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HTTP/1.1 200 OKkeep-alive: timeout5, max100x-powered-by: PHP/5.6.40content-type: text/html; charsetUTF-8transfer-encoding: chunkeddate: Fri, 21 Mar 2025 18:19:45 GMTserver: LiteSpeedx-turbo-charged-by: LiteSpeed !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns xml:langen langen>head>title>Home/title>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetISO-8859-1>/meta>meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIE7>/meta>meta nameGenerator contentNetObjects (>/meta>meta nameDescription content>/meta>meta namegoogle-site-verification contentFBqITb92rBSsfbHcAOTmQK0s73mBNdZYQrnRGavqd1g />script typetext/javascript src./assets/jquery.js>/script>link relstylesheet typetext/css href./html/fusion.css>/link>link relstylesheet typetext/css href./html/style.css>/link>link relstylesheet typetext/css href./html/site.css>/link>style typetext/css titleNOF_STYLE_SHEET>body { margin:0px; text-align: center }.nof-centerContent { margin:0px auto; text-align: left; width:1000px }/style>script typetext/javascript src./index_nof.js>/script>/head>body stylebackground: rgb(15,11,10) url(./assets/images/bgcemetary.jpg) no-repeat fixed 50% 1%; classnof-centerBody> div classnof-centerContent> div classnof-positioning> div classnof-clearfix nof-positioning> div classnof-positioning stylefloat: left; display: inline; width: 671px; >img idPicture63 height103 width671 src./assets/images/autogen/dscom.png border0 altdscom titledscom/>/div> div idText17 classnof-positioning TextObject stylefloat: left; display: inline; width: 308px; margin-top: 12px; margin-left: 8px; > p stylemargin-bottom: 0px;>!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->a classaddthis_button href>img src width125 height16 altBookmark and Share styleborder:0/>/a>script typetext/javascript>var addthis_config {data_track_addressbar:true};/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>!-- AddThis Button END --> /p> /div> /div> div classnof-positioning stylewidth: 999px; margin-top: 2px; >img idPicture65 height47 width999 src./assets/images/autogen/menu4.png border0 altmenu4 titlemenu4 usemap#map0/>map namemap0 idmap0>area shaperect idRectangleHotspot8 coords0,0,60,41 href./index.php>/area>area shaperect idRectangleHotspot9 coords73,0,234,43 href./html/bio.php>/area>area shaperect idRectangleHotspot10 coords243,0,346,43 href./html/excerpt.php>/area>area shaperect idRectangleHotspot11 coords358,0,492,46 href./html/coming.php>/area>area shaperect idRectangleHotspot12 coords501,0,673,45 href>/area>area shaperect idRectangleHotspot13 coords679,0,780,43 href./html/contact.html>/area>area shaperect idRectangleHotspot14 coords789,0,913,45 href./html/promotions.php>/area>area shaperect idRectangleHotspot15 coords922,0,993,45 href./html/links.php>/area>/map>/div> div classnof-positioning stylewidth: 1000px; margin-top: 11px; > div idLayoutRegion2 classnof-lyr nof-clearfix stylebackground-repeat: no-repeat; padding-bottom: 1px;> div classnof-positioning> div idText14 classnof-positioning TextObject stylewidth: 682px; margin-top: 8px; margin-left: 27px; > p stylemargin-bottom: 0px;>b>span stylefont-size: 20px; font-weight: bold;>div classcushycms titleHeadline>Welcome to D. Krauss website. Tread carefully. Things roll underfoot./div>/span>/b> /p> /div> div idText19 classnof-positioning TextObject stylewidth: 946px; margin-top: 17px; margin-left: 28px; > p stylemargin-bottom: 0px;>div classcushycms titleBody Text>p styletext-align: justify;>span stylefont-size:12.0pt>span styleline-height:115%>span stylefont-family:"Times New Roman","serif">img alt srcfrontpagebody_75_2548598884.jpg stylewidth: 300px; float: right; height: 471px; />It's 1969. America is on the moon. The Vietnam War is dividing the country. br />br />And in the Alabama swamps, the Cryman />br />Thirteen-year-old Aaron is the first to see it, and the first to suffer its wrath. He mustbr />choose between the Thorny Path of lust and vengeance or the Dark Path of eternalbr />loneliness. Either way, his life is forfeit, and he is desperate to save his belovedbr />sister and friends from a similar fate. But the increasing spiral of violence and horrorbr />threatens to engulf them all. br />br />No one gets out of this unscathed. Only a few get out alive. /span>/span>/span>br />br />br />br /> a href target_blank>img alt srcfrontpagebody_75_865251607.png styleborder-width: 0px; border-style: solid; width: 150px; height: 150px; />/a>br />br />br />br />br />br />span stylefont-size:12.0pt>span styleline-height:115%>span stylefont-family:"Times New Roman","serif">It’s summer, 1965. School's out and Butch's birthday is in a few weeks. br />Perfectspan stylecolor:#1f497d>; /span>three months of freeze tag, hide and seek and riding his bikebr />way past dark. Well, maybe not completely perfect — Frank Vaughn,br />a classmate, is beaten to death by his crazy mother for leaving abr />report card at school. On top of that, Dad is touchier than everbr />and Mom sadder, so best to hide out next door with his best friendbr />Tommy reading i>X-Men/i> and hoping for that birthday GI />br />img alt srcfrontpagebody_58_2827597679.jpg stylewidth: 300px; float: left; height: 479px; />br /> But in one night, Butch's summer explodes and he’s now ridingbr /> across a turbulent and changing Dixie in a white Ramblerbr /> station wagon, at the mercy of a manic depressive and wildlybr /> violent Dad. Like a crewman on Ulysses' ship, Butchbr /> encounters a one-eyed evil grandfather, a 12-year-old Siren, /span>/span>/span>br /> span stylefont-size:14px;>the lotus-eaters of Alabama…and Frank Vaughn. If Butch ever/span>br />span stylefont-size:12.0pt>span styleline-height:115%>span stylefont-family:"Times New Roman","serif"> sees his beloved sister, Cindy, again, it'll be a miracle. If he'sbr /> alive at the end of the summer, it'll be a bigger />br /> A dark version of "The Wonder Years," i>Frank Vaughn Killedbr /> by his Mom /i>is i>The Great Santini /i>written by Homer,br /> careening through a coarse world of racism, adultery,br /> abandonment, and even the occasional hope./span>/span>/span>br />br />br />br />span stylefont-size:12.0pt>span styleline-height:115%>span stylefont-family:"Times New Roman","serif"> /span>/span>/span>a href target_blank>img alt srcfrontpagebody_75_865251607.png styleborder-width: 0px; border-style: solid; width: 150px; height: 150px; />/a> br /> br />br />br />span stylefont-size:12.0pt>span styleline-height:115%>span stylefont-family:"Times New Roman","serif"> /span>/span>/span>br />br />br />br />img alt srcfrontpagebody_60_2405629121.jpg stylewidth: 300px; height: 479px; float: right; />“I bought the house.”br />br />Art Deats does not have to ask which one. His brother, Butch, has been fixated on theirbr />childhood home deep in the swamps of lower Alabama ever since they fled the place in terror br />forty years ago. Has Butch lost his mind? The house is haunted. Let it rot!br />br />“I want you to come down here and help me fix it up.”br />br />Butch, do not do this. Do not wake the />br />Against his better judgment, Art leaves his safe and predictable New Jersey life to helpbr />his brother restore the place. While he struggles to make the house livable again, Art’sbr />long suppressed memories are triggered and he uncovers terrible secrets aboutbr />his family. And that something more than ghosts haunts the />br />Southern Gothic is the sequel to Frank Vaughn Killed by his Mom./p>br />a href target_blank>img alt srcfrontpagebody_75_865251607.png styleborder-width: 0px; border-style: solid; width: 150px; height: 150px; />/a>div styletext-align: right;> /div>div styletext-align: right;> /div>div styletext-align: center;>br />br />img alt srcfrontpagebody_65_3109080573.jpg stylewidth: 300px; height: 479px; />br />br />A surreal quest to find the annoyingly elusive Donbr />takes Butch to places better left />/div> div>What is Butch thinking? He joined the Air Force to escape New Jersey and now, look, one day out of basic training and he's tooling around the Pine Barrens in his Mom's car searching for his best friend, Don. It's like he never left. And he's still in big trouble: Pee Sea, the most notorious drug dealer in the state wants his head on a pike; his stepfather wants the car back and Butch gone; and his old girlfriend, April, wants to personally remove any body parts Pee Sea doesn't. If Butch could just find Don, then they could spend one last crazy night running the shore and the lakes and the mysterious, otherworldly swamplands before Butch has to report in. If he could just find him…br /> br />Looking for Don is a Bruce Springsteen album, a wild ride through 1970's south Jersey as Butch runs into bike gangs, Pineys, the Jersey Devil… and even an old ghost from his /> br />Looking for Don is the third novel of the Frank Vaughn /> a href target_blank>img alt srcfrontpagebody_75_865251607.png styleborder-width: 0px; border-style: solid; width: 150px; height: 150px; />/a>br /> /div>br />br /> table aligncenter border0 cellpadding1 cellspacing1 sab434 stylewidth: 90%;> tbody sab435> tr> td sab437>img alt srcfrontpagebody_22_3930538911.jpg stylewidth: 308px; height: 493px; /> br /> br /> br /> br /> br /> br /> br /> br /> br /> br /> br /> br /> br /> br /> br /> br /> br /> br /> br /> br /> br /> br /> br /> br /> img alt srcfrontpagebody_46_1908039097.jpg stylewidth: 280px; height: 447px; />br /> /td> td sab442>br /> br /> Otto Boteman suffers a massive heart attack and wakes up in a strange, jeweled city filled with beautiful people, a mesmerizing sky defying all physics, and what looks suspiciously like his first car. Seeking answers, Otto has a disturbing encounter with a murdered childhood friend and is assured by some kind of angel bureaucrat that this is Heaven, but God is not here so don’t bother looking. No God? Can’t be Heaven, then, despite the best danishes he’s ever eaten and residence in a pretty nice condo (replete with tailored suits and HBO). Maybe he’s not even dead, just comatose. But then he meets Claudia, a 5th Century beauty running an Irish pub, who tells him about a group of malcontents building a rocket ship in the far desert. Their mission? Find /> br /> So begins Otto’s journey across a fabulous world peopled with the likes of Doc Holliday, Prester John, and a Mongol horde led by an accountant from West Kankakee, Illinois. Drawing the wrath of a frenzied, suit-wearing army of angels (or demons, can’t tell), Otto discovers that launching the ship just might end the eternal struggle between good and evil. br /> br /> a href target_blank>img alt srcfrontpagebody_75_865251607.png styleborder-width: 0px; border-style: solid; width: 150px; height: 150px; />/a>br /> p sab433> /p> table aligncenter border0 cellpadding1 cellspacing1 stylewidth: 300px;> tbody> tr> td> /td> td> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> table aligncenter border0 cellpadding1 cellspacing1 sab434 stylewidth: 90%;> tbody sab435> tr> td sab437>img alt src stylewidth: 308px; height: 493px; />br /> br /> /td> td sab442>The epic journey /> br /> While the battle rages around the launch gantry, Otto Boteman hustles aboard as the ship lifts off. Now a useless stowaway, Otto must constantly prove his worth or get shown the airlock door. But a stunning encounter at the Pearly Gates changes the entire purpose of the ship, and Otto, along with the rest of the crew, must band together to survive a universe far more terrifying than any of them /> a href target_blank>img alt srcfrontpagebody_75_865251607.png styleborder-width: 0px; border-style: solid; width: 150px; height: 150px; />/a>br /> br /> br /> table aligncenter border0 cellpadding1 cellspacing1 stylewidth: 300px;> tbody> tr> td> /td> td> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> /td> /tr> /tbody> /table> br /> The ship is gone. So is the crew. Only Otto Boteman /> br /> Living in a log cabin in a beautiful valley on a planet of two suns and two moons, every dog of his childhood in attendance, every need provided, Otto whiles away the days in peace and silence. It seems like Heaven. Except, God is not here. No one /> br /> His doubts growing, Otto goes back to the wreckage of the ship seeking…something. What, he’s not sure. But his discovery of a relic within the ship’s remains sets in motion a series of cataclysms that drive Otto across an ever changing world where he confronts old enemies, half-forgotten myths, and the very nature of /> br /> And maybe, God /> br /> a href target_blank>img alt srcfrontpagebody_75_865251607.png styleborder-width: 0px; border-style: solid; width: 150px; height: 150px; />/a>/td> /tr> tr> td sab437> /td> td sab442> /td> /tr> /tbody>/table> br />br /> table aligncenter border0 cellpadding1 cellspacing1 styleheight:500px;width:1000px;> tbody> tr> td styletext-align: justify;> /td> td styletext-align: justify;> /td> td styletext-align: justify;> /td> td> div styletext-align: justify;>img alt srcfrontpagebody_59_161064307.jpg stylewidth: 300px; height: 480px; /> The Twin Towers are still smoldering when those odd little anthrax letters show up, killing a few people here and there. Some nutcase, everyone thinks, but it’s not – it’s a setup, a precursor to a massive biological attack that leaves the Northeast a quarantined wasteland./div> div styletext-align: justify;>Campus policeman John Rashkil, trapped inside the Zone, chooses to keep doing his job, adding judge and executioner to his resume. He builds a jury-rigged life from what he can salvage and tries to help his teenage son survive this new, Byzantine America./div> div styletext-align: justify;>br /> But a growing sense of futility shatters his confidence, and he is unprepared when a rabble army seeks to break quarantine and pour into the uninfected /> br /> Based on an Irish legend of the same name, Partholon is a brutal look at how the just and the civilized respond to /> br /> a href target_blank>img alt srcfrontpagebody_75_865251607.png styleborder-width: 0px; border-style: solid; width: 150px; height: 150px; />/a>/div> /td> /tr> /tbody>/table> br sab455 /> div>br /> img alt srcfrontpagebody_52_2298661446.jpg stylewidth: 300px; height: 463px; />br />br />Five years after the events of Partholon, a juggernaut Red Armyis bearing down on what's left of the isolated, undermanned, and under-equipped 1st US Combined Forces, nicknamed the Ghosts. Victory is assured; America will fall. But Sergeant Collier Rashkil and his lover, the beautiful and ruthless Major Rosa Arce, are Ghosts. And Ghosts don't />br />Trapped in the swamplands of south Jersey, the Ghosts maintain a thin line of defense, their survival dependent on the intelligence that Rosa and Collier provide. But a reconnasisance mission goes very, very wrong, and Rosa discovers there is a traitor in their midst, one willing to sacrifice all their lives for a flawed Utopian />br />Based on an Irish legend, Tu'an is a story of brutal combat, of survival, betrayal, and a love that no enemy, no war, not even death, can /> /div> a href target_blank>img alt srcfrontpagebody_75_865251607.png styleborder-width: 0px; border-style: solid; width: 150px; height: 150px; />/a> p sab461> br /> br />br />br />img altTwenty years after Tu’an, Collier Rashkil runs an intelligence network out of an underground church in the northern Shenandoah Valley. A hundred miles or so south, Henry Price runs a smuggling ring. Neither is aware the other survived the horrific last stand of the Ghosts. Life is hard: Collier is proscribed; Henry is one step ahead of arrest and execution, yet both have a measure of contentment. But then an old enemy confronts Collier as a new enemy attacks Henry, and a war already lost threatens to reignite and finish them, their families, and what’s left of the country. srcfrontpagebody_53_426804752.jpg stylewidth: 282px; height: 450px; /> Twenty years after Tu’an, Collier Rashkil runs an intelligence network out of an underground church in the northern Shenandoah Valley. A hundred miles or so south, Henry Price runs a smuggling ring. Neither is aware the other survived the horrific last stand of the Ghosts. Life is hard: Collier is proscribed; Henry is one step ahead of arrest and execution, yet both have a measure of contentment. But then an old enemy confronts Collier as a new enemy attacks Henry, and a war already lost threatens to reignite and finish them, their families, and what’s left of the />br /> a href target_blank>img alt srcfrontpagebody_75_865251607.png styleborder-width: 0px; border-style: solid; width: 150px; height: 150px; />/a>br />br /> br />br />img altThe Last Man In The World Explains All sab462 srcfrontpagebody_5_2532702868.png styleborder-width: 0px; border-style: solid; width: 308px; height: 463px; />strong sab466>Ten tales of the mundane, of a universe askew, where things are slightly off:/strong>br sab467 />br sab468 />1. The Last Man in the World Explains All: double check your sab469 />2. Ghost Woods: shot an arrow into the air, and where it sab470 />3. Invisibility: don't attract attention. Just don' sab471 />4. Not With a Bang: this is how the world sab472 />5. Do-Over: the problem with time travel is sab473 />6. An Unfortunate Choice of Words: Aliens. Man, they just don't get sab474 />7. The World Without Souls: not the most pleasant of sab475 />8. Reparations: my, how things sab476 />9. Inherit the Earth: a race, or an idea?br sab477 />10. An Inappropriate Response: Humans. Man, they just don't get sab478 />br sab479 />br sab480 />br sab481 /> a href sab482 target_blank>img altBuy from Amazon sab483 srcfrontpagebody_4_3091227899.jpg styleborder-width: 0px; border-style: solid; width: 210px; height: 50px; />/a>a href target_blank>img alt srcfrontpagebody_16_575960421.png styleborder-width: 0px; border-style: solid; width: 198px; height: 88px; />/a>/p>p sab486>strong sab487>img alt sab488 srcfrontpagebody_3_1286758639.png styleborder-width: 0px; border-style: solid; width: 306px; height: 430px; float: left; />/strong>/p>strong sab490>Real vampires. Tasteful dismemberments. And delightful shivers, from ten old-fashioned horror stories:/strong>ul sab491> li sab492>The Moonlight in Genevieve's Eyes: unrequited love. Tragic. Just tragic./li> li sab493>Choice: second chances are rare. Especially when you work for a vampire./li> li sab494>The Flowers in Mr. Williams' Garden: neighborhood watch, ghost style./li> li sab495>Cistern: zombies are horrible, until they hire you./li> li sab496>The Elvish Woman: lovers who steal your soul. Literally./li> li sab497>The Trumpet Inside the Warehouse: no one can hear you scream./li> li sab498>King of the Bears: be victorious, or be dinner./li> li sab499>Angel Eyes: man's best friend, when you forget your cross and garlic./li> li sab500>The Absence of Land: sell the farm, pay the consequences./li> li sab501>Face to Face: Lane really, really wants to meet his birth mother./li>/ul>p sab502>strong sab503>So, grab a crucifix, a shotgun, and come on in. But, leave a clearly marked trail. em sab504>It's dark in here/em>.br sab505 />br sab506 />br sab507 /> /strong>/p>p sab513> a href target_blank>img alt srcfrontpagebody_75_865251607.png styleborder-width: 0px; border-style: solid; width: 150px; height: 150px; />/a>/p>/div> /p> /div> div idText15 classnof-positioning TextObject stylewidth: 953px; margin-top: 14px; margin-left: 25px; > p stylemargin-bottom: 0px;>b>span stylefont-weight: bold;>a href./html/coming.php>span stylecolor: rgb(230,223,206);>Coming soon.../span>/a>/span>/b>/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> div idText18 classnof-positioning TextObject stylewidth: 973px; margin-top: 76px; margin-left: 16px; > p styletext-align: center; margin-bottom: 0px;>span stylefont-size: 12px;>a href target_blank>span stylefont-size: 12px; color: rgb(230,223,206);>web design for spooky writers/span>/a> by a href target_blank>span stylefont-size: 12px; color: rgb(230,223,206);>ktf design/span>/a>/span>/p> /div> /div> !-- Start of StatCounter Code for Default Guide -->script typetext/javascript>var sc_project8359995; var sc_invisible1; var sc_security0708803e; /script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>noscript>div classstatcounter>a titlefree hitcounter href target_blank>imgclassstatcountersrc hit counter>/a>/div>/noscript>!-- End of StatCounter Code for Default Guide --> /div>/body>/html>
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