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HTTP/1.1 200 OKCache-Control: privateContent-Type: text/htmlServer: Microsoft-IIS/10.0Set-Cookie: ASPSESSIONIDACRAACDSKOGNHHEDIOJHLMFGOKJOMCBA; path/X-Powered-By: ASP.NETX-Powered-By-Plesk: PleskWinDate: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 11:48:50 GMTContent-Length: 11781 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html>!-- InstanceBegin template/Templates/template1.dwt codeOutsideHTMLIsLockedfalse -->head>!-- InstanceBeginEditable namedoctitle -->title>Durham Classics/title>!-- InstanceEndEditable -->meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1>!-- InstanceBeginEditable namehead -->script languageJavaScript typetext/JavaScript>var bodyID button1/script>!-- InstanceEndEditable -->script languageJavaScript typetext/JavaScript>!--function MM_callJS(jsStr) { //v2.0 return eval(jsStr)}function downButton(btnID) { if (bodyID btnID) {} else {document.getElementById(btnID).className button_down} }function upButton(btnID) { if (bodyID btnID) {} else {document.getElementById(btnID).className button_up}}function setButton() { document.getElementById(bodyID).className button_down}//-->/script>link hrefstyles.css relstylesheet typetext/css>/head>body onLoadsetButton()> table width100% border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 backgroundimages/map_sm.jpg stylebackground-position:top left; 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onsubmitreturn validate_elist_658417188()> div stylebackground-color:#990000; padding:3px; font:12px arial; color: #ffffdd;>b>Join the Mailing List/b>/div> div stylemargin:10px; font: 11px arial; color: black; text-align:right;> div stylemargin-bottom:5px;>Enter your name and email address below:/div> Name: input typetext idelistname nameename size25 maxlength60 stylewidth: 170px> br> Email: input typetext nameemailaddress idelistaddress658417188 size25 maxlength100 stylewidth: 170px> br> input typeradio nameaction valuejoin checked styleborder: 0px;> Subscribe input typeradio nameaction valueleave styleborder: 0px;> Unsubscribe input typehidden nameusernum styleborder: 0px solid black; height: 0px; width: 0px; value1709578706> input typehidden namecpv styleborder: 0px solid black; height: 0px; width: 0px; value1> input typesubmit namesubmit valueGO> /div> div stylecolor: red idelist_err658417188>/div> /form>!-- #EndLibraryItem -->/td> td width30> /td> td valigntop>div aligncenter> p alignleft>Durham Classics established in 1986 produces 1:43 scale handbuilt white metal automotive models for discerning collectors worldwide. We are located in Oshawa, on the north shore of Lake Ontario, Canada, where we produce our models together with a small highly skilled production team. /p> p alignleft>Unlike mass produced zinc diecast models that are made offshore in large production runs using low cost labour, our models are made in very small quantities (generally 50-250 pieces or less) utilizing considerable handskills. The very low production quantities maintains their collectability. Our models retail for approx. $180.00 - $200.00 each. /p> p alignleft>We also continue, since 1980, to be the sole producer of handbuilt white metal model automobiles in Canada. /p> p alignleft>All our items, other than decals and photo etched wheels on some models, are made 100% by us with no parts, castings or components supplied by others. Our business DURHAM CLASSICS has created a varied range of models over the years. These are sought after by enthusiasts worldwide who understand and appreciate the artistry and labour intensity involved in creating a truly handbuilt collectable piece. Each model we produce is therefore viewed as a high quality hand made investment by knowledgeable enthusiasts rather than just another mass produced item. /p> /div>/td> /tr> tr> td> /td> td> /td> /tr> tr> td> /td> td>div alignright>em>Julian, Margaret and Nicholas Stewart /em>/div>/td> /tr> tr> td> /td> td>object width425 height344>param namemovie value>/param>param nameallowFullScreen valuetrue>/param>param nameallowscriptaccess valuealways>/param>embed src typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash allowscriptaccessalways allowfullscreentrue width425 height344>/embed>/object>/td> /tr> /table> !-- InstanceEndEditable -->/td> /tr> tr> td> /td> td>span classcopyright>©2009 Durham Classicsbr> /span>/td> /tr>/table> /body>!-- InstanceEnd -->/html>
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