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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyServer: nginxDate: Sat, 22 Mar 2025 16:33:42 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 162Connection: keep-aliveLocation: html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>center>h1>301 Moved Permanently/h1>/center>hr>center>nginx/center>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Sat, 22 Mar 2025 16:33:42 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 7153Last-Modified: Wed, 09 Mar 2022 16:48:34 GMTConnection: keep-aliveETag: 6228da62-1bf1X-Powered-By: PleskLinAccept-Ranges: bytes html>head>title>Combers - Reinforced concrete detailers, AutoCAD Draughting Service, Outsourced RC & Rebar Detailing, CADS Specialists - Combers/title>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetISO-8859-1>meta namedescription contentCombers offer reinforced concrete drawings/detailing, computer aided Draughting services to Civil/Structural Consulting Engineers, with outsourced RC or Rebar detailing using the latest CADS software. Based in Worthing, West Sussex, outsources RC detailing services worldwide.>meta namekeywords contentCombers, draughting service, CAD, reinforced concrete, RC Detailing, RC Detailers, structural draughting, engineering, A0 plotting, A1 plotting, specialist, reinforced concrete detailing, rc detailing, reinforced concrete detailers, outsourced RC Detailing, outsourcing RC Detailing, latest CADS software, computer draughting service, civil, structural, consulting engineers, CAD technicians, concrete, reinforcement drawings, schedules, general arrangement, rc detail drawings, drawing rates, autocad, draughting, AutoCAD, federation small business, software, Worthing, sussex, west sussex, south england, rebar detailing, rebar detailers,>script typetext/javascript>!--function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0 var i,x,adocument.MM_sr; for(i0;a&&ia.length&&(xai)&&x.oSrc;i++) x.srcx.oSrc;}function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 var ddocument; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_pnew Array(); var i,jd.MM_p.length,aMM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i0; ia.length; i++) if (ai.indexOf(#)!0){ d.MM_pjnew Image; d.MM_pj++.srcai;}}}function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01 var p,i,x; if(!d) ddocument; if((pn.indexOf(?))>0&&parent.frames.length) { dparent.framesn.substring(p+1).document; nn.substring(0,p);} if(!(xdn)&&d.all) xd.alln; for (i0;!x&&id.forms.length;i++) xd.formsin; for(i0;!x&&d.layers&&id.layers.length;i++) xMM_findObj(n,d.layersi.document); if(!x && d.getElementById) xd.getElementById(n); return x;}function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0 var i,j0,x,aMM_swapImage.arguments; document.MM_srnew Array; for(i0;i(a.length-2);i+3) if ((xMM_findObj(ai))!null){document.MM_srj++x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrcx.src; x.srcai+2;}}//-->/script>/head>body bgcolor#FFFFFF backgroundimages/elevwallbkgrndfade.gif link#003399 vlink#FF9900 alink#0099CC onLoadMM_preloadImages(images/contactbutton_f2.gif)>div aligncenter> table width100% border0 cellpadding8> tr> td height70> div aligncenter>img srcimages/comberlogo.gif width569 height94 altComber Associates - Computer Aided Draughting Service>/div> /td> /tr> /table> a hrefcontact_us.html onMouseOutMM_swapImgRestore() onMouseOverMM_swapImage(contact us,,images/contactbutton_f2.gif,1)>img srcimages/contactbutton.gif altContact us today namecontact us width640 height30 border0>/a>br> table width640 border0 cellpadding12 cellspacing0> tr> td width60% bgcolor#F0F0F4> p alignleft>font faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif size-1>br> font faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif>Combers provide a high quality outsourced RC Detailing draughting service for Civil/Structural Consulting Engineers. Established in early 1996 as specialists in reinforced concrete detailing / rebar detailing, Combers has continued to grow steadily with an ever increasing client base from its premises in Worthing, West Sussex in the UK. Many companies throughout the UK, Europe, North America and Worldwide, outsource RC detailing projects to us to increase their> /font>/font>/p> p alignleft>font faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif size-1>All drawing work is undertaken by experienced CAD technicians using the latest AutoCAD software and with the latest CADS software for the production of Reinforcement drawings and schedules. We are able to offer both General Arrangement and RC Detail drawings at competitive rates on either hourly rates, drawing rates or fixed price. The choice is> br> Increase your productivity, without extra costs, by utilising our expertise as reinforced detailers and offering the latest AutoCAD capabilities to your clients./font>/p> p alignleft>font faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif size-1>Call us today for an informal discussion and explore the benefits we could bring to your business./font> /p> div aligncenter>/div> /td> td valigntop bgcolor#E2E2EB>p>font faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif size-1>b>br> font faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif>Our Professional Draughting Service offers you/font>/b>/font>font faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif>b>:/b> br> /font>/p> p>font faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif>font size-1>font color#003399>strong> EXPERIENCED AutoCAD DRAUGHTINGbr> br> /strong>/font>strong> font color#E88728>/font>/strong>/font>strong>font size-1 color#E88728> SPECIALIST REINFORCED CONCRETE DETAILING / REBAR DETAILING/font>font size-1>br> br> font color#003399>/font>/font>font size-1 color#003399> RC DETAILING USING LATEST CADS SOFTWARE/font>br> br> font size-1>font color#E88728>font size-1> /font>/font> font color#E88728>OUTSOURCING RC DETAILING MEANS GREATER PRODUCTIVITY WITHOUT ADDITIONAL STAFFbr> br> /font>font color#003399>font size-1>/font>/font> font color#003399>FASTER PRODUCTION TO MEET PROJECT DEADLINES BY USING OUR RC DETAILERS/font>br> br> font color#E88728>font size-1>/font>/font> font color#E88728>ACCESS TO THE LATEST CADS SOFTWARE WITHOUT PURCHASE/font>br> br> /tr> /table> table width640 border0 cellpadding2> tr> td width510> div aligncenter>font faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif size-1>i>font size3>For further information or to discuss a projectbr> please see our a hrefcontact_us.html>contact us page/a>/font>/i> br> /font>font faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif> /font>/div> /td> td> div aligncenter>img srcimages/fsblogo.gif width90 height70 altFSB lgo>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td valigntop colspan2> div aligncenter>br> img srcimages/civilstructurarch.gif width580 height29 altCivil Structural Architechtural>/div> /td> /tr> /table> br>/div>/body>/html>
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