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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: Apache/2.4Content-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 12:15:50 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesConnection: Keep-AliveSet-Cookie: X-Mapping-mcfkanmb234A0E35507F73EB95A2E06FC039B6C2; path/Content-Length: 9814 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN>html langEN dirltr xmlns> head> meta http-equivcontent-type contenttext/xml; charsetutf-8 /> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0, shrink-to-fitno> link relstylesheet typetext/css href /> title>Wildlife photography by Dan Suzio/title> meta namedescription contentPhotography of frogs, toads, snakes, lizards, birds, mammals, and native plants in Ecuador, Costa Rica, East Timor, Africa, and locations throughout the western U.S.> meta namekeywords contentPhotography, photos, frog, bird, crocodile, monkey, tortoise, wildlife, nature, East Timor, Costa Rica, Ecuador, California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Dan Suzio> script typetext/javascript> var _gaq _gaq || ; _gaq.push(_setAccount, UA-4084099-2); _gaq.push(_trackPageview); (function() { var ga document.createElement(script); ga.type text/javascript; ga.async true; ga.src (https: document.location.protocol ? https://ssl : http://www) +; var s document.getElementsByTagName(script)0; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); /script> /head> body> div idwrapper> !-- Logo --> a hrefindex.html>img srcbuttons/coffeefrog_nobar_650x100.jpg width85% alt border0>/a> br />!-- End of Logo -->!-- Bigscreen Menu starts here --> div classbigscreen idmenu> ul> li>a titleHome hrefindex.html>Home/a>/li> li>a href#>Find a Photo/a> ul> li>a href>Catalog/a>/li> li>a hrefspecies.html>Species List/a>/li> li>a href>Advanced Search/a>/li> /ul> /li> li>a hrefcards/index.html>Notecards/a> /li> li>a href#>About/a> ul> li>a hrefclients.html>Credits/a>/li> li>a hrefaboutme.html>About Me/a>/li> li>a hrefethics.html>Ethics/a>/li> li>a href>Blog/a>/li> li>a hrefcopyright.html>Copyright/a>/li> /ul> /li> li>a href#>Contact/a> ul> li>a href>E-mail/a>/li> li>a href>Facebook/a>/li> /ul> /li> li>a href#>Client Login/a> ul> li>a href>Account/a>/li> li>a href>Lightbox/a>/li> li>a href>Cart/a>/li> /ul> /li> /ul> /div> br clearall />!-- End of Bigscreen Menu -->!-- Search Box --> div iddsSearchBox> form action methodget> input typetext size50 nameI_DSC> input typesubmit valueSearch Photos> input typehidden nameI_DSC_AND valuet> input typehidden name_ACT valuesearch> /form> /div> br clearall />!-- End of Search Box -->!-- SmallScreen Menu 2019-05-31 -->!-- --> div classSmallScreenMenu> a hrefindex.html classactive>Home/a> !-- Navigation links (hidden by default) --> div iddsLinks> a href>Photo Catalog/a> a hrefspecies.html>Species List/a> a hrefcards/index.html>Notecards/a> a href>Blog/a> a hrefaboutme.html>About/a> a hrefclients.html>Credits/a> a href>Contact/a> a href>Facebook/a> a href>Client Login/a> /div> !-- Hamburger menu / Bar icon to toggle the navigation links --> a hrefjavascript:void(0); classicon onclickdsShowMenu()> img srcbuttons/2bars30.jpg> /a>/div>script>/* Toggle between showing and hiding the navigation menu links when the user clicks on the hamburger menu / bar icon */function dsShowMenu() { var x document.getElementById(dsLinks); if ( block) { none; } else { block; }} /script>!-- End of SmallScreen Menu --> br clearall /> div iddsHomePage> H2>Galápagos Diary/H2> br /> img srcphotos/Galapagos_composite_1000.jpg width75% />br />br />H3>a href>Day 1: Photographers meet Galápagos/H3>/a> H3>a href>Day 2: We meet some new species/H3>/a> H3>a href>Day 3: Dont forget to preheat your camera!/H3>/a> H3>a href>Day 4: More snorkeling, more boobies, and our first snakes/H3>/a> H3>a href>Day 5: Eruption!/H3>/a>H3>a href>Day 6: Tortoises! Flamingoes!/H3>/a>H3>a href>Day 7: A trip to the Post Office/H3>/a>H3>a href>Day 8: Aw, poop!/H3>/a>H3>a href>Day 9: Imagining the past/H3>/a>H3>a href>Day 10: I need a break!/H3>/a>H3>a href>Day 11: The big city/H3>/a>H3>a href>Day 12: Iguana lips/H3>/a>H3>a href>Day 13: Lotsa lava/H3>/a>H3>a href>Day 14: Red sand, a mockingbird pedicure, and lizard sex/H3>/a>H3>a href>Day 15: Leaving Galápagos/H3>/a>br />br />br /> H2>Current and Upcoming Exhibits/H2> br /> img src width75% />br />br />b>Galápagos/b> br />The current exhibit at HQ Gallery includes four of my photos from the Galápagos Islands. I will be at the gallery on the opening weekend, September 7 and 8. Stop in and say hello, or join us for a reception on September 14. br />br />b>HQ Gallery /b>br />September 5 - October 27, 2024 br />Thursday - Sunday, 11:00 am to 5:00 pm br />Reception September 14, 5:00 to 7:00 pm br />333-D First Street br />Benicia, California br />a href target_blank>> br />br />br />br />br /> H2>a href>Death Valley Photographers Guide/a>/H2> H3>Where and how to get the best shots/H3> a href> img srcdeathvalley/images/dvfront-600.jpg hspace20 altDeath Valley Photographers Guide by Dan Suzio width50%>/a>br />br /> p>In this a hrefdeathvalley/pr2012-06-01.html>award-winning/a>, comprehensive guide to photographing Death Valley National Park, wildlife photographer Dan Suzio shares his tips on shooting wildflowers, sand dunes, reptiles, birds, mammals, landscapes, ghost towns, and more. The book includes maps and directions to more than sixty locations, with advice on what equipment to use and when to find the best light, plus a quick reference chart showing highlights of all locations./p> p>7 x 9, 114 pages, 102 color photographs, 5 mapsbr /> Over 60 locationsbr /> $17.95 with free shipping to U.S. addresses/p> br /> form action methodpost> input typehidden namecmd value_s-xclick> input typehidden namehosted_button_id valueTSZ73RJ99JXVG> input typeimage src border0 namesubmit altPayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!> img alt border0 src width1 height1> /form> br /> br clearall /> /div>!-- Footer for all pages --> div idfooter> hr /> All images and text copyright © Dan Suzio. All rights reserved. Photographs may not be used in any medium or for any purpose without prior written permission. br /> br /> br /> br /> Dan Suzio Photographybr /> Benicia, Californiabr /> a href>e-mail/a>br /> /div>!-- End of Footer --> /div> !-- End of Wrapper --> /body>/html>
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