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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: openresty/ Wed, 13 Nov 2024 01:37:00 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 22132Connection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-EncodingLast-Modified: Tue, 14 Nov 2023 19:28:25 GMTETag: 5674-60a21ca5f511bAccept-Ranges: bytesX-Proxy-Cache: MISS !DOCTYPE html>!--if lt IE 7 > html classie6 langen> !endif-->!--if IE 7 > html classie7 langen> !endif-->!--if IE 8 > html classie8 langen> !endif-->!--if IE 9 > html classie9 langen> !endif-->!--if (gt IE 9)|!(IE)>!--> html class langen>!-- InstanceBegin templateTemplates/devineTemplate-3col.dwt codeOutsideHTMLIsLockedfalse --> !--!endif-->head>meta charsetutf-8 />!-- InstanceBeginEditable nameTitle -->title>DeVine Guitars & Ukuleles :: Custom Koa Guitars and custom Ukuleles from luthier Eric DeVine of Hawaii. News : Eddie Vedders ukulele/title>meta namedescription contentLuthier Eric DeVine of DeVine Guitars can custom build a koa slack key guitar, custom ukulele or kasha ukulele in hawaii. News : Eddie Vedders ukulele />!-- InstanceEndEditable -->meta namekeywords contentguitar maker, ukulele maker, custom design curly koa kasha ukuleles and guitars maui hawaii, koa wood kasha ukulele guitar, custom ukuleles, custom hand made guitars, brazilian rosewood guitars and ukuleles, baritone ukulele, tenor ukulele, concert ukulele, devine ukulele hawaiian, maui ukuleles, custom ukuleles maui, devine hawaii, maui, eddie vedder, jack johnson, pearl jam, micah wolf, kimo hussey, mike mccready, kasha ukulele, luthier eric devine />meta nameLanguage contentEnglish>meta namerobots contentindex, follow>meta namegooglebot contentindex, follow>meta nameRevisit-after content15 days>meta nameauthor contentString Cheese Productions>meta nameowner contentString Cheese Productions>meta nameCopyright contentCopyright�2002, All Rights Reserved/>link relshortcut icon hrefassets/favicon.ico>link relapple-touch-icon hrefassets/apple-touch-icon.png>!-- CSS -->link hrefassets/style.css relstylesheet typetext/css/>!-- Javascript -->script srcassets/jquery-1.4.3.min.js typetext/javascript>/script>script srcassets/modernizr-1.5.min.js typetext/javascript>/script>script srcassets/script.js typetext/javascript>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>!-- InstanceBeginEditable nametop script -->script typetext/javascript srcassets/jquery.elegantAccordion.js>/script>!-- InstanceEndEditable -->!-- Browser Specific -->!--if IE >!endif-->!--if lt IE 9 >script src typetext/javascript >/script>script>CFInstall.check({ mode: overlay });/script>!endif-->/head>body>div classpage_margins>div idsidebar>div idtopsidebar>/div>div idmidsidebar>div idsocialmedia>a titleVisit The DeVine Guitars and Ukuleles Blog href/guitar-ukulele-blog classblog>/a>a titleBecome a Fan of DeVine Guitars and Ukuleles on FaceBook! target_blank href classfacebook>/a>a titleFollow DeVine Guitars and Ukuleles on Twitter! target_blank href!/DeVineGuitars classtwitter>/a>a titleWatch videos of DeVine Guitars and Ukuleles target_blank href classyoutube>/a>a titleEmail DeVine Guitars and Ukuleles classemail>/a>a titleCall DeVine Guitars and Ukuleles on Skype hrefcallto://ericdevine75/ classskype>/a>/div>/div>div idbottomsidebar>/div>/div> div classpage> header idpage_header> a hrefindex.html titleDeVine Guitars and Ukuleles idlogo>img srcassets/logo.png altDeVine Guitars and Ukuleles/>/a> h1>Simply the finest handmade guitars and custom ukuleles in the world./h1> nav idmainnav> ul classvert> li classactive>a hrefindex.html titleDeVine Guitars and Ukuleles>Home/a>/li> li>a hrefgallery-custom-guitars-and-handmade-ukuleles-from-hawaii.html titlegallery of custom ukuleles and custom guitars>Photo Gallery/a>/li> li>a hreflisten-to-music-from-devine-guitars.html titlelisten to custom guitars and ukuleles>Listen/a>/li> li>a hreftestimonials-for-devine-ukulele-and-guitars.html titletestimonials for handmade guitars and ukuleles>Testimonials/a>/li> li>a hrefabout-devine-guitars-and-custom-ukuleles.html titleabout devine guitars and ukuleles>About Us/a> ul> li>a hrefguitar-ukulele-blog titleguitar and ukulele luthier blog titlecustom guitar and ukulele blog>Guitar & Ukulele Blog/a>/li> li>a hrefhawaii-home-of-custom-ukuleles-and-guitars.html titlecustom ukuleles made with curly koa in hawaii>Hawaii/a>/li> /ul> /li> li>a hrefguitar-and-ukulele-design-luthier-eric-devine.html titlecustom ukulele and guitar design>Design/a> ul> li>a hrefcustom-guitars-from-luthier-eric-devine.html titlecustom guitars for slackkey flamenco and classical>Guitars/a>/li> li>a hrefcustom-ukuleles-from-luthier-eric-devine.html titlecustom ukuleles made with curly koa>Ukuleles/a>/li> li>a hrefwoods-of-hawaii.html titleguitar and ukulele woods of hawaii>Woods of Hawaii/a>/li> li>a hrefkoa-wood-from-hawaii.html titlekoa wood for ukuleles and guitars>Koa/a>/li> li>a hrefwoods-of-the-world.html titleukulele and guitar woods of the world>Woods of the World/a>/li> li>a hrefsoundboards-and-guitar-tops.html titleguitar and ukulele soundboard tops>Soundboards/a>/li> li>a hrefrare-and-unique-woods.html titleguitar and ukulele rare woods>Rare and Unique Woods/a>/li> li>a hrefcustom-inlay-guitars-and-ukuleles.html>Custom Inlay and Extras/a>/li> /ul> /li> li>a hrefguitar-ukulele-blog titleguitar and ukulele luthier blog titlecustom guitar and ukulele blog>Guitar & Ukulele Blog/a>/li> ul> /ul> /li> li>a hrefprices-devine-guitars-ukuleles-from-hawaii.html titlecustom guitar and ukulele prices>Prices & Ordering/a> ul> li>a hrefprices-devine-guitars-ukuleles-from-hawaii.html titlecustom guitar and ukulele prices>Prices/a> li>a hrefavailable-ukulele-woods.html titleAvailable ukulele sets>Available Woods/a> li>a hrefcontact-devine-guitars-and-ukuleles.html>Contact/a>/li> li>a hrefavailable-custom-koa-guitars-and-kasha-ukuleles.html>Available Instruments/a>/li> /ul> /li> /ul> /nav> /header> div idmain> div idbanner classshadow> div idbanner-border>/div> !-- InstanceBeginEditable namebanner --> ul classaccordion idaccordion> li classbg1> h2>Guitars/h2> div> h2>Guitars/h2> p>DeVine Guitars was founded to fulfill one passion, to create magic. We strive to create a guitar the will accentuate your style of playing as well as make the act of playing itself so comfortable, it feels like second nature./p> a hrefcustom-guitars-from-luthier-eric-devine.html titleCustom guitars classmore>more →/a> /div> /li> li classbg3> h2>Ukuleles/h2> div> h2>Ukuleles/h2> p>The goal of DeVine ukuleles is to create an instrument that changes the way the world looks at the ukulele. These ukuleles are built for a slower, more a href titleMelodic music target_blank>melodic/a> style of playing and lend them selves very well to a href titleJazz music target_blank>jazz/a> and other styles of playing where a long sustain is desired./p> a hrefcustom-ukuleles-from-luthier-eric-devine.html titlecustom ukuleles classmore>more →/a> /div> /li> li classbg2> h2>Design/h2> div> h2>Design/h2> p>Each model made by DeVine Guitars and Ukuleles is made for a specifies style of playing. From slack key guitar and other finger picking styles to a href titleMelodic jazz music target_blank>jazz/a> and solo ukulele, DeVine Guitars & Ukuleles can custom make the perfect instrument for you./p> a hrefguitar-and-ukulele-design-luthier-eric-devine.html titleguitar design ukulele design classmore>more →/a> /div> /li> li classbg4> h2>Gallery/h2> div> h2>Gallery/h2> p>Visit our gallery to see all the different models of DeVine Guitars & Ukuleles. Get an understanding of the different woods and techniques we use to build our custom instruments. Most of these wood are very a href titleRare woods target_blank>rare/a> and hard to come by./p> a hrefgallery-custom-guitars-and-handmade-ukuleles-from-hawaii.html titlecustom guitar gallery classmore>more →/a> /div> /li> li classbg5> h2>Hawaii/h2> div> h2>Hawaii/h2> p>DeVine Guitars & Ukuleles has called Hawaii home since 1997. We draw a lot of inspiration from our home in the islands. The a href titleHawaiian culture target_blank>culture/a> and building materials here in Hawaii are very conducive to instrument building and have been the foundation of DeVine Guitars & Ukuleles./p> a hrefhawaii-home-of-custom-ukuleles-and-guitars.html titleGuitar makers in Hawaii classmore>more →/a> /div> /li> /ul> !-- InstanceEndEditable --> /div> section idmain-top> div classclearfix content> !-- InstanceBeginEditable nametop --> h1>Welcome to DeVine Guitars & Ukuleles/h1> !-- InstanceEndEditable --> g:plusone sizesmall>/g:plusone> /div> /section> section idcol1> div classclearfix content> !-- InstanceBeginEditable nameCol1 --> h2>Custom Koa ukuleles/h2> p>DeVine ukuleles have become known as some of the best handmade a href titleUkulele target_blank>ukuleles/a> in the world. From the beautiful a hrefkoa-wood-from-hawaii.html titleCurly acacia koa>curly koa/a> they are made of, to the extremely smooth playability, DeVine ukuleles are truly musical works of art./p> p>These beautiful instruments can also be customized with a variety of a href titleMaui Laser Cutting engraving and inlay target_blank>detailed inlay/a> to suite you taste./p> img src altkoa ukuleles classframe/> h2>Custom Guitars made in Hawaii/h2> p>What is it about a a href titleGuitar salon international target_blank>custom guitar/a> or any other hand made a href titleMusical instrument target_blank>instrument /a>that makes us feel so inspired? Maybe it?s the beautiful curly koa or a hrefbrazilian-rosewood-custom-guitars.html titleBrazilian rosewood>Brazilian rosewood /a>that it is made of. Possibly it is the fact that these custom ukuleles and guitars are one of a kind with no two that are alike. Or, it could be the connection you feel from dealing with a a href titleLuthier or custom guitar maker target_blank>luthier /a>that truly cares and strives to build custom koa ukuleles and guitars that change all previous notions of what you thought an instrument could do. The answer is different for everya href titlemusician target_blank> musician/a> or collector./p> !-- InstanceEndEditable --> /div> /section> section idcol2> div classclearfix content> !-- InstanceBeginEditable nameCol2 --> h2>Hawaiian slack key guitars/h2> p>There are few things in this world as beautiful as the sound of a href titleHawaiian slack key guitar target_blank>Hawaiian slack key guitar/a>. Hawaiis rich history of music and story has given us the gift of slack key. This a href titleGuitar open tunings target_blank>open tuning/a> and mostly finger-picked guitar style seems to pull musicians in like no other type of music. The soft sounds and rolling bass notes may remind us of our time in the a href titleThe Hawaiian Islands target_blank>hawaiian islands/a>, or maybe the stories it tells takes us back to a simpler time. Whatever it is, the draw is unmistakable./p> img srcimages/Ziricote-guitar-side.jpg altcustom ukuleleclassframe/> h2>A Custom Ukulele Made Just For You/h2> p>Whether you are looking to find that unique a hrefcustom-guitars-from-luthier-eric-devine.html titleCustom guitars>custom guitar/a> that gives you the detailed sound and smooth playability you have always dreamed of, or you are looking for a custom a hrefcustom-ukuleles-from-luthier-eric-devine.html titleCustom ukuleles>ukulele/a> from Hawaii that will inspire you and your song writing on those cold winter nights, DeVine Guitars & ukuleles will provide you with the knowledge and insight to help you choose the perfect custom instrument for you and your playing style./p>!-- InstanceEndEditable --> /div> /section> section idcol3> div classclearfix content> !-- InstanceBeginEditable nameCol3 --> h1>News from DeVine Guitars and Ukuleles/h1> p> /p> h2>20th Anniversary Celebration Ukulele/h2> p> /p> img srcimages/devine-anniversary-ukulele.jpg altDeVine 20th Anniversary ukuleleclassframe/> p> /p> h2>The new DeVine Tenitone Ukulele/h2> iframe width460 height280 src frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen>/iframe> p> /p> h2>Eddie Vedder playing DeVine Ukuleles/h2> p> /p> p>a href titleEddie Vedder ukulele target_blank>Eddie Vedders/a> first video from his new album a href titleUkulele songs by Eddie Vedder target_blank>"Ukulele Songs"/a> features Eddie playing a DeVine Ukulele. Eddie Vedder is playing a Kasha tenor DeVine Ukulele with quilted maple back and sides and a cedar top. His uke also features rope purfling along the body and fretboard./p> img srcimages/eddie_vedder_ukulele_songs.jpg altEddie Vedder ukulele songs classframe/> !-- InstanceEndEditable --> /div> !-- IE column clearing --> div idie_clearing> /div> /section> /div> /div>/div>footer idpage_footer classclearfix> div classpage_margins> div classpage> p aligncenter>Contact DeVine Guitars for more>Phone:span> 808-298-6299/span> // email: a>span>>/a>/p> nav id footernav> div classfooter-box> ul> li>a hrefguitar-ukulele-blog titleguitar and ukulele luthier blog titlecustom guitar and ukulele blog>Guitar & Ukulele Blog/a>/li> li>a hrefcustom-inlay-guitars-and-ukuleles.html>Custom Inlay and Extras/a>/li> li>a hrefcustom-guitars-from-luthier-eric-devine.html titlecustom guitars for slackkey flamenco and classical>Guitars/a>/li> li>a hrefcustom-ukuleles-from-luthier-eric-devine.html titlecustom ukuleles made with curly koa>Ukuleles/a>/li> li>a hrefguitar-and-ukulele-design-luthier-eric-devine.html titlecustom ukulele and guitar design>Design/a>/li> li>a hreflisten-to-music-from-devine-guitars.html titlelisten to custom guitars and ukuleles>Listen/a>/li> li>a hrefredwood-guitar-tops.html titleRedwood guitar and redwood ukulele tops>Redwood Guitar & Ukulele Tops/a>/li> li>a hrefkimo-hussey.html titleKimo Hussey>Kimo Hussey/a>/li> li>a hrefeddie-vedder-ukulele.html titleEddie Vedder Ukulele>Eddie Vedder/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classfooter-box> ul> li>a hrefwoods-of-hawaii.html titleguitar and ukulele woods of hawaii>Woods of Hawaii/a>/li> li>a hrefwoods-of-the-world.html titleukulele and guitar woods of the world>Woods of the World/a>/li> li>a hrefkoa-wood-from-hawaii.html titlekoa wood for ukuleles and guitars>Koa Wood/a>/li> li>a hrefrare-and-unique-woods.html titleguitar and ukulele rare woods>Rare and Unique Woods/a>/li> li>a hrefsoundboards-and-guitar-tops.html titlesoundboards for guitar and ukulele tops>Soundboards/a>/li> li>a hrefcuban-mahogany-custom-guitars-and-ukuleles.html titlecuban mahogany for custom guitar and ukulele>Cuban Mahogany/a>/li> li>a hrefcedar-guitar-and-ukulele-tops.html titlecedar soundboards for custom guitars and ukuleles>Cedar/a>/li> li>a hrefspruce-guitar-and-ukulele-tops.html titlespruce soundboards for custom guitars and ukuleles>Spruce/a>/li> li>a hrefbrazilian-rosewood-custom-guitars.html titleBrazilian Rosewood for custom guitars and ukuleles>Brazilian Rosewood/a>/li> li>a hrefafrican-blackwood-custom-guitars.html titleAfrican Blackwood for custom guitars and ukuleles>African Blackwood/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classfooter-box> ul> li>a hrefavailable-custom-koa-guitars-and-kasha-ukuleles.html titleAvailable custom guitars and ukuleles>Available Guitars and Ukuleles/a>/li> li>a hrefgallery-custom-guitars-and-handmade-ukuleles-from-hawaii.html titlegallery of custom ukuleles and custom guitars>Gallery/a>/li> li>a hreftestimonials-for-devine-ukulele-and-guitars.html titletestimonials for handmade guitars and ukuleles>Testimonials/a>/li> li>a hrefabout-devine-guitars-and-custom-ukuleles.html titleabout devine guitars and ukuleles>About Us/a>/li> li>a hrefprices-devine-guitars-ukuleles-from-hawaii.html titlecustom guitar and ukulele prices>Prices & Ordering/a>/li> li>a hrefhawaii-home-of-custom-ukuleles-and-guitars.html titlecustom ukuleles made with curly koa in hawaii>Hawaii/a>/li> li>a hreflinks-and-friends-of-devine-ukuleles.html>links/a>/li> li>a hrefcontact-devine-guitars-and-ukuleles.html>Contact/a>/li> /ul> /div> /nav> /div> /div>/footer>!-- InstanceBeginEditable nameScript -->script typetext/javascript> $(function() { $(#accordion).eAccordion({ easing: swing, // Anything other than linear or swing requires the easing plugin autoPlay: true, // This turns off the entire FUNCTIONALY, not just if it starts running or not startStopped: false, // If autoPlay is on, this can force it to start stopped stopAtEnd: false, // If autoplay is on, it will stop when it reaches the last slide delay: 13000, // How long between slide transitions in AutoPlay mode animationTime: 1000, // How long the slide transition takes hashTags: true, // Should links change the hashtag in the URL? pauseOnHover: true, // If true, and autoPlay is enabled, the show will pause on hover width: null, // Override the default CSS width height: null, // Override the default CSS height expandedWidth: 500px // Width of the expanded slide}); });/script>!-- InstanceEndEditable -->!-- asynchronous google analyticschange the UA-XXXXX-X to be your sites ID -->script typetext/javascript> var _gaq _gaq || ; _gaq.push(_setAccount, UA-23011090-1); _gaq.push(_trackPageview); (function() { var ga document.createElement(script); ga.type text/javascript; ga.async true; ga.src (https: document.location.protocol ? https://ssl : http://www) +; var s document.getElementsByTagName(script)0; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })();/script>/body>!-- InstanceEnd -->/html>
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