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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 17:31:01 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 22:08:47 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 25788Vary: Accept-EncodingContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html>head>title>CM Miami: Hari Om/title>link relshortcut icon hrefimagefiles/favicon.ico>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1>script srcScripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js typetext/javascript>/script>style typetext/css>!--p.MsoNormal {margin:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:Calibri,sans-serif;}-->/style>style typetext/css>!--.excel1 {padding-top:1px;padding-right:1px;padding-left:1px;color:windowtext;font-size:10.0pt;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;text-decoration:none;font-family:Arial;text-align:general;vertical-align:bottom;border:none;white-space:nowrap;}.excel3 {padding-top:1px;padding-right:1px;padding-left:1px;color:windowtext;font-size:10.0pt;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;text-decoration:none;font-family:Arial Narrow, sans-serif;text-align:center;vertical-align:bottom;border:none;white-space:nowrap;}.excel2 {padding-top:1px;padding-right:1px;padding-left:1px;color:windowtext;font-size:10.0pt;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;text-decoration:none;font-family:Arial Narrow, sans-serif;text-align:left;vertical-align:bottom;border:none;white-space:nowrap;}-->/style>style typetext/css>!--.excel4 {padding-top:1px;padding-right:1px;padding-left:1px;color:windowtext;font-size:10.0pt;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;text-decoration:none;font-family:Arial;text-align:general;vertical-align:bottom;border:none;white-space:nowrap;}.excel5 {padding-top:1px;padding-right:1px;padding-left:1px;color:windowtext;font-size:10.0pt;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;text-decoration:none;font-family:Arial Narrow, sans-serif;text-align:left;vertical-align:bottom;border:none;white-space:nowrap;}.excel6 {padding-top:1px;padding-right:1px;padding-left:1px;color:windowtext;font-size:10.0pt;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;text-decoration:none;font-family:Arial Narrow, sans-serif;text-align:center;vertical-align:bottom;border:none;white-space:nowrap;}.style107 { font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: small; color: #CC9900;}.style31 { font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: small; font-weight: bold;}.style37 {color: #333333}.style41 { font-weight: normal; color: #333333; font-size: small;}body,td,th { font-family: Trebuchet MS; text-align: center;}.style135 { font-size: 12px; font-family: Trebuchet MS;}.style138 {font-size: 10px}.style144 { font-size: 6px}.style153 {font-size: 12px}.style145 {font-size: 12px}.style145 { font-size: 12px; font-family: Trebuchet MS; text-align: left;}.style33 {color: #000000; font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: 12px;}.style138 .style145 .style153 font font { color: #F00;}#ff { color: #F00;}.style1531 {font-size: 12px; color: #000;}.style1452 {font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: 12px;}.style1451 { font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: 12px;}.style1071 { font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: small; color: #CC9900; text-align: center;}.style144 font { font-size: xx-small;}.style144 font { font-size: 6px;}.style144 font { font-size: xx-small;}.style144 font { font-size: 9px;}-->/style>script typetext/javascript>!--function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 var ddocument; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_pnew Array(); var i,jd.MM_p.length,aMM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i0; ia.length; i++) if (ai.indexOf(#)!0){ d.MM_pjnew Image; d.MM_pj++.srcai;}}}function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01 var p,i,x; if(!d) ddocument; if((pn.indexOf(?))>0&&parent.frames.length) { dparent.framesn.substring(p+1).document; nn.substring(0,p);} if(!(xdn)&&d.all) xd.alln; for (i0;!x&&id.forms.length;i++) xd.formsin; for(i0;!x&&d.layers&&id.layers.length;i++) xMM_findObj(n,d.layersi.document); if(!x && d.getElementById) xd.getElementById(n); return x;}function MM_nbGroup(event, grpName) { //v6.0 var i,img,nbArr,argsMM_nbGroup.arguments; if (event init && args.length > 2) { if ((img MM_findObj(args2)) ! null && !img.MM_init) { img.MM_init true; img.MM_up args3; img.MM_dn img.src; if ((nbArr documentgrpName) null) nbArr documentgrpName new Array(); nbArrnbArr.length img; for (i4; i args.length-1; i+2) if ((img MM_findObj(argsi)) ! null) { if (!img.MM_up) img.MM_up img.src; img.src img.MM_dn argsi+1; nbArrnbArr.length img; } } } else if (event over) { document.MM_nbOver nbArr new Array(); for (i1; i args.length-1; i+3) if ((img MM_findObj(argsi)) ! null) { if (!img.MM_up) img.MM_up img.src; img.src (img.MM_dn && argsi+2) ? 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Venue: Sai Temple, span classstyle1451> 4761 Raulerson Dr, Lake Worth/span> font color#ff6600>span classstyle1452>font color#ff6600>a hrefflyers/cmbvflyer.png target_new>View/a>font color#ff6600>font color#ff6600> span classstyle1531>flyer/span>/font>/font> font color#ff6600>font color#ff6600>font color#ff6600>a hrefsyllabus.html>View/a>/font> span classstyle1531>Syllabus /span>font color#ff6600> font color#ff6600>font color#ff6600>font color#ff6600>a href>Register/a>/font>/font>/font>/font>/font>/font>/font>/span>/font>/p>p alignleft classstyle145>font color#000000>•/font> Chinmaya Study Group for Adultsfont color#ff6600>span classstyle1452>br> /span>/font>Chinmaya Study Group is a weekly spiritual study forum for adults that is free and open to all: font color#ff6600>span classstyle1452>br> /span>/font> 1) Bhagavad Gita, Sundays in-person a hrefsyllabus.html target_new>View/a> detailsfont color#ff6600>span classstyle1452>br> /span>/font> 2) Bhagavad Gita, Sundays on Zoom a hrefsyllabus.html target_new>View/a> detailsfont color#ff6600>span classstyle1452>br> /span>/font> 3) Shrimad Bhagaa hrefactivities.html#sg target_new>View/a> additional Chinmaya Mission study groups/p> p classstyle145> /p>hr> p aligncenter classstyle145>span classstyle1071>Vedanta Courses/span>/p> p alignleft classstyle145>font color#000000>•/font> Sign up for Chinmaya Missions enlightening and enriching Vedanta home-study courses, webinars, workshops, lectures, camps, and retreats:font color#ff6600>br> /font> - a target_new>CIF/a> (Chinmaya International Foundation)font color#ff6600>font color#ff6600>br> /font> /font>- a target_new>CVV/a> (Chinmaya University)font color#ff6600>br> /font> - a href target_new>CMW/a> (North America)font color#ff6600> /font> font color#ff6600>br> /font> - a href target_new>CCMT/a> (Global) font color#ff6600>br> /font> - a href target_new>CHYK/a> (Junior CHYK ages 15-17; CHYK ages 18-28; Setukari ages 29-45)font color#ff6600>br> /font>font color#000000>a target_new>CIF/a>s home-study correspondence courses /font>include topics such as Foundation Vedanta, Advanced Vedanta, Bhagavad Gita, Vedic Math, Easy Sanskrit, and Make it Happen. Also visit for font color#000000>a target_new>CIF/a>/font> webinars on various spiritual texts./p> p alignleft classstyle145>font color#000000>•/font> a href target_new>Hindu Chaplaincy Program/a> from Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF): Registration is open for certified training to give Hindu spiritual care as a chaplain in communities, hospitals, colleges, temples, military, interfaith. a href>View/a> details and register./p> p classstyle145> /p> hr> p aligncenter classstyle145>span classstyle1071>Treasures to Explore/span>/p> p classstyle145>font color#000000>font color#000000>- /font>Watch strong>Upanishad Ganga/strong> episodes free on the a href target_new>Chinmaya Channel/a> a hrefflyers/ug.jpg target_new>View/a> flyer/font>/p> p classstyle145>font color#000000> - a>Subscribe/a> for Chinmaya Missionsstrong> international monthly s/strong>/font>strong>piritual magazines /strong>and receive the mailed issue at your home every month: Balvihar for kids $50/yr, Chinmaya Udghosh for youth $50/yr, Tapovan Prasad for adults $50/yr/p> p classstyle145>font color#000000> - /font> Free "strong>Gita Capsules/strong>" of wisdom by Swami Chinmayananda and many discourses on spiritual texts and topics on the a href target_new>ChinmayaChannel/a> (YouTube): a hrefflyers/GeetaCapsules.jpg target_new>View/a> flyer/p> p classstyle145> - strong>Chinmaya Clix/strong>: a target_new>Subscribe/a> for an invaluable spiritual collection of bhajans, Vedic chants, and audio and video discourses on numerous spiritual epics, texts, and topics a hrefflyers/Website-On-Geeta-Treasures.jpg target_new>View/a> flyer/p> p classstyle145>font color#000000> -/font> a target_new>Order/a>strong> CM e-books/strong>: Check out and purchase "Storm to Perform" by Swami Swaroopananda and many more titles a hrefflyers/sto.jpg target_new>View/a> flyer /p> p alignleft classstyle145> - Chinmaya Missions award-winning a hrefflyers/ugdvd.jpg target_new>strong>Upanishad Ganga/strong>/a> nationally televised series of 52 episodes on profound Hindu concepts, on DVD in Hindi with English subtitles and special features, $160 (set of 3 DVDs, free shipping); a>e-mail us/a> your order and mailing info + submit your payment via Zelle to tampa AT chinmayamission DOT org OR click a hrefdonate.html target_new>here/a> and mail your check or use Paypal./p> p alignleft classstyle145>font color#000000>- /font> Swami Chinmayanandas biopic, em>strong>On a Quest/strong>/em>: View on the a target_new>Chinmaya Channel/a>font color#ff6600>br> /font>To purchase on DVD in English (available dubbing in Hindi/Tamil/Telugu/Malayalam), subtitles in English/French, $25 (free shipping): a>E-mail us/a> your order and mailing info + submit your payment via Zelle to miami AT chinmayamission DOT org OR click a hrefdonate.html target_new>here/a> and mail your check or use Paypal./p> p alignleft classstyle145>font color#000000> - The /font>em>strong>Mananam/strong>/em> series features compiled writings from various faiths on themed spiritual topics: a href target_new>Subscribe/a> a href target_new>Purchase/a>/p> p alignleft classstyle145> /p>hr>p aligncenter classstyle145>span classstyle1071>Support and Transform Lives/span>/p>p aligncenter classstyle145>font color#000000>•/font> Contribute and support CM Miami with a donation. All donations are tax-deductible. Donate a hrefdonate.html>here/a>./p>p alignleft classstyle145>font color#000000>•/font> Support Chinmaya Mission when you shop on a href target_new>AmazonSmile/a>: Go to a href target_new data-cke-saved-href>> and Amazon will donate a percentage of your purchase to a Chinmaya Mission center./p>p alignleft classstyle145>font color#000000>•/font> Support a>Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth/a> (CVV aka Chinmaya University), an institution dedicated to enriching modern educational approaches with ancient Indian knowledge systems in order to provide students a unique and holistic learning experience: a href target_new>Donate/a> for scholarships, programs, facilities, and more./p>p alignleft classstyle145>font color#000000>•/font> Support and/or participate in the highly acclaimed social service projects of a href target_new>CORD/a> (Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development)./p>p>img srcimagefiles/lotusfb.jpg width400 height267>/p> table width863 height168 border0 aligncenter> tr alignleft valigntop> td width282 height38 classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>a href>Chinmaya Mission West/a>: North America/font>/td> td width283 classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>a href>Chinmaya Mission Worldwide/a>/font>/td> td width281 classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>a>Chinmaya University/a> (CVV): Support/Attend Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth/font>/td> /tr> tr alignleft valigntop> td height50 classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>a href>Chinmaya International Foundation/a>: Vedic/ Vedantic/ Sanskrit Home-Study Courses and Research/font>/td> td classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>a href>Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development/a>: CORD Health, Education, Social Services for the Needy/font>/td> td classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>a href>Chinmaya International Residential School/a>: Coimbatore, India/font>/td> /tr> tr> td height35 alignleft valigntop classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>a hrefgiftshop.html>Chinmaya Publications/a>: Print, Audio, Video/font>/td> td alignleft valigntop classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>a href>CHYK West/a>: Chinmaya Yuva Kendra for Youth/font>/td> td alignleft valigntop classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>a href>Chinmaya Kids/a>: Chinmaya Bala Vihar for Kids/font>/td> /tr> tr> td height35 alignleft valigntop classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>a href>ChinmayaChannel/a> on YouTube/font>/td> td alignleft valigntop classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>a>Chinmaya Clix/a>: Subscribe for bhajans, Vedic chants, and audio/video talks on various spiritual epics, text, topics/font>/td> td alignleft valigntop classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>Facebook: a href>Swami Chinmayananda/a>, a href>Chinmaya Mission/a>/font>/td> /tr> /table>/td>td width119 aligncenter>p aligncenter>a hrefhome.html>img srcimagefiles/menu/buttons/home.png alt width112 height30 border0>/a>p aligncenter>a hrefaboutus.html target_top>img srcimagefiles/menu/buttons/about.png alt width112 height30 border0>/a>p>a hrefactivities.html target_top>img srcimagefiles/menu/buttons/act.png alt width112 height30 border0>/a>/p> p>a hrefcmbv.html target_top>img srcimagefiles/menu/buttons/bv.png alt width112 height30 border0>/a>/p> p>a hrefsyllabus.html target_top>img srcimagefiles/menu/buttons/syl.png alt width112 height30 border0>/a>/p> p>a hrefgcc.html>img srcimagefiles/menu/buttons/gcc.png width112 height30 border0>/a>/p> p>a hrefgiftshop.html target_top>img srcimagefiles/menu/buttons/gif.png alt width112 height30 border0>/a>/p> p>a hrefgallery.html target_top>img srcimagefiles/menu/buttons/gal.png alt width112 height30 border0>/a>/p> p aligncenter>a hrefserve.html target_top>img srcimagefiles/menu/buttons/save.png alt width112 height30 border0>/a>/p> p aligncenter>a hrefcontact.html target_top>img srcimagefiles/menu/buttons/cont.png alt width112 height30 border0>/a>/p> p aligncenter>a hrefdonate.html target_top>img srcimagefiles/menu/buttons/don.png alt width112 height30 border0>/a>/p> p aligncenter> /p>/td>/tr>/table>div aligncenter> div alignleft>span classstyle17 style36 style100 style144>font color#333333 faceTrebuchet MS> Copyright ©2022 Chinmaya Mission Miami. 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Venue: Sai Temple, span classstyle1451> 4761 Raulerson Dr, Lake Worth/span> font color#ff6600>span classstyle1452>font color#ff6600>a hrefflyers/cmbvflyer.png target_new>View/a>font color#ff6600>font color#ff6600> span classstyle1531>flyer/span>/font>/font> font color#ff6600>font color#ff6600>font color#ff6600>a hrefsyllabus.html>View/a>/font> span classstyle1531>Syllabus /span>font color#ff6600> font color#ff6600>font color#ff6600>font color#ff6600>a href>Register/a>/font>/font>/font>/font>/font>/font>/font>/span>/font>/p>p alignleft classstyle145>font color#000000>•/font> Chinmaya Study Group for Adultsfont color#ff6600>span classstyle1452>br> /span>/font>Chinmaya Study Group is a weekly spiritual study forum for adults that is free and open to all: font color#ff6600>span classstyle1452>br> /span>/font> 1) Bhagavad Gita, Sundays in-person a hrefsyllabus.html target_new>View/a> detailsfont color#ff6600>span classstyle1452>br> /span>/font> 2) Bhagavad Gita, Sundays on Zoom a hrefsyllabus.html target_new>View/a> detailsfont color#ff6600>span classstyle1452>br> /span>/font> 3) Shrimad Bhagaa hrefactivities.html#sg target_new>View/a> additional Chinmaya Mission study groups/p> p classstyle145> /p>hr> p aligncenter classstyle145>span classstyle1071>Vedanta Courses/span>/p> p alignleft classstyle145>font color#000000>•/font> Sign up for Chinmaya Missions enlightening and enriching Vedanta home-study courses, webinars, workshops, lectures, camps, and retreats:font color#ff6600>br> /font> - a target_new>CIF/a> (Chinmaya International Foundation)font color#ff6600>font color#ff6600>br> /font> /font>- a target_new>CVV/a> (Chinmaya University)font color#ff6600>br> /font> - a href target_new>CMW/a> (North America)font color#ff6600> /font> font color#ff6600>br> /font> - a href target_new>CCMT/a> (Global) font color#ff6600>br> /font> - a href target_new>CHYK/a> (Junior CHYK ages 15-17; CHYK ages 18-28; Setukari ages 29-45)font color#ff6600>br> /font>font color#000000>a target_new>CIF/a>s home-study correspondence courses /font>include topics such as Foundation Vedanta, Advanced Vedanta, Bhagavad Gita, Vedic Math, Easy Sanskrit, and Make it Happen. Also visit for font color#000000>a target_new>CIF/a>/font> webinars on various spiritual texts./p> p alignleft classstyle145>font color#000000>•/font> a href target_new>Hindu Chaplaincy Program/a> from Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF): Registration is open for certified training to give Hindu spiritual care as a chaplain in communities, hospitals, colleges, temples, military, interfaith. a href>View/a> details and register./p> p classstyle145> /p> hr> p aligncenter classstyle145>span classstyle1071>Treasures to Explore/span>/p> p classstyle145>font color#000000>font color#000000>- /font>Watch strong>Upanishad Ganga/strong> episodes free on the a href target_new>Chinmaya Channel/a> a hrefflyers/ug.jpg target_new>View/a> flyer/font>/p> p classstyle145>font color#000000> - a>Subscribe/a> for Chinmaya Missionsstrong> international monthly s/strong>/font>strong>piritual magazines /strong>and receive the mailed issue at your home every month: Balvihar for kids $50/yr, Chinmaya Udghosh for youth $50/yr, Tapovan Prasad for adults $50/yr/p> p classstyle145>font color#000000> - /font> Free "strong>Gita Capsules/strong>" of wisdom by Swami Chinmayananda and many discourses on spiritual texts and topics on the a href target_new>ChinmayaChannel/a> (YouTube): a hrefflyers/GeetaCapsules.jpg target_new>View/a> flyer/p> p classstyle145> - strong>Chinmaya Clix/strong>: a target_new>Subscribe/a> for an invaluable spiritual collection of bhajans, Vedic chants, and audio and video discourses on numerous spiritual epics, texts, and topics a hrefflyers/Website-On-Geeta-Treasures.jpg target_new>View/a> flyer/p> p classstyle145>font color#000000> -/font> a target_new>Order/a>strong> CM e-books/strong>: Check out and purchase "Storm to Perform" by Swami Swaroopananda and many more titles a hrefflyers/sto.jpg target_new>View/a> flyer /p> p alignleft classstyle145> - Chinmaya Missions award-winning a hrefflyers/ugdvd.jpg target_new>strong>Upanishad Ganga/strong>/a> nationally televised series of 52 episodes on profound Hindu concepts, on DVD in Hindi with English subtitles and special features, $160 (set of 3 DVDs, free shipping); a>e-mail us/a> your order and mailing info + submit your payment via Zelle to tampa AT chinmayamission DOT org OR click a hrefdonate.html target_new>here/a> and mail your check or use Paypal./p> p alignleft classstyle145>font color#000000>- /font> Swami Chinmayanandas biopic, em>strong>On a Quest/strong>/em>: View on the a target_new>Chinmaya Channel/a>font color#ff6600>br> /font>To purchase on DVD in English (available dubbing in Hindi/Tamil/Telugu/Malayalam), subtitles in English/French, $25 (free shipping): a>E-mail us/a> your order and mailing info + submit your payment via Zelle to miami AT chinmayamission DOT org OR click a hrefdonate.html target_new>here/a> and mail your check or use Paypal./p> p alignleft classstyle145>font color#000000> - The /font>em>strong>Mananam/strong>/em> series features compiled writings from various faiths on themed spiritual topics: a href target_new>Subscribe/a> a href target_new>Purchase/a>/p> p alignleft classstyle145> /p>hr>p aligncenter classstyle145>span classstyle1071>Support and Transform Lives/span>/p>p aligncenter classstyle145>font color#000000>•/font> Contribute and support CM Miami with a donation. All donations are tax-deductible. Donate a hrefdonate.html>here/a>./p>p alignleft classstyle145>font color#000000>•/font> Support Chinmaya Mission when you shop on a href target_new>AmazonSmile/a>: Go to a href target_new data-cke-saved-href>> and Amazon will donate a percentage of your purchase to a Chinmaya Mission center./p>p alignleft classstyle145>font color#000000>•/font> Support a>Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth/a> (CVV aka Chinmaya University), an institution dedicated to enriching modern educational approaches with ancient Indian knowledge systems in order to provide students a unique and holistic learning experience: a href target_new>Donate/a> for scholarships, programs, facilities, and more./p>p alignleft classstyle145>font color#000000>•/font> Support and/or participate in the highly acclaimed social service projects of a href target_new>CORD/a> (Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development)./p>p>img srcimagefiles/lotusfb.jpg width400 height267>/p> table width863 height168 border0 aligncenter> tr alignleft valigntop> td width282 height38 classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>a href>Chinmaya Mission West/a>: North America/font>/td> td width283 classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>a href>Chinmaya Mission Worldwide/a>/font>/td> td width281 classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>a>Chinmaya University/a> (CVV): Support/Attend Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth/font>/td> /tr> tr alignleft valigntop> td height50 classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>a href>Chinmaya International Foundation/a>: Vedic/ Vedantic/ Sanskrit Home-Study Courses and Research/font>/td> td classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>a href>Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development/a>: CORD Health, Education, Social Services for the Needy/font>/td> td classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>a href>Chinmaya International Residential School/a>: Coimbatore, India/font>/td> /tr> tr> td height35 alignleft valigntop classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>a hrefgiftshop.html>Chinmaya Publications/a>: Print, Audio, Video/font>/td> td alignleft valigntop classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>a href>CHYK West/a>: Chinmaya Yuva Kendra for Youth/font>/td> td alignleft valigntop classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>a href>Chinmaya Kids/a>: Chinmaya Bala Vihar for Kids/font>/td> /tr> tr> td height35 alignleft valigntop classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>a href>ChinmayaChannel/a> on YouTube/font>/td> td alignleft valigntop classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>a>Chinmaya Clix/a>: Subscribe for bhajans, Vedic chants, and audio/video talks on various spiritual epics, text, topics/font>/td> td alignleft valigntop classstyle138 styletext-align: left>font faceTrebuchet MS>Facebook: a href>Swami Chinmayananda/a>, a href>Chinmaya Mission/a>/font>/td> /tr> /table>/td>td width119 aligncenter>p aligncenter>a hrefhome.html>img srcimagefiles/menu/buttons/home.png alt width112 height30 border0>/a>p aligncenter>a hrefaboutus.html target_top>img srcimagefiles/menu/buttons/about.png alt width112 height30 border0>/a>p>a hrefactivities.html target_top>img srcimagefiles/menu/buttons/act.png alt width112 height30 border0>/a>/p> p>a hrefcmbv.html target_top>img srcimagefiles/menu/buttons/bv.png alt width112 height30 border0>/a>/p> p>a hrefsyllabus.html target_top>img srcimagefiles/menu/buttons/syl.png alt width112 height30 border0>/a>/p> p>a hrefgcc.html>img srcimagefiles/menu/buttons/gcc.png width112 height30 border0>/a>/p> p>a hrefgiftshop.html target_top>img srcimagefiles/menu/buttons/gif.png alt width112 height30 border0>/a>/p> p>a hrefgallery.html target_top>img srcimagefiles/menu/buttons/gal.png alt width112 height30 border0>/a>/p> p aligncenter>a hrefserve.html target_top>img srcimagefiles/menu/buttons/save.png alt width112 height30 border0>/a>/p> p aligncenter>a hrefcontact.html target_top>img srcimagefiles/menu/buttons/cont.png alt width112 height30 border0>/a>/p> p aligncenter>a hrefdonate.html target_top>img srcimagefiles/menu/buttons/don.png alt width112 height30 border0>/a>/p> p aligncenter> /p>/td>/tr>/table>div aligncenter> div alignleft>span classstyle17 style36 style100 style144>font color#333333 faceTrebuchet MS> Copyright ©2022 Chinmaya Mission Miami. 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