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HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 28536Connection: keep-aliveKeep-Alive: timeout15Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 13:13:58 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Wed, 19 Oct 2016 14:26:34 GMTETag: 6f78-53f389892e162Accept-Ranges: bytes html>!-- #BeginTemplate /Templates/cyberhome.dwt -->!-- DW6 -->head>!-- #BeginEditable doctitle --> title>CyberHome-FL Home Page In Clearwater, Florida/title>!-- #EndEditable -->LINK RELSTYLESHEET TYPEtext/css HREFstyle.css>script languageJavaScript typetext/JavaScript>!--function MM_controlSound(x, _sndObj, sndFile) { //v3.0 var i, method , sndObj eval(_sndObj); if (sndObj ! null) { if (navigator.appName Netscape) method play; else { if (window.MM_WMP null) { window.MM_WMP false; for(i in sndObj) if (i ActiveMovie) { window.MM_WMP true; break; } } if (window.MM_WMP) method play; else if (sndObj.FileName) method run; } } if (method) eval(_sndObj+.+method+()); else window.location sndFile;}//-->/script>style typetext/css>!--.style1 { font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;}-->/style>/head>body bgcolor#FFFFFF text#000000>table width760 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligncenter> tr> td> table width760 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td rowspan3 width20 valignbottom>img srcimages/tl.gif width22 height22>/td> td rowspan2 aligncenter width476>img srcimages/CyberHomeLogo135x50.jpg width135 height50 alignleft>a nametop>/a> table width55% border0 height48 alignleft> tr> td> div alignleft>b>font color#b10000>Onsite PC Service br> Clearwater, Floridabr> 727-523-7406 /font>/b>/div> /td> /tr> /table> /td> td valigntop bgcolor#B10000>img srcimages/tl.gif width22 height22>/td> td classdark rowspan2 bgcolor#B10000 width220 aligncenter backgroundimages/topredbg.gif>b>script languageJavaScript>!-- Begind new Array(Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday);m new Array(January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December);today new Date();day today.getDate();year today.getYear();if (year 2000) year year + 1900; end th;if (day1 || day21 || day31) endst;if (day2 || day22) endnd;if (day3 || day23) endrd;day+end;document.write( );document.write(dtoday.getDay()+ +mtoday.getMonth()+ );document.write(day+ + year);document.write( );// End -->/script>/b> /td> td valigntop bgcolor#B10000 alignright>img srcimages/tr.gif width22 height22>/td> /tr> tr> td bgcolor#B10000 backgroundimages/leftred.gif height28>img srcimages/leftred.gif width22 height22>/td> td bgcolor#B10000 height28>img border0 srcimages/clearpixel.gif width1 height24>/td> /tr> tr> td bgcolor#B10000 aligncenter width476 backgroundimages/topredbg.gif> /td> td bgcolor#B10000>img srcimages/leftred.gif width22 height22>/td> td colspan2 alignright valignbottom bgcolor#B10000>img srcimages/redtop.png width141 height22>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td> table width760 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0> tr> td classdark colspan4 bgcolor#000066 alignright backgroundimages/bluebg.gif height21> a classdark hrefroadrunner.htm>b>| Road Runner /b>/a>b>| a classdark hrefservice.htm>Service/a> | a classdark hrefwebdesign.htm>Web Design/a> | a classdark hrefwebhosting.htm>Web Hosting |/a>/b>a classdark hrefwebhosting.htm> /a> /td> td classdark width22 bgcolor#000066 backgroundimages/bluebg.gif height21>img srcimages/clearpixel.gif width1 height22>/td> td classdark bgcolor#000066 aligncenter backgroundimages/bluebg.gif width100 height21 valignmiddle> div aligncenter>a classdark hrefpcvendors.htm>b>PC Vendors/b>/a>/div> /td> td bgcolor#000066 width1 height21>img srcimages/clearpixel.gif width1 height1>/td> td rowspan3 valigntop width140 bgcolor#A6CAF0> table width140 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding3 bgcolor#a6caf0> tr> td width131 valignbottom classsmaller> p classsmaller>font faceGeneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif>b>font size3>Techie Links.../font>/b>/font>br> - a href target_blank>TechTV/a>br> - a href target_blank>PC Pitstop/a>br> - a href target_blank>LockerGnome/a>br> - a href target_blank>Toms Hardware/a>br> - a href target_blank>Ars Technica/a>br> - a href target_blank>C|Net/a> br> - a href target_blank>Pcstats/a>br> - a href target_blank>MaximumPC/a>br> - a href target_blank>PC Support Adv/a>br> - a href target_blank>ExtremeTech/a>br> a hreftechlinks.htm>b>More sites.../b>/a> /p> p aligncenter>img srcimages/rightline.gif width130 height1>/p> p classsmaller>a namevirus>/a>a hrefvirus.htm>font faceGeneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif size3>b>About Viruses .../b>/font>/a>br> Computer viruses range from pesky to outright dangerous. Some just display a message, while others erase your entire hard disk. Clicking on what looks like a harmless e-mail message can lead to hours of recovery efforts, if not irreparable damage. Learn about the different types of computer "infection" and how to avoid> a hrefvirus.htm>b>More Info.../b>/a>br> br> img border0 srcimages/rightline.gif width130 height1>/p> p classsmaller>a namefirewall>/a>a hreffirewall.htm>font faceGeneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif size3>b>About Firewalls.../b>/font>/a>br> Firewalls have helped protect computers in large companies for years. Learn how firewalls work and why you might want one for your business or home network. br> a hreffirewall.htm>b>More Info.../b>/a>/p> p classsmaller>img srcimages/rightline.gif width130 height1>/p> p classsmaller>a namespyware>/a>a hrefspyware.htm>font faceGeneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif size3>b>About Spyware.../b>/font> /a> Spyware is programming that is put in someones computer to secretly gather information about the user and relay it to advertisers or other interested parties. br> a hrefspyware.htm>b>More Info.../b>/a>/p> p classsmaller>img srcimages/rightline.gif width130 height1> /p> p classsmaller aligncenter>a href target_blank>img srcimages/A%2BroundBlue.png altCompTIA A+ Web Site width104 height104 border0>/a>br> a href target_blank>img srcimages/CompTIAlogoBlue.png altCompTIA Web Site width134 height27 border0>/a>br> br> a hrefroadrunner.htm target_parent>img srcimages/bright%20house134x61.png altRoad Runner Broadband Services width134 height61 border0>/a>br> /p> p 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srcimages/bluebar.gif width128 height17>br> img border0 srcimages/leftside.png width128 height22> table border0 cellpadding3 width126 cellspacing0 bordercolor#FFFFFF> tr> td classsmaller width100% valigntop> p>font faceGeneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif size3>b>Road Runnerbr> Broadband/b>/font>br> a hrefroadrunner.htm>font faceGeneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif size4>b>font color#b10000>SOLD here.../font>/b>/font>/a>br> /p> p aligncenter>a hrefroadrunner.htm>img srcimages/BeepBeep.png altRoad Runner Broadband Services width117 height85 border0 target_blank href../roadrunner.htm onmouseoverMM_controlSound(play,document.CS1050843488558,images/Road-Runner-beep2.wav)>/a>br> a href# onmouseoverMM_controlSound(play,document.CS1050843488558,images/Road-Runner-beep2.wav)>b>Beep...Beep.../b>/a>br> /p> p>a hrefrr_residential.htm>font faceGeneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif size3>b>font color#b10000>RR For your Home.../font>/b>/font>/a>/p> p> a hrefrr_commercial.htm>font faceGeneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif size3>b>font color#b10000>RR For your Business.../font>/b>/font>/a>/p> p aligncenter> img srcimages/leftline.gif width110 height1>/p> p aligncenter>a href>img border0 src>/a>/p> p aligncenter>img srcimages/leftline.gif width110 height1>/p> p aligncenter classstyle1>Vonage VOIP /p> p aligncenter>a href target_blank onmouseoverwindow.status;return true; onmouseoutwindow.status ;return true;>img src altClick Here border0>/a>/p> p aligncenter>img srcimages/leftline.gif width110 height1>/p> p aligncenter>!-- BEGIN AuctionInc. Affiliate Ad -->a href titleAuctionInc - 2 Week Free Trial>img src altAuctionInc - 2 Week Free Trial border1>/a>!-- END AuctionInc. Affiliate Ad -->/p>/td> /tr> /table> p aligncenter>img srcimages/leftline.gif width110 height1>/p> p aligncenter>a href target_blank>img src width120 height60 border0/>/a>/p> p aligncenter>img srcimages/leftline.gif width110 height1>/p> p aligncenter>a href>img src width120 height90 border0 alt >/a>/p> p aligncenter>img srcimages/leftline.gif width110 height1>/p> p classsmaller aligncenter>© Copyright 2003br> font color#b10000>b>CyberHome, Inc./b>/font>br> All Rights Reservedbr> br> a href target_blank>img srcimages/mwm_lt_120w.png altMacoromedia Web Site width120 height107 border0>/a>b>br> br> Site Designed by CyberHomebr> 727-523-7406br> font size1>a>E-Mail Web Master/a>br> br>!-- Start of Code -->SCRIPT TYPEtext/javascript LANGUAGEjavascript>sna;cna;jna;f+escape(document.referrer)/SCRIPT>SCRIPT TYPEtext/javascript LANGUAGEjavascript1.2>sscreen.width;vnavigator.appNameif (v ! 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We will come to your location to diagnose and service you PC hardware and software./font>/p> p alignleft>font faceGeneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif color#000066> Being CompTIA A+ certified takes our service offerings a step above the ordinary. /font>/p> p alignleft>font faceGeneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif>b>font color#b10000>Call 727-523-7406 to make an appointment to get your PC problems resolved on-site NOW!br> /font>/b>font color#000066>b>a hrefabout_us.htm>More Info.../a>/b>/font>/font>/p>/td> /tr> tr> td height231 colspan3 valigntop>p alignleft>font faceGeneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif size3>b>font color#b10000 size5>Remote PC Support.../font>font color#b10000>br> br> font size4>Cyber/font>/font>font color#000066 size4>Home/font> font color#b10000 size4>Help/font>font color#000066 size4>Me/font>font color#b10000 size4>Now!/font>/b>/font>/p> p>font faceGeneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif>b>font color#b10000>What is CyberHome HelpMeNow?/font>/b>br> br> font color#000066>It is a remote site connection service that provides a quick, convenient, and affordable way to receive personal computer diagnostics and maintenance without taking your PC to a shop or paying a premium for on-site service./font>/font>br> font color#000066>b>font faceGeneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif>a hrefremote.htm>More Info.../a>/font>/b>/font> /p>/td> /tr> /table> table width100% height549 border0 cellpadding6 cellspacing0 bgcolor#FFFFCC> tr> td height27> div alignleft>b>font faceGeneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif size5 color#b10000>Our Purpose.../font>/b>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td height156>font faceGeneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif color#000066>b>CyberHome, Inc. is a company focused on giving superior support to its customers. We believe that building a strong relationship with our customers is the key to our success. Our service techs are knowledgeable and are dedicated to providing our customers with the best services in the industry. CyberHome, Inc. has built its company on the premise of ethical practice and will give you the peace of mind that your computer needs will be handled in a timely and professional manner. We believe that in order to be successful, it is our responsisibilty to understand your business and be responsive to your needs./b>br> /font>font faceGeneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif> /font> /td> /tr> tr> td> /td> /tr> tr> td> /td> /tr> tr> td> /td> /tr> tr> td valignbottom aligncenter> div aligncenter> p>a hrefindex.htm#top>img srcimages/top.jpg width38 height38 alignabsbottom border0 altTop>/a>b>font color#000066>Top/font>/b>/p> /div> /td> /tr> /table> !-- #EndEditable --> /td> td bgcolor#000066 width1>img srcimages/clearpixel.gif width1 height1>/td> td bgcolor#000066 width1>img srcimages/clearpixel.gif width1 height1>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan9> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> tr> td width127 height21 valigntop bgcolor#A6CAF0>img srcimages/bottom.png width130 height21>/td> td width491 valignmiddle aligncenter bgcolor#FFFFCC>b>font color#b10000>CyberHome - Clearwater - Florida - 727-523-7406/font>/b>/td> td width141 valigntop alignright bgcolor#A6CAF0>img srcimages/bottomright.png width141 height21>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr>/table>EMBED NAMECS1050843488558 SRCimages/Road-Runner-beep2.wav LOOPfalse AUTOSTARTfalse MASTERSOUND HIDDENtrue WIDTH0 HEIGHT0>/EMBED>script src typetext/javascript>/script>script typetext/javascript>_uacct UA-1028589-1;urchinTracker();/script>/body>!-- #EndTemplate -->/html>
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