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This website consists of four pages, including this home page./p>ul>li>Page Two provides home base for the Journal of Clinical Biotensegrity, edited by Gary B. Clark, MD. This e-Journal is designed to showcase up-to-date articles on Clinical Biotensegrity that are data-based./li>li>Page Three provides example tabular formats for obtaining such data./li>li>Page Four provides instructions for article submission to this website and the Journal of Clincial Biotensegrity./li>/ul>p>“Clinical Biotensegrity” is an Orthopedic Medical concept, practiced by the osteopathic doctor (DO) or allopathic doctor (MD) and their physician extenders (e.g., PAs, NPs), all of whom practice Orthopedic Medicine. The Medical Orthopedic specialist needs to have a good understanding of the natural (e.g., gravity) and biophysical (e.g., muscular action) forces involved in maintaining healthy, normal musculoskeletal (i.e., ligament, muscle, and joint) function–extending all the way from the plantar fascia of the feet to the nuchal attachments of the head./p>p>“Biotensegrity” is a term that is derived from R. Buckminster Fuller’s archtectural concept of “Tensegrity,” which he coined in the 1940’s It is associated with Kenneth Snelson’s sculptural concept of “floating compression” of the late 1940’s. The term “Biotensegrity” was coined by Stevin Levin, MD, in the late 1980’s. Donald Ingbar, MD, has performed further academic research of Biotensegrity down to the tissue, cellular, and subcellular levels./p>p>Clinical Biotensegrity is a relatively new medical concept that helps to define musculoskeletal balance and healthy function–as well as musculoskeletal imbalance and dysfunction. Ideal musculoskeletal balance and healthy function is often disturbed by overwhelming, repetitive, natural wear-and-tear physical forces (e.g., gravity and muscular movement or tension) resulting in predictable–but often missed–musculoskeletal injury, pain, and dysfunction. Aside frrom normal wear-and-tear, accidental, sports, and occupational injuries also contribute as major causes to disrupted Biotensegrity />For more information on Orthopedic Medicine see a href target_blank>>./p>h2>References:/h2>ol>li>Fuller RB. strong>Tensegrity./strong> Portfolio and Art News Annual, No 4, 1961./li>li>Snelson K. strong>Letter to R. Motro/strong>. International Journal of Space Structures, November 1990./li>li>Levin S. strong>“Tensegrity, the New Biomechanics”/strong>; Hutson, M & Ellis, R (Eds.), Textbook of Musculoskeletal Medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2006./li>li>Ingbar DE. strong>“The Architecture of Life”/strong>, Scientific American, Jan 1998; 278:48-57./li>li>Ingbar DE. strong>Tensegrity/strong> I. J Cell Sci, 116(April):1157-1173;2003./li>/ol>h2>Contact:/h2>p>To contact Gary B. Clark, MD, Editor of the Journal of Clinical Biotensegrity, please use the following options:br />E-mail address: a>>br />Office phone: 303 444 5131/p> /section>!-- /.entry --> div classfix>/div>/article>!-- /.post --> /section>!-- /#main --> aside idsidebar>div idwoo_search-2 classwidget widget_woo_search>div classsearch_main> form methodget classsearchform action > input typetext classfield s names valueSearch... onfocusif (this.value Search...) {this.value ;} onblurif (this.value ) {this.value Search...;} /> button typesubmit classicon-search submit namesubmit value>/button> /form> div classfix>/div>/div>/div> div idrecent-posts-2 classwidget widget_recent_entries> h3>Recent Posts/h3> ul> li> a href>Clinical Biotensegrity Presentation/a> /li> li> a href>Part IV./a> /li> li> a href>Part III. A Case Series Report of Chronic Back Pain Associated with Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Treated by Prolotherapy/a> /li> li> a href>Part II: How to Meld Scientific Methodology into the Daily Practice/a> /li> li> a href>Part I. A Short History of Logical Medical Decision Making/a> /li> /ul> /div> div idtext-2 classwidget widget_text>h3>Contact Us/h3> div classtextwidget>Gary B. Clark, MDbr />Editor of the Journal of Clinical Biotensegritybr />strong>E-mail: /strong>a>>br />strong>Phone:/strong> 303 444 5131/div> /div>div idtag_cloud-2 classwidget widget_tag_cloud>h3>Tags/h3>div classtagcloud>a href classtag-link-23 title1 topic stylefont-size: 8pt;>2012 Annual Meeting/a>a href classtag-link-17 title1 topic stylefont-size: 8pt;>American Association of Orthopedic Medicine/a>a href classtag-link-18 title1 topic stylefont-size: 8pt;>biotensegritous forces/a>a href classtag-link-20 title1 topic stylefont-size: 8pt;>Biotensegrity/a>a href classtag-link-11 title1 topic stylefont-size: 8pt;>Chronic Back Pain/a>a href classtag-link-22 title1 topic stylefont-size: 8pt;>Clinical Biotensegrity/a>a href classtag-link-19 title1 topic stylefont-size: 8pt;>clinical mapping/a>a href classtag-link-13 title1 topic stylefont-size: 8pt;>diagnosis/a>a href classtag-link-16 title1 topic stylefont-size: 8pt;>diagnosis and treatment/a>a href classtag-link-21 title1 topic stylefont-size: 8pt;>Gary B. Clark/a>a href classtag-link-24 title1 topic stylefont-size: 8pt;>Journal of Clinical Biotensegrity/a>a href classtag-link-8 title4 topics stylefont-size: 19.666666666667pt;>Journal of Prolotherapy/a>a href classtag-link-10 title2 topics stylefont-size: 13.25pt;>low back pain symptoms/a>a href classtag-link-15 title1 topic stylefont-size: 8pt;>medical decision making/a>a href classtag-link-7 title1 topic stylefont-size: 8pt;>OMT/a>a href classtag-link-4 title4 topics stylefont-size: 19.666666666667pt;>Orthopedic Medicine/a>a href classtag-link-6 title1 topic stylefont-size: 8pt;>Osteopathic Manual Therapy/a>a href classtag-link-5 title5 topics stylefont-size: 22pt;>Prolotherapy/a>a href classtag-link-9 title3 topics stylefont-size: 16.75pt;>sacroiliac joint dysfunction/a>a href classtag-link-12 title1 topic stylefont-size: 8pt;>Scientific Methodology/a>a href classtag-link-14 title1 topic stylefont-size: 8pt;>therapy/a>/div>/div>/aside>!-- /#sidebar --> /div>!-- /#main-sidebar-container --> /div>!-- /#content --> footer idfooter classcol-full> div idcopyright classcol-left> p>p>/p>/p> /div> div idcredit classcol-right> p> p>Clinical Biotensegrity | Gary B. 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