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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 08:48:49 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Sun, 01 Jan 2023 13:31:18 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 8029Content-Type: text !DOCTYPE html>html langen dirltr> head> meta charsetutf-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width>meta namedescription contentCommodigi - Digital Commodities for the Online World.>meta namekeywords contentCommodigi, digital, commodities, online, 3D, 3d models, meshes, maps, Blender, Web Reaction, Spiral Plot, Transurban, Omicron, Advertising, Anatomy, Architecture, Astronomy, Broadcasting, Business, Cartoon, Computing, Education, Electronics, Engineering, Fashion, Food, Furnishing, Games, Gardens, Industry, Int. Design, Landscape, Media, Medicine, Movies, Militaria, Music, Professions, Science, Sci-Fi, Space, Street Furn., Technology, Television, Town Plans, Training, Transport.>meta nameauthor contentSpiral Plot Web Division>title>Commodigi/title>link relstylesheet href./css/style.css>script typetext/javascript src./java/java.js>/script> /head> body>!-- Header section -->div idtop-header> div idtitle> COMMODIGI /div> div idsubtitle> digital commodities for the online world /div> div idcommodigihead> img src./img/header.gif> /div>/div>div idmain> !-- Left hand column -->div idnewproducts> img src./img/New-Products.jpg>div classtitleline> p>7 Tiers of Construction Site Scaffolding/p> /div> a href target_blank>img src./img/16000cS7T-Buy.jpg>/a> p>Created for a promotional video of the Random Skies dystopian novel series, this is part of the construction site models from the opening scenes. Contains all the maps used in the original shots, including albedo, normal, roughness etc. Full details and download available from a href>Gumroad/a>./p> hr> div classtitleline> p>Custom Model Vintage 1960s Drum kit/p> /div> img src./img/drums248.jpg> p>Created for Sub Atom X production company, this vintage style kit is ready skinned and highly detailed.Originally created in an old Eovia program called Carrara,this was ported over and will be available on Gumroad when the music section is up and running./p>hr>div classtitl
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 08:48:49 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Sun, 01 Jan 2023 13:31:18 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 8029Content-Type: text !DOCTYPE html>html langen dirltr> head> meta charsetutf-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width>meta namedescription contentCommodigi - Digital Commodities for the Online World.>meta namekeywords contentCommodigi, digital, commodities, online, 3D, 3d models, meshes, maps, Blender, Web Reaction, Spiral Plot, Transurban, Omicron, Advertising, Anatomy, Architecture, Astronomy, Broadcasting, Business, Cartoon, Computing, Education, Electronics, Engineering, Fashion, Food, Furnishing, Games, Gardens, Industry, Int. Design, Landscape, Media, Medicine, Movies, Militaria, Music, Professions, Science, Sci-Fi, Space, Street Furn., Technology, Television, Town Plans, Training, Transport.>meta nameauthor contentSpiral Plot Web Division>title>Commodigi/title>link relstylesheet href./css/style.css>script typetext/javascript src./java/java.js>/script> /head> body>!-- Header section -->div idtop-header> div idtitle> COMMODIGI /div> div idsubtitle> digital commodities for the online world /div> div idcommodigihead> img src./img/header.gif> /div>/div>div idmain> !-- Left hand column -->div idnewproducts> img src./img/New-Products.jpg>div classtitleline> p>7 Tiers of Construction Site Scaffolding/p> /div> a href target_blank>img src./img/16000cS7T-Buy.jpg>/a> p>Created for a promotional video of the Random Skies dystopian novel series, this is part of the construction site models from the opening scenes. Contains all the maps used in the original shots, including albedo, normal, roughness etc. Full details and download available from a href>Gumroad/a>./p> hr> div classtitleline> p>Custom Model Vintage 1960s Drum kit/p> /div> img src./img/drums248.jpg> p>Created for Sub Atom X production company, this vintage style kit is ready skinned and highly detailed.Originally created in an old Eovia program called Carrara,this was ported over and will be available on Gumroad when the music section is up and running./p>hr>div classtitl
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