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Port 80
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Fri, 01 Mar 2024 20:04:28 GMTServer: ApacheX-Powered-By: PHP/5.6.40Upgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeVary: Accept-EncodingTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charse !doctype html>html dirltr langen-US>head>meta charsetutf-8>title> -Soup of Cyprus | Trachanas | Carob Toffee | Cyprus Cheese | Whole carob are the best on MGN 4 trade LTD based in Limassol Cyprus | Carob seeds you can find on the best Carobs company in Cyprus which is MGN 4 trade LTD based in Limassol Cyprus | Cyprus carob are the best on MGN 4 trade LTD in Limassol | Whole carob | Cyprus carob | Carob seeds | Kibbled Carob | Carob cubes | خروب قبرصى| خروب قبرصى | locust bean gum/title> meta namekeywords contentWhole carob,Cyprus carob,Carob seeds,Kibbled Carob,Carob cubes, خروب قبرصى,خروب قبرصى,locust bean gum,carob, used, eaten, sweet, known, syrup, pod, natural, source, chocolate, powder, palatable, milk, used energy-rich, widely, carob syrup, during, meal used energy-rich, energy-rich palatable, substitute chocolate, contains, energy-rich, traditionally, meal, sweetener, pods, black, substitute, dried, production,> meta nameDescription Carob is a tropical pod that contains a sweet, edible pulp and inedible seeds. After drying, the pulp is roasted and ground into a powder that resembles cocoa powder Found across the Mediterranean region, the carob tree (Ceratonia Siliqua) grows up to ten meters tall, and produces broad-bean-like pods which, when ripe, turn black . The pods are then eaten .Carob consumed by humans is the dried pod . Carob is mildly sweet and is used in powdered, chip, or syrup form as an ingredient in cakes and cookies, and as a substitute for chocolate.Carob was eaten in Ancient Egypt. Carob juice drinks are traditionally drunk during the Islamic month of Ramadan. It was also a common sweetener and was used in the hieroglyph for sweet (nedjem). Dried carob fruit is traditionally eaten on the Jewish holiday of Tu Bishvat. Also it is believed to be an aphrodisiac.In Cyprus, carob syrup is known as Cypruss black gold, and is widely exportedThis is a traditional medicine for coughs and sore throat. A traditional sweet, eate
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Fri, 01 Mar 2024 20:04:29 GMTServer: ApacheX-Powered-By: PHP/5.6.40Upgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeVary: Accept-EncodingTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charse !doctype html>html dirltr langen-US>head>meta charsetutf-8>title> -Soup of Cyprus | Trachanas | Carob Toffee | Cyprus Cheese | Whole carob are the best on MGN 4 trade LTD based in Limassol Cyprus | Carob seeds you can find on the best Carobs company in Cyprus which is MGN 4 trade LTD based in Limassol Cyprus | Cyprus carob are the best on MGN 4 trade LTD in Limassol | Whole carob | Cyprus carob | Carob seeds | Kibbled Carob | Carob cubes | خروب قبرصى| خروب قبرصى | locust bean gum/title> meta namekeywords contentWhole carob,Cyprus carob,Carob seeds,Kibbled Carob,Carob cubes, خروب قبرصى,خروب قبرصى,locust bean gum,carob, used, eaten, sweet, known, syrup, pod, natural, source, chocolate, powder, palatable, milk, used energy-rich, widely, carob syrup, during, meal used energy-rich, energy-rich palatable, substitute chocolate, contains, energy-rich, traditionally, meal, sweetener, pods, black, substitute, dried, production,> meta nameDescription Carob is a tropical pod that contains a sweet, edible pulp and inedible seeds. After drying, the pulp is roasted and ground into a powder that resembles cocoa powder Found across the Mediterranean region, the carob tree (Ceratonia Siliqua) grows up to ten meters tall, and produces broad-bean-like pods which, when ripe, turn black . The pods are then eaten .Carob consumed by humans is the dried pod . Carob is mildly sweet and is used in powdered, chip, or syrup form as an ingredient in cakes and cookies, and as a substitute for chocolate.Carob was eaten in Ancient Egypt. Carob juice drinks are traditionally drunk during the Islamic month of Ramadan. It was also a common sweetener and was used in the hieroglyph for sweet (nedjem). Dried carob fruit is traditionally eaten on the Jewish holiday of Tu Bishvat. Also it is believed to be an aphrodisiac.In Cyprus, carob syrup is known as Cypruss black gold, and is widely exportedThis is a traditional medicine for coughs and sore throat. A traditional sweet, eate
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