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.743.153 1.01.398l.004-.003 6 5.5a1.5 1.5 0 0 1 0 2.21l-6 5.5-.003-.003c-.267.245-.62.398-1.01.398a1.5 1.5 0 0 1-1.5-1.5c0-.438.19-.828.49-1.102l-.004-.003L17.28 16l-4.794-4.395.003-.003A1.49 1.49 0 0 1 12 10.5 1.5 1.5 0 0 1 13.5 9z fill#818091 fill-ruleevenodd>/path> /svg> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> /div> /div> div classcolctrl-2c-50_50> div classcol-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-6 colctrl-2c-50_50-c0> section classbnr-column-control-column> div classpromo section> div classrow> div classbnr-promo secondary cq-dd-image> div classpromo-image-wrap> img loadinglazy src/Themes/NopRoot/Content/images/industries served.jpg altIndustries Served> /div> div classpromo-info> h4 classpromo-info-title>Industries Served/h4> p classpromo-info-description>We help companies automate processes and be more competitive/p> a classbtn btn-primary promo-info-cta rolebutton hrefindustries-served aria-labelIndustries Served> div classsvg-sprite svg-circle_full_arrow> svg width32 height32 viewBox0 0 32 32 idcircle_full_arrow x214 y385.561> path dM16 0c8.836 0 16 7.164 16 16s-7.164 16-16 16S0 24.836 0 16 7.164 0 16 0zm-2.5 9c.39 0 .743.153 1.01.398l.004-.003 6 5.5a1.5 1.5 0 0 1 0 2.21l-6 5.5-.003-.003c-.267.245-.62.398-1.01.398a1.5 1.5 0 0 1-1.5-1.5c0-.438.19-.828.49-1.102l-.004-.003L17.28 16l-4.794-4.395.003-.003A1.49 1.49 0 0 1 12 10.5 1.5 1.5 0 0 1 13.5 9z fill#818091 fill-ruleevenodd>/path> /svg> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> /div> /div> /section> /div> div classclearfix>/div> /br> section classcontainer-fluid page-content> div classhomeheading> div classline>/div> h1>Featured Products/h1> div classline>/div> /div> div classcampaign campaign-homepage-product-slider> div classfeaturedproductherocarousel section col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12> div classrow> div classbnr-featured-product-carousel> div classflexslider> ul classslides> li> div classbnr-fpc-fs-slide-image-box> img altEHW23AJP01DWR, EHW Series Remote Control Valve, ½ Inch, Brass, w/Two Fobs src titleShow details for EHW23AJP01DWR, EHW Series Remote Control Valve, ½ Inch, Brass, w/Two Fobs /> /div> div classbnr-fpc-fs-slide-copy> div classbnr-carousel-h1>EHW23AJP01DWR, EHW Series Remote Control Valve, ½ Inch, Brass, w/Two Fobs/div> p>p>The new Remote Control EHW Series valves allow you to remotely control your valve, wirelessly, up to 300 feet away, using a convenient fob. Save time and steps associated with controlling remote valves by hand. The outdoor-rated NEMA-4 light duty NSF/ANSI 372 Certified Lead-Free valve is compatible with water, oil, air/gas and other similarly non-viscous fluids, up to 200 psi. The valves are available in sizes ¼” to 1¼” and are powered by a 12VDC power source (not included). Ask us about models for high-pressure applications, other voltages, etc./p>p>strong>Additional Features Include:/strong>/p>ul>li>NPT-Threaded Ends/li>li>Full Port/li>li>RTFE Seats and Seals/li>li>Two Fobs Included/li>li>10 Foot Power Cable Pigtail (12VDC)/li>/ul>p>/p>/p> div classbutton-lg> div classbnr-button row> div classbnr-cmpt col-xs-12> a classbtn btn-primary hidden-print btn-lg rolebutton href/ehw23ajp01dwr-ehw-series-remote-control-valve-inch-brass-wtwo-fobs tabindex-1>Learn More/a> /div> /div> /div> div classbutton-md> div classbnr-button row> div classbnr-cmpt col-xs-12> a classbtn btn-primary hidden-print btn-md rolebutton href/ehw23ajp01dwr-ehw-series-remote-control-valve-inch-brass-wtwo-fobs tabindex-1>Learn More/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li> div classbnr-fpc-fs-slide-image-box> img altEHW24AJP01DWR, EHW Series Remote Control Valve, ¾ Inch, Brass, w/Two Fobs src titleShow details for EHW24AJP01DWR, EHW Series Remote Control Valve, ¾ Inch, Brass, w/Two Fobs /> /div> div classbnr-fpc-fs-slide-copy> div classbnr-carousel-h1>EHW24AJP01DWR, EHW Series Remote Control Valve, ¾ Inch, Brass, w/Two Fobs/div> p>p>The new Remote Control EHW Series valves allow you to remotely control your valve, wirelessly, up to 300 feet away, using a convenient fob. Save time and steps associated with controlling remote valves by hand. The outdoor-rated NEMA-4 light duty NSF/ANSI 372 Certified Lead-Free valve is compatible with water, oil, air/gas and other similarly non-viscous fluids, up to 200 psi. The valves are available in sizes ¼” to 1¼” and are powered by a 12VDC power source (not included). Ask us about models for high-pressure applications, other voltages, etc./p>p>strong>Additional Features Include:/strong>/p>ul>li>NPT-Threaded Ends/li>li>Full Port/li>li>RTFE Seats and Seals/li>li>Two Fobs Included/li>li>10 Foot Power Cable Pigtail (12VDC)/li>/ul>/p> div classbutton-lg> div classbnr-button row> div classbnr-cmpt col-xs-12> a classbtn btn-primary hidden-print btn-lg rolebutton href/ehw24ajp01dwr-ehw-series-remote-control-valve-inch-brass-wtwo-fobs tabindex-1>Learn More/a> /div> /div> /div> div classbutton-md> div classbnr-button row> div classbnr-cmpt col-xs-12> a classbtn btn-primary hidden-print btn-md rolebutton href/ehw24ajp01dwr-ehw-series-remote-control-valve-inch-brass-wtwo-fobs tabindex-1>Learn More/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li> div classbnr-fpc-fs-slide-image-box> img altEHW25AJP01DWR, EHW Series Remote Control Valve, 1 Inch, Brass, w/Two Fobs src titleShow details for EHW25AJP01DWR, EHW Series Remote Control Valve, 1 Inch, Brass, w/Two Fobs /> /div> div classbnr-fpc-fs-slide-copy> div classbnr-carousel-h1>EHW25AJP01DWR, EHW Series Remote Control Valve, 1 Inch, Brass, w/Two Fobs/div> p>p>The new Remote Control EHW Series valves allow you to remotely control your valve, wirelessly, up to 300 feet away, using a convenient fob. Save time and steps associated with controlling remote valves by hand. The outdoor-rated NEMA-4 light duty NSF/ANSI 372 Certified Lead-Free valve is compatible with water, oil, air/gas and other similarly non-viscous fluids, up to 200 psi. The valves are available in sizes ¼” to 1¼” and are powered by a 12VDC power source (not included). Ask us about models for high-pressure applications, other voltages, etc./p>p>strong>Additional Features Include:/strong>/p>ul>li>NPT-Threaded Ends/li>li>Full Port/li>li>RTFE Seats and Seals/li>li>Two Fobs Included/li>li>10 Foot Power Cable Pigtail (12VDC)/li>/ul>/p> div classbutton-lg> div classbnr-button row> div classbnr-cmpt col-xs-12> a classbtn btn-primary hidden-print btn-lg rolebutton href/ehw25ajp01dwr tabindex-1>Learn More/a> /div> /div> /div> div classbutton-md> div classbnr-button row> div classbnr-cmpt col-xs-12> a classbtn btn-primary hidden-print btn-md rolebutton href/ehw25ajp01dwr tabindex-1>Learn More/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li> div classbnr-fpc-fs-slide-image-box> img altEHW26AJP01DWR, EHW Series Remote Control Valve, 1 ¼ Inch, Brass, w/Two Fobs src titleShow details for EHW26AJP01DWR, EHW Series Remote Control Valve, 1 ¼ Inch, Brass, w/Two Fobs /> /div> div classbnr-fpc-fs-slide-copy> div classbnr-carousel-h1>EHW26AJP01DWR, EHW Series Remote Control Valve, 1 ¼ Inch, Brass, w/Two Fobs/div> p>p>The new Remote Control EHW Series valves allow you to remotely control your valve, wirelessly, up to 300 feet away, using a convenient fob. Save time and steps associated with controlling remote valves by hand. The outdoor-rated NEMA-4 light duty NSF/ANSI 372 Certified Lead-Free valve is compatible with water, oil, air/gas and other similarly non-viscous fluids, up to 200 psi. The valves are available in sizes ¼” to 1¼” and are powered by a 12VDC power source (not included). Ask us about models for high-pressure applications, other voltages, etc./p>p>strong>Additional Features Include:/strong>/p>ul>li>NPT-Threaded Ends/li>li>Full Port/li>li>RTFE Seats and Seals/li>li>Two Fobs Included/li>li>10 Foot Power Cable Pigtail (12VDC)/li>/ul>/p> div classbutton-lg> div classbnr-button row> div classbnr-cmpt col-xs-12> a classbtn btn-primary hidden-print btn-lg rolebutton href/ehw26ajp01dwr tabindex-1>Learn More/a> /div> /div> /div> div classbutton-md> div classbnr-button row> div classbnr-cmpt col-xs-12> a classbtn btn-primary hidden-print btn-md rolebutton href/ehw26ajp01dwr tabindex-1>Learn More/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li> div classbnr-fpc-fs-slide-image-box> img altVUH1.AM 1/4, HIGH PRESSURE FORGED BRASS MICRO VALVE – VUH SERIES src titleShow details for VUH1.AM 1/4, HIGH PRESSURE FORGED BRASS MICRO VALVE – VUH SERIES /> /div> div classbnr-fpc-fs-slide-copy> div classbnr-carousel-h1>VUH1.AM 1/4, HIGH PRESSURE FORGED BRASS MICRO VALVE – VUH SERIES/div> p>p>VUH Series brass micro valves are for high-pressure small line fluid and gas control applications. The hot-forged sand-blasted brass body, and dual-sealed chrome-plated brass ball, with no metal-to-metal moving parts, is maintenance-free and designed to withstand high-pressure applications (900 PSI) and harsh environments (-4° to 200°F) br />br />b>Key Benefits:/b>/p>ul>li>Rugged Micro Ball Valve for High Pressure Applications/li>li>Meets EN 12165 Finest Brass Specification/li>li>Rugged Hot Forged Construction/li>li>PTFE Self-Lubricating Seats/li>/ul>/p> div classbutton-lg> div classbnr-button row> div classbnr-cmpt col-xs-12> a classbtn btn-primary hidden-print btn-lg rolebutton href/vuh1am-14-high-pressure-forged-brass-mini-valve-vuh-series tabindex-1>Learn More/a> /div> /div> /div> div classbutton-md> div classbnr-button row> div classbnr-cmpt col-xs-12> a classbtn btn-primary hidden-print btn-md rolebutton href/vuh1am-14-high-pressure-forged-brass-mini-valve-vuh-series tabindex-1>Learn More/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> /ul> div classbnr-fpc-fs-controls> div classbnr-fpc-fs-controls-control prev lg> div classsvg-sprite svg-carousel_arrow> svg width32 height32 viewBox0 0 32 32 idcarousel_arrow x118 y385.561>path dM16 0c8.836 0 16 7.164 16 16s-7.164 16-16 16S0 24.836 0 16 7.164 0 16 0zm0 29c7.168 0 13-5.832 13-13S23.168 3 16 3 3 8.832 3 16s5.832 13 13 13zM13.5 9c.39 0 .743.153 1.01.398l.004-.003 6 5.5a1.5 1.5 0 0 1 0 2.21l-6 5.5-.003-.003c-.267.245-.62.398-1.01.398a1.5 1.5 0 0 1-1.5-1.5c0-.438.19-.828.49-1.102l-.004-.003L17.28 16l-4.794-4.395.003-.003A1.49 1.49 0 0 1 12 10.5 1.5 1.5 0 0 1 13.5 9z fill#818091 fill-ruleevenodd>/path>/svg> /div> /div> div classbnr-fpc-fs-controls-control next lg> div classsvg-sprite svg-carousel_arrow> svg width32 height32 viewBox0 0 32 32 idcarousel_arrow x118 y385.561>path dM16 0c8.836 0 16 7.164 16 16s-7.164 16-16 16S0 24.836 0 16 7.164 0 16 0zm0 29c7.168 0 13-5.832 13-13S23.168 3 16 3 3 8.832 3 16s5.832 13 13 13zM13.5 9c.39 0 .743.153 1.01.398l.004-.003 6 5.5a1.5 1.5 0 0 1 0 2.21l-6 5.5-.003-.003c-.267.245-.62.398-1.01.398a1.5 1.5 0 0 1-1.5-1.5c0-.438.19-.828.49-1.102l-.004-.003L17.28 16l-4.794-4.395.003-.003A1.49 1.49 0 0 1 12 10.5 1.5 1.5 0 0 1 13.5 9z fill#818091 fill-ruleevenodd>/path>/svg> /div> /div> div classbnr-fpc-fs-controls-control prev sm> div classsvg-sprite svg-carousel_arrow_mobile> svg width29 height29 viewBox0 0 29 29 idcarousel_arrow_mobile x392 y385.561>g fillnone fill-ruleevenodd>circle fill#FFF cx14.5 cy14.5 r14.5>/circle>path dM14.5 3C20.85 3 26 8.15 26 14.5S20.85 26 14.5 26 3 20.85 3 14.5 8.15 3 14.5 3zm-1.797 6.47c.28 0 .534.11.727.285l.002-.002 4.312 3.952a1.08 1.08 0 0 1 0 1.59l-4.312 3.952-.002-.002a1.072 1.072 0 0 1-.727.286 1.08 1.08 0 0 1-1.078-1.077c0-.315.137-.595.35-.792l3.445-3.16-3.446-3.16h.002a1.07 1.07 0 0 1-.35-.793 1.08 1.08 0 0 1 1.077-1.078z fill#D4D7E0>/path>/g>/svg> /div> /div> div classbnr-fpc-fs-controls-control next sm> div classsvg-sprite svg-carousel_arrow_mobile> svg width29 height29 viewBox0 0 29 29 idcarousel_arrow_mobile x392 y385.561>g fillnone fill-ruleevenodd>circle fill#FFF cx14.5 cy14.5 r14.5>/circle>path dM14.5 3C20.85 3 26 8.15 26 14.5S20.85 26 14.5 26 3 20.85 3 14.5 8.15 3 14.5 3zm-1.797 6.47c.28 0 .534.11.727.285l.002-.002 4.312 3.952a1.08 1.08 0 0 1 0 1.59l-4.312 3.952-.002-.002a1.072 1.072 0 0 1-.727.286 1.08 1.08 0 0 1-1.078-1.077c0-.315.137-.595.35-.792l3.445-3.16-3.446-3.16h.002a1.07 1.07 0 0 1-.35-.793 1.08 1.08 0 0 1 1.077-1.078z fill#D4D7E0>/path>/g>/svg> /div> /div> /div> /div> img classshadow-divider src/assets/shadow-divider.png altShadow Divider> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section>br/> section classcontainer-fluid page-content> div classrow> div classcol-xs-12> div classteaser parbase section> div id_content_banner_us_en_jcr_content_mainParsys_teaser_483117343 classcampaign campaign-homepage-news> div classheading section> div classheading level-bnr-h2-pseudo > div classbnr-h2-pseudo>News & Events/div> /div> /div> div classcolumncontrol section> div classbnr-column-control has-border colctrl-2c-50_50> div classcolctrl-2c-50_50-c0> section classbnr-column-control-column> div classheading section> div classheading level-h3 > h3>Featured Video/h3> /div> /div> div classvideo section> iframe loadinglazy titleDynaQuip Controls, Manufacturer of Manual and Automated Valves width100% height290px src frameborder0 allowfullscreen>/iframe> script> function init() { var vidDefer document.getElementsByTagName(iframe); 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