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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Tue, 25 Mar 2025 10:21:40 GMTServer: ApacheLocation: 228Content-Type: text/html; charsetiso-8859-1 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN>html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>h1>Moved Permanently/h1>p>The document has moved a href>here/a>./p>/body>/html>
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href>Vegetable Oli/a> /li> li> a href>EV Motor Kits and Convert/a> /li> li> a href>Clothes/a> /li> li> a href>Airways Service/a> /li> li> a href>Software Service/a> /li> li> a href>Travel/a> /li> li> a href>Transport/a> /li> li> a href>Crude Oil/a> /li> li> a href>Designe Lighting/a> /li> /ul> /li> li>a href>Achievements/a>/li> li>a href>Contact Us/a>/li> /ul> /nav> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-3 col-lg col-md-6 col-6> div classca-btn-header d-none d-lg-block text-end> a hreftel:+13476597084 classca-btn-primary-3 theme-bg-3 text-white br-50> +1 347 659 7084 span>i classfa-solid fa-phone-flip fa-fade>/i>/span> /a> /div> div classca-header-action-item d-lg-none text-end> button typebutton classca-offcanvas-toogle> svg xmlns width30 height16 viewBox0 0 30 16> rect x10 width20 height2 fillcurrentColor>/rect> rect x5 y7 width25 height2 fillcurrentColor>/rect> rect x10 y14 width20 height2 fillcurrentColor>/rect> /svg> /button> /div> /div> /div> /div>/header>div classca-offcanvas w-bg> div 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classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-md-8 mt-lg-5 mb-90> div classca-slider-content-2 p-relative> h5 classca-section-subtitle subtitle-bg-9 text-white br-50>Welcome to LLC Group /h5> h1 classca-slider-heading text-white pt-20 pb-100 ca-text-cap>Cross line Export & Import LLC Group/h1> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- single slider item --> div classslider-text slider-2 p-relative z-index-1 pt-208 pb-70 fix stylebackground-image: url(> div classca-slider-2-shape p-absolute shape-2-slider> img src alt> /div> div classca-slider-2-shape p-absolute shape-1-slider>img src alt>/div> div classca-slider-2-shape p-absolute shape-3-slider>img src alt>/div> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-md-8 mt-lg-5 mb-90> div classca-slider-content-2 p-relative> h5 classca-section-subtitle subtitle-bg-9 text-white br-50>Welcome to LLC Group /h5> h1 classca-slider-heading text-white pt-20 pb-100 ca-text-cap>Innovative Solutions Across Diverse Sectors/h1> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- single slider item --> div classslider-text slider-2 p-relative z-index-1 pt-208 pb-70 fix stylebackground-image: url(> div classca-slider-2-shape p-absolute shape-2-slider> img src alt> /div> div classca-slider-2-shape p-absolute shape-1-slider>img src alt>/div> div classca-slider-2-shape p-absolute shape-3-slider>img src alt>/div> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-md-8 mt-lg-5 mb-90> div classca-slider-content-2 p-relative> h5 classca-section-subtitle subtitle-bg-9 text-white br-50>Welcome to LLC Group /h5> h1 classca-slider-heading text-white pt-20 pb-100 ca-text-cap>Seamless Transport Solutions for Your We Are Business/h1> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- single slider item --> div classslider-text slider-2 p-relative z-index-1 pt-208 pb-70 fix stylebackground-image: url(> div classca-slider-2-shape p-absolute shape-2-slider> img src alt> /div> div classca-slider-2-shape p-absolute shape-1-slider>img src alt>/div> div classca-slider-2-shape p-absolute shape-3-slider>img src alt>/div> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-md-8 mt-lg-5 mb-90> div classca-slider-content-2 p-relative> h5 classca-section-subtitle subtitle-bg-9 text-white br-50>Welcome to LLC Group /h5> h1 classca-slider-heading text-white pt-20 pb-100 ca-text-cap>Innovative Solutions Across Diverse Sectors/h1> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- single slider item --> /div>div classslider-nav sm-slider-img d-none d-md-block> div>img src altThumbnail 4>/div> div>img src altThumbnail 4>/div> div>img src altThumbnail 4>/div> div>img src altThumbnail 4>/div> /div> !-- slider section end --> !-- about section start --> section classca-about-3 pt-100 pb-70> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-6 mb-30> div classca-ab-iner p-relative z-index-1> div classca-iner-review-text p-absolute theme-bg-4> h3 classca-counter-title fnw-700 pb-16>span classcounter>25/span>K+/h3> span>Clients Positive Reviews/span> /div> div classrow> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-6 mb-30> div classca-ab-iner-img wow img-custom-anim-left data-wow-duration1.5s data-wow-delay.2s> img classw-100 src alt> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-6 mb-30> div classca-ab-iner-img ca-ab-iner-img-2 wow img-custom-anim-left data-wow-duration1.5s data-wow-delay.4s> img classw-100 mt-60 src alt> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-6 mb-30> div classca-ab-content3> div classca-about-content-3 ca-sec-content-3> h5 classca-section-subtitle subtitle-bg-11 p-relative theme-color-3 br-50>About Us/h5> h2 classca-section-title theme-black-3 fnw-600 pt-16 ca-text-cap>Global Leader in Import & Export/h2> p classpt-16 pb-32 styletext-align: justify;> Crossline company started since 2014 as a export and import in the hole Europe. The Company import the meat, food item, vegetable oil, dry food and spice to Sweden and Denmark market from Brazil, Austria, Romania, Ireland, Poland and Germany. Clothes business import from Bangladesh, China and Turkey. Our chairman develop and exploder the company as a multi national to world wide and different product Group of Company. Since our 9th year running forward by work experience, market value and more business knowledge we getter connection with 100 companis hole over the world. Right now our 12 different companies work over world. Our yearly business value are more over 120 million Euros. We are working with crude oil LNG and airlines business too. We are rising with the transport sector also. Our software and web development worldwide is really good. World best quality and grade one class meat we deliver in different countries in the world. /p> /div> div classrow about-icon-item pb-32 g-3> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-6> div classrow align-items-center> div classcol-3> img src classimg-fluid alt> /div> div classcol-9> h6>Expansive European Import Network/h6> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-6> div classrow align-items-center> div classcol-3> img src classimg-fluid alt> /div> div classcol-9> h6>Global Reach and Diverse Products/h6> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classca-ab-item-check pb-24> !-- single-item --> div classca-ab-sngle-item> div classca-ab-sngle-item-ic> span>i classfa-solid fa-check>/i>/span> /div> div classca-ab-sngle-item-content> h4 classca-item-ch-title>Established in 2014, specializing in European import/export./h4> /div> /div> !-- single-item --> div classca-ab-sngle-item> div classca-ab-sngle-item-ic> span>i classfa-solid fa-check>/i>/span> /div> div classca-ab-sngle-item-content> h4 classca-item-ch-title>Imports a variety of food products to Sweden and Denmark. /h4> /div> /div> /div> div classca-about-3-btn> a href classca-btn-primary-3 theme-bg-3 text-white br-50>Transpiresspan>i classfa-solid fa-angle-right>/i>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section> !-- about section end --> !-- portfolio section start --> section classca-portfolio-section pt-100 pb-70> div classbg-image stylebackground-image: url(;>/div> div classcontainer> div classca-portfolio-content ca-sec-content text-center mb-60 aos-init aos-animate data-aosfade-up data-aos-duration1000> h5 classca-section-subtitle subtitle-bg-11 p-relative theme-color-3 br-50>What We’re Doing/h5> h2 classca-section-title theme-black-3 fnw-600 pt-16 ca-text-cap>Why choose us/h2> /div> div classrow> div classcol-xl-4 col-md-6> !-- single-portfolio-item --> div classca-single-portfolio-item big-img p-relative z-index-1 fix mb-30 aos-init aos-animate data-aoszoom-out data-aos-duration1200> div classca-portfolio-img> img classw-100 br-7 src alt> /div> div classca-portfolio-content-meta bg-white br-7> div classca-portfolio-icom> img src alt> /div> h4 classca-por-title ca-text-cap>a href#>Resource/a>/h4> p>Our every product is sources from eco, healthy, natural, beneficial tohumans. Which is rich by our client, factory and industry from differentkinds of countries of different part of the world./p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-4 col-md-6> !-- single-portfolio-item --> div classca-single-portfolio-item big-img p-relative z-index-1 fix mb-30 aos-init aos-animate data-aoszoom-out data-aos-duration1200> div classca-portfolio-img> img classw-100 br-7 src alt> /div> div classca-portfolio-content-meta bg-white br-7> div classca-portfolio-icom> img src alt> /div> h4 classca-por-title ca-text-cap>a href#>Capability/a>/h4> p>CELI LLC (Cross line Export & Import LLC) and our all business partnerswork, feasibility, ability, experience, sources, right time for client product,enough product collection, biggest/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-xl-4 col-md-6> !-- single-portfolio-item --> div classca-single-portfolio-item big-img p-relative z-index-1 fix mb-30 aos-init aos-animate data-aoszoom-out data-aos-duration1200> div classca-portfolio-img> img classw-100 br-7 src alt> /div> div classca-portfolio-content-meta bg-white br-7> div classca-portfolio-icom> img src alt> /div> h4 classca-por-title ca-text-cap>a href#>Product/a>/h4> p>Our all kind of product are high quality, eco, healthy, natural humanbenefited, low price, biggest amount, right source, Halal and clean,specially certified by the authority and organization./p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section> !-- portfolio section end --> !-- service section start --> section classca-service-4 bg-light pt-100 pb-70 p-relative z-index-1> div classcontainer> div classrow justify-content-center> div classcol-lg-8> div classca-service-content-4 text-center mb-60 aos-init aos-animate data-aosfade-up data-aos-duration800> h5 classca-section-subtitle subtitle-bg-11 p-relative theme-color-3 br-50>Our Category/h5> h2 classca-section-title theme-black-3 fnw-600 pt-16 ca-text-cap>Cross line Powering Diverse Industries/h2> p classpt-16>Since our 9th year running forward by work experience, market value and more business knowledge we getter connection with 100 companis hole over the world. Right now our 12 different companies work over world. Our yearly business value are more over 120 million Euros ./p> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classca-services-4> !-- single servic-item --> div classca-service-4-item br-7 fix p-relative z-index-1 mb-30> img classw-100 src alt> div classca-servic-title> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href#>/a>/h3> /div> div classca-servic-4-ic-box p-absolute> div classca-service-4-content> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href>Food/a> /h3> p> Our food product import from Germany, Brazil, England, Austria, Turkey, Thailand, Denmark, Italy, Sp... /p> a href classread-mor4>Read More span>i classfa-solid fa-angle-right>/i>/span>/a> /div> /div> div classca-ser-overlay p-absolute> img classw-100 src alt123456> /div> /div> div classca-service-4-item br-7 fix p-relative z-index-1 mb-30> img classw-100 src alt> div classca-servic-title> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href#>/a>/h3> /div> div classca-servic-4-ic-box p-absolute> div classca-service-4-content> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href>Meat/a> /h3> p> Since 2014 we have meat business from Poland, Ireland, Austria, Turkey, Romania and Germany. We gene... /p> a href classread-mor4>Read More span>i classfa-solid fa-angle-right>/i>/span>/a> /div> /div> div classca-ser-overlay p-absolute> img classw-100 src alt123456> /div> /div> div classca-service-4-item br-7 fix p-relative z-index-1 mb-30> img classw-100 src alt> div classca-servic-title> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href#>/a>/h3> /div> div classca-servic-4-ic-box p-absolute> div classca-service-4-content> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href>Tiles/a> /h3> p> Our tails and porcelain tails from China, Morocco, Turkey, Quarrels, Marcellina, Italian General Sto... /p> a href classread-mor4>Read More span>i classfa-solid fa-angle-right>/i>/span>/a> /div> /div> div classca-ser-overlay p-absolute> img classw-100 src alt123456> /div> /div> div classca-service-4-item br-7 fix p-relative z-index-1 mb-30> img classw-100 src alt> div classca-servic-title> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href#>/a>/h3> /div> div classca-servic-4-ic-box p-absolute> div classca-service-4-content> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href>Marble/a> /h3> p> We are working with various kind of marvels of different countries. From Bonnie Goldtop Stone, Xiame... /p> a href classread-mor4>Read More span>i classfa-solid fa-angle-right>/i>/span>/a> /div> /div> div classca-ser-overlay p-absolute> img classw-100 src alt123456> /div> /div> div classca-service-4-item br-7 fix p-relative z-index-1 mb-30> img classw-100 src alt> div classca-servic-title> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href#>/a>/h3> /div> div classca-servic-4-ic-box p-absolute> div classca-service-4-content> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href>Granite/a> /h3> p> We have granite business from 2017 with severely different developer like JAIKA, DECON, Samsung cons... /p> a href classread-mor4>Read More span>i classfa-solid fa-angle-right>/i>/span>/a> /div> /div> div classca-ser-overlay p-absolute> img classw-100 src alt123456> /div> /div> div classca-service-4-item br-7 fix p-relative z-index-1 mb-30> img classw-100 src alt> div classca-servic-title> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href#>/a>/h3> /div> div classca-servic-4-ic-box p-absolute> div classca-service-4-content> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href>Vegetable Oli/a> /h3> p> We export and import different companies of different countries Vegetable oil and olive oil. We have... /p> a href classread-mor4>Read More span>i classfa-solid fa-angle-right>/i>/span>/a> /div> /div> div classca-ser-overlay p-absolute> img classw-100 src alt123456> /div> /div> div classca-service-4-item br-7 fix p-relative z-index-1 mb-30> img classw-100 src alt> div classca-servic-title> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href#>/a>/h3> /div> div classca-servic-4-ic-box p-absolute> div classca-service-4-content> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href>EV Motor Kits and Convert/a> /h3> p> Crossline helping to develop EV motor project kits supplier, we work with Indian electrical vehicles... /p> a href classread-mor4>Read More span>i classfa-solid fa-angle-right>/i>/span>/a> /div> /div> div classca-ser-overlay p-absolute> img classw-100 src alt123456> /div> /div> div classca-service-4-item br-7 fix p-relative z-index-1 mb-30> img classw-100 src alt> div classca-servic-title> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href#>/a>/h3> /div> div classca-servic-4-ic-box p-absolute> div classca-service-4-content> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href>Clothes/a> /h3> p> We work with European and US market right now. We started cloths business since 1996 with France, Sw... /p> a href classread-mor4>Read More span>i classfa-solid fa-angle-right>/i>/span>/a> /div> /div> div classca-ser-overlay p-absolute> img classw-100 src alt123456> /div> /div> div classca-service-4-item br-7 fix p-relative z-index-1 mb-30> img classw-100 src alt> div classca-servic-title> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href#>/a>/h3> /div> div classca-servic-4-ic-box p-absolute> div classca-service-4-content> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href>Airways Service/a> /h3> p> We are work for Delta Airlines, American Airlines, Lufthansa Airlines, KLM Airlines, SAS Airlines. S... /p> a href classread-mor4>Read More span>i classfa-solid fa-angle-right>/i>/span>/a> /div> /div> div classca-ser-overlay p-absolute> img classw-100 src alt123456> /div> /div> div classca-service-4-item br-7 fix p-relative z-index-1 mb-30> img classw-100 src alt> div classca-servic-title> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href#>/a>/h3> /div> div classca-servic-4-ic-box p-absolute> div classca-service-4-content> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href>Software Service/a> /h3> p> Our company work to develop Al tools, face Id camera, self drive programing.... /p> a href classread-mor4>Read More span>i classfa-solid fa-angle-right>/i>/span>/a> /div> /div> div classca-ser-overlay p-absolute> img classw-100 src alt123456> /div> /div> div classca-service-4-item br-7 fix p-relative z-index-1 mb-30> img classw-100 src alt> div classca-servic-title> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href#>/a>/h3> /div> div classca-servic-4-ic-box p-absolute> div classca-service-4-content> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href>Travel/a> /h3> p> Our Europe and US travel business just launches. We are working forward to grown up right way.... /p> a href classread-mor4>Read More span>i classfa-solid fa-angle-right>/i>/span>/a> /div> /div> div classca-ser-overlay p-absolute> img classw-100 src alt123456> /div> /div> div classca-service-4-item br-7 fix p-relative z-index-1 mb-30> img classw-100 src alt> div classca-servic-title> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href#>/a>/h3> /div> div classca-servic-4-ic-box p-absolute> div classca-service-4-content> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href>Transport/a> /h3> p> We are working for transport business with few different countries right now. Bangladesh, Sweden, Ge... /p> a href classread-mor4>Read More span>i classfa-solid fa-angle-right>/i>/span>/a> /div> /div> div classca-ser-overlay p-absolute> img classw-100 src alt123456> /div> /div> div classca-service-4-item br-7 fix p-relative z-index-1 mb-30> img classw-100 src alt> div classca-servic-title> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href#>/a>/h3> /div> div classca-servic-4-ic-box p-absolute> div classca-service-4-content> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href>Crude Oil/a> /h3> p> Right now make a diel with Brazil, Norway, Bahrain, Dubai, Nigeria. We started work with more differ... /p> a href classread-mor4>Read More span>i classfa-solid fa-angle-right>/i>/span>/a> /div> /div> div classca-ser-overlay p-absolute> img classw-100 src alt123456> /div> /div> div classca-service-4-item br-7 fix p-relative z-index-1 mb-30> img classw-100 src alt> div classca-servic-title> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href#>/a>/h3> /div> div classca-servic-4-ic-box p-absolute> div classca-service-4-content> h3 classca-ser-4-title>a href>Designe Lighting/a> /h3> p> WE work forward with France, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, UK, Italy, Spain and US too. We work for... /p> a href classread-mor4>Read More span>i classfa-solid fa-angle-right>/i>/span>/a> /div> /div> div classca-ser-overlay p-absolute> img classw-100 src alt123456> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section> !-- service section end --> !-- video area start --> !-- video area end --> !-- working section start --> div classca-working-section theme-black-bg-3 pt-70 pb-70> div classcontainer> div classrow justify-content-center> div classcol-lg-8> div classca-working-section-3 ca-sec-content-3 text-center mb-60 aos-init aos-animate data-aosfade-up data-aos-duration800> h5 classca-section-subtitle subtitle-bg-7 p-relative text-white br-50>About CLEI LLC/h5> h2 classca-section-title theme-black-3 fnw-600 text-white pt-16>Cross line Export & Import LLC Group/h2> p classpt-16> Our chairman develop and exploder the company as a multi national to world wide and different product Group of Company. Since our 9th year running forward by work experience, market value and more business knowledge we getter connection with 100 companis hole over the world. /p> /div> /div> /div> div classrow flex-column-reverse flex-lg-row> div classcol-lg-6 mb-30> div classca-value-img wow img-custom-anim-left data-wow-duration1.5s data-wow-delay.3s> img classw-100 br-7 src alt> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-6 mb-30> div classca-value-content3 theme-bg-4 h-100 p-5 br-7> div classca-about-content-3 ca-sec-content-3> h4 classtext-white fnw-600 pt-16 ca-text-cap>Who we are/h4> h2 classca-service-thumb-title text-white fnw-600 pt-16 ca-text-cap my-4>Extreme Attention to Details Guaranteed./h2> p classpt-16 pb-20 text-white>We are a company who make related between different countries government to different tips of companies work perfect communication for different kinds of work, demand, customer service, product, facilities and information. We work together government and the company with deeply concern and respect every part of business partners. We follow our and their commitment seriously and secretly./p> p classpt-16 pb-40 text-white>You can reliable with us and join with us by more close to the world!!!/p> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow flex-column-reverse flex-lg-row> div classcol-lg-6 mb-30> div classca-value-content3 theme-bg-4 h-100 p-5 br-7> div classca-about-content-3 ca-sec-content-3> h4 classtext-white fnw-600 pt-16 ca-text-cap>Vision & Mission/h4> h2 classca-service-thumb-title text-white fnw-600 pt-16 pb-40 ca-text-cap my-4>You Dont Yet Know./h2> h3 classtext-warning>Our Vision/h3> p classpt-16 pb-40 text-white>Cross Line Export & Import LLC Try to solve all of ours claims, partners, communities, businesses, companies performing business operations solution by professional and diplomatic way. Company Chairmen Directors, all the following members are responsible for fucilfree climate./p> h3 classtext-warning>Our Mission/h3> p classpt-16 pb-40 text-white>We make world historical closer, easier and fucilfree climate. We work for all of our partners, clients, customers, communities and companies easier, reliable and efficient resources to solve theirs solutions. Our effective solution is that we are working from ground level to top level./p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-6 mb-30> div classca-value-img wow img-custom-anim-left data-wow-duration1.5s data-wow-delay.3s> img classw-100 br-7 src alt> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- working section End --> !-- testimonial area start --> section classca-testimonial-section p-relative z-index-1 pt-100 pb-50> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-6 mb-30 aos-init aos-animate data-aosfade-right data-aos-duration800> div classca-testimonial-content ca-sec-content mb-48> h5 classca-section-subtitle subtitle-bg-11 theme-color-3 p-relative br-50 ca-text-cap>Our Testimonial/h5> h2 classca-section-title theme-black-3 fnw-600 pt-16 ca-text-cap>Customer Success Stories br> Our Clients Speak /h2> p classpt-12>They appreciate our dedicated customer service, attention to detail, & ability br> navigate complex logistical challenges with ease. Read their stories & discoverbr> why businesses worldwide trust CLEI LLC to deliver their goods safely. /p> /div> !-- slider nav --> div classsm-slider-nav> div classsm-testimonial-nav-content d-flex align-items-center> div classsm-single-nav-img> img src alt> /div> div classsm-nav-desc> h3 classsm-testimonial-title>Pernilla Ohlsson/h3> !--span>Dramatically enhance/span>--> /div> /div> div classsm-testimonial-nav-content d-flex align-items-center> div classsm-single-nav-img> img src alt> /div> div classsm-nav-desc> h3 classsm-testimonial-title>Hampus Plahn/h3> !--span>Dramatically enhance/span>--> /div> /div> div classsm-testimonial-nav-content d-flex align-items-center> div classsm-single-nav-img> img src alt> /div> div classsm-nav-desc> h3 classsm-testimonial-title>Arvid Andersson/h3> !--span>Dramatically enhance/span>--> /div> /div> div classsm-testimonial-nav-content d-flex align-items-center> div classsm-single-nav-img> img src alt> /div> div classsm-nav-desc> h3 classsm-testimonial-title>Robin Eriksson/h3> !--span>Dramatically enhance/span>--> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-6 mb-30> !-- slider img --> div classca-testimonial-slides> div classmain-slides> div classslider slider-main> !-- single testimonial --> div classca-single-test-item mb-30> img classw-100 src alt> div classca-single-test-item-content> div classcatest-icon> span>i classfa-solid fa-star>/i>/span> span>i classfa-solid fa-star>/i>/span> span>i classfa-solid fa-star>/i>/span> span>i classfa-solid fa-star>/i>/span> span>i classfa-solid fa-star>/i>/span> div classcatest-rating> p classca-rating-title>(5)/p> span>Rating/span> /div> /div> p>Our clients satisfaction is our top priority, and their br> feedback speaks volumes about our commitment to br> excellence. At CLEI LLC, we take pride in building strong,br> lasting relationships with our clients, who rely on our br> expertise to meet their logistics & transport needs./p> div classca-test-auth> h3 classca-auth-title>Pernilla Ohlsson/h3> !--span>Dramatically enhance/span>--> /div> /div> /div> !-- single item --> div classca-single-test-item mb-30> img classw-100 src alt> div classca-single-test-item-content> div classcatest-icon> span>i classfa-solid fa-star>/i>/span> span>i classfa-solid fa-star>/i>/span> span>i classfa-solid fa-star>/i>/span> span>i classfa-solid fa-star>/i>/span> span>i classfa-solid fa-star>/i>/span> div classcatest-rating> p classca-rating-title>(5)/p> span>Rating/span> /div> /div> p>Our clients satisfaction is our top priority, and their br> feedback speaks volumes about our commitment to br> excellence. At CLEI LLC, we take pride in building strong,br> lasting relationships with our clients, who rely on our br> expertise to meet their logistics & transport needs./p> div classca-test-auth> h3 classca-auth-title>Hampus Plahn/h3> !--span>Dramatically enhance/span>--> /div> /div> /div> !-- single item --> div classca-single-test-item mb-30> img classw-100 src alt> div classca-single-test-item-content> div classcatest-icon> span>i classfa-solid fa-star>/i>/span> span>i classfa-solid fa-star>/i>/span> span>i classfa-solid fa-star>/i>/span> span>i classfa-solid fa-star>/i>/span> span>i classfa-solid fa-star>/i>/span> div classcatest-rating> p classca-rating-title>(5)/p> span>Rating/span> /div> /div> p>Our clients satisfaction is our top priority, and their br> feedback speaks volumes about our commitment to br> excellence. At CLEI LLC, we take pride in building strong,br> lasting relationships with our clients, who rely on our br> expertise to meet their logistics & transport needs./p> div classca-test-auth> h3 classca-auth-title>Arvid Andersson/h3> !--span>Dramatically enhance/span>--> /div> /div> /div> !-- single item --> div classca-single-test-item mb-30> img classw-100 src alt> div classca-single-test-item-content> div classcatest-icon> span>i classfa-solid fa-star>/i>/span> span>i classfa-solid fa-star>/i>/span> span>i classfa-solid fa-star>/i>/span> span>i classfa-solid fa-star>/i>/span> span>i classfa-solid fa-star>/i>/span> div classcatest-rating> p classca-rating-title>(5)/p> span>Rating/span> /div> /div> p>Our clients satisfaction is our top priority, and their br> feedback speaks volumes about our commitment to br> excellence. At CLEI LLC, we take pride in building strong,br> lasting relationships with our clients, who rely on our br> expertise to meet their logistics & transport needs./p> div classca-test-auth> h3 classca-auth-title>Robin Eriksson/h3> !--span>Dramatically enhance/span>--> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section> !-- testimonial area end --> !-- sponsor section start --> section classca-sponsor-area pt-0 pb-70> div classcontainer> div classrow justify-content-center> div classcol-lg-8> div classca-sponsor-content-4 text-center mb-60 aos-init aos-animate data-aosfade-up data-aos-duration800> h5 classca-section-subtitle subtitle-bg-11 p-relative theme-black-3 br-50>Exporting excellence /h5> h2 classca-section-title theme-black-4 fnw-600 pt-16 ca-text-cap>Companies who are working with us /h2> p classpt-16>Since our 9th year running forward by work experience, market value and more business knowledge we getter connection with 100 companis hole over the world. Right now our 12 different companies work over world. Our yearly business value are more over 120 million Euros ./p> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- brand logo 1 --> div classca-brand-slides mb-24> div classca-brand-item> img src alt1> /div> div classca-brand-item> img src alt2> /div> div classca-brand-item> img src alt3> /div> div classca-brand-item> img src alt4> /div> div classca-brand-item> img src alt1> /div> div classca-brand-item> img src alt2> /div> div classca-brand-item> img src alt3> /div> div classca-brand-item> img src alt4> /div> /div>/section> !-- sponsor section end --> !-- cta section start --> div classca-cta-area-2 p-relative z-index-1 fix> div classcta-shape-2 c-shape-1 p-absolute> img src alt> /div> div classcontainer> div classrow align-items-center> div classcol-lg-12> div classca-cta-2 theme-bg-4 br-7 fix> div classrow> div classcol-lg-7 mb-30> div classca-cta-content aos-init aos-animate data-aosfade-up data-aos-duration800> h2 classca-section-title cta-title-1 text-white fnw-700 pb-32 ca-text-cap>Join Us Today And let Us Help br> You To Grow Your Business./h2> div classca-btn-cta-2> a href classca-btn-primary-3 border text-white br-50>Get Startedspan>i classfa-solid fa-arrow-right>/i>/span>/a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-5 mb-30> div classcta-shape-2 c-shape-2 p-absolute aos-init aos-animate data-aosfade-down data-aos-duration800> img src alt> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div> !-- cta end --> /main> footer classca-ft-area-2 theme-black-bg-3 p-relative z-index-1 pt-258> div classca-footer-area> div classcontainer> div class> div classrow> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6 mb-30> div classca-footer widget-1> div classca-ft-logo> a href>img src height80 altLogo>/a> /div> div classca-ft-content-2 mb-24> p classpt-16>Cross line company started since 2014 as a export and import in the whole Europe./p> /div> div classca-footer-social ca-footer-social-2> ul> li>a href>i classfa-brands fa-instagram>/i>/a>/li> li>a href>i classfa-brands fa-facebook-f>/i>/a>/li> li>a href>i classfa-brands fa-linkedin-in>/i>/a>/li> li>a href>i classfa-brands fa-x-twitter>/i>/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg col-md-6 mb-30> div classca-footer widget-2> h4 classca-title fnw-700 text-white pb-24>Useful Links/h4> div classca-footer-menu ca-footer-menu-2> ul> li>a href>Home/a>/li> li>a href>About Us/a>/li> li>a href>Achievements/a>/li> li>a href>Contact Us/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg col-md-6 mb-30> div classca-footer widget-3> h4 classca-title fnw-700 text-white pb-24>Products/h4> div classca-footer-menu ca-footer-menu-2> ul> li>a href>Food/a>/li> li>a href>Meat/a>/li> li>a href>Tiles/a>/li> li>a href>Marble/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-4 col-md-6 mb-30> div classca-footer widget-3> h4 classca-title fnw-700 text-white pb-24>Get In Touch/h4> div classca-footer-menu ca-footer-menu-2> ul> li classd-flex gap-2 mb-20> span>i classfa-solid fa-location-dot>/i>/span> span>9050 201 street Hollis,11423 Queens,New York,U.S.A/span> /li> li classd-flex gap-2> a classd-flex gap-2 hreftel:+13476597084> span>i classfa-solid fa-phone-alt>/i>/span> span>+1 347 659 7084/span> /a> /li> li classd-flex gap-2> a classd-flex gap-2> span>i classfa-solid fa-envelope>/i>/span> span>> /a> /li> li classd-flex gap-2> a classd-flex gap-2> span>i classfa-solid fa-envelope>/i>/span> span>> /a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12> div classcopy-right-border border-1>/div> /div> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-6> p classcopry-right-text copry-right-text-2 pt-24 pb-24> Copyright ©2025 CLEI LLC. All Rights Reserved /p> /div> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-6> div classcopy-right-menu copy-right-menu-2 text-end> p classcopry-right-text copry-right-text-2 pt-24 pb-24> Design & Developed by WAN IT LTD. /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /footer> button idtopBtn2>i classfa-solid fa-arrow-up>/i>/button> script src>/script> script src>/script> script src>/script> script src>/script> script src>/script> script src>/script> script src>/script> script src>/script> script src>/script> /body>/html>
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