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background-image: none; id112>div idmod_iccalendar_112> div classicagenda_header> /div>div classicnav>a idic-prev-year classbackicY icagendabtn_112 href relnofollow>span styleheight: 1px; width: 1px; position: absolute; overflow: hidden; top: -10px; title>Previous Year/span>span classiCicon iCicon-backicY>/span>/a>a idic-prev-month classbackic icagendabtn_112 href relnofollow>span styleheight: 1px; width: 1px; position: absolute; overflow: hidden; top: -10px; title>Previous Month/span>span classiCicon iCicon-backic>/span>/a>a idic-next-year classnexticY icagendabtn_112 href relnofollow>span styleheight: 1px; width: 1px; position: absolute; overflow: hidden; top: -10px; title>Next Year/span>span classiCicon iCicon-nexticY>/span>/a>a idic-next-month classnextic icagendabtn_112 href relnofollow>span styleheight: 1px; width: 1px; position: absolute; overflow: hidden; top: -10px; title>Next Month/span>span classiCicon iCicon-nextic>/span>/a>div classtitleic>February 2025/div>/div>div styleclear:both>/div> table idicagenda_calendar classic-table stylewidth:100%;> thead> tr> th stylewidth:14.2857143%;background: ;>Mon/th> th stylewidth:14.2857143%;background: ;>Tue/th> th stylewidth:14.2857143%;background: ;>Wed/th> th stylewidth:14.2857143%;background: ;>Thu/th> th stylewidth:14.2857143%;background: ;>Fri/th> th stylewidth:14.2857143%;background: ;>Sat/th> th stylewidth:14.2857143%;background: ;>Sun/th> /tr> /thead> tr>td colspan5>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-01> 1 /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-02> 2 /div>/td>tr>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent stylebackground:#ff9100 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-03> 3 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/component/icagenda/776-krav-maga-class-776/2025-02-03-19-00?Itemid101> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #ff9100; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_20171016-204832.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Adult Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ /div> div classictip-desc> Adult Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Monday 3rd February 2025, 19:00 - 21:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg closed> Registration Closed /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 03/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-04> 4 /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent icmulti stylebackground:#e5fa00 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-05> 5 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/component/icagenda/777-junior-kids-krav-maga-class-777/2025-02-05-18-00?Itemid101> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #e5fa00; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_juniors.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Kids Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 18:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ , Scotland /div> div classictip-desc> Kids Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Wednesday 5th February 2025, 18:00 - 19:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg closed> Registration Closed /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/component/icagenda/778-senior-kids-krav-maga-class-778/2025-02-05-19-00?Itemid101> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #00e62e; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_seniors.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Teens Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ , Scotland /div> div classictip-desc> Teens Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Wednesday 5th February 2025, 19:00 - 20:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg closed> Registration Closed /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 05/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent stylebackground:#00bdb7 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-06> 6 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/component/icagenda/779-fighting-fit-class-779/2025-02-06-19-00?Itemid101> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #00bdb7; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_20190708-174132.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Fighting Fit Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Wishaw Sports Centre, Squash Court 1, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ /div> div classictip-desc> Fighting Fit Class, Thursday 6th February 2025, 19:00 - 21:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg closed> Registration Closed /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 06/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-07> 7 /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-08> 8 /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-09> 9 /div>/td>tr>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent stylebackground:#ff9100 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-10> 10 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/component/icagenda/780-krav-maga-class-780/2025-02-10-19-00?Itemid101> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #ff9100; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_20171016-204832.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Adult Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ /div> div classictip-desc> Adult Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Monday 10th February 2025, 19:00 - 21:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg closed> Registration Closed /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 10/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Today data-cal-date2025-02-11> 11 /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent icmulti stylebackground:#e5fa00 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-12> 12 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/classes-events/781-junior-kids-krav-maga-class-781/2025-02-12-18-00> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #e5fa00; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_juniors.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Kids Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 18:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ , Scotland /div> div classictip-desc> Kids Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Wednesday 12th February 2025, 18:00 - 19:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg available> Number of seats: 24 /span> span classiCreg ticketsleft> Seats available: 24 /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/classes-events/782-senior-kids-krav-maga-class-782/2025-02-12-19-00> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #00e62e; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_seniors.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Teens Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ , Scotland /div> div classictip-desc> Teens Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Wednesday 12th February 2025, 19:00 - 20:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg available> Number of seats: 24 /span> span classiCreg ticketsleft> Seats available: 23 /span> span classiCreg registered> Already registered: 1 /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 12/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent stylebackground:#00bdb7 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-13> 13 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/classes-events/783-fighting-fit-class-783/2025-02-13-19-00> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #00bdb7; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_20190708-174132.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Fighting Fit Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Wishaw Sports Centre, Squash Court 1, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ /div> div classictip-desc> Fighting Fit Class, Thursday 13th February 2025, 19:00 - 21:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg available> Number of seats: 24 /span> span classiCreg ticketsleft> Seats available: 24 /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 13/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-14> 14 /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-15> 15 /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-16> 16 /div>/td>tr>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent stylebackground:#ff9100 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-17> 17 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/classes-events/785-krav-maga-class-785/2025-02-17-19-00> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #ff9100; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_20171016-204832.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Adult Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ /div> div classictip-desc> Adult Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Monday 17th February 2025, 19:00 - 21:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg available> Number of seats: 24 /span> span classiCreg ticketsleft> Seats available: 24 /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 17/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-18> 18 /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent icmulti stylebackground:#e5fa00 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-19> 19 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/classes-events/786-junior-kids-krav-maga-class-786/2025-02-19-18-00> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #e5fa00; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_juniors.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Kids Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 18:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ , Scotland /div> div classictip-desc> Kids Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Wednesday 19th February 2025, 18:00 - 19:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg available> Number of seats: 24 /span> span classiCreg ticketsleft> Seats available: 24 /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/classes-events/787-senior-kids-krav-maga-class-787/2025-02-19-19-00> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #00e62e; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_seniors.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Teens Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ , Scotland /div> div classictip-desc> Teens Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Wednesday 19th February 2025, 19:00 - 20:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg available> Number of seats: 24 /span> span classiCreg ticketsleft> Seats available: 24 /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 19/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent stylebackground:#00bdb7 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-20> 20 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/classes-events/788-fighting-fit-class-788/2025-02-20-19-00> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #00bdb7; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_20190708-174132.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Fighting Fit Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Wishaw Sports Centre, Squash Court 1, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ /div> div classictip-desc> Fighting Fit Class, Thursday 20th February 2025, 19:00 - 21:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg available> Number of seats: 24 /span> span classiCreg ticketsleft> Seats available: 24 /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 20/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-21> 21 /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-22> 22 /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-23> 23 /div>/td>tr>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent stylebackground:#ff9100 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-24> 24 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/classes-events/789-krav-maga-class-789/2025-02-24-19-00> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #ff9100; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_20171016-204832.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Adult Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ /div> div classictip-desc> Adult Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Monday 24th February 2025, 19:00 - 21:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg available> Number of seats: 24 /span> span classiCreg ticketsleft> Seats available: 24 /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 24/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-25> 25 /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent icmulti stylebackground:#e5fa00 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-26> 26 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/classes-events/791-junior-kids-krav-maga-class-791/2025-02-26-18-00> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #e5fa00; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_juniors.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Kids Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 18:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ , Scotland /div> div classictip-desc> Kids Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Wednesday 26th February 2025, 18:00 - 19:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg available> Number of seats: 24 /span> span classiCreg ticketsleft> Seats available: 24 /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/classes-events/792-senior-kids-krav-maga-class-792/2025-02-26-19-00> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #00e62e; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_seniors.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Teens Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ , Scotland /div> div classictip-desc> Teens Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Wednesday 26th February 2025, 19:00 - 20:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg available> Number of seats: 24 /span> span classiCreg ticketsleft> Seats available: 24 /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 26/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent stylebackground:#00bdb7 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-27> 27 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/classes-events/793-fighting-fit-class-793/2025-02-27-19-00> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #00bdb7; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_20190708-174132.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Fighting Fit Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Wishaw Sports Centre, Squash Court 1, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ /div> div classictip-desc> Fighting Fit Class, Thursday 27th February 2025, 19:00 - 21:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg available> Number of seats: 24 /span> span classiCreg ticketsleft> Seats available: 24 /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 27/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-28> 28 /div>/td>td colspan2>/td>/tr>/table>/div>/div>/div>script typetext/javascript>(function($){ if ($(.spanEv:visible).length ! 0) { return false; } var icmouse click; 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line-height: normal; aligncenter>span stylefont-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;>b>span stylefont-size: 24pt;>Combat Evolved - Academy of Self Defence/span>/b>/span>/p>p classMsoNormal styletext-align: center; line-height: normal; aligncenter>span stylefont-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;>b>span stylefont-size: 24pt;>Krav Maga Wishaw/span>/b>/span>/p>p classMsoNormal styletext-align: center; line-height: normal; aligncenter>span stylefont-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color: #000000;>b>span stylefont-size: 18pt;> /span>/b>/span>/p>p>span stylefont-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 14pt;>b>span stylecolor: #000000;>span stylecolor: #ff0000;>strong>Krav Maga/strong>/span> is the close quarter hand-to-hand fighting system of the Israeli Defence Forces, and is a battle-tested, reality based self defence system suitable for both men and women./span>/b>/span>/p>p>span stylefont-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;>b>span stylefont-size: 14pt;>br /> img classpull-center styleborder-width: 2px; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src/images/DecMartin1.jpg altKrav Haganah - Close Quarter Combatives width599 height449 />br /> /span>/b>/span>/p>p>span stylefont-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;>span stylefont-size: 12pt;>b>Krav Maga /b>/span>span stylefont-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;>(Hebrew: contact combat)/span>span stylefont-size: 12pt;> and b>Haganah /b>(Hebrew: the defence) another Israeli military modern combatives system, are the core of o/span>/span>span stylefont-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;>span stylefont-size: 12pt;>ur self defence training, which also encompasses Western boxing, /span>/span>span stylefont-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;>span stylefont-size: 12pt;>weapon defences, /span>/span>span stylefont-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;>span stylefont-size: 12pt;>ground survival, and /span>/span>span stylefont-size: 12pt; font-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;>span stylefont-size: 12pt;>tactical security training. /span>It incorporates both unarmed and armed fighting methods that emphasise threat avoidance, or threat neutralization as appropriate, and escape at the first opportunity. /span>/p>p> /p>p>span stylefont-size: 12pt; font-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;>Although our priority is ALWAYS to avoid conflict and to escape to safety where possible, we train to confidently and assertively turn the fight back against the aggressor to ensure our survival. It is said the best defence is offense, and this is one of our key principles. br />/span>/p>p classMsoNormal styleline-height: normal;>span stylefont-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;>img classpull-center styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-width: 2px; src/images/Group1.jpg altKrav Haganah - Close Quarter Combatives width622 height466 />/span>/p>p classMsoNormal styleline-height: normal;>span stylefont-size: 12pt;>Our responses escalate fast and aggressively with simultaneous defensive and offensive counter striking to meet a threat head-on and overwhelm an assailant to allow you to escape safely. span stylefont-size: 12pt; font-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;>Students are taught from the very beginning how to counter in the quickest and most effective way to defend against a variety of attacks from difference angles, under high pressure, and in positions of disadvantage./span>br />/span>/p>div classbtnreadmore> a href/index.php/2-uncategorised/3-combat-has-evolved>button classbutton small> Read more about our class times /button>/a>/div> /div> /div> div classpagination> p classcounter pull-right> /p> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> !--Container End --> /div> !-- Modspot End --> /div> div classbottomspot>div classcontainer clear>div classrow>div classmodule > div classmoduletable> h3>Testimonials/h3> div idfst_comments_scroll classfst_comments_scroll>a namecomments_5>/a>div idcomments classfst_comments_result_5123> script>function expand_test(test_id){ var div jQuery(#test_full_ + test_id); var html div.html(); jQuery(#test_short_ + test_id).html(html); }/script>div classfst_comment idfst_comment__2 > div classfst_comment_name>Name Withheld/div> div classfst_comment_created>2013-09-04, 22:15/div> div classfst_comment_commentmod>div idtest_short_395679>Chris worked with our private security team providing valuable insight and training in hand to hand combat prior to our deployment in the middle … a href# onclickexpand_test(395679);return false;>read more/a>div idtest_full_395679 styledisplay:none>Chris worked with our private security team providing valuable insight and training in hand to hand combat prior to our deployment in the middle east. It was all relevant and accurate to our needs and Chris provided excellent quality training focusing on weapon deployment and retention, multiple attacks from various angles, surprise attacks, and close quarter fighting with knives and improvised />Counter Assault Team Leader/div>/div>/div> div classfst_clear>/div>/div>div classfst_clear>/div> /div> div idcomments_urls url/index.php/component/fst/?taskXXTASKXX&commentidXXCIDXX&uidXXUIDXX refresh/index.php/component/fst/?taskmodinner&identXXXIDXX&publishedXXPXX waitPLEASE_WAIT ident0 published0 deletedCOMMENT_DELETED >/div>/div>/div>div styleclear:both;>/div>/div>/div>/div>section idfooter classfooterspot>div classcontainer>div classcol-md-6>Combat Evolved - Academy of Self Defence - Krav Maga Wishaw Copyright (c) 2023 All rights reserved./div>div iddesigned_by classcol-md-6>Designed by a href titleVisit! targetblank>>/div>/div> /section>/div> /body>/html>
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background-image: none; id112>div idmod_iccalendar_112> div classicagenda_header> /div>div classicnav>a idic-prev-year classbackicY icagendabtn_112 href relnofollow>span styleheight: 1px; width: 1px; position: absolute; overflow: hidden; top: -10px; title>Previous Year/span>span classiCicon iCicon-backicY>/span>/a>a idic-prev-month classbackic icagendabtn_112 href relnofollow>span styleheight: 1px; width: 1px; position: absolute; overflow: hidden; top: -10px; title>Previous Month/span>span classiCicon iCicon-backic>/span>/a>a idic-next-year classnexticY icagendabtn_112 href relnofollow>span styleheight: 1px; width: 1px; position: absolute; overflow: hidden; top: -10px; title>Next Year/span>span classiCicon iCicon-nexticY>/span>/a>a idic-next-month classnextic icagendabtn_112 href relnofollow>span styleheight: 1px; width: 1px; position: absolute; overflow: hidden; top: -10px; title>Next Month/span>span classiCicon iCicon-nextic>/span>/a>div classtitleic>February 2025/div>/div>div styleclear:both>/div> table idicagenda_calendar classic-table stylewidth:100%;> thead> tr> th stylewidth:14.2857143%;background: ;>Mon/th> th stylewidth:14.2857143%;background: ;>Tue/th> th stylewidth:14.2857143%;background: ;>Wed/th> th stylewidth:14.2857143%;background: ;>Thu/th> th stylewidth:14.2857143%;background: ;>Fri/th> th stylewidth:14.2857143%;background: ;>Sat/th> th stylewidth:14.2857143%;background: ;>Sun/th> /tr> /thead> tr>td colspan5>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-01> 1 /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-02> 2 /div>/td>tr>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent stylebackground:#ff9100 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-03> 3 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/component/icagenda/776-krav-maga-class-776/2025-02-03-19-00?Itemid101> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #ff9100; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_20171016-204832.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Adult Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ /div> div classictip-desc> Adult Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Monday 3rd February 2025, 19:00 - 21:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg closed> Registration Closed /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 03/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-04> 4 /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent icmulti stylebackground:#e5fa00 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-05> 5 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/component/icagenda/777-junior-kids-krav-maga-class-777/2025-02-05-18-00?Itemid101> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #e5fa00; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_juniors.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Kids Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 18:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ , Scotland /div> div classictip-desc> Kids Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Wednesday 5th February 2025, 18:00 - 19:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg closed> Registration Closed /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/component/icagenda/778-senior-kids-krav-maga-class-778/2025-02-05-19-00?Itemid101> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #00e62e; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_seniors.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Teens Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ , Scotland /div> div classictip-desc> Teens Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Wednesday 5th February 2025, 19:00 - 20:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg closed> Registration Closed /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 05/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent stylebackground:#00bdb7 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-06> 6 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/component/icagenda/779-fighting-fit-class-779/2025-02-06-19-00?Itemid101> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #00bdb7; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_20190708-174132.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Fighting Fit Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Wishaw Sports Centre, Squash Court 1, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ /div> div classictip-desc> Fighting Fit Class, Thursday 6th February 2025, 19:00 - 21:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg closed> Registration Closed /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 06/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-07> 7 /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-08> 8 /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-09> 9 /div>/td>tr>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent stylebackground:#ff9100 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-10> 10 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/component/icagenda/780-krav-maga-class-780/2025-02-10-19-00?Itemid101> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #ff9100; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_20171016-204832.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Adult Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ /div> div classictip-desc> Adult Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Monday 10th February 2025, 19:00 - 21:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg closed> Registration Closed /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 10/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Today data-cal-date2025-02-11> 11 /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent icmulti stylebackground:#e5fa00 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-12> 12 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/classes-events/781-junior-kids-krav-maga-class-781/2025-02-12-18-00> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #e5fa00; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_juniors.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Kids Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 18:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ , Scotland /div> div classictip-desc> Kids Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Wednesday 12th February 2025, 18:00 - 19:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg available> Number of seats: 24 /span> span classiCreg ticketsleft> Seats available: 24 /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/classes-events/782-senior-kids-krav-maga-class-782/2025-02-12-19-00> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #00e62e; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_seniors.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Teens Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ , Scotland /div> div classictip-desc> Teens Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Wednesday 12th February 2025, 19:00 - 20:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg available> Number of seats: 24 /span> span classiCreg ticketsleft> Seats available: 23 /span> span classiCreg registered> Already registered: 1 /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 12/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent stylebackground:#00bdb7 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-13> 13 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/classes-events/783-fighting-fit-class-783/2025-02-13-19-00> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #00bdb7; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_20190708-174132.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Fighting Fit Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Wishaw Sports Centre, Squash Court 1, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ /div> div classictip-desc> Fighting Fit Class, Thursday 13th February 2025, 19:00 - 21:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg available> Number of seats: 24 /span> span classiCreg ticketsleft> Seats available: 24 /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 13/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-14> 14 /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-15> 15 /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-16> 16 /div>/td>tr>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent stylebackground:#ff9100 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-17> 17 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/classes-events/785-krav-maga-class-785/2025-02-17-19-00> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #ff9100; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_20171016-204832.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Adult Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ /div> div classictip-desc> Adult Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Monday 17th February 2025, 19:00 - 21:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg available> Number of seats: 24 /span> span classiCreg ticketsleft> Seats available: 24 /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 17/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-18> 18 /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent icmulti stylebackground:#e5fa00 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-19> 19 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/classes-events/786-junior-kids-krav-maga-class-786/2025-02-19-18-00> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #e5fa00; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_juniors.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Kids Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 18:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ , Scotland /div> div classictip-desc> Kids Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Wednesday 19th February 2025, 18:00 - 19:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg available> Number of seats: 24 /span> span classiCreg ticketsleft> Seats available: 24 /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/classes-events/787-senior-kids-krav-maga-class-787/2025-02-19-19-00> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #00e62e; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_seniors.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Teens Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ , Scotland /div> div classictip-desc> Teens Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Wednesday 19th February 2025, 19:00 - 20:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg available> Number of seats: 24 /span> span classiCreg ticketsleft> Seats available: 24 /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 19/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent stylebackground:#00bdb7 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-20> 20 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/classes-events/788-fighting-fit-class-788/2025-02-20-19-00> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #00bdb7; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_20190708-174132.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Fighting Fit Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Wishaw Sports Centre, Squash Court 1, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ /div> div classictip-desc> Fighting Fit Class, Thursday 20th February 2025, 19:00 - 21:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg available> Number of seats: 24 /span> span classiCreg ticketsleft> Seats available: 24 /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 20/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-21> 21 /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-22> 22 /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-23> 23 /div>/td>tr>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent stylebackground:#ff9100 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-24> 24 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/classes-events/789-krav-maga-class-789/2025-02-24-19-00> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #ff9100; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_20171016-204832.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Adult Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ /div> div classictip-desc> Adult Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Monday 24th February 2025, 19:00 - 21:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg available> Number of seats: 24 /span> span classiCreg ticketsleft> Seats available: 24 /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 24/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-25> 25 /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent icmulti stylebackground:#e5fa00 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-26> 26 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/classes-events/791-junior-kids-krav-maga-class-791/2025-02-26-18-00> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #e5fa00; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_juniors.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Kids Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 18:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ , Scotland /div> div classictip-desc> Kids Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Wednesday 26th February 2025, 18:00 - 19:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg available> Number of seats: 24 /span> span classiCreg ticketsleft> Seats available: 24 /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/classes-events/792-senior-kids-krav-maga-class-792/2025-02-26-19-00> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #00e62e; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_seniors.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Teens Krav Maga Self Defence Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Squash Court 1, Wishaw Sports Centre, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ , Scotland /div> div classictip-desc> Teens Krav Maga Self Defence Class, Wednesday 26th February 2025, 19:00 - 20:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg available> Number of seats: 24 /span> span classiCreg ticketsleft> Seats available: 24 /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 26/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classicevent stylebackground:#00bdb7 !important;> a href# relnofollow tabindex0> div classstyle_Day ic-bright data-cal-date2025-02-27> 27 /div> /a> div classspanEv> div classictip-event> a href/index.php/classes-events/793-fighting-fit-class-793/2025-02-27-19-00> div classlinkTo> div classictip-img> span stylebackground: #00bdb7; classimg>img src/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h100q100_20190708-174132.jpg alt />/span> /div> div classictip-event-title titletip> Fighting Fit Class /div> div classictip-info ic-clearfix> div classictip-time> 19:00 /div> div classictip-location> Wishaw Sports Centre, Squash Court 1, Alexander St, Wishaw ML2 0HQ /div> div classictip-desc> Fighting Fit Class, Thursday 27th February 2025, 19:00 - 21:00 /div> /div> div classregButtons ic-reg-buttons> span classiCreg available> Number of seats: 24 /span> span classiCreg ticketsleft> Seats available: 24 /span> /div> /div> /a> /div> /div> div classdate ictip-date> span classictip-date-lbl> Date : /span> span classictip-date-format> 27/02/2025 /span> /div> /div>/td>td stylebackground: ;>!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> div classno-event style_Day data-cal-date2025-02-28> 28 /div>/td>td colspan2>/td>/tr>/table>/div>/div>/div>script typetext/javascript>(function($){ if ($(.spanEv:visible).length ! 0) { return false; } var icmouse click; 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line-height: normal; aligncenter>span stylefont-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;>b>span stylefont-size: 24pt;>Combat Evolved - Academy of Self Defence/span>/b>/span>/p>p classMsoNormal styletext-align: center; line-height: normal; aligncenter>span stylefont-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;>b>span stylefont-size: 24pt;>Krav Maga Wishaw/span>/b>/span>/p>p classMsoNormal styletext-align: center; line-height: normal; aligncenter>span stylefont-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color: #000000;>b>span stylefont-size: 18pt;> /span>/b>/span>/p>p>span stylefont-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 14pt;>b>span stylecolor: #000000;>span stylecolor: #ff0000;>strong>Krav Maga/strong>/span> is the close quarter hand-to-hand fighting system of the Israeli Defence Forces, and is a battle-tested, reality based self defence system suitable for both men and women./span>/b>/span>/p>p>span stylefont-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;>b>span stylefont-size: 14pt;>br /> img classpull-center styleborder-width: 2px; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src/images/DecMartin1.jpg altKrav Haganah - Close Quarter Combatives width599 height449 />br /> /span>/b>/span>/p>p>span stylefont-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;>span stylefont-size: 12pt;>b>Krav Maga /b>/span>span stylefont-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;>(Hebrew: contact combat)/span>span stylefont-size: 12pt;> and b>Haganah /b>(Hebrew: the defence) another Israeli military modern combatives system, are the core of o/span>/span>span stylefont-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;>span stylefont-size: 12pt;>ur self defence training, which also encompasses Western boxing, /span>/span>span stylefont-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;>span stylefont-size: 12pt;>weapon defences, /span>/span>span stylefont-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;>span stylefont-size: 12pt;>ground survival, and /span>/span>span stylefont-size: 12pt; font-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;>span stylefont-size: 12pt;>tactical security training. /span>It incorporates both unarmed and armed fighting methods that emphasise threat avoidance, or threat neutralization as appropriate, and escape at the first opportunity. /span>/p>p> /p>p>span stylefont-size: 12pt; font-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;>Although our priority is ALWAYS to avoid conflict and to escape to safety where possible, we train to confidently and assertively turn the fight back against the aggressor to ensure our survival. It is said the best defence is offense, and this is one of our key principles. br />/span>/p>p classMsoNormal styleline-height: normal;>span stylefont-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;>img classpull-center styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-width: 2px; src/images/Group1.jpg altKrav Haganah - Close Quarter Combatives width622 height466 />/span>/p>p classMsoNormal styleline-height: normal;>span stylefont-size: 12pt;>Our responses escalate fast and aggressively with simultaneous defensive and offensive counter striking to meet a threat head-on and overwhelm an assailant to allow you to escape safely. span stylefont-size: 12pt; font-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;>Students are taught from the very beginning how to counter in the quickest and most effective way to defend against a variety of attacks from difference angles, under high pressure, and in positions of disadvantage./span>br />/span>/p>div classbtnreadmore> a href/index.php/2-uncategorised/3-combat-has-evolved>button classbutton small> Read more about our class times /button>/a>/div> /div> /div> div classpagination> p classcounter pull-right> /p> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> !--Container End --> /div> !-- Modspot End --> /div> div classbottomspot>div classcontainer clear>div classrow>div classmodule > div classmoduletable> h3>Testimonials/h3> div idfst_comments_scroll classfst_comments_scroll>a namecomments_5>/a>div idcomments classfst_comments_result_7076> script>function expand_test(test_id){ var div jQuery(#test_full_ + test_id); var html div.html(); jQuery(#test_short_ + test_id).html(html); }/script>div classfst_comment idfst_comment__3 > div classfst_comment_name>Nikki Thomas/div> div classfst_comment_created>2014-01-18, 18:27/div> div classfst_comment_commentmod>div idtest_short_570912>Combat Evolved provides a very relaxed, fun environment to learn all aspects of personal safety and self defence. The instructor Chris is very … a href# onclickexpand_test(570912);return false;>read more/a>div idtest_full_570912 styledisplay:none>Combat Evolved provides a very relaxed, fun environment to learn all aspects of personal safety and self defence. The instructor Chris is very informative and supportive in providing all the information and practical advice through thorough explanation and hands on experience that will help you grow and learn and become very confident in using the techniques taught. You will find your confidence in yourself grow. It provides real life scenarios in which we all can find ourselves in at anytime. It helps heighten your awareness of situations and your surroundings which you will use everyday. It prepares you mentally should anything ever occur which in turn enables you to defend yourself properly and most importantly safely. Its the best thing you could ever do for yourself./div>/div>/div> div classfst_clear>/div>/div>div classfst_clear>/div> /div> div idcomments_urls url/index.php/component/fst/?taskXXTASKXX&commentidXXCIDXX&uidXXUIDXX refresh/index.php/component/fst/?taskmodinner&identXXXIDXX&publishedXXPXX waitPLEASE_WAIT ident0 published0 deletedCOMMENT_DELETED >/div>/div>/div>div styleclear:both;>/div>/div>/div>/div>section idfooter classfooterspot>div classcontainer>div classcol-md-6>Combat Evolved - Academy of Self Defence - Krav Maga Wishaw Copyright (c) 2023 All rights reserved./div>div iddesigned_by classcol-md-6>Designed by a href titleVisit! targetblank>>/div>/div> /section>/div> /body>/html>
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