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classpost_category>News/h4> h3 classpost_title>2024 Graduation Ceremony held at Sandhurst’s Royal Military Academy/h3> p classexcerpt>Our 2024 Graduation Ceremony for Cadet Force Adult Volunteers and direct candidates took place at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst/p> div classlearn-more>svg classicon icon-drawn-arrow viewbox0 0 35 7.63>desc>Drawn-arrow/desc>use xlink:href#icon-drawn-arrow/>/svg> Learn More/div> /div> /a> /div> div classpost-image-wrap>div classpost-image>/div>/div> /div>div classslick-dots-wrap>/div>/div> /div>/section>style>#block_full_1 {background-color:#222937}/style>section idblock_full_1 classblock block-2 block-qualification_search style-overlap top-margin-none bottom-margin-none has-background has-background-color> div classqualification_search__inner> h2 classsearch_qualifications__title>Search qualifications/h2>form classfilters action methodget> div classfilter filter-age> div classfilter-terms> label classfilter-option active>Ageinput typeradio nameage 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