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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyServer: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 13:30:36 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 178Connection: keep-aliveLocation: html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>hr>center>nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)/center>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 13:30:37 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 28423Last-Modified: Sat, 10 Jul 2021 10:09:25 GMTConnection: keep-aliveETag: 60e971d5-6f07Accept-Ranges: bytes !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html>head>title> :// Free, Secure & Private Email/title> meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8> meta nameAuthor contentYAMAN AKDENIZ> meta nameDescription contentFree Secure and Private Web Based Email From Cyber-Rights.Net - Based on Hushmail Technology> meta nameKeyWords contentprivacy, e-mail, email, secure, security, rights, private, RIP, Hush, Hushmail, freedom, cyber-rights, cyber-liberties, censorship, law, regulation of investigatory powers, yaman akdeniz, secure email, secure e-mail, Internet privacy, BGO, human rights, cyber-crime, carnivore, echelon, interception, communications, global> link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefstyle.css>/head>body bgcolor#FFFFFF text#000000 link#006699 vlink#006699>script src typetext/javascript>/script>script typetext/javascript>_uacct UA-411658-1;urchinTracker();/script>table width100% cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0 classtop_menu_bg1>tr>td aligncenter>table width775 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tr> td width500> table width500 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0 classtop_menu_bg2> tr> td width30 valigntop>img srcmenu/mnu_left.gif width30 height38 border0 alt>br>/td> td width440 aligncenter> table cellspacing1 cellpadding2 border0 width422 bgcolor#336666> tr> td width72 bgcolor#006666 classnav>a href>Home/a> :/td> td width72 bgcolor#669999 classnav;>a hrefabout.htm>About/a>/td> td width72 bgcolor#669999 classnav;>a hrefsignup.htm>Sign Up/a>/td> td width72 bgcolor#669999 classnav;>a hrefhelp.htm>Help/a>/td> td width72 bgcolor#669999 classnav;>a hrefcontact.htm>Contact/a>/td> td width72 bgcolor#669999 classnav;> a hrefnews.htm>News/a>/td> /tr> /table> img srcimg/spacer.gif height8 width3 alt>br> /td> td width30 valigntop>img srcmenu/mnu_rght.gif width30 height38 alt>br>/td> /tr> /table> /td> td width275 alignright> img srcimg/spacer.gif height9 width3 alt>br> table cellspacing1 cellpadding2 border0 width246 bgcolor#336666> tr> td width123 bgcolor#669999 classnav;>a hrefprivafaq.htm>Privacy FAQ/a>/td> td width123 bgcolor#669999 classnav;>a hrefspam.htm>Complaints/a>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr>/table>/td>/tr>/table>table width100% cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0 classmain_bg> tr> td aligncenter> img srcimg/main.jpg width775 height105 alt>br> /td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter> table width775 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tr> td> img srcmenu/bar_left.gif width5 height26 alt>br> /td> td classmenu_bar> img srcimg/spacer.gif width765 height26 alt>br> /td> td> img srcmenu/bar_rght.gif width5 height26 alt>br> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr>/table>table width100% cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0 bgcolor#006666> tr>td>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height6 alt>br>/td>/tr>/table>table aligncenter width775 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tr> td width180 valigntop> table width180 cellspacing0 cellpadding5 border0 bgcolor#669999> tr> td classmenuleft colspan3> b>Registered Users:/b> table aligncenter cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tr> td> form action methodpost> INPUT classinput TYPETEXT NAMEhush.username size12> INPUT TYPEHIDDEN NAMEhush_customerid VALUE1D4174468EEBFDD2> INPUT TYPEHIDDEN NAMEhush_exitpage VALUE> input classbutton typesubmit valueLogin altGo! Login!> input typeradio namehush_domain checked>@cyber-rights.netbr> input typeradio namehush_domain> /form> /td> /tr> /table> br>b>Powered by:/b>br> a href>Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties/a>br> a href>Hushmail Private Label/a> /td> /tr> /table> table width180 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tr> td width10>img srcimg/cornerbl.gif width10 height10 alt>br>/td> td width160 classbox_under>img srcimg/spacer.gif width160 height10 alt>br>/td> td width10>img srcimg/cornerbr.gif width10 height10 alt>br>/td> /tr> /table>br> table width180 cellspacing2 cellpadding5 border0 bgcolor#000033> tr> td classmenuleft bgcolor#669999 aligncenter> form action methodpost> input classbutton typesubmit valueUpgrade Account altGo! Login!> /form> /td> /tr> /table>br> table width180 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tr> td width10>img srcimg/cornertl.gif width10 height10 alt>br>/td> td width160 classbox_over>img srcimg/spacer.gif width160 height10 alt>br>/td> td width10>img srcimg/cornertr.gif width10 height10 alt>br>/td> /tr> /table> table width180 cellspacing2 cellpadding0 border0 bgcolor#669999>tr>td bgcolor#FFFFFF aligncenter> table width176 cellspacing0 cellpadding5 border0> tr> td> b>Cyber-Rights.Net Tools:/b>br> ul> li>a href>Hushmail Status/a> /li> li>a hrefmessenger.htm>Cyber-Rights Messenger/a>/li> li>a hrefanonymizer.htm>Anonymizer Surfing/a>/li> li>a hrefstealthsurfer.htm>StealthSurfer Portable/a>/li> li>a hrefroboform.htm>Roboform Pass Manager/a>/li> li>a hrefoimap.htm>Outlook IMAP Plugin/a>/li> /ul> /td> /tr> tr> td> b>Internet Privacy Issues:/b>br> ul> li>a hrefuk.htm>UK Regulations/a>br>/li> li>a hrefcarnivore.htm>US Carnivore/a>/li> li>a hrefcoe.htm>Council of Europe/a>/li> /ul> /td> /tr> /table> /td>/tr>/table> table width180 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tr> td width10>img srcimg/cornerbl.gif width10 height10 alt>br>/td> td width160 classbox_under>img srcimg/spacer.gif width160 height10 alt>br>/td> td width10>img srcimg/cornerbr.gif width10 height10 alt>br>/td> /tr> /table>br> table width180 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tr>td width180 bgcolor#003333 classnav;> /td>/tr> tr>td width180 bgcolor#336666 classnav;> /td>/tr> tr>td width180 bgcolor#669999 classnav;> /td>/tr> /table>br> table width180 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tr> td width180 aligncenter> p>a href> img srcimg/crcl.gif width148 height148 border0 altCyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties>br> /a> br> img srcimg/ssl.gif altSite Secured by SSL width100 height60> /p> p>b>font size2 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>a href>strong>Amazon @ Cyber-Rights.Net/strong>/a>/font>font faceVerdana, Arial size2> /font>/b> /p>/td> /tr> /table>br> /td> td width5> img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 alt>br> /td> td width590 valigntop> img srcimg/spacer.gif width575 height6 alt>br> table bgcolor#336666 width590 cellspacing0 cellpadding2 border0>tr>td> table bgcolor#99CCCC width586 cellspacing0 cellpadding3 border0> tr> td width20> img srcimg/info.gif width18 height18 border0 altInfo>br> /td> td valignmiddle> a hrefsecurity.htm>b>Please read the following Important Security Information - Updated 16 December 2005/b>/a> /td> /tr> /table> /td>/tr>/table> img srcimg/spacer.gif width575 height6 alt>br> table width590 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tr> td width10> img srcimg/cornertl.gif width10 height10 alt>br> /td> td width570 classbox_over> img srcimg/spacer.gif width570 height10 alt>br> /td> td width10> img srcimg/cornertr.gif width10 height10 alt>br> /td> /tr> /table> table width590 cellspacing2 cellpadding0 border0 bgcolor#669999>tr>td bgcolor#FFFFFF aligncenter> table width586 cellspacing0 cellpadding5 border0 classcontent_bg> tr> td> p aligncenter>b>font size2 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>a href>strong>Amazon @ Cyber-Rights.Net/strong>/a>/font>font faceVerdana, Arial size2> /font>/b>/p> p aligncenter>strong>Check a href>Hushmail Server Status/a> if you experience any connectivity problems /strong>/p> p aligncenter>font size4 color#006699>em>a href>img src altCyberLaw Blog styleborder:0>/a>/em>/font>/p> p>font size4 color#006699>em>All Premium Accounts increased to 250mb/em>/font>br> font size1 faceVerdana>>> October 2006 - Cyber-Rights.Net Team/font> br> br> The past year has seen major network upgrades to improve our users quality of service. Accordingly, were happy to announce that storage for all paid (Premium) customers will be increased to 250 MB in the coming days, at no additional cost. br> br> As of Monday, strong>9th October, 2006 /strong>storage for existing customers will be increased over a three day period. There will be no service interruption during this time, nor are users be required to take any action. Extra storage subscriptions will be discontinued for the foreseeable future, as we review pricing and infrastructure requirements. br> br> font size4 color#006699>em>Cyber-Rights.Net Update!/em>/font>br> font size1 faceVerdana>>> April 2006 - Cyber-Rights.Net Team/font> br> br> A year on from the last major site re-design, the site now has a number of updates: - br> br> b>1) Domain/b> br> br> You can now choose between a or e-mail account. Following growth, this will make addition usernames available for registration. br> br> b>2) Site Security Updates/b> br> br> SSL - Used to provide improved security by encrypting data sent between all sections of this site and end users. To utilise this feature please replace b>http/b> with b>https/b> in your internet browsers address bar or click the following link: a href>> br> br> A a hrefsecurity.htm>security information/a> section added to assist users and keep them aware of any issues or concerns. The site is also now using W3C compliant coding standards to offer the highest levels of compatibility. br> br> b>3) IMAP E-Mail Access/b> br> br> Premium users are now able to use secure IMAP access through their favourite desktop email clients. Please note that the IMAP service has an additional cost. But users will be able to send and receive email securely with their Cyber-Rights account using Outlook, Thunderbird, Mail for OS X and more. br> br> b>4) RoboForm Affiliation/b> br> br> RoboForm is an award-winning automated password manager and web form filler with some serious Artificial Intelligence. Cyber-Rights.Net has been testing this product for a while and it is the best password and form filler that we come across and we use this regularly. It is easy to use and comes both as a free and premium version and if you do use RoboForm your password management will be safer and you will also not run the risk of forgetting important passwords that may not be recoverable as in the case of Cyber-Rights.Net passwords. br> br> b>5) StealthSurfer Affiliation /b> br> br> Stealthsurfer II is your key to portable, private surfing. It is the first hardware-based product that allows Internet users to hide surfing habits by concealing the URLs of sites visited and files downloaded. We have been testing the Stealthsurfer II product for a while and now we are excited to announce our affiliation with Stealthsurfer. See our Stealthsurfer pages for further information. br> br> /p>/td> /tr> tr> td> b>Cyber-Rights.Net Comparison Matrix/b>br>br> table width575 border0 bgcolor#003333 cellpadding0 cellspacing2>tr>td> table width571 border0 bgcolor#FFFFFF cellpadding4 cellspacing2> tr> td bgcolor#99CCCC width371> b>Feature/b> /td> td aligncenter bgcolor#99CCCC width100> b>Free/b> /td> td aligncenter bgcolor#99CCCC width100> b>Premium/b> /td> /tr> /table> table bgcolor#FFFFFF cellpadding0 cellspacing4 border0> tr>td>b>Email Aliases/b>: Send and receive email with unlimited email aliases./td>td width100> /td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>/tr> tr>td bgcolor#99CCCC colspan3>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height2 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td>b>Secure Document Storage / File Sharing/b>: Store your documents, and share them with other Hushmail users, securely!/td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>/tr> tr>td bgcolor#99CCCC colspan3>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height2 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td>b>250 Mb/b> additional storage for email and documents**/td>td width100> /td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>/tr> tr>td bgcolor#99CCCC colspan3>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height2 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td>b>Spam Control/b>: Allow lists, Block lists, and Challenge-Response verification using the Human Authenticator™ /td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>/tr> tr>td bgcolor#99CCCC colspan3>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height2 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td>b>IMAP Access/b> to retrieve mail from your Cyber-Rights.Net account/td>td width100> /td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>/tr> tr>td bgcolor#99CCCC colspan3>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height2 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td>b>Instant Messaging/b>: Access to Hush Messenger, our encrypted instant messaging client /td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>/tr> tr>td bgcolor#99CCCC colspan3>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height2 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td>Mail retrieval from b>external POP3/b> accounts./td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>/tr> tr>td bgcolor#99CCCC colspan3>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height2 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td>New email notification via Hush Messenger and email paging /td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>/tr> tr>td bgcolor#99CCCC colspan3>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height2 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td>Ability to send and receive large attachments/td>td width100> /td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>/tr> tr>td bgcolor#99CCCC colspan3>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height2 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td>b>Unlimited Contacts/b> in Address book /td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>/tr> tr>td bgcolor#99CCCC colspan3>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height2 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td>Read Receipts, Auto-responders, Drafts, and Templates/td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>/tr> tr>td bgcolor#99CCCC colspan3>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height2 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td>Access to Hushtools, our encryption toolkit/td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>/tr> tr>td bgcolor#99CCCC colspan3>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height2 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td>Premium Technical Support/td>td width100> /td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>/tr> tr>td bgcolor#99CCCC colspan3>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height2 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td>b>Advertisement Free/b>/td>td width100> /td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>/tr> tr>td bgcolor#99CCCC colspan3>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height2 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td>Online Help System/td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>/tr> tr>td bgcolor#99CCCC colspan3>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height2 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td>No Deactivation due to inactivity/td>td width100> /td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>/tr> tr>td bgcolor#99CCCC colspan3>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height2 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td>b>2048 bit encryption/b> with full Open PGP support (including Twofish, TripleDES, and RIPEMD160/td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>/tr> tr>td bgcolor#99CCCC colspan3>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height2 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td>b>Digital signature verification/b> and signing capability for email and attachments/td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>/tr> tr>td bgcolor#99CCCC colspan3>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height2 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td>End-to-End Encryption for Email and Attachments, and Secure Document Storage/td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>/tr> tr>td bgcolor#99CCCC colspan3>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height2 alt>/td>/tr> tr>td>b>Early or exclusive access to new products and features/b>/td>td width100> /td>td aligncenter width100>img srcimg/tick.gif alt width13 height13>/td>/tr> /table> table width571 border0 bgcolor#FFFFFF cellpadding4 cellspacing2> tr> td bgcolor#99CCCC width371> /td> td aligncenter bgcolor#99CCCC width100> a hrefsignup.htm>b>Signup!/b>/a> /td> td aligncenter bgcolor#99CCCC width100> a href>b>Upgrade!/b>/a> /td> /tr> /table> /td>/tr>/table> font faceArial, Verdana size1> ** Requires additional paid subscriptionbr> *** Requires additional paid subscription, and use of IMAP compatible email client /font> /td> /tr> /table> /td>/tr>/table> table width590 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0> tr> td width10> img srcimg/cornerbl.gif width10 height10 alt>br> /td> td width570 classbox_under> img srcimg/spacer.gif width570 height10 alt>br> /td> td width10> img srcimg/cornerbr.gif width10 height10 alt>br> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr>/table>br>br>table width100% cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0 bgcolor#006666> tr>td>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height5 alt>br>/td>/tr>/table>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height5 alt>br>table width775 aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0 bgcolor#FFFFFF> tr> td width493> Warning: The Cyber-Rights.Net mail system offers Internet users free, anonymous e-mail accounts(*). As such there are people who may abuse this and use the system to defraud others. Please, be cautious in your Internet transactions! br>br> font faceArial, Verdana size1> (*) Cyber-Rights.Net also offers premium accounts subject to a> For your information please read the Cyber-Rights.Net a hrefprivacy.htm>Privacy Policy/a> and a href target_blank>Terms of Service Agreement/a>.br> /font> /td> td aligncenter width140> a href> img srcimg/hushmail.gif width125 height40 border0 altHushmail>br> /a> img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height10 border0 alt>br> a href> img srcimg/softcom.gif width125 height40 border0 altSoftCom Technology Consulting, Canada>br> /a> /td> td aligncenter width142> a href> img srcimg/surux.gif width142 height90 border0 altWeb Design: Surux Limited>br> /a> /td> /tr>/table>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height5 alt>br>table width100% cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0 bgcolor#006666> tr>td>img srcimg/spacer.gif width2 height5 alt>br>/td>/tr>/table>br>table width775 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0 aligncenter> tr> td width200> a href>img srcimg/w3c_html.gif width80 height15 border0 altValid HTML 4.01!>/a> a href>img srcimg/w3c_css.gif width80 height15 border0 altValid CSS!>/a> /td> td aligncenter> font color#999999 size1 faceVerdana> Web Design: a href>font color#999999>Surux Limited/font>/a> © 2004 - All Rights Reserved /font> /td> td width200> /td> /tr>/table>br>br>br>a href>!-- naval -->/a>/body>/html>
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