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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:11:33 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeVary: Accept-EncodingTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !doctype html>html langen>head> meta charsetutf-8>title>Eastern Kentucky Association of REALTORS®/title>meta namedescription contentEastern Kentucky Association of Realtors>meta nameauthor contentVantage Web Services> script src>/script> link relstylesheet hreflibrary/stylesheet/main.css> link relstylesheet hreflibrary/stylesheet/useSpecific/menu-homepage.css> link relstylesheet hreflibrary/stylesheet/useSpecific/banner.css> link relstylesheet hreflibrary/stylesheet/useSpecific/footer.css> link relstylesheet hreflibrary/stylesheet/pageSpecific/home.css>/head>body> !-- Menu --> script> $(window).on(resize, statusCheck); // Function to open and close menu in mobile view. function mobileMenu() { if($(#mobileDropMenu).is(:visible)){ document.getElementById(menuIcon).style.backgroundImage url(library/images/icon/menu.png); document.getElementById(mobileDropMenu).style.display none; } else { document.getElementById(menuIcon).style.backgroundImage url(library/images/icon/exit.png); document.getElementById(mobileDropMenu).style.display inline; } } // Function to reset the view if a user expands beyond mobile view dimensions. function statusCheck() { if($(#menuIcon).is(:hidden)){ document.getElementById(mobileDropMenu).style.display none; document.getElementById(menuIcon).style.backgroundImage url(library/images/icon/menu.png); } }/script>div classmenuContainer> div classmenuPositioner> a hrefindex.php classlogoContainer>/a> div idmenuIcon onclickmobileMenu()> /div> div classmenuButtons> a hrefcontact.php classmenuButtonContainer>span>contact/span>/a>a hrefnews.php classmenuButtonContainer>span>News/span>/a>a hrefabout.php classmenuButtonContainer>span>about us/span>/a>a hrefindex.php classmenuButtonContainer>span>home/span>/a> /div> /div>/div>div idmobileDropMenu> a hrefcontact.php classmblLinkContainer>span>contact/span>/a>a hrefnews.php classmblLinkContainer>span>News/span>/a>a hrefabout.php classmblLinkContainer>span>about us/span>/a>a hrefindex.php classmblLinkContainer>span>home/span>/a>/div> !-- Content Container --> div classbannerContainer> div classbannerScan> /div> div classbannerText> img srclibrary/images/logo/logo_blue.png> p>We set the bar high. Now you can reap the benefits./p> p>a hrefabout.php stylemargin-right: 40px;>learn more about EKAR >/a> a hreflistings.php>view our listings >/a>/p> /div> div classpointer>/div> /div> div classmarketerWrapper> div classlistingContainer> div classlistingText> h1>LISTINGS/h1> p>Look no further. Youve found it./p> p>With our extensive network of realtors we are confident we can help you find your perfect listing./p> a hreflistings.php> input typebutton valueVIEW LISTINGS> /a> /div> /div> div classlearnContainer> div classlearnText> h1>LEARN/h1> p>Were hard at work. Working for you./p> p>Learn more about your local board of REALTORS. See how we benefit you and our community./p> a hrefabout.php> input typebutton valueLEARN MORE> /a> /div> /div> div classsearchContainer> div classsearchText> h1>REALTORS®/h1> p>We have East Kentucky covered./p> p>Our network of realtors cover all of East Kentucky. More than likely we have a member in your community./p> a hrefmembers.php> input typebutton valueOUR MEMBERS> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classmortgageContainer> div classmortgageText> h1>PLANNING A MORTGAGE?/h1> p>Know what your financial future will be with your new home./p> p>/p> a hrefmortgage.php> input typebutton valueCALCULATE YOUR MORTGAGE> /a> /div> /div> !-- Footer --> div classfooterContainer> div classfooterContent> div classnationalLinks> h3>Remote Links/h3> a href> National Association of REALTORS®/a> a href> Kentucky Association of REALTORS®/a> a href> Kentucky Real Estate Appraisers Board/a> a href> KDA Kentucky’s School Report Card/a> a href> Professional Standards/Code of Ethics/a> /div> div classlocalLinks> h3>EKAR Links/h3> a hrefmembers/> Member Login/a> a href> Facebook/a> /div> div classnationalLogo> img srclibrary/images/logo/office_R_white.png/> /div> div classequalHousingLogo> img srclibrary/images/logo/equal-house-opp.png/> /div> div classmlsLogo> img srclibrary/images/logo/MLS-clear.png/> /div> /div> div classcopyright> 1362 North Lake Drive Prestonsburg, KY 41653 b>Phone:/b> 606.886.7321 b>Fax:/b> 606.886.7322 br> Copyright 2001-2024 Eastern Kentucky Assocation of REALTORS® /div>/div>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:11:34 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeVary: Accept-EncodingTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !doctype html>html langen>head> meta charsetutf-8>title>Eastern Kentucky Association of REALTORS®/title>meta namedescription contentEastern Kentucky Association of Realtors>meta nameauthor contentVantage Web Services> script src>/script> link relstylesheet hreflibrary/stylesheet/main.css> link relstylesheet hreflibrary/stylesheet/useSpecific/menu-homepage.css> link relstylesheet hreflibrary/stylesheet/useSpecific/banner.css> link relstylesheet hreflibrary/stylesheet/useSpecific/footer.css> link relstylesheet hreflibrary/stylesheet/pageSpecific/home.css>/head>body> !-- Menu --> script> $(window).on(resize, statusCheck); // Function to open and close menu in mobile view. function mobileMenu() { if($(#mobileDropMenu).is(:visible)){ document.getElementById(menuIcon).style.backgroundImage url(library/images/icon/menu.png); document.getElementById(mobileDropMenu).style.display none; } else { document.getElementById(menuIcon).style.backgroundImage url(library/images/icon/exit.png); document.getElementById(mobileDropMenu).style.display inline; } } // Function to reset the view if a user expands beyond mobile view dimensions. function statusCheck() { if($(#menuIcon).is(:hidden)){ document.getElementById(mobileDropMenu).style.display none; document.getElementById(menuIcon).style.backgroundImage url(library/images/icon/menu.png); } }/script>div classmenuContainer> div classmenuPositioner> a hrefindex.php classlogoContainer>/a> div idmenuIcon onclickmobileMenu()> /div> div classmenuButtons> a hrefcontact.php classmenuButtonContainer>span>contact/span>/a>a hrefnews.php classmenuButtonContainer>span>News/span>/a>a hrefabout.php classmenuButtonContainer>span>about us/span>/a>a hrefindex.php classmenuButtonContainer>span>home/span>/a> /div> /div>/div>div idmobileDropMenu> a hrefcontact.php classmblLinkContainer>span>contact/span>/a>a hrefnews.php classmblLinkContainer>span>News/span>/a>a hrefabout.php classmblLinkContainer>span>about us/span>/a>a hrefindex.php classmblLinkContainer>span>home/span>/a>/div> !-- Content Container --> div classbannerContainer> div classbannerScan> /div> div classbannerText> img srclibrary/images/logo/logo_blue.png> p>We set the bar high. Now you can reap the benefits./p> p>a hrefabout.php stylemargin-right: 40px;>learn more about EKAR >/a> a hreflistings.php>view our listings >/a>/p> /div> div classpointer>/div> /div> div classmarketerWrapper> div classlistingContainer> div classlistingText> h1>LISTINGS/h1> p>Look no further. Youve found it./p> p>With our extensive network of realtors we are confident we can help you find your perfect listing./p> a hreflistings.php> input typebutton valueVIEW LISTINGS> /a> /div> /div> div classlearnContainer> div classlearnText> h1>LEARN/h1> p>Were hard at work. Working for you./p> p>Learn more about your local board of REALTORS. See how we benefit you and our community./p> a hrefabout.php> input typebutton valueLEARN MORE> /a> /div> /div> div classsearchContainer> div classsearchText> h1>REALTORS®/h1> p>We have East Kentucky covered./p> p>Our network of realtors cover all of East Kentucky. More than likely we have a member in your community./p> a hrefmembers.php> input typebutton valueOUR MEMBERS> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classmortgageContainer> div classmortgageText> h1>PLANNING A MORTGAGE?/h1> p>Know what your financial future will be with your new home./p> p>/p> a hrefmortgage.php> input typebutton valueCALCULATE YOUR MORTGAGE> /a> /div> /div> !-- Footer --> div classfooterContainer> div classfooterContent> div classnationalLinks> h3>Remote Links/h3> a href> National Association of REALTORS®/a> a href> Kentucky Association of REALTORS®/a> a href> Kentucky Real Estate Appraisers Board/a> a href> KDA Kentucky’s School Report Card/a> a href> Professional Standards/Code of Ethics/a> /div> div classlocalLinks> h3>EKAR Links/h3> a hrefmembers/> Member Login/a> a href> Facebook/a> /div> div classnationalLogo> img srclibrary/images/logo/office_R_white.png/> /div> div classequalHousingLogo> img srclibrary/images/logo/equal-house-opp.png/> /div> div classmlsLogo> img srclibrary/images/logo/MLS-clear.png/> /div> /div> div classcopyright> 1362 North Lake Drive Prestonsburg, KY 41653 b>Phone:/b> 606.886.7321 b>Fax:/b> 606.886.7322 br> Copyright 2001-2024 Eastern Kentucky Assocation of REALTORS® /div>/div>/body>/html>
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