Domain >
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DNS Resolutions
IP Address
Port 80
HTTP/1.1 403 OKContent-type: text/html !doctype html>html langen>head> title>Unauthorized Access/title> meta charsetUTF-8> script src>/script>/head>body> img srccsf_small.png /> h1>Uw verbinding met de server is geblokkeerd door de firewall./h1> p>Bij vragen of problemen kunt u contact opnemen met de helpdesk van Skyberate en vermeldt daarbij onderstaande gegevens:/p> p>Uw IP adres is: b>>/p> p>De hostname van de server is: b>>/p> br /> p>U kunt uzelf deblokkeren middels ReCAPTHA./p> p>Indien u problemen ervaart met het deblokkeren probeer het dan nogmaals in een schone browser of neem contact ons op onder vermelding van de bovenstaande gegevens./p> !-- This form MUST be set to use the GET method --> form actionunblk methodGET> !-- lfd will replace the 6LeVJBsUAAAAACvCAD0HIQfLh5V9996GBrIBgR-- option with the csf.conf RECAPTCHA_SITEKEY setting. Do not enter it here. --> div classg-recaptcha data-sitekey6LeVJBsUAAAAACvCAD0HIQfLh5V9996GBrIBgR-->/div> input typesubmit valueUnblock> /form> h4> !-- These options are replaced according to the response received from Google reCAPTCHA. You can modify the text within the double quotes including the use of HTML, etc. However the format of the options must remain the same and no additional double quotes can be used. If an error is found, it will be appended after the RECAPTCHA_ERROR text. --> /h4> !-- Note: After making any changes to the MESSENGER templates, lfd MUST be restarted to reload them. -->/body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 403 OKContent-type: text/html !doctype html>html langen>head> title>Unauthorized Access/title> meta charsetUTF-8> script src>/script>/head>body> img srccsf_small.png /> h1>Uw verbinding met de server is geblokkeerd door de firewall./h1> p>Bij vragen of problemen kunt u contact opnemen met de helpdesk van Skyberate en vermeldt daarbij onderstaande gegevens:/p> p>Uw IP adres is: b>>/p> p>De hostname van de server is: b>>/p> br /> p>U kunt uzelf deblokkeren middels ReCAPTHA./p> p>Indien u problemen ervaart met het deblokkeren probeer het dan nogmaals in een schone browser of neem contact ons op onder vermelding van de bovenstaande gegevens./p> !-- This form MUST be set to use the GET method --> form actionunblk methodGET> !-- lfd will replace the 6LeVJBsUAAAAACvCAD0HIQfLh5V9996GBrIBgR-- option with the csf.conf RECAPTCHA_SITEKEY setting. Do not enter it here. --> div classg-recaptcha data-sitekey6LeVJBsUAAAAACvCAD0HIQfLh5V9996GBrIBgR-->/div> input typesubmit valueUnblock> /form> h4> !-- These options are replaced according to the response received from Google reCAPTCHA. You can modify the text within the double quotes including the use of HTML, etc. However the format of the options must remain the same and no additional double quotes can be used. If an error is found, it will be appended after the RECAPTCHA_ERROR text. --> /h4> !-- Note: After making any changes to the MESSENGER templates, lfd MUST be restarted to reload them. -->/body>/html>
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