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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Tue, 04 Mar 2025 07:55:42 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-EncodingVary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent !DOCTYPE html>html dirltr classno-js langda> head> meta charsetutf-8/> meta contentIEedge http-equivX-UA-Compatible/> meta contentwidthdevice-width,initial-scale1.0,maximum-scale1 nameviewport> !-- title --> title>Elf Bar Danmark | Engros Elf Bar engangsvapes/title> meta namekeywords contentelf bar vape, elf bar 5000, elf bar 1500, elf bar pods, elf bar elfa, elf bar nikotin, elf bar 2000 danmark> meta namedescription contentKøb Elf Bar 5000 og Elf Bar 600 engros vape-produkter til salg her med bulkpriser.> link relcanonical href /> link relalternate hreflangda-DK href /> link hrefimages/icon/favicon.ico relshortcut icon/> link hrefcss/animate.css relstylesheet> link hrefcss/bootstrap.min.css relstylesheet/> link hrefcss/font-awesome.min.css relstylesheet/> link hrefcss/themify-icons.css 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classnavbar-toggle collapsed data-target#bs-example-navbar-collapse-1 data-togglecollapse typebutton> span classsr-only> Toggle navigation /span> span classicon-bar> /span> span classicon-bar> /span> span classicon-bar> /span> /button> div classcollapse navbar-collapse pull-right idbs-example-navbar-collapse-1> ul classnav navbar-nav> li classpropClone> a classinner-link text-white href#content-section1> Indledning af websted /a> /li> li classpropClone> a classinner-link text-white href#content-section2> produkt /a> /li> li classpropClone> a classinner-link text-white href#content-section3> Elf Bar BC5000 /a> /li> li classpropClone> a classinner-link text-white href#content-section4> Elf Bar 600 /a> /li> li classpropClone> a classinner-link text-white href#content-section5> Vælg os /a> /li> li classpropClone> a classinner-link text-white href#content-section6> Vores fordele /a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /nav> !-- end nav --> /header> section classno-padding slider-style1 border-none idhome> div classowl-slider-full owl-carousel light-pagination owl-without-next-pre-arrow> !-- slider item --> div classitem owl-bg-img tz-builder-bg-image cover-background bg-img-one idtz-bg-1> div classslider-banner-images> picture> source srcsetimages/home/banner5d.jpg media(min-width: 768px)> source srcsetimages/home/banner5m.jpg media(max-width: 767px)> img srcimages/home/banner5d.jpg /> /picture> /div> div classcontainer one-sixth-screen xs-one-third-screen position-relative> div classcol-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 slider-typography text-left> div classslider-text-middle-main> div classslider-text-middle> div classcol-md-7 col-sm-10 col-xs-12 no-padding alt-font slider-content sm-no-margin-top> h1 classtitle-extra-large-5 line-height-80 font-weight-700 text-white slider-title margin-seven-bottom tz-text idtz-slider-text1> Elf Bar br/> Danmark /h1> p classtext-light-gray text-extra-large text-white main-font font-weight-600 slider-text margin-ten-bottom tz-text width-80 xs-width-100 idtz-slider-text2> Elf Bar Engangsvapes /p> div classbtn-dual> a classbtn btn-medium propClone bg-white text-dark-gray btn-circle xs-margin-ten-bottom href> span classtz-text>whatsapp/span> i classfa fa-angle-right icon-extra-small tz-icon-color> /i> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- end slider item --> /div> /section> section classpadding-110px-tb xs-padding-60px-tb bg-white builder-bg idcontent-section1> div classcontainer> div classrow equalize xs-equalize-auto equalize-display-inherit> !-- content details --> div classcol-md-6 col-sm-6 xs-12 xs-text-center xs-margin-nineteen-bottom display-table style> div classdisplay-table-cell-vertical-middle> h2 classalt-font title-extra-large sm-title-large xs-section-title-large text-dark-gray width-90 letter-spacing-minus-1 sm-width-100 margin-eight-bottom tz-text sm-margin-ten-bottom sm-margin-ten-top> Indledning af websted /h2> div classtext-extra-large tz-text width-90 sm-width-100 margin-five-bottom sm-margin-ten-bottom>/div> div classtext-medium tz-text width-90 sm-width-100 margin-ten-bottom sm-margin-ten-bottom xs-margin-twenty-bottom> p> Vi sælger Elf Bar engangs e-cigaretter i løs vægt over hele Danmark. Vi har et bredt udvalg af produkter såsom Elf Bar 5000, Elf Bar 600. Alle typer Elf Bar engangs e-cigaretter er tilgængelige til omgående forsendelse. /p> /div> a classbtn-medium btn-circle btn border-2-dark-aqua btn-border text-dark-aqua propClone href> span classtz-text>whatsapp/span> i classfa fa-long-arrow-right icon-extra-small tz-icon-color> /i> /a> /div> /div> !-- end content details --> div classcol-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 display-table text-right xs-margin-lr-auto xs-fl-none xs-no-padding-bottom> div classdisplay-table-cell-vertical-middle> img alt data-img-size(W)800px X (H)800px srcimages/home/main-image1.png/> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classbg-white builder-bg idcontent-section2> div classcontainer-fluid> div classrow> div classowl-carousel owl-theme owl-light-pagination white-pagination testimonial-style3> !-- portfolio item --> div classitem lightbox-gallery> a hrefimages/home/vape1.jpg title> img alt data-img-size(W)800px X (H)658px idtz-bg-31 srcimages/home/vape1.jpg/> /a> /div> !-- end portfolio item --> !-- portfolio item --> div classitem lightbox-gallery> a hrefimages/home/vape2.jpg title> img alt data-img-size(W)800px X (H)658px idtz-bg-32 srcimages/home/vape2.jpg/> /a> /div> !-- end portfolio item --> !-- portfolio item --> div classitem lightbox-gallery> a hrefimages/home/vape3.jpg title> img alt data-img-size(W)800px X (H)658px idtz-bg-33 srcimages/home/vape3.jpg/> /a> /div> !-- end portfolio item --> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classpadding-110px-tb xs-padding-60px-tb bg-white builder-bg idcontent-section3> div classcontainer> div classrow equalize xs-equalize-auto equalize-display-inherit> div classcol-md-6 col-sm-6 xs-12 xs-text-center display-table style> div classdisplay-table-cell-vertical-middle> img alt data-img-size(W)800px X (H)600px srcimages/model/bc5000/bc5000-01.png/> /div> /div> !-- content details --> div classcol-md-6 col-sm-6 xs-12 xs-text-center xs-margin-nineteen-bottom display-table> div classdisplay-table-cell-vertical-middle> h1 classalt-font title-extra-large sm-title-large xs-section-title-large text-dark-gray width-90 sm-width-100 letter-spacing-minus-1 margin-eight-bottom tz-text sm-margin-ten-bottom sm-margin-ten-top> Elf Bar BC5000 /h1> div classtext-medium tz-text width-90 sm-width-100 margin-five-bottom sm-margin-ten-bottom> 5000 puff engangsvapen er en genopladelig vapeenhed, der indeholder et 650mAh batteri og en forudfyldt vapetank. Hver Elf Bar BC5000 vape indeholder en 40mg nic salt vape juice for et stærkt nikotin hit for voksne vapers. Alle Elf Bar BC5000 vapesmage oplades med et USB-C ladekabel. /div> div classtext-medium tz-text width-90 sm-width-100 margin-ten-bottom sm-margin-ten-bottom xs-margin-twenty-bottom> p>/p> /div> a classbtn-medium btn-circle btn border-2-dark-aqua btn-border text-dark-aqua propClone href> span classtz-text>whatsapp/span> i classfa fa-long-arrow-right icon-extra-small tz-icon-color> /i> /a> /div> /div> !-- end content details --> /div> /div> /section> section classtz-builder-bg-image content2-bg-image no-padding border-none cover-background xs-bg-none bg-img-five idcontent-section4> div classcover-background-images> picture> source srcsetimages/model/600/floor-1.jpg media(min-width: 768px)> source srcsetimages/model/600/floor-1m.jpg media(max-width: 767px)> img srcimages/model/600/floor-1.jpg /> /picture> /div> div classcontainer sm-width-100 sm-no-padding> div classtz-background-color width-55 sm-width-60 xs-width-100 content-style1 padding-fifteen md-padding-eight sm-padding-eleven xs-padding-eighteen> !-- section title --> h1 classtitle alt-font tz-text title-extra-large-2 sm-title-extra-large-2 xs-section-title-large text-white margin-eight-bottom> Elf Bar 600 /h1> !-- end section title --> div classtext-white title-medium sm-title-medium xs-title-medium margin-twelve-bottom display-block font-weight-300 tz-text> Elf Bar 600 vape pod har et 550mAh indbygget batteri, automatisk downloadfunktion. Du kan forvente at opnå op til 600 sug, hvilket svarer til omkring 20 cigaretter. Din kapsel vil være fyldt med 2 ml 20 mg e-væske. Du kan vælge mellem over 30 smagsvarianter, herunder vindrue-, mynte-, vandmelon- og jordbæris. /div> a classbtn btn-medium propClone highlight-button-white-border btn-circle xs-margin-ten-bottom href> span classtz-text>whatsapp/span> i classfa fa-angle-right icon-extra-small tz-icon-color> /i> /a> div classtext-medium sm-text-medium text-white tz-text> p>/p> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classpadding-110px-tb xs-padding-top-60px border-none idcontent-section5> div classcontainer> div classrow> !-- section title --> div classcol-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 text-center> h1 classsection-title-large sm-section-title-medium xs-section-title-large text-dark-gray alt-font margin-three-bottom xs-margin-fifteen-botom tz-text> Vælg os /h1> div classtext-medium sm-text-medium width-60 margin-lr-auto md-width-70 sm-width-100 tz-text margin-three-bottom xs-margin-fifteen-botom> Ved at vælge at engrossalg af vores Elf Bar elektroniske cigaretter positionerer du din virksomhed til succes med attraktive priser, produkter af høj kvalitet og en bred vifte af muligheder. /div> div classbtn-dual> a classbtn btn-medium propClone bg-dark-gray text-white btn-circle margin-three-bottom xs-margin-ten-bottom href> span classtz-text>whatsapp/span> i classfa fa-angle-right icon-extra-small tz-icon-color> /i> /a> /div> /div> !-- end section title --> /div> div classrow> div classtext-center margin-three-bottom xs-margin-fifteen-botom> img alt class srcimages/home/banner8d.jpg/> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classbg-white builder-bg border-none idcontent-section6> div classcontainer-fluid> div classrow equalize> !-- details --> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 bg-custom tz-background-color display-table> div classdisplay-table-cell-vertical-middle padding-custom md-padding-twenty sm-no-padding-lr> div classcol-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 no-padding margin-ten-bottom xs-margin-twenty-bottom xs-text-center> h1 classmain-title section-title-large sm-section-title-medium xs-section-title-large text-dark-gray alt-font tz-text> Hvorfor vælge os? /h1> div classcol-md-2 col-sm-2 xs-float-none font-weight-600 content-box title-extra-large line-height-40 alt-font text-dark-gray tz-text> 01. /div> div classinfo col-md-10 col-sm-10 xs-no-margin xs-no-padding xs-width-100 xs-clear-both> h3 classtitle-medium margin-two-bottom text-dark-gray tz-text alt-font> Engros fordele: /h3> div classtext-medium text-dark-gray tz-text> p classno-margin> Engrossalg af vores Elf Bar elektroniske cigaretter tilbyder adskillige fordele, som kan gavne din virksomhed betydeligt. En af de iøjnefaldende funktioner er vores konkurrencedygtige priser, som inkluderer betydelige rabatter på bulkordrer, hvilket giver dig mulighed for at maksimere dine fortjenstmargener og samtidig give dine kunder produkter af høj kvalitet. Vores omfattende lager omfatter populære modeller såsom Elf Bar 1500 og Elf Bar 5000, hvilket sikrer, at du kan opfylde dine kunders forskellige præferencer. /p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 no-padding margin-ten-bottom xs-margin-twenty-bottom xs-text-center> div classcol-md-2 col-sm-2 xs-float-none font-weight-600 content-box title-extra-large line-height-40 alt-font text-dark-gray tz-text> 02. /div> div classinfo col-md-10 col-sm-10 xs-no-margin xs-no-padding xs-width-100 xs-clear-both> h3 classtitle-medium margin-two-bottom text-dark-gray tz-text alt-font> Kvalitetsfordel: /h3> div classtext-medium text-dark-gray tz-text> p classno-margin> Vi prioriterer kvalitet ved kun at indkøbe ægte Elf Bar-produkter, som er kendt for deres pålidelighed og enestående ydeevne. Denne forpligtelse til kvalitet øger ikke kun kundetilfredsheden, men fremmer også brandloyalitet. Derudover sikrer vores brede forsyningsnetværk, at vi hurtigt kan opfylde ordrer og opretholde et stabilt lager af forskellige smags- og nikotinstyrker, hvilket gør det nemt for dig at holde dine hylder velforsynede. /p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 no-padding margin-ten-bottom xs-margin-twenty-bottom xs-text-center> div classinfo col-md-12 col-sm-12 xs-no-margin xs-no-padding xs-width-100 xs-clear-both> div classtext-medium text-dark-gray tz-text> p classno-margin> Kontakt os via WhatsApp i dag for at lære mere om vores produkter, og hvordan vi kan understøtte dine forretningsbehov! /p> /div> /div> /div> div classbtn-dual> a classbtn btn-medium propClone bg-dark-gray text-white btn-circle xs-margin-ten-bottom href> span classtz-text>whatsapp/span> i classfa fa-angle-right icon-extra-small tz-icon-color> /i> /a> /div> /div> /div> !-- end details --> !-- content image --> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 no-padding xs-no-padding-15 bg-gray tz-builder-bg-image cover-background bg-img-four m-none data-img-size(W)1000px X (H)800px stylebackground: linear-gradient(transparent, transparent) repeat scroll 0% 0%, transparent url(images/home/home-bg1.jpg) repeat scroll 0% 0%;> /div> !-- end content image --> /div> /div> /section> footer classbg-gray padding-60px-tb xs-padding-40px-tb builder-bg idfooter-section9> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 text-center> div classxs-padding-six-top tz-border> p classtz-text no-margin-bottom> Copyright © 2016-2020 All Rights Reserved. /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /footer> !-- javascript libraries --> script srcjs/jquery.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/jquery.appear.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/smooth-scroll.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/bootstrap.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- wow animation --> script srcjs/wow.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- owl carousel --> script srcjs/owl.carousel.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- images loaded --> script srcjs/imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- isotope --> script srcjs/jquery.isotope.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- magnific popup --> script srcjs/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- navigation --> script srcjs/jquery.nav.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- equalize --> script srcjs/equalize.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- fit videos --> script srcjs/jquery.fitvids.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- number counter --> script srcjs/jquery.countTo.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- time counter --> script srcjs/counter.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- twitter Fetcher --> script srcjs/twitterFetcher_min.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- main --> script srcjs/main.js typetext/javascript>/script> /body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Tue, 04 Mar 2025 07:55:43 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-EncodingVary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent !DOCTYPE html>html dirltr classno-js langda> head> meta charsetutf-8/> meta contentIEedge http-equivX-UA-Compatible/> meta contentwidthdevice-width,initial-scale1.0,maximum-scale1 nameviewport> !-- title --> title>Elf Bar Danmark | Engros Elf Bar engangsvapes/title> meta namekeywords contentelf bar vape, elf bar 5000, elf bar 1500, elf bar pods, elf bar elfa, elf bar nikotin, elf bar 2000 danmark> meta namedescription contentKøb Elf Bar 5000 og Elf Bar 600 engros vape-produkter til salg her med bulkpriser.> link relcanonical href /> link relalternate hreflangda-DK href /> link hrefimages/icon/favicon.ico relshortcut icon/> link hrefcss/animate.css relstylesheet> link hrefcss/bootstrap.min.css relstylesheet/> link hrefcss/font-awesome.min.css relstylesheet/> link hrefcss/themify-icons.css relstylesheet/> link hrefcss/owl.transitions.css relstylesheet/> link hrefcss/owl.carousel.css relstylesheet/> link hrefcss/magnific-popup.css relstylesheet/> link hrefcss/base.css relstylesheet/> link hrefcss/elements.css relstylesheet/> link hrefcss/responsive.css relstylesheet/> link hrefcss/style.css relstylesheet/> !--if IE 9> link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefcss/ie.css /> !endif--> !--if IE> script srcjs/html5shiv.min.js>/script> !endif--> /link> /meta> /meta> /head> body> header classheader-style9 idheader-section14> !-- nav --> nav classnavbar tz-header-bg black-header alt-font no-margin shrink-transparent-header-dark dark-header> div classcontainer-fluid navigation-menu full-header xs-padding-15-lr> div classrow> !-- logo --> div classcol-md-2 col-sm-4 col-xs-6> a classinner-link href#home> img alt data-img-size(W)163px X (H)39px srcimages/danmark01.png/> /a> /div> !-- end logo --> div classcol-md-10 col-sm-8 col-xs-6 position-inherit xs-no-padding-left> button classnavbar-toggle collapsed data-target#bs-example-navbar-collapse-1 data-togglecollapse typebutton> span classsr-only> Toggle navigation /span> span classicon-bar> /span> span classicon-bar> /span> span classicon-bar> /span> /button> div classcollapse navbar-collapse pull-right idbs-example-navbar-collapse-1> ul classnav navbar-nav> li classpropClone> a classinner-link text-white href#content-section1> Indledning af websted /a> /li> li classpropClone> a classinner-link text-white href#content-section2> produkt /a> /li> li classpropClone> a classinner-link text-white href#content-section3> Elf Bar BC5000 /a> /li> li classpropClone> a classinner-link text-white href#content-section4> Elf Bar 600 /a> /li> li classpropClone> a classinner-link text-white href#content-section5> Vælg os /a> /li> li classpropClone> a classinner-link text-white href#content-section6> Vores fordele /a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /nav> !-- end nav --> /header> section classno-padding slider-style1 border-none idhome> div classowl-slider-full owl-carousel light-pagination owl-without-next-pre-arrow> !-- slider item --> div classitem owl-bg-img tz-builder-bg-image cover-background bg-img-one idtz-bg-1> div classslider-banner-images> picture> source srcsetimages/home/banner5d.jpg media(min-width: 768px)> source srcsetimages/home/banner5m.jpg media(max-width: 767px)> img srcimages/home/banner5d.jpg /> /picture> /div> div classcontainer one-sixth-screen xs-one-third-screen position-relative> div classcol-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 slider-typography text-left> div classslider-text-middle-main> div classslider-text-middle> div classcol-md-7 col-sm-10 col-xs-12 no-padding alt-font slider-content sm-no-margin-top> h1 classtitle-extra-large-5 line-height-80 font-weight-700 text-white slider-title margin-seven-bottom tz-text idtz-slider-text1> Elf Bar br/> Danmark /h1> p classtext-light-gray text-extra-large text-white main-font font-weight-600 slider-text margin-ten-bottom tz-text width-80 xs-width-100 idtz-slider-text2> Elf Bar Engangsvapes /p> div classbtn-dual> a classbtn btn-medium propClone bg-white text-dark-gray btn-circle xs-margin-ten-bottom href> span classtz-text>whatsapp/span> i classfa fa-angle-right icon-extra-small tz-icon-color> /i> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- end slider item --> /div> /section> section classpadding-110px-tb xs-padding-60px-tb bg-white builder-bg idcontent-section1> div classcontainer> div classrow equalize xs-equalize-auto equalize-display-inherit> !-- content details --> div classcol-md-6 col-sm-6 xs-12 xs-text-center xs-margin-nineteen-bottom display-table style> div classdisplay-table-cell-vertical-middle> h2 classalt-font title-extra-large sm-title-large xs-section-title-large text-dark-gray width-90 letter-spacing-minus-1 sm-width-100 margin-eight-bottom tz-text sm-margin-ten-bottom sm-margin-ten-top> Indledning af websted /h2> div classtext-extra-large tz-text width-90 sm-width-100 margin-five-bottom sm-margin-ten-bottom>/div> div classtext-medium tz-text width-90 sm-width-100 margin-ten-bottom sm-margin-ten-bottom xs-margin-twenty-bottom> p> Vi sælger Elf Bar engangs e-cigaretter i løs vægt over hele Danmark. Vi har et bredt udvalg af produkter såsom Elf Bar 5000, Elf Bar 600. Alle typer Elf Bar engangs e-cigaretter er tilgængelige til omgående forsendelse. /p> /div> a classbtn-medium btn-circle btn border-2-dark-aqua btn-border text-dark-aqua propClone href> span classtz-text>whatsapp/span> i classfa fa-long-arrow-right icon-extra-small tz-icon-color> /i> /a> /div> /div> !-- end content details --> div classcol-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 display-table text-right xs-margin-lr-auto xs-fl-none xs-no-padding-bottom> div classdisplay-table-cell-vertical-middle> img alt data-img-size(W)800px X (H)800px srcimages/home/main-image1.png/> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classbg-white builder-bg idcontent-section2> div classcontainer-fluid> div classrow> div classowl-carousel owl-theme owl-light-pagination white-pagination testimonial-style3> !-- portfolio item --> div classitem lightbox-gallery> a hrefimages/home/vape1.jpg title> img alt data-img-size(W)800px X (H)658px idtz-bg-31 srcimages/home/vape1.jpg/> /a> /div> !-- end portfolio item --> !-- portfolio item --> div classitem lightbox-gallery> a hrefimages/home/vape2.jpg title> img alt data-img-size(W)800px X (H)658px idtz-bg-32 srcimages/home/vape2.jpg/> /a> /div> !-- end portfolio item --> !-- portfolio item --> div classitem lightbox-gallery> a hrefimages/home/vape3.jpg title> img alt data-img-size(W)800px X (H)658px idtz-bg-33 srcimages/home/vape3.jpg/> /a> /div> !-- end portfolio item --> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classpadding-110px-tb xs-padding-60px-tb bg-white builder-bg idcontent-section3> div classcontainer> div classrow equalize xs-equalize-auto equalize-display-inherit> div classcol-md-6 col-sm-6 xs-12 xs-text-center display-table style> div classdisplay-table-cell-vertical-middle> img alt data-img-size(W)800px X (H)600px srcimages/model/bc5000/bc5000-01.png/> /div> /div> !-- content details --> div classcol-md-6 col-sm-6 xs-12 xs-text-center xs-margin-nineteen-bottom display-table> div classdisplay-table-cell-vertical-middle> h1 classalt-font title-extra-large sm-title-large xs-section-title-large text-dark-gray width-90 sm-width-100 letter-spacing-minus-1 margin-eight-bottom tz-text sm-margin-ten-bottom sm-margin-ten-top> Elf Bar BC5000 /h1> div classtext-medium tz-text width-90 sm-width-100 margin-five-bottom sm-margin-ten-bottom> 5000 puff engangsvapen er en genopladelig vapeenhed, der indeholder et 650mAh batteri og en forudfyldt vapetank. Hver Elf Bar BC5000 vape indeholder en 40mg nic salt vape juice for et stærkt nikotin hit for voksne vapers. Alle Elf Bar BC5000 vapesmage oplades med et USB-C ladekabel. /div> div classtext-medium tz-text width-90 sm-width-100 margin-ten-bottom sm-margin-ten-bottom xs-margin-twenty-bottom> p>/p> /div> a classbtn-medium btn-circle btn border-2-dark-aqua btn-border text-dark-aqua propClone href> span classtz-text>whatsapp/span> i classfa fa-long-arrow-right icon-extra-small tz-icon-color> /i> /a> /div> /div> !-- end content details --> /div> /div> /section> section classtz-builder-bg-image content2-bg-image no-padding border-none cover-background xs-bg-none bg-img-five idcontent-section4> div classcover-background-images> picture> source srcsetimages/model/600/floor-1.jpg media(min-width: 768px)> source srcsetimages/model/600/floor-1m.jpg media(max-width: 767px)> img srcimages/model/600/floor-1.jpg /> /picture> /div> div classcontainer sm-width-100 sm-no-padding> div classtz-background-color width-55 sm-width-60 xs-width-100 content-style1 padding-fifteen md-padding-eight sm-padding-eleven xs-padding-eighteen> !-- section title --> h1 classtitle alt-font tz-text title-extra-large-2 sm-title-extra-large-2 xs-section-title-large text-white margin-eight-bottom> Elf Bar 600 /h1> !-- end section title --> div classtext-white title-medium sm-title-medium xs-title-medium margin-twelve-bottom display-block font-weight-300 tz-text> Elf Bar 600 vape pod har et 550mAh indbygget batteri, automatisk downloadfunktion. Du kan forvente at opnå op til 600 sug, hvilket svarer til omkring 20 cigaretter. Din kapsel vil være fyldt med 2 ml 20 mg e-væske. Du kan vælge mellem over 30 smagsvarianter, herunder vindrue-, mynte-, vandmelon- og jordbæris. /div> a classbtn btn-medium propClone highlight-button-white-border btn-circle xs-margin-ten-bottom href> span classtz-text>whatsapp/span> i classfa fa-angle-right icon-extra-small tz-icon-color> /i> /a> div classtext-medium sm-text-medium text-white tz-text> p>/p> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classpadding-110px-tb xs-padding-top-60px border-none idcontent-section5> div classcontainer> div classrow> !-- section title --> div classcol-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 text-center> h1 classsection-title-large sm-section-title-medium xs-section-title-large text-dark-gray alt-font margin-three-bottom xs-margin-fifteen-botom tz-text> Vælg os /h1> div classtext-medium sm-text-medium width-60 margin-lr-auto md-width-70 sm-width-100 tz-text margin-three-bottom xs-margin-fifteen-botom> Ved at vælge at engrossalg af vores Elf Bar elektroniske cigaretter positionerer du din virksomhed til succes med attraktive priser, produkter af høj kvalitet og en bred vifte af muligheder. /div> div classbtn-dual> a classbtn btn-medium propClone bg-dark-gray text-white btn-circle margin-three-bottom xs-margin-ten-bottom href> span classtz-text>whatsapp/span> i classfa fa-angle-right icon-extra-small tz-icon-color> /i> /a> /div> /div> !-- end section title --> /div> div classrow> div classtext-center margin-three-bottom xs-margin-fifteen-botom> img alt class srcimages/home/banner8d.jpg/> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classbg-white builder-bg border-none idcontent-section6> div classcontainer-fluid> div classrow equalize> !-- details --> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 bg-custom tz-background-color display-table> div classdisplay-table-cell-vertical-middle padding-custom md-padding-twenty sm-no-padding-lr> div classcol-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 no-padding margin-ten-bottom xs-margin-twenty-bottom xs-text-center> h1 classmain-title section-title-large sm-section-title-medium xs-section-title-large text-dark-gray alt-font tz-text> Hvorfor vælge os? /h1> div classcol-md-2 col-sm-2 xs-float-none font-weight-600 content-box title-extra-large line-height-40 alt-font text-dark-gray tz-text> 01. /div> div classinfo col-md-10 col-sm-10 xs-no-margin xs-no-padding xs-width-100 xs-clear-both> h3 classtitle-medium margin-two-bottom text-dark-gray tz-text alt-font> Engros fordele: /h3> div classtext-medium text-dark-gray tz-text> p classno-margin> Engrossalg af vores Elf Bar elektroniske cigaretter tilbyder adskillige fordele, som kan gavne din virksomhed betydeligt. En af de iøjnefaldende funktioner er vores konkurrencedygtige priser, som inkluderer betydelige rabatter på bulkordrer, hvilket giver dig mulighed for at maksimere dine fortjenstmargener og samtidig give dine kunder produkter af høj kvalitet. Vores omfattende lager omfatter populære modeller såsom Elf Bar 1500 og Elf Bar 5000, hvilket sikrer, at du kan opfylde dine kunders forskellige præferencer. /p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 no-padding margin-ten-bottom xs-margin-twenty-bottom xs-text-center> div classcol-md-2 col-sm-2 xs-float-none font-weight-600 content-box title-extra-large line-height-40 alt-font text-dark-gray tz-text> 02. /div> div classinfo col-md-10 col-sm-10 xs-no-margin xs-no-padding xs-width-100 xs-clear-both> h3 classtitle-medium margin-two-bottom text-dark-gray tz-text alt-font> Kvalitetsfordel: /h3> div classtext-medium text-dark-gray tz-text> p classno-margin> Vi prioriterer kvalitet ved kun at indkøbe ægte Elf Bar-produkter, som er kendt for deres pålidelighed og enestående ydeevne. Denne forpligtelse til kvalitet øger ikke kun kundetilfredsheden, men fremmer også brandloyalitet. Derudover sikrer vores brede forsyningsnetværk, at vi hurtigt kan opfylde ordrer og opretholde et stabilt lager af forskellige smags- og nikotinstyrker, hvilket gør det nemt for dig at holde dine hylder velforsynede. /p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 no-padding margin-ten-bottom xs-margin-twenty-bottom xs-text-center> div classinfo col-md-12 col-sm-12 xs-no-margin xs-no-padding xs-width-100 xs-clear-both> div classtext-medium text-dark-gray tz-text> p classno-margin> Kontakt os via WhatsApp i dag for at lære mere om vores produkter, og hvordan vi kan understøtte dine forretningsbehov! /p> /div> /div> /div> div classbtn-dual> a classbtn btn-medium propClone bg-dark-gray text-white btn-circle xs-margin-ten-bottom href> span classtz-text>whatsapp/span> i classfa fa-angle-right icon-extra-small tz-icon-color> /i> /a> /div> /div> /div> !-- end details --> !-- content image --> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 no-padding xs-no-padding-15 bg-gray tz-builder-bg-image cover-background bg-img-four m-none data-img-size(W)1000px X (H)800px stylebackground: linear-gradient(transparent, transparent) repeat scroll 0% 0%, transparent url(images/home/home-bg1.jpg) repeat scroll 0% 0%;> /div> !-- end content image --> /div> /div> /section> footer classbg-gray padding-60px-tb xs-padding-40px-tb builder-bg idfooter-section9> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 text-center> div classxs-padding-six-top tz-border> p classtz-text no-margin-bottom> Copyright © 2016-2020 All Rights Reserved. /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /footer> !-- javascript libraries --> script srcjs/jquery.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/jquery.appear.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/smooth-scroll.js typetext/javascript>/script> script srcjs/bootstrap.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- wow animation --> script srcjs/wow.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- owl carousel --> script srcjs/owl.carousel.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- images loaded --> script srcjs/imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- isotope --> script srcjs/jquery.isotope.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- magnific popup --> script srcjs/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- navigation --> script srcjs/jquery.nav.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- equalize --> script srcjs/equalize.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- fit videos --> script srcjs/jquery.fitvids.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- number counter --> script srcjs/jquery.countTo.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- time counter --> script srcjs/counter.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- twitter Fetcher --> script srcjs/twitterFetcher_min.js typetext/javascript>/script> !-- main --> script srcjs/main.js typetext/javascript>/script> /body>/html>
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