ( ) none; } /script>tr>td>div classgrid-container> div classgrid-item z1> a href/search.htm>div classiconc1>i classfa fa-search-plus>/i>/div> Search/a>: Phones Europe br> Phones Europe - Find smartphones in mobile phone companies and technology stores. Compare plans or packages with internet, minutes, messages, whatsapp and social networks. /div> div classgrid-item z1> a href/directory.htm>div classiconc2>i classfa fa-list>/i>/div> Directory/a>: Find Phones Europe. Phone Guide by Sections. Company Phone Numbers and Address. Phone Book with White Pages and Yellow Pages. /div>/div> tr>td>div classgrid-container> div classgrid-item z1>a href/codes.htm>div classiconc3>i classfa fa-tty>/i>/div> Codes/a>: List of phone and city codes Europe. /div> div classgrid-item z1>a href/guide.htm>div classiconc4>i classfa fa-book>/i>/div> Guide/a>: Questions and answers about Phones Europe - How to find a phone number Europe? /div>/div>/table>/div>/div> div classcontainer-fluid>div aligncenter classgrid-box stylemargin-top:6px;margin-bottom:6px; data-idgrid3> nav classpage-top data-idmenu-top rolenavigation> div>ul classnav nav-pills>li>a href/Phones >i classfa fa-mobile-screen>/i> Phones /a>/li> li>a href/Europe >i classfa fa-globe>/i> Europe /a>/li> li>a href/company.htm> Mobile Phone Companies /a> li>a href/directory.htm>i classfa fa-list-alt>/i> Directory /a>/li> li>a href/white_pages.htm>i classfa fa-book>/i> White Pages /a>/li>li>a href/yellow_pages.htm>i classfa fa-fax>/i> Yellow Pages /a>/li>li>a href/guide.htm>i classfa fa-book>/i> Guide /a>/li> li>a href/codes>i classfa fa-th>/i> Codes /a>/li>li>span classlanguage idlanguage>/span> a targetn href>i classfa fa-globe>/i> Language/a> /li>li>a href/international>i classfa fa-globe>/i> International /a>/li>li>a href/search>i classfa fa-search>/i> Search /a>/li>/ul>/div>/nav> /div>/div> div classcontainer>div aligncenter classgrid-box stylemargin-top:6px;margin-bottom:6px; data-idgrid4>div classz1> span classtop1> Europe Phones 2024 /span>br>span data-src classx relnofollow titleEurope Phones > /span> European Parliament delegation to COP29 to receive ‘burner’ phones as security measure font styledisplay:none>Euronews/font>br>span data-src classx relnofollow titleEurope Phones > /span> Back to School in Central Europe… With or Without Phones font styledisplay:none>Balkan Insight/font>br>span data-src classx relnofollow titleEurope Phones > /span> ‘Going back in time’: the schools across Europe banning mobile phones font styledisplay:none>The Guardian/font>br>span data-src classx relnofollow titleEurope Phones > /span> The best foldable phones for 2024 font styledisplay:none>Engadget/font>/div>/div>/div> div classcontainer>div classgrid-container stylemargin-top:6px;margin-bottom:6px; aligncenter styletext-align:center data-idgrid5>/div>/div> div classcontainer-fluid idmenu stylemargin:0px;padding:0px>br>/div>div classcontainer-fluid styletext-align:center>nav aligncenter rolenavigation data-idmenu2> div classpage-top data-idmenu-down> div classrow>ul classnav nav-pills>li>a href/samsung> Samsung /a> /li> li>a href/iphone> iPhone /a> /li>li>a href/oneplus> OnePlus /a> /li>li>a href/motorola> Motorola /a> /li>li>a href/huawei> Huawei /a> /li>li>a href/honor> Honor /a> /li>li>a href/oppo> Oppo /a> /li>li>a href/sony> Sony /a> /li>li>a href/xiaomi> Xiaomi /a> /li>li>a href/nokia> Nokia /a> /li>li>a href/lg> LG /a> /li>li>a href/htc> HTC /a> /li>li>a href/zte> ZTE /a> /li>li>a href/alcatel> Alcatel /a> /li>li>a href/pixel> Pixel /a> /li>li>a href/android> Android /a> /li>/ul>/div> /div> /nav> /div>footer classcontainer-fluid styletext-align:center> nav rolenavigation classfooter> div classfooter-column> div classpage-footer-title> Information /div> div classfooter-item> a href/> Europe Phones /a> /div> div classfooter-item> a href/directory.htm> Directory /a> /div> div classfooter-item> a href/privacy-policy.htm> Privacy Policy /a> /div> div classfooter-item> a href/information.htm> Contact /a> /div> div classfooter-item> a href/search.htm> Search /a> /div> /div> div classfooter-column> div classpage-footer-title> Related /div> div classfooter-item>a relsponsored href>i classfa fa-phone>/i> Find Phones /a> /div> div classfooter-item>a relsponsored href>i classfa fa-user>/i> Find People /a> /div> div classfooter-item>a relsponsored href>i classfa fa-usd>/i> Credit /a> /div> div classfooter-item>a relsponsored href>i classfa fa-users>/i> Elections /a> /div> div classfooter-item>a relsponsored href>i classfa fa-wifi>/i> Technology /a> /div> /div> div classfooter-column> div classpage-footer-title> Social /div> div classfooter-item>span classsocial>span onclicki_facebook(); aria-labelfacebook>i classfa-brands fa-facebook>/i> Facebook /span> div classfb-like data-href data-layoutbutton data-actionlike data-show-facestrue data-sharetrue data-langen data-width200 data-lazytrue data-sizesmall>/div> div idfb-root>/div> /span> /div> div classfooter-item>span classsocial>span onclicki_twitter(); aria-labeltwitter>i classfa-brands fa-x-twitter>/i> Twitter /span> a targetn href classtwitter-share-button data-langen data-lazytrue aria-labelTwitter>/a> /span> /div> /div> /nav> /footer> script typetext/javascript>function i_class0(c){var ydocument.getElementsByClassName(c); while (y && y ! 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data-idgrid1>table classtinfo w100 idi_content>tr>td classhide>div classhide> h2> Europe Telephones /h2> /div>tr>td>a href/> h2> Europe Telephones /h2> img data-src classimg alt - > /a> - Cell Phones and Mobile Companiestr>td> div classiconc1>i classfa fa-mobile-screen>/i>/div> Find Cell Phones and Mobile Phone Companies in Europe tr>td>Europe - Find Phone Numbers. Mobile Companies and Packs, Internet Services. List of Country Codes, City and Area Codes. International dial codes. Reverse lookup. Search by phone>td>Europe Mobile Phones in Stores. Compare cell phones, prices, plans and packages in mobile phone>td>a href/europe.htm>Europe /a> Countries tr>td>a href/united-kingdom.htm>UK /a> tr>td>a href/albania.htm>Albania /a> tr>td>a href/andorra.htm>Andorra /a> tr>td>a href/armenia.htm>Armenia /a> tr>td>a href/austria.htm>Austria /a> tr>td>a href/azerbaijan.htm>Azerbaijan /a> tr>td>a href/belarus.htm>Belarus /a> tr>td>a href/belgium.htm>Belgium /a> tr>td>a href/bosnia-and-herzegovina.htm>Bosnia and Herzegovina /a> tr>td>a href/bulgaria.htm>Bulgaria /a> tr>td>a href/croatia.htm>Croatia /a> tr>td>a href/cyprus.htm>Cyprus /a> tr>td>a href/czech-republic.htm>Czech Republic /a> tr>td>a href/denmark.htm>Denmark /a> tr>td>a href/estonia.htm>Estonia /a> tr>td>a href/finland.htm>Finland /a> tr>td>a href/france.htm>France /a> tr>td>a href/georgia.htm>Georgia /a> tr>td>a href/germany.htm>Germany /a> tr>td>a href/gibraltar.htm>Gibraltar /a> tr>td>a href/greece.htm>Greece /a> tr>td>a href/hungary.htm>Hungary /a> tr>td>a href/iceland.htm>Iceland /a> tr>td>a href/ireland.htm>Ireland /a> tr>td>a href/italy.htm>Italy /a> tr>td>a href/isle-of-man.htm>Isle of Man /a> tr>td>a href/jersey.htm>Jersey /a> tr>td>a href/kazakhstan.htm>Kazakhstan /a> tr>td>a href/kosovo.htm>Kosovo /a> tr>td>a href/latvia.htm>Latvia /a> tr>td>a href/liechtenstein.htm>Liechtenstein /a> tr>td>a href/lithuania.htm>Lithuania /a> tr>td>a href/luxembourg.htm>Luxembourg /a> tr>td>a href/macedonia.htm>Macedonia /a> tr>td>a href/malta.htm>Malta /a> tr>td>a href/moldova.htm>Moldova /a> tr>td>a href/monaco.htm>Monaco /a> tr>td>a href/montenegro.htm>Montenegro /a> tr>td>a href/netherlands.htm>Netherlands /a> tr>td>a href/norway.htm>Norway /a> tr>td>a href/poland.htm>Poland /a> tr>td>a href/portugal.htm>Portugal /a> tr>td>a href/romania.htm>Romania /a> tr>td>a href/russia.htm>Russia /a> tr>td>a href/san-marino.htm>San Marino /a> tr>td>a href/serbia.htm>Serbia /a> tr>td>a href/slovakia.htm>Slovakia /a> tr>td>a href/slovenia.htm>Slovenia /a> tr>td>a href/spain.htm>Spain /a> tr>td>a href/sweden.htm>Sweden /a> tr>td>a href/switzerland.htm>Switzerland /a> tr>td>a href/turkey.htm>Turkey /a> tr>td>a href/ukraine.htm>Ukraine /a> tr>td>a href/vatican.htm>Vatican City /a> tr>td>a href/Europe>Phones in Europe /a> - The code of Europe is: (+) In the List of Phone Codes of the European Uniontr>td>a href/directory titledirectory>Directory of phones in Europe /a> tr>td>a href/international>International dial codes of Europe /a> Country codes of the World - List with all the dial codes of the worldtr>td>a href/messages titlesend text messages>Messages /a> SMS - tr>td>a href/guide>Guide in Europe /a> Guide to Find Phone Numberstr>td>a href/search titleSearch>Search /a> - How to search phone numbers in Europetr>td>a href/information>Information /a> and Contacts about phone numbers in Europetr>td>a href/phones>Find Phones in Europe /a> tr>td>a href/europe>Country codes of Europe /a> tr>td>a href/white_pages>White Pages in Europe /a> tr>td>a href/yellow_pages>Yellow Pages in Europe /a> tr>td>a href/mobiles>Find Mobiles in Europe /a> - The code of Find Mobile phones in Europetr>td>a href/codes>Codes of Europe /a> Prefix - The code of Dial codes for the main cities in Europetr>td>a href/vodafone.htm>Vodafone in Europe img data-src classimg alt - > /a> tr>td>a href/company.htm> Phone Companies /a> Europe - List of mobile phone companies and stores with internet>td> h2 classtop1 onclicki_open(this);> Cell Phones Europe /h2> div classopen-content>p> div classiconc1>i classfa fa-mobile-screen>/i>/div> img data-src classimg alignright alt - > Find the latest cell phones : Samsung, iPhone, Motorola, Sony, Huawei, Honor, Xiaomi, Oppo, OnePlus, LG, Windows, ZTE, HTC, Nokia, Alcatel, Android and more. p> Compare mobile phones, price, plans, brand, models and technical specs, with screen size (inches), cameras (MP), memory (RAM), storage (GB), processor speed, sensors, operating system, apps y other details. div classtab>button classtab-button active onclicki_tab(event, phones-tab);> Mobile Phones /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, samsung);> Samsung /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, iphone);> iPhone /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, motorola);> Motorola /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, xiaomi);> Xiaomi /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, huawei);> Huawei /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, honor);> Honor /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, oppo);> Oppo /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, oneplus);> OnePlus /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, lg);> LG /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, htc);> HTC /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, sony);> Sony /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, nokia);> Nokia /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, alcatel);> Alcatel /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, zte);> ZTE /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, pixel);> Pixel /button>button classtab-button onclicki_tab(event, android);> Android /button>/div>div idphones-tab classtab-content styledisplay:block> a href/phones>Phones Europe /a> img data-src classimg alignright alt - > br> Where to find the best cell phones Europe? br> Search smartphones by brand, model and technical specifications. List of cell phones and plans in stores and mobile companies> Find the best prices in mobile phone companies. Packages, offers and promotions. Prepaid and billing plans with internet, minutes, messages, whatsapp, social networks, wifi and TV. /div>div idsamsung classtab-content> Samsung Europe img data-src classimg alignright alt - > /a> - Models: Samsung Galaxy Z Flip, Fold, S23, A22, Edge, Plus, Mini, Note and other devices. The Samsung S23 Ultra is the new smartphone with a screen of 6,8 inches and 5 cameras, 200 MP wide + 12 MP ultrawide + 10 MP periscope telephoto 10x + 10 MP telephoto 3x + 12 MP front selfie camera. Includes 12 G of internal RAM memory and options with 256, 512 GB or 1 TB of storage. The 5000 mAh battery with fast charge and wireless power share technology. /div>div idiphone classtab-content> a href/iphone>iPhone Europe img data-src classimg alignright alt - > /a> - Apple. iPhone models : Plus, Pro, Max. - The iPhone 14 Pro Max display is 6.7 inches with a resolution of 2778 x 1284 pixels at 460 ppi. The operating system iOS 16. Includes 4 cameras, the main rear camera is 48MP + 12MP ultra wide + 12MP and a 12MP front camera with automatic focus. With 6GB of RAM Memory and Storage options with 256, 512 and 1 TB. Chip CPU A16 Bionic Hexa-core. Battery 4,323 mAh Li-Po with fast and Qi wireless charging. /div>div idmotorola classtab-content> a href/motorola>Motorola Europe img data-src classimg alignright alt - >/a> - Moto - Models One Fusion Plus, G 5G Plus, Edge, RAZR, X Force, G9, G8, Droid. The Motorola Edge is a mobile phone wita display of 6.70 inches, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 765 processor of eight nucleus, and 4GB of RAM. Includes 3 cameras with 64 + 16 + 8 megapixels. The front camera is 25 megapixels, with f / 2.0. The 128 GB internal storage, can be increased with a microSD card (up to 1000 GB). IP54 protection against dust and water resistant. Runs with Android 10. The 4500 mAh battery accepts fast charge. /div>div idxiaomi classtab-content> a href/xiaomi> Xiaomi Europe img data-src classimg alignright alt - > /a> - Redmi, Note, Mi, Mi Max - The Xiaomi Mi 11 screen is 6.81 inches with a resolution of 1440 x 3200 pixels, the processor is a Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 with eight nucleus and 8GB of RAM. The operating system is with Android 11 OS. The 4.600 mAh battery with wireless and fast charge./div>div idhuawei classtab-content> a href/huawei> Huawei Europe img data-src classimg alignright alt - > /a> - P, Mate - The Huawei Mate 40 Pro Plus screen is 6.76 inches, the processor is a Hisilicon Kirin 9000 5G, with 12 GB RAM and a internal storage of 256 GB. Includes 5 cameras: 50+12+8+20+TOF 3D megapixels and runs Android 10./div>div idhonor classtab-content> a href/honor> Honor Europe img data-src classimg alt - > /a> - Honor 50 smartphone screen is 6,57 inches (2340 x 1080), processor qualcomm snapdragon 778G, front camera 32mp and 4 cameras 108mp + 8mp + 2mp + 2mp, memory RAM 8 GB, storage 128 GB, battery 4300 mAh, Android 11 Operating System /div>div idoppo classtab-content> a href/oppo> Oppo Europe img data-src classimg alt - > /a> - Oppo Find X3 Pro screen is 6,70 inches (1440 x 3216), cameras 50MP + 50MP + 13MP + 5MP + front : 32MP, memory RAM 12 GB, storage 256 GB, processor qualcomm snapdragon 888, battery 4500 mAh, android 11/div>div idoneplus classtab-content> a href/oneplus> OnePlus Europe img data-src classimg alt - > /a> - The OnePlus 8T screen is 6.55 (2400 x 1080 20: 9 120Hz AMOLED) - Processor: Snapdragon 865, RAM 12 GB Memory, Storage 256GB, Cameras 48MP f.1.7, Ultra-wide: 16MP f 2.2. Macro 5 MP + front 16MP f 2.4. Runs oxygen os 11 (Android 11) Operating System. The 4.500 mAh battery, 5G, Bluetooth 5.1, NFC, Dual SIM, stereo speakers Dolby Atmos, Dimensions 160,7 x 74,1 x 8,4 mm, 188 gr /div>div idlg classtab-content> a href/lg> LG Europe img data-src classimg alignright alt - >/a> - LG G - LG Velvet 2 screens of 6.80 inches. The processor is a Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 of eight nucleus. Internal Memory 6GB RAM. Runs with Android 10 OS. The 4300 mAh battery can be charged with the Quick Charge 4+ or wireless. /div>div idhtc classtab-content> a href/htc> HTC Europe /a> - Ultra, Desire, One - The HTC U12 Plus screen is 6,00 inches with a resolution of 1440x2880 pixels, and a Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 octa-core of 2,8 GHz processor with 6GB of RAM. Runs Android 8.0 and the battery is 3500 mAh. The back camera is 12 Ultrapixels and 8 megapixels selfie front camera. /div>div idsony classtab-content> a href/sony> Sony Europe img data-src classimg alignright alt - >/a> - Sony Xperia L 4G LTE and 5G - Sony Xperia L4 is a smartphone with a 6.20 inches screen with a resolution of 720x1680 pixels. The processor is a MediaTek Helio P22 (MT6762) of eight nucleus with 3GB of internal RAM. Runs Android Pie OS. The 3580 mAh battery is fast charging./div>div idnokia classtab-content> a href/nokia> Nokia Europe img data-src classimg alignright alt - >/a> Nokia Lumia and Windows Phone /div>div idalcatel classtab-content> a href/alcatel> Alcatel Europe img data-src classimg alignright alt - >/a> - Alcatel One Touch Fire/div>div idzte classtab-content> a href/zte> ZTE Europe /a> - Blade Max, V8, V7, Axon 7, Pro - The Blade V8 includes 2 cameras and fingerprint reader. The best sound experience. High Quality Photos with the Bokeh effect. /div>div idpixel classtab-content> a href/pixel> Pixel Europe img data-src classimg alignright alt - > /a> made by Google models : Pixel 7 and 7 Pro. The Pixel 7 Pro display is 6.7 LTPO OLED, refresh rate of 120Hz, 3120×1440 QHD+ pixel resolution. Storage options of 128, 256, or 512 GB with internal RAM memory of 12 GB. The rear cameras are 50 MP sensor with f/1.85 lens, 12 MP ultrawide sensor with f/2.2 lens & 48 MP telephoto sensor with f/3.5 lens. The front camera is 11.1 MP sensor with f/2.2 lens and 92.8° field of view; Laser detect autofocus, optical image stabilization. The battery capacity is 5000 mAh non-removable with fast charging, wireless charging and reverse wireless charging. Uses the Google Tensor G2 processor. The operating system Android 13 OS. With Corning Gorilla Glass Victus and IP68 water and dust resistance. /div>div idandroid classtab-content> a href/android> Android Europe img data-src classimg alignright alt - > /a> - Android OS is an Operating System that runs in most smartphones. Last version is: Oxygen os 11 (android 11) and previous versions 10, Pie 9, Oreo 8, Nougat 7, Marshmallow 6, Lollipop 5, Kitkat 4.4, Ice Cream Sandwich 4, Honeycomb 3, Gingerbread 2.3, Froyo 2.2, Eclair 2, Android 1. You can update it, setup, configure, install apps and games from the Google Play Store. /div>/div>script typetext/javascript> var ydocument.getElementsByClassName(tab-content); var n0; for (n0; n y.length ; n++) { if ( ) none; } /script>tr>td>div classgrid-container> div classgrid-item z1> a href/search.htm>div classiconc1>i classfa fa-search-plus>/i>/div> Search/a>: Phones Europe br> Phones Europe - Find smartphones in mobile phone companies and technology stores. Compare plans or packages with internet, minutes, messages, whatsapp and social networks. /div> div classgrid-item z1> a href/directory.htm>div classiconc2>i classfa fa-list>/i>/div> Directory/a>: Find Phones Europe. Phone Guide by Sections. Company Phone Numbers and Address. 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