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classws_shadow>/div>/div> script typetext/javascript srcengine1/wowslider.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcengine1/script.js>/script>/td> /tr> tr> td> /td> /tr> /table> /div> table border0 cellpadding0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width1150 idAutoNumber4> tr> td width1187 bgcolor#FFFFFF> div aligncenter> center> table border0 cellpadding0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width1150 idAutoNumber6 bgcolor#FFFFFF> tr> td width1000 bgcolor#FFFFFF> /tr> tr> td width1000 bgcolor#FFFFFF> div aligncenter> table border0 cellpadding4 cellspacing4 width1150 height42> tr> td width68% bgcolor#F3F3F3> div aligncenter> i>b>font faceCalibri color#800000 size5>Welcome to Kashmir Tourism Holidays /font>/b> font size4 faceCalibri color#800000>br> /font>font size4 faceCalibri>Book Hotels, Houseboats , Tours Package, Holidays Package, Honeymoon Package, Vacation Package, Family Package, Trekking Package, Group Tour Package, Summer Vacation Package, Winter Package in Kahsmir./font>/i>p>i> font faceCalibri size4 color#F4F4F4>./font>/i>/p> table border0 cellpadding2 cellspacing3 width99% height0> tr> td aligncenter>b> font faceCalibri color#003366> a styletext-decoration: none hrefsrinagar-sightseeing.html> font color#003366>SRINAGAR TOUR/font>/a>/font>/b>/td> td aligncenter>b> font faceCalibri color#003366> a styletext-decoration: none hrefgulmarg-sightseeing.html> font color#003366>GULMARG TOUR/font>/a>/font>/b>/td> td aligncenter>b> font faceCalibri color#003366> a styletext-decoration: none hrefpahalgam-sightseeing.html> font color#003366>PAHALGAM TOUR/font>/a>/font>/b>/td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter>font color#003366> a hrefsrinagar-sightseeing.html> img border0 srcimages/srinagar-garden.jpg width255 height191>/a>/font>/td> td aligncenter>font color#003366> a hrefgulmarg-sightseeing.html> img border0 srcimages/gulmarg.jpg width255 height191>/a>/font>/td> td aligncenter>font color#003366> a hrefpahalgam-sightseeing.html> img border0 srcimages/pahalgam2.jpg width255 height191>/a>/font>/td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter> /td> td aligncenter> /td> td aligncenter> /td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter>b> font faceCalibri color#003366> a styletext-decoration: none hrefsonamarg-sightseeing.html> font color#003366>SONAMARG TOUR/font>/a>/font>/b>/td> td aligncenter>b> font faceCalibri color#003366> a hrefyousmarg-sightseeing.html styletext-decoration: none> font color#003366>YOUSMARG TOUR/font>/a>/font>/b>/td> td aligncenter>b> font faceCalibri color#003366> a hrefleh-ladakh-tour.html styletext-decoration: none> font color#003366>LEH & LADAKH TOUR/font>/a>/font>/b>/td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter> a hrefsonamarg-sightseeing.html> img border0 srcimages/sonamarg4.jpg width255 height191>/a>/td> td aligncenter> a hrefyousmarg-sightseeing.html> img border0 srcyousmarg.jpg width255 height191>/a>/td> td aligncenter>a hrefleh-ladakh-tour.html> img border0 srcimages/shantistupa.jpg width255 height191>/a>/td> /tr> /table> /div> div aligncenter> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100% height416> tr> td> div alignright> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width99% idAutoNumber19> tr> td width50% colspan2 height33 bgcolor#FFFFFF> /td> td width50% height33 bgcolor#FFFFFF> /td> /tr> tr> td width50% colspan2 height33 bgcolor#EAEAEA> b>font faceCalibri stylefont-size: 11pt> a hreftour-packages.html styletext-decoration: none>font color#000000>KASHMIR TOUR PACKAGES/font>/a>/font>/b>/td> td width50% height33 bgcolor#EAEAEA> /td> /tr> tr> td width43% height19> div aligncenter> center> table border0 cellpadding3 styleborder-collapse: collapse width98% idAutoNumber13> tr> td width100% bgcolor#FFFFFF> b>font faceCalibri> a styletext-decoration: none hrefkashmir-houseboat-package.html> font color#800000 stylefont-size: 11pt> Kashmir Houseboat Package/font>/a>/font>/b>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% bgcolor#FFFFFF> a hrefkashmir-houseboat-package.html> img border0 srcgimini-houseboat1.jpg width311 height160>/a>/td> /tr> /table> /center> /div> /td> td width61% height19 colspan2 bgcolor#FFFFFF> font faceCalibri> font color#800000 stylefont-size: 11pt>b> Duration : /b> 03 Nights / 04 Daysbr> b>Destination : /b> /font>span stylefont-size: 11pt>Srinagar - Gulmargbr> br> 03 Nights stay on twin sharing basis br> at Houseboatbr> One Shikara ride br> Daily Breakfast and Dinnerbr> All surface transfers and sight seeing by exclusive car/span>/font>p alignright> font faceCalibri stylefont-size: 11pt> a hrefkashmir-houseboat-package.html styletext-decoration: none> font color#800080>Detail Itinerary >> /font>/a>/font>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% height19 colspan3> ./td> /tr> tr> td width43% height19> div aligncenter> center> table border0 cellpadding3 styleborder-collapse: collapse width98% idAutoNumber13> tr> td width100% bgcolor#FFFFFF>b>font faceCalibri> a styletext-decoration: none hrefkashmir-houseboat-special-package.html> font color#800000 stylefont-size: 11pt> Houseboat Special Package/font>/a>/font>/b>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% bgcolor#FFFFFF> a hrefkashmir-houseboat-special-package.html> img border0 srcimages/srinagar-dallake.jpg width311 height160>/a>/td> /tr> /table> /center> /div> /td> td width61% height19 colspan2 bgcolor#FFFFFF> font color#800000 faceCalibri stylefont-size: 11pt>b> Duration :/b>04 Nights / 05 Daysbr> b>Destination : /b> /font> font faceCalibri>span stylefont-size: 11pt> Srinagar - Sonamarg - Gulmarg - Srinagarbr> br> 04 Nights stay on twin sharing basis br> at Houseboatbr> One Shikara ride br> Daily Breakfast and Dinnerbr> All surface transfers and sight seeing by car/span>/font>p alignright> font faceCalibri stylefont-size: 11pt> a hrefkashmir-houseboat-special-package.html styletext-decoration: none> font color#800080>Detail Itinerary >> /font>/a>/font>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% height19 colspan3> ./td> /tr> tr> td width43% height19> div aligncenter> center> table border0 cellpadding3 styleborder-collapse: collapse width107% idAutoNumber13> tr> td width100% bgcolor#FFFFFF>b>font faceCalibri> a styletext-decoration: none hrefkashmir-holiday-trip.html> font color#800000 stylefont-size: 11pt> Kashmir Holiday Trip/font>/a>/font>/b>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% bgcolor#FFFFFF> a hrefkashmir-holiday-trip.html> img border0 srcsonamarg3.jpg width311 height160>/a>/td> /tr> /table> /center> /div> /td> td width61% height19 colspan2 bgcolor#FFFFFF> font color#800000 faceCalibri stylefont-size: 11pt>b> Duration :/b>05 Nights / 06 Daysbr> b>Destination : /b> /font> font faceCalibri>span stylefont-size: 11pt> Srinagar - Sonamarg - Gulmarg - Pahalgambr> br> 05 Nights stay on twin sharing basis br> at Houseboatbr> One Shikara ride br> Daily Breakfast and Dinnerbr> All surface transfers and sight seeing by car/span>/font>p alignright> font faceCalibri stylefont-size: 11pt> a hrefkashmir-holiday-trip.html styletext-decoration: none> font color#800080>Detail Itinerary >> /font>/a>/font>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% height19 colspan3> ./td> /tr> tr> td width43% height19> div aligncenter> center> table border0 cellpadding3 styleborder-collapse: collapse width106% idAutoNumber24> tr> td width100% bgcolor#FFFFFF>b>font faceCalibri> a styletext-decoration: none hrefkashmir-honeymoon-package.html> font color#800000 stylefont-size: 11pt> Kashmir Honeymoon Package/font>/a>/font>/b>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% bgcolor#FFFFFF> font faceCalibri stylefont-size: 11pt> a hrefkashmir-honeymoon-package.html> img border0 srcgulmarg-romantic.jpg width311 height160>/a>/font>/td> /tr> /table> /center> /div> /td> td width61% height19 colspan2 bgcolor#FFFFFF> font color#800000 faceCalibri stylefont-size: 11pt>b> Duration :/b>06 Nights / 07 Daysbr> b>Destination : /b> /font> font faceCalibri>span stylefont-size: 11pt> Srinagar - Gulmarg - Pahalgam - Srinagarbr> br> 03 Nights Stay in Hotel / Houseboatbr> 01 Nights Stay in Gulmargbr> 02 Night Stay in Pahalgambr> One Shikara ride br> Daily Breakfast and Dinnerbr> All surface transfers and sight seeing by car/span>/font>p alignright> font faceCalibri stylefont-size: 11pt> a hrefkashmir-honeymoon-package.html styletext-decoration: none> font color#800080>Detail Itinerary >> /font>/a>/font>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% height19 colspan3> ./td> /tr> tr> td width43% height19> div aligncenter> center> table border0 cellpadding3 styleborder-collapse: collapse width98% idAutoNumber25> tr> td width100% bgcolor#FFFFFF> font faceCalibri stylefont-weight: 700 color#800000> a styletext-decoration: none hrefsonamarg-trekking-route.html> font color#800000>Sonamarg Trekking Route/font>/a>/font>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% bgcolor#FFFFFF> a hrefsonamarg-trekking-route.html> img border0 srcsonamarg-trek-route.jpg width311 height160>/a>/td> /tr> /table> /center> /div> /td> td width61% height19 colspan2 bgcolor#FFFFFF> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0> font faceCalibri stylefont-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 1; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; font-size: 11pt> b> Duration : 08 Nights/ 09 Days/b>/font>p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0> font faceCalibri stylefont-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 1; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; font-size: 11pt> b> Trek Route :span classApple-converted-space> /span>/b>Srinagar - Sonamarg - Thajiwas Glacier -br> Nichnai - Vishansar - Krishnasar Lake- Gangabal Lake -br> Naranag - Srinagar/font> p alignright> font faceCalibri stylefont-size: 11pt> a styletext-decoration: none hrefsonamarg-trekking-route.html> font color#800080>Detail Itinerary >> /font>/a>/font>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% height19 colspan3> ./td> /tr> tr> td width43% height19> div aligncenter> center> table border0 cellpadding3 styleborder-collapse: collapse width98% idAutoNumber13> tr> td width100% bgcolor#FFFFFF> b>font faceCalibri color#800000> a hrefpahalgam-trekking-route.html styletext-decoration: none> font color#800000>Pahalgam Trekking Route/font>/a>/font>/b>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% bgcolor#FFFFFF> font faceCalibri stylefont-size: 11pt> a hrefpahalgam-trekking-route.html> img border0 srcpahalgam-img.jpg width311 height160>/a>/font>/td> /tr> /table> /center> /div> /td> td width61% height19 colspan2 bgcolor#FFFFFF> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0> font faceCalibri stylefont-size: 11pt>b>Duration : 7 Nights/ 8 Daysbr> br> Trek Route :/b> Srinagar - Pahalgam - Aru - Lidderwat - br> Kolahoi Glacear - Lidderwat - Tarasar Lake - Aur - Srinagarbr> br> /font> p alignright> font faceCalibri stylefont-size: 11pt> a styletext-decoration: none hrefpahalgam-trekking-route.html> font color#800080>Detail Itinerary >> /font>/a>/font>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% height19 colspan3> p alignright> font faceCalibri stylefont-size: 11pt> a styletext-decoration: none; font-weight: 700; font-style: italic hreftour-packages.html> font color#FF0000>More Tour Packages >>/font>/a> /font>/td> /tr> /table> /div> /td> /tr> /table> /div> /td> td width1% bgcolor#FFFFFF> /td> td width29% bgcolor#F0F3F5> div aligncenter> table border0 cellpadding0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width98% idAutoNumber8 height110 bgcolor#F0F3F5> tr> td width100% height19 bgcolor#F4F4F4> p aligncenter>b>font faceCalibri color#800000> TREKKING IN KASHMIR/font>/b>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% height19 bgcolor#F4F4F4> /td> /tr> tr> td width100% height19 bgcolor#F4F4F4> font faceCalibri stylefont-size: 11pt> img border0 srctrekking-package-img.jpg width328 height250>/font>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% height19 bgcolor#F4F4F4> p alignjustify> font faceCalibri stylefont-size: 11pt>b>br> Sonamarg Trekking /b>br> Sonamarg is the staging point for some of the most popular treks in the higher altitudes. A pleasant one day excursion from Sonamarg is to the Thajiwas glacier, 8 km away, and approachable by a pony over a well maintained track. The most popular trek originating from Sonamarg is the Kashmir Lake Trek. It covers the lakes of Gangabal, Vishansar, Kishansar, and close to the Harrnukh peak. The trail first crosses the Nichinai Pass (13 ,387 ft) and then enters the alpine valleys that eventually lead to the Gangabal Lake. Vishansar, Vishnus Lake, is just over 12,000 ft and slightly larger than the 12,500 ft Kishansar, Krishnas Lake. Gangabal lake is the highlight of this trip. Protected by the three peaks of Mount Harrnukh, Gangabal is 5 miles in circumference and offers the finest trout fishing anywere in Kashmir/font>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% height19 bgcolor#F4F4F4> p>../td> /tr> tr> td width100% height19 bgcolor#F4F4F4> img border0 srctajwas-trek.jpg width327 height142>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% height19 bgcolor#F4F4F4> p alignjustify> font faceCalibri stylefont-size: 11pt>b>br> Thajiwas trekking/b>br> The Thajiwas trekking can be done in 6 days starting with Thajiwas glacier and moving ahead covering Nichnai and then Vishnasar to Krishansar Lake and then to Gadsar to Poshpatri and finally to Gangabal Lake. The day by day trek plan is as follows -br> An important point should be considered before planning for Thajiwas trekking tour. Since this is a hardcore 6 days trekking and night is to be spent in tents so trekkers should first get their routine medical check-up before picking up for this adventurous trek. It could get difficult for a person having diabetic, BP problem, asthma or any other health problem. Moreover some initial training for staying in a tent and living on your own in some hard conditions along with basic initiative health related information should be there with the> ./font>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% height19 bgcolor#F4F4F4> /td> /tr> tr> td width100% height19 bgcolor#F4F4F4> img border0 srckolahi-trek.jpg width327 height142>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% height19 bgcolor#F4F4F4> p alignjustify> font faceCalibri stylefont-size: 11pt>b>br> Pahalgam Trekking Route/b>br> One of the famous trekking routes is towards the Kolahoi glacier via Aru. And also on the way to Amarnath cave up till Sonamarg can be trekked. The equipments required for camping are very easily available in Pahalgam. Another popular trekking route is from Sonamarg to Pahalgam and also routes towards Chandanwari and Sheshnag lake can be used for treks. Pahalgam is the base camp for several excursions and expeditions like Kolahari glacier, Sonamarg, Amarnath cave, Sheshnag and much more./font>/td> /tr> tr> td width100% height19 bgcolor#F4F4F4> ./td> /tr> tr> td width100% height19 bgcolor#F4F4F4> p> /td> /tr> tr> td width100% height19 bgcolor#F4F4F4> p aligncenter> a href target_blank> img srccontctimage.jpg width307 height334 border0>/a>/td> /tr> /table> /div> /td> /tr> /table> /div> /td> /tr> tr> td width1000 bgcolor#FFFFFF> table border0 cellpadding0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width1150 idAutoNumber9 height1 bgcolor#FFFFFF> tr> td width100% bgcolor#FFFFFF height2> div aligncenter> table border0 cellpadding0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width1150 idAutoNumber18> tr> td width100%> /td> /tr> tr> td width100%> div aligncenter> table border0 cellpadding0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width1150 idAutoNumber23> tr> td width100% height1 bgcolor#024467> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width100% idAutoNumber22> tr> td width31%> font faceCalibri stylefont-size: 10pt color#FFFFFF> br> ? 2015 , Kashmir Tourism Holidays All rights reserved./font>/td> td width50%> p aligncenter>span stylefont-size: 11pt> font color#FFFFFF faceCalibri> a styletext-decoration: none hrefindex.html> font color#FFFFFF>Home/font>/a>/font>font faceCalibri color#FFFF00>a hrefindex.html styletext-decoration: none> /a> | /font>font color#FFFFFF faceCalibri> a hrefaboutus.html styletext-decoration: none> font color#FFFFFF>About Us/font>/a>/font>font faceCalibri color#FFFF00> | /font>font color#FFFFFF faceCalibri> a styletext-decoration: none hreftour-packages.html> font color#FFFFFF>Tour Packages/font>/a>/font>font faceCalibri color#FFFF00> | /font> a styletext-decoration: none hrefinquiry-form.html> font faceCalibri color#FFFFFF>Inquiry Form/font>/a>font faceCalibri color#FFFF00> | /font>font color#FFFFFF faceCalibri> a hrefcontactus.html styletext-decoration: none> font color#FFFFFF>Contact us/font>/a> /font>font faceCalibri color#FFFF00> | /font>font color#FFFFFF faceCalibri> /font>/span>font faceArial stylefont-size: 9pt>a hrefcontactus.html> /a> styletext-decoration: none>font color#FFFFFF>Policy Regarding Cancellation/font>/a>/font>span stylefont-size: 11pt>font color#FFFFFF faceCalibri>br> br> /font>/span> font faceCalibri color#003366 stylefont-size: 11pt> a styletext-decoration: none hrefsrinagar-sightseeing.html> font color#FFFFFF>SRINAGAR TOUR/font>/a>font color#FFFFFF> /font>/font>font faceCalibri color#FFFF00>span stylefont-size: 11pt> | /span> /font>font faceCalibri color#003366> a styletext-decoration: none hrefgulmarg-sightseeing.html> font color#FFFFFF>span stylefont-size: 11pt>GULMARG TOUR/span>/font>/a>/font>font color#FFFFFF>span stylefont-size: 11pt> /span>/font>font faceCalibri color#FFFF00>span stylefont-size: 11pt> | /span> /font>font faceCalibri color#003366> a styletext-decoration: none hrefpahalgam-sightseeing.html> font color#FFFFFF>span stylefont-size: 11pt>PAHALGAM TOUR/span>/font>/a>/font>font color#FFFFFF>span stylefont-size: 11pt> /span>/font>font faceCalibri color#FFFF00>span stylefont-size: 11pt> | /span>/font>font faceCalibri color#003366>a styletext-decoration: none hrefsonamarg-sightseeing.html>font color#FFFFFF>span stylefont-size: 11pt> SONAMARG TOUR/span>/font>/a>/font>font color#FFFFFF>span stylefont-size: 11pt> br> /span>/font>font faceCalibri color#003366> a hrefyousmarg-sightseeing.html styletext-decoration: none> font color#FFFFFF>span stylefont-size: 11pt>YOUSMARG TOUR/span>/font>/a>/font>font color#FFFFFF>span stylefont-size: 11pt> /span>/font>font faceCalibri color#FFFF00>span stylefont-size: 11pt> | /span> /font>font faceCalibri color#003366> a hrefleh-ladakh-tour.html styletext-decoration: none> font color#FFFFFF stylefont-size: 11pt>LEH & LADAKH TOUR/font>/a>/font>/td> td width19%> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 styleborder-collapse: collapse width100% idAutoNumber15> tr> td width100%> p aligncenter> font faceCalibri stylefont-size: 11pt color#FFFFFF> You may find us below/font>/td> /tr> tr> td width100%> p aligncenter> font faceCalibri stylefont-size: 11pt> img border0 srclink-logo.jpg width113 height34>/font>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td width31%> /td> td width50%> /td> td width19%> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table> /div> /td> /tr> /table> /div> /td> /tr> tr> td width100% height1> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table> /center> /div> /td> /tr> /table> /center>/div>/body>/html>
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