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classmob_menu_iconsvg xmlns>g stroke-width0>/g>g stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround>/g>g >path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM7 2a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v1.001c-.961.014-1.34.129-1.721.333a2.272 2.272 0 0 0-.945.945C3.116 5.686 3 6.09 3 7.205v10.59c0 1.114.116 1.519.334 1.926.218.407.538.727.945.945.407.218.811.334 1.926.334h11.59c1.114 0 1.519-.116 1.926-.334.407-.218.727-.538.945-.945.218-.407.334-.811.334-1.926V7.205c0-1.115-.116-1.519-.334-1.926a2.272 2.272 0 0 0-.945-.945C19.34 4.13 18.961 4.015 18 4V3a1 1 0 1 0-2 0v1H8V3a1 1 0 0 0-1-1zM5 9v8.795c0 .427.019.694.049.849. 0 0 0 .124.125c. 0 .694-.019.849-.049a.353.353 0 0 0 .134-.049.275.275 0 0 0 .125-.124.353.353 0 0 0 .048-.134c.03-.155.049-.422.049-.849L19.004 9H5zm8.75 4a.75.75 0 0 0-.75.75v2.5c0 .414.336.75.75.75h2.5a.75.75 0 0 0 .75-.75v-2.5a.75.75 0 0 0-.75-.75h-2.5z fill#000000>/path>/g>/svg>EmpoweringCXO - Bengaluru/a>/li> li classwebmobile_links>a classweb--links href>svg width18px height18px viewBox0 0 24 24 fillnone classmob_menu_iconsvg xmlns>g idSVGRepo_bgCarrier stroke-width0>/g>g idSVGRepo_tracerCarrier stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround>/g>g idSVGRepo_iconCarrier> path dM12 3L12.4892 2.12785C12.1854 1.95738 11.8146 1.95738 11.5108 2.12785L12 3ZM13.3976 3.784L12.9084 4.65615C13.0542 4.73792 13.2181 4.78185 13.3852 4.78392L13.3976 3.784ZM15 3.80385L15.8598 3.29316C15.6818 2.99359 15.3608 2.80824 15.0124 2.80392L15 3.80385ZM15.8184 5.18162L14.9586 5.69231C15.044 5.83601 15.164 5.95603 15.3077 6.04139L15.8184 5.18162ZM17.1962 6L18.1961 5.98761C18.1918 5.63921 18.0064 5.31817 17.7068 5.14023L17.1962 6ZM17.216 7.60238L16.2161 7.61476C16.2181 7.78189 16.2621 7.94584 16.3438 8.09161L17.216 7.60238ZM18 9L18.8722 9.48924C19.0426 9.18535 19.0426 8.81465 18.8722 8.51076L18 9ZM17.216 10.3976L16.3438 9.90839C16.2621 10.0542 16.2181 10.2181 16.2161 10.3852L17.216 10.3976ZM17.1962 12L17.7068 12.8598C18.0064 12.6818 18.1918 12.3608 18.1961 12.0124L17.1962 12ZM15.8184 12.8184L15.3077 11.9586C15.164 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6.01239ZM16.3438 8.09161L17.1278 9.48924L18.8722 8.51076L18.0882 7.11314L16.3438 8.09161ZM17.1278 8.51076L16.3438 9.90839L18.0882 10.8869L18.8722 9.48924L17.1278 8.51076ZM16.2161 10.3852L16.1962 11.9876L18.1961 12.0124L18.2159 10.41L16.2161 10.3852ZM14.9876 13.1962L13.3852 13.2161L13.41 15.2159L15.0124 15.1961L14.9876 13.1962ZM10.6148 13.2161L9.01239 13.1962L8.98761 15.1961L10.59 15.2159L10.6148 13.2161ZM7.80377 11.9876L7.78392 10.3852L5.78408 10.41L5.80392 12.0124L7.80377 11.9876ZM7.65615 9.90839L6.87215 8.51076L5.12785 9.48924L5.91185 10.8869L7.65615 9.90839ZM6.87215 9.48924L7.65615 8.09161L5.91185 7.11314L5.12785 8.51076L6.87215 9.48924ZM7.78392 7.61476L7.80377 6.01238L5.80392 5.98762L5.78408 7.58999L7.78392 7.61476ZM7.31454 6.85977L8.69231 6.04139L7.67094 4.32186L6.29316 5.14023L7.31454 6.85977ZM9.04139 5.69231L9.85977 4.31454L8.14023 3.29316L7.32186 4.67094L9.04139 5.69231ZM9.01238 4.80377L10.6148 4.78392L10.59 2.78408L8.98762 2.80392L9.01238 4.80377ZM11.0916 4.65615L12.4892 3.87215L11.5108 2.12785L10.1131 2.91185L11.0916 4.65615ZM16.6855 11.1402L15.3077 11.9586L16.3291 13.6781L17.7068 12.8598L16.6855 11.1402ZM8.69231 11.9586L7.31454 11.1402L6.29316 12.8598L7.67094 13.6781L8.69231 11.9586ZM12.9084 13.3438L11.5108 14.1278L12.4892 15.8722L13.8869 15.0882L12.9084 13.3438ZM12.4892 14.1278L11.0916 13.3438L10.1131 15.0882L11.5108 15.8722L12.4892 14.1278ZM8.99614 21.8682L12.4961 19.8682L11.5039 18.1318L8.00386 20.1318L8.99614 21.8682ZM11.5039 19.8682L15.0039 21.8682L15.9961 20.1318L12.4961 18.1318L11.5039 19.8682ZM16.5 21V13.3544H14.5V21H16.5ZM14.9586 12.3077L14.6402 12.8437L16.3598 13.8651L16.6781 13.3291L14.9586 12.3077ZM14.6402 12.8437L14.1402 13.6855L15.8598 14.7068L16.3598 13.8651L14.6402 12.8437ZM7.5 13.3544V21H9.5V13.3544H7.5ZM9.85977 13.6855L9.35977 12.8437L7.64023 13.8651L8.14023 14.7068L9.85977 13.6855ZM9.35977 12.8437L9.04139 12.3077L7.32186 13.3291L7.64023 13.8651L9.35977 12.8437ZM13 9C13 9.55228 12.5523 10 12 10V12C13.6569 12 15 10.6569 15 9H13ZM12 10C11.4477 10 11 9.55228 11 9H9C9 10.6569 10.3431 12 12 12V10ZM11 9C11 8.44772 11.4477 8 12 8V6C10.3431 6 9 7.34315 9 9H11ZM12 8C12.5523 8 13 8.44772 13 9H15C15 7.34315 13.6569 6 12 6V8Z fill#000000>/path> /g>/svg>Awards/a>/li> li classwebmobile_links> a classweb--links href> svg width18px height18px viewBox0 0 24 24 fillnone classmob_menu_iconsvg xmlns>g idSVGRepo_bgCarrier stroke-width0>/g>g idSVGRepo_tracerCarrier stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround>/g>g idSVGRepo_iconCarrier> path dM9 12L11 14L15 10M12 3L13.9101 4.87147L16.5 4.20577L17.2184 6.78155L19.7942 7.5L19.1285 10.0899L21 12L19.1285 13.9101L19.7942 16.5L17.2184 17.2184L16.5 19.7942L13.9101 19.1285L12 21L10.0899 19.1285L7.5 19.7942L6.78155 17.2184L4.20577 16.5L4.87147 13.9101L3 12L4.87147 10.0899L4.20577 7.5L6.78155 6.78155L7.5 4.20577L10.0899 4.87147L12 3Z stroke#000000 stroke-width2 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround>/path> /g>/svg> Mentorship /a> /li> li classwebmobile_links position-relative> div 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Unlock your potential with our comprehensive job search platform./p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section> div classcontainer mt-100 mpb-mt-50 idtextimonialblock> div classweb_testimonials> div idtestimonailsCarouselIndicators classcarousel slide data-ridecarousel> div classcarousel-inner> div classcarousel-item pad-tst active > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Navaneethan img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Cyber Security Leader/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>The impact of mentorship transcends industries; it's the gift of wisdom and experience passed from one generation to the next/p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img 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classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src Bharat Panchal1718204477.webp altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Dr. Bharat Panchal img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Chief Industry Relations & Regulatory Officer, India/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>Cywayz's mentorship program nurtures the seeds of potential, helping them grow into mighty IT professionals./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src Captain P Aanand Naidu1718204426.webp altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Group Captain P Aanand Naidu img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Director ISAC/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>Cywayz connects experienced professionals with the next generation of IT talent, creating a brighter future for all./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src M1702014985.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Kumaresan M img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>CIO, Unichem Laboratories Limited/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p> CXO Cywayz's program is a hub of innovation and inspiration for students looking to excel in IT./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Dr Velumani Arokiaswamy img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Founder, Thyrocare/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>Mentoring through CXO Cywayz's program allows us to shape the future of the IT field./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src Abraham1700631457.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Manoj Abraham img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Additional Director General of Police Intelligence, Kerala/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>I'm proud to be part of the launch of the CXO Cywayz platform, which empowers young minds through mentorship./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src Srinivasan1700203739.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Anand Srinivasan img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Economist & Finance advisor, Money Pechu/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>I'm honoured to be associated with CXO Cywayz, an organization dedicated to shaping the future of IT through mentorship/p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src M. A. Saleem1700198687.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Dr. M. A. Saleem img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>DGP- Karnataka, Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Economic offences and Special units./p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>Mentorship is the bridge between ambition and achievement, lighting the path for future IT leaders./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src General (Dr.) Rajesh Pant1700631054.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Lt. General (Dr.) Rajesh Pant img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Former National Cyber Security Coordinator, Prime Minister's Office, Government of India/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>Mentorship isn't just about knowledge transfer; it's about fostering the spark of curiosity and creativity./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src Murthy. K1700634733.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Venkatesh Murthy. K img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Senior Director, DSCI/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p> CXO Cywayz's mentorship program provides a valuable platform for experienced professionals to inspire the next generation./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src General (Dr.) Rajesh Pant1700286521.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Deepa Seshadri img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Partner, Deloitte India/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>CXO Cywayz's program is where dreams meet mentors, and potential transforms into reality in the world of IT./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src Pavan Duggal1700634815.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Dr. Pavan Duggal img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Advocate, Supreme Court of India; Expert Authority in Cyberlaw, Intl Conf on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime &/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p> CXO Cywayz's program is where dreams meet mentors, and potential transforms into reality in the world of IT./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src Prayaga1702014746.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Divakar Prayaga img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Director - Cyber Engineering, Maersk/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p> CXO Cywayz's mentorship program creates meaningful connections and opportunities for growth in the IT community./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Kamal Sharma img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>VP & CISO, ASM Technologies Ltd./p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>Mentorship isn't just about knowledge transfer; it's about fostering the spark of curiosity and creativity./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src Jothilingam1702014525.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Gowdhaman Jothilingam img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Global CISO and Head of IT, LatentView Analytics/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>A mentor can change the trajectory of your IT career, turning aspirations into achievements./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Manikant R Singh img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Vice President & Chief Information Security Officer, DMI Finance Private Limited/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>CXO Cywayz's mentorship program nurtures the seeds of potential, helping them grow into mighty IT professionals./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src Ramanan1702014559.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Bala Ramanan img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>AVP - Risk & Compliance, Microland/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>The impact of mentorship transcends industries; it's the gift of wisdom and experience passed from one generation to the next/p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src Kumar MOTUPALLI1702014828.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Praveen Kumar MOTUPALLI img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Cyber Security Leader, MNC/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>CXO Cywayz's mentorship program is a testament to the organization's commitment to fostering talent and growth./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Sreeshankar Gurujalam img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>General Manager - Cybersecurity CoE, Siemens Healthineers/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>I've had the privilege of helping in the transformation of students into future IT leaders through CXO Cywayz's program./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src Baskar1700632360.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Bharathy Baskar img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Motivation Speaker, Orator | Writer/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>I'm honored to be associated with Cywayz, an organization dedicated to shaping the future of IT through mentorship. /p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> a classcarousel-control-prev d-none href#testimonailsCarouselIndicators rolebutton data-slideprev> span classcarousel-control-prev-icon aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classsr-only>Previous/span> /a> a classcarousel-control-next d-none href#testimonailsCarouselIndicators rolebutton data-slidenext> span classcarousel-control-next-icon aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classsr-only>Next/span> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classcontainer mt-100> div classrow align-items-center> div classcol-md-6> img src classw-80 mob-w-100 animate-scaleLeft altgroup-img> /div> div classcol-md-6 my-3> div classcyz_fr mob_textcenter animate-scaleRight> h6 classnew_cyz_primary fw-600>Why Choose Cywayz/h6> h3 classmt-3 fw-600 >Elevate Your Career with br> span classbg_text--trans>Mentorship/span> and span classbg_text--trans>Opportunities/span>/h3> p classmt-4>Forge meaningful connections with mentors and explore exciting job opportunities. Your path to success starts here. Navigate the complexities of your career with a mentor who understands your aspirations. Personalized advice for a successful professional journey./p> a href>button classweb-btn_wid br-radius p-2 my-3>span classwidg-span>Get Start Now!/span>/button>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> !------------ roadmap for mentor and mentee ---------------> div classcontainer mt-100 mpb-mt-50> div classrow> div classcol-md-12> h3 classtext-center fw-600>Step-by-Step Guide: span classbg_text--trans>Navigating CXO Cywayz Like a Pro!/span>/h3> div classmt-50> div classfr_rdmap> div classmnmt--fr> span classroadmap-spn data-roadmapmentor>Mentor/span> span classroadmap-spn data-roadmapmentee>Mentee/span> /div> div classline--tr> div classtrackr--line>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrdmap--imgcontainer> img src classroad-mapimg altmentor roadmap> img src classroad-mapimg cyz-d-none altmentee roadmap> /div> div classcontainer> div classrow align-items-center> div classcol-md-6 mt-3 animate-translateY-up> h3 classmob_textcenter>Achieve Your Career Goals br> With span classbg_text--trans>Our Industrial Experts/span>/h3> p classmt-3 mob_textcenter>In the office, remote, or a mix of two, with miro, your team can connect, collaborate, and co-create in one space no matter where you are./p> /div> div classcol-md-6 mt-3 animate-translateY-down> img src altexports> /div> /div> /div> div classmentorcard_container mt-100> div classrow> div classcol-md-12> h3 classmob_textcenter>Discover Our span classbg_text--trans>Top Rated Mentors/span>/h3> /div> div classcol-md-12 text-webright mob_textcenter> a href> button classweb-btn_wid br-radius p-2 my-3> span classwidg-span>Explore All Mentors/span> /button> /a> /div> div classmentor_mainslider col-12> a classindx_tp_mntrs_card href> div classimg_blckz> img src> /div> div classabt__cntrinsz> h5 classfw-600 mb-2>Sudarsanam Varadarajan/h5> p>svg width18 height18 viewBox0 0 24 24 fillnone xmlns> path dM18.9 6H17C17 4.3 15.7 3 14 3H10C8.3 3 7 4.3 7 6H5.1C3.4 6 2 7.4 2 9.1V10.1C2 11 2.4 11.8 3 12.4V17C3 19.2 4.8 21 7 21H17C19.2 21 21 19.2 21 17V12.5C21.6 11.9 22 11.1 22 10.2V9.2C22 7.4 20.6 6 18.9 6ZM10 5H14C14.6 5 15 5.4 15 6H9C9 5.4 9.4 5 10 5ZM4 9.1C4 8.5 4.5 8 5.1 8H18.9C19.5 8 20 8.5 20 9.1V10.1C20 10.5 19.8 10.9 19.4 11.2C19.3 11.3 19.1 11.4 19 11.4L13 12.7C12.9 12.3 12.5 11.9 12 11.9C11.5 11.9 11.2 12.2 11 12.7L5 11.4C4.8 11.4 4.7 11.3 4.6 11.2H4.5C4.2 11 4 10.6 4 10.1V9.1ZM19 17C19 18.1 18.1 19 17 19H7C5.9 19 5 18.1 5 17V13.5L11 14.8V15C11 15.6 11.4 16 12 16C12.6 16 13 15.6 13 15V14.8L19 13.5V17Z fillblack/> /svg> Chief Technology Officer/p> p>svg width16 height16 viewBox0 0 24 24 fillnone xmlns> path dM17.37 0.75H6.63C6.0657 0.751977 5.52507 0.977021 5.12605 1.37605C4.72702 1.77507 4.50198 2.3157 4.5 2.88V22.5C4.5 22.6989 4.57902 22.8897 4.71967 23.0303C4.86032 23.171 5.05109 23.25 5.25 23.25H18.75C18.9489 23.25 19.1397 23.171 19.2803 23.0303C19.421 22.8897 19.5 22.6989 19.5 22.5V2.88C19.498 2.3157 19.273 1.77507 18.874 1.37605C18.4749 0.977021 17.9343 0.751977 17.37 0.75ZM13.5 21.75H10.5V18.75H13.5V21.75ZM18 21.75H15V18C15 17.8011 14.921 17.6103 14.7803 17.4697C14.6397 17.329 14.4489 17.25 14.25 17.25H9.75C9.55109 17.25 9.36032 17.329 9.21967 17.4697C9.07902 17.6103 9 17.8011 9 18V21.75H6V2.88C6 2.71291 6.06637 2.55267 6.18452 2.43452C6.30267 2.31637 6.46291 2.25 6.63 2.25H17.37C17.5371 2.25 17.6973 2.31637 17.8155 2.43452C17.9336 2.55267 18 2.71291 18 2.88V21.75Z fillblack/> path dM15 3.75C14.8011 3.75 14.6103 3.82902 14.4697 3.96967C14.329 4.11032 14.25 4.30109 14.25 4.5V6C14.25 6.19891 14.329 6.38968 14.4697 6.53033C14.6103 6.67098 14.8011 6.75 15 6.75C15.1989 6.75 15.3897 6.67098 15.5303 6.53033C15.671 6.38968 15.75 6.19891 15.75 6V4.5C15.75 4.30109 15.671 4.11032 15.5303 3.96967C15.3897 3.82902 15.1989 3.75 15 3.75ZM15 8.25C14.8011 8.25 14.6103 8.32902 14.4697 8.46967C14.329 8.61032 14.25 8.80109 14.25 9V10.5C14.25 10.6989 14.329 10.8897 14.4697 11.0303C14.6103 11.171 14.8011 11.25 15 11.25C15.1989 11.25 15.3897 11.171 15.5303 11.0303C15.671 10.8897 15.75 10.6989 15.75 10.5V9C15.75 8.80109 15.671 8.61032 15.5303 8.46967C15.3897 8.32902 15.1989 8.25 15 8.25ZM15 12.75C14.8011 12.75 14.6103 12.829 14.4697 12.9697C14.329 13.1103 14.25 13.3011 14.25 13.5V15C14.25 15.1989 14.329 15.3897 14.4697 15.5303C14.6103 15.671 14.8011 15.75 15 15.75C15.1989 15.75 15.3897 15.671 15.5303 15.5303C15.671 15.3897 15.75 15.1989 15.75 15V13.5C15.75 13.3011 15.671 13.1103 15.5303 12.9697C15.3897 12.829 15.1989 12.75 15 12.75ZM9 3.75C8.80109 3.75 8.61032 3.82902 8.46967 3.96967C8.32902 4.11032 8.25 4.30109 8.25 4.5V6C8.25 6.19891 8.32902 6.38968 8.46967 6.53033C8.61032 6.67098 8.80109 6.75 9 6.75C9.19891 6.75 9.38968 6.67098 9.53033 6.53033C9.67098 6.38968 9.75 6.19891 9.75 6V4.5C9.75 4.30109 9.67098 4.11032 9.53033 3.96967C9.38968 3.82902 9.19891 3.75 9 3.75ZM9 8.25C8.80109 8.25 8.61032 8.32902 8.46967 8.46967C8.32902 8.61032 8.25 8.80109 8.25 9V10.5C8.25 10.6989 8.32902 10.8897 8.46967 11.0303C8.61032 11.171 8.80109 11.25 9 11.25C9.19891 11.25 9.38968 11.171 9.53033 11.0303C9.67098 10.8897 9.75 10.6989 9.75 10.5V9C9.75 8.80109 9.67098 8.61032 9.53033 8.46967C9.38968 8.32902 9.19891 8.25 9 8.25ZM9 12.75C8.80109 12.75 8.61032 12.829 8.46967 12.9697C8.32902 13.1103 8.25 13.3011 8.25 13.5V15C8.25 15.1989 8.32902 15.3897 8.46967 15.5303C8.61032 15.671 8.80109 15.75 9 15.75C9.19891 15.75 9.38968 15.671 9.53033 15.5303C9.67098 15.3897 9.75 15.1989 9.75 15V13.5C9.75 13.3011 9.67098 13.1103 9.53033 12.9697C9.38968 12.829 9.19891 12.75 9 12.75Z fillblack/> /svg> Wipro Digital Operations & Platforms/p> /div> /a> a classindx_tp_mntrs_card href> div classimg_blckz> img src> /div> div classabt__cntrinsz> h5 classfw-600 mb-2>Jothi Sekaran/h5> p>svg width18 height18 viewBox0 0 24 24 fillnone xmlns> path dM18.9 6H17C17 4.3 15.7 3 14 3H10C8.3 3 7 4.3 7 6H5.1C3.4 6 2 7.4 2 9.1V10.1C2 11 2.4 11.8 3 12.4V17C3 19.2 4.8 21 7 21H17C19.2 21 21 19.2 21 17V12.5C21.6 11.9 22 11.1 22 10.2V9.2C22 7.4 20.6 6 18.9 6ZM10 5H14C14.6 5 15 5.4 15 6H9C9 5.4 9.4 5 10 5ZM4 9.1C4 8.5 4.5 8 5.1 8H18.9C19.5 8 20 8.5 20 9.1V10.1C20 10.5 19.8 10.9 19.4 11.2C19.3 11.3 19.1 11.4 19 11.4L13 12.7C12.9 12.3 12.5 11.9 12 11.9C11.5 11.9 11.2 12.2 11 12.7L5 11.4C4.8 11.4 4.7 11.3 4.6 11.2H4.5C4.2 11 4 10.6 4 10.1V9.1ZM19 17C19 18.1 18.1 19 17 19H7C5.9 19 5 18.1 5 17V13.5L11 14.8V15C11 15.6 11.4 16 12 16C12.6 16 13 15.6 13 15V14.8L19 13.5V17Z fillblack/> /svg> Head of IT/p> p>svg width16 height16 viewBox0 0 24 24 fillnone xmlns> path dM17.37 0.75H6.63C6.0657 0.751977 5.52507 0.977021 5.12605 1.37605C4.72702 1.77507 4.50198 2.3157 4.5 2.88V22.5C4.5 22.6989 4.57902 22.8897 4.71967 23.0303C4.86032 23.171 5.05109 23.25 5.25 23.25H18.75C18.9489 23.25 19.1397 23.171 19.2803 23.0303C19.421 22.8897 19.5 22.6989 19.5 22.5V2.88C19.498 2.3157 19.273 1.77507 18.874 1.37605C18.4749 0.977021 17.9343 0.751977 17.37 0.75ZM13.5 21.75H10.5V18.75H13.5V21.75ZM18 21.75H15V18C15 17.8011 14.921 17.6103 14.7803 17.4697C14.6397 17.329 14.4489 17.25 14.25 17.25H9.75C9.55109 17.25 9.36032 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0.577c-0.141-0.12-0.281-0.24-0.433-0.339-1.583-1.203-3.364-1.901-5.337-2.104-0.464-0.036-0.901-0.036-1.324-0.036l1.683-4.303-3.635-4.14c1.099-0.12 2.181-0.136 3.276-0.12 0.656 0.021 1.301 0.068 1.948 0.151 0.905 0.12 1.796 0.317 2.681 0.563 1.876 0.532 3.584 1.375 5.125 2.573 0.973 0.744 1.833 1.588 2.588 2.525z>/path> /g>/svg> Events/a>/li> li classwebmobile_links>a href class> svg fill#000000 classmob_menu_iconsvg version1.1 xmlns xmlns:xlink width19px height19px viewBox0 0 468.307 468.307 xml:spacepreserve>g stroke-width0>/g>g stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround>/g>g > g> g> path dM285.234,147.251c13.106-0.241,24.336-2.122,35.13-8.446c13.973-8.186,24.562-22.147,40.381-46.692 c5.087-7.892,2.813-18.413-5.08-23.499c-7.891-5.086-18.412-2.813-23.498,5.08c-12.323,19.121-21.019,31.105-28.988,35.775 c-6.691,3.921-15.863,4.241-33.876,3.467l-10.278-4.734l-9.211-7.766l-14.021,13.945l13.403,89.608 c0.046,0.306-0.03,0.618-0.213,0.867l-13.883,19c-0.223,0.303-0.574,0.482-0.949,0.482s-0.729-0.179-0.948-0.482l-13.883-19 c-0.183-0.249-0.259-0.561-0.213-0.867l13.404-89.612l-14.016-13.941l-9.212,7.766l-10.281,4.734 c-18.013,0.775-27.181,0.453-33.872-3.467c-7.971-4.67-16.665-16.654-28.989-35.775c-5.086-7.892-15.608-10.166-23.498-5.08 c-7.893,5.086-10.167,15.607-5.08,23.499c15.819,24.545,26.408,38.506,40.381,46.692c10.794,6.325,22.021,8.205,35.13,8.446 l0.025,103.683c0,8.777,3.086,16.598,8.059,23.131l0.008,174.805c0,10.734,8.703,19.439,19.439,19.438 c10.735,0,19.439-8.705,19.438-19.439l-0.006-154.104c1.381,0.117,2.756,0.183,4.116,0.183c1.363,0,2.735-0.065,4.119-0.183 l-0.002,154.104c0,10.736,8.701,19.439,19.438,19.439c10.734,0,19.438-8.703,19.438-19.439l0.002-174.803 c4.973-6.533,8.059-14.354,8.059-23.131L285.234,147.251z>/path> path dM234.153,99.787c23.604,0,41.222-21.994,41.623-58.876C276.031,15.316,263.843,0,234.153,0 c-29.692,0-41.88,15.316-41.624,40.911C192.929,77.793,210.545,99.787,234.153,99.787z>/path> g> path dM375.77,252.615l-16.039-7.383l-7.705-6.498l-12.162,12.094l5.559,37.168c0.021,0.132-0.013,0.267-0.092,0.373 l-5.997,8.209c-0.096,0.131-0.248,0.207-0.41,0.207c-0.161,0-0.313-0.076-0.408-0.207l-5.998-8.209 c-0.078-0.106-0.111-0.241-0.093-0.373l5.561-37.168l-12.162-12.096l-7.705,6.498l-16.039,7.385 c-2.373,0.975-4.571,2.062-5.893,5.025c0,0-17.434,41.508-7.978,41.508H389.64c9.456,0-7.979-41.508-7.979-41.508 C380.74,255.412,378.143,253.591,375.77,252.615z>/path> path dM338.924,238.499c16.404,0,28.646-15.283,28.924-40.914c0.182-17.785-8.29-28.43-28.924-28.43 c-20.633,0-29.104,10.645-28.924,28.43C310.278,223.216,322.519,238.499,338.924,238.499z>/path> path dM451.632,260.619c-1.048-2.535-3.242-3.735-5.432-4.633l-14.787-6.81l-7.104-5.991l-11.146,11.086l5.118,34.221 c0.02,0.125-0.012,0.25-0.086,0.351l-5.603,7.668c-0.09,0.122-0.23,0.194-0.384,0.194c-0.15,0-0.294-0.072-0.383-0.194 l-5.602-7.668c-0.074-0.101-0.104-0.226-0.086-0.351l5.123-34.254l-11.111-11.053l-7.104,5.991l-8.438,3.886 c2.175,1.516,4.175,3.531,5.067,5.641c0.163,0.392,4.05,9.668,7.415,19.998c3.141,9.637,4.44,15.934,4.737,20.186h57.156 C467.705,298.887,451.632,260.619,451.632,260.619z>/path> path dM412.231,242.972c15.124,0,26.408-14.091,26.665-37.721c0.167-16.397-7.645-26.21-26.665-26.21 c-19.021,0-26.831,9.813-26.666,26.21C385.822,228.881,397.107,242.972,412.231,242.972z>/path> path dM166.231,252.615l-16.039-7.383l-7.705-6.498l-12.162,12.096l5.56,37.167c0.02,0.132-0.014,0.267-0.092,0.374 l-5.998,8.207c-0.095,0.132-0.247,0.209-0.409,0.209s-0.314-0.077-0.41-0.209l-5.997-8.207c-0.079-0.107-0.111-0.242-0.092-0.374 l5.559-37.167l-12.162-12.096l-7.705,6.498l-16.039,7.385c-2.373,0.975-4.971,2.795-5.892,5.025c0,0-17.434,41.508-7.978,41.508 h101.431c9.456,0-7.977-41.508-7.977-41.508C170.802,254.678,168.604,253.591,166.231,252.615z>/path> path 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classmob_menu_iconsvg xmlns>g stroke-width0>/g>g stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround>/g>g >path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM7 2a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v1.001c-.961.014-1.34.129-1.721.333a2.272 2.272 0 0 0-.945.945C3.116 5.686 3 6.09 3 7.205v10.59c0 1.114.116 1.519.334 1.926.218.407.538.727.945.945.407.218.811.334 1.926.334h11.59c1.114 0 1.519-.116 1.926-.334.407-.218.727-.538.945-.945.218-.407.334-.811.334-1.926V7.205c0-1.115-.116-1.519-.334-1.926a2.272 2.272 0 0 0-.945-.945C19.34 4.13 18.961 4.015 18 4V3a1 1 0 1 0-2 0v1H8V3a1 1 0 0 0-1-1zM5 9v8.795c0 .427.019.694.049.849. 0 0 0 .124.125c. 0 .694-.019.849-.049a.353.353 0 0 0 .134-.049.275.275 0 0 0 .125-.124.353.353 0 0 0 .048-.134c.03-.155.049-.422.049-.849L19.004 9H5zm8.75 4a.75.75 0 0 0-.75.75v2.5c0 .414.336.75.75.75h2.5a.75.75 0 0 0 .75-.75v-2.5a.75.75 0 0 0-.75-.75h-2.5z fill#000000>/path>/g>/svg>EmpoweringCXO - Bengaluru/a>/li> li classwebmobile_links>a classweb--links href>svg width18px height18px viewBox0 0 24 24 fillnone classmob_menu_iconsvg xmlns>g idSVGRepo_bgCarrier stroke-width0>/g>g idSVGRepo_tracerCarrier stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround>/g>g idSVGRepo_iconCarrier> path dM12 3L12.4892 2.12785C12.1854 1.95738 11.8146 1.95738 11.5108 2.12785L12 3ZM13.3976 3.784L12.9084 4.65615C13.0542 4.73792 13.2181 4.78185 13.3852 4.78392L13.3976 3.784ZM15 3.80385L15.8598 3.29316C15.6818 2.99359 15.3608 2.80824 15.0124 2.80392L15 3.80385ZM15.8184 5.18162L14.9586 5.69231C15.044 5.83601 15.164 5.95603 15.3077 6.04139L15.8184 5.18162ZM17.1962 6L18.1961 5.98761C18.1918 5.63921 18.0064 5.31817 17.7068 5.14023L17.1962 6ZM17.216 7.60238L16.2161 7.61476C16.2181 7.78189 16.2621 7.94584 16.3438 8.09161L17.216 7.60238ZM18 9L18.8722 9.48924C19.0426 9.18535 19.0426 8.81465 18.8722 8.51076L18 9ZM17.216 10.3976L16.3438 9.90839C16.2621 10.0542 16.2181 10.2181 16.2161 10.3852L17.216 10.3976ZM17.1962 12L17.7068 12.8598C18.0064 12.6818 18.1918 12.3608 18.1961 12.0124L17.1962 12ZM15.8184 12.8184L15.3077 11.9586C15.164 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10C11.4477 10 11 9.55228 11 9H9C9 10.6569 10.3431 12 12 12V10ZM11 9C11 8.44772 11.4477 8 12 8V6C10.3431 6 9 7.34315 9 9H11ZM12 8C12.5523 8 13 8.44772 13 9H15C15 7.34315 13.6569 6 12 6V8Z fill#000000>/path> /g>/svg>Awards/a>/li> li classwebmobile_links> a classweb--links href> svg width18px height18px viewBox0 0 24 24 fillnone classmob_menu_iconsvg xmlns>g idSVGRepo_bgCarrier stroke-width0>/g>g idSVGRepo_tracerCarrier stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround>/g>g idSVGRepo_iconCarrier> path dM9 12L11 14L15 10M12 3L13.9101 4.87147L16.5 4.20577L17.2184 6.78155L19.7942 7.5L19.1285 10.0899L21 12L19.1285 13.9101L19.7942 16.5L17.2184 17.2184L16.5 19.7942L13.9101 19.1285L12 21L10.0899 19.1285L7.5 19.7942L6.78155 17.2184L4.20577 16.5L4.87147 13.9101L3 12L4.87147 10.0899L4.20577 7.5L6.78155 6.78155L7.5 4.20577L10.0899 4.87147L12 3Z stroke#000000 stroke-width2 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround>/path> /g>/svg> Mentorship /a> /li> li classwebmobile_links position-relative> div classmobile_logindropdownblok> button classweb-login_btn w-100>span classlogn-span>Login/span>/button> div classmobile_lg_dropdow_blck> ul classmobile_lg_dropdown> li>a href>Mentee / Mentor/a>/li> li>a href>Organization/a>/li> li>a href>University / College/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /li> /ul> /div> /div>/div>!--- web mobile menu end -----> div classmainwebwrapper> section classweb-main-section> !-- web main carousel end--> div classweb-main-banner> div classcontainer-fluid> div classweb-banner-row> div classbanner--avatart> img src classbanner_image_animate_left > /div> div classbanner--headtag> h1>Gain Insights From Expert Mentors To /h1> h1>Expedite Your Milestone/h1> /div> div classbanner--avatart> img src classbanner_image_animate_right > /div> /div> div classweb-bannerI-row> div classbanner--avataru> img src classbanner_image_animate_left > /div> div classbanner--headtag> p>A learning system based on formalised mentorship and a Job Hub to land you in your dream company br> in your dream job /p> /div> div classbanner--avataru> img src classbanner_image_animate_right > /div> /div> div classweb-banner-row> div classbanner--avatarv> img src classbanner_image_animate_left > /div> div classweb-main-search> div classwebsearch_type> /div> div classwebsearch_bar> input typetext classweb__main_search name_searchinpt idweb__main_search> span classmain_searchplaceholder>Search span classsearchfor__spn>Mentor/span>/span> img src classsearch_filtr idfltrOpt-websearch> button classweb-btn_wid websearch_btn search_by_name_btn>span classwidg-span>Search/span>/button> /div> /div> div classbanner--avatarv> img src classbanner_image_animate_right > img src classtab-done banner_image_animate_right > /div> /div> /div> div classwebanner-card mt-150 mob-mtfr150> div classcontainer-fluid> div classrow g-2 justify-content-center> div classbannercard-block animate-translateY-up> div classbannercard mt-min-40> img src width40 alt> h6 classmt-3>Powerful Mentorship/h6> p classmt-3 fz-13>Join a Thriving Community of Mentors and Mentees/p> a href> button classweb-btn_wid card-innerbtn mt-3>span classwidg-span>Meet Our Mentors/span>/button> /a> /div> /div> div classbannercard-block animate-translateY-up> div classbannercard> img src width40 altmember> h6 classmt-3>Get Your Dream Job/h6> p classmt-3 fz-13>Unlock Your Potential and Job Opportunities Await/p> a href#> button classweb-btn_wid card-innerbtn mt-3>span classwidg-span>Find A Job/span>/button> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-md-5 web-col-5> div classwebanner-card-desc animate-scaleRight> h3 classmob_textcenter>Be Part of a Supportive Ecosystem br> span classbg_text--trans>Mentorship and Job Discovery/span> /h3> p>Connect with experienced mentors to navigate your career journey. Unlock your potential with our comprehensive job search platform./p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section> div classcontainer mt-100 mpb-mt-50 idtextimonialblock> div classweb_testimonials> div idtestimonailsCarouselIndicators classcarousel slide data-ridecarousel> div classcarousel-inner> div classcarousel-item pad-tst active > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Navaneethan img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Cyber Security Leader/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>The impact of mentorship transcends industries; it's the gift of wisdom and experience passed from one generation to the next/p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src S D Sudarsan1718204641.webp altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Dr. S D Sudarsan img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Executive Director, CDAC/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>Cywayz's mentorship program is a stepping stone to greatness for students with IT aspirations./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src Bharat Panchal1718204477.webp altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Dr. Bharat Panchal img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Chief Industry Relations & Regulatory Officer, India/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>Cywayz's mentorship program nurtures the seeds of potential, helping them grow into mighty IT professionals./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src Captain P Aanand Naidu1718204426.webp altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Group Captain P Aanand Naidu img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Director ISAC/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>Cywayz connects experienced professionals with the next generation of IT talent, creating a brighter future for all./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src M1702014985.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Kumaresan M img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>CIO, Unichem Laboratories Limited/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p> CXO Cywayz's program is a hub of innovation and inspiration for students looking to excel in IT./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Dr Velumani Arokiaswamy img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Founder, Thyrocare/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>Mentoring through CXO Cywayz's program allows us to shape the future of the IT field./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src Abraham1700631457.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Manoj Abraham img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Additional Director General of Police Intelligence, Kerala/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>I'm proud to be part of the launch of the CXO Cywayz platform, which empowers young minds through mentorship./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src Srinivasan1700203739.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Anand Srinivasan img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Economist & Finance advisor, Money Pechu/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>I'm honoured to be associated with CXO Cywayz, an organization dedicated to shaping the future of IT through mentorship/p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src M. A. Saleem1700198687.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Dr. M. A. Saleem img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>DGP- Karnataka, Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Economic offences and Special units./p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>Mentorship is the bridge between ambition and achievement, lighting the path for future IT leaders./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src General (Dr.) Rajesh Pant1700631054.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Lt. General (Dr.) Rajesh Pant img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Former National Cyber Security Coordinator, Prime Minister's Office, Government of India/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>Mentorship isn't just about knowledge transfer; it's about fostering the spark of curiosity and creativity./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src Murthy. K1700634733.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Venkatesh Murthy. K img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Senior Director, DSCI/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p> CXO Cywayz's mentorship program provides a valuable platform for experienced professionals to inspire the next generation./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src General (Dr.) Rajesh Pant1700286521.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Deepa Seshadri img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Partner, Deloitte India/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>CXO Cywayz's program is where dreams meet mentors, and potential transforms into reality in the world of IT./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src Pavan Duggal1700634815.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Dr. Pavan Duggal img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Advocate, Supreme Court of India; Expert Authority in Cyberlaw, Intl Conf on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime &/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p> CXO Cywayz's program is where dreams meet mentors, and potential transforms into reality in the world of IT./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src Prayaga1702014746.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Divakar Prayaga img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Director - Cyber Engineering, Maersk/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p> CXO Cywayz's mentorship program creates meaningful connections and opportunities for growth in the IT community./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Kamal Sharma img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>VP & CISO, ASM Technologies Ltd./p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>Mentorship isn't just about knowledge transfer; it's about fostering the spark of curiosity and creativity./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src Jothilingam1702014525.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Gowdhaman Jothilingam img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Global CISO and Head of IT, LatentView Analytics/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>A mentor can change the trajectory of your IT career, turning aspirations into achievements./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Manikant R Singh img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Vice President & Chief Information Security Officer, DMI Finance Private Limited/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>CXO Cywayz's mentorship program nurtures the seeds of potential, helping them grow into mighty IT professionals./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src Ramanan1702014559.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Bala Ramanan img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>AVP - Risk & Compliance, Microland/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>The impact of mentorship transcends industries; it's the gift of wisdom and experience passed from one generation to the next/p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src Kumar MOTUPALLI1702014828.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Praveen Kumar MOTUPALLI img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Cyber Security Leader, MNC/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>CXO Cywayz's mentorship program is a testament to the organization's commitment to fostering talent and growth./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Sreeshankar Gurujalam img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>General Manager - Cybersecurity CoE, Siemens Healthineers/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>I've had the privilege of helping in the transformation of students into future IT leaders through CXO Cywayz's program./p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcarousel-item pad-tst > div classtestimonial__card show-testimonial> div classpres_img_container> div classdesc_container> div classtestimonial__banner> img src Baskar1700632360.png altimage> /div> /div> /div> div classpres_details_container> img src clasststm__img txt_qoute altquote> h3 classtxt__tstm>Bharathy Baskar img src clasststm__img d-none altquote>/h3> div classtestimonial_abt_container> p>Motivation Speaker, Orator | Writer/p> /div> div classMmbr__qoute> p>p>I'm honored to be associated with Cywayz, an organization dedicated to shaping the future of IT through mentorship. /p>/p> div classtStArws tstPsbtn> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstPrvArw altarrow left> img src clasststm__img tst__arrows tstNxtArw altarrow right> /div> div classline_rx>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> a classcarousel-control-prev d-none href#testimonailsCarouselIndicators rolebutton data-slideprev> span classcarousel-control-prev-icon aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classsr-only>Previous/span> /a> a classcarousel-control-next d-none href#testimonailsCarouselIndicators rolebutton data-slidenext> span classcarousel-control-next-icon aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classsr-only>Next/span> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classcontainer mt-100> div classrow align-items-center> div classcol-md-6> img src classw-80 mob-w-100 animate-scaleLeft altgroup-img> /div> div classcol-md-6 my-3> div classcyz_fr mob_textcenter animate-scaleRight> h6 classnew_cyz_primary fw-600>Why Choose Cywayz/h6> h3 classmt-3 fw-600 >Elevate Your Career with br> span classbg_text--trans>Mentorship/span> and span classbg_text--trans>Opportunities/span>/h3> p classmt-4>Forge meaningful connections with mentors and explore exciting job opportunities. Your path to success starts here. Navigate the complexities of your career with a mentor who understands your aspirations. Personalized advice for a successful professional journey./p> a href>button classweb-btn_wid br-radius p-2 my-3>span classwidg-span>Get Start Now!/span>/button>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> !------------ roadmap for mentor and mentee ---------------> div classcontainer mt-100 mpb-mt-50> div classrow> div classcol-md-12> h3 classtext-center fw-600>Step-by-Step Guide: span classbg_text--trans>Navigating CXO Cywayz Like a Pro!/span>/h3> div classmt-50> div classfr_rdmap> div classmnmt--fr> span classroadmap-spn data-roadmapmentor>Mentor/span> span classroadmap-spn data-roadmapmentee>Mentee/span> /div> div classline--tr> div classtrackr--line>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrdmap--imgcontainer> img src classroad-mapimg altmentor roadmap> img src classroad-mapimg cyz-d-none altmentee roadmap> /div> div classcontainer> div classrow align-items-center> div classcol-md-6 mt-3 animate-translateY-up> h3 classmob_textcenter>Achieve Your Career Goals br> With span classbg_text--trans>Our Industrial Experts/span>/h3> p classmt-3 mob_textcenter>In the office, remote, or a mix of two, with miro, your team can connect, collaborate, and co-create in one space no matter where you are./p> /div> div classcol-md-6 mt-3 animate-translateY-down> img src altexports> /div> /div> /div> div classmentorcard_container mt-100> div classrow> div classcol-md-12> h3 classmob_textcenter>Discover Our span classbg_text--trans>Top Rated Mentors/span>/h3> /div> div classcol-md-12 text-webright mob_textcenter> a href> button classweb-btn_wid br-radius p-2 my-3> span classwidg-span>Explore All Mentors/span> /button> /a> /div> div classmentor_mainslider col-12> a classindx_tp_mntrs_card href> div classimg_blckz> img src> /div> div classabt__cntrinsz> h5 classfw-600 mb-2>Sudarsanam Varadarajan/h5> p>svg width18 height18 viewBox0 0 24 24 fillnone xmlns> path dM18.9 6H17C17 4.3 15.7 3 14 3H10C8.3 3 7 4.3 7 6H5.1C3.4 6 2 7.4 2 9.1V10.1C2 11 2.4 11.8 3 12.4V17C3 19.2 4.8 21 7 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