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top:0; visibility: hidden; display: none;> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/5524.png alt“There is no grief like the grief that does not speak” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow title styleleft:107px;top:554px;width:746px;height:116px;/> /div> div classxr_txt Normal_text xr_s0 styleposition: absolute; left:13px; top:4944px; width:68px; height:10px;> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 0px; top: -14.96px;>Follow Us: /span> /div> div classxr_txt Normal_text xr_s0 styleposition: absolute; left:20px; top:5280px; width:466px; height:10px;> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 0px; top: -14.96px;>Please feel free to contact me at any time. I can be contacted by phone, /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 0px; top: 8.87px;>text, WhatsApp, email or using the contact form above./span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 0px; top: 56.53px;>Elmick Bereavement Counselling/span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 0px; top: 80.36px;>Great Chesterford CB10 1FS/span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 0px; top: 104.19px;>Tel: a hreftel:07825651905 onclickreturn(xr_nn()); ontouchstartxr_mtch(); onmousemovexr_mo(this,16) >span classNormal_text xr_s0 style>07825 651905/span>/a>/span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 0px; top: 128.02px;>Email: a onclickreturn(xr_nn()); ontouchstartxr_mtch(); onmousemovexr_mo(this,16) >span classNormal_text xr_s0 style>>/a>/span> /div> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/6185.jpg alt title styleleft:0px;top:2935px;width:960px;height:459px;/> div classxr_txt xr_s1 styleposition: absolute; left:7px; top:2396px; width:297px; height:10px;> span classxr_tc Heading_1 Heading_2 Heading_3 Heading_4 xr_s2 styleleft: 127.03px; top: -48px; width: 53px;>span classHeading_1 Heading_2 Heading_3 Heading_4 xr_s3 style>/span>/span> span classxr_tc Heading_1 Heading_2 Heading_3 Heading_4 xr_s4 styleleft: 85.49px; top: 16.11px; width: 136px;>Confidential/span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 11.44px; top: 51.58px; width: 288px;>Our sessions will be held in the strictest /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: -6.49px; top: 75.41px; width: 323px;>confidence. You will feel safe and supported /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 0.19px; top: 99.24px; width: 310px;>to freely express yourself. During our time /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: -10.65px; top: 123.07px; width: 328px;>together I will be sensitive, genuine and open./span> /div> div classxr_txt xr_s1 styleposition: absolute; left:325px; top:2388px; width:297px; height:10px;> span classxr_tc Heading_1 Heading_2 Heading_3 Heading_4 xr_s5 styleleft: 128.42px; top: -41.13px; width: 53px;>span classHeading_1 Heading_2 Heading_3 Heading_4 xr_s6 style>/span>/span> span classxr_tc Heading_1 Heading_2 Heading_3 Heading_4 xr_s7 styleleft: 52.82px; top: 22.87px; width: 204px;>Emotional support/span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 26.75px; top: 58.1px; width: 260px;>I will always offer genuine empathic /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: -9.97px; top: 81.93px; width: 333px;>understanding, warmth, acceptance and deep /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 11.09px; top: 105.76px; width: 291px;>respect. You will feel emotional support /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 55.61px; top: 129.59px; width: 198px;>throughout the counselling./span> /div> div classxr_txt xr_s1 styleposition: absolute; left:658px; top:2394px; width:288px; height:10px;> span classxr_tc Heading_1 Heading_2 Heading_3 Heading_4 xr_s2 styleleft: 119.98px; top: -48px; width: 53px;>span classHeading_1 Heading_2 Heading_3 Heading_4 xr_s3 style>/span>/span> span classxr_tc Heading_1 Heading_2 Heading_3 Heading_4 xr_s7 styleleft: 61.33px; top: 16px; width: 170px;>Online sessions/span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: -2.54px; top: 51.24px; width: 301px;>I offer online sessions as an alternative to /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: -12.37px; top: 75.07px; width: 321px;>face-to-face counselling. Many people enjoy /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: -1.82px; top: 98.9px; width: 300px;>the fact they can access the support from /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 35.83px; top: 122.73px; width: 221px;>the comfort of their own home/span> /div> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/5606.png altEnvironment I offer my clients a warm, safe and confidential space to relax, think, talk and share. title styleleft:526px;top:2958px;width:407px;height:121px;/> div classxr_txt Heading_1 xr_s8 styleposition: absolute; left:9px; top:1607px; width:355px; height:10px;> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s8 styleleft: 469.24px; top: -39.47px; width: 17px;margin:0;>span idUnderstanding:32Grief>/span> /h1> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s8 styleleft: 272.66px; top: 32.51px; width: 395px;margin:0;>Understanding Grief/h1> /div> div classxr_txt xr_s9 styleposition: absolute; left:23px; top:1696px; width:917px; height:10px;> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 13.86px;>Few things compare to the pain of losing someone you love. Grief is a natural, yet painful response to the loss, it can cause many different /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 37.69px;>symptoms and affect people in many different ways. There is no normal way to grieve and no right or wrong way to feel./span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 61.52px;> /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 85.35px;>Grief affects us emotionally and physically. You may have feelings of shock, numbness or pain. You may feel anger or guilt. These feelings /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 109.18px;>may not be there all the time and powerful feelings may appear unexpectedly./span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 133.01px;> /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 156.84px;>Grief can cause physical sensations or feelings. You might notice that your throat or chest feels tight or heavy. You can also feel sick to your /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 180.67px;>stomach. Other physical feelings that you can experience while grieving include dizziness, headaches, numbness, muscle weakness or /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 204.5px;>tension, pain, and extreme tiredness. You may be more likely to feel unwell or become ill./span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 228.33px;> /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 252.17px;>Grief may occur in waves, with intense feelings that last a few hours or days. Between those times, you may feel like things are more normal. /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 276px;>You may feel like you are recovering from your loss and getting better but then the intense feelings come back./span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 299.83px;> /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 323.66px;>Over time, you may notice these grief cycles lessen as you adjust to your loss. Instead of experiencing grief all the time, you may just /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 347.49px;>experience it around certain dates, like holidays, birthdays, or other important events. /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 371.32px;> /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 395.15px;>Adjusting does not mean you care less about your loss. It simply means that the grief is not as new to you./span> /div> div classxr_txt Heading_1 xr_s8 styleposition: absolute; left:9px; top:3388px; width:216px; height:10px;> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s8 styleleft: 469.24px; top: -39.47px; width: 17px;margin:0;>span idTestimonials>/span> /h1> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s8 styleleft: 349.95px; top: 32.51px; width: 240px;margin:0;>Testimonials/h1> /div> div classxr_txt xr_s9 styleposition: absolute; left:22px; top:3480px; width:896px; height:10px;> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 13.86px;>I believe the best way to demonstrate the benefits of counselling is to look at what my clients say about me. I am proud of the counselling /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 37.69px;>service I provide and the reviews from my clients reflect this./span> /div> div classxr_txt Normal_text xr_s0 styleposition: absolute; left:727px; top:5301px; width:171px; height:10px;> span classxr_tr Normal_text xr_s11 styleleft: 92.25px; top: -14.96px; width: 115px;>Opening Hours/span> span classxr_tr Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 43.28px; top: 8.87px; width: 164px;>Monday 09:00 to 19:00/span> span classxr_tr Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 42.74px; top: 32.7px; width: 164px;>Tuesday 09:00 to 19:00/span> span classxr_tr Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 18.47px; top: 56.53px; width: 189px;>Wednesday 09:00 to 19:00/span> span classxr_tr Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 34.88px; top: 80.36px; width: 172px;>Thursday 09:00 to 19:00/span> span classxr_tr Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 57.81px; top: 104.19px; width: 149px;>Friday 09:00 to 19:00/span> /div> div classxr_txt Normal_text xr_s12 styleposition: absolute; left:19px; top:5236px; width:134px; height:10px;> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s12 styleleft: 0px; top: -25.65px;>Contact Me/span> /div>div classxr_noreset styleposition: absolute; left:17px;top:4847px;width:926px;height:301px;>form idcontact-form actionversion101_htm_files/send_form.php methodpost>input typehidden namerecipient idrecipient>input typehidden nameinhtml valueyes>div classcontact-row> div stylefloat: left; width: 34%;> input classcontact-input stylewidth: 300px; namename placeholderName>br> /div> div stylefloat: left; width: 33%;> input classcontact-input stylewidth: 290px; nameemail placeholderEmail>br> /div> div stylefloat: right; width: 33%;> input classcontact-input stylewidth: 305px; namesubject placeholderSubject>br> /div> /div>div classcontact-row> textarea cols173 rows10 namemessage placeholderMessage>/textarea>br>/div> div classcontact-row>center> input idcontact-submit typeimage srcversion101_htm_files/submit.png altSend />/center>/div>/form>script>$(document).ready(function(){ var recEmail document.querySelector(.recipient-email > span).innerHTML;//alert ( recEmail );document.getElementById(recipient).value recEmail;document.getElementById(recipient-m).value recEmail;}); /script>/div> div classxr_trigo_xr_ce2 styleposition:absolute;left:735px;top:5084px;width:140px;height:48px;z-index:-1;>/div> div classxr_apq xr_ac idxr_xpxr_19 styleleft:0; top:0; visibility: hidden; display: none;> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap hide srcversion101_htm_files/submit.png altCONTACT title styleleft:735px;top:5084px;width:140px;height:48px;/> /div> div classxr_txt Heading_1 xr_s13 styleposition: absolute; left:9px; top:2139px; width:291px; height:10px;> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s13 styleleft: 469.24px; top: -39.47px; width: 17px;margin:0;>span idWhy:32Choose:32Me>/span> /h1> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s13 styleleft: 309.57px; top: 32.51px; width: 321px;margin:0;>Why choose me?/h1> /div> div classxr_txt xr_s1 styleposition: absolute; left:23px; top:2231px; width:909px; height:10px;> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: -21.68px; top: 13.86px; width: 970px;>Talking to others who have gone through similar experiences of bereavement can be enormously beneficial. Not only have I undergone /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: -39.68px; top: 37.69px; width: 1006px;>specialist training in this field, but I have also navigated my own journey with grief and found my way again. I am a qualified nurse too with a /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 278.16px; top: 61.52px; width: 367px;>background in emergency medicine and education./span> /div> div classxr_txt Heading_1 xr_s8 styleposition: absolute; left:10px; top:4650px; width:138px; height:10px;> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s8 styleleft: 473.09px; top: -39.47px; width: 17px;margin:0;> /h1> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s8 styleleft: 396.49px; top: 32.51px; width: 155px;margin:0;>Contact/h1> /div> div classxr_txt xr_s9 styleposition: absolute; left:20px; top:4753px; width:863px; height:10px;> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 13.86px;>Please feel free to contact me at any time. I can be contacted by phone, text, WhatsApp. email or using the contact form below. Your /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 37.69px;>messages will be treated in the strictest confidence and in-line with my privacy policy./span> /div> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap hide srcversion101_htm_files/6088.png altRecipient email title styleleft:55px;top:5093px;width:357px;height:35px;/> div classxr_txt xr_s14 hide recipient-email styleposition: absolute; left:221px; top:5115px; width:129px; height:10px;> span classxr_tl xr_s14 styleleft: 0px; top: -13.82px;>> /div> div classxr_txt Normal_text xr_s15 styleposition: absolute; left:668px; top:3902px; width:136px; height:10px;> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s15 styleleft: 65.03px; top: -14.96px; width: 152px;>span classNormal_text xr_s15 stylewidth:138.14px;display:inline-block;transform-origin: 0%;transform: scaleX(1);>N. Cann, Cambridge/span>/span> /div> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/5922.png alt title styleleft:667px;top:3575px;width:284px;height:282px;/> div classxr_txt Normal_text xr_s16 styleposition: absolute; left:684px; top:3609px; width:243px; height:10px;> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: 7.46px; top: -17.1px; width: 239px;>Gemma is so professional and /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: 1.65px; top: 10.13px; width: 250px;>knowledgeable. I have complete /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: 6.94px; top: 37.37px; width: 244px;>trust in her. She is an excellent /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: -9.49px; top: 64.61px; width: 272px;>communicator and makes me feel /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: 99.68px; top: 91.84px; width: 50px;>heard./span> /div> div classxr_txt Normal_text xr_s15 styleposition: absolute; left:343px; top:3902px; width:121px; height:10px;> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s15 styleleft: 73.49px; top: -14.96px; width: 135px;>span classNormal_text xr_s15 stylewidth:122.75px;display:inline-block;transform-origin: 0%;transform: scaleX(1);>L. Bows, St. Neots/span>/span> /div> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/5923.png alt title styleleft:342px;top:3575px;width:284px;height:282px;/> div classxr_txt Normal_text xr_s16 styleposition: absolute; left:359px; top:3609px; width:235px; height:10px;> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: 14.76px; top: -17.1px; width: 224px;> I cannot recommend Elmick /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: 3.05px; top: 10.13px; width: 247px;>bereavement counselling highly /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: 9.92px; top: 37.37px; width: 234px;>enough. Gemma has been so /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: -5.58px; top: 64.61px; width: 265px;>wonderful and competent. I have /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: 14.72px; top: 91.84px; width: 224px;>made so much progress and /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: 95.74px; top: 119.08px; width: 58px;>growth./span> /div> div classxr_txt Normal_text xr_s15 styleposition: absolute; left:10px; top:3902px; width:181px; height:10px;> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s15 styleleft: 40.02px; top: -14.96px; width: 202px;>span classNormal_text xr_s15 stylewidth:183.61px;display:inline-block;transform-origin: 0%;transform: scaleX(1);>D. Bickell, Leamington Spa/span>/span> /div> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/5924.png alt title styleleft:9px;top:3575px;width:284px;height:282px;/> div classxr_txt Normal_text xr_s16 styleposition: absolute; left:27px; top:3609px; width:249px; height:10px;> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: 2.47px; top: -17.1px; width: 249px;>Gemma’s thoughtful and expert /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: -12.43px; top: 10.13px; width: 278px;>help was exactly what I needed at a /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: -4.03px; top: 37.37px; width: 262px;>very difficult time. I was nervous, /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: -4.15px; top: 64.61px; width: 262px;>but she instantly made me feel at /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: -4.62px; top: 91.84px; width: 263px;>ease. I always felt supported and /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: -3.97px; top: 119.08px; width: 261px;>understood. I would recommend /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: -12.47px; top: 146.31px; width: 278px;>her to anyone who needs help after /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: 64.81px; top: 173.55px; width: 120px;>a bereavement./span> /div> div classxr_txt Heading_1 xr_s8 styleposition: absolute; left:9px; top:2570px; width:266px; height:10px;> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s8 styleleft: 469.24px; top: -39.47px; width: 17px;margin:0;> /h1> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s8 styleleft: 322.97px; top: 32.51px; width: 294px;margin:0;>What to expect/h1> /div> div classxr_txt xr_s9 styleposition: absolute; left:20px; top:2662px; width:913px; height:10px;> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 13.86px;>I offer an initial online or on the phone free consultation (20 minutes optional) before we commence face to face sessions, you will have a /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 37.69px;>chance to make sure you feel comfortable with me as your counsellor, and I can confirm I have the skills and expertise to support you. It will /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 61.52px;>include introductions, answering any queries you might have and a chance for you to tell your story and explain the difficulties youre /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 85.35px;>experiencing. I will be looking to work with you in a way that suits you and helps you to get the most from each session. We can then decide /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 109.18px;>whether we would like to work together. /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 156.84px;>My standard fee is £50 per 50-minute face to face therapy session. Therapy sessions can be held in English or Spanish. /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 204.5px;>The length of the work will depend on your requirements and can range from just one or two sessions, a period of six sessions, or often /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 228.33px;>longer./span> /div> a href#xl_Contact onclickxr_tip(this);return(xr_nn()); ontouchstartxr_mtch();> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/4953.png altCONTACT ME title onmousemovexr_mo(this,16,event) styleleft:407px;top:1537px;width:146px;height:44px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcversion101_htm_files/5004.png altCONTACT ME title onmousemovexr_mo(this,16) styleleft:406px;top:1537px;width:148px;height:45px;/> /a> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/4989.png altSTRUGGLING WITH GRIEF? I offer my clients a warm, safe and confidential space to relax, think, talk and share. title styleleft:172px;top:1428px;width:616px;height:69px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/6254.jpg alt title styleleft:590px;top:833px;width:316px;height:479px;/> div classxr_txt xr_s9 styleposition: absolute; left:15px; top:817px; width:507px; height:10px;> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 13.86px;>As a person-centred therapist, I am committed to a relationship in which you /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 37.69px;>will be deeply heard and accepted without judgement. Together we will work /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 61.52px;>to find the meaning of the loss you have experienced, to challenge narratives, /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 85.35px;>build resilience, nurture self-compassion and awareness, and most /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 109.18px;>importantly, to find new ways forward./span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 156.84px;>The success of the process lies within the therapeutic rapport and being able /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 180.67px;>to express your deepest concerns in a safe and supportive environment. I /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 204.5px;>believe that everyone has a natural drive towards contentment and fulfilment /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 228.33px;>but there may be many difficulties along the way and sometimes these can be /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 252.17px;>hard to define and understand./span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 299.83px;>Counselling can help you to identify more clearly the issues you are facing and /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 323.66px;>so start to facilitate therapeutic change and ultimately guide you towards the /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 347.49px;>acceptance of your loss. Grief can become a way back to health./span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s15 styleleft: 0px; top: 418.98px;>Gemma Van Rensburg (MNCS, ACCPH Accred)/span> /div> div classxr_txt Heading_1 xr_s8 styleposition: absolute; left:11px; top:720px; width:173px; height:10px;> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s8 styleleft: 469.24px; top: -39.47px; width: 17px;margin:0;>span idAbout:32Me>/span> /h1> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s8 styleleft: 374.07px; top: 32.51px; width: 192px;margin:0;>About Me/h1> /div> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/6197.jpg alt title styleleft:0px;top:3980px;width:960px;height:676px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/6198.jpg alt title styleleft:8px;top:1269px;width:216px;height:63px;/> span classxr_ar xr_stt styleleft:0px;top:120px;width:960px;height:62px; background-color: #B2B3B5;>/span>div classxr_group> div classxr_txt Normal_text xr_s17 styleposition: absolute; left:704px; top:57px; width:208px; height:10px;> span classxr_tr Normal_text xr_s18 styleleft: -4.08px; top: -34.2px; width: 230px;>a hreftel:07825651905 onclickreturn(xr_nn()); ontouchstartxr_mtch(); onmousemovexr_mo(this,16) >span classNormal_text xr_s18 style>07825 651905/span>/a>/span> span classxr_tr Normal_text xr_s19 styleleft: 30.32px; top: 9.37px; width: 196px;>a onclickreturn(xr_nn()); ontouchstartxr_mtch(); onmousemovexr_mo(this,16) >span classNormal_text xr_s19 style>>/a>/span> /div>/div> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/6109.png alt title styleleft:14px;top:8px;width:311px;height:99px;/>div classxr_xpos xr_stt styleposition:absolute; left: 66px; top: 121px; width:828px; height:60px;>div idxr_nb7 classxr_ar> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a href# onclickreturn(xr_nn()); ontouchstartxr_mtch();> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/4805.png altHome title onmousemovexr_mo(this,16,event) styleleft:0px;top:0px;width:74px;height:60px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcversion101_htm_files/4811.png altHome title onmousemovexr_mo(this,16) styleleft:0px;top:0px;width:74px;height:60px;/> /a> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a href#xl_About:32Me onclickxr_tip(this);return(xr_nn()); ontouchstartxr_mtch();> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/4806.png altAbout Me title onmousemovexr_mo(this,16,event) styleleft:93px;top:0px;width:105px;height:60px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcversion101_htm_files/4812.png altAbout Me title onmousemovexr_mo(this,16) styleleft:93px;top:0px;width:105px;height:60px;/> /a> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a href#xl_Understanding:32Grief onclickxr_tip(this);return(xr_nn()); ontouchstartxr_mtch();> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/4807.png altUnderstanding Grief title onmousemovexr_mo(this,16,event) styleleft:217px;top:0px;width:186px;height:60px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcversion101_htm_files/4813.png altUnderstanding Grief title onmousemovexr_mo(this,16) styleleft:217px;top:0px;width:186px;height:60px;/> /a> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a href#xl_Why:32Choose:32Me target_self onclickxr_tip(this);return(xr_nn()); ontouchstartxr_mtch();> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/4808.png altWhy Choose Me title onmousemovexr_mo(this,16,event) styleleft:423px;top:0px;width:152px;height:60px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcversion101_htm_files/4814.png altWhy Choose Me title onmousemovexr_mo(this,16) styleleft:423px;top:0px;width:152px;height:60px;/> /a> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a href#xl_Testimonials target_self onclickxr_tip(this);return(xr_nn()); ontouchstartxr_mtch();> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/4809.png altTestimonials title onmousemovexr_mo(this,16,event) styleleft:594px;top:0px;width:126px;height:60px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcversion101_htm_files/4815.png altTestimonials title onmousemovexr_mo(this,16) styleleft:594px;top:0px;width:126px;height:60px;/> /a> /div> div classxr_ar xr_nb0> a href#xl_Contact onclickxr_tip(this);return(xr_nn()); ontouchstartxr_mtch();> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/4810.png altContact title onmousemovexr_mo(this,16,event) styleleft:739px;top:0px;width:89px;height:60px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcversion101_htm_files/4816.png altContact title onmousemovexr_mo(this,16) styleleft:739px;top:0px;width:89px;height:60px;/> /a> /div>/div>/div> div idxr_xd16>/div>/div>/div>div idxr_mvp_4 classxr_mvp_4 xr_bgn_3_0_0 xr_mvpo styleposition:absolute; width:480px; height:7179px;>div classxr_ap xr_xri_ stylewidth: 480px; height: 7179px;> img classxr_rn_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/6203.jpg alt title styleleft:0px;top:4282px;width:480px;height:378px;/> div classxr_txt Heading_1 xr_s20 styleposition: absolute; left:21px; top:604px; width:155px; height:10px;> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s20 styleleft: 229.31px; top: -35.53px; width: 15px;margin:0;>span idXxr_v4_About:32Me>/span> /h1> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s20 styleleft: 143.65px; top: 31.66px; width: 173px;margin:0;>About Me/h1> /div> div classxr_txt xr_s9 styleposition: absolute; left:10px; top:686px; width:450px; height:10px;> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 13.86px;>As a person-centred therapist, I am committed to a relationship in /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 37.69px;>which you will be deeply heard and accepted without judgement. /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 61.52px;>Together we will work to find the meaning of the loss you have /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 85.35px;>experienced, to challenge narratives, build resilience, nurture self-/span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 109.18px;>compassion and awareness, and most importantly, to find new ways /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 133.01px;>forward./span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 180.67px;>The success of the process lies within the therapeutic rapport and /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 204.5px;>being able to express your deepest concerns in a safe and supportive /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 228.33px;>environment. I believe that everyone has a natural drive towards /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 252.17px;>contentment and fulfilment but there may be many difficulties along /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 276px;>the way and sometimes these can be hard to define and understand./span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 323.66px;>Counselling can help you to identify more clearly the issues you are /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 347.49px;>facing and so start to facilitate therapeutic change and ultimately /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 371.32px;>guide you towards the acceptance of your loss. Grief can become a /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 395.15px;>way back to health./span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s15 styleleft: 0px; top: 466.64px;>Gemma Van Rensburg (MNCS, ACCPH Accred)/span> /div> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/5042.png altEnvironment I offer my clients a warm, safe and confidential space to relax, think, talk and share. title styleleft:36px;top:4304px;width:408px;height:122px;/> div classxr_txt Heading_1 xr_s21 styleposition: absolute; left:-230px; top:2947px; width:262px; height:10px;> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s21 styleleft: 325.61px; top: -35.53px; width: 289px;margin:0;>span idXxr_v4_Why:32Choose:32Me>/span>Why choose me?/h1> /div> div classxr_txt xr_s1 styleposition: absolute; left:7px; top:3179px; width:450px; height:10px;> span classxr_tc Heading_1 Heading_2 Heading_3 Heading_4 xr_s2 styleleft: 206.65px; top: -48px; width: 53px;>span classHeading_1 Heading_2 Heading_3 Heading_4 xr_s3 style>/span>/span> span classxr_tc Heading_1 Heading_2 Heading_3 Heading_4 xr_s4 styleleft: 165.1px; top: 16.11px; width: 136px;>Confidential/span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: -15.57px; top: 51.58px; width: 501px;>Our sessions will be held in the strictest confidence. You will feel safe /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: -12.27px; top: 75.41px; width: 494px;>and supported to freely express yourself. During our time together I /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 105.92px; top: 99.24px; width: 254px;>will be sensitive, genuine and open./span> /div> div classxr_txt xr_s1 styleposition: absolute; left:11px; top:3373px; width:402px; height:10px;> span classxr_tc Heading_1 Heading_2 Heading_3 Heading_4 xr_s5 styleleft: 202.57px; top: -41.13px; width: 53px;>span classHeading_1 Heading_2 Heading_3 Heading_4 xr_s6 style>/span>/span> span classxr_tc Heading_1 Heading_2 Heading_3 Heading_4 xr_s7 styleleft: 126.97px; top: 22.87px; width: 204px;>Emotional support/span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 12.45px; top: 58.1px; width: 437px;>I will always offer genuine empathic understanding, warmth, /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 7.07px; top: 81.93px; width: 447px;>acceptance and deep respect. You will feel emotional support /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 129.76px; top: 105.76px; width: 198px;>throughout the counselling./span> /div> div classxr_txt xr_s1 styleposition: absolute; left:4px; top:3584px; width:434px; height:10px;> span classxr_tc Heading_1 Heading_2 Heading_3 Heading_4 xr_s2 styleleft: 207.43px; top: -48px; width: 53px;>span classHeading_1 Heading_2 Heading_3 Heading_4 xr_s3 style>/span>/span> span classxr_tc Heading_1 Heading_2 Heading_3 Heading_4 xr_s7 styleleft: 148.78px; top: 16px; width: 170px;>Online sessions/span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: -3.95px; top: 51.24px; width: 483px;>I offer online sessions as an alternative to face-to-face counselling. /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 1.98px; top: 75.07px; width: 467px;>Many people enjoy the fact they can access the support from the /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 137.04px; top: 98.9px; width: 194px;>comfort of their own home/span> /div> div classxr_txt Heading_1 xr_s20 styleposition: absolute; left:-230px; top:4647px; width:194px; height:10px;> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s20 styleleft: 469.32px; top: -35.53px; width: 15px;margin:0;>span idXxr_v4_Testimonials>/span> /h1> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s20 styleleft: 361.96px; top: 31.66px; width: 216px;margin:0;>Testimonials/h1> /div> div classxr_txt xr_s9 styleposition: absolute; left:9px; top:4731px; width:449px; height:10px;> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 13.86px;>I believe the best way to demonstrate the benefits of counselling is to /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 37.69px;>look at what my clients say about me. I am proud of the counselling /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 61.52px;>service I provide and the reviews from my clients reflect this./span> /div> div classxr_trigs xr_trigo_xr_ce3 styleposition:absolute;left:432px;top:8px;width:0px;height:0px;visibility:hidden;z-index:-1;>/div> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/5598.png altSTRUGGLING WITH GRIEF? I offer my clients a warm, safe and confidential space to relax, think, talk and share. title styleleft:44px;top:1848px;width:392px;height:87px;/> a href#xl_Xxr_v4_Contact onclickxr_tip(this);return(xr_nn()); ontouchstartxr_mtch();> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/5049.png altCONTACT ME title onmousemovexr_mo(this,24,event) styleleft:167px;top:1967px;width:146px;height:44px;/> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3 srcversion101_htm_files/5057.png altCONTACT ME title onmousemovexr_mo(this,24) styleleft:166px;top:1966px;width:148px;height:45px;/> /a> div classxr_txt Heading_1 xr_s20 styleposition: absolute; left:-231px; top:2040px; width:320px; height:10px;> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s20 styleleft: 469.32px; top: -35.53px; width: 15px;margin:0;>span idXxr_v4_Understanding:32Grief>/span> /h1> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s20 styleleft: 292.39px; top: 31.66px; width: 355px;margin:0;>Understanding Grief/h1> /div> div classxr_txt xr_s9 styleposition: absolute; left:7px; top:2135px; width:464px; height:10px;> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 13.86px;>Few things compare to the pain of losing someone you love. Grief is a /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 37.69px;>natural, yet painful response to the loss, it can cause many different /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 61.52px;>symptoms and affect people in many different ways. There is no /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 85.35px;>normal way to grieve and no right or wrong way to feel./span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 109.18px;> /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 133.01px;>Grief affects us emotionally and physically. You may have feelings of /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 156.84px;>shock, numbness or pain. You may feel anger or guilt. These feelings /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 180.67px;>may not be there all the time and powerful feelings may appear /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 204.5px;>unexpectedly./span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 228.33px;> /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 252.17px;>Grief can cause physical sensations or feelings. You might notice that /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 276px;>your throat or chest feels tight or heavy. You can also feel sick to your /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 299.83px;>stomach. Other physical feelings that you can experience while grieving /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 323.66px;>include dizziness, headaches, numbness, muscle weakness or tension, /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 347.49px;>pain, and extreme tiredness. You may be more likely to feel unwell or /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 371.32px;>become ill./span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 395.15px;> /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 418.98px;>Grief may occur in waves, with intense feelings that last a few hours or /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 442.81px;>days. Between those times, you may feel like things are more normal. /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 466.64px;>You may feel like you are recovering from your loss and getting better /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 490.47px;>but then the intense feelings come back./span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 514.3px;> /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 538.13px;>Over time, you may notice these grief cycles lessen as you adjust to /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 561.96px;>your loss. Instead of experiencing grief all the time, you may just /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 585.79px;>experience it around certain dates, like holidays, birthdays, or other /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 609.63px;>important events. /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 633.46px;> /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 657.29px;>Adjusting does not mean you care less about your loss. It simply means /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 681.12px;>that the grief is not as new to you./span> /div> div classxr_txt xr_s9 styleposition: absolute; left:10px; top:2969px; width:456px; height:10px;> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 2.35px; top: 13.86px; width: 458px;>Talking to others who have gone through similar experiences of /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 16.81px; top: 37.69px; width: 429px;>bereavement can be enormously beneficial. Not only have I /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: -21.88px; top: 61.52px; width: 507px;>undergone specialist training in this field, but I have also navigated my /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: -22.23px; top: 85.35px; width: 507px;>own journey with grief and found my way again. I am a qualified nurse /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 8.45px; top: 109.18px; width: 442px;>too with a background in emergency medicine and education./span> /div> div classxr_txt Heading_1 xr_s20 styleposition: absolute; left:4px; top:3752px; width:240px; height:10px;> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s20 styleleft: 235.01px; top: -35.53px; width: 15px;margin:0;> /h1> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s20 styleleft: 103.36px; top: 31.66px; width: 265px;margin:0;>What to expect/h1> /div> div classxr_txt xr_s9 styleposition: absolute; left:10px; top:3844px; width:455px; height:10px;> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 13.86px;>I offer an initial online or on the phone free consultation (20 minutes /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 37.69px;>optional) before we commence face to face sessions, you will have a /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 61.52px;>chance to make sure you feel comfortable with me as your counsellor, /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 85.35px;>and I can confirm I have the skills and expertise to support you. It will /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 109.18px;>include introductions, answering any queries you might have and a /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 133.01px;>chance for you to tell your story and explain the difficulties youre /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 156.84px;>experiencing. I will be looking to work with you in a way that suits you /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 180.67px;>and helps you to get the most from each session. We can then decide /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 204.5px;>whether we would like to work together. /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 252.17px;>My standard fee is £50 per 50-minute face to face therapy session. /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 276px;>Therapy sessions can be held in English or Spanish. /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 323.66px;>The length of the work will depend on your requirements and can /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 347.49px;>range from just one or two sessions, a period of six sessions, or often /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 371.32px;>longer./span> /div> div classxr_txt Normal_text xr_s15 styleposition: absolute; left:99px; top:5794px; width:136px; height:10px;> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s15 styleleft: 65.03px; top: -14.96px; width: 152px;>span classNormal_text xr_s15 stylewidth:138.14px;display:inline-block;transform-origin: 0%;transform: scaleX(1);>N. Cann, Cambridge/span>/span> /div> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/5954.png alt title styleleft:98px;top:5541px;width:284px;height:212px;/> div classxr_txt Normal_text xr_s16 styleposition: absolute; left:115px; top:5576px; width:243px; height:10px;> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: 7.46px; top: -17.1px; width: 239px;>Gemma is so professional and /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: 1.65px; top: 10.13px; width: 250px;>knowledgeable. I have complete /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: 6.94px; top: 37.37px; width: 244px;>trust in her. She is an excellent /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: -9.49px; top: 64.61px; width: 272px;>communicator and makes me feel /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: 99.68px; top: 91.84px; width: 50px;>heard./span> /div> div classxr_txt Normal_text xr_s15 styleposition: absolute; left:99px; top:5490px; width:121px; height:10px;> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s15 styleleft: 73.49px; top: -14.96px; width: 135px;>span classNormal_text xr_s15 stylewidth:122.75px;display:inline-block;transform-origin: 0%;transform: scaleX(1);>L. Bows, St. Neots/span>/span> /div> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/5955.png alt title styleleft:98px;top:5213px;width:284px;height:235px;/> div classxr_txt Normal_text xr_s16 styleposition: absolute; left:115px; top:5247px; width:235px; height:10px;> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: 14.76px; top: -17.1px; width: 224px;> I cannot recommend Elmick /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: 3.05px; top: 10.13px; width: 247px;>bereavement counselling highly /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: 9.92px; top: 37.37px; width: 234px;>enough. Gemma has been so /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: -5.58px; top: 64.61px; width: 265px;>wonderful and competent. I have /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: 14.72px; top: 91.84px; width: 224px;>made so much progress and /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: 95.74px; top: 119.08px; width: 58px;>growth./span> /div> div classxr_txt Normal_text xr_s15 styleposition: absolute; left:99px; top:5162px; width:181px; height:10px;> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s15 styleleft: 40.02px; top: -14.96px; width: 202px;>span classNormal_text xr_s15 stylewidth:183.61px;display:inline-block;transform-origin: 0%;transform: scaleX(1);>D. Bickell, Leamington Spa/span>/span> /div> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/5956.png alt title styleleft:98px;top:4839px;width:284px;height:283px;/> div classxr_txt Normal_text xr_s16 styleposition: absolute; left:115px; top:4873px; width:249px; height:10px;> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: 2.47px; top: -17.1px; width: 249px;>Gemma’s thoughtful and expert /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: -12.43px; top: 10.13px; width: 278px;>help was exactly what I needed at a /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: -4.03px; top: 37.37px; width: 262px;>very difficult time. I was nervous, /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: -4.15px; top: 64.61px; width: 262px;>but she instantly made me feel at /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: -4.62px; top: 91.84px; width: 263px;>ease. I always felt supported and /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: -3.97px; top: 119.08px; width: 261px;>understood. I would recommend /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: -12.47px; top: 146.31px; width: 278px;>her to anyone who needs help after /span> span classxr_tc Normal_text xr_s16 styleleft: 64.81px; top: 173.55px; width: 120px;>a bereavement./span> /div> div classxr_txt Heading_1 xr_s20 styleposition: absolute; left:-234px; top:6174px; width:124px; height:10px;> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s20 styleleft: 473.17px; top: -35.53px; width: 15px;margin:0;>span idXxr_v4_Contact>/span> /h1> h1 classxr_tc Heading_1 xr_s20 styleleft: 404.22px; top: 31.66px; width: 139px;margin:0;>Contact/h1> /div> div classxr_txt xr_s9 styleposition: absolute; left:11px; top:6257px; width:442px; height:10px;> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 13.86px;>Please feel free to contact me at any time. I can be contacted by /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 37.69px;>phone, text, WhatsApp. email or using the contact form below. Your /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 61.52px;>messages will be treated in the strictest confidence and in-line with /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s10 styleleft: 0px; top: 85.35px;>my privacy policy./span> /div> div classxr_txt Normal_text xr_s0 styleposition: absolute; left:20px; top:6961px; width:418px; height:10px;> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 0px; top: -14.96px;>Please feel free to contact me at any time. I can be contacted by /span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 0px; top: 8.87px;>phone, text, WhatsApp, email or using the contact form above./span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 0px; top: 104.19px;>Elmick Bereavement Counselling/span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 0px; top: 128.02px;>Great Chesterford CB10 1FS/span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 0px; top: 151.85px;>Tel: a hreftel:07825651905 onclickreturn(xr_nn()); ontouchstartxr_mtch(); onmousemovexr_mo(this,24) >span classNormal_text xr_s0 style>07825 651905/span>/a>/span> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 0px; top: 175.68px;>Email: a onclickreturn(xr_nn()); ontouchstartxr_mtch(); onmousemovexr_mo(this,24) >span classNormal_text xr_s0 style>>/a>/span> /div> div classxr_txt Normal_text xr_s0 styleposition: absolute; left:258px; top:7033px; width:171px; height:10px;> span classxr_tr Normal_text xr_s11 styleleft: 92.25px; top: -14.96px; width: 115px;>Opening Hours/span> span classxr_tr Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 43.28px; top: 8.87px; width: 164px;>Monday 09:00 to 19:00/span> span classxr_tr Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 42.74px; top: 32.7px; width: 164px;>Tuesday 09:00 to 19:00/span> span classxr_tr Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 18.47px; top: 56.53px; width: 189px;>Wednesday 09:00 to 19:00/span> span classxr_tr Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 34.88px; top: 80.36px; width: 172px;>Thursday 09:00 to 19:00/span> span classxr_tr Normal_text xr_s0 styleleft: 57.81px; top: 104.19px; width: 149px;>Friday 09:00 to 19:00/span> /div> div classxr_txt Normal_text xr_s12 styleposition: absolute; left:19px; top:6916px; width:134px; height:10px;> span classxr_tl Normal_text xr_s12 styleleft: 0px; top: -25.65px;>Contact Me/span> /div> div classxr_trigo_xr_ce4 styleposition:absolute;left:34px;top:450px;width:412px;height:136px;z-index:-1;>/div> div classxr_apq xr_ac idxr_xpxr_29 styleleft:0; top:0; visibility: hidden; display: none;> img classxr_rn_ xr_rnsp_ xr_ap srcversion101_htm_files/5555.png alt“There is no grief like the grief that does not speak” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow title styleleft:34px;top:450px;width:412px;height:136px;/> /div>div classxr_noreset styleposition: absolute; 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