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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 10:07:18 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Fri, 23 Feb 2024 18:47:35 GMTETag: 4c9e-61210fe45e9a7Accept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 19614Content-Type: text/html html>head>title>Claude Jolicoeur, pommes et cidre - apples and cider/title>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252>meta http-equivContent-Language contentfr-ca>meta nameGENERATOR contentMicrosoft FrontPage 4.0>meta nameProgId contentFrontPage.Editor.Document>meta nameDescription contentPommes, cidre, apples, cider, Claude Jolicoeur>meta namekeywords contentpommes, apples, cider, cidre, claude jolicoeur>link relicon hreffavicon.ico typeimage/x-icon />link relshortcut icon hreffavicon.ico typeimage/x-icon />base target_blank>/head>body backgroundimages/HespFond.jpg link#314B2C>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100% height160> tr> td aligncenter> p styleline-height: 125%>font faceArial size3 color#0099CC>b>img border0 srcimages/Ban-Entete.gif width600 height140>/b>/font>/p> /td> /tr>/table>div aligncenter> center> table border0 width600 cellspacing0 cellpadding4> tr> td width100% bgcolor#B7B58A aligncenter>i>b>font size5 faceArial color#333333>Bienvenue Welcome/font>/b>/i>/td> /tr> /table> /center>/div>p> /p> table border0 cellpadding20 cellspacing0 width100% bordercolor#0099CC> tr> td width38% valigntop alignright> h3>font color#FF0000>Maintenant disponible!/font>/h3> /td> td valigntop width320 aligncenter>a hrefciderplanet.htm target_blank>img border0 srcimages/CiderPlanet_Cover_250.jpg width175 height250> /a> p> /p> /td> td valigntop> h3>font color#FF0000>Now available!/font>/h3> p>And WINNER at The Guild of Food Writers Awards in London./p> h3>font color#FF0000>a hrefciderplanet.htm>img border0 srcimages/GFW%20Roundels%202023%20Digital%20AW%20300dpi_winner.gif width179 height177>/a>/font>/h3> /td> /tr> /table>div alignleft> table border0 cellpadding20 cellspacing0 width100% bordercolor#0099CC> tr> td width202> p>a hrefciderhandbook.htm target_self>img border0 srcimages/Cover-Final-200.jpg width200 height250>/a>/p> /td> td valigntop width736> h3>Books / Livres/h3> p>i>b>a hrefciderplanet.htm>Cider Planet/a>/b>/i> (Chelsea Green Publishing, 2022), for a tour of the cider making regions of the world, exploring the different traditions, cider making practices and meeting important producers./p> p> i>b>a hrefpommieraucidre.htm>Du pommier au cidre/a>/b>/i> (Le Rouergue, 2016), un livre de référence sur la préparation du cidre. /p> i>b>a hrefciderhandbook.htm>The New Cider Makers Handbook/a>/b>/i> (Chelsea Green Publishing, 2013), a reference book on the preparation of cider which has been widely acclaimed within the cider makers community.a hrefciderhandbook.htm target_self>br> /a>And see also the a hrefbookcomment.htm target_self>What they said/a> page. p> /p> p> /p> /td> td valigntop width192>a hrefpommieraucidre.htm target_self>img border0 srcimages/CouverturePetit.jpg width192 height250>/a> /td> /tr> /table>/div>div alignleft> table border0 cellpadding20 cellspacing0 width100% bordercolor#0099CC> tr> td width50%> p>Bienvenue sur le site i>Des pommes et du cidre/i> de Claude Jolicoeur. Ce site a pour objet de permettre le téléchargement de certains documents que jai écrits sur le sujet du b>cidre/b>, ou des b>pommes/b>, b>poires/b> et des fruits en général./p> h3>Contenu:/h3> ul> li>a href#news target_self>Nouveautés et mises-à-jourbr> /a> /li> li>i>a hrefpommieraucidre.htm target_self>Du pommier au cidre/a> /i>(livre sur la fabrication du cidre)br> /li> li>i>a hrefciderplanet.htm>Cider Planet/a>/i>br> /li> li>i>a hrefciderhandbook.htm target_self>The New Cider Makers Handbook/a>/i>.br> /li> li>a href#pomona target_self>Articles publiés dans la revue Pomona de NAFEX/a>br> /li> li>a href#presentations target_self>Présentations sur le cidre (CiderDays, MOFGA, etc.)/a>br> /li> li>a hrefcidrvars.htm target_self>Cultivars de pommiers à cidrebr> /a> /li> li>a hrefSourceCanada.htm target_self>Sources canadiennes de variétés à cidrebr> /a> /li> li>a hrefbouteilbouchon.htm target_self>Bouteilles et bouchons À la française/a>br> /li> li>Le pressage des pommes, la construction dun pressoir et moulin> a hrefPresseAcier.htm target_self>Petit pressoir à cadre dacier/a>br> a href target_blank>Photos de la construction du moulin décrit dans i>Du pommier au cidre/i>br> /a>a href>Pressoir à paquets sur le modèle décrit dans i>Du pommier au cidre/i>/a> /li> /ul> p> /td> td valigntop> p>Welcome to Claude Jolicoeurs i>Of Apples and Cider/i> page. This site is for permitting the download of some documents that I have written on the subject of b>cider/b>, and of b>apples/b>, b>pears/b> and fruits in general./p> h3>Content:/h3> ul> li>a href#news target_self>News and updatesbr> /a> /li> li>i>a hrefciderplanet.htm>Cider Planet/a>/i>a href#news target_self>br> /a> /li> li>i>a hrefciderhandbook.htm target_self>The New Cider Makers Handbook/a>/i>.br> /li> li>i>a hrefpommieraucidre.htm target_self>Du pommier au cidre/a>/i>br> /li> li>a href#pomona target_self>Articles published in the Pomona journal of NAFEX/a>br> /li> li>a href#presentations target_self>Presentations on cider (CiderDays, MOFGA, etc.)/a> br> /li> li>a hrefcidrvars.htm target_self>Cider apple cultivarsbr> /a> /li> li>a hrefSourceCanada.htm target_self>Canadian sources for cider varietiesbr> /a> /li> li>a hrefbouteilbouchon.htm target_self>Bottles and corks, French style/a>br> /li> li>Apple pressing, design and construction of a homemade> a hrefPresseAcier.htm target_self>Small steel-frame press/a>br> a href target_blank>Pictures on making a grinder millbr> /a>a href target_blank>Rack and cloth press on the model described in i>The New Cider Makers Handbook/i>/a> /li> /ul> /td> /tr> /table>/div>p> /p>hr size4 color#314B2C>div alignleft> table border0 cellpadding20 cellspacing0 width100% bordercolor#0099CC> tr> td width50%> h3>b>a namenews>/a>Nouveautés et mises-à-jour/b> /h3> ul> li>6 septembre 2023 - b>i>a hrefciderplanet.htm target_self>Cider Planet/a> /i>/b>remporte un prix prestigieux à Londres./li> li>3 décembre 2022 - La pomme a hrefbilodeau.htm target_self>Bilodeau/a> est identique à Trail./li> li>28 mai 2022 - Introduction de nouvelles variétés. Voir la la page sur les a hrefcidrvars.htm target_self>cultivars de pommiers à cidre/a>/li> li>28 avril 2022 - Nouveau livre, b>i>a hrefciderplanet.htm target_self>Cider Planet/a>/i>/b>/li> li>8 avril 2020 - importante mise à jour de la page sur les a hrefcidrvars.htm target_self>cultivars de pommiers à cidre/a>/li> li>11 janvier 2017 - nouvelle variété expérimentale de pomme à cidre douce-amère, a hrefmaillard.htm target_self>Maillard/a>./li> li>6 novembre 2016 - nouvelle page a hrefbouteilbouchon.htm target_self>Bouteilles et bouchons À la française/a>/li> li>5 octobre 2016 - Révision des liens vers les albums de photos (anciennement sur Picasa, maintenant sur Google Photos)./li> li>17 juin 2016 - a hreftour2016.htm target_self>Tournée été 2016 en France/a>/li> li>21 avril 2016 - Le livre en français, i>a hrefpommieraucidre.htm target_self>Du pommier au cidre/a>/i>, est sorti!/li> li>4 février 2016 - page a hrefSourceCanada.htm target_self>Sources canadiennes de variétés à cidre/a>/li> li>26 septembre 2013 - page a hrefbookcomment.htm target_self>What they said about i>The New Cider Makers Handbook/i>/a> (en anglais)./li> li>17 septembre 2013 - date prévue de sortie de i>a hrefciderhandbook.htm target_self>The New Cider Makers Handbook/a>/i>./li> /ul> /td> td valigntop> h3>b>News and updates/b> /h3> ul> li>September 6, 2023 - b>i>a hrefciderplanet.htm target_self>Cider Planet/a>/i>/b> is WINNER of The Guild of Food Writers Awards in London/li> li>December 3, 2022 - The a hrefbilodeau.htm target_self>Bilodeau/a> apple is identical with the Trail crab./li> li>May 28, 2022 - Introduction of new varieties. See the page on a hrefcidrvars.htm target_self>cider apple cultivars/a>./li> li>April 28, 2022 - New book, b>i>a hrefciderplanet.htm target_self>Cider Planet/a>/i>/b>/li> li>April 8, 2020 - major update of the page on a hrefcidrvars.htm target_self>cider apple cultivars/a>./li> li>January 11, 2017 - new experimental bittersweet cider apple variety, a hrefmaillard.htm target_self>Maillard/a>/li> li>November 6, 2016 - new page: a hrefbouteilbouchon.htm target_self>Bottles and corks, French style/a>/li> li>October 5, 2016 - Revision of links for photo albums (formely on Picasa, now on Google Photos)./li> li>June 17, 2016 - a hreftour2016.htm target_self>Summer 2016 tour in France/a>/li> li>April 21, 2016 - the French book i>a hrefpommieraucidre.htm target_self>Du pommier au cidre/a>/i>, is now shipping./li> li>February 4, 2016 - page a hrefSourceCanada.htm target_self>Canadian sources for cider varieties/a>/li> li>September 26, 2013 - added a hrefbookcomment.htm target_self>What they said about i>The New Cider Makers Handbook/i>/a> page./li> li>September 17, 2013 - scheduled availability date for i>a hrefciderhandbook.htm target_self>The New Cider Makers Handbook/a>/i>./li> /ul> /td> /tr> /table>/div>hr size4 color#314B2C>div alignleft> table border0 cellpadding20 cellspacing0 width100% bordercolor#0099CC> tr> td width50%> h3>b>a namepomona>/a>Articles des revues Pomona et Malus/b> /h3> p>Les documents suivants sont des articles (en anglais seulement) qui ont été publiés dans la revue Pomona de NAFEX et dans la revue a href>Malus/a>, tous écrits par Claude Jolicoeur./p> p>Tous les documents au format PDF - Lecteur de fichiers PDF requis. Sauf indication, tous les fichiers pèsent moins de 100 Ko/p> /td> td valigntop> h3>b>Pomona and Malus Articles/b> /h3> p>The following documents are articles written by Claude Jolicoeur for the Pomona quaterly journal of NAFEX, and for the Malus magazine./p> p>All documents in PDF format - PDF reader required. Except as indicated, all these files are smaller than 100 Kb./p> /td> /tr> /table>/div>blockquote>blockquote>blockquote>ul> li>Pomona Winter 1995 : a hrefDocuments/AfterWinter94.pdf target_blank>After a cold winter in Quebec/a> /li> li>Pomona Winter 1997 : a hrefDocuments/SavignacPears96.pdf target_blank>The Savignac Pears/a> /li> li>Pomona Winter 1997 : a hrefDocuments/PlumsQuebec96.pdf target_blank>Traditionnal plums of Quebec/a> /li> li>Pomona Winter 1999 : a hrefDocuments/BooksCider98.pdf target_blank>Books for Cider Making/a> /li> li>Pomona Summer 2002 : a hrefDocuments/PearArticle02.pdf>Pears in Cold Climate/a> (200 Kb - this one is bigger as it contains pictures) /li> li>Pomona Winter 2008 : a hrefDocuments/PearArticle07.pdf>Pears in Cold Cimate (A Follow-up)/a> br> Pictures to illustrate this paper may be seen as a web album at the following a href target_blank>link/a>. /li> li>Pomona Summer 2010 : a hrefDocuments/Bourassa_Art.pdf>The Bourassa Apple/a> (original article as published)br> An updated version of this article may be seen here a hrefDocuments/BourassaApple.pdf>Updated text of The Bourassa Apple/a> (140 Kb)/li> li>Pomona Spring 2011 : a hrefDocuments/Acidity-pH.pdf>Acidity and pH of apple juice/a>/li> li>Malus Issue 19, 2022 : a href>The Balance Point/a> (2 Mb)/li> li>Malus Issue 20, 2023 : a href>Winter Cider/a> (1 Mb)br> /li>/ul>/blockquote>p> /p>/blockquote>/blockquote>hr size4 color#314B2C> table border0 cellpadding20 cellspacing0 width100% bordercolor#0099CC> tr> td width50% valigntop> h3>b>a namepresentations>/a>Présentations sur le cidre/b> /h3> p>Les diapositives et autres documents relatifs aux présentations sur le cidre données lors de différentes occasions comme a href target_blank>CiderDays/a> dans le Massachusetts ou a href target_blank>Common Grounds Country Fair/a> de MOFGA dans le Maine/td> td valigntop> h3>b>Presentations on cider/b>/h3> p>Slides and other documents related to presentations on cider done in different occasions like a href target_blank>CiderDays/a> in Massachusetts or MOFGAs a href target_blank>Common Grounds Country Fair/a> in Maine /td> /tr> /table>blockquote>blockquote> h4>Apple blending for cider (CiderDays 2009):/h4> blockquote> ul> li>Slides : a hrefDocuments/AppleBlendingCider.pdf>AppleBlendingCider/a> (PDF, 470 Kb)/li> li> a hrefwizard.htm target_self> Blending wizard (Excel spreadsheet)/a>br> /li> /ul> /blockquote> h4>a nameGrinder>/a>Making your own apple grinder (2010, 2011):/h4> blockquote> ul> li>See pictures as a a href target_blank> web album/a>/li> li>Presentation slides from 2011 CiderDays : a hrefDocuments/Grinder2011.pdf>Grinder2011.pdf/a> (490 Kb)br> /li> /ul> /blockquote> p>b>a hrefDocuments/OverviewNCMH(Maine2013)lores.pdf>Overview of i>The New Cider Makers Handbook/i>/a>/b> (MOFGA 2013; PDF 770Kb)/p> p>a hrefDocuments/OverviewNCMH-Pro_pptWeb.pdf>b>Overview of i>The New Cider Makers Handbook/i> for Pros/b>/a> (CiderCon, Chicago, 2014 ; PDF 620Kb) /p> p>b>a hrefDocuments/FinestCiders-pptWeb.pdf>The Search for the Finest Ciders/a>/b> (NOFA-NY 2014, MOFGA 2014; PDF 500Kb)/p> p>b>a hrefDocuments/NCMH-BasicsCiderMaking-lores.pdf>The Basics of Cider Making/a>/b> (MOFGA 2014, Woodland 2014; PDF 470Kb)/p> p>a nameIceCider hrefDocuments/IceCider_pptWeb.pdf>b>Making Ice Cider at home/a> /b>(CiderDays 2014; PDF 450Kb)/p> p>a nameIceCider hrefDocuments/QualityFactors_Web.pdf>b>Quality Factors in Cider Making/b>/a>b> /b>(CiderDays 2015; PDF 680Kb)/p> p>a hrefDocuments/PommesCidreCAQlores.pdf>b>Essais sur les véritables pommes à cidre au Québec/b>/a> (Congrès 2016 Cidres Vins et Alcools ; PDF 770 Kb)/p>/blockquote>/blockquote>p> /p>hr size4 color#314B2C> table border0 cellpadding20 cellspacing0 width100% bordercolor#0099CC> tr> td width50%> p>font size2>Dernière mise à jour : !--webbot botTimestamp s-typeEDITED s-format%y.%m.%d startspan -->24.02.23!--webbot botTimestamp endspan i-checksum12722 -->br> par Claude Jolicoeurbr> cjoliprsf_à/at_gmail.combr> remplacer/replace "_à/at_" par/with "@"/font>/p> /td> td valigntop>a hrefindex.htm target_self>img border0 srcimages/Ban-Bas48-200.gif width200 height48>/a> /td> /tr> /table>p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>/body>/html>
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