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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 09:38:54 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Content-Length: 199277Connection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-EncodingETag: W/2d0806506c9265cb95e48617bb2f65f4Set-Cookie: cart_currencyVND; expiresTue, 25 Feb 2025 09:38:54 GMT; path/Set-Cookie: _landing_page%2F; expiresWed, 26 Feb 2025 09:38:54 GMT; path/Set-Cookie: _orig_referrer; expiresWed, 26 Feb 2025 09:38:54 GMT; path/Set-Cookie: bizweb_tempdata; expiresThu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; path/; secure; samesitelax; httponlyStrict-Transport-Security: max-age7776000X-Content-Type-Options: nosniffContent-Security-Policy: block-all-mixed-content; upgrade-insecure-requests;X-Alternate-Cache-Key: W/0413cf17927c6157b01611f5cb798d4aX-Cache: hit, serverX-Request-Id: f90e5df64e9bc106076603f220cadd92 !DOCTYPE html>html langvi> head> meta charsetUTF-8 /> meta http-equivx-ua-compatible contentieedge> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, maximum-scale1> meta namerobots contentnoodp,index,follow /> meta namekeywords content> meta namerevisit-after content1 days /> title> Xưởng may mascot-linh vật uy tín Hồ Chí Minh /title> meta namedescription contentMASCOT BINGO - xưởng may Mascot hơi, đồ hóa trang uy tín Hồ Chí Minh. Chuyên may, bán, cho thuê các loại mascot. Địa chỉ: 23A,Đường Thới An 10,Phường Thới An,Quận 12. Hotline: 0904 772 125.> link relcanonical href> link relicon href// typeimage/x-icon /> meta propertyog:type contentwebsite> meta propertyog:title contentXưởng may mascot-linh vật uy tín Hồ Chí Minh> meta propertyog:image content> meta propertyog:image:secure_url content>meta propertyog:description contentMASCOT BINGO - xưởng may Mascot hơi, đồ hóa trang uy tín Hồ Chí Minh. Chuyên may, bán, cho thuê các loại mascot. Địa chỉ: 23A,Đường Thới An 10,Phường Thới An,Quận 12. Hotline: 0904 772 125.>meta propertyog:url content>meta propertyog:site_name contentXưởng may mascot-linh vật uy tín Hồ Chí Minh> !-- HTML5 shim and Respond.js for IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries --> !-- WARNING: Respond.js doesnt work if you view the page via file:// --> !--if lt IE 9>script src//>/script>script src//>/script>!endif--> !-- CSS Style --> link href// relstylesheet typetext/css mediaall /> link href// relstylesheet typetext/css mediaall /> link href//,400italic,600italic,700italic,800italic,300,700,800,400,600 relstylesheet typetext/css mediaall /> link href//,700&subsetvietnamese relstylesheet typetext/css mediaall /> link href// relstylesheet typetext/css mediaall /> link href// relstylesheet typetext/css mediaall /> link href// relstylesheet typetext/css mediaall /> link href// relstylesheet typetext/css mediaall /> !-- JavaScript --> script src integritysha256-Ls0pXSlb7AYs7evhd+VLnWsZ/AqEHcXBeMZUycz/CcA crossoriginanonymous>/script> script src// typetext/javascript>/script> script src// typetext/javascript>/script> script src// typetext/javascript>/script> script src// typetext/javascript>/script> script src// typetext/javascript>/script> script src// typetext/javascript>/script> script src// typetext/javascript>/script> script src// typetext/javascript>/script> script typetext/javascript> Bizweb.updateCartFromForm function(cart, cart_summary_id, cart_count_id) { if ((typeof cart_summary_id) string) { var cart_summary jQuery(cart_summary_id); 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