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tag-banter tag-cbe tag-charles-darwin tag-demis-hassabis tag-dphil tag-elon-musk tag-ffs tag-frs tag-isaac-newton tag-jennifer-doudna tag-omg tag-phd tag-private-school tag-royal-society tag-rtfm tag-rtfq tag-stephen-hawking tag-university-of-oxford tag-wtf idpost-10430> h3 classstorytitle> a href relbookmark>SO, WHAT SCHOOL DID YOU GO TO?/a> /h3> div classmeta>Filed under: a href relcategory tag>education/a>,a href relcategory tag>social mobility/a> — Duncan Hull @ 7:08 am br />Tags: a href reltag>93%/a>, a href reltag>ATFQ/a>, a href reltag>banter/a>, a href reltag>cbe/a>, a href reltag>Charles Darwin/a>, a href reltag>Demis Hassabis/a>, a href reltag>DPhil/a>, a href reltag>Elon Musk/a>, a href reltag>ffs/a>, a href reltag>FRS/a>, a href reltag>Isaac Newton/a>, a href reltag>Jennifer Doudna/a>, a href reltag>OMG/a>, a href reltag>phd/a>, a href reltag>private school/a>, a href reltag>royal society/a>, a href reltag>RTFM/a>, a href reltag>RTFQ/a>, a href reltag>Stephen Hawking/a>, a href reltag>University of Oxford/a>, a href reltag>WTF/a>br />/div> div classstorycontent> p>Have you ever been asked WHAT SCHOOL DID YOU GO TO? I was once asked this in a high-stakes job interview and my answer was that of a startled rabbit caught in the headlights before becoming squashed roadkill on the highway to hell. Nobody has asked me that question before or since. How can such a simple question be so difficult to answer?/p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>a href>img data-attachment-id10432 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size1890,1890 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titlefounder data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file width1024 height1024 src alt classwp-image-10432 srcset 1024w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 1890w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/a>figcaption classwp-element-caption>em>Figure 1: Check out my awesome founding members badge!/em> š/figcaption>/figure>p>WHAT SCHOOL DID YOU GO TO? is a Big Friendly Question code>(BFQ)/code> that triggered lots more questions in my head rather than a composed answer from my mouth. My brain started work on Questioning The Friendly Question code>(QTFQ)/code>:/p>ul classwp-block-list>li>Why was the interviewer asking, when I could see him reading it off the top of my CV from across the table?/li>li>How the hell was the school I attended relevant to my suitability for the role?/li>li>Was this a friendly warm-up question, an innocent icebreaker or a inappropriately tricky tiebreaker to sort the men from the boys and the women from the girls?/li>li>Was the purpose of the interview to enable someone in the Human Resources department to cynically tick some a href>state school box/a> for a href,_equity,_and_inclusion>Equality, Diversity & Inclusion/a> (EDI) before abandoning me by the roadside as unfortunate (but deliberate) interview roadkill?/li>li>If I’m just here to make up the numbers, maybe the interviewer would like to know where they could shove their stupid question and the interview with it?/li>/ul>p>Years later, I still canāt decide what to make of the WHAT SCHOOL DID YOU GO TO interview question. If you were asked this question in a high-stakes job interview what would your answer be?/p>p>This is my answer./p>h2 classwp-block-heading>Beware of the heavily loaded juggernaut/h2>p>The heavily a href>loaded question/a> of WHAT SCHOOL DID YOU GO TO is a very personal one. a href>The personal is political/a> and the political is often provocative. It proved to be a fatally political question in a a href>Great Gatsby Scholarship/a> interview I had for a a href>DPhil/a> at the University of Oxford. I wasnāt expecting the question or the abusive reply to my bewildered (but factually correct) answer. As with many job interviews, there was a big power imbalance between the interviewer and the interviewee. The Professor interviewing me was a member of some exclusively professional a href>gentlemen’s clubs/a> in London. One of these clubs serves as UKās National Academy of Sciences (the a href>>) whose members, or a href>Fellows (as they like to be called)/a>, use the letters code>FRS/code> after their names. Alan Turing, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Christopher Wren and Stephen Hawking were all code>FRS/code> alongside code>8,000/code> other fellows in total. Around code>80%/code> of Royal Society fellows are no longer with us, which is why they are sometimes called the a href>Dead Scientists Society/a>. To keep themselves relevant in the land of the living, they invite around code>60/code> new fellows to join their esteemed club every year. Although the society started as the a href>oldest of old boy networks/a> for scientists back in code>1660/code>, a href>women started joining relatively recently/a> in code>1945/code>. Newer members include Nobel laureates like a href>Jennifer Doudna/a> and a href>Demis Hassabis/a> (of Google DeepMind) alongside business leaders like Elon Musk, a href>although his fellowship (like most things he does) is controversial/a>. There is still lots more work to be done a href>improving diversity at the Royal Society/a>, because only code>12%/code> of their ~code>1,800/code> living fellows are female. (a href#ref-royaldiversity>1/a>)/p>p>The other professional club my interviewer sported membership of was another exclusive invitation-only outfit, let’s call it the a href,_decorations,_and_medals_of_the_United_Kingdom>Imperial Club/a>. As a a href>Commander of the British Empire/a> code>CBE/code>, this Professor was awarded a premium Imperial Club membership by the royal family alongside code>99/code> other newly appointed commanders each year. a href>Diversity in the Imperial Club/a> is actually a bit better than that of the Royal Society (and certainly the royal family), but still not generally particularly representative of society as a whole. (a href#ref-cbe-diversity>2/a>)/p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>a href>img data-attachment-id10479 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size1920,966 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"1"} data-image-titleRabbit-in-the-headlights data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file width1024 height515 src alt classwp-image-10479 srcset 1024w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 1920w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/a>figcaption classwp-element-caption>em>Figure 2: Just before becoming interview roadkill, I froze like a breathless rabbit caught in the headlights of the question many state schoolers dread: WHAT SCHOOL DID YOU GO TO? (a href#ref-varsity>3/a>) This interview wasnāt looking like the /em>Stairway to Heavenem> Iād hoped for, (a href#ref-stairway>4/a>) but more of a /em>Highway to Hell.em> (a href#ref-highwaytohell>5/a>) Rabbit sketch by a href>Visual Thinkery/a> is licensed under a href>CC-BY-ND/a> š°/em>/figcaption>/figure>p classcaption>The odds are about code>5:1/code> that my interviewer was also a member of the code>7%/code> club (a href#ref-mostpowerful>6/a>), thatās the elite minority group of the UK population who are a href>privately educated/a> by one of our formidable a href>Engines of Privilege/a>. (a href#ref-nicebutdim>7/a>) But who knows? This Professor was justifiably proud to be a Fellow the Royal Society code>(FRS)/code> and a commanding member of the Imperial Club code>(CBE)/code>, because they are both significant awards in their own right. Only about code>0.002%/code> of the UK population are deemed worthy of the award of club membership. (a href#ref-jollygoodfellows>8/a>) Membership of these London clubs does not come easy because the bouncers working the doors are notoriously powerful, opinionated and they em>love/em> a good fight. They don’t fight with their fists, they wage war in words. If your name isnāt down on their closely guarded list, youāre not coming in. The Professor interviewing me was down on the list and up there in career clubbers heaven with other Gods because he was appointed code>CBE/code> by Queen a href>Elizabeth II/a>. That same Queen (and her son King a href>Charles III/a>) were appointed to their posts as head of state a href>by God using a special hat/a> – so I’m literally only three steps from God:/p>ul classwp-block-list>li>ā God ul classwp-block-list>li>step one takes you from God to:/li>/ul>/li>li>š The Queen (or The King)ul classwp-block-list>li>step two takes you from the reigning monarch to:/li>/ul>/li>li>š The Professor ul classwp-block-list>li>step three takes you from the Professor to:/li>/ul>/li>li>š Me /li>/ul>p classcaption>br>Fall on your knees! a href>O hear the angel voices!/a> Alternatively, if you’re an agnostic a href>republican/a> like me who can’t tolerate watching any more nonsense on the premium subscription channel a href>Monarchy+/a>, at least show some code>R.E.S.P.E.C.T./code> in this High Temple of Science. Despite my republican agnosticism combined with a a href>healthy dose of scepticism/a>, I dress appropriately, take my metaphorical shoes off and respectfully leave them by the door of the interview room. I am grateful, em>incredibly/em> lucky and immensely privileged to have this unique once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of an interview and I really wanted to make the most of it. Bring it on!/p>h2 classwp-block-heading>Stairway to Heaven or Highway to Hell?/h2>p>In stark contrast to my interviewer, the only letters I had after my name were the humble code>BSc (a href>Hons/a>)/code>. That’s a Bachelor of Science degree in a href>Plant Sciences/a> with Industrial Experience, also known as a a href>year in industry/a>. On being asked WHAT SCHOOL DID YOU GO TO, the letters code>BSc (Hons)/code> were rapidly followed by a collection of other post-nominals including: /p>ul classwp-block-list>li>code>WTF/code>? /li>li>code>OMG/code>/li>li>code>FFS/code>!/li>/ul>p>br>The only clubs I was a member of at the time were the a href>climbing club/a> and the all inclusive code>93%/code> club, a group for the overwhelming majority of the UK population educated in state schools. The code>93%/code> club didnāt actually exist back then but Iām em>really/em> glad it exists now./p>p>While I ended up as yet more a href>roadkill/a> on the interview a href>highway to hell/a>, just another casualty of the a href>Oxford juggernaut/a>, I learned a painful, humiliating but important lesson about pride, or what code>93%/code> clubbers call State School Pride. (a href#ref-93bbc>9/a>) That’s a badge I’d been wary of because my mum, a very wise and a href>stoic/a> woman that I love and listen to, warned me about pride. āem>a href>Pride comes before a fall/a>, Duncan/em>ā – she said. She’s right, especially when you see a href>how the proud have fallen/a>, all those privately educated cocksure Oxford graduates. The likes of a href>Blair/a>, a href>Cameron/a>, a href>Johnson/a> and a href>Sunak/a> haven’t exactly showered themselves in glory since graduating have they? When it comes to school badges, some of the alternatives to the pride badge are:/p>ul classwp-block-list>li>š State School Fear/li>li>š State School Loathing/li>li>š State School Shame/li>li>š State School Embarassment/li>li>š State School a href>Inferiority complex/a>/li>li>š State School a href>Impostor syndrome/a>/li>li>š State School Taboo: It’s a bit awkward, so let’s change the subject shall we?/li>/ul>p>Iāve worn all those school badges and even been employed as a Science teacher in secondary schools that are accused of minting them such as the (supposed) em>Scumbag College/em>. If you’re not familiar with the infamous College, it’s a a href>bog standard comprehensive/a> state school in AnyTown, AnyWhere which feeds into another (supposed) a href>Scumbag College/a>, part of the University of AnyCity. These school badges are uncomfortable to wear, they donāt look good and they donāt help you, the school or the University you attended make a useful contribution to society. If youāre a state schooler like me, I donāt recommend wearing any of them unless you want to become squashed roadkill too. br>br>If you haven’t already, you should burn these badges immediately and replace them with your State School Pride badge! š³ļøāš/p>p>Whatever school badge you decide to wear, the education your school(s) gave you is a paradox. Itās both em>incredibly relevant/em> and em>completely irrelevant/em> on your CV and in job interviews. My state schooling, funded by the taxpayer, em>was/em> relevant because Iād been invited to interview thanks to years of hard work by my teachers. If it wasnāt for the teachers who patiently taught me (and my friends and my siblings) during thirteen years of primary and secondary school education I wouldnāt have been able to express myself to create a CV accompanied by a persuasive covering letter that convinced decision makers to interview me. If it wasnāt for my maths and science teachers, I would never have been able to study Science at University in the first place. My Mancunian teachers at the University of Manchester extended this education, building on the foundations of my compulsory state school education. /p>p>But at the same time, that very same education was completely irrelevant, it should not affect how I was treated. Should it have even been an interview question at all?/p>p>In its defence, WHAT SCHOOL DID YOU GO TO is an open-ended question that invites the interviewee to challenge the authority of the interviewer. There are many possible answers to choose from including: em>Why the hell are you asking me that/em>? I didn’t have either the guts or the gift of the gab to think of that under pressure. Rabbit. Headlights. Roadkill. On the other hand the irrelevance of the question will probably make the admissions and HR department blush because it doesnāt comply with their new EDI policy. š³/p>p>The school anybody went to shouldnāt be a factor in either being invited to interview or being offered a job. With help from a href>Viktor Polyakov/a> and a href>Ellie Wardrope/a>, I recorded a video testimonial to that effect last month at the Founding Memberās Reception in Manchester of the a href>>. Thanks to a href>Sophie Pender/a>, a href>Imogen Carr/a> and a href>Lorna Culpin/a> for inviting me to (and hosting) the reception at a href>>. I had a blast, it was good to speak to you a href>Conor Churchman/a> from a href>>, the National College for Digital Skills, a href>Sarah Mohammed-Qureshi/a> from the a href>University of Law/a> and a href>Benjamin Hobbs/a> from the a href>Greater Manchester Combined Authority/a>. Iām looking forward seeing you again and meeting more kindred spirits at future events online and in person. š/p>h2 classwp-block-heading>Answer The Friendly Question (ATFQ)/h2>p>So I need to practice what I preach by doing what I tell my students to do: a href>Answer The Friendly Question/a> code>ATFQ/code> after carefully a href>Reading The Friendly Question/a> code>RTFQ/code> ā¦/p>p>SO, WHAT SCHOOL DID YOU GO TO? Itās not really any of my business and certainly won’t affect how I treat you. Wider society may differ so thereās an argument for making whatever kind of education youāve had another a href>protected characteristic/a>. (a href#ref-amolceiling>10/a>) Just as your age, your race, your religion or beliefs, your sexual orientation, your gender, your disabilities, your marriage or civil partnership, your pregnancy and maternity, your education should not determine how you are treated either. These characteristics are covered by the a href>Equality Act of 2010/a>. Your education (private or state) is your own business, and you probably didnāt have that much say in which school you went to anyway./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>a href>img data-attachment-id10495 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size5600,800 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titleall data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file width1024 height146 src alt classwp-image-10495 srcset 1024w, 2044w, 150w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/a>figcaption classwp-element-caption>em>Figure 3: Anyone can become an owner of an awesome 93% club enamel pin badge by joining us at a href>> š/em>/figcaption>/figure>p>What I definitely care about code>100%/code>, is the school I went to, especially when asked in a high-stakes job interview where my reply is mocked by the abusive and memorable comment:/p>blockquote classwp-block-quote is-layout-flow wp-block-quote-is-layout-flow>p> āstrong>I’VE NEVER HEARD OF IT/strong>ā! /p>/blockquote>p>At this point, my a href>dƦmon/a> (that rabbit I was talking about) died a quick but horrible bloody death and although the interview continued, I was barely able to function, let alone be my very best. The education we receive is an integral part of who we are and what makes us, so when someone demeans it, its like they’ve had a head-on collision with your soul. Juggernauts and rabbits don’t work well together. š°br>br>Iām lucky and privileged to have attended the kind of state schools that never held me back and got me, my friends and my siblings to wherever we wanted to go. Thank you a href>Fitzmaurice Primary School/a> and a href>St. Laurence School/a>. Thanks to my amazing state school teachers and thousands more professionals just like them working incredibly hard in an a href>increasingly challenging state sector/a> to educate em>EVERYONE/em> inclusively across the UK:/p>ul classwp-block-list>li>regardless of their socio-economic background/li>li>regardless of their ability to pass an extrance exam/li>li>regardless of their families ability to pay the school fees, with or without VAT (a href#ref-pannick>11/a>)/li>li>regardless of their families ability to live in the catchment area of the ārightā school/li>li>regardless of their ability to win competitive scholarships, a href>assisted places/a> or other bursaries/li>/ul>p>Thatās an extraordinarily diverse group of a href>millions of students in state schools across the UK/a>. Iām proud be one of them. I’m proud to be a card-carrying, badge-wearing, box-ticking, word-spreading and founding member of the UKās em>least/em> exclusive members club: the a href>>. šŖ/p>h2 classwp-block-heading>Join us in tackling inequality across the UK/h2>p>Not everyone educated in the state sector gets the headstart in life that I did. (a href#ref-amolceiling>10/a>) As the former Education secretary a href>Justine Greening/a> once put it, talent is spread evenly but opportunity is not. (a href#ref-greening>12/a>) There is a a href>class ceiling/a> to accompany the a href>glass ceiling/a> which prevents many students educated in the state sector from getting the opportunities they deserve. (a href#ref-classceiling>13/a>) Thatās just plain wrong. It’s indefensible. It’s immoral and it’s an injustice. Unfortunately, the UK is still a country where the school you went to em>definitely/em> counts, and the higher you want to go in pretty much em>any/em> profession, the more it will tend to matter. Your education has a huge influence on how society treats you but unfortunately our educational system in the UK is riddled with inequality from the bottom up to the very top. The a href>Elitist Britain/a> report by a href>Martina Milburn/a> and a href>Peter Lampl/a> at the Social Mobility Commission and Sutton Trust provides an unappetising taster of the scale of the problem we face. (a href#ref-elitistbritain>14/a>)/p>p>Would you like to help us tackle inequality through the power of our community? Would you like to empower state-educated students by giving them access to more social capital, better opportunities, improved careers advice and more mentoring? By bringing together thousands of like-minded individuals across the country, we are breaking down the structural barriers to social mobility and building a future thatās fairer for the next generation. Find out how to join at a href>>/p>p>If youāre a student studying at a University in the UK, see if your Students’ Union has a 93% club, for example you could join:/p>ul classwp-block-list>li>Manchester a href>>/li>li>Durham a href>>/li>li>Oxford a href>>/li>li>Cambridge a href>>/li>li>Imperial College London a href>>/li>/ul>p>If your Students’ Union doesn’t have a 93% club yet, why don’t you start one?/p>p>P.S. Sophie, speaking of word-spreading, when is the next episode of the a href>WHAT SCHOOL DID YOU GO TO/a> podcast due? Itās been a whileā¦ (a href#ref-whatschooldidyougoto>15/a>)/p>h2 classwp-block-heading>Epilogue/h2>p>POST PUBLICATION UPDATE strong>ā/strong> 1: Several readers of this article have pointed out that the abuse I received is mild compared to the daily torrent of invective and unfair treatment they are subjected to as a non-male, non-white, non-heterosexual, non-middle class, non-binary, non-Southern English, non-privileged, non-a href>RP/a>, non-whatever person. I agree with you. I’m definitely strong>not/strong> claiming to be an excluded member of em>any/em> under-represented, marginalised or minority group. Thanks to all those readers for correcting what I’d initially overlooked from my self-confessed position of middle-class middle-England mediocre male a href>white privilege/a>. I’m doubly, triply or quadruply lucky that I don’t have to deal with anything like the same level of abuse and unfairness that many of you routinely do every single day. I can’t even em>begin/em> to imagine what that must be like, I am definitely strong>not/strong> claiming to em>āfeel your pain/em>ā. Maybe (just maybe) I got the faintest whiff of it for a few minutes in a high-stakes job interview that didn’t go my way. So, yes abuse and unfairness might be an all too familar stench to you, but it was a new and unexpected odour for me at the time in the circumstances. Just sayin’/p>p>POST PUBLICATION UPDATE strong>ā/strong> 2: A lot of abusive and unfair behaviour is not reported and goes on behind closed doors. The incident described above took place behind a closed door because it was a one-to-one interview, part two in a series of three. The other two interviews were much smoother, they must have been using the classic a href,_bad_cop>good cop, bad cop/a> interrogation technique to give me a good grilling. I dealt with the fallout of this bad cop interview as many people do using the a href>Chris McCauseland/a> method of: āa href>I take every emotion, I dig a big hole, bury it in the ground and then I build a car park on top of it./a>ā I didn’t report or reflect on the experience very much, because it was too painful to do so and I blamed myself for my stoopid stoopid naive rookie interview technique. Other than briefly discussing it with close family and friends, it has been buried deep in my subconscious for 27 years. A bit like a href>28 Years Later/a>, it re-emerged uninvited after a period of dormancy. So if you think I’m woefully ignorant of all the horrendous abuse and unfairness going on in the big bad world, I disagree. A big part of the problem is that people don’t talk about it, myself included. If you’re able to talk about it, don’t be yet another one of those people who buries bad behaviour . š¤¦āāļø/p>h2 classwp-block-heading>References/h2>div idrefs classreferences csl-bib-body>div idref-royaldiversity classcsl-entry>div classcsl-left-margin>1. /div>div classcsl-right-inline>Sanders J. (2024). Equality, diversity and inclusion at the royal society: span>āCurrently, only 12 percent of the societyās fellows are women.ā/span> a href classuri>>/div>/div>div idref-cbe-diversity classcsl-entry>div classcsl-left-margin>2. /div>div classcsl-right-inline>Office C. (2024). Diversity in the honours system of the united kingdom. a href classuri>>/div>/div>div idref-varsity classcsl-entry>div classcsl-left-margin>3. /div>div classcsl-right-inline>Brown D. (2020). span>āWhat school did you go to?ā/span> ā why we need to change the way we discuss pre-university education. a href classuri>> /div>/div>div idref-stairway classcsl-entry>div classcsl-left-margin>4. /div>div classcsl-right-inline>Page J, Plant R. (1971). Stairway to heaven. In: Page J, editor. Led Zeppelin IV Internet. Led Zeppelin; Atlantic Records; Available from: a href>>/div>/div>div idref-highwaytohell classcsl-entry>div classcsl-left-margin>5. /div>div classcsl-right-inline>Scott B, Young A, Young M. (1979). Highway to hell. In: Lange M, editor. Highway to hell Internet. AC/DC; Atlantic Records; Available from: a href>>/div>/div>div idref-mostpowerful classcsl-entry>div classcsl-left-margin>6. /div>div classcsl-right-inline>Lampl P, Milburn M. (2019). Britainās most powerful people 5 times more likely to go to private school. a href classuri>> /div>/div>div idref-nicebutdim classcsl-entry>div classcsl-left-margin>7. /div>div classcsl-right-inline>Green F, Kynaston D. (2019). Engines of privilege: Britainās private school problem Internet. Bloomsbury Publishing; 320 p. Available from: a href>>/div>/div>div idref-jollygoodfellows classcsl-entry>div classcsl-left-margin>8. /div>div classcsl-right-inline>Smith A. (2024). Outstanding scientists elected as fellows of the royal society. a href classuri>>/div>/div>div idref-93bbc classcsl-entry>div classcsl-left-margin>9. /div>div classcsl-right-inline>Nye C. (2021). Being proud of going to state school. a href classuri>> /div>/div>div idref-amolceiling classcsl-entry>div classcsl-left-margin>10. /div>div classcsl-right-inline>Rajan A, Hix C, Radford M. (2022). How to crack the class ceiling. a href classuri>> /div>/div>div idref-pannick classcsl-entry>div classcsl-left-margin>11. /div>div classcsl-right-inline>McGough K, Clarke V. (2024). Private schools vote for legal action over VAT plans. a href classuri>> /div>/div>div idref-greening classcsl-entry>div classcsl-left-margin>12. /div>div classcsl-right-inline>Greening J. (2017). Unlocking the potential of a new generation: The education secretary addresses the social mobility commission conference about transforming social mobility. a href classuri>> /div>/div>div idref-classceiling classcsl-entry>div classcsl-left-margin>13. /div>div classcsl-right-inline>Friedman S, Laurison D. (2020). The class ceiling: Why it pays to be privileged Internet. Policy Press; Available from: a href>>/div>/div>div idref-elitistbritain classcsl-entry>div classcsl-left-margin>14. /div>div classcsl-right-inline>Milburn M, Lampl P. (2019). Elitist britain: The educational backgrounds of britainās leading people. The sutton trust & social mobility commission. a href classuri>> /div>/div>div idref-whatschooldidyougoto classcsl-entry>div classcsl-left-margin>15. /div>div classcsl-right-inline>Pender S. (2023). What school did you go span>T/span>o? The 93 percent club podcast. a href classuri>> /div>/div>div idref-schoolofrock classcsl-entry>div classcsl-left-margin>16. /div>div classcsl-right-inline>Linklater R, White M, Rudin S. (2003). School of rock. a href classuri>> /div>/div>div idref-longway classcsl-entry>div classcsl-left-margin>17. /div>div classcsl-right-inline>Young A, Young M, Scott B. (1975). Itās a long way to the top (if you wanna rock ānā roll). In: Vanda H, Young G, editors. span>T/span>span>N/span>span>T/span> Internet. AC/DC; Albert Productions; Available from: a href>>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>figure classwp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-4-3 wp-has-aspect-ratio>div classwp-block-embed__wrapper>div classembed-youtube>iframe titleAC/DC - Highway to Hell (Official Video) width500 height375 src frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share referrerpolicystrict-origin-when-cross-origin allowfullscreen>/iframe>/div>/div>/figure>p>em>Figure 4: So tell me girls and boys, WHAT SCHOOL DID YOU GO TO? āWe went to the a href>School of Rock/a> (a href#ref-schoolofrock>16/a>). Yeah Baby! Itās on the a href>Highway to Hell/a> (a href#ref-highwaytohell>5/a>) because a href>Itās a Long Way to the Top (If You Went to a State School/a>) (a href#ref-longway>17/a>)ā šø/em>/p>p>You can join the discussion of this article at a href>>/p> /div> div classfeedback> a href>Leave a Comment/a> /div>/div>h2>December 24, 2023/h2>div classpost-10364 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-education category-gratitude category-programming tag-branwen-munn tag-duncan-ivison tag-edmond-fitzmaurice tag-nigel-paver tag-robin-saxby tag-simon-segars tag-sophie-wilson tag-steve-furber idpost-10364> h3 classstorytitle> a href relbookmark>Hello World: GOTO Christmas 1981/a> /h3> div classmeta>Filed under: a href relcategory tag>education/a>,a href relcategory tag>gratitude/a>,a href relcategory tag>programming/a> — Duncan Hull @ 12:58 am br />Tags: a href reltag>Branwen Munn/a>, a href reltag>Duncan Ivison/a>, a href reltag>Edmond Fitzmaurice/a>, a href reltag>Nigel Paver/a>, a href reltag>Robin Saxby/a>, a href reltag>Simon Segars/a>, a href reltag>Sophie Wilson/a>, a href reltag>Steve Furber/a>br />/div> div classstorycontent> p>Forty two years ago I wrote my first bit of software on a a href>BBC Micro/a> in the a href>Code Club/a> at a href>Fitzmaurice Primary School/a>. My bestie a href>Branwen Munn/a> and I were encouraged by our teacher, Mr. Jackson as we typed our first instructions which looked something like this:/p>pre classwp-block-code>code>10 PRINT HAPPY CHRISTMASbr>20 GOTO 10br>RUN/code>/pre>p>Variations of this a href>BASIC/a> loop introduced millions of school children like us to computing, especially those lucky enough to have access to a strange new machine called a strong>COMPUTER/strong> which had just arrived in our school./p>p>So it was great to sit down with one of the two main designers of the BBC Micro (a href>Steve Furber/a>) earlier this year and talk about his career in Computing over the last 50 years, as he retired from 33 years of service at the University of Manchester. /p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>a href>img data-attachment-id10374 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size1024,582 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titlesteve data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file loadinglazy width1024 height582 src alt classwp-image-10374 srcset 1024w, 150w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/a>/figure>p>/p>p>Some things we discussed when we spoke:/p>ul classwp-block-list>li>What he and many of his 36 PhD students struggled with most in their research. From his first (a href>Nigel Paver/a>) to his last: what advice would he offer his former self and fellow students?/li>li>Computing by post, with punched cards from the Manchester Grammar School in the sixties/li>li>How joining Cambridge University Gliding Club helped his interest in Computing take off/li>li>Building and commercialising a href>SpiNNaker/a> and its successors with a href>SpiNNcloud Systems GmbH/a>, a href>EBRAINS/a> and the a href>Human Brain Project/a>/li>li>The design and manufacture of chips at a href>Acorn Computers/a>, arm, Apple, Intel, AMD, Broadcom, TSMC, IBM, Samsung, NVIDIA (etc) featuring a href>Simon Segars/a>, a href>Robin Saxby/a> and a href>Rene Haas/a>/li>li>What he would do if he were appointed the new Vice Chancellor of the University of Manchester instead of a href>Duncan Ivison/a>?/li>li>Why em>2001: A Space Odyssey/em> is his favourite film, The Moody Blues are his favourite band and music is important to him/li>/ul>p>If you’ve any long journeys by planes, train & automobiles over the holidays, you can download and enjoy this extended episode telling some of Steve’s remarkable story. You can listen to the interview by searching for strong>Coding Your Future/strong> on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts and at a href>>/p>p>Wishing you a happy holiday and a prosperous new year. br>br>GOTO 2024./p>p>/p>p>/p> /div> div classfeedback> a href>Leave a Comment/a> /div>/div>h2>July 11, 2023/h2>div classpost-9984 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-education category-engineering category-teaching category-technology tag-alice-pacuraru tag-amish-shah tag-brian-yim-tam tag-carmen-faura-praxedes-2 tag-coding-your-future tag-dialogue tag-eddie-mair tag-freya-corrywright tag-generation-z tag-guide-on-the-side tag-hannah-cobb tag-hearing-your-future tag-ingy-abdelhalim-2 tag-ivo-iliev-2 tag-jason-ozuzu tag-jennie-blake tag-jim-al-khalili tag-jonathan-cowling tag-judy-williams tag-lauren-laverne tag-meddler-in-the-middle tag-monologue tag-nadine-abdelhalim-2 tag-pass tag-pedro-sousa tag-peer-instruction tag-professor tag-raluca-cruceru tag-sage-on-the-stage tag-sneha-kandane tag-stephen-fry tag-suzanne-embury tag-thomas-carroll idpost-9984> h3 classstorytitle> a href relbookmark>Amplifying student voices on employability with audio podcast interviews/a> /h3> div classmeta>Filed under: a href relcategory tag>education/a>,a href relcategory tag>engineering/a>,a href relcategory tag>Teaching/a>,a href relcategory tag>technology/a> — Duncan Hull @ 5:09 am br />Tags: a href reltag>Alice PÄcuraru/a>, a href reltag>Amish Shah/a>, a href reltag>Brian Yim Tam/a>, a href reltag>Carmen-Faura-PrĆ”xedes/a>, a href reltag>coding your future/a>, a href reltag>Dialogue/a>, a href reltag>eddie mair/a>, a href reltag>Freya Corrywright/a>, a href reltag>Generation Z/a>, a href reltag>guide on the side/a>, a href reltag>Hannah Cobb/a>, a href reltag>hearing your future/a>, a href reltag>Ingy-Abdelhalim/a>, a href reltag>Ivo-Iliev/a>, a href reltag>Jason Ozuzu/a>, a href reltag>Jennie Blake/a>, a href reltag>Jim Al-Khalili/a>, a href reltag>Jonathan Cowling/a>, a href reltag>Judy Williams/a>, a href reltag>Lauren Laverne/a>, a href reltag>meddler in the middle/a>, a href reltag>Monologue/a>, a href reltag>Nadine-Abdelhalim/a>, a href reltag>PASS/a>, a href reltag>Pedro Sousa/a>, a href reltag>peer instruction/a>, a href reltag>Professor/a>, a href reltag>Raluca Cruceru/a>, a href reltag>sage on the stage/a>, a href reltag>Sneha Kandane/a>, a href reltag>Stephen Fry/a>, a href reltag>suzanne embury/a>, a href reltag>Thomas Carroll/a>br />/div> div classstorycontent> p>How can we get better at listening to student voices to improve teaching and learning in our Universities?/p>p>This post summarises a talk I gave at the a href>inaugural ITL Teaching & Learning conference at the Pendulum Hotel in Manchester on July 6th 2023/a> tackling this question. It describes recording and publishing twelve interviews with undergraduate Computer Science students shown in figure 1 on their personal journey from student to professional. The interviews are available as an audio podcast called em>a href>Hearing your Future/a>/em>./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>a href>img data-attachment-id10005 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size2760,920 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"1"} data-image-titlealltwelve data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file loadinglazy width1024 height341 src alt classwp-image-10005 srcset 1024w, 2046w, 150w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/a>figcaption classwp-element-caption>Figure 1: Twelve student voices from the last twelve months, interviewed and broadcast in twelve podcast episodes. From top left, Raluca, Jason, Brian, Carmen, Sneha, Alice, Jason, Ivo, Ingy, Nadine, Pedro and Amish. Portraits re-used from LinkedIn and Github with students permission./figcaption>/figure>p>According to Stephen Fry, āeducation is the sum of what strong>students/strong> teach each other between lectures and seminarsā. A more teacher-centric view of education would claim the opposite to be true, that education is primarily about what strong>teachers/strong> teach their students, not what students teach other. Here’s how this old-school, chalk-and-talk view of education works: In lectures, seminars, labs and tutorials, teachers share their knowledge and expertise with students. While the Professors profess their monologues, the lecturers lecture, the educators educate, the teachers teach and the students study. Learners learn by watching, listening, reading and acting on the voices of their educators. Students are then examined, grades are given and that, in a nutshell, should be what the sum of education is. No?/p>p>The reality of course, is that education should be much more of a em>dialogue/em>, a two-way conversation between students and teachers, rather than an expert-driven em>monologue/em> to a passive audience. Both sides of this conversation need to be heard and in some cases, the student voices in these conversations can make valuable contributions, by co-creating curricula./p>p>All too often the student voice gets drowned out in the busy noise of pedagogy. The demands of teaching in higher education mean that staff don’t always sufficient time and resources to listen, especially when teaching classes of hundreds of students with many ongoing conversations. In this blog post, I’ll explain how you can amplify some important student voices in these conversations using audio podcasting. I’ll describe some of the costs and benefits of recording and publishing these conversations so that more people can hear and learn from these voices, not just students but their employers and their educators too./p>h1 classwp-block-heading>Student voices on employability/h1>p>Student voices are particularly important when it comes to a href>employability/a>: enabling undergraduates to develop the professional skills that are essential to the workplace. I’ve been teaching professional skills and employability to Computer Science students for the last ten years at the University of Manchester. During this time, I’ve learned that there are many different voices and opinions that need to be heard. Which of these voices, written or spoken, do students pay attention to strong>most/strong>? Is it:/p>ul classwp-block-list>li>ā The voices of their employability tutors?/li>li>ā The voices of their Professors and lecturers?/li>li>ā The voices of their careers service consultants and advisors?/li>li>ā The voices of employers and alumni?/li>li>ā The voices of their friends and family?/li>/ul>p>These voices all have their own influence, but in my experience, there’s one voice that is listened to above all others when it comes to employability and that is:/p>ul classwp-block-list>li>ā The voices of their fellow students/li>/ul>p>So, one way to improve teaching and learning, is to maximise opportunities for students to learn from em>each other/em> through peer learning and a href>peer instruction/a>. To do this, educators need to create more and better spaces for students to talk about their learning with each other and then amplify their voices./p>p>There are lots of different ways to do this, but one of the most important is through Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) at a href>>. These sessions allow more experienced students to pass on their knowledge to their less experienced, usually younger, peers. For example, the PASS scheme in Computer Science shown in figure 2, is run by my colleague a href>Thomas Carroll/a>. There is a focus on passing exams, but PASS is about em>much/em> more than just improving students grades. It’s about students learning from and teaching each other as part of a student-led community./p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>a href>img data-attachment-id9994 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size5522,2897 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titlepass-2 data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file loadinglazy width1024 height537 src alt classwp-image-9994 srcset 1024w, 2048w, 150w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/a>figcaption classwp-element-caption>Figure 2: Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) allow more experienced students pass on their knowledge to their less experienced peers. First years have PASS1 (in yellow), run by second and third year students. Second years have PASS2 (in green), where students returning from internships and placements share their knowledge about job hunting and interviews. PASS3+ (in pink) is where our alumni can get involved. CC-BY-SA picture by yours truly /figcaption>/figure>p>As well as helping students to pass em>academic/em> exams, our PASS scheme also helps students to pass em>employers/em> āexamsā. This includes written exams such as job applications and oral exams such as interviews. This is a significant part of PASS2, where students returning from placements and internships share what they have learned with first and second year students./p>p>Students are encouraged to take part in PASS, either as leaders, facilitators or participants, but the kinds of conversations that take place during these sessions often need to be amplified for those that aren’t in the room where it happens. /p>p>Over the last 12 months, I’ve been experimenting with using audio podcasts to record and publish some of these conversations as stories so they can heard by a wider audience. I’m calling them strong>audio/strong> podcasts here to distinguish them from the strong>video/strong> podcasts (lecture capture and catchup) you will find at a href>>. You can subscribe and listen to strong>audio/strong> podcasts wherever you get your podcasts, details at the end of this post./p>h1 classwp-block-heading>Essential podcast ingredients/h1>p>Channelling my inner a href>Lauren Laverne/a> and a href>Jim Al-Khalili/a>, the podcast is a cross between the BBC shows em>a href>Desert Island Discs/a>/em> and em>a href>The Life Scientific/a>/em>. The resulting show is called em>a href>Hearing your Future/a>/em>, shown in figure 3, because it is part of an undergraduate course and guidebook called em>a href>Coding your Future/a>/em> aimed at all students of computing. /p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>a href>img data-attachment-id10003 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size1665,571 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titleout data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file loadinglazy width1024 height351 src alt classwp-image-10003 srcset 1024w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 1665w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/a>figcaption classwp-element-caption>Figure 3: The em>a href>Hearing your Future/a>/em> podcast is a cross between em>Desert Island Discs/em> hosted by Lauren Laverne and em>The Life Scientific/em> hosted by Jim Al-Khalili. Subscribe and listen wherever you get your podcasts. a href>CC-BY-SA/a> Portrait of Lauren Laverne by Jwslubbock on Wikimedia Commons a href>>, a href>CC-BY-SA/a> portrait of Jim Al-Khalili by Debbie Rowe at the Royal Society on Wikimedia Commons a href>>, a href>CC-BY-ND/a> em>Hearing your Future/em> artwork by a href>Visual Thinkery/a>./figcaption>/figure>p>The essential ingredients of this podcast are:/p>ol classwp-block-list>li>Students: both graduands ready to graduate and recent graduates at the start of their career. Twelve students have been interviewed so far, with more episodes planned for the future./li>li>A decent microphone, see figure 4./li>li>Audio editing software, I’m using a free application called GarageBand a href>>/li>li>An audio podcast host, I’m using one called liberated syndication at a href>>/li>li>Some open ended questions for students to answer/li>/ol>figure classwp-block-image size-large>a href>img data-attachment-id9996 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size800,450 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titlemic data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file loadinglazy width800 height450 src alt classwp-image-9996 srcset 800w, 150w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px />/a>figcaption classwp-element-caption>Figure 4: Any investment you make in recording technology will pay you back with higher-fidelity audio. This particular microphone, a a href>Zoom H5/a>, is handy because it can be used in a portable battery-powered mode or connected to a computer via USB. CC-BY-SA picture by yours truly./figcaption>/figure>p>The open-ended questions are key because I need to let students do most of the talking, acting as much more of a listener than a speaker. Think lessem> Professor Monologue/em>, the egocentricem> āsage-on-the-stage/em>ā who loves the sound of their own voice and more em>Professor Dialogue/em>, the āem>guide-on-the-side/em>ā who facilitates discussion. 1 It sometimes takes effort for academics to suppress their public speaking instincts by talking em>less/em> and listening em>more/em> to what students have to say. Students are given five questions before the interview, with questions designed to encourage difficult conversations being optional. The five basic questions are:/p>ol classwp-block-list>li>šø What’s your story, (coding glory)?/li>li>āš½ Minority report (optional)/li>li>š You are the next vice chancellor (optional)/li>li>šæ One tune, one book, one podast, one film/li>li>ā± Time traveller, advice to your former self/li>/ol>p>Question strong>one/strong> asks students to tell their story from why they studied computer science in the first place to where they are now. What obstacles have they faced in finding work and how did they overcome them? What has been their journey from student in year one to professional in year three or four? Every student has a different story to tell./p>p>Question strong>two/strong> asks students to reflect on their experience if they identify as a member of a minority group. What can employers and universities do to make campuses and workplaces more welcoming to members of their minority group? What has been their experience of being female, black, disabled or otherwise marginalised in computing? What can we do to make campuses more equal, diverse and inclusive spaces?/p>p>Question strong>three/strong> asks students to imagine they are the next vice chancellor of the University of Manchester. Now that they are responsible for over 10,000 staff, 40,000 students and half a million alumni, what would they do to improve teaching and learning?/p>p>Question strong>four/strong> is a personal one: students recommend a tune, a book, a podcast and a film and outline why these are important to them. Why do they recommend other students should watch, listen to or read them? This is the em>Desert Island Discs/em> part, except we don’t cast students away to a remote island afterwards. It adds a personal touch to the stories students tell./p>p>Finally, question strong>five/strong> is another hypothetical one: given a time machine, if they could travel back to meet themselves in first year, what advice would they offer their former selves and fellow students about getting the most out of all the time and money they’ve invested in their University education?/p>p>I ask these simple, open-ended questions, sit back and enjoy listening to students answer them./p>h1 classwp-block-heading>Everything I had to know, I heard it on my radio/h1>p>As with radio broadcasting, there are costs and benefits of podcasting. The main cost is the time it takes to record, transcribe and edit each episode. Each interview takes an hour to record, more than an hour to transcribe and less than an hour to edit. These costs are relatively small, when you compare them to the cost of preparing a lecture (video lecture or live lecture), delivering a seminar, running a lab or facilitating a tutorial./p>p>There are many benefits that this investment in podcasting buys. From a teaching point of view, I’ve learnt more about the harsh realities of job hunting faced by Generation Z. It also gives me seriously useful content in the form of case studies. So when I’m talking to students about the need for resilience in their job search I can tell a href>Brian’s story/a>, about finding a placement very late in the year (August) on LinkedIn. Don’t give up, it worked for Brian, maybe it will work for you too./p>p>When discussing the importance of starting early, in first year, I can tell a href>Alice’s story/a> about how spring insights in her first year gave her some valuable experience to help her subsequent job applications stand out in second year and beyond. Start early, it worked for Alice, maybe it will work for you./p>p>When discussing the inevitable rejection that comes with job applications, I can tell a href>Amish’s story/a> about being rejected by strong>all five /strong>a href>big tech companies/a> (Microsoft, Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon) before landing a role he enjoyed with Bloomberg. Learn to live with rejection, it’s a normal part of job hunting but it will most likely work out for you in the end./p>p>When talking about not overlooking smaller employers, I can tell a href>Raluca’s story/a> about how she worked for a local company called a href>> in Oldham at the end of her first year, then moved onto CERN for her placement year and subsequent graduate role. You can start small, think big and remember that experience matters. /p>p>When discussing the importance of networking, I can tell a href>Jonathan’s story/a> about how he grew his professional network and found hidden vacancies by attending local tech meetups in Manchester. It’s not just what you know, it’s who you know./p>p>These are just five short stories, from the twelve longer stories that students have shared with me. Recording them as podcasts has enabled me to amplify the student voice for more people to hear./p>p>Another benefit of the podcast is, it has strengthened our community of students, alumni and employers. With permission, students have shared their LinkedIn profiles to facilitate digital networking. This means that students can find out about and connect with peers they might never otherwise have spoken to. It has also helped staff and employers understand better what challenges students face in an increasingly competitive job market./p>p>So, what started as an experimental side project, has now become a key part of my teaching toolkit. It’s also has been rewarding to listen to and record students stories in an audio podcast format./p>h1 classwp-block-heading>Conclusions: a good face for radio? /h1>p>Podcasting is a low cost tool with many benefits for teachers and learners alike. Audio is fantastic medium for recording conversations and stories, especially if (like me), you have a āgood face for radioā. 2 Most students are much more comfortable talking to a microphone than a video camera, because having a natter over a brew is a very natural format. Podcasting forces me to spend more time thinking about dialogue and less time making flashy animations and graphically-driven PowerPoint monologues. In this case, it’s enabled me to focus on what students are teaching other, rather than what I em>think/em> they need to learn, so I can improve the Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) for my courses./p>p>The student voices I’ve chosen to amplify have been deliberately ācherry pickedā so I can’t pretend that their voices are representative of the entire study body. However, recording a few key voices documents how students learn professional skills for the workplace in a way that other students can learn from. A lot of higher education focuses on a narrow set of academic and technical skills, alongside fundamental knowledge. These are important, but a rounded education should develop a much broader set of softer personal and social skills that are just as important to talk about and recognise as the hard technical skills. Education is the sum of strong>all/strong> these skills and knowledge, students play as important a role in teaching each other as their teachers do, shown in figure 5./p>p>In the future, I plan to keep recording and broadcasting student voices to broaden the set of interviewees to include alumni who graduated further back in time. I welcome any comments on how these interviews can be improved in the future. Subscribe and listen wherever you get your podcasts:/p>ul classwp-block-list>li>Spotify: a href>>/li>li>Apple: a href>>/li>li>Amazon Music / Audible: a href>>/li>li>Google podcasts: a href>ā¦/a>/li>li>Deezer:Ā a href>>/li>/ul>p>As Stephen Fry points out, students play a crucial and often overlooked role in the education of their peers. Their voices need to be heard by a wider audience, not just their fellow students but their employers and educators too. Audio podcasting is a good way to amplify their voices. If you are a former student of Computer Science at the University of Manchester and would like to amplify your story about your personal journey from student to professional (and beyond), a href>get in touch/a>. /p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>a href>img data-attachment-id9986 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size1024,582 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titlefry-lecture data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file loadinglazy width1024 height582 src alt classwp-image-9986 srcset 1024w, 150w, 300w, 768w sizes(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px />/a>figcaption classwp-element-caption>Figure 5: What is education the sum of? What students teach each other! Fry describes his student-centred view of education in a href>em>The Fry Chronicles/em>/a>. 3 Public domain portrait of Stephen Fry by the US Embassy in London a href>> adapted using the a href>Wikipedia App/a>/figcaption>/figure>h1 classwp-block-heading>References/h1>ol classwp-block-list>li>King, Alison (1993) From Sage on the Stage to Guide on the Side, em>College Teaching/em>, Vol. 41, No. 1 , pp. 30-35, DOI: a href>10.1080/87567555.1993.9926781/a>/li>li>Mair, Eddie (2017) a href>A Good Face for Radio: Confessions of a Radio Head/a> Little Brown publishing , ISBN:9781408710678/li>li>Fry, Stephen (2010) a href>The Fry Chronicles/a> Penguin books, ISBN:0718157915/li>/ol>figure classwp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio>div classwp-block-embed__wrapper>div classembed-youtube>iframe titleAmplifying student voices on employability using audio podcasts š§ width500 height281 src frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share referrerpolicystrict-origin-when-cross-origin allowfullscreen>/iframe>/div>/div>figcaption classwp-element-caption>A video of the presentation given at the a href>#ITLConf23/a> conference in Manchester at the Pendulum Hotel, 6th July 2023, see a href>> (Please excuse the audio errors and background noise in this recording, artefacts created by the software and microphone which I’m still learning to configure properly)/figcaption>/figure>h1 classwp-block-heading>Acknowledgements/h1>p>Thanks to all the students shown in figure 1 who took the time to tell me their stories: a href>Raluca Cruceru/a>, a href>Jason Ozuzu/a>, a href>Brian Yim Tam/a>, a href>Carmen Faura PrĆ”xedes/a>, a href>Sneha Kandane/a>, a href>Alice PÄcuraru/a>, a href>Jonathan Cowling/a>, a href>Ivo Iliev/a>, a href>Ingy Abdelhalim/a>, a href>Nadine Abdelhalim/a>, a href>Amish Shah/a> & a href>Pedro Sousa/a>./p>p>Thanks also to all the employers who’ve hosted these students as interns, placement students and graduates where they’ve learned professional skills that would be impossible to develop in a purely academic environment. These include Amazon Web Services a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, Google, a href>> (our student software company led by a href>Suzanne Embury/a>), a href>> (part of Accenture), a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, a href>> and a href>>./p>p>Thanks a href>Jez Lloyd/a> for getting me into podcasting with the a href>CS@Manchester podcast/a>./p>p>Thanks to a href>Thomas Carroll/a> and a href>Andrea Schalk/a> who are responsible for current and previous incarnations of our PASS scheme in Computer Science. a href>>/p>p>Thanks a href>Judy Williams/a>, Jennie Blake, Hannah Cobb, Holly Dewsnip-Lloyd, Lisa McDonagh, Freya Corrywright, Beth Rotherham, Emma Sanders, Patricia Clift Martin and everyone at the a href>Institute for Teaching and Learning (ITL)/a> for organising the conference where this talk was first presented./p>p>I look forward to an even a href>bigger and better ITL conference/a> in 2024!/p> /div> div classfeedback> a href>Leave a Comment/a> /div>/div>div classpost-10073 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-conferences category-education tag-april-mcmahon tag-judy-williams idpost-10073> h3 classstorytitle> a href relbookmark>Improving the Institute for Teaching and Learning (ITL) conference in Manchester for 2024/a> /h3> div classmeta>Filed under: a href relcategory tag>conferences/a>,a href relcategory tag>education/a> — Duncan Hull @ 5:06 am br />Tags: a href reltag>April McMahon/a>, a href reltag>Judy Williams/a>br />/div> div classstorycontent> div classwp-block-image>figure classalignright size-large>a href>img data-attachment-id10078 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size128,128 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titleonline-conference data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file loadinglazy width128 height128 src alt classwp-image-10078 />/a>figcaption classwp-element-caption>CC licensed conference picture from a href>>/figcaption>/figure>/div>p>Last week I attended the a href>first Teaching and Learning conference in the Pendulum hotel, Manchester/a>. It was really good and I got lots out of it. The sessions I attended were enjoyable and well organised, I learned heaps, made lots of new contacts and got some useful questions from the audience on a href>my lightning talk about podcasting the student voice/a>. If you’re thinking of attending or presenting next year, I’d thoroughly recommend it./p>p>Thanks to a href>Judy Williams/a>, Jennie Blake, Hannah Cobb, Holly Dewsnip-Lloyd, Lisa McDonagh, a href>Freya Corrywright/a>, Beth Rotherham, Emma Sanders, Patricia Clift Martin and everyone at the a href>Institute for Teaching and Learning/a> (ITL) for organising a great conference. /p>p>As far as I know, this is the first time a conference of this size has been run at the University of Manchester, a beta release, version 1.0 if you like. There’s some significant ways it could be improved when it returns next year. Here’s three improvements that I’d like to see in the next release, version 2.0:/p>ol classwp-block-list>li>strong>A more findable web presence and citable conference proceedings:/strong> The conference which provided a good venue for practitioners to publish their work on teaching, get feedback on it and credit for it. The proceedings are available on a href>> but they are difficult to find and cite properly. To give authors due credit for their work, the conference needs to have a proper proceedings that can be cited. I’ve been involved in organising two similar teaching conferences in the UK: a href>CEP/a> and a href>UKICER/a>. Both of these events have citable proceedings, each paper has its own URL and a a href>Digital Object Identifier/a> (DOI) so their authors can be cited and credited properly, see a href>> and a href>> for examples. Having a proceedings means appointing a a href>program committee/a> who get academic credit for peer reviewing the submissions. Yes, doing all this takes time and money, but also incentivises high quality submissions which their authors (and reviewers) can get due credit for. Proceedings will show up in search engine results and get citations. At the time of writing, the only relevant result that appears when you a href>Google for “teaching and learning conference manchester”/a> is the a href>call for papers from April/a> (the month not the dean), everything else about the conference is currently invisible. As far as the internet is concerned, the conference never happened./li>li>strong>Better publicity:/strong> When I mentioned the conference to my colleagues, lots of them hadn’t heard about it, including many teaching focussed staff. Opportunities for teachers to get together and talk about the art (and science) of pedagogy are few and far between, so we need to let more people know that these kinds of events are happening. The announcement should go out far and wide, repeatedly but it wasn’t included in (for example) the weekly a href>teaching academy/a> update from a href>Andy Weightman/a>, see a href>here/a> for example. /li>li>strong>A bigger venue:/strong> The lack of publicity meant that some of my colleagues found out about the event late. When they tried to register they were told it was full and were turned away. Since its takes such a lot of effort to organise a conference of this size (with six parallel tracks!), it doesn’t make sense to turn late registrants away so, next year, we’re going to need a bigger s>boat/s> venue to match the better publicity. /li>/ol>p>So thanks again to all the organisers, I look forward to attending an even bigger and better Teaching & Learning conference in 2024./p>p>/p>p>Update 14th July, after I published this post on 11th July some material from the conference was made available at a href>> no papers yet, mostly videos/p> /div> div classfeedback> a href>Leave a Comment/a> /div>/div>h2>July 3, 2023/h2>div classpost-9941 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-engineering category-open-access-2 category-publishing tag-bookdown tag-christophe-dervieux tag-epub tag-garrett-grolemund tag-hadley-wickham tag-html tag-kamilla-kopec-harding tag-markdown tag-pdf tag-quarto tag-rlang tag-rmarkdown tag-rum tag-stavrina-dimosthenous tag-yihui-xie idpost-9941> h3 classstorytitle> a href relbookmark>Some pros and cons of using bookdown and quarto to write books/a> /h3> div classmeta>Filed under: a href relcategory tag>engineering/a>,a href relcategory tag>open access/a>,a href relcategory tag>publishing/a> — Duncan Hull @ 9:06 am br />Tags: a href reltag>bookdown/a>, a href reltag>Christophe Dervieux/a>, a href reltag>ePub/a>, a href reltag>Garrett Grolemund/a>, a href reltag>Hadley Wickham/a>, a href reltag>html/a>, a href reltag>Kamilla Kopec-Harding/a>, a href reltag>markdown/a>, a href reltag>pdf/a>, a href reltag>quarto/a>, a href reltag>rlang/a>, a href reltag>rmarkdown/a>, a href reltag>RUM/a>, a href reltag>Stavrina Dimosthenous/a>, a href reltag>Yihui Xie/a>br />/div> div classstorycontent> p>There’s a community of people here who use the a href>R language/a> to get stuff done known as the a href>R Usergroup Manchester (RUM)/a>. We meet monthly to learn from each other. At the last meetup on 29th June, I gave a joint talk with a href>Stavrina Dimosthenous/a> about a href>> and its predecessor a href>>. Following Stravrina’s quick introduction to Quarto, I gave a lightning talk about some of the pros and cons of using bookdown to write books./p>p>Since the talk was recorded, I’ve posted the video below, which is a lo-fi Microsoft Teams recording, which doesn’t include any of the Q&A that>br>a hrefDR>TL:DR/a>; Bookdown and quarto are useful and very well documented tools for publishing books that can help you overcome some of the (many) limitations of Learning Management Systems like Blackboard. If you’re writing anything book shaped in your teaching (or elsewhere) I reckon that bookdown/quarto are good tools that are worth learning as they’ll help you to get stuff done./p>figure classwp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio>div classwp-block-embed__wrapper>div classembed-youtube>iframe titleSome pros and cons of using bookdown to write undergraduate textbooks: R Usergroup Manchester (RUM) width500 height281 src frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share referrerpolicystrict-origin-when-cross-origin allowfullscreen>/iframe>/div>/div>/figure>p>Thanks a href>Kamilla Kopec-Harding/a> for organising and hosting the talks, a promotional poster for which, you can see below. šbr>/p>figure classwp-block-image size-large>a href>img data-attachment-id9954 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size724,1024 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titlerum data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file loadinglazy width724 height1024 src alt classwp-image-9954 srcset 724w, 106w, 212w sizes(max-width: 724px) 100vw, 724px />/a>/figure>h2 classwp-block-heading>References/h2>ol classwp-block-list>li>Wickham, Hadley, and Garrett Grolemund. 2017. em>R for Data Science/em>. OāReilly UK Ltd. a href>>./li>li>Xie, Yihui. 2017. em>Bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown/em>. Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman; Hall/CRC. a href>>./li>li>Xie, Yihui, Christophe Dervieux, and Emily Riederer. 2020. em>R Markdown Cookbook/em>. Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman; Hall/CRC. a href>>./li>/ol>p>br>/p>p>br>br>br>br>br>/p> /div> div classfeedback> a href>Leave a Comment/a> /div>/div>h2>May 22, 2023/h2>div classpost-9928 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-sigcse tag-asciidoc tag-bookdown tag-diveintosystems tag-kevin-c-webb tag-leanpub tag-quarto tag-runestone tag-suzanne-matthews tag-tia-newhall tag-zybooks idpost-9928> h3 classstorytitle> a href relbookmark>Join us on Zoom to dive into online interactive textbook publishing on Monday 12th June at 2pm BST/a> /h3> div classmeta>Filed under: a href relcategory tag>sigcse/a> — Duncan Hull @ 10:41 am br />Tags: a href reltag>asciidoc/a>, a href reltag>bookdown/a>, a href reltag>diveintosystems/a>, a href reltag>Kevin C. Webb/a>, a href reltag>leanpub/a>, a href reltag>quarto/a>, a href reltag>runestone/a>, a href reltag>suzanne matthews/a>, a href reltag>Tia Newhall/a>, a href reltag>zybooks/a>br />/div> div classstorycontent> div classwp-block-image>figure classalignright size-large>a href>img data-attachment-id9935 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size128,128 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titlescuba data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file loadinglazy width128 height128 src alt classwp-image-9935 />/a>figcaption classwp-element-caption>CC licensed Scuba diver from>/figure>/div>p>The textbook has long been a mainstay of education. Although online textbooks can give students easy (and sometimes free) access to increasingly interactive resources, authors have a bewildering array of tools and publishing models to select from. The likes of a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, a href>>, and many others allow instructors to publish course material freed from the constraints of printed paper, monolithic Learning Management Systems (LMSs) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Join us on Monday 12th of June at 2pm BST (UTC+1) to discuss a paper describing one example: em>Dive Into Systems/em> an undergraduate textbook on computer systems. Weāll be joined by one of the co-authors of the paper 1 (and corresponding textbook) a href>Suzanne Matthews/a>, a href>Tia Newhall/a> and a href>Kevin C. Webb/a> from the United States Military Academy at Westpoint, New York and Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania. From the abstract of their paper:/p>blockquote classwp-block-quote is-layout-flow wp-block-quote-is-layout-flow>p>em>This paper presents our experiences, motivations, and goals for developing Dive into Systems, a new, free, online textbook that introduces computer systems, computer organisation, and parallel computing. Our bookās topic coverage is designed to give readers a gentle and broad introduction to these important topics. It teaches the fundamentals of computer systems and architecture, introduces skills for writing efficient programs, and provides necessary background to prepare students for advanced study in computer systems topics. Our book assumes only a CS1 background of the reader and is designed to be useful to a range of courses as a primary textbook for courses that introduce computer systems topics or as an auxiliary textbook to provide systems background in other courses. Results of an evaluation from students and faculty at 18 institutions who used a beta release of our book show overwhelmingly strong support for its coverage of computer systems topics, its readability, and its availability. Chapters are reviewed and edited by external volunteers from the CS education community. Their feedback, as well as that of student and faculty users, is continuously incorporated into its online content at /em>a href>>/p>/blockquote>p>Weāll also be discussing options for adding interactivity to textbooks, seeĀ a href>>. All welcome, as usual, weāll be meeting on zoom, details atĀ a href>>br>br>If there are any papers youād like to discuss at future journal club meetings, you can nominate them atĀ a href>>./p>figure classwp-block-embed is-type-rich is-provider-twitter wp-block-embed-twitter>div classwp-block-embed__wrapper>div classembed-twitter>blockquote classtwitter-tweet data-width500 data-dnttrue>p langen dirltr>Join us on zoom to dive into online interactive textbook publishing on Monday June 12th at 2pm BST a href>> with Suzanne Matthews, Tia Newhall and Kevin C. Webb a href>@swarthmore/a> a href>@WestPoint_USMA/a> a href>#diveintosystems/a> a href>#sigcse/a>/p>— UK ACM SIGCSE (@ukicse) a href>May 17, 2023/a>/blockquote>script async src charsetutf-8>/script>/div>/div>/figure>h2 classwp-block-heading>References/h2>ol classwp-block-list>li>Suzanne J. Matthews, Tia Newhall and Kevin C. Webb (2021) Dive into Systems: A Free, Online Textbook for Introducing Computer Systems SIGCSE ā21: Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Pages 1110ā1116 DOI: a href>10.1145/3408877.3432514/a>/li>/ol> /div> div classfeedback> a href>Leave a Comment/a> /div>/div>h2>March 27, 2023/h2>div classpost-9918 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-sigcse tag-chatgpt tag-openai tag-python idpost-9918> h3 classstorytitle> a href relbookmark>Join us to discuss using AI to solve simple programming problems on Monday 3rd April at 2pm BST/a> /h3> div classmeta>Filed under: a href relcategory tag>sigcse/a> — Duncan Hull @ 10:14 am br />Tags: a href reltag>ChatGPT/a>, a href reltag>OpenAI/a>, a href reltag>python/a>br />/div> div classstorycontent> div classwp-block-image>figure classalignright size-large>a href>img data-attachment-id9920 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size128,128 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titlepilot data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file loadinglazy width128 height128 src alt classwp-image-9920 />/a>figcaption classwp-element-caption>CC licensed pilot image from a href>>/figcaption>/figure>/div>p>Maybe you wrote that code and maybe you didnāt. If Artificial Intelligence helped you, such as the OpenAI Codex in GitHub Copilot, how did it solve your problem? How much did AI help or hinder your solution? Join us to discuss a paper byĀ a href>Michel Wermelinger/a>Ā from the Open University published in theĀ a href>SIGCSE technical symposium/a>Ā earlier this month in Toronto on this very topic. 1 Weāll be joined by Michel who will present a lightning talk to kick-off our discussion. Hereās the abstract of his paper:/p>blockquote classwp-block-quote is-layout-flow wp-block-quote-is-layout-flow>p>em>The teaching and assessment of introductory programming involves writing code that solves a problem described by text. Previous research found that OpenAIās Codex, a natural language machine learning model trained on billions of lines of code, performs well on many programming problems, often generating correct and readable Python code. GitHubās version of Codex, Copilot, is freely available to students. This raises pedagogic and academic integrity concerns. Educators need to know what Copilot is capable of, in order to adapt their teaching to AI-powered programming assistants. Previous research evaluated the most performant Codex model quantitatively, e.g. how many problems have at least one correct suggestion that passes all tests. Here I evaluate Copilot instead, to see if and how it differs from Codex, and look qualitatively at the generated suggestions, to understand the limitations of Copilot. I also report on the experience of using Copilot for other activities asked of students in programming courses: explaining code, generating tests and fixing bugs. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of the observed capabilities for the teaching of programming./em>/p>p>All welcome, as usual weāll be meeting on zoom, details at a href>>. /p>h2 classwp-block-heading>References/h2>ol classwp-block-list>li>Michel Wermelinger (2023) Using GitHub Copilot to Solve Simple Programming Problems in Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education Pages SIGCSE 2023 page 172ā178 DOI: a href>10.1145/3545945.3569830/a>/li>/ol>/blockquote> /div> div classfeedback> a href>Leave a Comment/a> /div>/div>h2>February 13, 2023/h2>div classpost-9899 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-sigcse tag-ai tag-maria-kallia tag-quintin-cutts idpost-9899> h3 classstorytitle> a href relbookmark>Join us to discuss code comprehension on Monday 6th March at 2pm GMT/a> /h3> div classmeta>Filed under: a href relcategory tag>sigcse/a> — Duncan Hull @ 8:29 am br />Tags: a href reltag>AI/a>, a href reltag>Maria Kallia/a>, a href reltag>Quintin Cutts/a>br />/div> div classstorycontent> div classwp-block-image>figure classalignright size-large>a href>img data-attachment-id9902 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size256,256 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"1"} data-image-titlepuzzle data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file loadinglazy width256 height256 src alt classwp-image-9902 srcset 256w, 150w sizes(max-width: 256px) 100vw, 256px />/a>figcaption classwp-element-caption>CC licensed puzzle image via a href>>/figcaption>/figure>/div>p>It’s all very well a href>getting an AI to write your code for you/a> but reading code and writing code is not the same as understanding code. So what is going on in novices brains when they learn to actually em>understand/em> the code they are reading and writing? Join us on Monday 6th March at 2pm GMT to discuss a paper by Quintin Cutts and Maria Kallia from the University of Glasgow on this very topic 1, from the abstract:/p>blockquote classwp-block-quote is-layout-flow wp-block-quote-is-layout-flow>p>An approach to code comprehension in an introductory programming class is presented, drawing on the Text Surface, Functional and Machine aspects of Schulteās Block Model, and emphasising programming as a modelling activity involving problem and machine domains. To visually connect the domains and a program, a key diagram conceptualising the three aspects lies at the approachās heart, alongside instructional exposition and exercises, which are all presented. Students find the approach challenging initially, but most recognise its value later, and identify, unexpectedly, the value of the approach for problem decomposition, planning and coding./p>/blockquote>p>Weāll be joined by one of the co-authors (a href>Quintin Cutts/a>), whoāll give us a lightning talk summary of the paper to kick-off our journal club discussion./p>p>All welcome, as usual weāll be meeting on zoom, details at a href>>. /p>h2 classwp-block-heading>References/h2>ol classwp-block-list>li>Quintin Cutts and Maria Kallia (2023) Introducing Modelling and Code Comprehension from the First Days of an Introductory Programming Class in CEP ā23: Proceedings of 7th Conference on Computing Education Practice Pages 21ā24 DOI:a href>10.1145/3573260.3573266/a>/li>/ol> /div> div classfeedback> a href>Leave a Comment/a> /div>/div>h2>November 29, 2022/h2>div classpost-9887 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-education tag-diana-kirby tag-elizabeth-cole tag-keith-quille tag-nicola-looker tag-sigcse tag-sue-sentance tag-tom-crick idpost-9887> h3 classstorytitle> a href relbookmark>Join us to discuss Computing in school in the UK & Ireland on Monday 5th December at 2pm GMT/a> /h3> div classmeta>Filed under: a href relcategory tag>education/a> — Duncan Hull @ 9:51 am br />Tags: a href reltag>Diana Kirby/a>, a href reltag>Elizabeth Cole/a>, a href reltag>Keith Quille/a>, a href reltag>Nicola Looker/a>, a href reltag>sigcse/a>, a href reltag>Sue Sentance/a>, a href reltag>Tom Crick/a>br />/div> div classstorycontent> div classwp-block-image>figure classalignright size-large is-resized>a href>img data-attachment-id9890 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size128,128 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"1"} data-image-titleschool data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file loadinglazy src alt classwp-image-9890 width128 height128 />/a>/figure>/div>p>Computing is widely taught in schools in the UK and Ireland, but how does the subject vary across primary and secondary education in Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland? Join us to discuss via a paper published atĀ a href>>Ā byĀ a href>Sue Sentance,/a>Ā Diana Kirby, Keith Quille, Elizabeth Cole, Tom Crick and Nicola Looker. 1 From the abstract:/p>blockquote classwp-block-quote is-layout-flow wp-block-quote-is-layout-flow>p>Many countries have increased their focus on computing in primary and secondary education in recent years and the UK and Ireland are no exception. The four nations of the UK have distinct and separate education systems, with England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland offering different national curricula, qualifications, and teacher education opportunities; this is the same for the Republic of Ireland. This paper describes computing education in these five jurisdictions and reports on the results of a survey conducted with computing teachers. A validated instrument was localised and used for this study, with 512 completed responses received from teachers across all five countries The results demonstrate distinct differences in the experiences of the computing teachers surveyed that align with the policy and provision for computing education in the UK and Ireland. This paper increases our understanding of the differences in computing education provision in schools across the UK and Ireland, and will be relevant to all those working to understand policy around computing education in school./p>p>(weāll be joined by the co-authors of the paper: Sue Sentance and Diana Kirby from the University of Cambridge and the Raspberry Pi Foundation with a lightning talk summary to start our discussion)/p>/blockquote>p>All welcome, as usual weāll be meeting on zoom, details atĀ a href>>. Thanks toĀ a href>Joseph Maguire/a>Ā at the University of Glasgow for proposing this months paper./p>h2 classwp-block-heading>References/h2>p>/p>ol classwp-block-list>li>Sue Sentance, Diana Kirby, Keith Quille, Elizabeth Cole, Tom Crick and Nicola Looker (2022) Computing in School in the UK & Ireland: A Comparative Study UKICER ā22: Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on United Kingdom & Ireland Computing Education Research 5 pp 1ā7 DOI:Ā a href>10.1145/3555009.3555015/a>/li>/ol> /div> div classfeedback> a href>Leave a Comment/a> /div>/div>h2>November 3, 2022/h2>div classpost-9869 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-engineering category-sigcse tag-alexandra-lucia-costache tag-bluej tag-java tag-maksymilian-sekula tag-michael-kolling tag-neil-brown tag-pierre-weill-tessier idpost-9869> h3 classstorytitle> a href relbookmark>Join us to discuss novice use of Java on Monday 7th November at 2pm GMT/a> /h3> div classmeta>Filed under: a href relcategory tag>engineering/a>,a href relcategory tag>sigcse/a> — Duncan Hull @ 10:30 am br />Tags: a href reltag>Alexandra-Lucia Costache/a>, a href reltag>BlueJ/a>, a href reltag>java/a>, a href reltag>Maksymilian Sekula/a>, a href reltag>Michael Kƶlling/a>, a href reltag>Neil Brown/a>, a href reltag>Pierre Weill-Tessier/a>br />/div> div classstorycontent> div classwp-block-image>figure classalignright size-large>a href>img data-attachment-id9871 data-permalink data-orig-file data-orig-size262,479 data-comments-opened1 data-image-meta{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"} data-image-titlejava_programming_language_logo.svg_ data-image-description data-image-caption data-medium-file data-large-file loadinglazy width262 height479 src alt classwp-image-9871 srcset 262w, 82w sizes(max-width: 262px) 100vw, 262px />/a>/figure>/div>p>Java is widely used as a teaching language in Universities around the world, but what wider problems does it present for novice programmers? Join us to discuss via a paper published in TOCE by a href>Neil Brown/a>, Pierre Weill-Tessier, Maksymilian Sekula, Alexandra-Lucia Costache and Michael Kƶlling. 1 From the abstract:/p>blockquote classwp-block-quote is-layout-flow wp-block-quote-is-layout-flow>blockquote classwp-block-quote is-layout-flow wp-block-quote-is-layout-flow>p>strong>Objectives/strong>: Java is a popular programming language for use in computing education, but it is difficult to get a wide picture of the issues that it presents for novices, and most studies look only at the types or frequency of errors. In this observational study we aim to learn how novices use different features of the Java language. strong>Participants/strong>: Users of the BlueJ development environment have been invited to opt-in to anonymously record their activity data for the past eight years. This dataset is called Blackbox, which was used as the basis for this study. BlueJ users are mostly novice programmers, predominantly male, with a median age of 16. Our data subset featured approximately 225,000 participants from around the world. strong>Study Methods/strong>: We performed a secondary data analysis that used data from the Blackbox dataset. We examined over 320,000 Java projects collected over the course of eight years, and used source code analysis to investigate the prevalence of various specifically-selected Java programming usage patterns. As this was an observational study without specific hypotheses, we did not use significance tests; instead we present the results themselves with commentary, having applied seasonal trend decomposition to the data. strong>Findings:/strong> We found many long-term trends in the data over the course of the eight years, most of which were monotonic. There was a notable reduction in the use of the main method (common in Java but unnecessary in BlueJ), and a general reduction in the complexity of the projects. We find that there are only a small number of frequently used types: int, String, double and boolean, but also a wide range of other infrequently used types. strong>Conclusions/strong>: We find that programming usage patterns gradually change over a long period of time (a period where the Java language was not seeing major changes), once seasonal patterns are accounted for. Any changes are likely driven by instructors and the changing demographics of programming novices. The novices use a relatively restricted subset of Java, which implies that designers of languages specifically targeted at novices can satisfy their needs with a smaller set of language constructs and features. We provide detailed recommendations for the designers of educational programming languages and supporting development tools./p>/blockquote>p>All welcome, as usual weāll be meeting on zoom, details at a href>>/p>h2 classwp-block-heading>References/h2>ol classwp-block-list>li>Neil C. C. Brown, Pierre Weill-Tessier, Maksymilian Sekula, Alexandra-Lucia Costache and Michael Kƶlling (2022) Novice use of the Java programming language ACM Transactions on Computing Education DOI:a href>10.1145/3551393/a>/li>/ol>/blockquote> /div> div classfeedback> a href>Leave a Comment/a> /div>/div>a href >Next Page »/a>!-- begin footer -->/div>!-- begin sidebar -->div idmenu>ul>li idpages-2 classwidget widget_pages>h2 classwidgettitle>Meta / Ī¼ĪµĻĪ¬/h2> ul> li classpage_item page-item-2>a href>About/a>/li>li classpage_item page-item-2417>a href>Contents/a>/li>li classpage_item page-item-6093>a href>Highlights/a>/li> /ul> /li>/ul>/div>p classcredit>cite> a href relnofollow>Blog at>/cite>/p>/div>!-- -->script typetext/javascript src// idgrofiles-cards-js>/script>script typetext/javascript idwpgroho-js-extra>/* !CDATA */var WPGroHo {my_hash:};/* > *//script>script crossoriginanonymous typetext/javascript src>/script> script> // Initialize and attach hovercards to all gravatars ( function() { 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