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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 09:14:36 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu)Location: 331Content-Type: text/html; charsetiso-8859-1 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN>html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>h1>Moved Permanently/h1>p>The document has moved a href>here/a>./p>hr>address>Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80/address>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 09:14:36 GMTServer: Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu)Vary: Accept-EncodingTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE html>html langen classdefault bg-slate-100>head> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1> meta namedescription> meta namekeywords> meta nameauthor> title>> meta namedescription> link typetext/css relstylesheet href./css/v2.css> link href// relstylesheet> style> .block_img { background-image: url(; } .css-tab-block .tabpaneback,.tab-block .tab-mnu .active{ background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);}.tab-block .tab-mnu{justify-content: left;} /style> /head>!-- END: Head -->body classversion_v2> div classcontainers> div classblock xl:grid grid-cols-1 min-h-screen version_v2height> div classblock_img min-h-screen >/div> /div> div classblock_img_vers>/div> div classcontainer> form namesignInForm idsignInForm>/form> div classblock xl:grid grid-cols-2 gap-4 absolute top-0 left-0 right-0 w-full p-10 min-h-screen version_v2top> div classh-screen xl:h-auto flex py-5 xl:py-0 xl:my-0 hidethisapp version_v2app> div classmy-auto mx-auto xl:mr-20 dark:bg-darkmode-600 xl:bg-transparent px-5 sm:px-8 py-8 xl:p-0 rounded-md shadow-md xl:shadow-none w-full sm:w-3/4 lg:w-3/4> div class-intro-x text-2xl font-medium leading-none text-danger mt-8 version_v2hide version_v2top12>Inbuilt Travel Tool/div> div class-intro-x text-white font-medium text-5xl leading-tight mt-5 version_v2top122>Save on Company Travel Expenses/div> div class-intro-x mt-5 text-lg text-white version_v2top123>With special corporate rates on flights & hotels, br>save your travel budget by paying less for more features/div> /div> /div> !-- END: Login Info --> !-- BEGIN: Login Form --> div classh-screen xl:h-auto flex py-5 xl:py-0 xl:my-0 hidethisapp version_v2appse> div classmy-auto mx-auto xl:ml-18 bg-white dark:bg-darkmode-600 p-12 rounded-md shadow-md xl:shadow-none w-full sm:w-3/4 lg:w-3/4 box version_v2app2> p classtext-4xl font-medium leading-none version_v2phide version_v2hh>Agent Login /p> div classmt-5 text-slate-500 version_v2pp version_v2phide>Enter email-id and password to log on:/div> div class-intro-x > div classadi_logo_width_logo stylebackground-image:url(>/div> /div> div class-intro-x text-white font-medium text-4xl leading-tight version_v2line> div classintro-x w-full grid grid-cols-12 gap-2 h-1 mt-3> div classcol-span-2 h-full rounded bg-danger>/div> div classcol-span-2 h-full rounded bg-danger>/div> div classcol-span-2 h-full rounded bg-danger>/div> div classcol-span-2 h-full rounded bg-slate-100 dark:bg-darkmode-800>/div> /div> /div> div classintro-x mt-2 text-slate-400 xl:hidden text-center version_v2pps>A few more clicks to sign in to your account. Manage all your e-commerce accounts in one place/div> div classintro-x mt-8> input typetext classintro-x login__input form-control py-3 px-4 block mt-4 nameuser_pid iduser_pid placeholderPartner ID> input typeemail classintro-x login__input form-control py-3 px-4 block mt-4 nameuser_email iduser_email placeholderEmail> div classinput-group mt-2> input typepassword nameuser_pass iduser_pass classform-control intro-x login__input py-3 px-4 block mt-4 placeholderPassword aria-labelPassword aria-describedbyinput-group-password> div idinput-group-password toggle#password-field classinput-group-text intro-x login__input py-3 px-4 block mt-4>i classfa fa-eye toggle-password>/i>/div> /div> !-- div idcaptcha_code_div> div classinput-group mt-2> label forinput-state-1 classinline-block mt-2> strong>Please enter the following: CAPTCHA CODE /strong> /label> /div> div classinput-group mt-2> img src idcaptchaImg> input typetext namecaptcha_code iduser_captcha_code classform-control intro-x login__input py-3 px-4 block placeholderEnter Captcha Code Here> /div> /div> --> !-- input typehidden classintro-x login__input form-control py-3 px-4 block mt-4 nameuser_otp iduser_otp placeholderEnter OTP> --> !-- input typepassword nameuser_pass iduser_pass classintro-x login__input form-control py-3 px-4 block mt-4 placeholderPassword> span toggle#password-field classfa fa-fw fa-eye field_icon toggle-password>/span> --> /div> div classintro-x flex text-slate-600 dark:text-slate-500 text-xs sm:text-sm mt-4> div classflex items-center mr-auto> input idremember-me typecheckbox classform-check-input border mr-2> label classcursor-pointer select-none forremember-me>Remember me/label> /div> a hrefforgot-password.html>Forgot Password?/a> /div> div classintro-x mt-5 xl:mt-8 text-center xl:text-center> button classbtn btn-primary py-3 px-4 w-full xl:w-50 xl:mr-3 align-top mb-5 idsignInBtn>Sign In/button> !-- button classg-recaptcha btn btn-primary py-3 px-4 w-full xl:w-50 xl:mr-3 align-top mb-5 data-sitekey6LdKI6IpAAAAALHlvi5lV5PH72QL4UFTs-x65-Cj data-callbacksignInBtn data-actionsignIn idsignInBtn>Sign In/button> --> !-- button classbtn btn-primary py-3 px-4 w-full xl:w-50 xl:mr-3 align-top mb-5 idsignInBtn>Sign In/button> --> !-- a classbtn btn-outline-secondary py-3 px-4 w-full xl:w-32 mt-3 xl:mt-0 align-top hrefsign-up.html>Register/a> --> span classdont_txt>Dont have an account?/span> a classtext-primary dark:text-slate-200 mb-5 creat_acc hrefsign-up.html>Create account/a> /div> !--div classintro-x mt-5 xl:mt-5 text-slate-600 dark:text-slate-500 text-center xl:text-left> By signin up, you agree to our a classtext-primary dark:text-slate-200 href>Terms and Conditions/a> & a classtext-primary dark:text-slate-200 href>Privacy Policy/a> /div>--> /div> /div> !-- END: Login Form --> /div> /div> /div> !-- /div>--> !-- BEGIN: Notification Content --> div idnotification-content classtoastify-content hidden flex> !-- span idnoti-maintitle>/span> --> i classtext-danger data-lucidex-circle idnoti-Icon>/i> div classml-4 mr-4> div classfont-medium>span idnoti-mainTitle>/span>/div> div classtext-slate-500 mt-1>span idnoti-subTitle>/span>/div> /div> /div> /body>/html>script src./js/jquery-3.6.1.min.js>/script>script src integritysha512-0Yc4Jv5wX4+mjDuLxmHFGqgDtMFAEBLpPq/0nPVmAOwHPMkYXiS1YVYWTcrVQztftk/32089DDTyrCJO8hBCZw crossoriginanonymous referrerpolicyno-referrer>/script>script> $(document).ready(function() { setTimeout(() > { if (No Yes) { $(#user_pid).val(77A7499); } }, 10); function notificationFn(className, iconText, mainTitle, subTitle) { $(#noti-Icon).attr(data-lucide, iconText); $(#noti-Icon).attr(class, className); $(#noti-mainTitle).text(mainTitle); $(#noti-subTitle).text(subTitle); Toastify({ node: $(#notification-content) .clone() .removeClass(hidden)0, duration: 3000, newWindow: true, close: true, gravity: top, position: right, stopOnFocus: true, }).showToast(); } $(#signInBtn).unbind().click(function() { let thisVar $(this); thisVar.html(`Processing i data-loading-iconoval data-colorwhite classw-4 h-4 ml-2>/i>`).attr(disabled, true); $.ajax({ type: POST, url: functions.php, data_type: json, data: { csrf_token: alYzRmpUNUtwNDhkZ2tqRXVWRmg2QlFrYllDb1NCK0h2RFNqUjNlcFVwaXdqRDFQUmtmakk0SjNsQmxTMGJ4SA, user_pid: $(#user_pid).val(), user_email: $(#user_email).val(), user_pass: $(#user_pass).val() }, cache: false, success: function(data) { var myData JSON.parse(data); if (myData.responseCode 200) { window.location.href + myData.redirect; } else if (myData.responseCode 199) { notificationFn(text-danger, x-circle, Oops!, Verification Failed: Please try again with CAPTCHA.); } else if (myData.responseCode 205) { notificationFn(text-danger, x-circle, Oops!, User inactive. Please activate to login.); } else if (myData.responseCode 204) { notificationFn(text-danger, x-circle, Oops!, Please verify your account by checking your email inbox. Access awaits once you complete the verification process.); } else if (myData.responseCode 203) { notificationFn(text-danger, x-circle, Oops!, Incorrect password entered.); } else if (myData.responseCode 202) { notificationFn(text-danger, x-circle, Oops!, The user youre looking for isnt found. Please enter the correct details.); } else if (myData.responseCode 201) { notificationFn(text-danger, x-circle, Oops!, Kindly reach out to our support team for assistance.); } thisVar.html(Sign In).removeAttr(disabled); } }); }); $(.toggle-password).unbind().click(function() { $(this).toggleClass(fa-eye fa-eye-slash); var input $(#user_pass); if (input.attr(type) password) { input.attr(type, text); } else { input.attr(type, password); } }); $(#user_pid,#user_email,#user_pass).keydown(function(e) { if (e.keyCode 13) { e.preventDefault(); $(#UserLoginBtn).trigger(click); return false; } }); $(#remember-me).unbind().click(function() { if ($(#remember-me).is(:checked)) { localStorage.adh1 btoa($(#user_pid).val()); localStorage.adh2 btoa($(#user_email).val()); localStorage.adh3 btoa($(#user_pass).val()); localStorage.chkbx $(#remember-me).val(); } else { localStorage.adh1 ; localStorage.adh2 ; localStorage.adh3 ; localStorage.chkbx ; } }); if (localStorage.chkbx && localStorage.chkbx ! ) { $(#remember-me).attr(checked, checked); $(#user_pid).val(atob(localStorage.adh1)); $(#user_email).val(atob(localStorage.adh2)); $(#user_pass).val(atob(localStorage.adh3)); } else { $(#remember-me).removeAttr(checked); $(#user_pid).val(); $(#user_email).val(); $(#user_pass).val(); } if ( loginViaPanal) { $.ajax({ type: POST, url: functions.php, data_type: json, data: { csrf_token: eFlvdWhnaXB2WVF5elRXTXVWZGErcHFEZWZDeWoveTQzVlk3RnJoWnRsUldOYlh3cGJ1U1JOcFVIbkVDMW4yTA, login_direct: Yes, user_pid: , user_email: , user_pass: atob() }, cache: false, success: function(data) { var myData JSON.parse(data); if (myData.responseCode 200) { window.location.href + myData.redirect; } else { notificationFn(text-danger, x-circle, Oops!, Incorrect credentials entered.); } } }); } });/script>
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