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Situated in the prestigious wine region of Châteauneuf-du-Pape, the Domaine de Panisse benefits from mature vines, some of which were planted in />The Domaine of Panisse was bought in April 2020 by the Vacheron family. Situated only 2 km north of Clos du Caillou on one of the most beautiful terroirs of this wine region, the Domaine of Panisse represents a fantastic opportunity for the next generation: Marilou Vacheron, Axel Vacheron and Antoine Robert. Supported by their elders, Sylvie Vacheron and Bruno Gaspard, these three young people begin this new challenge, to regenerate this unique spot, to create wines reflecting the culture of this terroir and in so doing, to write a new page of />It was clear from the start the Vacheron family wanted to make the Domaine fully organic and biodynamic like the Clos du Caillou has been since 2007./p> /p> p classslider_link>a href>Learn More/a>/p> /div> /div> div classslider-main stylebackground-image:url(); background-position:center; background-size:cover; height: 840px; display: table;> div classslider_content> h2>New Agency: Champagne Mailly Grand Cru/h2> p>p>Mailly Champagne, with its terroir encompassing 35 different lieux-dits, is a Champagne Village like no other. /p> /p> p classslider_link>a href>Learn More/a>/p> /div> /div> /div> !-- Slider --> !-- Content --> div classcontent> div classrow> !-- About !--> div classhome-about animation-element slide-in-left> h2 classsubject>About Us/h2> div classhome_about_intro subject> p>Connoisseur Wines and Spirits (HK) Ltd was established in 1991 with the ultimate objective of bringing a variety of quality wines to an increasing population of enthusiastic and discerning wine consumers./p>p>Our major customers mainly comprise individual wine enthusiasts, local and Mainland China entrepreneurs, reputable international corporations, as well as most leading hotels, prestigious private clubs, high end specialty stores, and a diversified range of restaurants./p> p classhome_about_link>a href>Learn More/a>/p> /div> div classhome_about_image> img src width100%> /div> /div> !-- Exclusive Brand Slides !--> h2 classhome_eb_slide_headline>Exclusive Brands/h2> div classhome_eb_slide> div stylebackground-image: url(; background-size: cover; padding: 20px 0px;> div classhome_eb_slide_image> img src width100%> /div> div classhome_eb_slide_content> h3>Champagne Philipponnat/h3> p>p>The Philipponnat family has been based in the Champagne region since the 17th century and is highly reputed as a top notch boutique Champagne house cherished by true connoisseurs/p> /p> p classhome_about_link>a href>Learn More/a>/p> /div> /div> div stylebackground-image: url(; background-size: cover; padding: 20px 0px;> div classhome_eb_slide_image> img src width100%> /div> div classhome_eb_slide_content> h3>Domaine de Panisse/h3> p>p>The Domaine of Panisse is a typical Provencal building dating from the 15th century (1472), surrounded by 16 acres of Châteauneuf-du-Pape />Situated in the prestigious wine region of Châteauneuf-du-Pape, the Domaine de Panisse benefits from mature vines, someof which were planted in 1924./p>p>The Domaine of Panisse was bought in April 2020 by the Vacheron family. Situated only 2 km north of Clos du Caillou on one of the most beautiful terroirs of this wine region, the Domaine of Panisse represents a fantastic opportunity for the next generation: Marilou Vacheron, Axelbr />Vacheron and Antoine Robert./p> /p> p classhome_about_link>a href>Learn More/a>/p> /div> /div> div stylebackground-image: url(; background-size: cover; padding: 20px 0px;> div classhome_eb_slide_image> img src width100%> /div> div classhome_eb_slide_content> h3>Maison J. Drouhin/h3> p>p>Joseph Drouhinbr />DEDICATION TO THE DIVERSITY OF BURGUNDYbr />With close to 90 different appellations, Joseph Drouhin offers a fascinating array of Burgundy terroirs in all their authenticity and subtle variations./p>p>A FAMILY HERITAGEbr />For the last 130 years, Maison Joseph Drouhin has been in the hands of the Drouhin family. it has taken four generations of wisdom, experience, and innovation to carefully observe and listen to the land, the vines, the grapes and humbly draw lessons from every detail./p>p>LISTENING TO NATUREbr />Joseph Drouhin has adopted the biological and biodynamic approach. only natural products are used in the vineyards and all procedures show the utmost respect for the soil, the vine and the environment. the role of the winemaking team is to translate and reveal its most subtle messages, every effort is made to respect this ‘terroir’ in all its diversity./p>p>AN IDEAL OF PERFECTION AND ELEGANCEbr />the style of Joseph Drouhin is an alliance between character, balance and harmony. Wines meant to be drunk young are fresh and subtle; wines meant for keeping acquire with age a luscious complexity. in other words, the endless search for perfect elegance, the essence of Burgundy, strives on./p> /p> p classhome_about_link>a href>Learn More/a>/p> /div> /div> div stylebackground-image: url(; background-size: cover; padding: 20px 0px;> div classhome_eb_slide_image> img src width100%> /div> div classhome_eb_slide_content> h3>Domaine du Clos du Caillou/h3> p>p>Sylvie VACHERON father’s, Claude POUIZIN, started to deforest the hunting reserve to value the place. According to him, the terroir of this place was exceptional and could not stay only woods. The potential to make growing vines was huge. Then, he decided to plant vines instead of the woods, which was strongly criticized among the inhabitants of Courthézon at that time…/p>p>Acquisition and planting, and the vineyard was created./p>p>Over time, by small touches, Claude POUIZIN draw the domain with an unusual balance (9 ha in Châteauneuf du Pape and 45ha in Côtes du Rhône), mainly on rolled pebbles soil on the hill, who did the Vauclusian legend, but also on some sandy and safres soil, giving a very elegant and fineness wine./p>p>With a good filtering during violent rain, with a lot of sun and cleaned by the wind, this is one of the best terroir of the appellation. Also one of the earliest…/p>p>Our vineyard is rich of traditional red variety, such as Mourvèdre, Syrah, Cinsault, Carignan, Counoise and also some white variety: Viognier, Roussanne, Clairette, Bourboulenc, without forgetting the Grenache, native god red and white./p>p>Grounds are worked in the respect of the nature, by regular ploughing without weedkiller and without chemical produce, using only phytosanitary treatment of sulfur and copper in a lower quantity./p>p>The domain was certificated organic wine in 2010 but was working in this way since the vintage 2000. In this same philosophy, since few years, one part of the vineyard is working in biodynamic agriculture way, in the goal to swing on the totality of the vineyard./p> /p> p classhome_about_link>a href>Learn More/a>/p> /div> /div> /div> !-- Exclusive Brand Slide Blocks !--> div classhome_eb_blocks> div> a href>img src classeb_square>/a> a href>img src classeb_square>/a> a href>img src classeb_wide>/a> a href>img src classeb_square>/a> a href>img src classeb_wide>/a> a href>img src classeb_square>/a> /div> div> a href>img src classeb_square>/a> a href>img src classeb_square>/a> a href>img src classeb_wide>/a> a href>img src classeb_square>/a> a href>img src classeb_wide>/a> a href>img src classeb_square>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Footer Menu --> footer> div classcontainer-fluid> div classcontainer> div classlogo>a href>/a>/div> div classcopyright> p stylecolor: #fff;>Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of>根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。/p> p>Connoisseur Wines & Spirits (HK) Ltd. 2018 All Rights Reserved. | a href>Terms & Conditions/a>/p> /div> !-- /Footer Menu --> /div> /div> /footer> !-- Footer -->!-- Bootstrap core JavaScript -->!-- Placed at the end of the document so the pages load faster -->script src>/script>script>window.jQuery || document.write(script src>\/script>)/script>script src>/script>!-- IE10 viewport hack for Surface/desktop Windows 8 bug -->script src>/script>!-- Image Slide !-->script typetext/javascript src>/script>!-- JavaScript for this page -->script typetext/javascript>/* For Menu */$( #responsive-menu-button ).click(function() { $( header ).slideDown(); $( #responsive-menu-button ).hide(); $( #responsive-menu-close ).show();});$( #responsive-menu-close ).click(function() { $( header ).slideUp(); $( #responsive-menu-button ).show(); $( #responsive-menu-close ).hide();});$(.slider).slick({ autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 2500, arrows: false, dots: true, slidesToShow: 1}); $(.home_eb_slide).slick({ autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 2500, arrows: true, dots: false, slidesToShow: 1, responsive: { breakpoint: 991, settings: { arrows: false, } } }); $(.home_eb_blocks).slick({ autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 2500, arrows: false, fade: true, dots: false, pauseOnFocus: false, pauseOnHover: false, slidesToShow: 1});$(function() { $(#menu-header .menu-item-has-children-1 a).on(click, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(.sub-menu-1).addClass(sub_menu_item); $(.sub-menu-2).addClass(no-display); $(.sub-menu-1).removeClass(no-display); }); $(#menu-header .menu-item-has-children-2 a).on(click, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(.sub-menu-2).addClass(sub_menu_item); $(.sub-menu-1).addClass(no-display); $(.sub-menu-2).removeClass(no-display); });}); /* For Scroll */$(ahref^#).on(click, function(event) { var target $( $(this).attr(href) ); if( target.length ) { event.preventDefault(); $(html, body).animate({ scrollTop: target.offset().top }, 500); }});var $animation_elements $(.animation-element);var $window $(window);function check_if_in_view() { var window_height $window.height(); var window_top_position $window.scrollTop(); var window_bottom_position (window_top_position + window_height); $.each($animation_elements, function() { var $element $(this); var element_height $element.outerHeight(); var element_top_position $element.offset().top; var element_bottom_position (element_top_position + element_height); //check to see if this current container is within viewport if ((element_bottom_position*1.5 > window_top_position) && (element_top_position window_bottom_position)) { $element.addClass(in-view); } else { $element.removeClass(in-view); } });}var cw $(.square_block).width();$(.square_block).css({ height: cw-1 + px});$(window).resize(function(){ var cw $(.square_block).width(); $(.square_block).css({ height: cw-1 + px }); });$window.on(scroll resize, check_if_in_view);$window.trigger(scroll);/script>script>$(document).ready(function(){ $(#menu-item-507).click(function(){ $(#newsletter).toggle(); });});/script> script typetext/javascript>$(document).ready(function() { var s $(.slider_about); var t $(.scroll-hint); var pos s.position(); $(window).scroll(function() { var windowpos $(window).scrollTop(); if (windowpos > & windowpos > 100) { t.addClass(noshow); } else { t.removeClass(noshow); } });});/script> script typetext/javascript>$(document).ready(function(){ $(.eb_menu a).click(function(){ $(.eb_menu .sub-menu).show(); });});/script>script typetext/javascript>(function() { var ga document.createElement(script); ga.type text/javascript; ga.async true; ga.src (https: document.location.protocol ? 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