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If you’re sick ... /div> !--end .entry-excerpt--> /div> !--end #post--> div idpost-1435 classclear post-1435 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-credit-cards even alt> a href relbookmark>img width100 height100 src classentry-thumb wp-post-image altprepaid-cards srcset 100w, 150w, 42w sizes(max-width: 100px) 100vw, 100px />/a> h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to If You Don’t Have a Bank, These Cards Make Sense relbookmark>If You Don’t Have a Bank, These Cards Make Sense/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classdate>Posted on /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classmeta-comments>a href>0 Comment/a>/span> /div> !--end .entry-meta--> div classentry-excerpt> Although many people have an account with a bank or credit union, there’s no rule saying we need a bank account in order to manage our money. 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Buying a car is a decision that shouldn’t be taken ... /div> !--end .entry-excerpt--> /div> !--end #post--> div idpost-1416 classclear post-1416 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-auto_loans even alt> a href relbookmark>img width100 height100 src classentry-thumb wp-post-image altGet an Auto Loan Even With a Low Score srcset 100w, 150w, 200w, 42w sizes(max-width: 100px) 100vw, 100px />/a> h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to Get an Auto Loan Even With a Low Score relbookmark>Get an Auto Loan Even With a Low Score/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classdate>Posted on /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classmeta-comments>a href>0 Comment/a>/span> /div> !--end .entry-meta--> div classentry-excerpt> Don’t believe anyone who says you can’t get an auto loan with a low credit score. You might not qualify for the best interest rate or receive the best terms, but ... /div> !--end .entry-excerpt--> /div> !--end #post--> div idpost-1429 classclear post-1429 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-credit-cards odd> a href relbookmark>img width100 height100 src classentry-thumb wp-post-image altUse a Charge Card to Improve Your Rating srcset 100w, 150w, 200w, 42w sizes(max-width: 100px) 100vw, 100px />/a> h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to Use a Charge Card to Improve Your Rating relbookmark>Use a Charge Card to Improve Your Rating/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classdate>Posted on /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classmeta-comments>a href>0 Comment/a>/span> /div> !--end .entry-meta--> div classentry-excerpt> Bad credit can follow you for years and result in higher interest rates and credit rejections, and it can be challenging to find work with bad credit. If you’re sick ... /div> !--end .entry-excerpt--> /div> !--end #post--> div idpost-1435 classclear post-1435 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-credit-cards even alt> a href relbookmark>img width100 height100 src classentry-thumb wp-post-image altprepaid-cards srcset 100w, 150w, 42w sizes(max-width: 100px) 100vw, 100px />/a> h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to If You Don’t Have a Bank, These Cards Make Sense relbookmark>If You Don’t Have a Bank, These Cards Make Sense/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classdate>Posted on /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classmeta-comments>a href>0 Comment/a>/span> /div> !--end .entry-meta--> div classentry-excerpt> Although many people have an account with a bank or credit union, there’s no rule saying we need a bank account in order to manage our money. Bank accounts provide a safe ... /div> !--end .entry-excerpt--> /div> !--end #post--> div idpost-1432 classclear post-1432 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-payday-loans odd> a href relbookmark>img width100 height100 src classentry-thumb wp-post-image altGet a Personal Loan This Summer srcset 100w, 150w, 200w, 42w sizes(max-width: 100px) 100vw, 100px />/a> h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to Get a Personal Loan This Summer relbookmark>Get a Personal Loan This Summer/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classdate>Posted on /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classmeta-comments>a href>0 Comment/a>/span> /div> !--end .entry-meta--> div classentry-excerpt> Summer is quickly approaching, and like a lot of people you probably have big plans. It might be the perfect time for a family vacation or a couple’s retreat. Or you might ... /div> !--end .entry-excerpt--> /div> !--end #post--> div idpost-1426 classclear post-1426 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-payday-loans even alt> a href relbookmark>img width100 height100 src classentry-thumb wp-post-image altNo Fees srcset 100w, 150w, 200w, 42w, 300w sizes(max-width: 100px) 100vw, 100px />/a> h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to Borrow Money to Avoid Paying Late Fees relbookmark>Borrow Money to Avoid Paying Late Fees/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classdate>Posted on /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classmeta-comments>a href>0 Comment/a>/span> /div> !--end .entry-meta--> div classentry-excerpt> It doesn’t matter if you’re a financially responsible person, you’re going to run into hardship at some point in your lifetime. Sometimes, our income just isn’t ... /div> !--end .entry-excerpt--> /div> !--end #post--> div idpost-1423 classclear post-1423 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-credit_help odd> a href relbookmark>img width100 height100 src’s-How-to-Boost-Your-Score-100x100.jpg classentry-thumb wp-post-image altHere’s How to Boost Your Score srcset’s-How-to-Boost-Your-Score-100x100.jpg 100w,’s-How-to-Boost-Your-Score-150x150.jpg 150w,’s-How-to-Boost-Your-Score-200x200.jpg 200w,’s-How-to-Boost-Your-Score-42x42.jpg 42w sizes(max-width: 100px) 100vw, 100px />/a> h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to Here’s How to Boost Your Score relbookmark>Here’s How to Boost Your Score/a>/h2> div classentry-meta> span classdate>Posted on /span> span classmeta-sep>|/span> span classmeta-comments>a href>0 Comment/a>/span> /div> !--end .entry-meta--> div classentry-excerpt> You might understand the consequences of bad credit better than anyone else. It’s harder to get an auto loan and a mortgage loan with a low score, and you might even pay ... /div> !--end .entry-excerpt--> /div> !--end #post--> div classclear>/div> /div>!-- .content-loop --> /div>!-- #content --> div idsidebar> div idtext-8 classwidget widget_text> div classtextwidget>div stylefloat:left;margin-right:20px;margin-bottom:25px;>script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client ca-pub-2698458776284271;/* FTM Blog content */google_ad_slot 8520176249;google_ad_width 250;google_ad_height 250;//-->/script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>/div>/div> /div> div classclear>/div> /div> !--end #sidebar--> /div>!-- #container -->/div>!--end #main--> div idfooter> div classwidget idfwidget-1> div idtext-3 classwidget footer-widget widget_text> div classtextwidget>img src altFinance Tips stylewidth:195px;/>/div> /div> /div> div classwidget idfwidget-2> div idtext-4 classwidget footer-widget widget_text> div classtextwidget>Finance Tips is a personal finance blog that provides advice on “all things money.” Courses in personal finance are not mandatory in high school or college, and lack of financial know-how often leads to bad money decisions. 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