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HTTP/1.1 200 OKAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Date: Wed, 06 Nov 2024 06:29:23 GMTEtag: 23dc-590620bd3bccb-gzipLast-Modified: Sun, 18 Aug 2019 10:54:23 GMTServer: CaddyServer: ApacheVary: Accept-EncodingX-Gigahost-Proxy: App Router 1Transfer-Encoding: chunked !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html langen xmlns>head>meta http-equivcontent-type contenttext/html;charsetutf-8 />title>Dursley Pedersen Bicycle Homepage - The ultimate site of Dursley Pedersen cycles/title>link hreffavicon.ico relshortcut icon />meta namekeywords contentPedersenbike, Dursley Pedersen bicycle, Dursley-Pedersen bicycle, Pedersenbicycle, Copenhagen Pedersen, Mikael Pedersen, gear, creamseparator, race, Pedersen motorcycle, wheel cutter, Christiania cykel, dursley, pedersen, petersen, pederson, peterson, Pedersen models, veteran, racing bike, cheltenham, sutton, kemper, Jesper Sølling, Vintage bicycle />meta nameverify-v1 contentd17+yraELCEeXdfoa6cC6lo8wHsKDS1k0hk/8IES3zE />meta nameDESCRIPTION contentThe ultimate site of the Dursley Pedersen bicycle. The machine is invented in 1886 by Mikael Pedersen, a dane who lived in Dursley, England. />meta nameAUTHOR contentMads Rasmussen />meta namerobots contentindex, follow, all />meta nameresource-type contentdocument />link titledefault hrefa_sheets/basic.css relstylesheet typetext/css mediascreen />link titleeyesight hrefa_sheets/eyesight.css relalternate stylesheet typetext/css mediascreen />link titleprintsheet hrefa_sheets/print.css relstylesheet typetext/css mediaprint />script typetext/javascript srcGeneratedItems/CSScriptLib.js>/script>script typetext/javascript>!--CSInitCSInit.length new Array(CSPAKkillframe);CSAct/*CMP*/ c1f7b0035 new Array(flyanimageRD,/*URL*/ #,/*URL*/ ads_img/ad.gif,612,262,0,,,0,0,0,0,ffffff,false,false,20,1,Close Window,true);// -->/script>script typetext/javascript srcGeneratedItems/banner_rotate.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcGeneratedItems/styleswitcher.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcGeneratedItems/rotate_originals.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcGeneratedItems/klapi.js>/script>script typetext/javascript>!--CSAct/*CMP*/ bef53d740 new Array(kopi101ret,© Copyrights,1999,Mads Rasmussen,true,All Rights Reserved,true,Webmaster,pedersen,dursley-pedersen,net,true,Terms of Use,/*URL*/ terms.html,,Webmaster);// -->/script>/head>body onloadCSScriptInit();>div aligncenter>div idcontainer>div idbanner>img srcbilleder/signs/dpb_sign.gif altDursley Pedersen home page width630 height50 border0 />div aligncenter>img titleImage srcindex_img/dplogo.gif altimage width252 height125 border0 />/div>/div>div idfrontpagediv>div aligncenter>br />a titleMikael Pedersen biography. hrefmp_bio.html>img srcindex_img/mp_clean_1.jpg altMikael Pedersen width150 height200 border0 />/a>br />Mikael Pedersenbr />1855 - 1929/div>p aligncenter>A New Bicyclebr />em>Mr. M. Pedersen of Dursley, with that ingenuity for which he is known, has recently constructed a safety bicycle of remarkable character. Its weight is only nineteen pounds and the maker has tested the strength in an extraordinary way, he having ridden it up Whiteway (a very steep hill) in Dursley, England. /em>br />span classmy_remark>The Dursley Gazettebr /> /span>span classmy_remark>21st October 1893./span>/p>div aligncenter>a titleAd onclickCSAction(new Array(/*CMP*/c1f7b0035));return CSClickReturn() href#>img stylecursor:hand titleImage srcads_img/ad_small_150.gif altAd width150 height64 border0 />/a>br />br />/div>p>p>br />There is very active a titleNVCC (for Dursley and New Pedersen Cycles) href target_blank>FACEBOOK/a> />br />br />script languageJavaScript typetext/javascript> document.write(MRbannerrandomNumber(MRbanner.length - 1)); /script>br />br />/p>p classmy_remark>I created this site to spread the knowledge of, first and foremost the The Pedersen Cycle, but also to give you a chance to get some knowledge of the inventor Mr. Pedersen, whom in many ways was a very special man, one of his />Mads Rasmussen, DK/p>/div>div idfrontpage_rightnav>ul>li>a target_top titleMommy bring me home. hrefindex.html> Home /a>/li>li>a target_top titleA biography of Mikael Pedersen. hrefmp_bio.html> Mikael Pedersen Bio /a>/li>li>a target_top hrefdp_history.html> Dursley Pedersen History /a>/li>li>a target_top hreforiginals/original_1898.html> Dursley Pedersen Bicycles /a>/li>li>a target_top titleDursley Pedersen made various models. hreforiginals/various.html> Various Pedersen Models /a>/li>li>a target_top titleSome people even race their Pedersen hrefracingpedersen.html> Racing Pedersen /a>/li>li>a target_top titleThe prototype of the bicycle? hreftra.html> Wooden Pedersen /a>/li>li>a target_top titlePedersen produced a diamond framed bicycle. hrefdiamond_framed.html> Diamond framed Pedersen /a>/li>li>a target_top titlePatents and drawings on the bicycle. hrefpatents.html> Drawings & Patents /a>/li>li>a target_top titleShows Pedersens three and two speed gear. hrefgear.html> Gear /a>/li>li>a target_top titlePeoples weawing experiences hrefweave.html> Weave a seat /a>/li>li>a target_top titleThe bicycle were fare from the only invention. hrefotherinventions.html> Other inventions /a>/li>li>a target_top hrefreplicas/erlingandersen.html titleThere are quite a few replica makers.> Replicas /a>/li>li>a target_top titleThe Great American Bicycle Wheeze July/August 1986 hrefmisc/jonathan.html> Misc. /a>/li>li>a target_top titleThanks to a lot of people. hrefacknowledge.html> Acknowledgement /a>/li>li>a target_top titleThere are other sites out there. hreflinks.html> Links /a>/li>li>a target_top titleGives a complete overview of the site. hrefsitemap.html> Site map /a>/li>li>a target_top titleContact webmaster hrefforms/contactform/contactform.html> Contact /a>/li>/ul>/div>div idcontent aligncenter>img titleImage srcbilleder/ride.gif altimage width345 height52 border0 />br />br />h2>The Beautiful Dursley Pedersen/h2>/div>div idcontent>div aligncenter>p>Mr. Pedersens bicycle is one of the most beautiful bicycles ever invented, with regards to harmony, strength and lightness in the />It might look a bit different than other bicycles of today, but its only a coincidence that the "normal framed" bikes arent Pedersen cross framed bicycles./p>div aligncenter>img titleImage srcads_img/plakat-original.gif altimage width217 height300 border0 /> img titleImage srcbilleder/img/finlinie.gif altimage width324 height7 border0 vspace10 />p>em>"After more than a century, Pedersens design continues to be an example of unique craftsmanship in a world of mass-produced convention. Pedersen bicycles are a link to the past, when cycling brought independence and freedom of movement, when quality was apparent, when details mattered, when style was beautiful."/em>/p>p>em>(Quote a hreforiginals/original_1904.html>Henry Meudt/a>)/em>/p>div aligncenter>img titleImage srcbilleder/img/finlinie.gif altimage width324 height7 border0 vspace10 />/div>p>If Mr. Pedersen had had the same skills as a businessman as he had as an inventor, the Pedersen bicycle would have been the most widespread bicycle of all. But Mr. Pedersen was unfortunately a very poor businessman and he died a poor />His bicycle became a collectors item instead of a most commonly used />(Editors remark)em>br />br />br />/em>/p>strong>Have a nice trip into the world of thebr />br />u>Ingenious/u> Mikael Pedersen./strong>p aligncenter>/p>/div>div idfooter>p aligncenter>script typetext/javascript>!--CSAction(new Array(/*CMP*/ bef53d740));// -->/script>/p>/div>/div>/div>script typetext/javascript>var gaJsHost ((https: document.location.protocol) ? https://ssl. : http://www.);document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src + gaJsHost + typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));/script>script typetext/javascript>try {var pageTracker _gat._getTracker(UA-11174881-1);pageTracker._trackPageview();} catch(err) {}/script>/body>/html>
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