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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Sat, 22 Mar 2025 21:14:32 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlTransfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveX-Cache-Status: MISS !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html>head>link relcanonical href />title>list mortgage default assistance contacts/title>link relstylesheet href typetext/css>/head> link relstylesheet href typetext/css mediaprint /> link relstylesheet href typetext/css>link relstylesheet href typetext/css>link relstylesheet href typetext/css>link relstylesheet href typetext/css>link relstylesheet href typetext/css>link relstylesheet href typetext/css>link relstylesheet href typetext/css>body bgcolor#e9f1fc stylemargin: 0px;>script typetext/javascript src>/script>div> div idheader-nav> div>div classleft fcBlue fB fs11 width98per styleposition: relative;>div stylefloat: left; margin-left: 15px;>div classtoplinkad stylefloat:left>span classadv>Inside: /span> a href>home/a> | a href>list mortgage note holders/a> /div>br clearall />/div>div stylefloat: right;>noscript>a href>img src height12 width220 hspace0 vspace0 border0>/a>/noscript>/div>div classclear left stylemargin: 30px 0px 5px 0px;>/div> /div> /div> div idnav stylemargin-top: 0px;> div stylewidth: 50%; idsearch> div stylebackground: transparent url( repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; classcurve>/div> div stylewidth: 400px; float: right; position: relative;> div stylefloat: left; position: absolute; left: 40px;> ul> li stylefont-weight: bold; font-size: 12px;>p>a targetnew href >Contact Your Mortgage Company/a>br/>Aug 4, 2011 . Home. Get Assistance. Contact Your Mortgage Company. Pages. default . Below is a list of companies who are participating and the contact .br/>span>>/p>/li> /ul> /div> div stylefloat: left; margin-top: 9px; padding-left: 10px; position: absolute; left: 160px;>input typetext stylewidth: 150px; height: 21px; line-height: 18px; idsearchfield />/div> div classsearchButton> div stylemargin: 0px; padding: 0px; float: left; position: absolute; left: 330px; top: 11px; classfscontainernav arial fs11> div classbl> div classbr> div classtl> div classtr> div onclickjavascript:GetSearchField(searchfield);>Search/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classclear>/div> div idtier1>ul> li classtier1NavItem1>a href>list of canadian mortgage institutions/a>/li> li classtier1NavItem2>a href>list mortgage lenders/a>/li> li classtier1NavItem3>a href>list mortgage note sellers/a>/li> li idnavItem8-48372 classtier1NavItem4>a href>list mortgages with/a>/li> li classtier1NavItem4>a href>list of canadian life insurance companies/a>/li> li classtier1NavItem5>a href>home improvement loans houston/a>/li> /ul>/div> div idtier2 styleposition: relative;>div classtier2NavItem1 >a href>list of associations group health insurance/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem2 >a href>list of accredited mortgage lending companies/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem3 >a href>list of affordable health insurance/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem4 >a href>student loan programs borrowers/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem5 >a href>compare insurance home policy/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem6 >a href>Checkingbr>& Savings/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem7 >a href>debt collection attorney springfield il/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem8 on >a href>list of car categories for insurance/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem9 >a href>Debtbr>Management/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem10 >a href>list of car insurance groups/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem11 >a href>Collegebr>Finance/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem12 >a href>list of australian debt collection agencies/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem13 >a href>mortgage loans in utah/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem14>ul idviewmore>li classtop>a href classtop_link>span>Find ratesimg src border0 vspace0 stylemargin-left: 8px; />/span>/a>ul classsub>li>a href>list of all my student loans/a>/li>li>a href>nice looking online credit card from/a>/li>li>a href>list mortgages with consumer/a>/li>li>a href>list of banks with credit cards/a>/li>li>a href>credit card for prime outlet malls/a>/li>li>a href>list of car insurances/a>/li>li>a href>idaho mortgage search/a>/li>li>a href>hbc term life insurance/a>/li>li>a href>reverse mortgage loan limits/a>/li>li>a href>debt elimination plan/a>/li>li>a href>list of banks offering credit cards/a>/li>/ul>/li>/ul>/div>/div> /div> /div>br clearall> center>table width border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligncenter> tr> td width4 valigntop alignright>img src width4 height1>/td> td aligncenter valigntop width100%> /td> td width4 valigntop alignleft>img src width4 height1>/td> /tr>/table>div stylemargin-top: 30px;>/div>div stylewidth: 900px; background-color: #ffffff; padding: 10px 0px 10px 0px; classcontainer>div classstorypage> table width100% cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0> tr> td valigntop> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft> h1 CLASShead>span classhead>Emotional appeal of charging for charity rings up the donations for favorite causes/span>/h1> SPAN CLASSbyline>By SPAN CLASSbyline>a href>no credit credic card/a>/SPAN> p>a targetnew href >foreclosure/a>br/>Contact us for a referral to a local, non-profit mortgage default counselors at toll free (877) 894-4663. For a list of counseling agencies in your areas Click>span>>/p>/SPAN> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Washington Homeownership Center: Mortgage Default Counseling .../a>br/>You may also contact our in-house mortgage default counselors by calling toll free (877) 894-4663 or by clicking here. For a list of local non-profit counseling .br/>span>>/p>/span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Livermore Web - Housing Assistance/a>br/>My Interests Contact Us . The City of Livermore's Mortgage Assistance program provides a second mortgage . For a list of agencies offering First Time Homebuyer Education - click here. Homeowners. Mortgage Default Counseling / Assistance. A Mortgage Default Counseling Agency can provide unbiased information and .br/>span>>/p>/span>/p> P CLASSbody> TABLE CELLPADDING0 CELLSPACING0 BORDER0 WIDTH294 ALIGNleft> TR> TD COLSPAN100%> span classnoprint>center>table border0 cellspacing3 cellpadding3> tr> td> table border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligncenter> tr> td aligncenter classadvertisementonwhite valigntop>- advertisement -/td> /tr>/table> noscript>a href>img src height250 width250 hspace0 vspace0 border0>/a>/noscript> /td> /tr>/table>/center> /span> /TD> /TR> /TABLE> P>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Avoiding Foreclosure/U.S. Department of Housing and Urban .../a>br/>FHA Connection · Mailing List . The Obama Administration has implemented a number of programs to assist homeowners who are at risk . Distressed homeowners are encouraged to contact their lenders and loan servicers directly to . hardship or unemployment and whose mortgage is either in default or at risk of>span>>/p>/span>/P> p>span classbody>a href>list of bad debt solution help/a>span classsubhead>Are they worth it?/span>br> p>a targetnew href >Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives Program (HAFA)/a>br/>A list of servicers participating in HAMP (including HAFA) is available at: http://>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Washington, DC Affordable Housing | Washington, DC Low Income .../a>br/>Contact them for assistance for the following: mortgage delinquency and default resolution counselingpre-purchase counselingrental housing counseling .br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Philadelphia, PA Affordable Housing | Philadelphia, PA Low Income .../a>br/>Contact them at the phone number listed for current o . . Contact them for assistance for the following: fair housing pre-purchase education . and rehabilitation counselingmortgage delinquency and default resolution counselingnon .br/>span>>/p>/span>/p> table width320 border1 cellspacing2 cellpadding4 vspace3 hspace5 alignleft bordercolor#5B82AB> tr bgcolor#5B82AB aligncenter> td colspan4 classbody>Close-up look at 3 affinity cards/td> /tr> tr bgcolor#D7DCE0> td colspan4 classbody> div aligncenter>Heres a look at three leading affinity cards in the United States:/div> /td> /tr> tr bgcolor#EFEFEF> td width71 bgcolor#CCCCCC classbody>Card/td> td width83 bgcolor#F1F1F1 classbody> div aligncenter>a href>free no credit card foot porn/a> MasterCard or Visa/div> /td> td width83 bgcolor#E6E6E6 classbody> div aligncenter>a href target_blank>Targetbr> /a> Guest Card/div> /td> td width83 bgcolor#F1F1F1 classbody> div aligncenter>a href>list of biggest mortgage companies/a> MasterCard /div> /td> /tr> tr bgcolor#D7DCE0> td width71 bgcolor#CCCCCC classbody>Issuer/td> td width83 bgcolor#F1F1F1 classbody> div aligncenter>MBNA America Bank (Delaware)/div> /td> td width83 bgcolor#E6E6E6 classbody> div aligncenter>Retailers National Bank (Minnesota)/div> /td> td width83 bgcolor#F1F1F1 classbody> div aligncenter>Associated Card Services Bank (Wisconsin)/div> /td> /tr> tr bgcolor#EFEFEF> td width71 bgcolor#CCCCCC classbody>Terms/td> td width83 bgcolor#F1F1F1 classbody> div aligncenter>p>a targetnew href >Mortgage Servicing – Examination Procedures > Consumer .../a>br/>The list of servicers participating in HAMP is available at http://www.>span>>/p>/div> /td> td width83 bgcolor#E6E6E6 classbody> div aligncenter>p>a targetnew href >Mortgage Help and Repayment Options | Home Mortgage | U.S. Bank/a>br/>U.S. Bank is dedicated to educating customers on all mortgage assistance options available to them. If you believe foreclosure on your home is imminent, please contact us . a brief explanation of your situation. a detailed list of your household . For free or low-cost general advice about buying a home, renting, default or .br/>span>>/p>/div> /td> td width83 bgcolor#F1F1F1 classbody> div aligncenter>p>a targetnew href >Loan Servicers :... - Mortgage Relief/a>br/>The list of servicer participants will be updated at www.MakingHomeAffordable. gov/get-assistance/contact-mortgage/. (See "How do I know if my . www. Be sure to do your .br/>span>>/p>/div> /td> /tr> tr bgcolor#D7DCE0> td width71 bgcolor#CCCCCC classbody>The cause/td> td width83 bgcolor#F1F1F1 classbody> div aligncenter>Ducks Unlimited is a conservation group that preserves wetlands /div> /td> td width83 bgcolor#E6E6E6 classbody> div aligncenter>p>a targetnew href >Wells Fargo mortgage assistance/a>br/>Wells Fargo offers various mortgage assistance programs that provide help to homeowners. . However, the sooner a borrower contacts them, the more options they will . in default, may be provided with the option to modify their current mortgage. . Another criteria may be that the bank may require that the borrower list the .br/>span>>/p>/div> /td> td width83 bgcolor#F1F1F1 classbody> div aligncenter>Action for Animals includes a long list of groups, including the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, humane societies, animal shelters and veterinary services/div> /td> /tr> tr bgcolor#EFEFEF> td width71 bgcolor#CCCCCC classbody>Donation percentage/td> td width83 bgcolor#F1F1F1 classbody> div aligncenter>Bank would not disclose/div> /td> td width83 bgcolor#E6E6E6 classbody> div aligncenter>1 percent of purchases/div> /td> td width83 bgcolor#F1F1F1 classbody> div aligncenter> p>a targetnew href >Foreclosure Alternatives/a>br/>Jun 2, 2011 . If you anticipate getting behind on your mortgage payments, or are behind, VA may be able to help. . When your loan goes into default, your servicer/holder is . one of our Loan Service Representatives, please go to our Contacts Page. . which would enable VA to give you direct payment>span>>/p> /div> /td> /tr> /table> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Senator Lieberman's Mortgage Assistance Tip Sheet/a>br/>Contact your mortgage lender immediately or call 1-888-995-4673 . additional information, contact a HUD-approved counselor from the list of . http://www.>span>>/p>/span>/p> p>span classbody>a href>list of australain private health insurance/a>span classsubhead>Perks are fewer/span>br> p>a targetnew href >Department of Housing and Community Development/a>br/>Through our work in revitalizing communities, assisting families in buying and preserving their homes and creating safe, affordable rental housing, we believe .br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Community Housing Resource Center > Mortgage Default/a>br/>If you've missed a mortgage payment, your first step is to contact your lender right away . you feel you need further assistance, please come to a Mortgage Default . You will need to provide a Hardship Letter, list of assets and expenses, bank .br/>span>>/p>/span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Unemployed? Need Financial Help? Check Out Unemployment .../a>br/>Jul 15, 2011 . For a list of servicers that participate, go to /get-assistance/contact-mortgage/Pages/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Quad County Urban League - Our Programs/a>br/>The Quad County Urban League's Emergency Assistance program can help qualified . for non payment of rent; mortgage default or pre-foreclosure statement; or payments in . When funding is available and your name reaches the top of the list, you will be . For more information please contact Micheal Rayford at ext 234* .br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Save my Home - Mortgage Default and Foreclosure Help/a>br/>Save my Home - Mortgage Default and Foreclosure Help. 84 . As indicated above, contact your local HUD-approved housing counselor. Put yourself on a .br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Default Counseling/a>br/>Are you behind on your mortgage? Getting calls or letters from your lender threatening foreclosure? If so, contact a housing counselor at HAND for>span>>/p>/span>/p> p>span classbody>span classsubhead>p>a targetnew href >CHFA - Homebuyer Education/a>br/>Counseling is available for homeowners at risk of face foreclosure to assist them in . Contact a counseling agency or CHFA. . experiencing financial difficulties which might put them in default on their home mortgages are . (See, Foreclosure Prevention Counseling for list of agencies and mortgage servicing companies.) .br/>span>>/p> /span>br> p>a targetnew href >How to Get Chase Bank Foreclosure Help |>br/>Failing to pay your home mortgage leads to the bank foreclosing on your home. . Review the list provided to see if there is a Chase Bank Homeownership Center near . Choose a plan that is best for you and contact a Chase Bank representative. . When a homeowner defaults on a mortgage loan, the lender initiates the .br/>span>>/p>/span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Housing Resource Guide - New Directions/a>br/>The back of this pamphlet lists a number of agencies that provide . Counseling: Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Counseling, Mortgage Delinquency & Default . Mortgage Programs and Homeownership Assistance: Baltimore city contact .br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Government Mortgage Assistance for California Homeowners .../a>br/>Jan 10, 2011 . The Unemployment Mortgage Assistance Program (UMA) will use federal funds to give . A partial list of criteria can be found>span>>/p>p>a targetnew href >HANDS OF CENTRAL FLORIDA - HOUSING COUNSELING .../a>br/>HANDS of Central Florida, Inc. is here to assist you in buying or renting an . Apt. List by County . HANDS can help with FREE Mortgage Default Counseling. . clothing, and other resources contact ______ or dial (407) 839-HELP (4357).br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >How to Protect Yourself: Tips for Avoiding Mortgage Foreclosures/a>br/>Contact your lender or loan servicer as soon as you realize you may have a . that have defaulted on a mortgage or missed payments never contact their lender . This is . hotline to provide mortgage counseling assistance in multiple languages. . You may also obtain a list of HUD-approved counseling services in Florida at .br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Default Assistance Options/a>br/>Bogman, Inc. offers a variety of assistance options to help you overcome the default on your . Subordinate Mortgage for the amount used to bring your loan current. For FHA . licensed real estate agent and list the property at fair market value. Keeping . Our Short Sale Representative will contact you regarding the next .br/>span>>/p>/span>/p> p>span classbody>a href>list mortgages with banks/a>span classsubhead>Highly competitive market/span>br> p>a targetnew href >Nationstar Mortgage | Careers/a>br/>Nationstar Mortgage | Nationstar is a national home loan servicer and . Negotiates modification based default resolutions on assigned mortgage loans contacts . Solicit and engage realtors and/or brokers to list and market REO properties. . Fill file requests and assist in file room operations such as: pull, scan out, deliver, .br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation : Crisis Relief/a>br/>Letter from the President · About the Founders · Contact Info .br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >The Short Sale Seller Advisory is a resource for Real Estate .../a>br/>Contact the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America at: . negotiation of loans in default); explain the situation and find out if the . county or one of the organizations listed at . For Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act and Debt .br/>span>>/p>/span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Help for Tenants, Homeowners and Homeless Persons | National .../a>br/>Housing assistance for persons who are homeless? . that will provide you with advice or assistance regarding buying a home, mortgage defaults, foreclosures, .br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >HUD-32: Mortgages-Delinquent/Default/Assigned/Temporary .../a>br/>Contact the Public and Indian Housing (PIH) Resource Center . System name: Delinquent/Default/Assigned/Temporary Mortgage Assistance Payments . For a complete listing of these offices, with addresses see appendix A. Office of HUD .br/>span>>/p>/span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Homeless Service Agencies | Homewardva/a>br/>This is a partial list of agencies working on solutions to homelessness in the . Case management, Financial assistance, Financial literacy and education, Food Phone number: 804-648-4177. Other contact info: 804-545-5947: Public Relations . debt management counseling, foreclosure/mortgage default counseling and .br/>span>>/p>/span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling Program .../a>br/>Grants are also being made to fund legal assistance to homeowners, and to train . Speakers List · Contact Us . View more information and a list of Grantees. . NFMC Funds are being used to build mortgage foreclosure and default .br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Electronic Default Reporting (EDR) Quick Reference Guide/a>br/>List of Occupancy Status and Property Condition Codes ......... 10. Default Action . Freddie Mac single-family mortgages in default through Electronic. Default . reviewing this quick reference guide, contact your Freddie Mac representative or . assistance due to unemployment and you determine the borrower is eligible for .br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p alignleft> /p> /td>/tr> tr> td alignright> TABLE CELLPADDING0 CELLSPACING0 BORDER0> TR> TD COLSPAN5 HEIGHT10> /TD> /TR> TR> TD COLSPAN5 HEIGHT10 ALIGNright CLASSposted>-- Posted: March 20, 2000/TD> /TR> TR> TD COLSPAN5 HEIGHT10> DIV ALIGNright>/DIV> /TD> /TR> /TABLE> table width466 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligncenter> tr> td width25%>img src width128 height12>/td>td bgcolor#C3CED9>img src height12>/td>/tr> /table>table width450 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligncenter> tr> td height7> /td>td height7>img src width8 height8>/td>td height7> /td>td height7>img src width8 height8>/td>td height7> /td>/tr> TR> TD VALIGNtop> TABLE WIDTH149 BORDER0 CELLSPACING0 CELLPADDING0> TR> TD COLSPAN3>IMG src WIDTH150 HEIGHT9>/TD>/TR> TR> TD BACKGROUND>IMG src WIDTH6 HEIGHT2>/TD>TD VALIGNtop> 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0px;_padding:5px 0px 2px 0px;>list mortgage default assistance contacts Cards/div> div aligncenter classtopheadoa>Compare weekly rates/div> div classrates2oa stylepadding:0px 1px 0px 0px;_padding:0px 0px 0px 2px;> form nameccfrmoc styledisplay:inline;> select nameccfrmocOpt classformddoa>option value/brm/rate/brm_ccsearch_lowrate.asp?cctypecard&ec_idbrmint_brm_small_new_cc_all>Card type/option>option value/brm/rate/brm_ccsearch_lowrate.asp?cctypecredit&ec_idbrmint_brm_small_new_cc_all>list mortgage default assistance contacts type/option> option value/brm/rate/brm_ccsearch_lowrate.asp?cctypeissuer&ec_idbrmint_brm_small_new_cc_all>Issuers/option> /select> input typebutton nameSubmitbut onClickself.location.href valueGO classblgooa/> /form> /div> div stylepadding:6px 0px 0px 0px;_padding:6px 0px 0px 1px;> div classboxoa> div classbox2oa> div classhead3oa>WEEKLY AVERAGES/div> div classratesoa aligncenter>/div> table border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 classtable-border> tr> td alignleft> span classsubtitles stylemargin-left:5px;>Type/span> /td> td alignleft> span classsubtitles stylemargin-left:10px;>Fixed/span> /td> td alignleft> span classsubtitles stylemargin-left:10px;>Variable/span> /td> /tr> tr> td alignleft valignmiddle classrow1-lpad> span classoabodyno>Standard/span> /td> td aligncenter valignmiddle classrow1> span classoabodyno>14.43%/span> /td> td aligncenter valignmiddle classrow1> span classoabodyno>14.10%/span> /td> /tr> tr> td alignleft valignmiddle classrow2-lpad> span classoabodyno>Gold/span> /td> td aligncenter valignmiddle classrow2> span classoabodyno>11.99%/span> /td> td aligncenter valignmiddle classrow2> span classoabodyno>12.59%/span> /td> /tr> tr> td alignleft valignmiddle classrow1-lpad> span classoabodyno>Platinum/span> /td> td aligncenter valignmiddle classrow1> span classoabodyno>13.72%/span> /td> td aligncenter valignmiddle classrow1> span classoabodyno>14.74%/span> /td> /tr> tr> td alignleft valignmiddle classrow2-lpad> span 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Our Senior managers have over 160 years of combined experience in the Mortgage Industry. . Below is a list of items you may be asked to provide: . You may call our Customer Assistance Department at: 1-800-306-6062, Monday through .br/>span>>/p> /td> /tr> tr> td classsidebar height7>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classblue aligncenter valigntop> table width90% border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0> tr alignleft valigntop> td width10>/td> td classbasicsbox> a href>list of alternative student loans/a>/td> /tr> tr alignleft valigntop> td width10>/td> td classbasicsbox>a href>list of canadian car insurance/a>/td> /tr> tr alignleft valigntop> td width10>/td> td classbasicsbox>a href>list of car insurance companies/a>/td> /tr> tr alignleft valigntop> td width10>/td> td classbasicsbox>a href>list of best mortgage sites available/a> /td> /tr> tr alignleft valigntop> td>/td> td height3>/td> /tr> tr alignleft valigntop> td width10>/td> td classbasicsbox>a href>allstate car and home insurance/a>/td> /tr> tr alignleft valigntop> td width10>/td> td classbasicsbox>a href>list of auto insurance carriers massachusetts/a>/td> /tr> /table> table width148 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding1 bgcolor#E5E5E5> tr> td aligncenter height5>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter height3>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr>/table> br> table cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0 width150> tr classmore-onbkgd> td colspan3 aligncenter width162> table cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0 width150> tr classmore-onbkgd> td rowspan2 valigntop>img src width6 height27>/td> td classmore-text aligncenter width162>img src width156 height4>/td> td rowspan2 valigntop>img src width8 height27>/td> /tr> tr classmore-onbkgd> td classmore-text aligncenter width162>MORE ON BANKRATE/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr height2> td background>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6>img src width150 height2>/td> td background>/td> /tr> tr height40 classbody> td background width10>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6 classbody>a href>list of auto car loan lenders/a>/td> td background> /td> /tr> tr height2> td background>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6>img src width150 height2>/td> td background>/td> /tr> tr height2> td background>/td> td colspan2 background>img src width150 height2>/td> /tr> tr height2> td background>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6>img src width150 height2>/td> td background>/td> /tr> tr height30 classbody> td background width10>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6 classbody>a href>student loan harrasment/a>/td> td background> /td> /tr> tr height2> td background>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6>img src width150 height2>/td> td background>/td> /tr> tr height2> td background>/td> td colspan2 background>img src width150 height2>/td> /tr> tr height2> td background>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6>img src width150 height2>/td> td background>/td> /tr> tr height30 classbody> td background width10>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6 classbody>a href>payday loan no teletrack or telecheck/a>/td> td background> /td> /tr> tr height2> td background>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6>img src width150 height2>/td> td background>/td> /tr> tr height2> td background>/td> td colspan2 background>img src width150 height2>/td> /tr> tr height2> td background>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6>img src width150 height2>/td> td background>/td> /tr> tr height30 classbody> td background>img src width10 height1>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6 classbody>a href>list of car catagories for insurance/a>/td> td background>img src width9 height1>/td> /tr> tr height2> td background>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6>img src width150 height2>/td> td background>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan3 background> img src width5 height25> /td> /tr>/table>br>noscript>a href>img src height40 width150 hspace0 vspace0 border0>/a>/noscript>br>center>table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td aligncenter classadvertisementonwhite valignbottom>- advertisement -/td> /tr>/table>noscript>a href>img src height125 width125 hspace0 vspace0 border0>/a>/noscript>/center>br>/span> /td> /tr>/table> /div>/div> div classmar20 marTop> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td aligncenter classadvertisementonwhite valignbottom>span styletext-align:center;>- advertisement -/span>/td> /tr>/table> noscript>a href>img src height60 width468 hspace0 vspace0 border0>/a>/noscript> /div> div styletext-align:center; 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Through counseling and referrals to community resources, MCDSS Social Workers assist clients with their housing problems/housing crisis. . with mortgage default and persons interested in reverse equity counseling. . Although a waiting list exists because demand is high for this program, the list is .br/>span>>/p>/div>div classleft arial fs10 footerheight mar20 marLeft>a href>mortgage void not properly notarized/a>/div>div classleft arial fs10 footerheight borderfooter>a href>list of canadian mortgage rates/a>/div>/div>/div>/center>/div> /div> /div> /div> noscript>a href titleWeb Analytics>imgsrc width1 border0 alt />/a>/noscript> !-- Footer //>/script>/style>/iframe>/noembed>/embed>/object>/noscript>-->div idprv_main_link>a href titledarmowy hosting>Darmowy hosting/a> zapewnia PRV.PL/div>script typetext/javascript src/prv_site_config_values.js>/script>script typetext/javascript src//>/script>/body>/html>
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Home. Get Assistance. Contact Your Mortgage Company. Pages. default . Below is a list of companies who are participating and the contact .br/>span>>/p>/li> /ul> /div> div stylefloat: left; margin-top: 9px; padding-left: 10px; position: absolute; left: 160px;>input typetext stylewidth: 150px; height: 21px; line-height: 18px; idsearchfield />/div> div classsearchButton> div stylemargin: 0px; padding: 0px; float: left; position: absolute; left: 330px; top: 11px; classfscontainernav arial fs11> div classbl> div classbr> div classtl> div classtr> div onclickjavascript:GetSearchField(searchfield);>Search/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classclear>/div> div idtier1>ul> li classtier1NavItem1>a href>list of canadian mortgage institutions/a>/li> li classtier1NavItem2>a href>list mortgage lenders/a>/li> li classtier1NavItem3>a href>list mortgage note sellers/a>/li> li idnavItem8-48372 classtier1NavItem4>a href>list mortgages with/a>/li> li classtier1NavItem4>a href>list of canadian life insurance companies/a>/li> li classtier1NavItem5>a href>home improvement loans houston/a>/li> /ul>/div> div idtier2 styleposition: relative;>div classtier2NavItem1 >a href>list of associations group health insurance/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem2 >a href>list of accredited mortgage lending companies/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem3 >a href>list of affordable health insurance/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem4 >a href>student loan programs borrowers/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem5 >a href>compare insurance home policy/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem6 >a href>Checkingbr>& Savings/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem7 >a href>debt collection attorney springfield il/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem8 on >a href>list of car categories for insurance/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem9 >a href>Debtbr>Management/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem10 >a href>list of car insurance groups/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem11 >a href>Collegebr>Finance/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem12 >a href>list of australian debt collection agencies/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem13 >a href>mortgage loans in utah/a>/div>div classtier2NavItem14>ul idviewmore>li classtop>a href classtop_link>span>Find ratesimg src border0 vspace0 stylemargin-left: 8px; />/span>/a>ul classsub>li>a href>list of all my student loans/a>/li>li>a href>nice looking online credit card from/a>/li>li>a href>list mortgages with consumer/a>/li>li>a href>list of banks with credit cards/a>/li>li>a href>credit card for prime outlet malls/a>/li>li>a href>list of car insurances/a>/li>li>a href>idaho mortgage search/a>/li>li>a href>hbc term life insurance/a>/li>li>a href>reverse mortgage loan limits/a>/li>li>a href>debt elimination plan/a>/li>li>a href>list of banks offering credit cards/a>/li>/ul>/li>/ul>/div>/div> /div> /div>br clearall> center>table width border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligncenter> tr> td width4 valigntop alignright>img src width4 height1>/td> td aligncenter valigntop width100%> /td> td width4 valigntop alignleft>img src width4 height1>/td> /tr>/table>div stylemargin-top: 30px;>/div>div stylewidth: 900px; background-color: #ffffff; padding: 10px 0px 10px 0px; classcontainer>div classstorypage> table width100% cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0> tr> td valigntop> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td alignleft> h1 CLASShead>span classhead>Emotional appeal of charging for charity rings up the donations for favorite causes/span>/h1> SPAN CLASSbyline>By SPAN CLASSbyline>a href>no credit credic card/a>/SPAN> p>a targetnew href >foreclosure/a>br/>Contact us for a referral to a local, non-profit mortgage default counselors at toll free (877) 894-4663. For a list of counseling agencies in your areas Click>span>>/p>/SPAN> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Washington Homeownership Center: Mortgage Default Counseling .../a>br/>You may also contact our in-house mortgage default counselors by calling toll free (877) 894-4663 or by clicking here. For a list of local non-profit counseling .br/>span>>/p>/span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Livermore Web - Housing Assistance/a>br/>My Interests Contact Us . The City of Livermore's Mortgage Assistance program provides a second mortgage . For a list of agencies offering First Time Homebuyer Education - click here. Homeowners. Mortgage Default Counseling / Assistance. A Mortgage Default Counseling Agency can provide unbiased information and .br/>span>>/p>/span>/p> P CLASSbody> TABLE CELLPADDING0 CELLSPACING0 BORDER0 WIDTH294 ALIGNleft> TR> TD COLSPAN100%> span classnoprint>center>table border0 cellspacing3 cellpadding3> tr> td> table border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligncenter> tr> td aligncenter classadvertisementonwhite valigntop>- advertisement -/td> /tr>/table> noscript>a href>img src height250 width250 hspace0 vspace0 border0>/a>/noscript> /td> /tr>/table>/center> /span> /TD> /TR> /TABLE> P>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Avoiding Foreclosure/U.S. Department of Housing and Urban .../a>br/>FHA Connection · Mailing List . The Obama Administration has implemented a number of programs to assist homeowners who are at risk . Distressed homeowners are encouraged to contact their lenders and loan servicers directly to . hardship or unemployment and whose mortgage is either in default or at risk of>span>>/p>/span>/P> p>span classbody>a href>list of bad debt solution help/a>span classsubhead>Are they worth it?/span>br> p>a targetnew href >Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives Program (HAFA)/a>br/>A list of servicers participating in HAMP (including HAFA) is available at: http://>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Washington, DC Affordable Housing | Washington, DC Low Income .../a>br/>Contact them for assistance for the following: mortgage delinquency and default resolution counselingpre-purchase counselingrental housing counseling .br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Philadelphia, PA Affordable Housing | Philadelphia, PA Low Income .../a>br/>Contact them at the phone number listed for current o . . Contact them for assistance for the following: fair housing pre-purchase education . and rehabilitation counselingmortgage delinquency and default resolution counselingnon .br/>span>>/p>/span>/p> table width320 border1 cellspacing2 cellpadding4 vspace3 hspace5 alignleft bordercolor#5B82AB> tr bgcolor#5B82AB aligncenter> td colspan4 classbody>Close-up look at 3 affinity cards/td> /tr> tr bgcolor#D7DCE0> td colspan4 classbody> div aligncenter>Heres a look at three leading affinity cards in the United States:/div> /td> /tr> tr bgcolor#EFEFEF> td width71 bgcolor#CCCCCC classbody>Card/td> td width83 bgcolor#F1F1F1 classbody> div aligncenter>a href>free no credit card foot porn/a> MasterCard or Visa/div> /td> td width83 bgcolor#E6E6E6 classbody> div aligncenter>a href target_blank>Targetbr> /a> Guest Card/div> /td> td width83 bgcolor#F1F1F1 classbody> div aligncenter>a href>list of biggest mortgage companies/a> MasterCard /div> /td> /tr> tr bgcolor#D7DCE0> td width71 bgcolor#CCCCCC classbody>Issuer/td> td width83 bgcolor#F1F1F1 classbody> div aligncenter>MBNA America Bank (Delaware)/div> /td> td width83 bgcolor#E6E6E6 classbody> div aligncenter>Retailers National Bank (Minnesota)/div> /td> td width83 bgcolor#F1F1F1 classbody> div aligncenter>Associated Card Services Bank (Wisconsin)/div> /td> /tr> tr bgcolor#EFEFEF> td width71 bgcolor#CCCCCC classbody>Terms/td> td width83 bgcolor#F1F1F1 classbody> div aligncenter>p>a targetnew href >Mortgage Servicing – Examination Procedures > Consumer .../a>br/>The list of servicers participating in HAMP is available at http://www.>span>>/p>/div> /td> td width83 bgcolor#E6E6E6 classbody> div aligncenter>p>a targetnew href >Mortgage Help and Repayment Options | Home Mortgage | U.S. Bank/a>br/>U.S. Bank is dedicated to educating customers on all mortgage assistance options available to them. If you believe foreclosure on your home is imminent, please contact us . a brief explanation of your situation. a detailed list of your household . For free or low-cost general advice about buying a home, renting, default or .br/>span>>/p>/div> /td> td width83 bgcolor#F1F1F1 classbody> div aligncenter>p>a targetnew href >Loan Servicers :... - Mortgage Relief/a>br/>The list of servicer participants will be updated at www.MakingHomeAffordable. gov/get-assistance/contact-mortgage/. (See "How do I know if my . www. Be sure to do your .br/>span>>/p>/div> /td> /tr> tr bgcolor#D7DCE0> td width71 bgcolor#CCCCCC classbody>The cause/td> td width83 bgcolor#F1F1F1 classbody> div aligncenter>Ducks Unlimited is a conservation group that preserves wetlands /div> /td> td width83 bgcolor#E6E6E6 classbody> div aligncenter>p>a targetnew href >Wells Fargo mortgage assistance/a>br/>Wells Fargo offers various mortgage assistance programs that provide help to homeowners. . However, the sooner a borrower contacts them, the more options they will . in default, may be provided with the option to modify their current mortgage. . Another criteria may be that the bank may require that the borrower list the .br/>span>>/p>/div> /td> td width83 bgcolor#F1F1F1 classbody> div aligncenter>Action for Animals includes a long list of groups, including the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, humane societies, animal shelters and veterinary services/div> /td> /tr> tr bgcolor#EFEFEF> td width71 bgcolor#CCCCCC classbody>Donation percentage/td> td width83 bgcolor#F1F1F1 classbody> div aligncenter>Bank would not disclose/div> /td> td width83 bgcolor#E6E6E6 classbody> div aligncenter>1 percent of purchases/div> /td> td width83 bgcolor#F1F1F1 classbody> div aligncenter> p>a targetnew href >Foreclosure Alternatives/a>br/>Jun 2, 2011 . If you anticipate getting behind on your mortgage payments, or are behind, VA may be able to help. . When your loan goes into default, your servicer/holder is . one of our Loan Service Representatives, please go to our Contacts Page. . which would enable VA to give you direct payment>span>>/p> /div> /td> /tr> /table> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Senator Lieberman's Mortgage Assistance Tip Sheet/a>br/>Contact your mortgage lender immediately or call 1-888-995-4673 . additional information, contact a HUD-approved counselor from the list of . http://www.>span>>/p>/span>/p> p>span classbody>a href>list of australain private health insurance/a>span classsubhead>Perks are fewer/span>br> p>a targetnew href >Department of Housing and Community Development/a>br/>Through our work in revitalizing communities, assisting families in buying and preserving their homes and creating safe, affordable rental housing, we believe .br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Community Housing Resource Center > Mortgage Default/a>br/>If you've missed a mortgage payment, your first step is to contact your lender right away . you feel you need further assistance, please come to a Mortgage Default . You will need to provide a Hardship Letter, list of assets and expenses, bank .br/>span>>/p>/span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Unemployed? Need Financial Help? Check Out Unemployment .../a>br/>Jul 15, 2011 . For a list of servicers that participate, go to /get-assistance/contact-mortgage/Pages/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Quad County Urban League - Our Programs/a>br/>The Quad County Urban League's Emergency Assistance program can help qualified . for non payment of rent; mortgage default or pre-foreclosure statement; or payments in . When funding is available and your name reaches the top of the list, you will be . For more information please contact Micheal Rayford at ext 234* .br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Save my Home - Mortgage Default and Foreclosure Help/a>br/>Save my Home - Mortgage Default and Foreclosure Help. 84 . As indicated above, contact your local HUD-approved housing counselor. Put yourself on a .br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Default Counseling/a>br/>Are you behind on your mortgage? Getting calls or letters from your lender threatening foreclosure? If so, contact a housing counselor at HAND for>span>>/p>/span>/p> p>span classbody>span classsubhead>p>a targetnew href >CHFA - Homebuyer Education/a>br/>Counseling is available for homeowners at risk of face foreclosure to assist them in . Contact a counseling agency or CHFA. . experiencing financial difficulties which might put them in default on their home mortgages are . (See, Foreclosure Prevention Counseling for list of agencies and mortgage servicing companies.) .br/>span>>/p> /span>br> p>a targetnew href >How to Get Chase Bank Foreclosure Help |>br/>Failing to pay your home mortgage leads to the bank foreclosing on your home. . Review the list provided to see if there is a Chase Bank Homeownership Center near . Choose a plan that is best for you and contact a Chase Bank representative. . When a homeowner defaults on a mortgage loan, the lender initiates the .br/>span>>/p>/span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Housing Resource Guide - New Directions/a>br/>The back of this pamphlet lists a number of agencies that provide . Counseling: Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Counseling, Mortgage Delinquency & Default . Mortgage Programs and Homeownership Assistance: Baltimore city contact .br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Government Mortgage Assistance for California Homeowners .../a>br/>Jan 10, 2011 . The Unemployment Mortgage Assistance Program (UMA) will use federal funds to give . A partial list of criteria can be found>span>>/p>p>a targetnew href >HANDS OF CENTRAL FLORIDA - HOUSING COUNSELING .../a>br/>HANDS of Central Florida, Inc. is here to assist you in buying or renting an . Apt. List by County . HANDS can help with FREE Mortgage Default Counseling. . clothing, and other resources contact ______ or dial (407) 839-HELP (4357).br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >How to Protect Yourself: Tips for Avoiding Mortgage Foreclosures/a>br/>Contact your lender or loan servicer as soon as you realize you may have a . that have defaulted on a mortgage or missed payments never contact their lender . This is . hotline to provide mortgage counseling assistance in multiple languages. . You may also obtain a list of HUD-approved counseling services in Florida at .br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Default Assistance Options/a>br/>Bogman, Inc. offers a variety of assistance options to help you overcome the default on your . Subordinate Mortgage for the amount used to bring your loan current. For FHA . licensed real estate agent and list the property at fair market value. Keeping . Our Short Sale Representative will contact you regarding the next .br/>span>>/p>/span>/p> p>span classbody>a href>list mortgages with banks/a>span classsubhead>Highly competitive market/span>br> p>a targetnew href >Nationstar Mortgage | Careers/a>br/>Nationstar Mortgage | Nationstar is a national home loan servicer and . Negotiates modification based default resolutions on assigned mortgage loans contacts . Solicit and engage realtors and/or brokers to list and market REO properties. . Fill file requests and assist in file room operations such as: pull, scan out, deliver, .br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation : Crisis Relief/a>br/>Letter from the President · About the Founders · Contact Info .br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >The Short Sale Seller Advisory is a resource for Real Estate .../a>br/>Contact the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America at: . negotiation of loans in default); explain the situation and find out if the . county or one of the organizations listed at . For Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act and Debt .br/>span>>/p>/span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Help for Tenants, Homeowners and Homeless Persons | National .../a>br/>Housing assistance for persons who are homeless? . that will provide you with advice or assistance regarding buying a home, mortgage defaults, foreclosures, .br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >HUD-32: Mortgages-Delinquent/Default/Assigned/Temporary .../a>br/>Contact the Public and Indian Housing (PIH) Resource Center . System name: Delinquent/Default/Assigned/Temporary Mortgage Assistance Payments . For a complete listing of these offices, with addresses see appendix A. Office of HUD .br/>span>>/p>/span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Homeless Service Agencies | Homewardva/a>br/>This is a partial list of agencies working on solutions to homelessness in the . Case management, Financial assistance, Financial literacy and education, Food Phone number: 804-648-4177. Other contact info: 804-545-5947: Public Relations . debt management counseling, foreclosure/mortgage default counseling and .br/>span>>/p>/span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling Program .../a>br/>Grants are also being made to fund legal assistance to homeowners, and to train . Speakers List · Contact Us . View more information and a list of Grantees. . NFMC Funds are being used to build mortgage foreclosure and default .br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p>span classbody>p>a targetnew href >Electronic Default Reporting (EDR) Quick Reference Guide/a>br/>List of Occupancy Status and Property Condition Codes ......... 10. Default Action . Freddie Mac single-family mortgages in default through Electronic. Default . reviewing this quick reference guide, contact your Freddie Mac representative or . assistance due to unemployment and you determine the borrower is eligible for .br/>span>>/p> /span>/p> p alignleft> /p> /td>/tr> tr> td alignright> TABLE CELLPADDING0 CELLSPACING0 BORDER0> TR> TD COLSPAN5 HEIGHT10> /TD> /TR> TR> TD COLSPAN5 HEIGHT10 ALIGNright CLASSposted>-- Posted: March 20, 2000/TD> /TR> TR> TD COLSPAN5 HEIGHT10> DIV ALIGNright>/DIV> /TD> /TR> /TABLE> table width466 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligncenter> tr> td width25%>img src width128 height12>/td>td bgcolor#C3CED9>img src height12>/td>/tr> /table>table width450 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligncenter> tr> td height7> /td>td height7>img src width8 height8>/td>td height7> /td>td height7>img src width8 height8>/td>td height7> /td>/tr> TR> TD VALIGNtop> TABLE WIDTH149 BORDER0 CELLSPACING0 CELLPADDING0> TR> TD COLSPAN3>IMG src WIDTH150 HEIGHT9>/TD>/TR> TR> TD BACKGROUND>IMG src WIDTH6 HEIGHT2>/TD>TD VALIGNtop> 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Our Senior managers have over 160 years of combined experience in the Mortgage Industry. . Below is a list of items you may be asked to provide: . You may call our Customer Assistance Department at: 1-800-306-6062, Monday through .br/>span>>/p> /td> /tr> tr> td classsidebar height7>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td classblue aligncenter valigntop> table width90% border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0> tr alignleft valigntop> td width10>/td> td classbasicsbox> a href>list of alternative student loans/a>/td> /tr> tr alignleft valigntop> td width10>/td> td classbasicsbox>a href>list of canadian car insurance/a>/td> /tr> tr alignleft valigntop> td width10>/td> td classbasicsbox>a href>list of car insurance companies/a>/td> /tr> tr alignleft valigntop> td width10>/td> td classbasicsbox>a href>list of best mortgage sites available/a> /td> /tr> tr alignleft valigntop> td>/td> td height3>/td> /tr> tr alignleft valigntop> td width10>/td> td classbasicsbox>a href>allstate car and home insurance/a>/td> /tr> tr alignleft valigntop> td width10>/td> td classbasicsbox>a href>list of auto insurance carriers massachusetts/a>/td> /tr> /table> table width148 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding1 bgcolor#E5E5E5> tr> td aligncenter height5>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter height3>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr>/table> br> table cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0 width150> tr classmore-onbkgd> td colspan3 aligncenter width162> table cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0 width150> tr classmore-onbkgd> td rowspan2 valigntop>img src width6 height27>/td> td classmore-text aligncenter width162>img src width156 height4>/td> td rowspan2 valigntop>img src width8 height27>/td> /tr> tr classmore-onbkgd> td classmore-text aligncenter width162>MORE ON BANKRATE/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr height2> td background>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6>img src width150 height2>/td> td background>/td> /tr> tr height40 classbody> td background width10>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6 classbody>a href>list of auto car loan lenders/a>/td> td background> /td> /tr> tr height2> td background>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6>img src width150 height2>/td> td background>/td> /tr> tr height2> td background>/td> td colspan2 background>img src width150 height2>/td> /tr> tr height2> td background>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6>img src width150 height2>/td> td background>/td> /tr> tr height30 classbody> td background width10>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6 classbody>a href>student loan harrasment/a>/td> td background> /td> /tr> tr height2> td background>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6>img src width150 height2>/td> td background>/td> /tr> tr height2> td background>/td> td colspan2 background>img src width150 height2>/td> /tr> tr height2> td background>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6>img src width150 height2>/td> td background>/td> /tr> tr height30 classbody> td background width10>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6 classbody>a href>payday loan no teletrack or telecheck/a>/td> td background> /td> /tr> tr height2> td background>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6>img src width150 height2>/td> td background>/td> /tr> tr height2> td background>/td> td colspan2 background>img src width150 height2>/td> /tr> tr height2> td background>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6>img src width150 height2>/td> td background>/td> /tr> tr height30 classbody> td background>img src width10 height1>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6 classbody>a href>list of car catagories for insurance/a>/td> td background>img src width9 height1>/td> /tr> tr height2> td background>/td> td bgcolor#E6E6E6>img src width150 height2>/td> td background>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan3 background> img src width5 height25> /td> /tr>/table>br>noscript>a href>img src height40 width150 hspace0 vspace0 border0>/a>/noscript>br>center>table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td aligncenter classadvertisementonwhite valignbottom>- advertisement -/td> /tr>/table>noscript>a href>img src height125 width125 hspace0 vspace0 border0>/a>/noscript>/center>br>/span> /td> /tr>/table> /div>/div> div classmar20 marTop> table width100% border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td aligncenter classadvertisementonwhite valignbottom>span styletext-align:center;>- advertisement -/span>/td> /tr>/table> noscript>a href>img src height60 width468 hspace0 vspace0 border0>/a>/noscript> /div> div styletext-align:center; 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