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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:45:52 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Mon, 17 Dec 2007 23:12:17 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 36903Vary: Accept-EncodingContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN>html xmlns xml:langen langen>head>title> - Welcome To Me./title> link relshortcut icon href > meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetUTF-8 />meta nameMSSmartTagsPreventParsing contenttrue />meta namegenerator contentBlogger />style typetext/css>@import url(;/style> style typetext/css>/*-----------------------------------------------Name: Justin PughURL: JustinPugh.comDate: 14 July 2006----------------------------------------------- */body { background:#fff; margin:0; padding:40px 20px; font:x-small Georgia,Serif; text-align:center; color:#333; font-size/* */:/**/small; font-size: /**/small; }a:link { color:#58a; text-decoration:none; }a:visited { color:#58a; text-decoration:none; }a:hover { color:#c60; 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position:absolute; onmouseovershowDrop() onmouseouthideDrop()>div idflagtop>/div>div idtop-filler>/div>div idflagi-body> br/>/div>/div>div idheader> h1 idblog-title> img border0 srcnew-me/misc/jp-logo-newme.jpg width339 height90>/h1> p iddescription>Welcome to MEbr> i>THE NEW ME/i>/p>/div>div styleposition:absolute;z-index:9;left:0px;top:0px;width:500px;height:500px> p alignleft>font faceTrebuchet MS size1> script typetext/javascript>AC_FL_RunContent( codebase,,0,28,0,name,Walking,width,450,height,450,align,left,id,Walking,title,Justin Walking In,src,,loop,false,quality,high,pluginspage,,wmode,transparent,movie, ); //end AC code/script>noscript>object classidclsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 codebase,0,28,0 nameWalking width450 height450 alignleft idWalking titleJustin Walking In> param namemovie value /> param namequality valuehigh />param nameLOOP valuefalse /> param namewmode valuetransparent /> embed src width450 height450 loopfalse alignleft qualityhigh pluginspage typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash nameWalking wmodetransparent>/embed> /object>/noscript> br>/font>/div>div styleposition:absolute;z-index:9;right:0px;top:0px;width:66px;height:30px> p alignright>font faceTrebuchet MS size1>img src|displayCounter|ft0|md5|frgb100;139;216|ddM border1>br> Since 12.09.03/font>/div>!-- Begin #content -->div idcontent>!-- Begin #main -->div idmain>div idmain2> h2 classdate-header>Sunday, June 24, 2007/h2> !-- Begin .post --> div classpost>a name>/a> h3 classpost-title> Run Run Run/h3> div classpost-body> div> div styleclear:both;>/div> script typetext/javascript>AC_AX_RunContent( width,366,height,300,src,,type,application/x-shockwave-flash,wmode,transparent,movie, ); //end AC code/script>noscript>object width366 height300>param namemovie value>/param>param namewmode valuetransparent>/param>embed src typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash wmodetransparent width366 height300>/embed>/object>/noscript>br /> span stylefont-family: arial; font-weight: 700; font-size: 130%>F/span>font faceArial stylefont-size: 130%; font-weight: 700>Ú/font>span stylefont-family: arial; font-weight: 700; font-size: 130%>TBOL./span>span stylefont-family:arial; > My shoulder smells awesome, and that is all I really have to say about that... You know who ya are, and you drive me nuts, so QUIT IT!! Jackie and Jessica have moved in now and I think Keith might be moving out and going to Dallas or something. It's kinda weird because I didn't think that he would move out early but I think he needs to be closer to work because the gas is killing him since his car doesn't get that great of gas mileage, but I am sure that he will probably change his mind when he remembers how awesome it is out here in Mac Town. Lots of changes have been going on around the place and they are all for the better, things are getting taken care of and stuff is getting done. My wrist is finally getting better, I took the splint off for the most part, but I still wear it when I play sports. If you are looking for something really boring to read, well, you came to the right place. I dunno what to write about because I got so much stuff going on. I'm gunna go out to the pool and chill for a few hours... I will update ya later. )/span>p> /div> /div> p classpost-footer> em stylefont-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1.4em; font-size: 78%; font-family: Trebuchet MS, Trebuchet, Arial, Verdana, Sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: .1em> font color#000000>posted by JUSTIN PUGH /font> font color#4278AC> @ 5:13PM - a hreffeedback titleTell me what you think.>SEND FEEDBACK/a> - 7516/font>/em>/p> /div> h2 classdate-header>Wednesday, June 13, 2007/h2> !-- Begin .post --> div classpost>a name>/a> h3 classpost-title> Move Your Tongue/h3> div classpost-body> div> div styleclear:both;>/div> script typetext/javascript>AC_AX_RunContent( width,366,height,300,src,,type,application/x-shockwave-flash,wmode,transparent,movie, ); //end AC code/script>noscript>object width366 height300>param namemovie value>/param>param namewmode valuetransparent>/param>embed src typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash wmodetransparent width366 height300>/embed>/object>/noscript>br /> span stylefont-family: arial; font-weight: 700; font-size: 130%>SHUT YOUR FACEfont color#008000>./font>/span>span stylefont-family:arial; > When was the last time you felt confused? Was it when you read the title to todays entry or was it when you looked at your face in the mirror today and asked yourself why you were you? What are you suppose to be in five years? Who are you going to know? Will your best friend now be your best friend? You never know, and the future is about as predicatble as the lotto. Not like a box of chocolates, because you know when you get a box of chocolates atleast you know you got chocolate and you know you're going to eat it and its going to be good, hahaha... Anyways, I wonder why I do what I do every day. Get up, go to work, eat, work, eat, eat, eat, (staying freakishly skinny the entire time, keep that in mind) drink, eat, drink, sleep, how does all of this amount to anything? What is it gunna be like in a few years when this is all past, is the present really worth the future? Or is the future worth working hard for now in the present? If the future is so unpredicable then why would you take the chance now? People save money, fun, happiness for later, what if you don't get a 'later'? Quit procrastinating on living. Quit being lazy about life. Quit living today for tomorrows memories. Quit wasting time arguing about the past. Quit quiting everything that you start but never manage to finish. Quit judging people that you don't know just because of the way they look, because if you took the time NOW then you might find out that they are really cool LATER but you didn't know because before it hits you it's the PAST. Ok, I am done with my rant for the day. It's sleep-o-clock!!/span>p> /div> /div> p classpost-footer> em stylefont-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1.4em; font-size: 78%; font-family: Trebuchet MS, Trebuchet, Arial, Verdana, Sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: .1em> font color#000000>posted by JUSTIN PUGH /font> font color#4278AC> @ 2:22AM - a hreffeedback titleTell me what you think.>SEND FEEDBACK/a> - 7429/font>/em>/p> /div> h2 classdate-header>Monday, June 11, 2007/h2> !-- Begin .post --> div classpost>a name>/a> h3 classpost-title> Eleven Days/h3> div classpost-body> div> div styleclear:both;>/div> script typetext/javascript>AC_AX_RunContent( width,366,height,300,src,,type,application/x-shockwave-flash,wmode,transparent,movie, ); //end AC code/script>noscript>object width366 height300>param namemovie value>/param>param namewmode valuetransparent>/param>embed src typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash wmodetransparent width366 height300>/embed>/object>/noscript>br /> span stylefont-family: arial; font-weight: 700; font-size: 130%> WISDOM TEETHfont color#008000>,/font> DO THEY MAKE YOU SMART?/span>span stylefont-family:arial; > I decided today to pull the trigger on my wisdom teeth, they hurt like a baseball bat to the face. I am so tired of the random mouth pains and headaches. So I got an appointment to get them taken out. Plus they are going to miss align my perfect teeth if they are in my face too much longer. I am pretty sure that I will keep them and put them under my pillow for the tooth fairy, my teeth are worth some more I just know it!! If I don't do that I promise I will sell them in the buy me section of my site, I will just auction them off. As I walked into work today I was reminded that my computer at my desk crashed last week and was still getting mouth to mouth recesitation from the IT people. I finally got on my computer around noon or so, lost a lot of work time and it sucked. I think I am about to get a placement in NC and I am really anxious to see where it goes, tomorrow I should hear something. I stayed at work kinda late tonight to makeup what I lost in the AM hours of the day. I left work, came home and crashed into my bed, I am so freakin exhausted from the last week of my life. I got up and had the most awesome dinner, Cheeze-Its, Popcorn, and Chocolate Pudding. Very healthy diet as you all know. I had a message today from that Clair chick from the party on Saturday, I was kinda surprised because I was pretty sure I gave off the super-weirdo vibe on purpose but I guess it didn't kick me in my ass, hahaha... Well, I have got to get some more sleep, tomorrow is another day, hopefully something awesome happens. Ehh... Whateva.../span>p> /div> /div> p classpost-footer> em stylefont-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1.4em; font-size: 78%; font-family: Trebuchet MS, Trebuchet, Arial, Verdana, Sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: .1em> font color#000000>posted by JUSTIN PUGH /font> font color#4278AC> @ 12:52AM - a hreffeedback titleTell me what you think.>SEND FEEDBACK/a> - 7381/font>/em>/p> /div> h2 classdate-header>Sunday, June 10, 2007/h2> !-- Begin .post --> div classpost>a name>/a> h3 classpost-title> 54.76 Miles Door To Door/h3> div classpost-body> div> div styleclear:both;>/div> img border0 srcnew-me/2007/06-june/sabotage.jpg width366 height274>br /> span stylefont-family: arial; font-weight: 700; font-size: 130%>.font color#008000>./font>.EVER MADE OUT IN A DARK HALLWAY?/span>span stylefont-family:arial; > - 311. I woke up on Friday with an incredibly horrid headache. It was one of those headaches where you feel like bashing your head into your brain... or is it eat your own head? Ehh... I don't remember, anyways, I went to work, and had a pretty good amount of production. Almost no one was at work so it seemed kinda slow, but I work best alone, I can talk a little louder and can hear a lot better. I got home pretty quick, took the shoulder when needed, went through peoples yards, took the sidewalks, whatever needed to be done to get here. I was sooo tired from no sleep + soccer every day. When I got home I remembered that Jamie sold her pool table and we were taking it out of the garage which is awesome because it took up a lot of space. After the pool table was gone, I took a little trip to Chilis, of course, and then came home and hit the bed. Some of my friends and I were in a soccer 6v6 tournament on Saturday and I was freakin tired as crap. After the games I came home and fell asleep in the shower for about 30 minutes, then got ready for Stephanie's 21st birthday party. Collin and I left the casa and hit Sonic on the way to the party. When we got there it was pretty awesome, three dudes and too many girls to count. As the night went on the tables started to balance out, but I think over all there were more chicks than dudes. I met a whole lot of the girls, they were all really cool and chill, fun to talk to and of course, I made all of them laugh the whole night. I met these two girls who were there that didn't really know anyone else, just like me. I talked to them for a while, Claire and Caitlyn, pretty cool chicks, one is going to be a dancer, the other a photographer. Kind of a funny combo, hahaha... but they were real cool to talk to. That was the first time in a while that I had a conversation with a girl and had to actually use my brain, most chicks I talk to seem to be stupid, but they were pretty quick witted, cute, and I made them laugh a lot. Maybe they will get lucky and see me at another party. I wouldn't mind running into them again. Stephanie's dad has an upstairs game room with a few arcade games, Mortal Combat was one of them. We all played a few times, I of course killed everyone because I am a huge nerd deep down inside... you might be surprised, I know, but I have my own website. Hahahaha... We didn't get home until 3AM and I was freakin exhausted. I passed out so fast when I got in my bed, and I didn't get up today until almost 4PM. As for today, nothing is going on, I will probably just go chill at the pool for the rest of the day. If ya wanna join, just give me a call, or you can just call me to hear my voice if you must. I will fill ya in later for the rest of the day. -- I played a little soccer today with a volley ball on the golf course with Andrew and a bunch of other people that were down at the pool. Sarah and I hit Albertsons and got hotdogs and beer for the pool. We all chilled at the pool for a little while and then headed over to Andrews, hung out with his neighbors and just chilled outside for a few hours. We hit the pool again until about 11:30PM or so and swam a little, ate some pizza, and played 'drown each other' which is my favorite water sport of all times. I came home, did a little laundry action and now I am spent, I have got to get some sleepy time!! As far as any records go, I can safely say I had a really awesome day at least once this weekend. I hope you had as awesome of a weekend as I did. G'nite peoples./span>p> /div> /div> p classpost-footer> em stylefont-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1.4em; font-size: 78%; font-family: Trebuchet MS, Trebuchet, Arial, Verdana, Sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: .1em> font color#000000>posted by JUSTIN PUGH /font> font color#4278AC> @ 12:34AM - a hreffeedback titleTell me what you think.>SEND FEEDBACK/a> - 7333/font>/em>/p> /div> h2 classdate-header>Thursday, June 7, 2007/h2> !-- Begin .post --> div classpost>a name>/a> h3 classpost-title> Titlelessnessissity/h3> div classpost-body> div> div styleclear:both;>/div> script typetext/javascript>AC_AX_RunContent( width,366,height,301,src,,type,application/x-shockwave-flash,wmode,transparent,movie, ); //end AC code/script>noscript>object width366 height301>param namemovie value>/param>param namewmode valuetransparent>/param>embed src typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash wmodetransparent width366 height301>/embed>/object>/noscript>br /> span stylefont-family: arial; font-weight: 700; font-size: 130%> TRY SAYING THAT FIVE TIMES FAST./span>span stylefont-family:arial; > That that that that that. Pshh... piece of cake!! You thought I meant 'titlelessnessissity'? Hell no!! I can't even say that word once, slow, hahaha!! Jackie showed me this video so I just had to put it on the site!! It's my new favorite group, 'Peer Pressure', these guys really know how to put it down. They are my mentors from back when I was 16, I have decided to pass the torch on to my fans and release my old teachers to you. Don't even think about asking me who my new mentor is... Donald Trump doesn't want to teach you also... oops... ohh well, I had a pretty awesome day at work today, had quite a few good leads for the first time this week. After work I played a little soccer again, twisted my right knee and my left is bleeding. Screw it. Like Monte Python in Search of the Holy Grail, 'it's only a flesh wound', hahaha... I will probably go play again on Saturday if anyone is down for playing. Other than that today was boring, another really slow day just waiting for the next. Sorry there isn't much to read tonight, but I really didn't do anything today. However, this weekend is going to be awesome as hell... You know who you are )/span>p> /div> /div> p classpost-footer> em stylefont-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1.4em; font-size: 78%; font-family: Trebuchet MS, Trebuchet, Arial, Verdana, Sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: .1em> font color#000000>posted by JUSTIN PUGH /font> font color#4278AC> @ 10:38PM - a hreffeedback titleTell me what you think.>SEND FEEDBACK/a> - 7282/font>/em>/p> /div> h2 classdate-header>Wednesday, June 6, 2007/h2> !-- Begin .post --> div classpost>a name>/a> h3 classpost-title> It's Not Really i>That/i> Bad/h3> div classpost-body> div> div styleclear:both;>/div> embed src flashvarsfile loopfalse menufalse qualityhigh bgcolor#ffffff width366 height297 typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash pluginspage />br /> span stylefont-family: arial; font-weight: 700; font-size: 130%> THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID./span>span stylefont-family:arial; > You know those days that you wake up just minute later than you should have? Yea, I had one of those today. Catch every single freakin light, every grandma is driving 7mph in every lane while talking on the phone and blow drying her hair as she drives down the road from the back seat of her Cadillac. Work today was 'eh', I learned a lot from Mark, he showed me how to throw down on this old grandma that sounded like she smokes a carton of reds a day, but mostly showed me how to sift through people for info about their job, it was pretty badass. I spoke to one of my favorite clients today also, Kathy from LA, she is always fun to talk to, always has something funny and upbeat to say to me and then we compare how much more it cost to live in CA vs. TX. I hit the grocery store tonight on the way home, got some fajita meat, and ate it raw... haha... nah, I cooked it, it was awesome, kinda like this site. Well, you already knew this site was totally awesome, so I don't know why I just said that. Anywho, I played a little soccer tonight, it was exciting, you should come play with us sometime. We play in Arlington right off of Cooper, just call me sometime if you wanna play!! I gotta get some sleep, long day tomorrow for the j-o-b. Hope ya had a good one. Ehh... Whateva.../span>p> /div> /div> p classpost-footer> em stylefont-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1.4em; font-size: 78%; font-family: Trebuchet MS, Trebuchet, Arial, Verdana, Sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: .1em> font color#000000>posted by JUSTIN PUGH /font> font color#4278AC> @ 1:23AM - a hreffeedback titleTell me what you think.>SEND FEEDBACK/a> - 7266/font>/em>/p> /div> h2 classdate-header>Tuesday, June 5, 2007/h2> !-- Begin .post --> div classpost>a name>/a> h3 classpost-title> **GASP** (Inside A Bag)/h3> div classpost-body> div> div styleclear:both;>/div> img border0 srcnew-me/2007/06-june/mary.bmp width366 height274>br /> span stylefont-family: arial; font-weight: 700; font-size: 130%> I'M GOING SWIMMING!!/span>span stylefont-family:arial; > I thought of an awesome analogy for that describes my life perfectly today. Scuba diving with a trash bag. I finally got my coworker Mary to make a myspace today, she said she didn't have any pictures for her page. I walked into her office to talk to her about it, and to take a picture of her for her page and this is what I walked into. I wasn't aware of what all she did at work, but now I know... and we all know what she does now... Ohh well, today was exhausting as hell. I didn't get anything done at work, not that I didn't do anything, I just got very little accomplished. I got home, hungout with DeAnn and did the chill thing that I do on a daily basis. Have ya seen Boat Trip? I watched it tonight, kinda funny, lotta hot chicks, etc... Typical guy falls in love with girl story, blah blah, no one cares, I'm single, I wasn't in the movie, I didn't meet any hot chicks, I don't care, hahaha... Jackie came over and we watched some funny videos on the net and chillaxed. Well, it's sleep-o-clock, catch ya tomorrow peoples./span>p> /div> /div> p classpost-footer> em stylefont-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1.4em; font-size: 78%; font-family: Trebuchet MS, Trebuchet, Arial, Verdana, Sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: .1em> font color#000000>posted by JUSTIN PUGH /font> font color#4278AC> @ 1:34AM - a hreffeedback titleTell me what you think.>SEND FEEDBACK/a> - 7251/font>/em>/p> /div> h2 classdate-header>Monday, June 4, 2007/h2> !-- Begin .post --> div classpost>a name>/a> h3 classpost-title> Social Security Numbers Are A B****/h3> div classpost-body> div> div styleclear:both;>/div> img border0 srcnew-me/2007/06-june/bikini-motorcycle.jpg width377 height291>br /> span stylefont-family: arial; font-weight: 700; font-size: 130%> WHY?/span>span stylefont-family:arial; > Well, the answer is simple. AT&T sucks, they have no records for anything, and they suck. Ohh, did I mention that they suck? Ok. Anywho... HELLO EVERYONE!! The internet is back on at mi casa, so be prepared for some more hilarious outrageous skoodle padoodle stuff... yea, that really wasn't that funny... hahaha... I just want ya'll to know that my little sister got her first car now and she is driving. Stay off the sidewalks or she will run over ya!! I should be having a little kid here in about another month or so, I am so excited. I think I will name it Toaster, that's right, Toaster Oven Nathanial Pugh, the kids will call him TO. ...ok... Did ya really think that was real when you read that? Did you have to read it twice...? I think so. I'm not having a kid, hahaha, hell no!! I helped the lovely Jackie move into her apartment this past weekend, and I just want everyone to know that I held her blanket. It was awesome. Chili's? Yes. Still going strong, we went last night, we drank, we conquered. Way too much life has happened to type, so just accept that you have missed out on a whole lot and we should probably hang out if we haven't been because I have been chillin with most of you. Gezz I am so glad to have the net back!! More to come, much more, I think I am going to buy a horse and it can ride with me in the car, stick its head out the t-tops, hahaha... On an animal note, if you haven't seen my cat lately, you probably should. Ehh... Whateva.../span>p> /div> /div> p classpost-footer> em stylefont-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1.4em; font-size: 78%; font-family: Trebuchet MS, Trebuchet, Arial, Verdana, Sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: .1em> font color#000000>posted by JUSTIN PUGH /font> font color#4278AC> @ 10:08PM - a hreffeedback titleTell me what you think.>SEND FEEDBACK/a> - 7222/font>/em>/p> /div> !-- End .post --> !-- Begin #comments --> !-- End #comments --> !-- End .post --> !-- Begin #comments --> !-- End #comments -->/div>/div>!-- End #main -->!-- Begin #sidebar -->div idsidebar stylewidth: 217px; height: 1268px>div idsidebar2> !-- Begin #profile-container --> div idprofile-container> h2 classsidebar-title>About Me/h2> dl classprofile-datablock> dt classprofile-img> img width170 altMy Photo height147 srcnew-me/misc/me.jpg> /dt> dd classprofile-data> /dd> dd classprofile-data> /dd> dd classprofile-data> /dd> dd classprofile-data> /dd> JUSTIN PUGHbr> MCKINNEY, TXbr> United States /dd> /dl> p classprofile-textblock> font faceArial>I am just your average guy, I enjoy my friends and family. I enjoy sales and anything fast paced, from working to women. I am a ripe 22 years of age and loving every moment of it. I enjoy music, cars, talking about the weather. I am a soccer fanatic. I love my life and every day has a new story. Read, laugh, and enjoy my site, it's my pleasure!!/font>/p> p classprofile-link> a hrefprofile>View my complete profile/a> /p> /div> !-- End #profile --> h2 classsidebar-title>font faceTrebuchet MS>Links/font>/h2> ul> li>font faceTrebuchet MS> a titleMain Page href>Main/a>/font>/li> li>font faceTrebuchet MS> a titleView Photos Of My Life href>Photos/a>/font>/li> li>font faceTrebuchet MS>a hrefnew-me>Archives/a>/font>/li> li>font faceTrebuchet MS> a titleAdvertise Me href>Buy Me/a>/font>/li> li>font faceTrebuchet MS> a titleTell Me What You Think href>Feed Back/a>/font>/li> li>font faceTrebuchet MS> a titleContact Me 24/7 href>Contact/a>/font>/li> /ul> h2 classsidebar-title>Archives/h2> ul> li>font faceTrebuchet MS> a title...Soon To Come... hrefnew-me>2007/a>/font>/li> li>font faceTrebuchet MS> a title...Soon To Come... hrefnew-me>2006/a>/font>/li> li>font faceTrebuchet MS> a title...Soon To Come... hrefnew-me>2005/a>/font>/li> li>font faceTrebuchet MS> a title...Soon To Come... hrefnew-me>2004/a>/font>/li> li>font faceTrebuchet MS> a title...Soon To Come... hrefnew-me>2003/a>/font>/li> /ul> /div>/div>/div>/body>/html>
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