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DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Accesorii TV & Telecomenzi/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-414> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Tehnică de birou/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-420> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Genti laptop & Accesorii/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-98> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth0 data-expandable1 > div> Accesorii de casă/div> div styleflex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse;>i classmaterial-icons tvvertical-menu-dropdown-icon right>/i>/div> /a> ul classepicmall-menu-group data-depth1> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category 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classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Unelte de curățenie & Decorațiuni/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-100> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Baie/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-101> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Gardrób/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-102> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 data-expandable1 > div> Cameră copiilor/div> div styleflex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse;>i classmaterial-icons tvvertical-menu-dropdown-icon right>/i>/div> /a> ul classepicmall-menu-group data-depth2> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-115> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Organizare/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-116> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Accesorii/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-117> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Luminile de noapte & Decorațiunile/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-118> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Sufragerie & Dormitor/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-119> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Spălare &i Curățenie/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-120> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Tehnică de securitate/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-429> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Home Office/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-431> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Produse-casnice/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-432> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Decoratiuni interioare/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-433> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Accesorii de sărbători/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-434> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Accesorii Uși & Ferestre/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-127> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth0 data-expandable1 > div> Îngrijirea frumuseții/div> div styleflex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse;>i classmaterial-icons tvvertical-menu-dropdown-icon right>/i>/div> /a> ul classepicmall-menu-group data-depth1> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-128> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 data-expandable1 > div> Makeup/div> div styleflex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse;>i classmaterial-icons tvvertical-menu-dropdown-icon right>/i>/div> /a> ul classepicmall-menu-group data-depth2> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-135> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Ochi, Față & Gură/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-137> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Unelte de machiaj/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-373> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Gene & Sprâncene/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-129> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 data-expandable1 > div> Bőr & Testápolás/div> div styleflex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse;>i classmaterial-icons tvvertical-menu-dropdown-icon right>/i>/div> /a> ul classepicmall-menu-group data-depth2> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-371> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Îngrijirea feței & Accesorii/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-374> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Anti-Age & Lifting/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-130> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Baie & Îngrijire corporală/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-131> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Îngrijirea părului & Coafarea/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-133> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 data-expandable1 > div> Instrumente & Echipamente Profesionale/div> div styleflex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse;>i classmaterial-icons tvvertical-menu-dropdown-icon right>/i>/div> /a> ul classepicmall-menu-group data-depth2> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-422> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Unghii false & Accesorii/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-423> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Extensii de gene/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-426> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Cosmetică/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-427> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Coafor & Barber/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-376> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Genți cosmetice & Organizatoare/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-377> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Îngrijirea frumuseții bărbați/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-378> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Îngrijirea urechilor & a nasului/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-379> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Îngrijirea unghiilor & a picioarelor/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-380> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Modelare corporală & SPA/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-396> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Îngrijirea orală/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-141> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth0 data-expandable1 > div> Bebeluş & Mamă/div> div styleflex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse;>i classmaterial-icons tvvertical-menu-dropdown-icon right>/i>/div> /a> ul classepicmall-menu-group data-depth1> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-142> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Accesorii & Siguranță/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-143> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Produse de igienă/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-144> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Sarcină & Maternitate/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-145> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Jocuri & Hobby/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-146> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Hrană & Adormire/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-147> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Haine viitoarele mămici/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-148> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Îmbrăcăminte bebeluși/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-149> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth0 data-expandable1 > div> Pantofi Genți & Accesorii/div> div styleflex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse;>i classmaterial-icons tvvertical-menu-dropdown-icon right>/i>/div> /a> ul classepicmall-menu-group data-depth1> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-150> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 data-expandable1 > div> Pantofi femei/div> div styleflex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse;>i classmaterial-icons tvvertical-menu-dropdown-icon right>/i>/div> /a> ul classepicmall-menu-group data-depth2> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-151> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Pantofi de stradă femei/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-152> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Pantofi sport femei/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-153> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Pantofi cu toc & Casual/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-157> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Cizme femei/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-158> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Ghete femei/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-159> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Papuci & Sandale/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-161> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Genți femei/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-169> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 data-expandable1 > div> Sepci femei/div> div styleflex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse;>i classmaterial-icons tvvertical-menu-dropdown-icon right>/i>/div> /a> ul classepicmall-menu-group data-depth2> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-170> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Căciuli toamnă & Iarnă/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-171> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Șapcă baseball/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-172> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Pălărie dama/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-173> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Căciulă de vară/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-175> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Curele femei/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-177> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 data-expandable1 > div> Pantofi bărbați/div> div styleflex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse;>i classmaterial-icons tvvertical-menu-dropdown-icon right>/i>/div> /a> ul classepicmall-menu-group data-depth2> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-178> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Pantofi de stradă bărbați/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-179> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Pantofi sport bărbați/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-180> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Pantofi casual bărbați/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-181> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Bocanci bărbați/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-182> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Pantofi de iarnă bărbați/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-184> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Papuci & Sandale/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-185> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Genți bărbați/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-195> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 data-expandable1 > div> Șepci bărbați/div> div styleflex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse;>i classmaterial-icons tvvertical-menu-dropdown-icon right>/i>/div> /a> ul classepicmall-menu-group data-depth2> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-196> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Șapcă de baseball bărbați/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-197> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Caciulă de iarnă bărbați/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-198> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Pălărie bărbați/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-199> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth2 > div> Șapcă de vară/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-201> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Curele bărbați/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-430> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Accesorii încălțăminte/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-203> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth0 data-expandable1 > div> Jocuri & Hobby/div> div styleflex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse;>i classmaterial-icons tvvertical-menu-dropdown-icon right>/i>/div> /a> ul classepicmall-menu-group data-depth1> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-204> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Jucării bebeluși/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-205> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Jucării băieți/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-206> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Jucării fete/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-415> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Echipament școlar/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> /ul> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-212> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item href data-depth0 data-expandable1 > div> Ceasuri Bijuterii & Ochelari/div> div styleflex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse;>i classmaterial-icons tvvertical-menu-dropdown-icon right>/i>/div> /a> ul classepicmall-menu-group data-depth1> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-383> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Ceasuri bărbați/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-384> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Ceasuri dama/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-385> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Ceasuri copii/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-405> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Ochelari de soare femei/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-406> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Ochelari de soare bărbați/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-407> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Ochelari de soare copii/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-410> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Ochelari de damă/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-411> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Ochelari bărbați/div> div stylewidth: 50px>/div> /a> /li> li classepicmall-menu-item-container category idcategory-412> a classepicmall-menu-item DISABLED-dropdown-item DISABLED-dropdown-submenu href data-depth1 > div> Ochelari 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path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13101 data-id-product-attribute160301> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altOchelari de lectură la modă Bărbați Sport Anti-alunecare Anti lumină albastră Stil femei Ochelari de computer de înaltă definiți loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Ochelari de lectură la modă Bărbați Sport Anti-alunecare Anti lumină.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 31,37 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13100 data-id-product-attribute160296> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src alt10 buc Perie de curățare a unghiilor din plastic pentru îndepărtarea prafului de unghii moale pentru îngrijirea unghiilor cu ung loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>10 buc Perie de curățare a unghiilor din plastic pentru îndepărtarea.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 34,32 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13099 data-id-product-attribute160287> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altBanda de rezistență din latex dur Elastic Exercițiu Forță trageri Bandă auxiliară Pilates Sala de fitness Echipament de fitness loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Banda de rezistență din latex dur Elastic Exercițiu Forță trageri.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 49,74 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13098 data-id-product-attribute160286> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src alt3 buc. 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Plăci înclinate extensibile pentru yoga, cărămizi reglabile,.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 66,51 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13097 data-id-product-attribute160277> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altOchelari retro Y2K cu ramă ovală, ochelari pentru femei, dulci, cool, ochelari de lectură, computer, anti-lumină albastră loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Ochelari retro Y2K cu ramă ovală, ochelari pentru femei, dulci, cool,.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 30,96 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13096 data-id-product-attribute160272> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altOchelari de lectură cu cadru mare anti-lumină albastră pentru ochelari, stil proaspăt și simplu loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Ochelari de lectură cu cadru mare anti-lumină albastră pentru.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 28,41 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround 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viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13094 data-id-product-attribute160261> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src alt2 perechi noi de ochelari de lectură fără montură pentru bărbați și femei, anti-lumină albastră, bifocali, departe, aproape de m loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>2 perechi noi de ochelari de lectură fără montură pentru bărbați și.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 28,83 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13093 data-id-product-attribute160247> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altOchelari de citit din titan pur de înaltă calitate pentru bărbați Ochelari pentru prezbiopie anti lumină albastră cu dioptrie + loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Ochelari de citit din titan pur de înaltă calitate pentru bărbați.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 34,71 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13092 data-id-product-attribute160238> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src alt3 buc/set acrilic cu dungi franțuzești nail art linie pix pentru pictură 3D sfaturi manichiură slim linie desen pen perii cu gel loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>3 buc/set acrilic cu dungi franțuzești nail art linie pix pentru.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 31,59 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13091 data-id-product-attribute160218> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altPensule negre pentru căptușeală pentru arta unghiilor, 5 mărimi, pix pentru pictura pentru unghii / 8/12/20/25 mm, instrument de loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Pensule negre pentru căptușeală pentru arta unghiilor, 5 mărimi, pix.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 34,80 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13090 data-id-product-attribute160207> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altCapete de burete de înlocuire pentru unghii, gel, perie cu gradient de culoare, pudră cu sclipici, pix pentru accesorii pentru m loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Capete de burete de înlocuire pentru unghii, gel, perie cu gradient de.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 31,24 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13089 data-id-product-attribute160205> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altLipici pentru unghii Pix pentru fototerapie Pen gel perie UV Pen acrilic Nail Art Pictură Desen Liner Pensule Manichiură Profess loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Lipici pentru unghii Pix pentru fototerapie Pen gel perie UV Pen.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 30,10 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13088 data-id-product-attribute160191> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altOchelari de lectură TR90 de modă pentru bărbați Ochelari de sport pentru picior de primăvară Ochelari pentru prezbiopie Ochelari loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Ochelari de lectură TR90 de modă pentru bărbați Ochelari de sport.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 30,83 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13087 data-id-product-attribute160168> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src alt2 perechi noi de ochelari de lectură fără montură pentru bărbați și femei, anti-lumină albastră, bifocali, departe, aproape de m loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>2 perechi noi de ochelari de lectură fără montură pentru bărbați și.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 37,22 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13086 data-id-product-attribute160166> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altLipici pentru unghii Pix pentru fototerapie Pen gel perie UV Pen acrilic Nail Art Pictură Desen Liner Pensule Manichiură Profess loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Lipici pentru unghii Pix pentru fototerapie Pen gel perie UV Pen.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 29,92 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround 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height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13084 data-id-product-attribute160158> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altOchelari de lectură Ultraușori Anti-Raze Albastre Ochelari pentru prezbiție Hipermetropie Ochelari Cititoare +1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3, loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Ochelari de lectură Ultraușori Anti-Raze Albastre Ochelari pentru.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 28,95 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13083 data-id-product-attribute160153> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altBărbați și femei ochelari retro rotunzi anti-lumină albastră pentru computer, jocuri de lectură și joc, protecție pentru ochi 20 loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Bărbați și femei ochelari retro rotunzi anti-lumină albastră pentru.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 27,01 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13082 data-id-product-attribute160152> div classthumbnail-top flex 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6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13081 data-id-product-attribute160148> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altECube Moyu Cubing Classroom Meilong 3/3C 3x3 Magic fără autocolante 3 straturi Speed Magic Cube Jucării puzzle profesionale pe loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>ECube Moyu Cubing Classroom Meilong 3/3C 3x3 Magic fără autocolante.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 34,80 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13080 data-id-product-attribute160146> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altUlei esențial de turmeric Ulei pentru masaj facial pentru corp Difuzor hidratant Aromaterapie Iluminare Netezire Corp Față Îngri loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Ulei esențial de turmeric Ulei pentru masaj facial pentru corp Difuzor.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 40,39 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13079 data-id-product-attribute160145> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altSPF50+ Cremă solară Coreeană Orez Probiotic Blocant solar Cremă de albire a pielii Anti UV Bloc solar Cremă hidratantă ușoară pe loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>SPF50+ Cremă solară Coreeană Orez Probiotic Blocant solar Cremă de.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 30,77 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13078 data-id-product-attribute160137> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altBreloc pentru unghii cu lanț de cristal de lux, lungime 100/50 cm, 1,5/2 mm, strălucitor, transparent/AB diamant, metal, oțel, c loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Breloc pentru unghii cu lanț de cristal de lux, lungime 100/50 cm,.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 31,54 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13077 data-id-product-attribute160135> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src alt30 buc/pachet Autocolante anti-sforăit Noapte Somn Buze Naz Îmbunătățirea Respirației Plasture Corectare gura Autocolant Bandă loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>30 buc/pachet Autocolante anti-sforăit Noapte Somn Buze Naz.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 29,71 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13076 data-id-product-attribute160132> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src alt300/200/100 buc Benzi nazale pentru respirație Ajutor corect pentru a opri sforăitul Plasture pentru nas Bun Produs de plasture loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>300/200/100 buc Benzi nazale pentru respirație Ajutor corect pentru a.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 139,48 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround 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viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13074 data-id-product-attribute160115> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altCutie de depozitare pliculețe de ceai cu 1 sertar Sertar de depozitare pentru bucătărie, dulap cutie de depozitare pentru blat, loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Cutie de depozitare pliculețe de ceai cu 1 sertar Sertar de depozitare.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 78,84 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13073 data-id-product-attribute160113> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altJucărie de pluș Super Sonic de 30 cm Ariciul Amy Rose Knuckles Tails Drăguț de desene animate păpușă moale de pluș Cadou de zi d loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Jucărie de pluș Super Sonic de 30 cm Ariciul Amy Rose Knuckles Tails.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 66,07 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13072 data-id-product-attribute160106> div classthumbnail-top flex 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3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13071 data-id-product-attribute160071> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altTampă lavabilă reutilizabilă pentru pipi pentru animale de companie - Tampă de dresaj pentru câini impermeabilă cu patru stratur loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Tampă lavabilă reutilizabilă pentru pipi pentru animale de companie -.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 54,25 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13070 data-id-product-attribute160047> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altPapuci cu rechin din desene animate pentru femei, bărbați, tobogane pentru baie pentru interior, cuplu de vară, pantofi plat de loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Papuci cu rechin din desene animate pentru femei, bărbați, tobogane.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 56,75 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13069 data-id-product-attribute160044> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altAjutor de somn CES portabil Dispozitiv de puls EMS cu microcurent Hipnoza Insomnie Stres mental Reducerea presiunii Anxietate El loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> 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stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13068 data-id-product-attribute159996> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altNou stil papuci rechin femei vară drăguț șlapi EVA bărbați anti-alunecare tobogane în aer liber fete băieți pantofi de plajă san loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Nou stil papuci rechin femei vară drăguț șlapi EVA bărbați.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 64,37 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13067 data-id-product-attribute159990> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altDispozitiv magnetic anti sforăit Opriți sforăitul Agrafă pentru nas Respirare ușoară Îmbunătățirea somnului Dispozitiv de protec loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Dispozitiv magnetic anti sforăit Opriți sforăitul Agrafă pentru nas.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 34,33 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13066 data-id-product-attribute159984> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altAnti sforăit corector fierbinte Gadget de prevenire a sforăitului Bărbați Femei Dispozitiv anti-sforăit Eliminarea sforăit Agraf loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Anti sforăit corector fierbinte Gadget de prevenire a sforăitului.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 39,13 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround 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width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13064 data-id-product-attribute159978> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altGeantă pentru bicicletă 1L Cadru Tub frontal Geantă pentru bicicletă Ghidon Mtb Ecran tactil Geanta pentru ciclism Suport telefo loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Geantă pentru bicicletă 1L Cadru Tub frontal Geantă pentru bicicletă.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 46,03 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13063 data-id-product-attribute159976> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altLumină de noapte cu LED, drăguț iepure, animal din desene animate, lampă din silicon, reglabilă, reîncărcabilă prin USB, pentru loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Lumină de noapte cu LED, drăguț iepure, animal din desene animate,.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 100,79 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13062 data-id-product-attribute159975> div 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5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13061 data-id-product-attribute159852> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altCarte Pokemon Magic Shark Pikachu Charizard Mewtwo Autocolant de acoperire a pielii cu film frontal pentru card de credit de deb loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Carte Pokemon Magic Shark Pikachu Charizard Mewtwo Autocolant de.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 37,64 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13060 data-id-product-attribute159850> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altDispozitiv anti sforăit pentru oprirea sforăitului Clip de nas pentru îmbunătățirea ușoară a respirației Asistență în somn Apnee loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Dispozitiv anti sforăit pentru oprirea sforăitului Clip de nas pentru.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 30,55 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13059 data-id-product-attribute159848> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altMl Legends Spiderman Web Shooters Jucării Spider Man Wrist Launcher Cosplay Peter Parker Accesorii Recuzită Mănuși pentru copii loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> 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content>Mocasini din piele pentru bărbați Pantofi de mers anti-alunecare,.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 80,15 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor 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/div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 40,53 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13056 data-id-product-attribute159709> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src alt5 buc/lot 21 de culori Inel O din metal Închidere cu arc, carabinier rotund, care se poate deschide, agrafe pentru breloc, cârli loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>5 buc/lot 21 de culori Inel O din metal Închidere cu arc, carabinier.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div 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href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path fillcurrentColor dm12.1 18.55l-.1.1l-.11-.1C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5c1.54 0 3.04 1 3.57 2.36h1.86C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5c2 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5c0 2.89-3.14 5.74-7.9 10.05M16.5 3c-1.74 0-3.41.81-4.5 2.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5c0 3.77 3.4 6.86 8.55 11.53L12 21.35l1.45-1.32C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3> /path> /svg> /a> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 512 512> circle cx176 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> circle cx400 cy416 r16 fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM48 80h64l48 272h256 /> path fillnone strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width32 dM160 288h249.44a8 8 0 0 0 7.85-6.43l28.8-144a8 8 0 0 0-7.85-9.57H128 /> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div> /article> article classproduct-miniature js-product-miniature js-product product flex flex-col data-id-product13054 data-id-product-attribute159594> div classthumbnail-top flex rounded-10px> a href classthumbnail product-thumbnail flex grow> picture classflex grow> img classgrow w-full src altBărbați Sport Alergare Negri Pantofi de jogging Pantofi ocazional Maro în aer liber Respirabil Plasă Negru Lejer Tenis În aer li loadinglazy data-full-size-image-url /> /picture> /a> /div> div classproduct-description> h3 classh3 product-title>a href content>Bărbați Sport Alergare Negri Pantofi de jogging Pantofi ocazional Maro.../a> /h3> /div> div classflex grow-3 flex-col justify-end> div classproduct-price-and-shipping> div classflex justify-center items-center gap-25px> span classprice aria-labelPret> 98,45 lei /span> a href> svg classblock stylecolor: #000 xmlns width1rem height1rem viewBox0 0 24 24> path 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idlink-cms-page-7-4 classcms-page-link href titleNotificare privind confidențialitatea-GDPR classtext-danger> Notificare privind confidențialitatea-GDPR /a> /li> /ul>div classflex grow justify-center pb-25px stylefont-size: 13px;> © 2025 - WOLLOW DMS EUROPE /div> /footer> template idpassword-feedback> div classpassword-strength-feedback mt-1 styledisplay: none; > div classprogress-container> div classprogress mb-1> div classprogress-bar roleprogressbar value50 aria-valuemin0 aria-valuemax100>/div> /div> /div> script typetext/javascript classjs-hint-password> {0:Foarte slaba,1:Slaba,2:Medie,3:Puternica,4:Foarte puternica,Straight rows of keys are easy to guess:Parolele create prin apasari de taste consecutive sunt usor de ghicit,Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess:Parolele compuse din sabloane scurte de taste sunt u\u0219or de ghicit,Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns:Utilizeaza un sablon mai lung de taste, cu mai multe schimbari,Repeats like \aaa\ are easy to guess:Repetari ca \aaa\ sunt usor de ghicit,Repeats like \abcabcabc\ are only slightly harder to guess than \abc\:Repetari ca \abcabcabc\ sunt doar cu putin mai greu de ghicit decat \abc\,Sequences like abc or 6543 are easy to guess:Secvente ca \abc\ sau \6543\ sunt prea usor de ghicit,Recent years are easy to guess:Anii recenti sunt usor de ghicit,Dates are often easy to guess:Datele sunt adesea usor de ghicit,This is a top-10 common password:Aceasta parola este una dintre cele mai folosite zece parole,This is a top-100 common password:Aceasta parola este una dintre cele mai folosite o suta de parole,This is a very common password:Aceasta este o parola foarte des intalnita,This is similar to a commonly used password:Aceasta este similara cu o parola folosita in mod obisnuit,A word by itself is easy to guess:Un cuvant izolat este usor de ghicit,Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess:Numele si prenumele izolate sunt usor de ghicit,Common names and surnames are easy to guess:Prenumele si numele comune sunt usor de ghicit,Use a few words, avoid common phrases:Foloseste cateva cuvinte evitand expresiile comune,No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters:Nu este nevoie de simboluri, cifre sau majuscule,Avoid repeated words and characters:Evita caractere sau cuvinte repetate,Avoid sequences:Evita secventele,Avoid recent years:Evita anii recenti,Avoid years that are associated with you:Evita anii care pot fi asociati cu tine,Avoid dates and years that are associated with you:Evita anii si datele care pot fi asociate cu tine,Capitalization doesnt help very much:Folosirea majusculelor nu ajut\u0103 foarte mult,All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase:Parolele compuse numai din majuscule sunt aproape la fel de usor de ghicit ca cele compuse numai din minuscule,Reversed words arent much harder to guess:Cuvintele scrise invers nu sunt cu mult mai greu de ghicit,Predictable substitutions like @ instead of a dont help very much:Substituirile previzibile, ca \@\ \u00een loc de \a\, nu sunt foarte utile,Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better.:Adauga inca un cuvant sau doua. Cuvintele neobi\u0219nuite sunt mai bune.} /script> div classpassword-strength-text>/div> div classpassword-requirements> p classpassword-requirements-length data-translationIntrodu o parola ce contine intre %s si %s caractere> i classmaterial-icons>check_circle/i> span>/span> /p> p classpassword-requirements-score data-translationScorul de securitate trebuie sa fie cel putin: %s> i classmaterial-icons>check_circle/i> span>/span> /p> /div> /div>/template> script typetext/javascript src >/script> /body>/html>
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