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Download Aadhar Card online in 2019 at UIDAI Website.E-Aadhaar/>meta namerobots contentfollow,index/>link relcanonical href />meta propertyog:locale contenten_US>meta propertyog:type contentwebsite>meta propertyog:title contentE-Aadhaar | Aadhar Card Download From UIDAI>meta propertyog:description contentE-Aadhar Card : Check Aadhaar Status and dwonload your eAadhar from UIDAI Gov In. Download Aadhar Card online in 2019 at UIDAI Website.E-Aadhaar>meta propertyog:url content>meta propertyog:site_name contentE-Aadhaar.Download>meta propertyog:image content>meta propertyog:image:secure_url content>meta propertyog:image:width content1280>meta propertyog:image:height content720>meta propertyog:image:alt contentE-aadhaar Download>meta propertyog:image:type contentimage/jpeg>meta nametwitter:card contentsummary_large_image>meta nametwitter:title contentE-Aadhaar | Aadhar Card Download From UIDAI>meta nametwitter:description contentE-Aadhar Card : Check Aadhaar Status and dwonload your eAadhar from UIDAI Gov In. Download Aadhar Card online in 2019 at UIDAI Website.E-Aadhaar>meta nametwitter:image content> script typeapplication/ld+json>{@context:https:\/\/,@type:WebSite,@id:https:\/\/\/#website,url:https:\/\/,name:Amit Kadam,potentialAction:{@type:SearchAction,target:https:\/\/\/?s{search_term_string},query-input:required namesearch_term_string}},{@context:https:\/\/,@type:Review,author:{@type:Person,name:kingamit},datePublished:2019-02-02T21:18:44+00:00,description:E-Aadhaar Download,itemReviewed:{@type:Thing,name:Amit Kadam,image:{@type:ImageObject,url:\/images\/fill-the-details-on-aadhaar-uidai-official-website.png,width:200,height:200}},reviewRating:{@type:Rating,worstRating:1,bestRating:5,ratingValue:5},image:{@type:ImageObject,url:\/images\/fill-the-details-on-aadhaar-uidai-official-website.png,width:200,height:200}}/script> link reldns-prefetch href// />link reldns-prefetch href// />link relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml titleE-Aadhaar.Download » Feed href />link relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml titleE-Aadhaar.Download » Comments Feed href />link relstylesheet idwp-bootstrap-pro-fontawesome-cdn-css href typetext/css mediaall /> script typetext/javascript src>/script> !--if lt IE 9> script typetext/javascript src>/script> !endif-->link rel href />link relEditURI typeapplication/rsd+xml titleRSD href />link relwlwmanifest typeapplication/wlwmanifest+xml href />meta namegenerator contentWordPress 5.2.2 />link relshortlink href />link relalternate typeapplication/json+oembed href />link relalternate typetext/xml+oembed href /> script data-cfasyncfalse>window.a2a_configwindow.a2a_config||{};a2a_config.callbacks;a2a_config.overlays;a2a_config.templates{};(function(d,s,a,b){ad.createElement(s);bd.getElementsByTagName(s)0;a.async1;a.src;b.parentNode.insertBefore(a,b);})(document,script);/script> link relicon href typeimage/png/> script>(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){iGoogleAnalyticsObjectr;irir||function(){(ir.qir.q||).push(arguments)},ir.l1*new Date();as.createElement(o),ms.getElementsByTagName(o)0;a.async1;a.srcg;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)})(window,document,script,,ga);ga(create, UA-111236026-1, auto);ga(send, pageview);/script> /head>body classhome page-template-default page page-id-11 theme-preset-active>div idpage classsite> a classskip-link screen-reader-text href#content>Skip to content/a>header idmasthead classsite-header navbar-static-top navbar-dark bg-primary rolebanner>div classcontainer>nav classnavbar navbar-expand-xl p-0>div classnavbar-brand> a classsite-title href>E-Aadhaar.Download/a>/div> button classnavbar-toggler typebutton data-togglecollapse data-target#main-nav aria-controls aria-expandedfalse aria-labelToggle navigation> span classnavbar-toggler-icon>/span> /button>div idmain-nav classcollapse navbar-collapse justify-content-end>ul idmenu-menu-1 classnavbar-nav>li itemscopeitemscope itemtype idmenu-item-28 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-home current-menu-item page_item page-item-11 current_page_item active menu-item-28 nav-item>a titleE-Aadhaar href classnav-link>E-Aadhaar/a>/li>li itemscopeitemscope itemtype idmenu-item-29 classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-29 nav-item>a titleAbout href classnav-link>About/a>/li>/ul>/div>/nav>/div>/header>div idcontent classsite-content>div classcontainer>div classrow>section idprimary classcontent-area col-sm-12 col-lg-8>main idmain classsite-main rolemain>article idpost-11 classpost-11 page type-page status-publish hentry>header classentry-header>h1 classentry-title>E-Aadhaar/h1>/header>div classentry-content>div classcode-block code-block-4 stylemargin: 8px 0; clear: both;> script async src>/script> ins classadsbygooglestyledisplay:blockdata-ad-clientca-pub-8725600927380521data-ad-slot2605818245data-ad-formatlinkdata-full-width-responsivetrue>/ins> script>(adsbygoogle window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});/script>/div>h2 id1>E-Aadhaar Download/h2>p classtoc_title>Contents/p>ul classtoc_list>li>a href#1>1 What is Aadhaar Card?/a>/li>li>a href#2>2 What is e-Aadhaar and how is it different from Aadhaar?/a>/li>li>a href#3>3 How to download e-Aadhaar Card Online?/a>/li>li>a href>4 Can NRI apply for Aadhar card ?/a>/li>li>a href>5 Link Aadhaar with PAN /a>/li>/ul>p>Aadhaar card or simply ‘Aadhaar’ is 12 digit unique-identity number issued to every Indian resident. It is considered as a proof of residence. Many people think it is an identity proof which is actually incorrect. The data of every individual is collected and handled by UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) which was established in 2009 by the Government of India./p>p>According to UIDAI’s recently released stats, as of 30 November 2017, 1.19 billion people have been issued the Aadhaar number. India has 1.20 billion people and if we go with the official data, 99% population of India has Aadhaar proof. Which also makes Aadhaar the world’s largest biometric ID system./p>p>Aadhaar’s 12 digit number is unique to every individual as it is basically based on the biometric information of a person. As biometric information can’t be changed and is unique to every human being; 12 digit Aadhaar number is issued only once to a person./p>p>Note: Biometric information includes Fingerprints of all ten fingers (fingers and thumb of both hands) and Iris./p>p>In case, If the person whose Aadhaar number is already issued and UIDAI has the biometric information of the person and that person tries to create another Aadhaar card (intentionally or unintentionally); it can’t be done because the system already has the person’s biometric details. Hence, for every unique biometric information system generates a 12 digit unique number which is linked to the person’s biometric and demographic details./p>h2 id1>What is e-Aadhaar and how is it different from Aadhaar?/h2>p>The only difference between Aadhaar and e-Aadhaar is that Aadhaar is physical, while e-Aadhaar is digital. The feature is probably first released in 2013./p>p>As the usages of Aadhaar is increasing and considered important for many things in India. For example, even to get a new SIM card one can use Aadhaar card as a proof of address.Taking the physical copy of it sometimes isn’t possible, in fact, many times one can forget it. In such case, e-Aadhaar is handy as it is digital you can carry and access it anywhere even on your smartphone, computer, pen drive, online, etc./p>p>Let me give you an example, suppose you booked a smartphone online and when it reached your destination the delivery person sometimes ask you for an ID proof (always remember, Aadhaar officially isn’t considered an identity proof as said by UIDAI, but sometimes it can be skipped for such things) you can use show your e-Aadhaar card in such scenario especially when you don’t have access to your Physical Aadhaar./p>h2 id2>How to download e-Aadhaar Card Online in 2019?/h2>p>Always remember that Aadhaar card can only be downloaded from the official UIDAI website, other than that there is no any website from where you can download it./p>p>Before following this tutorial make sure that your Aadhaar is approved./p>p>You must ready with the few personal details and especially your registered mobile number before you can be able to download e-Aadhaar./p>h3 id3>Follow the below steps carefully:/h3>p>strong>Step 1:/strong> Visit the official e-Aadhaar website through here: a href target_blank relnoopener noreferrer>>/p>p>strong>Special Note (Be Careful!)/strong>/p>p>Note: Make sure you visit an official UIDAI website and not any fake website with the similar look as the original, as you have to enter some confidential details take time to verify the originality of the website. Original website URL address starts with the HTTPS and has in the end. In case you are not sure Google ‘e-Aadhaar download UIDAI’ and click on the first link of the search page or simply use above given URL./p>p>strong>Step 2: /strong>On next page, you will have a form which you need to fill. On the first step choose one between, I have* Enrolment Id Aadhaar <– It would look something like this. No matter what you choose make sure that you have what you are choosing if you have Aadhaar number choose it and if you have Enrolment number choose that./p>p>Fill The Details (Follow below picture)/p>p>ins classadsbygoogle data-ad-clientca-pub-8725600927380521 data-ad-slot2577709805 data-ad-formatauto data-full-width-responsivetrue>/ins>div classcode-block code-block-1 stylemargin: 8px 0; clear: both;> script async src//>/script> ins classadsbygooglestyledisplay:inline-block;width:300px;height:250pxdata-ad-clientca-pub-8725600927380521data-ad-slot6960704893>/ins> script>(adsbygoogle window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});/script>/div> img classalignnone titleE-Aadhaar Details src/images/fill-the-details-on-aadhaar-uidai-official-website.png altFill The Details e-Aadhaar Download width605 height414 />div classcode-block code-block-2 stylemargin: 8px 0; clear: both;> script async src//>/script> ins classadsbygooglestyledisplay:blockdata-ad-clientca-pub-8725600927380521data-ad-slot2577709805data-ad-formatautodata-full-width-responsivetrue>/ins> script>(adsbygoogle window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});/script>/div>/p>p>Now enter whatever number you have chosen and then your full name, Pin code and fill the captcha image text. Now click on ‘Get One Time Password‘ after that you will receive an OTP through SMS on your registered mobile number./p>p>The second step on the page will ask you to enter OTP that you received on your mobile phone. If you don’t receive within 10 minutes then click on ‘Resend One Time Password‘. After entering the OTP click on ‘Validate & Download‘./p>p>And within 10 seconds the download of E-Aadhaar will start./p>p>strong>Step 3:/strong> After the download completed you may open the PDF file, but before you can access it there is one more step. To protect your e-Aadhaar UIDAI set an 8 character password on the file./p>p>The password is the first 4 letters of your name and your birth year./p>p>img classaligncenter wp-image-25 src/images/eAadhaar_password.jpg alt8 character e-Aadhaar Password width574 height360 titleE-Aadhaar 1>/p>p>For example, your name is strong>Ramesh Singh/strong> and your date of birth is strong>12-03-1995/strong> so the password of the PDF file would be strong>RAME1997/strong> (First Four Letters of your name+Birth Year)/p>p>That’s it. Enjoy your e-Aadhaar card./p>p>strong>Keywords:/strong> strong>Aadhar card, online /strong>aadharstrong> card download, /strong>aadharstrong> card download by name and date of birth, e /strong>aadharstrong> card download, /strong>uidaistrong> gov check your /strong>aadhaarstrong> status, /strong>aadharstrong> card status by name, /strong>aadharstrong> card status enquiry phone number, /strong>aadharstrong> card address change, /strong>uidai aadharstrong>update, /strong>aadharstrong> card correction online without mobile number/strong>/p>div idrank-math-rich-snippet-wrapper>h5 classrank-math-title>Amit Kadam/h5>div classrank-math-review-image> img src/images/fill-the-details-on-aadhaar-uidai-official-website.png altE-Aadhaar 1 titleE-Aadhaar 2>/div>div classrank-math-review-data>p>E-Aadhaar Download/p>div classrank-math-total-wrapper> strong>Editor's Rating:/strong>br /> span classrank-math-total>5/span>div classrank-math-review-star>div classrank-math-review-result-wrapper> i classfa fa-star>/i>i classfa fa-star>/i>i classfa fa-star>/i>i classfa fa-star>/i>i classfa fa-star>/i>div classrank-math-review-result stylewidth:100%;> i classfa fa-star>/i>i classfa fa-star>/i>i classfa fa-star>/i>i classfa fa-star>/i>i classfa fa-star>/i>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>div classaddtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content addtoany_content_bottom>div classa2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list data-a2a-url data-a2a-titleE-Aadhaar>a classa2a_button_facebook href titleFacebook relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_button_twitter href titleTwitter relnofollow noopener target_blank>/a>a classa2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share href>/a>/div>/div>/div>/article>/main>/section>aside idsecondary classwidget-area col-sm-12 col-lg-4 rolecomplementary>section idcustom_html-3 classwidget_text widget widget_custom_html>div classtextwidget custom-html-widget>script async src>/script> ins classadsbygooglestyledisplay:blockdata-ad-clientca-pub-8725600927380521data-ad-slot5371582380data-ad-formatlinkdata-full-width-responsivetrue>/ins> script>(adsbygoogle window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});/script>/div>/section>section idsearch-2 classwidget widget_search>form rolesearch methodget classsearch-form action> label> input typesearch classsearch-field form-control placeholderSearch … value names titleSearch for:> /label> input typesubmit classsearch-submit btn btn-default valueSearch>/form>/section>section idpages-2 classwidget widget_pages>h3 classwidget-title>Pages/h3>ul>li classpage_item page-item-18>a href>Can NRI apply for Aadhar card ?(Online & SMS)/a>/li>li classpage_item page-item-14>a href>Link Aadhaar with PAN (Online & SMS) E-aadhaar 2019/a>/li>/ul>/section>section idcustom_html-2 classwidget_text widget widget_custom_html>h3 classwidget-title>Disclaimer/h3>div classtextwidget custom-html-widget>This website is not an official website for Aadhaar and doesn’t represent any official information. 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