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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Fri, 13 Dec 2024 20:38:06 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 19:44:04 GMTETag: 14ab-3feb58d57a900Accept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html> head> meta http-equivcontent-type contenttext/html;charsetISO-8859-1> meta namegenerator contentAdobe GoLive 6> title>CPE Labs/title> /head> body bgcolor#ffffff> table width901 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 cool gridx16 gridy16 height411 showgridx showgridy usegridx usegridy> tr height16> td width256 height16 colspan3>/td> td width432 height80 colspan4 rowspan2>/td> td width212 height410 rowspan9>/td> td width1 height16>spacer typeblock width1 height16>/td> /tr> tr height64> td content csheight56 width256 height64 colspan3 valigntop xpos0>font size+4>CPE Labs/font>/td> td width1 height64>spacer typeblock width1 height64>/td> /tr> tr height19> td bgcolor#daa520 content csheight19 width144 height19 valigntop xpos0>a href>Products & Services/a> ||/td> td bgcolor#daa520 content csheight19 width322 height19 colspan3 valigntop xpos144>/td> td bgcolor#daa520 content csheight19 width64 height19 valigntop xpos466>|| a href>About/a> ||/td> td bgcolor#daa520 content csheight19 width94 height19 valigntop xpos530>a href>Contact Us/a> ||/td> td bgcolor#daa520 content csheight19 width64 height19 valigntop xpos624>a href>Login/a> ||/td> td width1 height19>spacer typeblock width1 height19>/td> /tr> tr height13> td width144 height13>/td> td width16 height189 rowspan2>/td> td width528 height13 colspan5>/td> td width1 height13>spacer typeblock width1 height13>/td> /tr> tr height176> td bgcolorsilver content csheight176 width144 height176 valigntop xpos0> div alignright> font size-1 faceCourier New,Courier,Monaco>a href>About Our Site/a> br> a href>Site Map/a> br> a href>C
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Fri, 13 Dec 2024 20:38:06 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 19:44:04 GMTETag: 14ab-3feb58d57a900Accept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html> head> meta http-equivcontent-type contenttext/html;charsetISO-8859-1> meta namegenerator contentAdobe GoLive 6> title>CPE Labs/title> /head> body bgcolor#ffffff> table width901 border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 cool gridx16 gridy16 height411 showgridx showgridy usegridx usegridy> tr height16> td width256 height16 colspan3>/td> td width432 height80 colspan4 rowspan2>/td> td width212 height410 rowspan9>/td> td width1 height16>spacer typeblock width1 height16>/td> /tr> tr height64> td content csheight56 width256 height64 colspan3 valigntop xpos0>font size+4>CPE Labs/font>/td> td width1 height64>spacer typeblock width1 height64>/td> /tr> tr height19> td bgcolor#daa520 content csheight19 width144 height19 valigntop xpos0>a href>Products & Services/a> ||/td> td bgcolor#daa520 content csheight19 width322 height19 colspan3 valigntop xpos144>/td> td bgcolor#daa520 content csheight19 width64 height19 valigntop xpos466>|| a href>About/a> ||/td> td bgcolor#daa520 content csheight19 width94 height19 valigntop xpos530>a href>Contact Us/a> ||/td> td bgcolor#daa520 content csheight19 width64 height19 valigntop xpos624>a href>Login/a> ||/td> td width1 height19>spacer typeblock width1 height19>/td> /tr> tr height13> td width144 height13>/td> td width16 height189 rowspan2>/td> td width528 height13 colspan5>/td> td width1 height13>spacer typeblock width1 height13>/td> /tr> tr height176> td bgcolorsilver content csheight176 width144 height176 valigntop xpos0> div alignright> font size-1 faceCourier New,Courier,Monaco>a href>About Our Site/a> br> a href>Site Map/a> br> a href>C
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