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HTTP/1.1 200 OKCache-Control: privateContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319Set-Cookie: .ASPXANONYMOUSfetSSfun2wEkAAAANzgyOTViZmItNTM2MS00OGY3LWE1NzMtY2JhMDk5ODUwNTc40; expiresMon, 07-Apr-2025 20:26:04 GMT; path/; HttpOnlySet-Cookie: DotNetNukeAnonymous4e2e4cae-d20b-4535-8f4e-4a0e88bd3ac9; expiresTue, 28-Jan-2025 10:06:04 GMT; path/; HttpOnlySet-Cookie: ASP.NET_SessionIdzhywhjma4r53qfqgt3k0psjx; path/; HttpOnly; SameSiteLaxSet-Cookie: languageen-US; path/; HttpOnlySet-Cookie: shopperID; expiresWed, 28-Jan-2026 05:00:00 GMT; path/; HttpOnlyX-Powered-By: ASP.NETAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, AcceptDate: Tue, 28 Jan 2025 09:46:04 GMTContent-Length: 35474 !DOCTYPE HTML>html langen-US>head idHead>meta idMetaDescription nameDESCRIPTION contenteMover Software is a professional moving software designed for the needs of your moving company. For over 30 years, we’ve been the software that moves the moving industry. />meta idMetaKeywords nameKEYWORDS contentmoving company software,moving software, software for movers, software for moving company, software for moving companies, move software, software for move, software for moving, software for storage, software for moving and storage, software for international moving, moving lead manager, browser based moving software,lead grabber, movers CRM, paperless for movers, movers dispatch, movers estimate tool />meta idMetaCopyright nameCOPYRIGHT contentCopyright 1997-2019 by Freed of Downtown, Inc. />meta idMetaAuthor nameAUTHOR contenteMover- Software for Moving Companies />meta nameRESOURCE-TYPE contentDOCUMENT />meta nameDISTRIBUTION contentGLOBAL />meta nameROBOTS contentINDEX, FOLLOW />meta nameREVISIT-AFTER content1 DAYS />meta nameRATING contentGENERAL />meta http-equivPAGE-ENTER contentRevealTrans(Duration0,Transition1) />meta nameviewport contentuser-scalableno, 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/>script src/js/dnncore.js typetext/javascript>/script>script src/Portals/_default/Skins/DNN-Gray/script.js typetext/javascript>/script>input typehidden name__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR id__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR valueCA0B0334 /> link href/Portals/_default/Skins/DNN-Gray/css/jquery-ui.css relstylesheet />link href/Portals/_default/Skins/DNN-Gray/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css relstylesheet />link relstylesheet href/Portals/_default/Skins/DNN-Gray/fonts/Proxima Nova/proxima-nova.css>link href/Portals/_default/Skins/DNN-Gray/css/jquery.fancybox.css relstylesheet />link href/Portals/_default/Skins/DNN-Gray/css/swiper.css relstylesheet />link href/Portals/_default/Skins/DNN-Gray/css/style.css relstylesheet />link href/Portals/_default/Skins/DNN-Gray/css/skin.css relstylesheet />link relstylesheet href>link href/Portals/_default/Skins/DNN-Gray/css/animate-own.css relstylesheet />link href/Portals/_default/Skins/DNN-Gray/css/animate.css relstylesheet />div iddnn_ControlPanel valigntop aligncenter>/div>header classheader> div classnavbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top nav-custom> div classmylogo> a href> img src/portals/0/logo.png />/a> div classwr_menu> div classpull>/div> ul classmenu>li>a href>Schedule Demo/a>/li>li>a href>Pricing/a>/li>li>a href>About Us/a>/li>li>a href>Manual/a>/li>li>a href>FAQ/a>/li>li>a href>Blog/a>/li>li> a iddnn_ArtMenu1_dnnLogin_cmdLogin hrefjavascript:__doPostBack('dnn$ArtMenu1$dnnLogin$cmdLogin','')>span classl>/span>span classr>/span>span classt>Login/span>/a> /li>li> /li>/ul>/div>/div> /div> /div> /div>/header>div iddnn_loginPane classlogin>/div>div classmain-content> div classparallax> div idgroup1 classparallax__group> div classcontainer parallax__layer--base> div iddnn_slider>a name6421>/a>span iddnn_ctr6421_ContentPane classDNNAlignleft>!-- Start_Module_6421 -->div iddnn_ctr6421_ModuleContent> div iddnn_ctr6421_HtmlModule_lblContent classNormal> div classrow>div classcol-lg-12>div classcarousel-custom>div idmyCarousel classcarousel slide data-ridecarousel data-interval4000>!-- Indicators -->ol classcarousel-indicators> li data-target#myCarousel data-slide-to0 classactive> /li> li data-target#myCarousel data-slide-to1> /li> li data-target#myCarousel data-slide-to2> /li> li data-target#myCarousel data-slide-to3> /li> li data-target#myCarousel data-slide-to4> /li> li data-target#myCarousel data-slide-to5> /li>/ol>!-- Wrapper for slides -->div classcarousel-inner>div classitem active>div classrow>div classtext-block col-lg-6 col-lg-push-1>div classheader animated fadeInLeft1 slow>eMover helps your Moving Company rise above your competitors by utilizing latest trends in software development. /div>div classdescription animated showIn slower>eMover is a cloud-based moving software that works on any computer, tablet or />br />With eMover, you get free hands-on training and />br />eMover is a powerful moving company software with everything you need to help you run a profitable moving company./div>div onclickopenVideo($(this),Creating New Lead - Video, classbtn animated showIn>span classanimated zoomIn slowest>Creating New Lead - Video/span>/div>/div>div classimage-block col-lg-4 col-lg-push-1 animated fadeInRight1 slow>img src altCreating new moving lead />/div>/div>/div>div classitem>div classtext-block col-lg-6 col-lg-push-1>div classheader animated fadeInLeft1 slow>Lead search and sort is an easy yet powerful search system for your moving company leads/div>div classdescription animated showIn slower>You can find any or all leads based on many type of parameters including date of move, type of move, origin and destination of move, source, sales person etc./div>div onclickopenVideo($(this),Lead Search - Video, classbtn animated showIn>span classanimated zoomIn slowest>Lead Search - Video/span>/div>/div>div classimage-block col-lg-4 col-lg-push-1 animated fadeInRight1 slow>img src altmoving lead search />/div>/div>div classitem>div classtext-block col-lg-6 col-lg-push-1>div classheader animated fadeInLeft1 slow>Moving jobs and estimates Calendar/div>div classsub-header animated fadeInLeft1 slow>- the heart of any moving company software that allow to view all your jobs, onsite estimates appointments and follow-ups on different calendar. Sync with Google Calendar/div>div onclickopenVideo($(this),Calendar - Video, classbtn animated showIn>span classanimated zoomIn slowest>Calendar - Video/span>/div>/div>div classimage-block col-lg-4 col-lg-push-1 animated fadeInRight1 slow>img src altMoving jobs calendar />/div>/div>div classitem>div classtext-block col-lg-6 col-lg-push-1>div classheader animated fadeInLeft1 slow>Dispatch module - /div>div classsub-header animated fadeInLeft1 slow>Our moving company dispatch software is built with a graphical drag and drop jobs module for easy dispatching of trucks and crews./div>div onclickopenVideo($(this),Dispatch - Video, class btn animated showIn>span classanimated zoomIn slowest>Dispatch - Video/span>/div>/div>div classimage-block col-lg-4 col-lg-push-1 animated fadeInRight1 slow>img src altmoving dispatch />/div>/div>div classitem>div classtext-block col-lg-6 col-lg-push-1>div classheader animated fadeInLeft1 slow>Mobile estimator software/div>div classsub-header animated fadeInLeft1 slow>Onsite Mobile Estimator/div>div classdescription animated showIn slower>Invaluable software tool for moving company is home visual estimate app that works on IPad or Android tablets./div>div classcoming-soon onclickopenVideo($(this),Play video,>span classanimated zoomIn slowest>Mobile Estimator - Video/span>/div>/div>div classimage-block col-lg-4 col-lg-push-1 animated fadeInRight1 slow>img src altmobile moving estimator />/div>/div>div classitem>div classtext-block col-lg-6 col-lg-push-1>div classheader animated fadeInLeft1 slow>Field Manager - the tool that moving company software must have - /div>div classsub-header animated fadeInLeft1 slow>Mobile App for foremen in the field/div>div classdescription animated showIn slower>Your foremen can get instant job information on their phones, view or modify locations, charges and time, collect signatures on bill of lading or other documents that every moving company is usting as well a charge a credit card/div>div classcoming-soon onclickopenVideo($(this),Calendar - Video,>span classanimated zoomIn slowest>Calendar - Video/span>/div>/div>div classimage-block col-lg-4 col-lg-push-1 animated fadeInRight1 slow>img src/Portals/0/field manager.png altMoving jobs calendar width300 height305 />/div>/div>/div>!-- Left and right controls -->a classleft carousel-control href#myCarousel data-slideprev> span classsr-only>Previous/span> /a> a classright carousel-control href#myCarousel data-slidenext> span classsr-only>Next/span> /a>/div>/div>/div>/div> /div>!-- End_Module_6421 -->/div>/span>/div> div iddnn_items>a name6422>/a>span iddnn_ctr6422_ContentPane classDNNAlignleft>!-- Start_Module_6422 -->div iddnn_ctr6422_ModuleContent> div iddnn_ctr6422_HtmlModule_lblContent classNormal> div classrow pre> div classcol-lg-3> div classpre-item> div classimage-block>img src/Portals/0/images/electronic-signature.png alt />/div> div classheader>Paperless!/div> div classdescription>span >Our moving software is entirely paperless! Customers can sign proposals online or on the spot on a mobile device with Estimator Or Foreman App/span>/div> a hrefElectronicSignature>More information/a>/div> /div> div classcol-lg-3> div classpre-item> div classimage-block>img src/Portals/0/images/texting.png alt />/div> div classheader>Texting from application/div> div classdescription>Send and receive text messages directly from the software. Sent estimate via text, get move.../div> a hrefsendandreceivetext>More information/a>/div> /div> div classcol-lg-3> div classpre-item> div classimage-block>img src/Portals/0/images/soft-phone.jpg alt />/div> div classheader>Make and receive phone calls/div> div classdescription>Automatically dial customer phone number as soon as lead arrives to eMover software. Click to call from.../div> a hrefmakeandreceivephonecalls>More information/a>/div> /div> div classcol-lg-3> div classpre-item> div classimage-block>img src/Portals/0/images/fleet.jpg alt />/div> div classheader>Fleet management/div> div classdescription>View where all your trucks are at any moment of time directly in the company software system/div> a hreffleetmanagement>More information/a>/div> /div> /div> /div>!-- End_Module_6422 -->/div>/span>/div> /div> /div> div iddnn_main> a name6423>/a>span iddnn_ctr6423_ContentPane classDNNAlignleft>!-- Start_Module_6423 -->div iddnn_ctr6423_ModuleContent> div iddnn_ctr6423_HtmlModule_lblContent classNormal> div idgroup2 classparallax__group pg>div classparallax__layer parallax__layer--base>div classsoftware-desc container>div classparallax-block>div classheader animated fadeInUp slower>eMover - the only moving company software youll ever need/div>div classrow>div classcol-lg-6>div classdescription animated fadeInUp slower>span stylecolor: rgb(255, 255, 255);>span stylefont-size: medium;>span stylefont-family: "Helvetica Neue";>eMover is a cloud-based software for moving companies that is entirely online. The only thing youll need is a high-speed Internet connection and your favorite browser (Chrome or Safari works best). No additional installation or downloads are required. There are no out-of-pocket expenses — just easy monthly payments. No installation fee, no cancellation fee, no prepayment, no strings attached. Setup takes a couple of minutes and is as easy as checking your email. The software does not require special training, however, our support team is always here to answer any of your questions. /span>/span>/span>/div>div classrow>div classcol-lg-6 description1 animated fadeInLeft slower>span>25 years/span> providing software for moving companies/div>div classcol-lg-6 see-pricing animated showIn slower>a hrefpricing>See pricing/a>/div>div classcol-lg-12 more-info animated showIn slower>a hrefscheduledemo>More information/a>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classparallax__layer parallax__layer--back>div classparallax-img> /div>/div>/div> /div>!-- End_Module_6423 -->/div>/span>/div> div iddnn_features> a name7086>/a>span iddnn_ctr7086_ContentPane classDNNAlignleft>!-- Start_Module_7086 -->div iddnn_ctr7086_ModuleContent> div iddnn_ctr7086_HtmlModule_lblContent classNormal> p>br /> /p> p> /p> p> /p> p> /p> p> /p> div classcontainer parallax__layer--base> div classfeatures> div classrow> p> /p> p> /p> p> /p> p> /p> p> /p> p> /p> div classcol-lg-12 header>GROW YOUR MOVING COMPANY WITH OUR SOFTWARE/div> div classcol-lg-12 item> div classrow>br />Moving software is an excellent investment for any sized moving and storage business looking to grow their company, optimize workflow and connect to new clients. With affordable pricing and customizable features, your moving company will be able to focus on what really matters: />br />Use our software to instantly produce attractive letters to follow up with your clients. From leads, to estimates, to moving days, your clients will get friendly reminders about booking their move. These sorts of follow ups can improve the likelihood that an interested customer books your company today and comes back in the future. You can build high quality letters through our letter designer and send them out manually or />br />Our moving software offers free commercial vehicle driving directions. Basic map services like Google Maps are simply not always good enough when it comes to routing moving trucks, and are often unaware of restrictions that some roads may impose on moving trucks. However, with eMover Software, your trucks will never have any trouble finding the right />br />br />Our advanced estimation tools are ideal for any onsite estimator. Through their mobile device or tablet, our estimating software can easily produce cube sheets and estimates, as well as upload photos to take inventory. Moreover, our estimation software can produce documents instantly so your customers can sign off on any necessary documentation right on the spot. With our sophisticated document signing technology, you’ll never need to own a pen />br />eMover Software is always innovating. We are constantly rolling out new features, and can even add features specifically catered to your business./div> div classrow> /div> div classrow> /div> div classrow> /div> p> /p> p> /p> p> /p> p> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>!-- End_Module_7086 -->/div>/span>a name6424>/a>span iddnn_ctr6424_ContentPane classDNNAlignleft>!-- Start_Module_6424 -->div iddnn_ctr6424_ModuleContent> div iddnn_ctr6424_HtmlModule_lblContent classNormal> p> /p> p> /p> p> /p> p> /p> p> /p> p> /p> p> /p> p> /p> div classcontainer parallax__layer--base> div classfeatures> div classrow>br /> br /> br /> div classcol-lg-12 header>MAIN FEATURES OF EMOVER SOFTWARE/div> div classcol-lg-12 item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-1 item-number>span>01/span>/div> div classcol-lg-8 item-desc>A CRM module to manage all your leads, whether they are manually entered, submitted from lead providers or taken from your websites lead form./div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12 item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-1 item-number>span>02/span>/div> div classcol-lg-8 item-desc>Our moving software is auto-complete enabled to quickly enter customers addresses and view location images to instantly get moving truck specific driving directions and distance./div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12 item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-1 item-number>span>03/span>/div> div classcol-lg-8 item-desc>Advanced job hours calculation engine to instantly calculate your job estimate. Configure our moving software to offer your clients accurate on-the-spot and online estimates. /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12 item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-1 item-number>span>04/span>/div> div classcol-lg-8 item-desc>Rich letter designer to give you an unlimited array of appealing letters that can be sent automatically or manually to follow up with your customers./div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12 item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-1 item-number>span>05/span>/div> div classcol-lg-8 item-desc>Document creator to create and print any documents including Bill of Lading, Order for Service or any other document that moving company is using./div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12 item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-1 item-number>span>06/span>/div> div classcol-lg-8 item-desc>The eMover mobile app is perfect for easy onsite estimates. With our mobile app, all moving company customers can sign documents electronically and automatically save them to the customer file./div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12 item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-1 item-number>span>07/span>/div> div classcol-lg-8 item-desc>Sophisticated dispatch module to drag and drop jobs to your moving crew./div> /div> /div> div idfeatures classcollapse collapse-speed> div classcol-lg-12 item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-1 item-number>span>08/span>/div> div classcol-lg-8 item-desc>The built-in calendar functions as the heart of any moving company software. This is where you’ll view all your jobs, onsite estimates appointments and follow-ups. You can even sync with Google Calendar/div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12 item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-1 item-number>span>09/span>/div> div classcol-lg-8 item-desc>Mobile Estimator to make your onsite survey fast and accurate./div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12 item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-1 item-number>span>10/span>/div> div classcol-lg-8 item-desc>Payroll module to automatically calculate the salary and commissions for your workers and sales persons./div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12 item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-1 item-number>span>11/span>/div> div classcol-lg-8 item-desc>Long Distance Dispatch module to create and manage long distance trips./div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12 item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-1 item-number>span>12/span>/div> div classcol-lg-8 item-desc>International Module to create international moving jobs and shipments./div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12 item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-1 item-number>span>13/span>/div> div classcol-lg-8 item-desc>Storage Module to give you full storage management and accounting, including recurring credit card charging of your storage customers/div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12 item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-1 item-number>span>14/span>/div> div classcol-lg-8 item-desc>Report Wizard to create any data reports./div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12 item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-1 item-number> div>span>15/span>/div> /div> div classcol-lg-8 item-desc>Send and receive text messages right from the program! Send quotes and link to inventory system via text messages automatically as soos as the lead arrives!/div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12 item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-1 item-number> div>span>16/span>/div> /div> div classcol-lg-8 item-desc>Phone System integration and Auto Dialer! Click to call customer phone number, record to CRM log duration and status of the call and automatically dial customer as soon as the lead arrives!/div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12 item> div classrow> div classcol-lg-1 item-number> div>span>17/span>/div> /div> div classcol-lg-8 item-desc>Have customer estimate and book the move without calling! Right from your site!/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> p> /p> /div>!-- End_Module_6424 -->/div>/span>a name6425>/a>span iddnn_ctr6425_ContentPane classDNNAlignleft>!-- Start_Module_6425 -->div iddnn_ctr6425_ModuleContent> div iddnn_ctr6425_HtmlModule_lblContent classNormal> div idgroup4 classparallax__group> div classcontainer parallax__layer--base> div classtestimonials> div classrow> div classcol-lg-10 col-lg-push-2 header animated fadeInUp slower>MOVING SOFTWARE REVIEWS AND TESTIMONIALS/div> div classcol-lg-12> div classcarousel-custom carousel-custom1> div idcarousel2 classcarousel slide data-ridecarousel data-interval5000>!-- Wrapper for slides --> div classcarousel-inner> div classitem active> div classrow> div classtext-block col-lg-10 col-lg-push-1> div classquote>span classopen>“/span> span classtext> Our moving company was looking for the software to operate for years. We were trying different moving software packages but finally we found eMover software. This is very advanced and user friendly software that satisfied all the needs we need to run our moving company. /span> span classcl>„/span>/div> div classauthor animated fadeInUp slower>ALEX JACOBS/div> div classcompany animated fadeInUp slower>Vista Moving/div> /div> /div> /div> div classitem> div classrow> div classtext-block col-lg-10 col-lg-push-1> div classquote>span classopen>“/span> span classtext> eMover worked alongside us to modify functionality that could suit our needs, as well help implement customization through our suggestions. One of the easiest programs to navigate and teach to new users. There is a wealth of other options available to help us as we expand and change our business in order to keep up to date with new technology. /span> span classcl>„/span>/div> div classauthor animated fadeInUp slower>PHILIP CHIAROVANO/div> div classcompany animated fadeInUp slower>Sher-Del Transfer & Relocation Services Inc./div> /div> /div> /div> div classitem> div classrow> div classtext-block col-lg-10 col-lg-push-1> div classquote>span classopen>“/span> span classtext> Very simple and easy to use. Has all the functions for sales, dispatch, accounting, crm, report tools, scheduling, lead providers. Good for small and large moving and storage companies. Customer service is fantastic and always available /span> span classcl>„/span>/div> div classauthor animated fadeInUp slower>M ALHANATY/div> div classcompany animated fadeInUp slower>Moishes Moving/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Left and right controls --> a classleft carousel-control href#carousel2 data-slideprev> span classsr-only>Previous/span> /a> a classright carousel-control href#carousel2 data-slidenext> span classsr-only>Next/span> /a>/div> div classsee-testimonials animated fadeInUp slower>a href# classsee-testimonials animated fadeInUp slower>See all testimonials/a>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>!-- End_Module_6425 -->/div>/span>/div> div iddnn_testimonials> /div> /div>/div>div classfooter> div classconteiner> div classcreate> span iddnn_dnnCOPYRIGHT_lblCopyright classSkinObject>Copyright 1997-2019 by Freed of Downtown, Inc./span> a iddnn_dnnTERMS_hypTerms classSkinObject href>Terms Of Use/a> a iddnn_dnnPRIVACY_hypPrivacy classSkinObject href>Privacy Statement/a> /div> span idss_img_wrapper_115-55_image_en>a href target_blank titleSSL Certificates> img altWildcard SSL Certificates border0 idss_img src// titleSSL Certificate>/a>/span>script typetext/javascript src//>/script> div classclearfix>/div> script src// typetext/javascript> lang: en_US/script> script typeIN/FollowCompany data-id5189405>/script> a href classtwitter-follow-button data-langen data-show-countfalse>Follow @emoversoftware/a> script async src//>/script> !--- Secure Site Seal - DO NOT EDIT ---> !--- Secure Site Seal - DO NOT EDIT ---> /div>/div>div idmyModal classmodal fade> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content> div classmodal-header> button typebutton classclose data-dismissmodal aria-hiddentrue>×/button> h4 idvideoTitle classmodal-title>/h4> /div> div classmodal-body> iframe iddemoVideo width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowfullscreen>/iframe> /div> /div> /div>/div>script src/Portals/_default/Skins/DNN-Gray/js/jquery.js>/script>script src/Portals/_default/Skins/DNN-Gray/js/jquery-ui.custom.min.js>/script>script src/Portals/_default/Skins/DNN-Gray/js/jquery.arcticmodal-0.3.min.js>/script>script src/Portals/_default/Skins/DNN-Gray/js/jquery.fancybox-media.js>/script>script src/Portals/_default/Skins/DNN-Gray/js/jquery.fancybox.js>/script>script src/Portals/_default/Skins/DNN-Gray/js/jquery.fancybox.pack.js>/script>script src/Portals/_default/Skins/DNN-Gray/js/jquery.maskedinput-1.2.2.js>/script>script src/Portals/_default/Skins/DNN-Gray/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js>/script>script src/Portals/_default/Skins/DNN-Gray/js/swiper.js>/script>script src/Portals/_default/Skins/DNN-Gray/js/scripts.js>/script>script> var url; $(document).ready(function () { $(.nav a).on(click, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(; $(this).parent().addClass(active); }); $(.parallax).scroll(Animation); $(#dnn_ArtMenu1_dnnLogin_cmdLogin .r).addClass(glyphicon).addClass(glyphicon-user) function Animation() { $(.software-desc:visible).find(.header).addClass(animated fadeInUp slower); $(.software-desc:visible).find(.description).addClass(animated fadeInUp slower); $(.software-desc:visible).find(.description1).addClass(animated fadeInLeft slower); $(.software-desc:visible).find(.see-pricing).addClass(animated showIn slower); $(.software-desc:visible).find(.more-info).addClass(animated showIn slower); $(.testimonials:visible).find(.header).addClass(animated fadeInUp slower); $(.testimonials:visible).find(.author).addClass(animated fadeInUp slower); $(.testimonials:visible).find(.company).addClass(animated fadeInUp slower); $(.testimonials:visible).find(.see-testimonials).addClass(animated fadeInUp slower); } //$(#myModal).on(, function () { // $(#demoVideo).attr(src, ); //}); ///* Assign the initially stored url back to the iframe src //attribute when modal is displayed again */ //$(#myModal).on(, function () { // $(#demoVideo).attr(src, url); //}); });/script>div iddnn_ContentPane classconteiner>/div> input nameScrollTop typehidden idScrollTop /> input name__dnnVariable typehidden id__dnnVariable /> /form> script typetext/javascript> var gaJsHost ((https: document.location.protocol) ? https://ssl. : http://www.); document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src + gaJsHost + typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E)); /script> script typetext/javascript> try { var pageTracker _gat._getTracker(UA-512633-1); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch (err) { }/script>/body>/html>
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