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HTTP/1.1 200 OKdate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 05:21:56 GMTupgrade: h2,h2cconnection: Upgradelast-modified: Mon, 04 Nov 2024 23:06:08 GMTetag: 1b06-6261e5481f8e9accept-ranges: bytescontent-length: 6918vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agentcontent-type: text/htmlalt-svc: h3:443;ma180;server: Apache html langen>head> meta charsetUTF-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0> title>Dubbele A bedrijf/title> link relstylesheet href/style/style.css> script src/script/script.js defer>/script> script src/script/script2.js defer>/script> script src/script/script3.js defer>/script> script src/script/script6.js defer>/script> link relshortcut icon href/icon/favicon.ico>/head>body> nav> ul> li classnavbar> a classpage href/index.html> img src/image/logo.png> /a> /li> li classnavbars> a classpages href/index/index2.html> Home /a> /li> li classnavbars> a classpages href/index/index3.html> Over ons /a> /li> li classnavbars> a classpages href/index/index4.html> Werkwijze /a> /li> li classnavbars> a classpages href/index/index5.html> Projecten /a> /li> li classnavbars> a classpages href/index/index7.html> Contact us /a> /li> /ul> /nav> a classwha href> img classwhat src/image/wha.png> /a> div classfoto> img src/image/body.jpg> /div> div classname> h1 classwelkom>Dubbele A bedrijf/h1> h3 classbedrijf>Uw vertrouwde partner in de bouwsector/h3> /div> header> h1 classanimated-element>Nieuwste project/h1> /header> div classslideshowContainer> !-- Replace the image src with the images in your project. Javascript is set up so that you can add as many images as you like, but make sure that you match the number of circle span elements (below) to the number of images --> img classimageSlides src/image/hein.jpg altwork on> img classimageSlides src/image/baad.jpg altafter> !-- I would recommend to replace these span elements with img files for each the left and right arrow that fits your project, and size accordingly. Ive shown span elements because I didnt want to upload files. --> span id leftArrow classslideshowArrow>‹/span> span id rightArrow classslideshowArrow>›/span> div classslideshowCircles> !-- Filled dot class is set to first image in slideshow, and then via Javascript the filled dot class follows the current image. Make sure you match the number of these circle span elements to the number of images in your slideshow. --> span classcircle dot>/span> span classcircle>/span> /div> /div> div classtozih> h2 classanimate-on-scroll>Wij zijn gespecialiseerd in:/h2> br>br>br> ul classtozihat> li classtozihatcap>h3>Uitbouw aanbouw/h3>/li> br> li classtozihatcap>h3>Dakkapel renovatie/h3>/li> br> li classtozihatcap>h3>Stucwerk/h3>/li> br> li classtozihatcap>h3>Metselwerk/h3>/li> br> li classtozihatcap>h3>Badkamer/toilet verbouwing/h3>/li> br> li classtozihatcap>h3>Diverse vloeren leggen/h3>/li> /ul> ul classtozihat2> li classtozihatcap2>h3>Schilderwerk/h3>/li> br> li classtozihatcap2>h3>Vloerverwarming installatie/h3>/li> br> li classtozihatcap2>h3>Timmerwerk/h3>/li> br> li classtozihatcap2>h3>Totaalbouw/h3>/li> br> li classtozihatcap2>h3>Alle soorten woning renovatie/onderhoud/h3>/li> br> li classtozihatcap2>h3>Wij doen het allemaal!/h3>/li> /ul> /div> footer> img classlogofooter src/image/logo.png> h3 classtelefoon>+31618579151/h3> h3 classmail>> h3 classgara>6 MAANDEN GARANTIE/h3> ul classsocialmedia> li classfacebook> a classlink href target_blank> img classfacebookicon src/image/facebook.webp> /a> /li> /ul> ul classsocialmedia2> li classinstagram> a classlink2 href target_blank> img classinstagramicon src/image/insta.webp> /a> /li> /ul> ul classcap> li classfootcap>h3>Verbouwing/h3>/li> br>br> li classfoot>h4>Jouw droom tuin/h4>/li> br> li classfoot>h4>Veranda aanleggen/h4>/li> br> li classfoot>h4>Jouw droom badkamer/h4>/li> br> li classfoot>h4>Jouw droom keuken/h4>/li> br> li classfoot>h4>Slim verbouwen/h4>/li> /ul> ul classcap2> li classfootcap2>h3>Renovatie/h3>/li> br>br> li classfoot2>h4>Prefentief br> onderhouden/h4>/li> br> li classfoot2>h4>Schilderwerk/h4>/li> br> li classfoot2>h4>Vloerbedekking/h4>/li> br> li classfoot2>h4>Vloerverwarming/h4>/li> br> li classfoot2>h4>Warmtepomp/h4>/li> br> li classfoot2>h4>Tegelzetter/h4>/li> /ul> ul classopen> li classopening>h3>Openingstijden/h3>/li> br>br> li classdag>h4>Maandag:/h4>/li> br> li classdag>h4>Dinsdag:/h4>/li> br> li classdag>h4>Woensdag:/h4>/li> br> li classdag>h4>Donderdag:/h4>/li> br> li classdag>h4>Vrijdag:/h4>/li> br> li classdag>h4>Zaterdag:/h4>/li> br> li classdag>h4>Zondag:/h4>/li> /ul> ul classtimming> li classtime>h4>24/7/h4>/li> br> li classtime>h4>24/7/h4>/li> br> li classtime>h4>24/7/h4>/li> br> li classtime>h4>24/7/h4>/li> br> li classtime>h4>24/7/h4>/li> br> li classtime>h4>24/7/h4>/li> br> li classtime>h4>24/7/h4>/li> /ul> /footer>/body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKdate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 05:21:57 GMTupgrade: h2,h2cconnection: Upgradelast-modified: Mon, 04 Nov 2024 23:06:08 GMTetag: 1b06-6261e5481f8e9accept-ranges: bytescontent-length: 6918vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agentcontent-type: text/htmlalt-svc: h3:443;ma180;server: Apache html langen>head> meta charsetUTF-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0> title>Dubbele A bedrijf/title> link relstylesheet href/style/style.css> script src/script/script.js defer>/script> script src/script/script2.js defer>/script> script src/script/script3.js defer>/script> script src/script/script6.js defer>/script> link relshortcut icon href/icon/favicon.ico>/head>body> nav> ul> li classnavbar> a classpage href/index.html> img src/image/logo.png> /a> /li> li classnavbars> a classpages href/index/index2.html> Home /a> /li> li classnavbars> a classpages href/index/index3.html> Over ons /a> /li> li classnavbars> a classpages href/index/index4.html> Werkwijze /a> /li> li classnavbars> a classpages href/index/index5.html> Projecten /a> /li> li classnavbars> a classpages href/index/index7.html> Contact us /a> /li> /ul> /nav> a classwha href> img classwhat src/image/wha.png> /a> div classfoto> img src/image/body.jpg> /div> div classname> h1 classwelkom>Dubbele A bedrijf/h1> h3 classbedrijf>Uw vertrouwde partner in de bouwsector/h3> /div> header> h1 classanimated-element>Nieuwste project/h1> /header> div classslideshowContainer> !-- Replace the image src with the images in your project. Javascript is set up so that you can add as many images as you like, but make sure that you match the number of circle span elements (below) to the number of images --> img classimageSlides src/image/hein.jpg altwork on> img classimageSlides src/image/baad.jpg altafter> !-- I would recommend to replace these span elements with img files for each the left and right arrow that fits your project, and size accordingly. Ive shown span elements because I didnt want to upload files. --> span id leftArrow classslideshowArrow>‹/span> span id rightArrow classslideshowArrow>›/span> div classslideshowCircles> !-- Filled dot class is set to first image in slideshow, and then via Javascript the filled dot class follows the current image. Make sure you match the number of these circle span elements to the number of images in your slideshow. --> span classcircle dot>/span> span classcircle>/span> /div> /div> div classtozih> h2 classanimate-on-scroll>Wij zijn gespecialiseerd in:/h2> br>br>br> ul classtozihat> li classtozihatcap>h3>Uitbouw aanbouw/h3>/li> br> li classtozihatcap>h3>Dakkapel renovatie/h3>/li> br> li classtozihatcap>h3>Stucwerk/h3>/li> br> li classtozihatcap>h3>Metselwerk/h3>/li> br> li classtozihatcap>h3>Badkamer/toilet verbouwing/h3>/li> br> li classtozihatcap>h3>Diverse vloeren leggen/h3>/li> /ul> ul classtozihat2> li classtozihatcap2>h3>Schilderwerk/h3>/li> br> li classtozihatcap2>h3>Vloerverwarming installatie/h3>/li> br> li classtozihatcap2>h3>Timmerwerk/h3>/li> br> li classtozihatcap2>h3>Totaalbouw/h3>/li> br> li classtozihatcap2>h3>Alle soorten woning renovatie/onderhoud/h3>/li> br> li classtozihatcap2>h3>Wij doen het allemaal!/h3>/li> /ul> /div> footer> img classlogofooter src/image/logo.png> h3 classtelefoon>+31618579151/h3> h3 classmail>> h3 classgara>6 MAANDEN GARANTIE/h3> ul classsocialmedia> li classfacebook> a classlink href target_blank> img classfacebookicon src/image/facebook.webp> /a> /li> /ul> ul classsocialmedia2> li classinstagram> a classlink2 href target_blank> img classinstagramicon src/image/insta.webp> /a> /li> /ul> ul classcap> li classfootcap>h3>Verbouwing/h3>/li> br>br> li classfoot>h4>Jouw droom tuin/h4>/li> br> li classfoot>h4>Veranda aanleggen/h4>/li> br> li classfoot>h4>Jouw droom badkamer/h4>/li> br> li classfoot>h4>Jouw droom keuken/h4>/li> br> li classfoot>h4>Slim verbouwen/h4>/li> /ul> ul classcap2> li classfootcap2>h3>Renovatie/h3>/li> br>br> li classfoot2>h4>Prefentief br> onderhouden/h4>/li> br> li classfoot2>h4>Schilderwerk/h4>/li> br> li classfoot2>h4>Vloerbedekking/h4>/li> br> li classfoot2>h4>Vloerverwarming/h4>/li> br> li classfoot2>h4>Warmtepomp/h4>/li> br> li classfoot2>h4>Tegelzetter/h4>/li> /ul> ul classopen> li classopening>h3>Openingstijden/h3>/li> br>br> li classdag>h4>Maandag:/h4>/li> br> li classdag>h4>Dinsdag:/h4>/li> br> li classdag>h4>Woensdag:/h4>/li> br> li classdag>h4>Donderdag:/h4>/li> br> li classdag>h4>Vrijdag:/h4>/li> br> li classdag>h4>Zaterdag:/h4>/li> br> li classdag>h4>Zondag:/h4>/li> /ul> ul classtimming> li classtime>h4>24/7/h4>/li> br> li classtime>h4>24/7/h4>/li> br> li classtime>h4>24/7/h4>/li> br> li classtime>h4>24/7/h4>/li> br> li classtime>h4>24/7/h4>/li> br> li classtime>h4>24/7/h4>/li> br> li classtime>h4>24/7/h4>/li> /ul> /footer>/body>/html>
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