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HTTP/1.1 200 OKAccept-Ranges: bytesAge: 0Cache-Control: public,max-age0,must-revalidateCache-Status: Netlify Edge; fwdmissContent-Length: 22553Content-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 05:39:42 GMTEtag: 1641bc8686503745147b9a32c545c681-sslServer: NetlifyStrict-Transport-Security: max-age31536000X-Nf-Request-Id: 01JG0QMNJR589R5DBAEHKEHR55 !doctype html>html langen> head> meta charsetutf-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0> meta nametheme-color content#EDF2F7 /> title>> meta namedescription contentTech enthusiasm from down-under> !-- Open Graph meta --> meta nametitle propertyog:title> meta nameimage propertyog:image content> meta namedescription propertyog:description contentTech enthusiasm from down-under/> meta propertyog:url content /> meta propertyog:type contentblog /> meta propertyog:site-name /> meta propertyarticle:published_time content2024-12-16T05:50:49.655Z /> meta nameauthor propertyarticle:author contentDavid McDonald /> link relicon typeimage/png href/assets/img/favicon.png> link relstylesheet href/assets/css/bootstrap-icons.css> link relstylesheet href/assets/css/index.css> link relstylesheet href/assets/css/prism-default.css> link relalternate href/feed/feed.xml typeapplication/atom+xml> link relalternate href/feed/feed.json typeapplication/json> link href relstylesheet integritysha384-giJF6kkoqNQ00vy+HMDP7azOuL0xtbfIcaT9wjKHr8RbDVddVHyTfAAsrekwKmP1 crossoriginanonymous> /head> body> script src integritysha384-ygbV9kiqUc6oa4msXn9868pTtWMgiQaeYH7/t7LECLbyPA2x65Kgf80OJFdroafW crossoriginanonymous>/script> div classsite d-flex flex-column> header classsite-header> !-- div classsite-header-logo>/div> h1 classhome>a href/>>/h1> ul classnav> li classnav-item nav-item-active>a href/>Home/a>/li> li classnav-item>a href/posts/>All posts/a>/li> li classnav-item>a href/mycreations/>My creations/a>/li> li classnav-item>a href/servicenow/>ServiceNow/a>/li> li classnav-item>a href/smarthome/>Smart home/a>/li> /ul> --> nav classnavbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark> div classcontainer-fluid> a classnavbar-brand href/>> button classnavbar-toggler typebutton data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#mainNavBar aria-controlsmainNavBar aria-expandedfalse aria-labelToggle navigation> span classnavbar-toggler-icon>/span> /button> div classcollapse navbar-collapse idmainNavBar> ul classnavbar-nav me-auto mb-2 mb-lg-0> li classnav-item active> a classnav-link aria-currentpage href/>Home/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link href/posts/>All posts/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link href/mycreations/>My creations/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link href/servicenow/>ServiceNow/a> /li> li classnav-item> a classnav-link href/smarthome/>Smart home/a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /nav>/header> main classtmpl-home> div classflex-fill home-splash> div classhome-splash-content> h1>David McDonald/h1> h2>Tech enthusiasm from down-under/h2> /div>/div>div classcontainer home-content> div classrow> div classcol-md-8> div classpostlistfull container-fluid> ul classlist-group> li classlist-group-item> h4>Recent posts/h4> /li> li classlist-group-item> div classnamepost-card> div> div class text-start> a href/posts/2024-12-16-win2linux-first-month/> img src/posts/2024-12-16-win2linux-first-month/featured-thumbnail.jpg classpost-card-image altThumbnail> /a> h5 classpost-card-title> a href/posts/2024-12-16-win2linux-first-month/>Dave vs Linux - My thoughts after 1 month of Linux Mint/a> /h5> div classpost-card-meta> div classpost-card-tags> a href/tags/Linux/ classpost-tag>Linux/a> /div> div classpost-card-published text-muted>Published 16 Dec 2024/div> /div> div classpost-card-text> About a month ago, I switched my gaming PC's operating system from Windows 10 to Linux Mint. It's been a road with some speed bumps and lessons learned, but I'm still going to keep going. Here's some nuggets of wisdom that I'd like to share for anyone else looking to give Linux a try. /div> /div> /div>/div> /li> li classlist-group-item> div classnamepost-card> div> div class text-start> a href/posts/2024-12-11-sn-find-update-set/> img src/posts/2024-12-11-sn-find-update-set/featured-thumbnail.jpg classpost-card-image altThumbnail> /a> h5 classpost-card-title> a href/posts/2024-12-11-sn-find-update-set/>How to Find the Update Set That Changed Something in ServiceNow/a> /h5> div classpost-card-meta> div classpost-card-tags> a href/tags/ServiceNow/ classpost-tag>ServiceNow/a> /div> div classpost-card-published text-muted>Published 11 Dec 2024/div> /div> div classpost-card-text> Have you wanted to find the update set something was changed in, but couldn't find it? A colleague has run into a problem where they've been asked to promote changes that someone has done for a catalog item, but they don't know the update set the changes were made in. Another colleague has run into a business rule that was changed, but they don't know the update set that it was changed in. Here's a quick guide on how to find the update set that changed something. /div> /div> /div>/div> /li> li classlist-group-item> div classnamepost-card> div> div class text-start> a href/posts/2024-12-07-arduino-cpp-multiline-strings/> img src/posts/2024-12-07-arduino-cpp-multiline-strings/featured-thumbnail.jpg classpost-card-image altThumbnail> /a> h5 classpost-card-title> a href/posts/2024-12-07-arduino-cpp-multiline-strings/>Multi-Line Strings in Arduino/a> /h5> div classpost-card-meta> div classpost-card-tags> a href/tags/Arduino/ classpost-tag>Arduino/a> a href/tags/Coding/ classpost-tag>Coding/a> /div> div classpost-card-published text-muted>Published 07 Dec 2024/div> /div> div classpost-card-text> I've been playing around with doing Web servers on ESP8266 wifi microcontrollers and I've run into a tedious problem of how to write large blocks of text like HTML and CSS as strings within the C++ code. Here are some options that I've found and how well they work. /div> /div> /div>/div> /li> li classlist-group-item> div classnamepost-card> div> div class text-start> a href/posts/2024-12-03-sn-event-management-limits/> img src/posts/2024-12-03-sn-event-management-limits/featured-thumbnail.jpg classpost-card-image altThumbnail> /a> h5 classpost-card-title> a href/posts/2024-12-03-sn-event-management-limits/>ServiceNow Event Management Bottlenecks/a> /h5> div classpost-card-meta> div classpost-card-tags> a href/tags/ServiceNow/ classpost-tag>ServiceNow/a> /div> div classpost-card-published text-muted>Published 03 Dec 2024/div> /div> div classpost-card-text> I was asked by a colleague about the limits of ServiceNow Event Management around data throughput and data storage limits. Doing some rough maths, they're possibly looking at 4 TB of event data per week. There wasn't a lot of easy to access information on this topic, so I thought I'd put some together. /div> /div> /div>/div> /li> li classlist-group-item> div classnamepost-card> div> div class text-start> a href/posts/2024-11-28-win2linux-hotkeys/> img src/posts/2024-11-28-win2linux-hotkeys/featured-thumbnail.jpg classpost-card-image altThumbnail> /a> h5 classpost-card-title> a href/posts/2024-11-28-win2linux-hotkeys/>Dave vs Linux #2 - Windows System Hotkeys in Linux/a> /h5> div classpost-card-meta> div classpost-card-tags> a href/tags/Linux/ classpost-tag>Linux/a> /div> div classpost-card-published text-muted>Published 28 Nov 2024/div> /div> div classpost-card-text> I'm 2 weeks into switching from Windows 10 to Linux Mint, and I'm feeling that some system hotkeys are slightly different. I still use Windows computers for work and I don't want to change my ways of working by using a new set of keyboard shortcuts. Here are some notable differences I found and what I did about it. /div> /div> /div>/div> /li> li classlist-group-item> div classnamepost-card> div> div class text-start> a href/posts/2024-11-22-sn-new-problem-task-type/> img src/posts/2024-11-22-sn-new-problem-task-type/featured-thumbnail.jpg classpost-card-image altThumbnail> /a> h5 classpost-card-title> a href/posts/2024-11-22-sn-new-problem-task-type/>How to add a new Problem Task Type in ServiceNow/a> /h5> div classpost-card-meta> div classpost-card-tags> a href/tags/ServiceNow/ classpost-tag>ServiceNow/a> a href/tags/Solution/ classpost-tag>Solution/a> /div> div classpost-card-published text-muted>Published 22 Nov 2024/div> /div> div classpost-card-text> Sometimes you want to create new types of Problem Tasks so you can track them separately from others, but ServiceNow only comes with "Root Cause Analysis" and "General" task types. Here's a quick guide on how to add more Problem Task Types if you need them. /div> /div> /div>/div> /li> li classlist-group-item> div classnamepost-card> div> div class text-start> a href/posts/2024-11-20-win2linux-1/> img src/posts/2024-11-20-win2linux-1/featured-thumbnail.jpg classpost-card-image altThumbnail> /a> h5 classpost-card-title> a href/posts/2024-11-20-win2linux-1/>Dave vs Linux #1 - Planning and comparing/a> /h5> div classpost-card-meta> div classpost-card-tags> a href/tags/Linux/ classpost-tag>Linux/a> /div> div classpost-card-published text-muted>Published 20 Nov 2024/div> /div> div classpost-card-text> Microsoft wants to push me from Win 10 to Win 11, but I really don't want to be forcefully upgraded. I'm thinking of giving Linux a try on my PC. Will it be easy? will it be challenging? /div> /div> /div>/div> /li> li classlist-group-item> div classnamepost-card> div> div class text-start> a href/posts/2024-11-15-ai-start-ollama-openwebui/> img src/posts/2024-11-15-ai-start-ollama-openwebui/featured-thumbnail.jpg classpost-card-image altThumbnail> /a> h5 classpost-card-title> a href/posts/2024-11-15-ai-start-ollama-openwebui/>Dave does AI #1 - Self-hosted AI using Ollama + Open WebUI/a> /h5> div classpost-card-meta> div classpost-card-tags> a href/tags/AI/ classpost-tag>AI/a> /div> div classpost-card-published text-muted>Published 15 Nov 2024/div> /div> div classpost-card-text> I want to have fun will all this AI stuff, but want to keep all my conversations and content in my own control. Let's run a conversational AI from our own computer and have some chats with it. /div> /div> /div>/div> /li> li classlist-group-item> div classnamepost-card> div> div class text-start> a href/posts/2024-11-06-electronics-power-cost/> img src/posts/2024-11-06-electronics-power-cost/featured-thumbnail.jpg classpost-card-image altThumbnail> /a> h5 classpost-card-title> a href/posts/2024-11-06-electronics-power-cost/>How much does it cost to power your electronics?/a> /h5> div classpost-card-meta> div classpost-card-tags> a href/tags/Electronics/ classpost-tag>Electronics/a> /div> div classpost-card-published text-muted>Published 06 Nov 2024/div> /div> div classpost-card-text> I've often wondered how much of the power bill was my gaming PC, or my smart home gear, or even an air-conditioner, but I keep forgetting the math. Let me write some of this cool stuff down. /div> /div> /div>/div> /li> li classlist-group-item> a href/posts>View more posts.../a> /li> /ul>/div> /div> div classcol-md-4> div classcard aboutshort> div classcard-header> About me /div> div classcard-body> img classaboutme-photo src/assets/img/profile_photo.jpg>img />p> Im David McDonald, an Australian with a taste for:/p>ul> li>Software development/li> li>Electronic engineering/li> li>The nerdy lifestyle/li>/ul>p> My career focus is in a href>the ServiceNow platform/a>, but Im also interested in C#, web design, and C++ for programming Arduinos in my spare time./p> /div> /div> div classtags-block card> div classcard-header> Tags /div> div classcard-body> a href/tags/Electronics/ classpost-tag>Electronics (11)/a> a href/tags/Coding/ classpost-tag>Coding (21)/a> a href/tags/Solution/ classpost-tag>Solution (26)/a> a href/tags/update/ classpost-tag>update (1)/a> a href/tags/ServiceNow/ classpost-tag>ServiceNow (52)/a> a href/tags/Process/ classpost-tag>Process (3)/a> a href/tags/Opinion/ classpost-tag>Opinion (6)/a> a href/tags/Smart home/ classpost-tag>Smart home (5)/a> a href/tags/My creation/ classpost-tag>My creation (4)/a> a href/tags/Python/ classpost-tag>Python (1)/a> a href/tags/IoT/ classpost-tag>IoT (5)/a> a href/tags/Javascript/ classpost-tag>Javascript (1)/a> a href/tags/Integration/ classpost-tag>Integration (1)/a> a href/tags/DIY/ classpost-tag>DIY (2)/a> a href/tags/Web/ classpost-tag>Web (1)/a> a href/tags/Linux/ classpost-tag>Linux (3)/a> a href/tags/Arduino/ classpost-tag>Arduino (1)/a> a href/tags/AI/ classpost-tag>AI (1)/a> /div>/div> /div> /div>/div> /main> footer classsite-footer> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-md-12 text-center> div classfooter-copyright>David McDonald © 2024, created using a href>11ty/a>/div> div classfooter-social d-flex flex-row justify-content-center> div classp-2 social-item> a href/feed/feed.xml target_blank> i classbi bi-rss-fill>/i>br />RSS /a> /div> div classp-2 social-item> a href target_blank> i classbi bi-linkedin>/i>br />LinkedIn /a> /div> div classp-2 social-item> a href target_blank> i classbi bi-github>/i>br />Github /a> /div> div classp-2 social-item> a href target_blank> img src/assets/img/servicenow-icon-white.png width18px height18px alt/>br />ServiceNow /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/footer> !-- Current page: / --> /div> /body>/html>
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