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step cooking photos>meta propertyarticle:tag content best food blog to learn south-Indian cooking with step by step pictures>meta propertyarticle:tag content MangalaMeenakshi author of cooking jingalala food blog>meta propertyarticle:tag content cooking blog to learn Indian cooking>meta propertyarticle:tag content cooking blog to learn south-Indian cooking>meta propertyarticle:tag content best recipes of India>meta propertyarticle:tag content Tamilnadu cooking blog>meta propertyarticle:tag content Tamilnadu recipes with step by step pictures>meta propertyarticle:tag content step by step photos for Tamilian recipes>meta propertyarticle:tag content Tamilnadu food>meta propertyarticle:tag content How to make Tamilnadu dishes with step by step images/pictures/photos>meta propertyarticle:tag content Indian non-vegetarian recipes with step by step pictures>meta propertyarticle:tag content South-Indian non-vegetarian recipes with step by step pictures>meta propertyarticle:tag content how to cook tamilnadu non-vegetarian recipes with step by step images/pictures/photos>meta propertyarticle:tag content step by step cooking of Indian food>meta propertyarticle:tag content best cooking for Indian recipes>meta propertyarticle:tag content best cooking blog for Tamilnadu recipes>meta propertyarticle:tag content famous cooking blog for south-Indian recipes>meta propertyarticle:tag content step-by-step Indian cooking>meta propertyarticle:tag content learn how to cook Indian food>meta propertyarticle:tag content learn how to prepare south-Indian food>meta propertyarticle:tag content learn how to cook Tamilnadu recipes>meta propertyarticle:tag content Top Indian recipes>meta propertyarticle:tag content online tutorial for Indian cooking>meta propertyarticle:tag content best online cooking tutorial for South-Indian cooking with step by step pictures>meta nametwitter:card contentsummary>link relcanonical href>script idpage-configurations> // { sidebar: , isHome : true, isPost : false 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home langen> link itempropmainEntityOfPage href> span hidden itempropauthor itemscope itemtype> meta itempropimage content/images/iruppu-pic.jpg> meta itempropname contentMangala Meenakshi> meta itempropdescription contentSutra of Indian cooking - Unfolding with Step by Step Pictures and Videos> /span> span hidden itemproppublisher itemscope itemtype> meta itempropname contentCooking Jingalala> /span> header classpost-header> h1 classpost-title itempropname headline> a href/2013/11/mushroom-soup-indian-style-quick-and-easy-mushroom-soup-recipe/ classpost-title-link itempropurl>Mushroom Soup Indian Style | Quick and Easy Mushroom Soup Recipe/a> /h1> div classpost-meta> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Posted on/span> time titleCreated: 2013-11-29 00:00:00 itempropdateCreated datePublished datetime2013-11-29T00:00:00+00:00>2013-11-29/time> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-calendar-check-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Edited on/span> time titleModified: 2020-03-25 13:53:09 itempropdateModified datetime2020-03-25T13:53:09+00:00>2020-03-25/time> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-folder-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>In/span> span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Mushroom-Recipes/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Mushroom Recipes/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Quick-and-Easy/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Quick and Easy/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Soup-Recipes/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Soup Recipes/span>/a> /span> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-comment-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Disqus: /span> a titledisqus href/2013/11/mushroom-soup-indian-style-quick-and-easy-mushroom-soup-recipe/#disqus_thread itempropdiscussionUrl> span classpost-comments-count disqus-comment-count data-disqus-identifier2013/11/mushroom-soup-indian-style-quick-and-easy-mushroom-soup-recipe/ itempropcommentCount>/span> /a> /span> /div> /header> div classpost-body itemproparticleBody> p>How’s strong>winter/strong> in your city? Brrrrrrr… it is piercing cold in the place I live img src/images/wlEmoticon-freezing.png alt> brrrrr…rrrrr….. To arrest such strong>winter cold, cough/strong> and the shivering, I have in hand strong>5-minute Quick and Easy Soup recipes/strong> img src/images/wlEmoticon-nerdsmile2.png altNerd smile>. This strong>em>Simple Mushroom Soup recipe (Kaalaan Soup)/em>/strong> is the mirror-mirror of my famous strong>em>a href titleIndian Style Spicy Chicken Soup Recipe for cold and cough>Indian Style Chicken Soup recipe/a>/em>/strong>, except that, chicken is replaced by strong>Mushrooms/strong>. When I say it’s a strong>5-minute soup recipe/strong>, I mean it, okay! A strong>em>spicy, thin mushroom soup/em>/strong> that is made strong>WITHOUT/strong> em>using butter or cream or milk or maida (all-pourpose flour) or cheese/em>./p>p>Before demonstrating em>strong>how to make a Spicy Mushroom Soup/strong>/em>, let me throw you a simple question. What makes a em>recipe/em> to sound and taste like em>South-Indian/em>? I would say, it is the strong>em>a href target_blank relnoopener titleBest oil for SouthIndian cooking, Non-veg recipes - Sesame oil>Nalla ennai/Sesame oil/Gingelly Oil/a>/em>/strong>. Yes. When an strong>Indian recipe/strong> demands strong>a href target_blank relnoopener titleGood Sesame oil/Gingelly oil for Indian cooking - buy online>sesame oil/a>/strong>, you can easily guess that the em>recipe/em> is from the em>state of Tamilnadu./em> At home, we use strong>a href target_blank relnoopener titleGood Gingely oil/Nallennai/Sesame oil for Tamilnadu style cooking>Idhayam Nallennai (Iddhiyam Sesame oil/Idhayyam Gingelly oil)/a>/strong> , be it for poriyal or tempering the a href titleBest Chutney recipes of SouthIndia - Step by Step pictures>strong>chutneys/strong>/a> or strong>a href titleSouthIndian Tamilnadu Gravy recipes - step by step pictures>gravies/a>/strong>, especially the non-vegetarian varuval recipes (non-veg fry) and more importantly for a href titleIndian Style Soup Recipes - Step by Step pictures - Cooking Jingalala>strong>soups/strong>/a>. We add few drops of strong>a href target_blank relnoopener titleGingelly oil, Nalla ennai, Iddhiyam Nallennai recipes>gingelly oil/a>/strong> while making em>thin soups/em>, like this strong>em>kalaan soup/em>/strong>, a href titleTamilnadu Style Kozhi Soup recipe - Step by Step pictures>strong>kozhi soup/strong>/a>, mutton soup (aatu kaal soup) etc. Adding em>sesame oil/em> gives a beautiful flavor to the em>soup/em> and makes it taste utter strong>em>Restaurant style/em>/strong>! No, I’m not exaggerating. Find the readers’ praises in the comment section of my strong>em>a href titleBest SouthIndian Style Chicken Soup recipe - Quick, easy, simple>Tamilnadu Restaurant Style Chicken Soup recipe/a>/em>/strong>. The reader says, em>‘After having it I felt the same taste as I could have from any/em> strong>popular chettinad chain such as Anjappar or Karaikudi/strong>em>’ img src/images/wlEmoticon-openmouthedsmile1.png altOpen-mouthed smile>/em> /p> !--noindex--> div classpost-button> a classbtn href/2013/11/mushroom-soup-indian-style-quick-and-easy-mushroom-soup-recipe/#more relcontents> Read more » /a> /div> !--/noindex--> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classpost-eof>/div> /footer> /article> article itemscope itemtype classpost-block home langen> link itempropmainEntityOfPage href> span hidden itempropauthor itemscope itemtype> meta itempropimage content/images/iruppu-pic.jpg> meta itempropname contentMangala Meenakshi> meta itempropdescription contentSutra of Indian cooking - Unfolding with Step by Step Pictures and Videos> /span> span hidden itemproppublisher itemscope itemtype> meta itempropname contentCooking Jingalala> /span> header classpost-header> h1 classpost-title itempropname headline> a href/2013/11/best-kitchen-storage-containers-gorgeous-canister-sets-for-kitchen-counter-tops/ classpost-title-link itempropurl>Best Kitchen Storage Containers | Gorgeous Canister sets for Kitchen Counter Tops/a> /h1> div classpost-meta> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Posted on/span> time titleCreated: 2013-11-20 00:00:00 itempropdateCreated datePublished datetime2013-11-20T00:00:00+00:00>2013-11-20/time> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-calendar-check-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Edited on/span> time titleModified: 2020-03-25 13:53:09 itempropdateModified datetime2020-03-25T13:53:09+00:00>2020-03-25/time> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-folder-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>In/span> span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Feature/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Feature/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Best-Kitchen-items-%E2%80%93-Review/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Best Kitchen items – Review/span>/a> /span> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-comment-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Disqus: /span> a titledisqus href/2013/11/best-kitchen-storage-containers-gorgeous-canister-sets-for-kitchen-counter-tops/#disqus_thread itempropdiscussionUrl> span classpost-comments-count disqus-comment-count data-disqus-identifier2013/11/best-kitchen-storage-containers-gorgeous-canister-sets-for-kitchen-counter-tops/ itempropcommentCount>/span> /a> /span> /div> /header> div classpost-body itemproparticleBody> p>Based on the heavy reception of my post - strong>a href titleBest Mixie, grinder to make Idli and dosa batter - Indian cooking>Best Kitchen Items for Indian Cooking,/a>/strong> I decided to speak more about my travel experiences to my readers. This time I wanted to share about what all I carried from my home to the US (during the vacations) and then how I managed to store all of those items in my kitchen. These strong>a href target_blank relnoopener titleCreative gift ideas for girl friend, wife, mother, aunt, friend - kitchen items>canisters/a>/strong> help strong>not just storing/strong> but to strong>beautify your kitchen countertops./strong> Whenever guests or neighbors visit your kitchen, they sure will exclaim, em>‘hey wowwww…. Where did you get these? img src/images/wlEmoticon-flirtmale.png altFlirt male>’/em> Have a special friend whom you wanted to thank or simply send her a strong>gift/strong> just to make her happy? These strong>a href target_blank relnoopener titleStainless steel kitchen storage containers, canisters, boxes, cans, dabbas>kitchen countertop canisters/a>/strong> will do the job perfectly well. em>Each canister image has an associated link for your easy view and purchase./em> Celebrate beautifying your kitchen! img src/images/wlEmoticon-flirtfemale.png altFlirt female>/p>p>img src/images/good-kitchen-canister-sets-1.jpg altcanister-sets-jars-containers titleCanister sets to store huge amount of flour, chili powder, maida, atta>/p> !--noindex--> div classpost-button> a classbtn href/2013/11/best-kitchen-storage-containers-gorgeous-canister-sets-for-kitchen-counter-tops/#more relcontents> Read more » /a> /div> !--/noindex--> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classpost-eof>/div> /footer> /article> article itemscope itemtype classpost-block home langen> link itempropmainEntityOfPage href> span hidden itempropauthor itemscope itemtype> meta itempropimage content/images/iruppu-pic.jpg> meta itempropname contentMangala Meenakshi> meta itempropdescription contentSutra of Indian cooking - Unfolding with Step by Step Pictures and Videos> /span> span hidden itemproppublisher itemscope itemtype> meta itempropname contentCooking Jingalala> /span> header classpost-header> h1 classpost-title itempropname headline> a href/2013/11/sivakasi-style-mutton-varuval-mutton-fry-dry-varutha-kari/ classpost-title-link itempropurl>Sivakasi Style Mutton Varuval | Mutton Fry Dry | Varutha Kari/a> /h1> div classpost-meta> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Posted on/span> time titleCreated: 2013-11-08 00:00:00 itempropdateCreated datePublished datetime2013-11-08T00:00:00+00:00>2013-11-08/time> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-calendar-check-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Edited on/span> time titleModified: 2020-03-25 13:53:09 itempropdateModified datetime2020-03-25T13:53:09+00:00>2020-03-25/time> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-folder-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>In/span> span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Non-Veg-Recipes/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Non-Veg Recipes/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Side-dish/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Side dish/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/No-Coconut-non-veg-recipes/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>No-Coconut non-veg recipes/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Tamilnadu-Traditional-Recipes/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Tamilnadu Traditional Recipes/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Mutton-Lamb-Goat-Sheep-meat-Recipes/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Mutton (Lamb/Goat/Sheep meat) Recipes/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Sivakasi-Recipes/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Sivakasi Recipes/span>/a> /span> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-comment-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Disqus: /span> a titledisqus href/2013/11/sivakasi-style-mutton-varuval-mutton-fry-dry-varutha-kari/#disqus_thread itempropdiscussionUrl> span classpost-comments-count disqus-comment-count data-disqus-identifier2013/11/sivakasi-style-mutton-varuval-mutton-fry-dry-varutha-kari/ itempropcommentCount>/span> /a> /span> /div> /header> div classpost-body itemproparticleBody> p>The two occasions when I see the husband getting excited are: 1. While watching a LIVE cricket match of India. 2. When I make non-vegetarian his native style non-vegetarian dish. So when I made this strong>em>Mutton Sukka Varuval/em>/strong> on a day when India played a LIVE cricket match, he was double excited! This strong>em>Mutton Varuttha Kari recipe/em>/strong> is from his native place strong>em>Sivakasi/em>/strong>. That means, the dish has a very simple profile like this a href titleSimple Easy Mutton Kolambu recipe - Sivakasi - Step by Step>strong>Simple and Easy Sivakasi Mutton Kulambu (Gravy) recipe/strong>/a> which I posted few weeks back./p>p>a href/images/mutton-fry-sivakasi-style-1.jpg>img src/images/mutton-fry-sivakasi-style-1_thumb.jpg altmutton-fry-sivakasi-style-1 titleMutton Fry Sivakasi Style - Goat Meat Fry Dry>/a>/p> !--noindex--> div classpost-button> a classbtn href/2013/11/sivakasi-style-mutton-varuval-mutton-fry-dry-varutha-kari/#more relcontents> Read more » /a> /div> !--/noindex--> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classpost-eof>/div> /footer> /article> article itemscope itemtype classpost-block home langen> link itempropmainEntityOfPage href> span hidden itempropauthor itemscope itemtype> meta itempropimage content/images/iruppu-pic.jpg> meta itempropname contentMangala Meenakshi> meta itempropdescription contentSutra of Indian cooking - Unfolding with Step by Step Pictures and Videos> /span> span hidden itemproppublisher itemscope itemtype> meta itempropname contentCooking Jingalala> /span> header classpost-header> h1 classpost-title itempropname headline> a href/2013/10/fried-chana-dal-snack-recipe-nei-kadalai-diwali-snacks-recipes/ classpost-title-link itempropurl>Fried Chana Dal Snack recipe | Nei Kadalai | Diwali Snacks recipes/a> /h1> div classpost-meta> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Posted on/span> time titleCreated: 2013-10-30 00:00:00 itempropdateCreated datePublished datetime2013-10-30T00:00:00+00:00>2013-10-30/time> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-calendar-check-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Edited on/span> time titleModified: 2020-03-25 13:53:09 itempropdateModified datetime2020-03-25T13:53:09+00:00>2020-03-25/time> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-folder-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>In/span> span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Diwali-2013/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Diwali 2013/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Chana-dal-Split-Chickpeas-Recipe/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Chana dal / Split Chickpeas Recipe/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Diwali-Snacks/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Diwali Snacks/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Snacks/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Snacks/span>/a> /span> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-comment-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Disqus: /span> a titledisqus href/2013/10/fried-chana-dal-snack-recipe-nei-kadalai-diwali-snacks-recipes/#disqus_thread itempropdiscussionUrl> span classpost-comments-count disqus-comment-count data-disqus-identifier2013/10/fried-chana-dal-snack-recipe-nei-kadalai-diwali-snacks-recipes/ itempropcommentCount>/span> /a> /span> /div> /header> div classpost-body itemproparticleBody> p>a href/images/masala-chana-dal-1.jpg>img src/images/masala-chana-dal-1_thumb.jpg altmasala-chana-dal-video-spicy-chana-dal-fry-1 titleMasala Chana Dhal Recipe | Step by Step pictures>/a>/p>p>I’m spinning here in my kitchen like a ‘diwali sangu chakram’, working on strong>em>Diwali snacks and sweets/em>/strong> for my family and of course for my blog readers, fans, and followers too!/p>p>a href/images/roasted-chana-dal-1.jpg>img src/images/roasted-chana-dal-1_thumb.jpg altroasted-chana-dal-split-chickpeas-snacks-recipes1 titleRoasted Chana Dal | Spicy Masala Fried Chana dhal>/a>/p>p>I made my childhood days favorite snack called strong>em>’Nei Kadalai’/em>/strong>. Made by strong>em>deep frying the chana dhal/em>/strong> and seasoning with curry leaves, garlic, red chili powder and salt. So very strong>em>easy snack to make for any tea-time/em>/strong>. Watch strong>em>video/em>/strong> for the strong>em>recipe/em>/strong>./p> !--noindex--> div classpost-button> a classbtn href/2013/10/fried-chana-dal-snack-recipe-nei-kadalai-diwali-snacks-recipes/#more relcontents> Read more » /a> /div> !--/noindex--> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classpost-eof>/div> /footer> /article> article itemscope itemtype classpost-block home langen> link itempropmainEntityOfPage href> span hidden itempropauthor itemscope itemtype> meta itempropimage content/images/iruppu-pic.jpg> meta itempropname contentMangala Meenakshi> meta itempropdescription contentSutra of Indian cooking - Unfolding with Step by Step Pictures and Videos> /span> span hidden itemproppublisher itemscope itemtype> meta itempropname contentCooking Jingalala> /span> header classpost-header> h1 classpost-title itempropname headline> a href/2013/10/how-to-make-mattri-matri-diwali-snacks-recipes-tea-time-snacks/ classpost-title-link itempropurl>How to make Mattri (Matri) | Diwali Snacks Recipes | Tea-time Snacks/a> /h1> div classpost-meta> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Posted on/span> time titleCreated: 2013-10-28 00:00:00 itempropdateCreated datePublished datetime2013-10-28T00:00:00+00:00>2013-10-28/time> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-calendar-check-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Edited on/span> time titleModified: 2020-03-25 13:53:09 itempropdateModified datetime2020-03-25T13:53:09+00:00>2020-03-25/time> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-folder-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>In/span> span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Diwali-2013/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Diwali 2013/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Diwali-Snacks/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Diwali Snacks/span>/a> /span> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-comment-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Disqus: /span> a titledisqus href/2013/10/how-to-make-mattri-matri-diwali-snacks-recipes-tea-time-snacks/#disqus_thread itempropdiscussionUrl> span classpost-comments-count disqus-comment-count data-disqus-identifier2013/10/how-to-make-mattri-matri-diwali-snacks-recipes-tea-time-snacks/ itempropcommentCount>/span> /a> /span> /div> /header> div classpost-body itemproparticleBody> p>To my dear fans: The behind the scenes stories will be written after Diwali holidays img src/images/wlEmoticon-openmouthedsmile2.png altOpen-mouthed smile>/p>p>For now, watch this quick video for making Matris (Punjabi Salt Crackers) and stock them for this Diwali! a href target_blank relnoopener>>/p>p>a href/images/matri-recipe-diwali-snacks-1.jpg>img src/images/matri-recipe-diwali-snacks-1_thumb.jpg altmatri-recipe-diwali-snacks-1 titleDiwali Snacks recipes - Indian snacks with Tea/Chai>/a>/p> !--noindex--> div classpost-button> a classbtn href/2013/10/how-to-make-mattri-matri-diwali-snacks-recipes-tea-time-snacks/#more relcontents> Read more » /a> /div> !--/noindex--> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classpost-eof>/div> /footer> /article> article itemscope itemtype classpost-block home langen> link itempropmainEntityOfPage href> span hidden itempropauthor itemscope itemtype> meta itempropimage content/images/iruppu-pic.jpg> meta itempropname contentMangala Meenakshi> meta itempropdescription contentSutra of Indian cooking - Unfolding with Step by Step Pictures and Videos> /span> span hidden itemproppublisher itemscope itemtype> meta itempropname contentCooking Jingalala> /span> header classpost-header> h1 classpost-title itempropname headline> a href/2013/10/non-vegetarian-recipes-for-diwali-chicken-mutton-recipes-for-diwali-2013/ classpost-title-link itempropurl>Non-Vegetarian recipes for Diwali | Chicken, Mutton Recipes for Diwali 2013/a> /h1> div classpost-meta> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Posted on/span> time titleCreated: 2013-10-28 00:00:00 itempropdateCreated datePublished datetime2013-10-28T00:00:00+00:00>2013-10-28/time> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-calendar-check-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Edited on/span> time titleModified: 2020-03-25 13:53:09 itempropdateModified datetime2020-03-25T13:53:09+00:00>2020-03-25/time> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-folder-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>In/span> span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Diwali-2013/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Diwali 2013/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Non-Veg-Recipes/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Non-Veg Recipes/span>/a> /span> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-comment-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Disqus: /span> a titledisqus href/2013/10/non-vegetarian-recipes-for-diwali-chicken-mutton-recipes-for-diwali-2013/#disqus_thread itempropdiscussionUrl> span classpost-comments-count disqus-comment-count data-disqus-identifier2013/10/non-vegetarian-recipes-for-diwali-chicken-mutton-recipes-for-diwali-2013/ itempropcommentCount>/span> /a> /span> /div> /header> div classpost-body itemproparticleBody> p>Happy Deepavali Readers and Visitors! Listing you the Top 10 Non-veg recipes from a href titleBest Non-Vegetarian recipes of India for Diwali Deepavali 2013>Cooking Jingalala/a>. Choose and Prepare for this Diwali and get praises from your family img src/images/wlEmoticon-smile1.png altSmile>. Keep scrolling down…./p>p>a href/images/deepavali-non-veg-recipes-1.jpg>img src/images/deepavali-non-veg-recipes-1_thumb.jpg altdeepavali-non-veg-recipes-1 titleDeepavali Recipes for Non-vegetarians | Non-Veg recipes for Diwali 2013>/a>/p>p>*em>CLICK each Image for Step by Step pictorial guide to make the recipe */em>/p>p>strong>Let’s start with the/strong> a href titleMutton gravy recipe for rice, dosa and idli - Diwali recipes>strong>Mutton Gravy Recipe/strong>/a> strong>‘of’ and ‘from’ the City of Crackers – Sivakasi/strong>/p>p>a href titleSivakasi style mutton kari kuzhambu recipe - deepavali recipes>img src/images/sivakasi-style-mutton-kuzhambu_thumb.jpg alt>/a>/p> !--noindex--> div classpost-button> a classbtn href/2013/10/non-vegetarian-recipes-for-diwali-chicken-mutton-recipes-for-diwali-2013/#more relcontents> Read more » /a> /div> !--/noindex--> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classpost-eof>/div> /footer> /article> article itemscope itemtype classpost-block home langen> link itempropmainEntityOfPage href> span hidden itempropauthor itemscope itemtype> meta itempropimage content/images/iruppu-pic.jpg> meta itempropname contentMangala Meenakshi> meta itempropdescription contentSutra of Indian cooking - Unfolding with Step by Step Pictures and Videos> /span> span hidden itemproppublisher itemscope itemtype> meta itempropname contentCooking Jingalala> /span> header classpost-header> h1 classpost-title itempropname headline> a href/2013/10/diwali-snacks-deepavali-sweets-recipes-2013/ classpost-title-link itempropurl>Diwali Snacks, Deepavali Sweets Recipes 2013/a> /h1> div classpost-meta> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Posted on/span> time titleCreated: 2013-10-28 00:00:00 itempropdateCreated datePublished datetime2013-10-28T00:00:00+00:00>2013-10-28/time> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-calendar-check-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Edited on/span> time titleModified: 2020-03-25 13:53:09 itempropdateModified datetime2020-03-25T13:53:09+00:00>2020-03-25/time> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-folder-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>In/span> span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Diwali-2013/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Diwali 2013/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Diwali-Snacks/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Diwali Snacks/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Diwali-sweets/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Diwali sweets/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Feature/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Feature/span>/a> /span> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-comment-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Disqus: /span> a titledisqus href/2013/10/diwali-snacks-deepavali-sweets-recipes-2013/#disqus_thread itempropdiscussionUrl> span classpost-comments-count disqus-comment-count data-disqus-identifier2013/10/diwali-snacks-deepavali-sweets-recipes-2013/ itempropcommentCount>/span> /a> /span> /div> /header> div classpost-body itemproparticleBody> p>Wishing you and your family a very very Happy Diwali. Joy is togetherness. Bring your family together by preparing these delicious snacks and sweets recipes at home this Deepavali!/p>p>strong>Click image to check on Step-by-Step pictorial guide to make the recipe/strong>/p>p>strong>a href titleDiwali Sweets recipes | Deepavali sweets | Halwa Recipes for Diwali>Yummy Banana Halwa Recipe – Simple Sweet made with ripe Bananas/a>/strong>/p>p>a href titleSimple Sweets - Indian Sweets - Diwali Sweets - Sweets using Banana>img src/images/banana-halwa-present-3.jpg altbanana halwa present 3 titleSimple Sweets - Indian Sweets - Diwali Sweets - Sweets using Banana>/a>/p> !--noindex--> div classpost-button> a classbtn href/2013/10/diwali-snacks-deepavali-sweets-recipes-2013/#more relcontents> Read more » /a> /div> !--/noindex--> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classpost-eof>/div> /footer> /article> article itemscope itemtype classpost-block home langen> link itempropmainEntityOfPage href> span hidden itempropauthor itemscope itemtype> meta itempropimage content/images/iruppu-pic.jpg> meta itempropname contentMangala Meenakshi> meta itempropdescription contentSutra of Indian cooking - Unfolding with Step by Step Pictures and Videos> /span> span hidden itemproppublisher itemscope itemtype> meta itempropname contentCooking Jingalala> /span> header classpost-header> h1 classpost-title itempropname headline> a href/2013/10/sivakasi-mutton-kuzhambu-sivakasi-style-kari-kuzhambu-mutton-curry-recipe/ classpost-title-link itempropurl>Sivakasi Style Mutton Kari Kuzhambu | Tamilnadu Mutton Gravy Recipe/a> /h1> div classpost-meta> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Posted on/span> time titleCreated: 2013-10-22 00:00:00 itempropdateCreated datePublished datetime2013-10-22T00:00:00+00:00>2013-10-22/time> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-calendar-check-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Edited on/span> time titleModified: 2020-03-25 13:53:09 itempropdateModified datetime2020-03-25T13:53:09+00:00>2020-03-25/time> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-folder-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>In/span> span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Non-Veg-Recipes/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Non-Veg Recipes/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/No-Coconut-non-veg-recipes/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>No-Coconut non-veg recipes/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Non-Vegetarian-Gravy-Recipes/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Non-Vegetarian Gravy Recipes/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Mutton-Lamb-Goat-Sheep-meat-Recipes/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Mutton (Lamb/Goat/Sheep meat) Recipes/span>/a> /span> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-comment-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Disqus: /span> a titledisqus href/2013/10/sivakasi-mutton-kuzhambu-sivakasi-style-kari-kuzhambu-mutton-curry-recipe/#disqus_thread itempropdiscussionUrl> span classpost-comments-count disqus-comment-count data-disqus-identifier2013/10/sivakasi-mutton-kuzhambu-sivakasi-style-kari-kuzhambu-mutton-curry-recipe/ itempropcommentCount>/span> /a> /span> /div> /header> div classpost-body itemproparticleBody> p>I have bragged about my Mother’s cooking, maternal Grandmother’s recipes, paternal Grandmother’s recipes, but, never did I mention about my Mother-in-law’s recipes in any post. Did I? This finding was done by the husband. So were the complaints too img src/images/wlEmoticon-sarcasticsmile.png altSarcastic smile>. In order to react to his complaints img src/images/wlEmoticon-annoyed.png altAnnoyed>, like how people used to have weekly status calls with onsite/offshore team, I had week-end calls scheduled with my offshore team lead em>(you should understand it’s my mom-in-law, here img src/images/wlEmoticon-princess.png altPrincess>))/em>. During the calls, I noted down recipes after recipes like: strong>em>Sivakasi Mutton Kuzhambu/em>/strong>, strong>a href titleSivakasi Naadaar Mutton Varuval (Sukka Varuval) Recipe>Sivakasi Mutton Varuval/a>/strong>, Soose berry, Rava paniyaram, Mundhiri Kotthu, Poori Masala, Maida Maavu Poori, Kotthamalli Chutney, Murukku, Butter Beans Poriyal, Vazhaikai Poriyal, Naattu Kozhi Kuzhambu, Sotru Vattral (Rice Crackers) and what not! My co-sister (who’s from Nagerkoil) helped me with hands-on for few of these recipes. I started to cook food in my mother-in-law’s way img src/images/wlEmoticon-flirtfemale1.png altFlirt female>. Today, I’ve got many of her recipes written in my Recipe-Notebook./p>p>a href/images/sivakasi-style-mutton-kuzhambu.jpg>img src/images/sivakasi-style-mutton-kuzhambu_thumb.jpg altsivakasi-style-mutton-kuzhambu titleSivakasi Style Mutton Kulambu Recipe - Step by Step>/a>/p> !--noindex--> div classpost-button> a classbtn href/2013/10/sivakasi-mutton-kuzhambu-sivakasi-style-kari-kuzhambu-mutton-curry-recipe/#more relcontents> Read more » /a> /div> !--/noindex--> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classpost-eof>/div> /footer> /article> article itemscope itemtype classpost-block home langen> link itempropmainEntityOfPage href> span hidden itempropauthor itemscope itemtype> meta itempropimage content/images/iruppu-pic.jpg> meta itempropname contentMangala Meenakshi> meta itempropdescription contentSutra of Indian cooking - Unfolding with Step by Step Pictures and Videos> /span> span hidden itemproppublisher itemscope itemtype> meta itempropname contentCooking Jingalala> /span> header classpost-header> h1 classpost-title itempropname headline> a href/2013/10/green-chicken-gravy-hara-chicken-masala-recipe-haree-masala-chicken/ classpost-title-link itempropurl>Green Chicken Gravy | Hara Chicken Masala Recipe | Haree Masala Chicken/a> /h1> div classpost-meta> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Posted on/span> time titleCreated: 2013-10-18 00:00:00 itempropdateCreated datePublished datetime2013-10-18T00:00:00+00:00>2013-10-18/time> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-calendar-check-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Edited on/span> time titleModified: 2020-03-25 13:53:09 itempropdateModified datetime2020-03-25T13:53:09+00:00>2020-03-25/time> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-folder-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>In/span> span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Non-Veg-Recipes/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Non-Veg Recipes/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Side-dish/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Side dish/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Chicken-Recipes/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Chicken Recipes/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/No-Coconut-non-veg-recipes/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>No-Coconut non-veg recipes/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Non-Vegetarian-Gravy-Recipes/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Non-Vegetarian Gravy Recipes/span>/a> /span> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-comment-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Disqus: /span> a titledisqus href/2013/10/green-chicken-gravy-hara-chicken-masala-recipe-haree-masala-chicken/#disqus_thread itempropdiscussionUrl> span classpost-comments-count disqus-comment-count data-disqus-identifier2013/10/green-chicken-gravy-hara-chicken-masala-recipe-haree-masala-chicken/ itempropcommentCount>/span> /a> /span> /div> /header> div classpost-body itemproparticleBody> p>I already feel like a restaurateur! Yes, I do! I made this strong>em>Green Chicken Curry/em>/strong> and it drifted that special aroma which used to linger along my favorite restaurant into my living room! Read on to see how you can make a strong>em>Restaurant Style Green Chicken Masala/em>/strong>./p>pre>code>The easiest way to make the husband pleased is by trying out different varieties of curries **_non-vegetarian curries_**. My followers know that I spoke more about it in the posts **Roasted Lemony Chicken Breast( "Lemon zest, Spicy Marinade to Roast Chicken Breast - Step by Step")** and **Lemony Mushroom Marinade**( "Easy Mushroom Appetizer recipes - Party appetizer recipes"). This **_Haree Masala Chicken_** is a totally different curry than my usual **Pepper Chicken Fry( "Tasty Pepper Chicken Fry - Dry version - Indian style spicy chicken curry")** or Kozhi Varuval (Masala Chicken Fry). Different because, unlike the other two recipes, the only whole-spice used in this **_Greeny Chicken Curry_** is _Cloves_. Cloves, for this recipe helps in giving a spicy-sweet aroma that can camouflage the raw smell of the meat. When I say, **_Green Masala_**, you might have guessed that it has _cilantro_ and _mint_ in it. Yes it does. But it has another **STAR ingredient** too. Any guesses? _Clue:_ It is **green in color** too. It gives the _tanginess_ to the _chicken curry_, but it’s not _green tomatoes._/code>/pre> !--noindex--> div classpost-button> a classbtn href/2013/10/green-chicken-gravy-hara-chicken-masala-recipe-haree-masala-chicken/#more relcontents> Read more » /a> /div> !--/noindex--> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classpost-eof>/div> /footer> /article> article itemscope itemtype classpost-block home langen> link itempropmainEntityOfPage href> span hidden itempropauthor itemscope itemtype> meta itempropimage content/images/iruppu-pic.jpg> meta itempropname contentMangala Meenakshi> meta itempropdescription contentSutra of Indian cooking - Unfolding with Step by Step Pictures and Videos> /span> span hidden itemproppublisher itemscope itemtype> meta itempropname contentCooking Jingalala> /span> header classpost-header> h1 classpost-title itempropname headline> a href/2013/10/gujarathi-patra-recipe-alu-vadi-recipe-pathrode-recipe/ classpost-title-link itempropurl>Gujarathi Patra Recipe | Alu Vadi Recipe | Pathrode Recipe/a> /h1> div classpost-meta> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Posted on/span> time titleCreated: 2013-10-01 00:00:00 itempropdateCreated datePublished datetime2013-10-01T00:00:00+00:00>2013-10-01/time> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-calendar-check-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Edited on/span> time titleModified: 2020-03-25 13:53:09 itempropdateModified datetime2020-03-25T13:53:09+00:00>2020-03-25/time> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-folder-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>In/span> span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Ganesh-Chatthurti-Recipes/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Ganesh Chatthurti Recipes/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Puja-Prasadham-recipe/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Puja Prasadham recipe/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Side-dish/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Side dish/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Snacks/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Snacks/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Indian-Festival-Recipes/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Indian Festival Recipes/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Celebration/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Celebration/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Appetizer-Recipes/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Appetizer Recipes/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Fritters/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Fritters/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Gujarathi-Recipes/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Gujarathi Recipes/span>/a> /span> , span itempropabout itemscope itemtype> a href/categories/Maharashtrian-Recipes/ itempropurl relindex>span itempropname>Maharashtrian Recipes/span>/a> /span> /span> span classpost-meta-item> span classpost-meta-item-icon> i classfa fa-comment-o>/i> /span> span classpost-meta-item-text>Disqus: /span> a titledisqus href/2013/10/gujarathi-patra-recipe-alu-vadi-recipe-pathrode-recipe/#disqus_thread itempropdiscussionUrl> span classpost-comments-count disqus-comment-count data-disqus-identifier2013/10/gujarathi-patra-recipe-alu-vadi-recipe-pathrode-recipe/ itempropcommentCount>/span> /a> /span> /div> /header> div classpost-body itemproparticleBody> p>em>strong>Patra/strong> – An interesting strong>savory snack/strong> from the state of strong>Gujrat/strong>, India! Interesting, because, I experienced a complete medley of tastes from this strong>snack/strong>. It has got a mixture of performance from the tangy tamarind, spicy chili, sharp ginger and sweet jaggery in it. Altogether, the taste is jumbled, but yeah it’s NICE!/em>/p>p>a href/images/alu-vadi-alu-chi-vadya-recipe-1-copy.jpg>img src/images/alu-vadi-alu-chi-vadya-recipe-1-copy_thumb.jpg altalu-vadi-alu-chi-vadya-recipe-1 titleAlu Vadi | Alu Wadi | Alu Chi Vadya | Patra Recipe>/a>/p>p>I will have to write about my friends Megha, Shruti and Priya before I write about the em>strong>Patra recipe/strong>/em>. My first experience with strong>em>Patra/em>/strong> was at Megha’s house. She is a Gujarathi who was brought up in Andhra. She makes awesome laddus with wheat flour, kous kous and lots of ghee img src/images/wlEmoticon-smile.png altSmile>. When I visited her for Gokulashtami pooja, she asked me to try a em>strong>frozen snack/strong>/em>. As she thawed, she spoke about the snack. em>‘Meena, you should try this. This is a Gujarathi snack. Savory. Will be awesome! I like it a lot. You know arbi? This is made from its leaves. But only few brands are good in the stores. At home we used to make it with fresh leaves. I don’t find the leaves in the grocery shops here….’ …_keeng..keenggg..keeeengg… microwave bell dinged. Steaming **_Patras/em>** came out./p> !--noindex--> div classpost-button> a classbtn href/2013/10/gujarathi-patra-recipe-alu-vadi-recipe-pathrode-recipe/#more relcontents> Read more » /a> /div> !--/noindex--> /div> footer classpost-footer> div classpost-eof>/div> /footer> /article> /div> nav classpagination> span classpage-number current>1/span>a classpage-number href/page/2/>2/a>span classspace>…/span>a classpage-number href/page/8/>8/a>a classextend next relnext href/page/2/>i classfa fa-angle-right aria-labelNext page>/i>/a> /nav> /div> script> window.addEventListener(tabs:register, () > { let { activeClass } CONFIG.comments; if ( { activeClass localStorage.getItem(comments_active) || activeClass; } if (activeClass) { let activeTab document.querySelector(`ahref#comment-${activeClass}`); if (activeTab) {; } } }); if ( { window.addEventListener(tabs:click, event > { if (! .tab-content .tab-pane)) return; let commentClass; localStorage.setItem(comments_active, commentClass); }); }/script> /div> div classtoggle sidebar-toggle> span classtoggle-line toggle-line-first>/span> span classtoggle-line toggle-line-middle>/span> span classtoggle-line toggle-line-last>/span> /div> aside classsidebar> div classsidebar-inner> ul classsidebar-nav motion-element> li classsidebar-nav-toc> Table of Contents /li> li classsidebar-nav-overview> Overview /li> /ul> !--noindex--> div classpost-toc-wrap sidebar-panel> /div> !--/noindex--> div classsite-overview-wrap sidebar-panel> div classsite-author motion-element itempropauthor itemscope itemtype> a href>img classsite-author-image itempropimage altMangala Meenakshi src/images/iruppu-pic.jpg>/a> p classsite-author-name itempropname>a href styleborder-bottom:0px>Mangala Meenakshi/a>/p> div classsite-description itempropdescription>Sutra of Indian cooking - Unfolding with Step by Step Pictures and Videos/div>/div>div classcard stylebox-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2);transition: 0.3s;padding:5px;> div classcard-header> p classsite-author-name>Who Am I/p> /div> div classcard-body> p classsite-description styletext-align:justify>Thank you for visiting friend! I wish I can offer you a hot cup of ginger-tea for your visit,but here you have more than that! Scroll down and up, navigate to pages, explore and learn on the recipes:the origin of the recipe, stories about them, and remarks on them. 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