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classflex-container> a hrefindex.htm classsidebar-brand> div classaskella-default-logo>Drama TV Shows/div> /a> /div> /div> div idaskella-panel classslideout-panel> div classsite-header-area-container-outer> div classsite-header-area-container> div classsite-header-area> a href#metismenu classtoggle-button hamburger hamburger--spin> div classhamburger-box> div classhamburger-inner>/div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classsite-header-area-spacer-right>/div> /div> div idpage classsite content>main idprimary classsite-main data-dev-titleindex.php> article idpost-1383 classpost-1383 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized tag-713 askella-data-dev-title-partscontent.php(post-type: post)> header classentry-header> h2>a classblogroll-title-link href2022-netflix-tv-show-premiere-dates-all-the.html relbookmark>2022 Netflix TV Show Premiere Dates: All The Confirmed New And Returning Series/a>/h2> div classentry-meta > span classposted-on>Posted on a href2022-netflix-tv-show-premiere-dates-all-the.html relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2021-06-10T12:45:42+00:00>June 10, 2021/time>time classupdated datetime2023-01-17T10:37:25+00:00>January 17, 2023/time>/a>/span>span classbyline> by span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n hrefindex.htm>admin/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a hrefcategory/uncategorized.html relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> /span>span classtags-links>Tagged: a hreftag/2022.html reltag>2022/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> a classpost-thumbnail href2022-netflix-tv-show-premiere-dates-all-the.html aria-hiddentrue tabindex-1> img width1200 height675 srcwp-content/uploads/2023/01/4F7y9AjLoBwjFTAXTvVwv3-1200-80-1.jpg classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image alt2022 Netflix TV Show Premiere Dates: All The Confirmed New And Returning Series decodingasync> /a> div classentry-content> h2>2022 Netflix TV Show Premiere Dates: All The Confirmed New And Returning Series/h2>p>img decodingasync srcwp-content/uploads/2023/01/4F7y9AjLoBwjFTAXTvVwv3-1200-80-1.jpg>/p>p>A full rundown of all the new and returning Netflix TV shows coming out in 2022…/p>h2>Top 10 New Web Series On Netflix, Amazon Prime video, HBO MAX Part-16 | New Released Web Series 2022/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Top 10 New Web Series On Netflix, Amazon Prime video, HBO MAX Part-16 | New Released Web Series 2022p>Part-1 Linkbr>Top 10 New Web Series On Netflix, Amazon Prime video, HBO MAX Part 1br>>p>Part -2 Linkbr>Top 10 New Web Series On Netflix, Amazon Prime video, HBO MAX Part 2br>>p>Top 10 New Web Series On Netflix, Amazon Prime video, HBO MAX Part 3br>>p>Top 10 New Web Series On Netflix, Amazon Prime video, HBO MAX Part-4br>>p>Top 10 New Web Series On Netflix, Amazon Prime video, HBO MAX Part-5br>>p>Top 10 New Web Series On Netflix, Amazon Prime video, HBO MAX Part-6br>>p>Top 10 New Web Series On Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO MAX Part-7br>>p>Top 10 New Web Series On Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+ Part-8br>>p>Top 10 New Web Series On Netflix, Amazon Prime video, HBO MAX Part-9 br>>p>Top 10 New Web Series On Netflix, Amazon Prime video, HBO MAX Part-10 br>>p>Top 10 New Web Series On Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+ Part-11br>>p>Top 10 New Web Series On Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+ Part-12br>>p>Top 10 New Web Series On Netflix, Amazon Prime video, HBO MAX Part-13br>>p>Top 10 New Web Series On Netflix, Amazon Prime video, HBO MAX Part-14br>>p>Top 10 New Web Series On Netflix, Amazon Prime video, HBO MAX Part-15br>>p>Hello and welcome to Select10. This is the final 2022 video in the new TV show video series, and we have chosen the top ten excellent new web series to binge watch during the Christmas and New Year holidays. Also, some of the new Netflix shows, such as The Recruit and a few others, are not included on this list because we have already added them to our previous list of new web series. This mentioned web series can be watched on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, and Disney+, and I have mentioned the name of the streaming platform below every web series title. and I have also included the current IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes scores, which can be changed in the future. Also, do comment on which web series you are going to watch from this list./p>p>And if you liked our latest list of the Top 10 web series, be sure to subscribe to our channel so you can see more videos with our picks for the Top 10 best new web series and movies./p>p>Background music/p>p>Song: Warriyo – Mortals (feat. Laura Brehm) NCS Releasebr>Music provided by NoCopyrightSoundsbr>Free Download/Stream:>Watch:>p>Disclaimer- Some contents are used for educational purposes under fair use. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use./p>p>#newwebseries #bestnetflixseries2022 #amazonprimeseries2022 #netflixseries #top10webseries #2022webseries #newseries2022 #hbomaxseries2022/p>/div>h2>DOC MARTIN Series 10 (Final Season) Release Date PUSHED to Late 2022, Martin Clunes Confirms/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Hey, guys! The original plans to film Series 10 in the beginning of 2021 for a November release had to be scrapped. The pandemic-related obstacles prevented the crew from following the production plan. Production Weekly confirms that filming begins in Cornwall in February 2022. This means we’ll not be able to enjoy Series 10 of Doc Martin sooner than September-October 2022. Another sad news is that producer Philippa Braithwaite and Martin Clunes have already confirmed that Season 10 will be the final chapter for the hit ITV series. As the series is getting ready to say “farewell” after 17 years on television, producers vowed to make the final 10th season the best one yet – a true celebration of the character who has enjoyed such remarkable popularity. Other beloved Doc Martin characters will also be back in Series 10 to say good-bye, including Caroline Catz as schoolteacher Louisa and Selina Cadell as pharmacist Sally Tishell. If you are interested to know more about the wonderful cast, we also have a great video about Doc Martin actors’ REAL-LIFE partners and personal lives. We’ll link it here for you and in the comments below. Share with us in the comments WHY you love this series so much. br>Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and hit “like” to show us some love 😉 br>#DocMartin #DocMartinS10 #MartinClunes/div>h2>That ’90s Show | Official Teaser | Netflix/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Welcome back to your favorite basement. Same Formans, new friends.p>It’s 1995 and Leia Forman, daughter of Eric and Donna, is visiting her grandparents for the summer, where she bonds with a new generation of Point Place kids under the watchful eye of Kitty and the stern glare of Red./p>p>Coming soon to Netflix. Dope./p>p>SUBSCRIBE:>p>About Netflix:br>Netflix is the world’s leading streaming entertainment service with 223 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, documentaries, feature films and mobile games across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can play, pause and resume watching as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, and can change their plans at any time./p>p>That ’90s Show | Official Teaser | Netflixbr>>/div>h2>Top TV Shows Premiering in November 2022 | Rotten Tomatoes TV/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Check out trailers for the hot new and returning TV shows coming out in November 2022!br>► Learn more on Rotten Tomatoes:>Want to be notified of all the latest TV shows? Subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to stay up to date./p>p>00:00 Blockbuster Season 1 – November 3br>02:06 Titans Season 4 Part 1 – November 3br>04:36 Manifest Season 4 – November 4br>06:49 The Mosquito Coast Season 2 – November 4br>08:44 The Crown Season 5 – November 9br>11:01 The Calling Season 1 – November 10br>12:38 Mythic Quest Season 3 – November 11br>14:25 The English Season 1 – November 11br>16:33 Tulsa King Season 1 – November 13br>18:39 Yellowstone Season 5 – November 13br>20:16 The Sex Lives of College Girls Season 2 – November 17br>22:22 Gangs of London Season 2 – November 17br>24:25 1899 Season 1 – November 17br>26:43 Dead To Me Season 3 – November 17br>27:59 Fleishman Is In Trouble Season 1 – November 17br>29:47 Welcome to Chippendales Limited Series – November 22br>31:53 Echo 3 Season 1 – November 23br>33:48 Wednesday Season 1 – November 23br>36:12 Willow Season 1 – November 30/p>p>Watch More: br>► Rotten Tomatoes Originals: br>► Fresh New Clips: br>► Hot New Trailers: br>► New TV This Week: /p>p>Rotten Tomatoes TV delivers Fresh TV at a click! Subscribe now for the best trailers, clips, sneak peeks, and binge guides for shows you love and the upcoming series and TV movies that should be on your radar./p>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-1383 -->hr classblogroll-separator> article idpost-1382 classpost-1382 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized tag-recent askella-data-dev-title-partscontent.php(post-type: post)> header classentry-header> h2>a classblogroll-title-link href7-new-and-recent-peacock-original-tv-shows-that.html relbookmark>7 New And Recent Peacock Original TV Shows That Are Definitely Worth Checking Out/a>/h2> div classentry-meta > span classposted-on>Posted on a href7-new-and-recent-peacock-original-tv-shows-that.html relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2021-06-10T12:22:07+00:00>June 10, 2021/time>time classupdated datetime2023-01-17T10:37:21+00:00>January 17, 2023/time>/a>/span>span classbyline> by span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n hrefindex.htm>admin/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a hrefcategory/uncategorized.html relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> /span>span classtags-links>Tagged: a hreftag/recent.html reltag>recent/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> a classpost-thumbnail href7-new-and-recent-peacock-original-tv-shows-that.html aria-hiddentrue tabindex-1> img width1200 height675 srcwp-content/uploads/2023/01/uv7Nq8TXaBibeJydD3HtU-1200-80.jpg classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image alt7 New And Recent Peacock Original TV Shows That Are Definitely Worth Checking Out decodingasync loadinglazy> /a> div classentry-content> h2>7 New And Recent Peacock Original TV Shows That Are Definitely Worth Checking Out/h2>p>img decodingasync srcwp-content/uploads/2023/01/uv7Nq8TXaBibeJydD3HtU-1200-80.jpg>/p>p>These new Peacock original TV shows are a must-watch for anyone looking for something to binge./p>h2>Meet Cute | Official Trailer | Peacock Original/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Meet Cute is streaming September 21st on Peacock:>Synopsis: When Sheila (Kaley Cuoco) and Gary (Pete Davidson) meet, it’s love at first sight – until we realize their magical date wasn’t fate at all. Sheila’s got a time machine, and they’ve been falling in love over and over again. But when the perfect night is never quite enough, Sheila travels to Gary’s past to change him into the perfect man./p>p>#PeacockTV #MeetCuteMovie #officialtrailer /p>p>About Peacock: Stream current hits, blockbuster movies, bingeworthy TV shows, and exclusive Originals — plus news, live sports, WWE, and more. Peacock’s got your faves, including Parks & Rec, Yellowstone, Modern Family, and every episode of The Office. Peacock is currently available to stream within the United States./p>p>Get More Peacock: br>► Follow Peacock on TikTok:>► Follow Peacock on Instagram:>► Like Peacock on Facebook:>► Follow Peacock on Twitter:>/div>h2>Corn Kid is about to get an earful from Kevin #shorts/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Watch 2022 Back That Year Up with Kevin Hart & Kenan Thompson Streaming Now on Peacock:>It’s a compliment, Kevin! /p>p>Synopsis: In ‘2022 Back That Year Up,’ Kevin Hart and Kenan Thompson review the funniest moments of 2022 in an edgy, insightful, and hilarious clip-driven retrospective of a year that began with so much promise but was only marginally better than the debacle that was 2021/p>p>#PeacockTV #BackThatYearUp #Shorts/p>p>About Peacock: Stream current hits, blockbuster movies, bingeworthy TV shows, and exclusive Originals — plus news, live sports, WWE, and more. Peacock’s got your faves, including Parks & Rec, Yellowstone, Modern Family, and every episode of The Office. Peacock is currently available to stream within the United States./p>p>Get More Peacock: br>► Follow Peacock on TikTok: br>► Follow Peacock on Instagram: br>► Like Peacock on Facebook: br>► Follow Peacock on Twitter:>/div>h2>Top 10 FREE Channels on Fire Stick in 2023 | You Should Have ALL of These Apps/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Your Fire TV Stick has lots of free stuff to enjoy. In fact, if you don’t want to pay for entertainment ever again, you don’t have to! In this video, Craig takes you through his top 10 FREE Firestick apps, with everything from movies and TV to news, gaming, and music.p>0:00 – Top 10 Free Fire TV appsbr>0:33 – Navigating the interfacebr>2:28 – Freeveebr>3:56 – The Roku Channelbr>4:55 – Peacockbr>6:14 – Spotifybr>7:08 – Tubibr>8:28 – Pluto TVbr>9:50 – Lego Channelbr>10:45 – Plexbr>12:16 – Newsbr>13:33 – Free/p>p> Check out some of our best streaming content on the site! /p>p>✅ The Best Streaming Devices- &utm_mediumsocial br>✅ The Best Streaming Services- &utm_mediumsocial br>✅ Apple TV HD vs. Amazon Fire TV Stick – &utm_mediumsocial br>✅ The Best Free Streaming Services- &utm_mediumsocial /p>p> Don’t miss a thing! Sign up for our emails, and follow us on social! /p>p>Email- &utm_mediumsocial br>Facebook- br>Twitter- br>Tik Tok->/div>h2>7 Free Streaming Apps That Are Actually Worth Downloading in 2023!/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Free streaming services are becoming more popular than ever! You can watch some live TV, plus thousands of shows and movies — without spending a single penny. In today’s video, I break down the best free streaming apps. Which service is your favorite? Leave a comment and be specific about why you like that particular service over the other free options! p>Check out my guide to cutting the cord here:>p>CHAPTERS: br>0:00 Intro to Best Free Streaming Channels br>0:16 Pluto TVbr>2:06 Freeveebr>3:28 The Roku Channelbr>4:46 Peacockbr>6:02 Tubi br>6:46 PBS br>7:38 YouTube br>8:49 Viewer Picks br>9:01 Almost Free Option! /p>p> More Cutting the Cord Videos and Articles /p>p>7 Streaming TV Bundles Under $50/Month! br>>p>If I Were Cutting the Cord All Over Again, This Is Exactly What I Would Do:>p>Best Live TV Streaming Services to Replace Cable:>p>Top 10 Ways to Stretch Your Streaming TV Budget:br> &t/p>p>✅More Money Tips ✅/p>p>Scan your receipts and earn gift cards! Check out my 10 tips for getting started with Fetch Rewards:br>>p>My strategy to maximize cash back credit card rewards:>p>What I Learned From Testing 15+ Cheap Cell Phone Plans: Should You Make the Switch?>p>Learn about my $30/month unlimited wireless plan on Verizon’s network:>p>Shop my favorite streaming TV equipment and more:>p>NOTE: This video is NOT sponsored. However, this description box includes affiliate links. If you use my links, I may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support! /p>p>DID YOU LIKE THIS VIDEO? THANKS FOR WATCHING AND PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL!/p>p>FOLLOW MICHAEL SAVES: br>Website:>Michael Saves Plus (Second Channel!):>Monthly Newsletter:>Facebook:>Twitter:>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-1382 -->hr classblogroll-separator> article idpost-1381 classpost-1381 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized tag-best askella-data-dev-title-partscontent.php(post-type: post)> header classentry-header> h2>a classblogroll-title-link hrefthe-best-cw-shows-that-aren-t-arrowverse-series-to.html relbookmark>The Best CW Shows (That Aren’t Arrowverse Series) To Stream Right Now/a>/h2> div classentry-meta > span classposted-on>Posted on a hrefthe-best-cw-shows-that-aren-t-arrowverse-series-to.html relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2021-06-10T12:08:19+00:00>June 10, 2021/time>time classupdated datetime2023-01-17T10:37:17+00:00>January 17, 2023/time>/a>/span>span classbyline> by span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n hrefindex.htm>admin/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a hrefcategory/uncategorized.html relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> /span>span classtags-links>Tagged: a hreftag/best.html reltag>best/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> a classpost-thumbnail hrefthe-best-cw-shows-that-aren-t-arrowverse-series-to.html aria-hiddentrue tabindex-1> img width1200 height600 srcwp-content/uploads/2023/01/atqFXDHB2XDR7GHSMZPw4M-1200-80.jpg classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altThe Best CW Shows (That Aren’t Arrowverse Series) To Stream Right Now decodingasync loadinglazy> /a> div classentry-content> h2>The Best CW Shows (That Aren’t Arrowverse Series) To Stream Right Now/h2>p>img decodingasync srcwp-content/uploads/2023/01/atqFXDHB2XDR7GHSMZPw4M-1200-80.jpg>/p>p>Here are the best CW shows that you can stream right now./p>h2>What REALLY Happened to The Flash TV Show/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>After The Flash Season 7 and the conclusion of the Godspeed saga, it’s safe to say the show has jumped the proverbial King Shark. But why?p>Join our community on Patreon! ►>Subscribe! ►>p>For business inquiries ► a href/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection class__cf_email__ data-cfemail8beaf8e0ffe3eefceaf9fbf1e4e5eecbece6eae2e7a5e8e4e6>email protected/a>br>>p>WHAT REALLY HAPPENED WITH THE FLASH SEASON 7br>After The Flash Season 7 CW show finale, it makes a fan wonder what’s really going on behind the scenes. Nonetheless, the Flash Season 8 has already been confirmed. Starring one of DC Comics most beloved characters, what wild thing or faster speedster will they have Grant Gustin chase after as Barry Allen next?/p>p>STARRING:br>Tom the Boss (EP) – Michael Schroederbr>Sarah – Dina Cataldi (>Chad – TJ Smith (>Phil – Brian Fisherbr>Bob – David Odom/p>p>FLASH OFFICE PRODUCTION STAFF EXTRAS:br>Meghan Murphybr>Alex Ryserbr>Jordin Overtonbr>Taylor Frostbr>Joey Kramer/p>p>Written by Michael Adams Davis & Michael Schroederbr>Directed by Michael Schroederbr>Produced by Brian Fisher and David Odombr>Cinematography by Michael Schmidtbr>Production Design by Taylor Frostbr>Grip – Joey Kramerbr>Makeup by Jena Mogensenbr>Sound by Michael Fanerbr>Edited by Chance Cole/p>p>A Warp Media LLC Production 2021br>>p>– The Warp Zone –/p>p>WZ Facebook ►>WZ Instagram ►>WZ Twitter ►>WZ Tik Tok ►>p>Michael Adams Davis (>Brian Fisher (>David Odom (>Michael Schroeder (>Ryan Tellez (>p>NEW VIDEOS ON FRIDAYS! The Warp Zone is a pop-culture sketch comedy, gaming, and music video channel./p>p>We here at The Warp Zone have a passion for all things nerdy- video games, movies, tv shows, comics, superheroes, and anime and we love making funny videos about them!/p>p>#theflash #barryallen #cw/p>/div>h2>Oliver Queen roasting people for 7 minutes (Final version)/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>This is (probably) the complete and final version of every Oliver Queen roast in the Arrowverse in chronological order. Thank you for the support in the previous two Oliver Queen roasts video, I hope you enjoy this one.p>All rights go to The CW and WBTV/p>p>Sources:br>Arrow 1×01br>Arrow 3×08br>Arrow 4×04br>Arrow 4×10br>Arrow 4×17br>Arrow 5×02br>Arrow 5×03br>Arrow 6×17br>The Flash 5×09br>Arrow 8×01/p>/div>h2>Eobard Thawne meets Harisson Wells Deleted Scene | Crisis on Earth-X Crossover/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Eobard Thawne meets Harisson Wells Deleted Scene | Crisis on Earth-X Crossoverp>Credit :>p>#TheFlash #ReverseFlash #LegendsofTomorrow/p>p>⚡Follow us :>p>⚡Help this channel by contributing subtitles to trailers and sneak peeks and I will shoutout your channels. – &tab2/p>p>⚡©WarnerBros/p>p>⚡Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing/p>p>⚡ALL REVENUE FROM THIS VIDEO GOES TO WARNER BROS. Contact us at a href/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection class__cf_email__ data-cfemailbed0d7ddd5d7dacdcacbdad7d1fed9d3dfd7d290ddd1d3>email protected/a> for inquiries/p>/div>h2>Arrowverse all Batman References (Updated)/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Arrowverse Batman References (Updated) Part 1br>Direct/indirect Mentions,Easter eggs,name drops,and obscure references to the dark knight himself,Bruce Wayne A.K.A batmanbr>From Arrow,The Flash,Legends of tomorrow and Supergirl!p>A lot of reference have come out since this video came out if you want to see those references check out this video:br> &t1s/p>p>follow me on twitter:>p>subscribe:>p>Outro music:Valesco-cloud 9br>>p>batman,arrowverse,references,version 6,the flash,arrow,supergirl,legends of tomorrow,dc comics,dctv,superheroes,comic books,the cw/p>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-1381 -->hr classblogroll-separator> article idpost-1380 classpost-1380 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized tag-cast askella-data-dev-title-partscontent.php(post-type: post)> header classentry-header> h2>a classblogroll-title-link hrefwhat-the-100-cast-is-doing-now.html relbookmark>What The 100 Cast Is Doing Now/a>/h2> div classentry-meta > span classposted-on>Posted on a hrefwhat-the-100-cast-is-doing-now.html relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2021-06-10T11:54:44+00:00>June 10, 2021/time>time classupdated datetime2023-01-17T10:37:14+00:00>January 17, 2023/time>/a>/span>span classbyline> by span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n hrefindex.htm>admin/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a hrefcategory/uncategorized.html relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> /span>span classtags-links>Tagged: a hreftag/cast.html reltag>cast/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> a classpost-thumbnail hrefwhat-the-100-cast-is-doing-now.html aria-hiddentrue tabindex-1> img width1200 height600 srcwp-content/uploads/2023/01/iEodJrGyAW5NiDcmxyGWyE-1200-80.jpg classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altWhat The 100 Cast Is Doing Now decodingasync loadinglazy> /a> div classentry-content> h2>What The 100 Cast Is Doing Now/h2>p>img decodingasync srcwp-content/uploads/2023/01/iEodJrGyAW5NiDcmxyGWyE-1200-80.jpg>/p>p>Here’s what the cast of The CW’s The 100 is doing now, including Eliza Taylor, Bob Morley, Eli Gorlee and more./p>h2>What The Cast Of Gilmore Girls Are Doing Today/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Over 20 years ago, “Gilmore Girls” premiered on the WB and introduced an entire generation of millennials to single mom Lorelai and her teen daughter, Rory, along with a whole host of quirky characters in the small town of Stars Hollow. Long after the show aired, the cast reunited for the reboot series “A Year in the Life,” but what has everyone been up to in between?br>More than five years after “A Year in the Life,” we’re still thinking about the folks of Stars Hollow. From traveling the world to taking up producing, here’s what the cast of “Gilmore Girls” are doing today.p>#GilmoreGirls #Celebs #Celebrities/p>p>Lauren Graham | 0:00br>Alexis Bledel | 1:29br>Kelly Bishop | 2:49br>Melissa McCarthy | 3:59br>Scott Patterson | 5:11br>Keiko Agena | 6:13br>Jared Padalecki | 7:16br>Michael Winters | 8:32br>David Sutcliffe | 9:25br>Liza Weil | 10:05br>Milo Ventimiglia | 10:58br>Yanic Truesdale | 12:06br>Liz Torres | 13:02br>Jackson Douglas | 13:52br>Sally Struthers | 14:43br>Sean Gunn | 15:33br>Emily Kuroda | 16:32br>Matt Czuchry | 17:35br>Vanessa Marano | 18:30/p>p>Read Full Article:>/div>h2>the 100 | bloopers vs. actual scene/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>bloopers from the 100 seasons 2 – 5, compared to the actual scene used in the episode. enjoy!!/div>h2>The 100 (2014) Cast ★ Then and Now 2022 How They Changed/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>The 100 (2014) Cast ★ Then and Now 2022 How They Changedbr>The 100 (pronounced The Hundred ) is an American post-apocalyptic science fiction drama television series that premiered on March 19, 2014 on The CW, and ended on September 30, 2020. Developed by Jason Rothenberg, the series is loosely based on the young adult novel series of the same name by Kass Morgan. The 100 follows post-apocalyptic survivors from a space habitat, the Ark, who return to Earth nearly a century after a devastating nuclear apocalypse. The first people sent to Earth are a group of juvenile delinquents who encounter descendants of survivors of the nuclear disaster on the ground.p>The main characters of juvenile prisoners includes Clarke Griffin (Eliza Taylor), Finn Collins (Thomas McDonell), Bellamy Blake (Bob Morley), Octavia Blake (Marie Avgeropoulos), Jasper Jordan (Devon Bostick), Monty Green (Christopher Larkin), Raven Reyes (Lindsey Morgan), and John Murphy (Richard Harmon). Other lead characters include Clarke’s mother Dr. Abby Griffin (Paige Turco), Marcus Kane (Henry Ian Cusick), and Chancellor Thelonious Jaha (Isaiah Washington), all of whom are council members on the>Follow social mediabr>Subscribe :>p>Watch our other videos/p>p>Dong Yi Cast :>Money Heist Cast :>Empress Ki Cast :>Moon Embracing the Sun (2012) Cast :>Friends Cast :>Cobra Kai Cast :>Spider Man Cast :>/div>h2>The 100 Cast: What’s Next For Them? |⭐ OSSA/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Who would co-produce if The 100’s prequel were to be picked up?! Who will next star in CW’s “Walker, Texas Ranger” reboot? And whose new leading role is alongside Tom Holland?p>The 100 is one of those shows we wished would never end, right? Not everyone is ecstatic about how The 100 Season 7 panned out (read: the destiny of Bellarke)! Still, there’s no denying it. We miss the cast already!/p>p>We’re sure it’s not a forever goodbye, but that we’ll meet them again soon. Albeit in different roles!br>Let’s check out all the exciting The 100 cast plans!/p>p>Real-life married couple, Eliza Taylor (Clarke) and Bob Morley (Bellamy), haven’t made their upcoming projects official yet. But they’ve been really busy with another shared passion project. And also grieving a recent shared tragedy, so it’s understandable. /p>p>How is Marie Avgeropoulos planning on taking Octavia with her into the future? (the 100 where are they now) Richard Harmon (John Murphy) already have a few sinister projects lined up. His dating life is looking rosy! Luisa D’Oliveira (Emori) is also taking it slow, and missing her fellow cast members!/p>p>Now for the burning question! What are the chances of seeing a The 100 prequel, after we got The 100 “Anaconda” episode? Watch our video to find out. What we DO know, is that Lindsey Morgan (Raven) just might have a hand in it should it happen./p>p>Tasya Teles (Echo) might be moving into a different direction than acting. And Emmy-nominated Adina Porter (Indra) will reprise her horror-ific roles. We haven’t even gotten to the young Lola Flanery (Madi) yet! Stay tuned to hear more about her and Tati Gabrielle’s (Gaia) plans (The 100 future projects)./p>p>Here’s to hoping you enjoy our video about The 100 cast what’s next!/p>p>⭐OSSA is the best source for entertainment news about the celebrities we>⭐Our YouTube channel dishes up celebrity news and gossip on the stars you admire the most. From popular TV hosts to Hollywood golden age actresses, from country music artists and the royal family members to western movies acting legends./p>p>SUBSCRIBE to our channel to watch more amazing videos about celebs!/p>p>OSSA on Instagram>OSSA on TikTok>OSSA on twitter:>OSSA on facebook:>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-1380 -->hr classblogroll-separator> article idpost-1379 classpost-1379 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized tag-disney askella-data-dev-title-partscontent.php(post-type: post)> header classentry-header> h2>a classblogroll-title-link hrefdisney-s-new-show-the-owl-house-gets-slammed-by.html relbookmark>Disney’s New Show The Owl House Gets Slammed By One Million Moms Group As ‘Evil Content’/a>/h2> div classentry-meta > span classposted-on>Posted on a hrefdisney-s-new-show-the-owl-house-gets-slammed-by.html relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2021-06-10T11:50:11+00:00>June 10, 2021/time>time classupdated datetime2023-01-17T10:37:10+00:00>January 17, 2023/time>/a>/span>span classbyline> by span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n hrefindex.htm>admin/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a hrefcategory/uncategorized.html relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> /span>span classtags-links>Tagged: a hreftag/disney.html reltag>disney/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> a classpost-thumbnail hrefdisney-s-new-show-the-owl-house-gets-slammed-by.html aria-hiddentrue tabindex-1> img width1200 height600 srcwp-content/uploads/2023/01/Fxrv2KXxzQsxmUmmd2vteU-1200-80.jpg classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altDisney’s New Show The Owl House Gets Slammed By One Million Moms Group As ‘Evil Content’ decodingasync loadinglazy> /a> div classentry-content> h2>Disney’s New Show The Owl House Gets Slammed By One Million Moms Group As ‘Evil Content’/h2>p>img decodingasync srcwp-content/uploads/2023/01/Fxrv2KXxzQsxmUmmd2vteU-1200-80.jpg>/p>p>Disney’s The Owl House is only halfway through its first season, but it has already attracted the ire of One Million Moms./p>h2> “Angry Alex” Original VS. Something Isn’t Right (Minecraft Animation Music Video)/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Which version is better? (I like SIR)p>— ️ Links —/p>p>Support us on PATREON:>Join our DISCORD server:>Check out our Merch Store:>p>Produced at EnchantedMob Studios in St. Louis, MO./p>p>ZAMination Twitter:>Micah’s Twitter:>Zachary’s Twitter:>p>Comment “wew” If you’ve read this far!/p>/div>h2>Christians Disturbed Over Owl House’s Bi Character Inclusion/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>One million mom and so many other Christians just need to get over that tiny ass hill that says that having characters who represent the real world is a bad thing and join the rest of us in this living breathing world where inclusion MATTERS to people.p>Original link:>p>Become a Member:>Get Some Merch:>Outro Music:>Email: a href/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection class__cf_email__ data-cfemail0a676b6366686b6d4a7f7e6b62657f7e696b797e7924696567>email protected/a>br>Voicemail/SMS line: 347-669-3377br>Instagram:>Facebook:>FB Discussion Group:>Twitter:>iTunes:>Support us via Patreon:>Support us via PayPal:>Join our Slack:>#atheism #utahoutcasts #owlhouse/p>/div>h2>Bad news for the owl house fans/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>One Million Moms is going after this show.p>#DURecorderbr>This is my video recorded with DU Recorder. It’s easy to record your screen and livestream. Download link: br>Android:>iOS:>/div>h2>Ninja Kidz Movie | Season 1 Remastered/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>The Ninja Kidz discover they have powers after finding the Power Ranger power-coins. This is a kids parody movie based on Power Rangers. p>Ashton Myler – Red Rangerbr>Payton Myler – Pink Rangerbr>Alo Ramirez – Blue Rangerbr>Andreik Tapia – Black Rangerbr>Asia George – Yellow Rangerbr>Ethan Fineshriber – Green Rangerbr>Bryton Myler – Bulkbr>Danny Reyes – Skullbr>Karla Hernandez – Ritabr>Robbert Bennet – Doom/p>p>Awesome Ninja Stuff!br>>p>Subscribe to see more Awesome Videos! br>>p>Like us on Facebookbr>>p>Follow us on Instagram br>>p>****************************************************br>NINJA KIDZ TV is an Awesome family friendly channel for all ages. We make Awesome Action skits, have Adventures, do Challenges, and teach cool Skilz with fun tutorials. Our videos share valuable character-building messages and powerful life skilz. No matter your age, you too can be a Ninja Kid! Ninja Kidz Got Skilz!/p>p>We are skilled martial artists, gymnasts, and parkour athletes. We are properly trained to safely perform all the skills and stunts in our videos. We use safety equipment and planning to ensure our safety. All skills and stunts are coordinated by and performed under the direction of adult professionals. Do not attempt these skills or stunts without proper training and the supervision of a responsible adult. Ninja Kidz TV is not responsible for the actions of viewers who attempt what they see on a video./p>p>We love Mail:br>P.O. Box 123br>Draper, Ut. 84020/p>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-1379 -->hr classblogroll-separator> article idpost-1378 classpost-1378 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized tag-shows askella-data-dev-title-partscontent.php(post-type: post)> header classentry-header> h2>a classblogroll-title-link href10-shows-you-should-stream-if-you-like-the-walking.html relbookmark>10 Shows You Should Stream If You Like The Walking Dead/a>/h2> div classentry-meta > span classposted-on>Posted on a href10-shows-you-should-stream-if-you-like-the-walking.html relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2021-06-10T11:37:07+00:00>June 10, 2021/time>time classupdated datetime2023-01-17T10:37:07+00:00>January 17, 2023/time>/a>/span>span classbyline> by span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n hrefindex.htm>admin/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a hrefcategory/uncategorized.html relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> /span>span classtags-links>Tagged: a hreftag/shows.html reltag>shows/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> a classpost-thumbnail href10-shows-you-should-stream-if-you-like-the-walking.html aria-hiddentrue tabindex-1> img width1200 height600 srcwp-content/uploads/2023/01/n6xmKfrTVhmYEvW6qjwRBg-1200-80.jpg classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image alt10 Shows You Should Stream If You Like The Walking Dead decodingasync loadinglazy> /a> div classentry-content> h2>10 Shows You Should Stream If You Like The Walking Dead/h2>p>img decodingasync srcwp-content/uploads/2023/01/n6xmKfrTVhmYEvW6qjwRBg-1200-80.jpg>/p>p>The Walking Dead is just one of countless TV shows about zombies, the apocalypse, or both at your disposal. Here are some other shows worth streaming./p>h2>The Walking Dead (Season 1) – What’s the Difference?/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>The Walking Dead’s mid-season premiere is coming up soon, and to celebrate, we’re taking look back. All the way back to the comics that inspired the show. We’ll look at the first volumes of Robert Kirkman’s comic, side-by-side with the first season of the AMC show, and tell you: “What’s the Difference”? Subscribe:>A lot changed in adapting the Image Comics ongoing graphic novel series for the small screen. From major character changes (Hi, Merle and Daryl!) to plot tweaks, we’ll go through every difference between Season One of The Walking Dead, and the comics that inspired them – get ready to get informed!/p>p>Have you read The Walking Dead Comics, or are you only familiar with the show? Did The Walking Dead show inspire you to pick up the source material? Are you looking forward to the upcoming midseason premiere on AMC? Did you enjoy our exhaustive rundown? Do you have other bits of The Walking Dead trivia you’d like to share?/p>p>What other works would you like to see us explore on What’s The Difference?/p>p>Want to know what’s going on with Cinefix in the future?br>Follow us Twitter for updates:>p>Oh, and we’re on The Facebook:>p>Welcome to What’s The Difference, where CineFix takes you step-by-step and page-by-page through all the differences between your favorite movies & shows and their source material. Adaptations are a tricky game, something always gets changed, added, or omitted in the process. Come back every other Wednesday for more What’s the Difference!/p>/div>h2>The Walking Dead Has SIMILAR Shows You NEED To Be Watching!/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>The Walking Dead Has SIMILAR Shows You NEED To Be Watching!p>Welcome back to Film Craze. The series finale of The Walking Dead just recently started. It is definitely a bittersweet feeling for fans of the hit zombie series as after 11 seasons, it finally comes to an end. Well, to somehow ease the pain, here are Tv series similar to The Walking Dead you need to watch!/p>p>There have been a lot of zombie TV shows in previous years. But perhaps none did not have a huge following the same as AMC’s The Walking Dead. With TWD about to end, let’s begin hunting for Tv series similar to The Walking Dead you need to watch!/p>p>#TheWalkingDead #AMC #ZombieTVShows /p>p>5 Titles To Watch If You Love ‘The Walking Dead’ | Binge Guide | Rotten Tomatoesbr>>p>Five Shows Like The Walking Deadbr>>p>Top 10 Zombie TV Seriesbr>>/div>h2>What You Wish Would Happen on the Walking Dead/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>SIGN UP FOR DROPOUT.TV, available WORLDWIDE:>App available in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the U.S./p>p>Prepare for Walking Dead’s finale by reliving your favorite scenes — or, at least the scenes that would have been your favorites./p>p>See more http://www.collegehumor.combr>LIKE us on:>FOLLOW us on:>FOLLOW us on:>/div>h2>Most Popular The Walking Dead Characters (2012 – 2019)/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>This numbers aren’t 100% accurate. Data based on Google searches. p>Which is your favourite character?/p>p>Don’t forget to subscribe ❤ /p>p>Music:/p>p>Rameses B – The Walking Dead (FREE)br>>p>#thewalkingdead #twd #negan/p>p>Tools Used/p>p>Google Trendsbr>Ammount Search Toolbr>Flourish Studiobr>Microsoft Excelbr>Wondershare Filmorabr>Calculator/p>p>Methodology/p>p>1) I gathered data from The .csv files containing search interest values were downloaded from Google Trends for every character./p>p>2) Ammount Search Tool determined the average monthly search volume for every character./p>p>3) The number of searches per month for each calendar year were proportioned based on official reports from Google./p>p>4) Data modeling through an algorithm invented by me to obtain the most realistic data possible./p>p>5) Search interest values and proportioned monthly search volumes were placed in Excel for calculations./p>p>6) The data was placed into Flourish Studio to create the data visualization piece./p>p>7) Image and audio assets were added with Wondershare Filmora./p>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-1378 -->hr classblogroll-separator> article idpost-1377 classpost-1377 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized tag-spectacular askella-data-dev-title-partscontent.php(post-type: post)> header classentry-header> h2>a classblogroll-title-link href10-spectacular-shows-appearing-on-netflix-october.html relbookmark>10 Spectacular Shows Appearing On Netflix October 2021/a>/h2> div classentry-meta > span classposted-on>Posted on a href10-spectacular-shows-appearing-on-netflix-october.html relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2021-06-10T11:25:38+00:00>June 10, 2021/time>time classupdated datetime2023-01-17T10:37:04+00:00>January 17, 2023/time>/a>/span>span classbyline> by span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n hrefindex.htm>admin/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a hrefcategory/uncategorized.html relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> /span>span classtags-links>Tagged: a hreftag/spectacular.html reltag>spectacular/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> a classpost-thumbnail href10-spectacular-shows-appearing-on-netflix-october.html aria-hiddentrue tabindex-1> img width1200 height675 srcwp-content/uploads/2023/01/Loipdra77iazxJgqPdrCYg-1200-80.jpg classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image alt10 Spectacular Shows Appearing On Netflix October 2021 decodingasync loadinglazy> /a> div classentry-content> h2>10 Spectacular Shows Appearing On Netflix October 2021/h2>p>img decodingasync srcwp-content/uploads/2023/01/Loipdra77iazxJgqPdrCYg-1200-80.jpg>/p>p>It’s scary how many great shows Netflix has lined up for October./p>h2>“Life Out Loud” Song Clip The Loud Family Origin Story! | The Loud House Movie | Netflix/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Ever wonder how the Loud Family got their start? Rewind to Royal Woods, Michigan 22 years ago. Before they were parents to 10 daughters and 1 son, Rita and Lynn Sr. were normal teens living in Royal Woods, Michigan. Watch their love story unfold in “Life Out Loud”, an original song from The Loud House Movie, now streaming on Netflix.p>SUBSCRIBE:>p>About Netflix After School:br>Welcome to the official Netflix After School channel! Every week we’ll bring you new content featuring your favorite Netflix series — from Alexa & Katie to Carmen Sandiego and everything in between. /p>p>About Netflix:br>Netflix is the world’s leading streaming entertainment service with over 209 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, documentaries and feature films across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on any internet-connected screen. Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments./p>/div>h2>20 Spectacular SCI-FI Movies on NETFLIX to Watch This Weekend | Flick Connection/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Go to br>and use code: FLICK to save $5 on your first Magic Spoon order!p>________________________________________/p>p>+ Visit br>and sign up for my weekly newsletter, packed with movie recommendations!/p>p>________________________________________/p>p>I’m your host, Darren Van Dam!/p>p>Tired of looking for good movies to watch on Netflix, Amazon Prime or other streaming services? Every week I recommend a handful of the best movies on Netflix, Amazon, HBO etc. so my subscribers never run out of good movies to watch on streaming. Spending 10 minutes watching one of my videos could save you hours of searching, hours that you could otherwise spend watching good movies on streaming that you otherwise might not have ever watched or even known about./p>p>Thanks for watching!/p>p>0:00 Introductionbr>1:23 BLOOD RED SKY 2021br>2:30 SLEIGHT 2017br>3:12 THE ONE 2001br>3:57 TOTAL RECALL 2012br>5:06 DARK SKIES 2013br>6:01 CHAPPIE 2015br>7:17 JOHNNY MNEMONICbr>7:56 THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2012br>8:47 HOLLOW MAN 2000br>10:04 SYNCHRONIC 2019br>12:28 SPACE SWEEPERS 2021br>13:33 SPECTRAL 2016br>15:01 THE BOOK of ELI 2010br>16:03 WAR of the WORLDSbr>17:23 The MITCHELL’S vs the MACHINES 2021br>18:44 THE PLATFORM 2019br>20:06 THE WITCH: Part 1 2018br>21:35 LOOPER 2012br>23:11 OATS STUDIOS Vol. 1 2017br>24:14 LOVE, DEATH + ROBOTS Vol. 3 2022br>25:06 GATTACA 1997br>26:50 BLADE RUNNER: The Final Cut 1982br>27:25 BLADE RUNNER 2049 2017/p>/div>h2>20 Unbelievably BREATHTAKING Movies on Netflix/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Thanks to Bespoke Post for sponsoring this video! New subscribers get 20% off their first box of awesome — go to and enter code FLICKCONNECTION20 at>________________________________________p>I’m your host, Darren Van Dam!/p>p>Tired of looking for good movies to watch on Netflix, Amazon Prime or other streaming services? Every week I recommend a handful of the best movies on Netflix, Amazon, HBO etc. so my subscribers never run out of good movies to watch on streaming. Spending 10 minutes watching one of my videos could save you hours of searching, hours that you could otherwise spend watching good movies on streaming that you otherwise might not have ever watched or even known about./p>p>Thanks for watching!/p>/div>h2>Top 10 Best Netflix Movies to Watch Right Now! 2022/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Over the years, Netflix has increased their number of movie offerings now with more than 350 original films in their library. To separate out the good from the bad, in this Top 10 we’ll countdown the best Original Movies on Netflix that you can watch right now. To qualify, the film must have premiered on the service since our video last year.p>Subscribe! ▶>Share This Video ▶>p>Top 10 Best Netflix Series to Watch Right Now!br>>10 Underrated Netflix TV Seriesbr>>Netflixbr>>p>0:00 Introbr>0:31 #10 Army of Thievesbr>1:06 #9 The Power of the Dogbr>1:44 #8 The Unforgivablebr>2:16 #7 Don’t Look Upbr>2:56 #6 Fear Street Trilogybr>3:36 #5 Red Noticebr>4:15 #4 The Mitchells vs. The Machinesbr>4:57 Dishonorable Mentionsbr>6:18 #3 The Adam Projectbr>6:58 #2 Munich: The Edge of Warbr>7:30 #1 The Harder They Fall/p>p>WATCH MORE VIDEOS:br>o Top 5 Best Free VPN Services –>o 10 Free Software That Are Actually Great! –>o Android Apps on Windows 11 (Amazon Appstore) – Is It Any Good? –>o Top 5 Best Free Antivirus Software –>o How to Clear All CACHE in Windows 11 to Improve Performance –>p>Twitter –>Facebook –>p>TechGumbo is a leading source for the technology that we use each day. Whether it’s discussing computer operating system tricks, the latest tips for your mobile phone, finding out about the newest gadgets, or letting you know about the best Netflix movies, TechGumbo has boundless topics on technology for the astute YouTube viewer./p>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-1377 -->hr classblogroll-separator> article idpost-1376 classpost-1376 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized tag-uncharted askella-data-dev-title-partscontent.php(post-type: post)> header classentry-header> h2>a classblogroll-title-link hrefuncharted-5-major-ways-tom-holland-s-movie-will-be.html relbookmark>Uncharted: 5 Major Ways Tom Holland’s Movie Will Be Different From The Video Games/a>/h2> div classentry-meta > span classposted-on>Posted on a hrefuncharted-5-major-ways-tom-holland-s-movie-will-be.html relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2021-06-09T20:33:55+00:00>June 9, 2021/time>time classupdated datetime2023-01-17T10:37:00+00:00>January 17, 2023/time>/a>/span>span classbyline> by span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n hrefindex.htm>admin/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a hrefcategory/uncategorized.html relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> /span>span classtags-links>Tagged: a hreftag/uncharted.html reltag>uncharted/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> a classpost-thumbnail hrefuncharted-5-major-ways-tom-holland-s-movie-will-be.html aria-hiddentrue tabindex-1> img width1200 height675 srcwp-content/uploads/2023/01/fXkZCX7azQoDvETRqQFToi-1200-80.jpg classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altUncharted: 5 Major Ways Tom Holland’s Movie Will Be Different From The Video Games decodingasync loadinglazy> /a> div classentry-content> h2>Uncharted: 5 Major Ways Tom Holland’s Movie Will Be Different From The Video Games/h2>p>img decodingasync srcwp-content/uploads/2023/01/fXkZCX7azQoDvETRqQFToi-1200-80.jpg>/p>p>Tom Holland’s Uncharted movie has already made some significant changes to the game franchise’s mythology./p>h2>Tom Holland and ‘Uncharted’ Creators Discuss Making the Movie | Creator to Creator/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>In this episode of Creator to Creator, Tom Holland and the creators of Uncharted sit down to discuss the creativity and collaboration that went into adapting the video game into a film. From turning video game sequences into movie scenes to Tom Holland doing some of the most challenging stunts of his career, the creators connect over each other’s contribution to the authenticity of the movie. p>Featuring: Tom Holland (‘Nathan Drake’, Executive Producer), Ruben Fleischer (Director of Uncharted movie), Neil Druckmann (Co-President of Naughty Dog) and Asad Qizilbash (Head of PlayStation Productions)./p>p>As a creative entertainment company, Sony celebrates creators who think differently, push boundaries, and ultimately inspire fans through their work. We are proud to be a platform for visionaries./p>p>#PS5TREATCODES/p>/div>h2>How Uncharted (and Mark Wahlberg) KILLED the Uncharted Movie Franchise | Video Essay/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>☕️ Get $20 OFF your first 3 bags of coffee from TRADE! ➡️> In this FilmSpeak video essay: how Uncharted (and Mark Wahlberg) KILLED the Uncharted movie franchisebr> SUBSCRIBE:>Video Game Movies traditionally haven’t had the best track record when it comes to quality. Often times there’s the promise of something great, the potential for a truly great franchise, that gets squandered in execution. In the case of the Uncharted movie, while it may have overperformed at the Box Office, there’s very little present to distinguish it as an Uncharted movie. Even more so, there’s very little to distinguish it from just another run-of-the-mill action/adventure movie. What’s even more disappointing though is how Uncharted COULD HAVE been great. It could have been the video game movie to break through and offer fans the live-action Indiana Jones meets Die Hard adventure Uncharted fans have been clamoring for for YEARS, but it doesn’t. The video game adaptation that should’ve been the easiest and most straight forward video game movie was absolutely botched by the cynicism of corporate greed. The Tom Holland Uncharted might be mildly amusing for some, but for those of us who fell in love with Nolan North’s Nathan Drake, Sully, Chloe, you know…THE CHARACTERS, this film pales in comparison. So why exactly is Uncharted a failure? Because it neglectated to capture even an ounce of the emotions, character, action spectacle, and flat out FUN that made the games so incredible. Simply put Uncharted is a TERRIBLE Video Game Movie. Griffin (@griffschiller) gives you his Uncharted movie review and explains how Uncharted killed the uncharted film franchise and why uncharted is a bad movie in this Uncharted analysis./p>p>#Uncharted #TomHolland #VideoEssay #UnchartedReview #UnchartedMovieReview #MarkWahlbergbr>▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬br> Chapters /p>p>0:00 Prologue – It’s a Fake!br>2:42 Drake’s Fortunebr>4:29 Chapter 1 – FInding Natebr>10:59 Chapter 2 – Victor Sullivan? Never Heard of HImbr>15:42 Chapter 3 – What’s Your Story, Morgan Glory?br>21:36 Chapter 4 – What Could Have Been?/p>p>▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬br> About Uncharted /p>p>Treasure hunter Victor “Sully” Sullivan recruits street-smart Nathan Drake to help him recover a 500-year-old lost fortune amassed by explorer Ferdinand Magellan. What starts out as a heist soon becomes a globe-trotting, white-knuckle race to reach the prize before the ruthless Santiago Moncada can get his hands on it. If Sully and Nate can decipher the clues and solve one of the world’s oldest mysteries, they stand to find $5 billion in treasure — but only if they can learn to work together. Directed by Reuben Fleischer, Uncharted stars Tom Holland; Mark Wahlberg; Sophia Ali; Tati Gabrielle; Antonio>▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬br>▶️ Other Amazing Videos ◀️/p>p> If you’re looking for adventure CLICK HERE: br> CLICK for MORE Tom Holland: /p>p>▶️ About FilmSpeak ◀️/p>p>Welcome to FilmSpeak hosted by Griffin Schiller, where the conversation continues after the credits. If you’d like to become a part of that conversation, consider subscribing for more thoughtful and exclusive insight, analysis, and interviews behind YOUR favorite movies!br>▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬br>❗️ My YouTube Gear ❗️/p>p>Camera : Sony a7iii ➡️>Microphone : Shure SM7B ➡️>Lights : Elgato Key Light Air ➡️>Tripod: Joby Gorillapod ➡️>Live Stream Capture Card: Elgato Cam Link 4K ➡️>▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬br>Follow FilmSpeak on Social Mediabr>► Visit FilmSpeak’s Homepage: br>► Twitter:>► Instagram:>► Facebook:>/div>h2>Nathan Drake meets Nathan Drake in Uncharted movie | 2022/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Movie cameos have no limits. p>SUBSCRIBE to us for more awesome game & pop culture videos. We post new features every Wednesday & Friday! /p>p>Edited by: Jon Leo (@MrToffee)/p>p> Check out our website & follow us on social media!br>•>•>•>•>•>p> Help us keep the lights on by supporting us on PayPal!br>•>p>⚠️ Disclaimer:br>The footage, images or music used in this video & the contents of which belong to their rightful owners./p>p>#playstation #uncharted #nolannorth #cameo/p>/div>h2>Playing Uncharted 4 With Tom Holland/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>I can’t believe I got to play Uncharted with Tom Hollandbr>COFFEE:>Twitter :>Instagram :>p>Edited By:>/div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-1376 -->hr classblogroll-separator> article idpost-1375 classpost-1375 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized tag-winnie askella-data-dev-title-partscontent.php(post-type: post)> header classentry-header> h2>a classblogroll-title-link hrefwinnie-the-pooh-s-horror-movie-released-a-violent.html relbookmark>Winnie The Pooh’s Horror Movie Released A Violent Trailer, And The Internet Has Thoughts/a>/h2> div classentry-meta > span classposted-on>Posted on a hrefwinnie-the-pooh-s-horror-movie-released-a-violent.html relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2021-06-09T20:22:05+00:00>June 9, 2021/time>time classupdated datetime2023-01-17T10:36:56+00:00>January 17, 2023/time>/a>/span>span classbyline> by span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n hrefindex.htm>admin/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a hrefcategory/uncategorized.html relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> /span>span classtags-links>Tagged: a hreftag/winnie.html reltag>winnie/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> a classpost-thumbnail hrefwinnie-the-pooh-s-horror-movie-released-a-violent.html aria-hiddentrue tabindex-1> img width1200 height675 srcwp-content/uploads/2023/01/F2ehf2VnHAD8ooCxMWbNEX-1200-80.jpg classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altWinnie The Pooh’s Horror Movie Released A Violent Trailer, And The Internet Has Thoughts decodingasync loadinglazy> /a> div classentry-content> h2>Winnie The Pooh’s Horror Movie Released A Violent Trailer, And The Internet Has Thoughts/h2>p>img decodingasync srcwp-content/uploads/2023/01/F2ehf2VnHAD8ooCxMWbNEX-1200-80.jpg>/p>p>The new ultra-violent horror trailer for Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey has been released and the internet has plenty to say about it./p>h2>Why is Bambi Getting A Horror Movie Now?/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>The Walt Disney Animation Studios classic, Bambi, is being reimagined as a horror movie that’s definitely not for kids. Bambi’s original story entered the public domain in 2022, meaning that anyone can do what they want with the character as long as they avoid copying Disney’s version.p>Bambi: The Reckoning comes from the same team as Winnie The Pooh: Blood and Honey. While it’s fun to see childhood characters go down a different route, the formula is becoming repetitive and isn’t offering much new. Will this Bambi horror movie be worth watching?/p>p>SOURCE:>p>Welcome to Vailskibum!br>Cartoon News ✧ Reviews ✧ Discussions/p>p>Subscribe to keep up with my videos →>New to the channel? Check this out →>p>✭ SOCIAL MEDIA ✭/p>p>TWITTER →>INSTAGRAM →>BUSINESS E-MAIL → a href/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection class__cf_email__ data-cfemailb8ced9d1d4cbd3d1dacdd5dacdcbd1d6ddcbcbf8dfd5d9d1d496dbd7d5>email protected/a>/p>p>My videos are produced with the editor Camtasia Studio 2022 and I use a Blue Yeti Microphone to record. All scripts are written by me. Any footage used is from various TV shows, movies, and games to illustrate my personal thoughts on these pieces of media. All stock photos and images are either created by me or are sourced from publicly viewable image websites. This criticism, comment, or news reporting falls under Fair Use (The Copyright Act of 1976, Section 107). If you are interested in viewing full cartoon episodes/movies or playing entire video games, please buy the DVDs and games from the media companies providing them. Also, the intro song featured in my videos is Finding Hope – Wonder./p>p>Vailskibum videos may contain swearing, violence, references to drug use, or other mature themes. This video should not be viewed by anyone under 13 years old at any time./p>/div>h2>Creepy Pooh Roasts the Winnie the Pooh horror movie #shorts/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Winnie the Pooh tells you how he feels about this Winnie the Pooh horror movie, Winnie the Pooh Blood and Honey /div>h2>Winnie The Pooh Horror Movie Is Real (Everything You Need To Know)/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Winnie the Pooh Blood And Honey Is a Horror Movie based on the iconic Winnie the Pooh character once exclusively owned by disney. This scary movie is an independent Horror film follow Winnie the Pooh and piglet after they have been abandoned by Christopher Robin. I explain everything you need to know. No official trailer yetp>CHANNEL MERCH:>p>————————SOCIAL MEDIA ————————/p>p>Tik Tok:>Twitter:>Instagram:>Facebook:>p>Business Inquiries:br>a href/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection class__cf_email__ data-cfemail9cafdfdaf5f0f1cef9eaf5f9ebdcdbf1fdf5f0b2fff3f1>email protected/a>/p>p>Thank You For Any Support!/p>/div>h2>WINNIE THE POOH: BLOOD AND HONEY Official Trailer (2022)/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>First horror movie trailer for Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey./div> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-footer> /footer>!-- .entry-footer -->/article>!-- #post-1375 -->hr classblogroll-separator> article idpost-1374 classpost-1374 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-uncategorized tag-netflix askella-data-dev-title-partscontent.php(post-type: post)> header classentry-header> h2>a classblogroll-title-link hrefnetflix-s-you-season-2-ending-explained-should-we.html relbookmark>Netflix’s You Season 2 Ending Explained: Should We Have Seen It Coming?/a>/h2> div classentry-meta > span classposted-on>Posted on a hrefnetflix-s-you-season-2-ending-explained-should-we.html relbookmark>time classentry-date published datetime2021-06-09T18:40:10+00:00>June 9, 2021/time>time classupdated datetime2023-01-17T10:36:53+00:00>January 17, 2023/time>/a>/span>span classbyline> by span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n hrefindex.htm>admin/a>/span>/span>span classcat-links> in a hrefcategory/uncategorized.html relcategory tag>Uncategorized/a> /span>span classtags-links>Tagged: a hreftag/netflix.html reltag>netflix/a>/span> /div>!-- .entry-meta --> /header>!-- .entry-header --> a classpost-thumbnail hrefnetflix-s-you-season-2-ending-explained-should-we.html aria-hiddentrue tabindex-1> img width1200 height600 srcwp-content/uploads/2023/01/tq3Jq39s4hP6z6G78YvciE-1200-80.png classattachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image altNetflix’s You Season 2 Ending Explained: Should We Have Seen It Coming? decodingasync loadinglazy> /a> div classentry-content> h2>Netflix’s You Season 2 Ending Explained: Should We Have Seen It Coming?/h2>p>img decodingasync srcwp-content/uploads/2023/01/tq3Jq39s4hP6z6G78YvciE-1200-80.png>/p>p>So, you have finished watching the second season of Netflix’s smash hit, You, and you are still processing the crazy twist ending. Let’s talk about how Season 2 ended./p>h2>SEE Season 1 & 2 Recap | Must Watch Before Season 3 | Apple TV Plus Series Explained/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Get ready for See season 3 on Netflix!p>In the far future, humankind has lost its sense of sight; the father of twins who are born with the mythic ability to see must protect his tribe against a threatened queen./p>p>Follow Josh Floyd on social media @JoshDFloyd/p>p>Buy merch:br>>p>See stars Jason Momoa as Baba Voss, Sylvia Hoeks as Queen Sibeth Kane, Hera Hilmar as Maghra Kane, Christian Camargo as Tamacti Jun, Archie Madekwe as Kofun, Nesta Cooper as Haniwa, Yadira Guevara-Prip as Bow Lion, Alfre Woodard as Paris, Eden Epstein as Wren, Olivia Cheng as Charlotte, Hoon Lee as Toad, Tom Mison as Lord Harlan, Dave Bautista as Edo Voss, Mojean Aria as Gether Bax, Franz Drameh as Boots, Timothy Webber as Cutter, Joshua Henry as Jerlamarel, David Hewlett as Tormada. /p>p>This is a recap of everything you need to know before See season 3!/p>p>This is a recap of some of the biggest and best moments from See season 1, including Queen Kane stabbing Tamacti Jun, Maghra is Queen Kane’s sister, Haniwa and Kofun meet Jerlamarel, the House of Enlightenment, Tamacti Jun in the City of Worms, Baba Voss vs the slavers, and more!/p>p>This is a recap of some of the biggest and best moments from See season 2, including Haniwa and Wren, Maghra and Lord Harlan wedding, Edo Voss kills Jerlamarel, Queen Kane kills Boots, Queen Kane kills Paris, Paris and the Compass, Baba Voss vs Edo Voss, Baba Voss and Edo Voss fight scene, Edo Voss death, Toad death, the final battle, the season finale, and more!/p>p>#See #AppleTVPlus #JasonMomoa /p>p>see season 1 2 recap ending explainedbr>see apple tv series recap/p>/div>h2>Netflix’s Too Hot to Handle | S4 EP10 Review + Recap/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>#toohottohandle #netflix #commentarybr>#toohottohandle #netflix #recapvideo #review #commentaryp>CONNECT WITH ME ♡br>Instagram:>Twitter:>Website: https://iambailey.combr>Business Email: a href/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection class__cf_email__ data-cfemaildfb6beb2bdbeb6b3baa6bdaaacb6b1baacac9fb8b2beb6b3f1bcb0b2>email protected/a>/p>p>Music br>White linens and Wheat fields by Jobiibr>>/div>h2>How Did I NOT See This Twist Coming ?!?!?! *You S2 Finale*/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Save 33% on your first Native Deodorant Pack + free shipping at ~ ~ just make sure to use my code: MOMASHp>Free Shipping to: US, UK, CA, AU, BR, FR, DE/p>p>LINKS AND P.O. BOX BELOW! /p>p>⇨ MERCH:>p>⇨Music React Channel:>p>⇨Personal Channel:>p>⇨ Business Email: a href/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection class__cf_email__ data-cfemail7213011a1e170b3205171300170417001b141b17165c111d>email protected/a> please include channel name/p>p>⇨Twitter:>p>⇨Instagram:>p>⇨Tumblr:>p>⇨SEND ME MAIL!!!/p>p>~~~~~ If you want to send me anything, include a postcard of where you are from! I want to see how far our little internet family goes!~~~~~~~~~~~/p>p>Ashley Ippolitobr>8380 W. Emile Zola Ave. P.O. Box 6144br>Peoria, AZ 85381br>USA/p>p>♡/p>p>NATIVE DEODORANT REVIEW #NaturalDeodorant #AluminumFree #ShareNative/p>/div>h2>Vinking Season 2 Ending and Review Explain | Details Season 3 | Nutcracker Show/h2>p>center>iframe loadinglazy width560 height315 src frameborder0 allowautoplay; encrypted-media allowfullscreen>/iframe>/center>/p>div>b>/b>br>Vinking Season 2 Ending and Review Explain | Details Season 3 | Nutcracker Showp>Vikings Valhalla Season 2 Review | Vikings Valhalla Season 2 Explained In Hind | Vikings Valhallabr>.br>.br>.br>#vikingsvalhallaseason2review/p>p>#vikingsvalhallahindireview/p>p>#vikingsvalhallareview/p>p>#vikingsvalhallbr>.br>.br>Queries Solve/p>p>1. Vikings Valhalla Season 2 Review/p>p>2. Vikings Valhalla Review/p>p>3. Vikings Valhalla Review In Hindi/p>p>4. Vikings Valhalla Session 2 Explained in Hindi/p>p>5. Vikings Valhalla Season 2 Ending Explained br>_______________________________________________/p>p>vikings valhalla review,vikings valhalla season 2 review,vikings valhalla season 2 netflix,vikings valhalla netflix review,vikings valhalla season 2 review in hindi,vikings valhalla season 2 explained in hindi,vikings valhalla season 2 ending explained,vikings valhalla season 2 hindi review,vikings valhalla season 2 ending,vikings valhalla season 2,vikings valhalla netflix series review,vikings valhalla netflix season 2,vikings valhalla review hindibr>valhalla,vikings valhalla season 2,vikings valhalla,vikings valhalla 2,vikings,vikings valhalla season 2 release date,vikings valhalla netflix,vikings valhalla review,vikings valhalla season 2 review,vikings valhalla netflix season 2,vikings valhalla season 2 netflix,vikings valhalla season 2 episode 1,season 2 vikings valhalla,vikings valhalla ending,vikings valhalla trailer,vikings valhalla explained,vikings valhalla season 2 endingbr>vikings valhalla,vikings valhalla season 2,valhalla,vikings valhalla ending,vikings valhalla review,vikings valhalla netflix,vikings valhalla season 1 ending,vikings,vikings valhalla reaction,vikings valhalla explained,vikings valhalla season 1,vikings valhalla ending explained,vikings valhalla season 2 ending,vikings valhalla season 1 ending explained,vikings valhalla trailer,vikings valhalla season 2 trailer,vikings valhalla season 2 release datebr>vikings valhalla,vikings valhalla review,vikings valhalla season 2,vikings valhalla netflix,valhalla,vikings valhalla trailer,vikings valhalla season 2 release date,vikings valhalla netflix review,vikings,vikings valhalla season 2 netflix,vikings valhalla season 2 trailer,vikings: valhalla,vikings valhalla season 1 review,vikings valhalla season 2 review,vikings valhalla reaction,vikings valhalla ending,vikings valhalla netflix series review/p>p>.br>.br>ek channel nahi community hai un logo ki jinhe MOVIES WEB SHOWS Ya phir entertainment se related kuch bhi dekhna pasand>Or meri puri koshish rahegi ki mai tum logo ko wo sab deliver kar>.br>.br>LAST MAI AGAR VIDEO ACCHA LAGA HAI TO CHANNEL KO SUBSCRIBE KARNA OR BELL ICON KO DABANA MAT BHULNA../p>p>DHANYAWAD OR HAMARI ABHI SIRF 2 HI LINK HAI HAME YAHA FOLLOW KR SAKTE HAI br>_______________________________________________/p>p>TRACK – br>Hip Hop Rap Instrumental (Crying Over You)br>.br>.br>Copyright Use Disclaimer –/p>p>This video is for educational purposes only. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use./p>p>In case you feel your rights are violated, kindly email me and I will be quite eager to take down my>_______________________________________________/p>p>Disclaimer for Photo & Clip Used in the Video:/p>p>Hey Team, All the Photos & Video Clips used in this video are only for educational and reference purposes only. We do not promote any type of piracy and illegal things here on this channel. This channel video is just for educational purposes only./p>p>If still you believe we had done any kind of mistake in this video, please contact us before taking any action. I will co-operate with you. 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