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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2025 08:05:15 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 7468Last-Modified: Thu, 08 Apr 2021 14:34:06 GMTConnection: keep-aliveETag: 606f145e-1d2cAccept-Ranges: bytes !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> meta charsetutf-8/> meta namerobots contentnoindex, nofollow, noarchive, nosnippet, noodp /> meta namedescription contentThis domain has a pending ICANN verification and is suspended. /> meta namekeywords content /> meta nameauthor contentKey-Systems GmbH | CM /> meta namepublisher contentKey-Systems GmbH /> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1 /> link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefassets/css/bootstrap.min.css> link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefassets/css/font-awesome.min.css> link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefassets/css/screen.css> link relshortcut icon hrefassets/img/favicon.png> title>Contact Verification Suspension Page/title>/head>body>header> div classoverlay bright>/div> div classcontainer> div classheading> div classrow> h1>This domain has been suspended due to non-completion of an ICANN-mandated contact verification./h1> p>As part of the ongoing effort to improve contact quality, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) requires validation for each registrant contact registering a generic TLD. This is required since January 1, 2014 for all gTLDs./p> p classbold>If the domain registrant’s email address is not verified by the registrant, the domain must be suspended./p> /div> /div> /div>/header>div classrow> div classtext-center col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2> div classslice> h2>Why has this domain been suspended?/h2> div classicon_left> span classfa fa-question-circle>/span> /div> div classslice_content> p>One of these reasons may apply:/p> ul classfa-ul> li>i classfa fa-play>/i>span classbold>This is a new domain registration and the registrant’s email address has not been verified yet./span>br> This domain has been newly registered and the email address of the registrant has not been verified yet./li> li>i classfa fa-play>/i>span classbold>The email address of the domain registrant has been modified or changed but not verified yet./span>br> Changing the email address of the domain registrant requires a verification./li> li>i classfa fa-play>/i>span classbold>The domain has recently been transferred and the domain registrant’s email address has not yet been verified at the new registrar./span>br> ICANN registrars are required by policy to verify domain registrant’s email addresses, even after incoming transfers./li> li>i classfa fa-play>/i>span classbold>Someone has complained about the accuracy of the data provided for publication in the WHOIS, triggering a re-verification of the email address of the domain registrant but the address has not been verified yet./span>br> Any reasonable complaint regarding whois accuracy triggers a requirement for the registrar to re-verify the email address./li> /ul> div classclear>/div> /div>!--/slice_content--> /div>!--/slice--> /div>!--/col-sm-8-->/div>!--/row-->div classrow owner> div classtext-center col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2> div classslice> h2>If you are the owner of this domain, you can reactivate it./h2> div classicon_left> span classfa fa-check-circle>/span> /div> div classslice_content> p>span classbold>Click the link provided in the verification email sent to you by your Registrar or direct service provider./span>br> After registering, transferring or modifying the registrant contact data of your domain, you should have received the verification email. Please click the included link and your domain will be unsuspended within 30 minutes. Please make sure to check your spam folder if you cannot find that mail./p> p>span classbold>You can request to resend the verification email through your domain provider./span>br> The verification mail will be sent to the registrant’s email address used for this domain. If you are the registrant of this domain and unsure which email address is used, please log into your account at your domain provider to view or modify registrant contact data information./p> p>span classbold>If you have the trigger code, enter it on a href>>/span>br> The trigger code to verify your registrant contact data is contained in the verification mail. However, your domain provider might provide the respective trigger code under certain conditions. This trigger code can be entered on a href>> to verify your registrant contact data and remove the suspension on your domain./p> /div>!--/slice_content--> /div>!--/slice--> /div>!--/col-sm-8-->/div>!--/row-->div classrow> div classtext-center col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2> div classslice> h2>Frequently Asked Questions/h2> div classicon_left> span classfa fa-user-circle>/span> /div> div classslice_content> p>span classbold>Why are domains with unverified registrant email addresses suspended?/span>br> To ensure the contactability of the registrant, ICANN policies requires registrars to verify registrant email addresses and contact information within 15 days after registration and incoming transfers. If registrant data is not verified in time, ICANN mandates registrars to suspend the corresponding website of the affected domain. You can find information about the relevant ICANN Policy at: a href>>/p> p>span classbold>How can I prevent deactivation of my domain in the future?/span>br> This requires the completion of the verification process within 15 days of the verification mail being sent to you. Make sure the email address you provide works and you mailbox is reviewed regularly. Make sure to expect a verification mail when making an update to your data./p> p>span classbold>How can I reactivate my domain and remove the suspension?/span>br> This requires the completion of the verification process. You can resend the verification mail through your domain provider. Also, if desired, you can update your registrant contact information at your domain provider and afterwards you will receive a verification email./p> p>span classbold>How long does it take until my website comes back online after the suspension is removed?/span>br> After the verification has been successfully completed the suspension is removed within 30 minutes. Please keep in mind that populating new DNS servers might take a bit longer due to DNS caching./p> p>span classbold>I’m not the owner of this domain. What can I do?/span>br> If you are a visitor to this website, please try accessing this domain again later./p> /div>!--/slice_content--> /div>!--/slice--> /div>!--/col-sm-8-->/div>!--/row-->footer> a hreflegal.php>Legal Notice/a>/footer>/body>/html>
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