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/div> /div> div classslider-item active> img src/images/slider/8df547e8-c354-4d0c-a408-3f7fa069c3c3.jpg altImage 3 /> div classcaption> h2>Global Education Conclave -2023/h2> h6>The Global Education Conclave 2023 brought together educators, policymakers, industry leaders, and innovators from around the world to redefine the future of education./h6> a href/apply-now classapply-btn>Apply Now/a> /div> /div> div classslider-item active> img src/images/slider/2192c8ee-58b3-410b-88b9-f9708ec00361.jpg altImage 3 /> div classcaption> h2>Childrens Day 2024 at Derozio Boarding School/h2> h6>Childrens Day is a reminder of our commitment to fostering a safe, supportive, and inspiring environment for all students./h6> a href/apply-now classapply-btn>Apply Now/a> /div> /div> /div> button classprev>❮/button> button classnext>❯/button> /div> section classspace-ptb position-relative> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-12 mb-0> div classbg-primary-gradient rounded-top pt-3 pb-2 pl-4> h4>Founders Message/h4> /div> div classblog mb-4 mb-lg-0> div classblog-image> img classimg-fluid border-radius srcimages/blog/02.jpg alt /> /div> div classblog-content pt-4 border-0> p>b>A Letter from the Desk of the Founder:/b>/p> p classmt-3 mb-0>You may not know but I have been poetically rejoiced in the navigation of the education universe right since the inception of my academic evolution. However, I have been curiously specific to English literature in my standard studies./p> h6 classpt-2>Rajesh Raj span stylefont-size: 12px;>(Founder of Derozio Boarding School, Hazaribag)/span>/h6> p>a href/founders-message stylecolor: #047c34>Read More../a>/p> /div> /div> !-- Blog 01 END --> /div> div classcol-xl-6 mt-xl-0 mt-4> div classbg-primary-gradient rounded-top pt-3 pb-2 pl-4> h4>Notice & Notifications/h4> /div> div classblog-post d-flex align-items-center border border-radius> div classblog-date> h4 stylemargin-bottom: 0px;>17/h4> span>Dec/span> h4>2024/h4> /div> div classblog-contant stylepadding-top: 7px; padding-bottom: 7px;> h6 classmt-0 mb-0>a href/notice#30>Admission Offer/a>/h6> p stylemargin-bottom: 0px;>a href/notice#30>Special Admission Offer For 2024 - 25 Session./a>/p> div classblog-meta > ul classlist-unstyled d-sm-flex stylemargin-bottom: 0px;> li>a href/images/notices/ stylecolor: #ff0000; display: none target_blank>i classfas fa-download text-primary 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display: inline-block target_blank>i classfas fa-download text-primary pr-1>/i>Download-I/a>/li> li>a href/images/notices/e479ff92-48a4-4bc2-bded-ff9bfc678b72.pdf stylecolor: #ff0000; display: inline-block target_blank>i classfas fa-download text-primary pr-1>/i>Download-II/a>/li> li>a href stylecolor: #008511; display: inline-block target_blank>i classfas fa-link text-primary pr-1>/i>Link/a>/li> li>a href/notice#29>Read More i classfas fa-arrow-right text-primary pr-1>/i>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classspace-ptb bg-overlay-black-80 bg-holder data-jarallax{speed: 0.5} stylebackground-image: url(images/bg/09.jpg);> div classcontainer> div classrow justify-content-center> div classcol-lg-10 text-center> span classtext-white d-block mb-4 h6 font-weight-normal>Admission Open Now at Derozio Boarding School. /span> h2 classtext-white mb-4 display-7>Hazaribags Premier Hostel-Integrated School for 5 to 15-year-old./h2> a classbtn btn-primary mr-sm-3 mt-3 href/apply-now>Apply Now/a> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classspace-ptb> div classcontainer> div classrow align-items-center> div classcol-lg-6 mb-4 mb-lg-0 pr-xl-6> div classsection-title mb-4 styletext-align: justify> h2 classtitle>Preamble/h2> p classmb-0>The ‘Heartfelt Urge’ behind the establishmentis –oceans away from the trendy materialistic motif, this institution stands independently on the divine roots of an urgent urge of knowledge, the basis of existence and evolution, strongly driven by investigative method of education encompassed by a subject of poetic principles. /p> /div> p classmb-4 mb-lg-5>Nonetheless, the success of the said motif lies in the endeavoring of reaching out to every nook and corner of our society and making every child access to such a level of learning with a sectional privilege to those little stars who hail from the dark and deprived class of society. /p> a href/preamble classbtn btn-primary btn-round>Read More/a> /div> div classcol-lg-6 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div classmedia mb-2> i classmr-3 fa-1x text-white border border-white border-radius p-3 mb-0 font-weight-normal>2./i> div classmedia-body> h5 classmt-2 mb-2>“Where Investigation into the Subject is the Inception”/h5> /div> /div> div classmedia mb-2> i classmr-3 fa-1x text-white border border-white border-radius p-3 mb-0 font-weight-normal>3./i> div classmedia-body> h5 classmt-3 mb-3>“Where we Bridge Books to Bodies”/h5> /div> /div> div classmedia mb-2> i classmr-3 fa-1x text-white border border-white border-radius p-3 mb-0 font-weight-normal>4./i> div classmedia-body> h5 classmt-3 mb-3>“Where PreparationsOverpowerExaminations”/h5> /div> /div> div classmedia mb-2> i classmr-3 fa-1x text-white border border-white border-radius p-3 mb-0 font-weight-normal>5./i> div classmedia-body> h5 classmt-3 mb-3>“Where Ethical Knowledge is the Pedestal”/h5> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classspace-ptb position-relative bg-light> div classcontainer> div classrow 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Title START --> div classsection-title> h2 classtitle>Our Achievements /h2> p>At Derozio Boarding School, we take immense pride in our journey of excellence and the milestones we have achieved over the years./p> /div> !-- Section Title END --> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-md-12> div classowl-carousel data-nav-arrowtrue data-items3 data-md-items1 data-sm-items1 data-xs-items1 data-xx-items1 data-space4 data-autoheighttrue> div classml-2 mr-2 mb-2> div classevents shadow h-100> div classevents-img> img classimg-fluid border-0 src/images/achievement/337871a5-1c61-4a69-a77e-6a4115f147d1.jpg alt /> /div> div classevents-content p-4> a href/achievement#12 class text-dark h6>Taekwondo Match/a> div classevents-meta my-2> ul classlist-unstyled mb-0 d-flex> li classmr-3>a href/events#12>i classfas fa-calendar-alt pr-1>/i>18 Dec, 2024/a>/li> /ul> /div> p classtext-dark mb-0>The students of Derozio Boarding School while rehearsing in the Taekwondo match .../p> a class btn-round mt-3 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