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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 27 Aug 2023 18:37:11 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeAccept-Ranges: bytesVary: Accept-Encodinghost-header: c2hhcmVkLmJsdWVob3N0LmNvbQContent-Length: 4882Co !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html> head> meta contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252 http-equivcontent-type> title>Cuban Information Archives/title> meta contentwebmaster nameauthor> meta contentCuban Exile & Cuban History namedescription> /head> body stylebackground-image: url(logo/bak_flags-am-cu.jpg); color: rgb(0, 0, 153); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); alink#ee0000 link#0000ee vlink#551a8b> div styletext-align: center;>big>big>big>span stylefont-weight: bold;>/span>/big>/big>/big>i>b>big>big>CUBAN INFORMATION ARCHIVES/big>/big>/b>/i>small>br> br> br> /small>big>big>b>br> /b>/big>/big> div styletext-align: left;> div styletext-align: center;>img alt srclogo/L_logo.jpg stylewidth: 210px; height: 210px; alignmiddle hspace12>img styleborder: 6px solid ; width: 145px; height: 199px; alt srclogo/L_free-tower.jpg alignmiddle hspace12>a hrefmenu1/%21terror.html>img alt srcphoto/misc/ribbon22.jpg styleborder: 6px solid ; width: 97px; height: 98px; alignmiddle hspace12>/a>br> /div> br> div styletext-align: center;>span stylefont-weight: bold;>** a hrefmenu1/conditions.html>Terms and Conditions of Use/a> **br> a hrefmenu1/purpose.html>Site Purpose/a>br> br> a hrefmenu1/%21menu.html>MAIN MENU/a> or Go to the a hrefmenu1/quikidx.html>Quick Index/a>br> /span>br> hr stylewidth: 85%; height: 2px;>br> span stylefont-weight: bold;>In a hurry? /span>a stylefont-weight: bold;>SEARCH THIS SITE HERE:/a> script> (function() { var cx 009792618808659408553:vh94lutnxaw; var gcse document.createElement(script); gcse.type text/javascript; gcse.async true; gcse.src (document.location.protocol https: ? https: : http:) +
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 27 Aug 2023 18:37:12 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeAccept-Ranges: bytesVary: Accept-Encodinghost-header: c2hhcmVkLmJsdWVob3N0LmNvbQContent-Length: 4882Co !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html> head> meta contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252 http-equivcontent-type> title>Cuban Information Archives/title> meta contentwebmaster nameauthor> meta contentCuban Exile & Cuban History namedescription> /head> body stylebackground-image: url(logo/bak_flags-am-cu.jpg); color: rgb(0, 0, 153); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); alink#ee0000 link#0000ee vlink#551a8b> div styletext-align: center;>big>big>big>span stylefont-weight: bold;>/span>/big>/big>/big>i>b>big>big>CUBAN INFORMATION ARCHIVES/big>/big>/b>/i>small>br> br> br> /small>big>big>b>br> /b>/big>/big> div styletext-align: left;> div styletext-align: center;>img alt srclogo/L_logo.jpg stylewidth: 210px; height: 210px; alignmiddle hspace12>img styleborder: 6px solid ; width: 145px; height: 199px; alt srclogo/L_free-tower.jpg alignmiddle hspace12>a hrefmenu1/%21terror.html>img alt srcphoto/misc/ribbon22.jpg styleborder: 6px solid ; width: 97px; height: 98px; alignmiddle hspace12>/a>br> /div> br> div styletext-align: center;>span stylefont-weight: bold;>** a hrefmenu1/conditions.html>Terms and Conditions of Use/a> **br> a hrefmenu1/purpose.html>Site Purpose/a>br> br> a hrefmenu1/%21menu.html>MAIN MENU/a> or Go to the a hrefmenu1/quikidx.html>Quick Index/a>br> /span>br> hr stylewidth: 85%; height: 2px;>br> span stylefont-weight: bold;>In a hurry? /span>a stylefont-weight: bold;>SEARCH THIS SITE HERE:/a> script> (function() { var cx 009792618808659408553:vh94lutnxaw; var gcse document.createElement(script); gcse.type text/javascript; gcse.async true; gcse.src (document.location.protocol https: ? https: : http:) +
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