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HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0Set-Cookie: wassupZjE1MDkxNjhiYTY5NGQxN2MzOThjYjEwODE2YzZiYTQ6OjE3MzU0NTM4Mjc6Ojo6NTIuNDAuMjM0LjEwNTo6ZWMyLTUyLTQwLTIzNC0xMDUudXMtd2VzdC0yLmNvbXB1dGUuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbQ%253D%253D; expiresSun, 29-Dec-2024 06:35:27 GMT; Max-Age3000; path/X-Pingback: ASP.NETX-Powered-By-Plesk: PleskWinDate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 05:45:27 GMTContent-Length: 12566 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN>html xmlns dirltr langen-US>head profile>title>Commercial WIndow Tinting/title>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetUTF-8 />link relstylesheet idsociable-front-css-css href typetext/css media />link relstylesheet idNextGEN-css href typetext/css mediascreen />link relstylesheet idshutter-css href typetext/css mediascreen />script typetext/javascript>/* !CDATA */var shutterSettings { msgLoading: L O A D I N G, msgClose: Click to Close, imageCount: 1};/* > *//script>script typetext/javascript src>/script>link relEditURI typeapplication/rsd+xml titleRSD href />link relwlwmanifest typeapplication/wlwmanifest+xml href /> !-- platinum seo pack 1.3.2 -->meta namerobots contentindex,follow,noodp,noydir />meta namekeywords contentSt Charles Window tinting, commercial window tinting st charles, st charles window tint, saint charles window tinting, saint charles window tint,St charles window tint, st charles window tinting, st charles commercial window tint, st charles commercial window tinting,home window tinting, window tinting, />link relcanonical href />!-- /platinum one seo pack -->link idMediaRSS relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml titleNextGEN Gallery RSS Feed href />meta nameNextGEN content1.5.5 />link relcanonical href />meta namedescription contentJust another WordPress weblog />link relstylesheet href typetext/css mediascreen, projection />link relstylesheet href typetext/css mediascreen, projection />!--if lte IE 7>link relstylesheet href typetext/css mediascreen, projection />!endif-->link relstylesheet href typetext/css mediascreen, projection />link relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml titleCommercial WIndow Tinting RSS Feed href />link relpingback href />meta namewassup-version content1.7.2.1 />script typetext/javascript>//!CDATA var screen_res ; function writeCookie(name,value,hours) { var the_cookie name++value+; expires; var expires ; hourshours+0; //convert to number if (hours > 0) { //0expires on browser close var date new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(hours*60*60*1000)); expires expires+date.toGMTString(); } document.cookie the_cookie+expires+; path/; domain; } screen_res window.screen.width+x+window.screen.height; writeCookie(wassup_screen_res,screen_res,48); //keep 2 days//>/script>/head>body classcustom>div idcontainer>div idpage>ul classmenu>li classtab tab-home current>a href>Home/a>/li>li classtab tab-1>a href titleAbout>About/a>/li>li classtab tab-2>a href titleGallery>Gallery/a>/li>li classrss>a href titleCommercial WIndow Tinting RSS Feed relnofollow>Subscribe/a>/li>/ul> div idheader> /div>img src border0 altPhotobucket>/a> div idcontent_box> div idcontent classhfeed> div classpost-13 post sticky hentry category-welcome post_box top idpost-13> div classheadline_area> h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark titlePermanent link to Welcome>Welcome/a>/h2> p classheadline_meta>by span classauthor vcard fn>admin/span> on abbr classpublished title2010-03-10>March 10, 2010/abbr>/p> /div> div classformat_text entry-content>p>Welcome to Tint Tech of St. Charles. We are your window tint specialists. Whether you are tinting your home or business, your satisfaction is guaranteed. Our licensed and insured services offer you the highest quality films to ensure that you are not only satisfied with your windows today, but that your window treatment will look the same in five years as it does today. We offer a wide variety of window treatments from top manufacturers like 3M and Infinity-DS./p>p>Our film types range from Security to Decorative. When you give us a call, we will provide you with a free estimate and provide you with all of the information you need in order to make a quality decision on the type of tint that is right for your home or business./p>p>Our knowledgable and certified installers will do everything possible to provide you with excellent quality and the best customer service possible. Give us a call today. Protect your home or office, save on energy, and give your windows the finished look that will make the difference in the overall appearance of your property./p>p>Also check out our automotive window tinting at a href onclickjavascript:pageTracker._trackPageview(/outbound/article/;>>/p>p classto_comments>span classbracket>{/span> a href relnofollow>span>0/span> comments/a> span classbracket>}/span>/p> /div> /div> div classteasers_box> div classpost-63 post hentry category-commercial-window-tinting teaser idpost-63>h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark titlePermanent link to Hello world>Hello world/a>/h2>abbr classteaser_date published title2023-04-25>April 25, 2023/abbr> div classformat_teaser entry-content>p>Welcome to wiki This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!/p> /div>a classteaser_link href relnofollow>Read the full article →/a> /div> div classpost-62 post hentry category-commercial-window-tinting teaser teaser_right idpost-62>h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark titlePermanent link to Hello world>Hello world/a>/h2>abbr classteaser_date published title2023-04-10>April 10, 2023/abbr> div classformat_teaser entry-content>p>Welcome to wiki This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!/p> /div>a classteaser_link href relnofollow>Read the full article →/a> /div> /div> div classteasers_box> div classpost-24 post hentry category-commercial-window-tinting tag-commercial-window-tinting teaser idpost-24>h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark titlePermanent link to Commercial Window Tint: A No-Brainer>Commercial Window Tint: A No-Brainer/a>/h2>abbr classteaser_date published title2010-03-11>March 11, 2010/abbr> div classformat_teaser entry-content>a classpost_image_link href titlePermanent link to Commercial Window Tint: A No-Brainer>img classthumb alignleft src width66 height66 altThumbnail image for Commercial Window Tint: A No-Brainer />/a>p>There are many instances of wasted energy in a business or facility — lights that are left on in unoccupied rooms and inefficient cooling systems are just a few I can think of. Another source of wasted energy that often goes unnoticed is the amount of energy required to cool office space. Rooms that are .../p> /div>a classteaser_link href relnofollow>Read the full article →/a> /div> div classpost-1 post hentry category-home-window-tinting tag-home-window-tinting teaser teaser_right idpost-1>h2 classentry-title>a href relbookmark titlePermanent link to The Benefits of Home Window Tinting>The Benefits of Home Window Tinting/a>/h2>abbr classteaser_date published title2010-03-09>March 9, 2010/abbr> div classformat_teaser entry-content>a classpost_image_link href titlePermanent link to The Benefits of Home Window Tinting>img classthumb alignleft src width66 height66 altThumbnail image for The Benefits of Home Window Tinting />/a>p>The Benefits of Home Window Tintingbr />Home window tinting is nothing new. In fact, the process has been around for decades. A new wave of energy efficient consumers have caused the process to grow in popularity during recent years. During the winter months, a tinted window will allow solar heat to enter but will not allow .../p> /div>a classteaser_link href relnofollow>Read the full article →/a> /div> /div> /div> div idsidebars> div idsidebar_1 classsidebar> ul classsidebar_list>li classwidget widget_categories idcategories-3>h3>Categories/h3> ul> li classcat-item cat-item-5>a href titleView all posts filed under Commercial Window Tinting>Commercial Window Tinting/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-3>a href titleView all posts filed under Home Window Tinting>Home Window Tinting/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-4>a href titleView all posts filed under Welcome>Welcome/a>/li> /ul>/li> li classwidget widget_recent_entries idrecent-posts-3> h3>Recent Posts/h3> ul> li>a href titleHello world>Hello world /a>/li> li>a href titleHello world>Hello world /a>/li> li>a href titleCommercial Window Tint: A No-Brainer>Commercial Window Tint: A No-Brainer /a>/li> li>a href titleWelcome>Welcome /a>/li> li>a href titleThe Benefits of Home Window Tinting>The Benefits of Home Window Tinting /a>/li> /ul> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> div idfooter> p>Get smart with the a href>Thesis WordPress Theme/a> from DIYthemes./p> p>a href>WordPress Admin/a>/p>!--p classsmall> WassUp timestamp: 2024-12-29 05:45:27AM UTC (05:45AM)br />If above timestamp is not current time, this page is cached./p> --> /div>/div>/div>!--if lte IE 7>div idie_clear>/div>!endif-->/body>/html>
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