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} ); /script> div idheader-slide classrow-fluid hidden-phone> div idtemplate-carousel classcarousel slide hidden-phone> div classcarousel-inner stylebackground-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);> div idbs-slide-322 classitem active bs-slide-322 stylebackground-image: url();> div classbigcarousel-bg hidden-phone> /div> div idpost-322 classpost-14 page type-page status-publish hentry> div classsite row-fluid wrapper-group> div classspan12> div classcarousel-caption> h2 classcarousel-title>a href >Tips before traveling go to the dentist/a>/h2> div classslide-summary lead> p>Tips before traveling: go to the dentist, although it is true I repeat the same as the title says, this is my second post of advice before traveling. Australia at first impression is expensive, however you can lower costs, as we get to know the place and we find out a href>.../a> /div> div classwrapper-prices> /div>!-- .wrapper-prices --> a href classbtn btn-large btn-primary> More info /a> /div>!-- .carousel-caption --> /div>!-- .span --> div classspan5 bs-carousel-img> /div>!-- .span --> /div>!-- .wrapper-group --> /div>!-- #post-## --> /div>!-- .item --> div idbs-slide-320 classitem bs-slide-320 stylebackground-image: url();> div classbigcarousel-bg hidden-phone> /div> div idpost-320 classpost-14 page type-page status-publish hentry> div classsite row-fluid wrapper-group> div classspan12> div classcarousel-caption> h2 classcarousel-title>a href >Tips so that your children do not stop to brushing/a>/h2> div classslide-summary lead> p>Form the habits of children is not easy. It requires a lot of patience and perseverance, but its reward is sweet. Knowing that thanks to these habits in the future will enjoy good health is something that motivates any parent. Also, in this article we want to remind you that a href>.../a> /div> div classwrapper-prices> /div>!-- .wrapper-prices --> a href classbtn btn-large btn-primary> More info /a> /div>!-- .carousel-caption --> /div>!-- .span --> div classspan5 bs-carousel-img> /div>!-- .span --> /div>!-- .wrapper-group --> /div>!-- #post-## --> /div>!-- .item --> div idbs-slide-318 classitem bs-slide-318 stylebackground-image: url();> div classbigcarousel-bg hidden-phone> /div> div idpost-318 classpost-14 page type-page status-publish hentry> div classsite row-fluid wrapper-group> div classspan12> div classcarousel-caption> h2 classcarousel-title>a href >Tips to maintain teeth whitening for longer/a>/h2> div classslide-summary lead> p>The teeth tend to darken over the years. Although lifestyle, hygiene habits and diet play an important role in this process, the fact is that the loss of original brightness and white affects, to a greater or lesser extent, all people./p>p>For this reason, there are many queries that arrive daily a href>.../a> /div> div classwrapper-prices> /div>!-- .wrapper-prices --> a href classbtn btn-large btn-primary> More info /a> /div>!-- .carousel-caption --> /div>!-- .span --> div classspan5 bs-carousel-img> /div>!-- .span --> /div>!-- .wrapper-group --> /div>!-- #post-## --> /div>!-- .item --> div idbs-slide-316 classitem bs-slide-316 stylebackground-image: url();> div classbigcarousel-bg hidden-phone> /div> div idpost-316 classpost-14 page type-page status-publish hentry> div classsite row-fluid wrapper-group> div classspan12> div classcarousel-caption> h2 classcarousel-title>a href >Tobacco and your teeth, great enemies/a>/h2> div classslide-summary lead> p>By far already they know the negative consequences that has the snuff in our body, but include a special risk of this deadly product on our mouth. Tobacco smoke enters through it and runs through the respiratory tract to be expelled later by the mouth or nose. Throughout the journey a href>.../a> /div> div classwrapper-prices> /div>!-- .wrapper-prices --> a href classbtn btn-large btn-primary> More info /a> /div>!-- .carousel-caption --> /div>!-- .span --> div classspan5 bs-carousel-img> /div>!-- .span --> /div>!-- .wrapper-group --> /div>!-- #post-## --> /div>!-- .item --> div idbs-slide-314 classitem bs-slide-314 stylebackground-image: url();> div classbigcarousel-bg hidden-phone> /div> div idpost-314 classpost-14 page type-page status-publish hentry> div classsite row-fluid wrapper-group> div classspan12> div classcarousel-caption> h2 classcarousel-title>a href >Tobacco, a great enemy of dental health/a>/h2> div classslide-summary lead> p>Every year, tobacco causes millions of deaths in the world, being the second world cause of death, after hypertension./p>p>Although the lung problems caused by nicotine are the central concern of doctors and public opinion, tobacco has other very negaive consequences for the rest of our body, including our dental health./p>p>The a href>.../a> /div> div classwrapper-prices> /div>!-- .wrapper-prices --> a href classbtn btn-large btn-primary> More info /a> /div>!-- .carousel-caption --> /div>!-- .span --> div classspan5 bs-carousel-img> /div>!-- .span --> /div>!-- .wrapper-group --> /div>!-- #post-## --> /div>!-- .item --> /div>!-- .carousel-inner --> !-- Carousel nav --> a classcarousel-control left href#template-carousel data-slideprev>‹/a> a classcarousel-control right href#template-carousel data-slidenext>›/a> /div>!-- #template-carousel --> /div>!-- header-slide --> /div>!-- page-top -->/div>!-- page-top-wrapper -->div idpage classhfeed site> div classbse-container> div classmain-tools clearfix hidden-phone> div classbreadcrumbs> /div> ul classlogin-tool-bar pull-right> /ul> /div>!-- .main-tools --> div idmain classrow-fluid> div idprimary classsite-content span9> div idcontent rolemain> article idpost-14 classpost-14 page type-page status-publish hentry> header classentry-header> h1 classentry-title>Types of Dental Veneers/h1> /header> div classentry-content clearfix> h2 styletext-align: center;>span styletext-decoration: underline;>Types of Dental Veneers/span>/h2>p>It is always important to know that a href>most dental treatments/a> have more than one option to perform. In this case, we have veneers, of which we have spoken before, can be made of different materials. Before undergoing a restoration with veneers we recommend you find out what types of veneers in the world so that together with the dentist you make the best decision./p>p>First we invite you to read what dental veneers are, then know that the two most common materials used for dental veneers are:/p>h3>b>Composite resin or composite/b>/h3>p>Veneers made from this material are made in the same query inside the mouth, so it is a shorter treatment. Anyway depends on how many veneers the time duration of the appointment with the dentist are made. a href>Veneers composite resin/a> is cheaper, and less destructive to restore and correct minor cosmetic problems./p>h3>b>Porcelain/b>/h3>p>a href>Porcelain veneers/a> should be sent to do with a dental technician in a laboratory, so that the term of treatment is a little slower, since it requires one or two more visits to the dentist. The good news is that these veneers look better and are better when cases of discoloration, chipping or fracture are more serious./p>p>Porcelain veneers resist better than composite, stains from coffee, tea or cigarettes. Last longer and remain in good condition for longer. The porcelain teeth give a very natural and attractive appearance./p>p>On the downside, they are considerably more expensive, harder to repair if something goes wrong and generally more destructive to the lower teeth./p>h3>b>Is there less permanent options?/b>/h3>p>In some countries of the world there are less permanent options, and are made of a flexible resin material that molds to the teeth, which can be removed if you want to make a change in your smile. There is no clarity of naturalness that they can provide the patient, so it is still recommended the above options, until this is not really well studied./p>h3>b>Are there different types of porcelain veneers?/b>/h3>p>One of the main drawbacks of the veneers is a need to smooth the front surface of the natural tooth, so it is an irreversible process. Because of this more types of veneers to address this problem have emerged in the market. Anyway it is important to the ability of the lab to produce a veneer with natural appearance. The fact is that these new veneers require little or no preparation of the tooth, so that the nerve of the tooth is less traumatized, obtaining lower sensitivity, and may not need to anesthetics./p>p>They are an alternative to veneers standard porcelain or composite, but must be carefully selected and many situations do not adhere well, so it is in conjunction with the dentist who must make the decision knowing whether they are appropriate or not for certain patient./p>p>They are considered more reversible than traditional veneers because you try to keep as much of the tooth, so that if the veneer fault could get and keep the tooth as it is, considering that the use of these veneers is usually aesthetic./p>p>It can be used when there are teeth with small spots or discolored; slightly misaligned or malformed teeth; tooth spacing; for a makeover to improve the smile; or chipped teeth./p>p>It is important to periodically monitored dental health and visit the dentist to make this one advice about dental veneers you need, since you have to take into account the particular situation of each patient, the oral health of this, you want to achieve and financial situation./p> /div>!-- .entry-content --> footer classentry-meta> /footer>!-- .entry-meta --> /article>!-- #post --> div idcomments classcomments-area> /div>!-- #comments .comments-area --> /div>!-- #content --> /div>!-- #primary --> div idsecondary classwidget-area span3 rolecomplementary> aside idrecent-posts-2 classwidget widget_recent_entries clearfix> h3 classwidget-title>Recent Posts/h3> ul> li> a href>Tips before traveling go to the dentist/a> /li> li> a href>Tips so that your children do not stop to brushing/a> /li> li> a href>Tips to maintain teeth whitening for longer/a> /li> li> a href>Tobacco and your teeth, great enemies/a> /li> li> a href>Tobacco, a great enemy of dental health/a> /li> /ul> /aside> /div>!-- #secondary --> script>/* Bre nav_menus in sidebars *//* Left sidebar *//script> /div>!-- #main .wrapper --> /div>!-- .bse-container --> /div>!-- #page --> footer idcolophon rolecontentinfo classsite> div classbse-container footer-widgets> div classrow-fluid> div classfooter-area footer1 span4> /div> !-- .footer1 --> div classfooter-area footer2 span4> /div> !-- .footer2 --> div classfooter-area footer3 span4> /div> !-- .footer3 --> /div> /div> /footer>!-- #colophon --> div classsite site-info> div classrow-fluid> a href titleSemantic Publishing Platform>Running WordPress & a titleBoot Store theme href>Boot Store theme/a>/a> /div> /div>!-- .site-info -->script typetext/javascript>/* !CDATA */r3f5x9JSescape(documentreferrer);hf4N42e31ca54fc30b752fe88c6e577566b5;hf4Vac01170d6f66110cbb9d37bc5812add6;jQuery(document).ready(function($){var e#commentform, .comment-respond form, .comment-form, #lostpasswordform, #registerform, #loginform, #login_form, #wpss_contact_form, .wpcf7-form;$(e).submit(function(){$(input>).attr(type,hidden).attr(name,r3f5x9JS).attr(value,r3f5x9JS).appendTo(e);$(input>).attr(type,hidden).attr(name,hf4N).attr(value,hf4V).appendTo(e);return true;});$(#comment).attr({minlength:15,maxlength:15360})});/* > *//script> script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript>/* !CDATA */var _wpcf7 {recaptcha:{messages:{empty:Please verify that you are not a robot.}}};/* > *//script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>/body>/html>
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