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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 21:02:35 GMTServer: ApacheExpires: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 00:00:00 GMTCache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check0, pre-check0Pragma: no-cacheSet-Cookie: cc33994357dce6cc62058e625c66716076c57fa89a769a13b5a04b59c4acac1b; path/; HttpOnlyUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 21:02:36 GMTVary: Accept-Encoding,User-AgentTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8 !DOCTYPE html>html langen-gb dirltr>head> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0 /> meta charsetutf-8 /> base href /> meta namegenerator contentJoomla! - Open Source Content Management /> title>Home/title> link href/?formatfeed&typerss relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml titleRSS 2.0 /> link href/?formatfeed&typeatom relalternate typeapplication/atom+xml titleAtom 1.0 /> link href/templates/protostar/favicon.ico relshortcut icon typeimage/ /> link href/templates/protostar/css/template.css?e18bd374f62194d6c0b1dccab0a74705 relstylesheet /> link href relstylesheet /> style> h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .site-title { font-family: Open Sans, sans-serif; } /style> script src/media/jui/js/jquery.min.js?e18bd374f62194d6c0b1dccab0a74705>/script> script src/media/jui/js/jquery-noconflict.js?e18bd374f62194d6c0b1dccab0a74705>/script> script src/media/jui/js/jquery-migrate.min.js?e18bd374f62194d6c0b1dccab0a74705>/script> script src/media/system/js/caption.js?e18bd374f62194d6c0b1dccab0a74705>/script> script src/media/jui/js/bootstrap.min.js?e18bd374f62194d6c0b1dccab0a74705>/script> script src/templates/protostar/js/template.js?e18bd374f62194d6c0b1dccab0a74705>/script> !--if lt IE 9>script src/media/jui/js/html5.js?e18bd374f62194d6c0b1dccab0a74705>/script>!endif--> script>jQuery(window).on(load, function() { new JCaption(img.caption); }); /script>/head>body classsite com_content view-featured no-layout no-task itemid-101> !-- Body --> div classbody idtop> div classcontainer> !-- Header --> header classheader rolebanner> div classheader-inner clearfix> a classbrand pull-left href/> span classsite-title titleCleaning Direct>Cleaning Direct/span> /a> div classheader-search pull-right> /div> /div> /header> div classrow-fluid> main idcontent rolemain classspan9> !-- Begin Content --> div idsystem-message-container> /div> div classblog-featured itemscope itemtype>div classpage-header> h1> Home /h1>/div>div classitems-leading clearfix> div classleading-0 clearfix itempropblogPost itemscope itemtype> h2 classitem-title itempropheadline> a href/2-uncategorised/13-hiring-cleaning-services itempropurl> Hiring Cleaning Services /a> /h2> div classicons> div classbtn-group pull-right> button classbtn dropdown-toggle typebutton iddropdownMenuButton-13 aria-labelUser tools data-toggledropdown aria-haspopuptrue aria-expandedfalse> span classicon-cog aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classcaret aria-hiddentrue>/span> /button> ul classdropdown-menu aria-labelledbydropdownMenuButton-13> li classprint-icon> a href/2-uncategorised/13-hiring-cleaning-services?tmplcomponent&print1 titlePrint article Hiring Cleaning Services >,win2,statusno,toolbarno,scrollbarsyes,titlebarno,menubarno,resizableyes,width640,height480,directoriesno,locationno); return false; relnofollow> span classicon-print aria-hiddentrue>/span> Print /a> /li> li classemail-icon> a href/component/mailto/?tmplcomponent&templateprotostar&link44aee687bc0c34597f9f09928e62821adf6c602f titleEmail this link to a friend,win2,width400,height450,menubaryes,resizableyes); return false; relnofollow> span classicon-envelope aria-hiddentrue>/span> Email /a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> dl classarticle-info muted> dt classarticle-info-term> Details /dt> dd classcategory-name> Category: a href/2-uncategorised itempropgenre>Uncategorised/a> /dd> dd classpublished> span classicon-calendar aria-hiddentrue>/span> time datetime2017-09-29T12:49:38+00:00 itempropdatePublished> Published: 29 September 2017 /time> /dd> dd classhits> span classicon-eye-open aria-hiddentrue>/span> meta itempropinteractionCount contentUserPageVisits:9845 /> Hits: 9845 /dd> /dl>p>Do you have an experience with professional cleaning services? Have you ever hire a maid service company? Find out what kind of cleaning services fit you individual needs and what tasks you can expect to be performed a href>Cleaning Services Evanston IL/a>/p> /div> /div> div classitems-row cols-3 row-0 row-fluid> div classitem column-1 span4 itempropblogPost itemscope itemtype> h2 classitem-title itempropheadline> a href/articles-advice/12-individuals-vs-cleaning-service-part-1 itempropurl> Individuals vs. Cleaning Service - Part 1 /a> /h2> div classicons> div classbtn-group pull-right> button classbtn dropdown-toggle typebutton iddropdownMenuButton-12 aria-labelUser tools data-toggledropdown aria-haspopuptrue aria-expandedfalse> span classicon-cog aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classcaret aria-hiddentrue>/span> /button> ul classdropdown-menu aria-labelledbydropdownMenuButton-12> li classprint-icon> a href/articles-advice/12-individuals-vs-cleaning-service-part-1?tmplcomponent&print1&layoutdefault titlePrint article Individuals vs. Cleaning Service - Part 1 >,win2,statusno,toolbarno,scrollbarsyes,titlebarno,menubarno,resizableyes,width640,height480,directoriesno,locationno); return false; relnofollow> span classicon-print aria-hiddentrue>/span> Print /a> /li> li classemail-icon> a href/component/mailto/?tmplcomponent&templateprotostar&link923e399671f6e4ffe2ea56c426ca4846e451ca18 titleEmail this link to a friend,win2,width400,height450,menubaryes,resizableyes); return false; relnofollow> span classicon-envelope aria-hiddentrue>/span> Email /a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> dl classarticle-info muted> dt classarticle-info-term> Details /dt> dd classcategory-name> Category: a href/articles-advice itempropgenre>Articles & Advice/a> /dd> dd classpublished> span classicon-calendar aria-hiddentrue>/span> time datetime2017-09-28T19:54:34+00:00 itempropdatePublished> Published: 28 September 2017 /time> /dd> dd classhits> span classicon-eye-open aria-hiddentrue>/span> meta itempropinteractionCount contentUserPageVisits:11273 /> Hits: 11273 /dd> /dl>p alignjustify>Who can better take care of my home? Would I rather hire the cleaning service or find a individual cleaning person?/p>p alignjustify>img src border0 />There are many factors which help you make a decision. If you have never had any experience with this kind of service you need to consider what is more important to you and what maid service or cleaning person can offer./p>p alignjustify>Independent cleaners commonly provide one-person service what means that it will take longer to clean your house. If you work at home it could be a little bit aggravating and it could disturb you. On the other hand you always have the same person so in the meanwhile she won’t be a stranger walking through your house. The same person is a huge advantage. You will know what you can expect from her every time she will come to your home. It is much easier to give her any instructions and directions or to tell her what she can do better, what she missed in last visit./p>p alignjustify>Unfortunately, the most important disadvantage of hiring the individuals they probably don’t have an insurance. What does it mean to you? If something had happened you would be responsible for this. You could be liable if a she is hurt in your home. You may say that you know this person very well and what can happen the cleaning, but it is always a risk./p>p alignjustify>Another disadvantage which occurs occasionally is a rescheduling the service date. Especially if something happens suddenly like sickness or unexpected events. There is no substitute, your maid isn’t so flexible and it is very hard to find a gap in her schedule./p>p alignjustify>The last and the most important factor is the price for the service. It will cost you up to 20% less so you can save hundreds of dollars per year. This is the main reason that people hire individuals rather than a company. Where is the best place to find a cleaning person? My suggestion - a href>Craigslist/a>/p>p alignjustify>Read more... a href>Individuals vs. Cleaning Service - Part 2/a>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classclearfix>/div> div aria-labelBreadcrumbs rolenavigation> ul itemscope itemtype classbreadcrumb> li> You are here: /li> li itempropitemListElement itemscope itemtype classactive> span itempropname> Home /span> meta itempropposition content1> /li> /ul>/div> !-- End Content --> /main> div idaside classspan3> !-- Begin Right Sidebar --> div classwell _menu>h3 classpage-header>Main Menu/h3>ul classnav menu mod-list>li classitem-101 default current active>a href/ >Home/a>/li>li classitem-102>a href/routine-cleaning-service >Routine Cleaning Service/a>/li>li classitem-103>a href/initial-cleaning >Initial Cleaning/a>/li>li classitem-104>a href/emergency-cleanup >Emergency Cleanup/a>/li>li classitem-105>a href/move-in-cleaning >Move-In Cleaning/a>/li>li classitem-106>a href/move-out-cleaning >Move-Out Cleaning/a>/li>li classitem-107>a href/post-construction-cleanup >Post Construction Cleanup/a>/li>li classitem-108>a href/before-after-party-cleaning >Before After Party Cleaning/a>/li>li classitem-109>a href/seasonal-cleaning >Seasonal Cleaning/a>/li>li classitem-110>a href/articles-advice >Articles & Advice/a>/li>/ul>/div> !-- End Right Sidebar --> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Footer --> footer classfooter rolecontentinfo> div classcontainer> hr /> p classpull-right> a href#top idback-top> Back to Top /a> /p> p> © 2024 Cleaning Direct /p> /div> /footer> /body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 21:02:36 GMTServer: ApacheExpires: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 00:00:00 GMTCache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check0, pre-check0Pragma: no-cacheSet-Cookie: cc33994357dce6cc62058e625c667160f634921482498b2f5f6e288f7f0a373e; path/; HttpOnlyUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 21:02:36 GMTVary: Accept-Encoding,User-AgentTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8 !DOCTYPE html>html langen-gb dirltr>head> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0 /> meta charsetutf-8 /> base href /> meta namegenerator contentJoomla! - Open Source Content Management /> title>Home/title> link href/?formatfeed&typerss relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml titleRSS 2.0 /> link href/?formatfeed&typeatom relalternate typeapplication/atom+xml titleAtom 1.0 /> link href/templates/protostar/favicon.ico relshortcut icon typeimage/ /> link href/templates/protostar/css/template.css?e18bd374f62194d6c0b1dccab0a74705 relstylesheet /> link href relstylesheet /> style> h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .site-title { font-family: Open Sans, sans-serif; } /style> script src/media/jui/js/jquery.min.js?e18bd374f62194d6c0b1dccab0a74705>/script> script src/media/jui/js/jquery-noconflict.js?e18bd374f62194d6c0b1dccab0a74705>/script> script src/media/jui/js/jquery-migrate.min.js?e18bd374f62194d6c0b1dccab0a74705>/script> script src/media/system/js/caption.js?e18bd374f62194d6c0b1dccab0a74705>/script> script src/media/jui/js/bootstrap.min.js?e18bd374f62194d6c0b1dccab0a74705>/script> script src/templates/protostar/js/template.js?e18bd374f62194d6c0b1dccab0a74705>/script> !--if lt IE 9>script src/media/jui/js/html5.js?e18bd374f62194d6c0b1dccab0a74705>/script>!endif--> script>jQuery(window).on(load, function() { new JCaption(img.caption); }); /script>/head>body classsite com_content view-featured no-layout no-task itemid-101> !-- Body --> div classbody idtop> div classcontainer> !-- Header --> header classheader rolebanner> div classheader-inner clearfix> a classbrand pull-left href/> span classsite-title titleCleaning Direct>Cleaning Direct/span> /a> div classheader-search pull-right> /div> /div> /header> div classrow-fluid> main idcontent rolemain classspan9> !-- Begin Content --> div idsystem-message-container> /div> div classblog-featured itemscope itemtype>div classpage-header> h1> Home /h1>/div>div classitems-leading clearfix> div classleading-0 clearfix itempropblogPost itemscope itemtype> h2 classitem-title itempropheadline> a href/2-uncategorised/13-hiring-cleaning-services itempropurl> Hiring Cleaning Services /a> /h2> div classicons> div classbtn-group pull-right> button classbtn dropdown-toggle typebutton iddropdownMenuButton-13 aria-labelUser tools data-toggledropdown aria-haspopuptrue aria-expandedfalse> span classicon-cog aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classcaret aria-hiddentrue>/span> /button> ul classdropdown-menu aria-labelledbydropdownMenuButton-13> li classprint-icon> a href/2-uncategorised/13-hiring-cleaning-services?tmplcomponent&print1 titlePrint article Hiring Cleaning Services >,win2,statusno,toolbarno,scrollbarsyes,titlebarno,menubarno,resizableyes,width640,height480,directoriesno,locationno); return false; relnofollow> span classicon-print aria-hiddentrue>/span> Print /a> /li> li classemail-icon> a href/component/mailto/?tmplcomponent&templateprotostar&linkfa8461472ef0560dbab9f0881913f6b6401dd19c titleEmail this link to a friend,win2,width400,height450,menubaryes,resizableyes); return false; relnofollow> span classicon-envelope aria-hiddentrue>/span> Email /a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> dl classarticle-info muted> dt classarticle-info-term> Details /dt> dd classcategory-name> Category: a href/2-uncategorised itempropgenre>Uncategorised/a> /dd> dd classpublished> span classicon-calendar aria-hiddentrue>/span> time datetime2017-09-29T12:49:38+00:00 itempropdatePublished> Published: 29 September 2017 /time> /dd> dd classhits> span classicon-eye-open aria-hiddentrue>/span> meta itempropinteractionCount contentUserPageVisits:9845 /> Hits: 9845 /dd> /dl>p>Do you have an experience with professional cleaning services? Have you ever hire a maid service company? Find out what kind of cleaning services fit you individual needs and what tasks you can expect to be performed a href>Cleaning Services Evanston IL/a>/p> /div> /div> div classitems-row cols-3 row-0 row-fluid> div classitem column-1 span4 itempropblogPost itemscope itemtype> h2 classitem-title itempropheadline> a href/articles-advice/12-individuals-vs-cleaning-service-part-1 itempropurl> Individuals vs. Cleaning Service - Part 1 /a> /h2> div classicons> div classbtn-group pull-right> button classbtn dropdown-toggle typebutton iddropdownMenuButton-12 aria-labelUser tools data-toggledropdown aria-haspopuptrue aria-expandedfalse> span classicon-cog aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classcaret aria-hiddentrue>/span> /button> ul classdropdown-menu aria-labelledbydropdownMenuButton-12> li classprint-icon> a href/articles-advice/12-individuals-vs-cleaning-service-part-1?tmplcomponent&print1&layoutdefault titlePrint article Individuals vs. Cleaning Service - Part 1 >,win2,statusno,toolbarno,scrollbarsyes,titlebarno,menubarno,resizableyes,width640,height480,directoriesno,locationno); return false; relnofollow> span classicon-print aria-hiddentrue>/span> Print /a> /li> li classemail-icon> a href/component/mailto/?tmplcomponent&templateprotostar&linkf408cc0fa850b3b1da3bae0e1ac7c186c0214757 titleEmail this link to a friend,win2,width400,height450,menubaryes,resizableyes); return false; relnofollow> span classicon-envelope aria-hiddentrue>/span> Email /a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> dl classarticle-info muted> dt classarticle-info-term> Details /dt> dd classcategory-name> Category: a href/articles-advice itempropgenre>Articles & Advice/a> /dd> dd classpublished> span classicon-calendar aria-hiddentrue>/span> time datetime2017-09-28T19:54:34+00:00 itempropdatePublished> Published: 28 September 2017 /time> /dd> dd classhits> span classicon-eye-open aria-hiddentrue>/span> meta itempropinteractionCount contentUserPageVisits:11273 /> Hits: 11273 /dd> /dl>p alignjustify>Who can better take care of my home? Would I rather hire the cleaning service or find a individual cleaning person?/p>p alignjustify>img src border0 />There are many factors which help you make a decision. If you have never had any experience with this kind of service you need to consider what is more important to you and what maid service or cleaning person can offer./p>p alignjustify>Independent cleaners commonly provide one-person service what means that it will take longer to clean your house. If you work at home it could be a little bit aggravating and it could disturb you. On the other hand you always have the same person so in the meanwhile she won’t be a stranger walking through your house. The same person is a huge advantage. You will know what you can expect from her every time she will come to your home. It is much easier to give her any instructions and directions or to tell her what she can do better, what she missed in last visit./p>p alignjustify>Unfortunately, the most important disadvantage of hiring the individuals they probably don’t have an insurance. What does it mean to you? If something had happened you would be responsible for this. You could be liable if a she is hurt in your home. You may say that you know this person very well and what can happen the cleaning, but it is always a risk./p>p alignjustify>Another disadvantage which occurs occasionally is a rescheduling the service date. Especially if something happens suddenly like sickness or unexpected events. There is no substitute, your maid isn’t so flexible and it is very hard to find a gap in her schedule./p>p alignjustify>The last and the most important factor is the price for the service. It will cost you up to 20% less so you can save hundreds of dollars per year. This is the main reason that people hire individuals rather than a company. Where is the best place to find a cleaning person? My suggestion - a href>Craigslist/a>/p>p alignjustify>Read more... a href>Individuals vs. Cleaning Service - Part 2/a>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classclearfix>/div> div aria-labelBreadcrumbs rolenavigation> ul itemscope itemtype classbreadcrumb> li> You are here: /li> li itempropitemListElement itemscope itemtype classactive> span itempropname> Home /span> meta itempropposition content1> /li> /ul>/div> !-- End Content --> /main> div idaside classspan3> !-- Begin Right Sidebar --> div classwell _menu>h3 classpage-header>Main Menu/h3>ul classnav menu mod-list>li classitem-101 default current active>a href/ >Home/a>/li>li classitem-102>a href/routine-cleaning-service >Routine Cleaning Service/a>/li>li classitem-103>a href/initial-cleaning >Initial Cleaning/a>/li>li classitem-104>a href/emergency-cleanup >Emergency Cleanup/a>/li>li classitem-105>a href/move-in-cleaning >Move-In Cleaning/a>/li>li classitem-106>a href/move-out-cleaning >Move-Out Cleaning/a>/li>li classitem-107>a href/post-construction-cleanup >Post Construction Cleanup/a>/li>li classitem-108>a href/before-after-party-cleaning >Before After Party Cleaning/a>/li>li classitem-109>a href/seasonal-cleaning >Seasonal Cleaning/a>/li>li classitem-110>a href/articles-advice >Articles & Advice/a>/li>/ul>/div> !-- End Right Sidebar --> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Footer --> footer classfooter rolecontentinfo> div classcontainer> hr /> p classpull-right> a href#top idback-top> Back to Top /a> /p> p> © 2024 Cleaning Direct /p> /div> /footer> /body>/html>
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