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(1943)/a> /h2> !-- end.breaking-news-title --> /li> li> h2 classbreaking-news-title> a titleEl extraño caso del hombre y la bestia (1951) href>El extraño caso del hombre y la bestia (1951)/a> /h2> !-- end.breaking-news-title --> /li> li> h2 classbreaking-news-title> a titleLa secta del trébol (1948) href>La secta del trébol (1948)/a> /h2> !-- end.breaking-news-title --> /li> /ul> /div> !-- end .breaking-news-slider --> /div> !-- end .breaking-news-wrap --> /div> !-- end .wrap --> /div> !-- end .breaking-news-box --> !-- Main Slider --> div classmain-slider clearfix> div classno-slider>ul classslides>li>div classimage-slider titlePopulation: 1 (1986) stylebackground-image:url(>article classslider-content>div classslider-text-content>div classentry-meta> span classcats-links> a classcl-663 href>Ciencia Ficción/a> a classcl-3 href>Modernos/a> a classcl-670 href>Musical/a> /span>!-- end .cat-links -->/div> !-- end .entry-meta -->h2 classslider-title>a href titlePopulation: 1 (1986) relbookmark>Population: 1 (1986)/a>/h2>!-- .slider-title -->p classslider-text>Comedia musical de ciencia ficción postapocalíptica en la que el único superviviente de un holocausto nuclear se refugia en un bunker de New York. Rene Daalder lleva las incipientes técnicas…/p>!-- end .slider-text -->div classentry-meta>span classauthor vcard>a href titlePopulation: 1 (1986)>i classfa fa-user-o>/i> Juan Alsinet/a>/span>span classposted-on>a href titlenoviembre 20, 2019>i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> noviembre 20, 2019/a>/span>/div> !-- end .entry-meta -->/div>!-- end .slider-text-content -->div classslider-buttons>a titlePopulation: 1 (1986) href classbtn-default>Ver reseña/a>/div>!-- end .slider-buttons -->/article>!-- end .slider-content --> /div>!-- end .image-slider --> /li>li>div classimage-slider titleThe Emperor Waltz (1948) stylebackground-image:url(>article classslider-content>div classslider-text-content>div classentry-meta> span classcats-links> a classcl-2 href>Clásicos/a> a classcl-670 href>Musical/a> /span>!-- end .cat-links -->/div> !-- end .entry-meta -->h2 classslider-title>a href titleThe Emperor Waltz (1948) relbookmark>The Emperor Waltz (1948)/a>/h2>!-- .slider-title -->p classslider-text>Comedia romántica musical en la que un vendedor de gramófonos americano trata de conquistar una baronesa en Viena en la década de 1900. En su primera película en color Billy…/p>!-- end .slider-text -->div classentry-meta>span classauthor vcard>a href titleThe Emperor Waltz (1948)>i classfa fa-user-o>/i> Juan Alsinet/a>/span>span classposted-on>a href titleoctubre 16, 2019>i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> octubre 16, 2019/a>/span>/div> !-- end .entry-meta -->/div>!-- end .slider-text-content -->div classslider-buttons>a titleThe Emperor Waltz (1948) href classbtn-default>Ver reseña/a>/div>!-- end .slider-buttons -->/article>!-- end .slider-content --> /div>!-- end .image-slider --> /li>li>div classimage-slider titleWaltzes from Vienna (1934) stylebackground-image:url(>article classslider-content>div classslider-text-content>div classentry-meta> span classcats-links> a classcl-2 href>Clásicos/a> a classcl-670 href>Musical/a> /span>!-- end .cat-links -->/div> !-- end .entry-meta -->h2 classslider-title>a href titleWaltzes from Vienna (1934) relbookmark>Waltzes from Vienna (1934)/a>/h2>!-- .slider-title -->p classslider-text>Comedia romántica musical en el que Johann Strauss hijo compone un vals para una joven panadera de la que está enamorado en Viena en el siglo XIX. Adaptación del libreto…/p>!-- end .slider-text -->div classentry-meta>span classauthor vcard>a href titleWaltzes from Vienna (1934)>i classfa fa-user-o>/i> Juan Alsinet/a>/span>span classposted-on>a href titleoctubre 10, 2019>i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> octubre 10, 2019/a>/span>/div> !-- end .entry-meta -->/div>!-- end .slider-text-content -->div classslider-buttons>a titleWaltzes from Vienna (1934) href classbtn-default>Ver reseña/a>/div>!-- end .slider-buttons -->/article>!-- end .slider-content --> /div>!-- end .image-slider --> /li>li>div classimage-slider titleRita la zanzara (1966) stylebackground-image:url(>article classslider-content>div classslider-text-content>div classentry-meta> span classcats-links> a classcl-3 href>Modernos/a> a classcl-670 href>Musical/a> /span>!-- end .cat-links -->/div> !-- end .entry-meta -->h2 classslider-title>a href titleRita la zanzara (1966) relbookmark>Rita la zanzara (1966)/a>/h2>!-- .slider-title -->p classslider-text>Comedia musical en la que una estudiante se enamora de su profesor de música en Italia. Más allá de la popularidad de Rita Pavone en Italia, 108 minutos de duración…/p>!-- end .slider-text -->div classentry-meta>span classauthor vcard>a href titleRita la zanzara (1966)>i classfa fa-user-o>/i> Juan Alsinet/a>/span>span classposted-on>a href titleseptiembre 19, 2019>i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> septiembre 19, 2019/a>/span>/div> !-- end .entry-meta -->/div>!-- end .slider-text-content -->div classslider-buttons>a titleRita la zanzara (1966) href classbtn-default>Ver reseña/a>/div>!-- end .slider-buttons -->/article>!-- end .slider-content --> /div>!-- end .image-slider --> /li>li>div classimage-slider titleCrustacés et coquillages (2005) stylebackground-image:url(>article classslider-content>div classslider-text-content>div classentry-meta> span classcats-links> a classcl-4 href>Contemporáneos/a> a classcl-670 href>Musical/a> /span>!-- end .cat-links -->/div> !-- end .entry-meta -->h2 classslider-title>a href titleCrustacés et coquillages (2005) relbookmark>Crustacés et coquillages (2005)/a>/h2>!-- .slider-title -->p classslider-text>Comedia romántica musical en la que una familia de vacaciones recibe las visitas de un variado grupo de amigos y amantes en las costas de Bouches-du-Rhône. Como simple comedia de…/p>!-- end .slider-text -->div classentry-meta>span classauthor vcard>a href titleCrustacés et coquillages (2005)>i classfa fa-user-o>/i> Juan Alsinet/a>/span>span classposted-on>a href titleseptiembre 16, 2019>i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> septiembre 16, 2019/a>/span>/div> !-- end .entry-meta -->/div>!-- end .slider-text-content -->div classslider-buttons>a titleCrustacés et coquillages (2005) href classbtn-default>Ver reseña/a>/div>!-- end .slider-buttons -->/article>!-- end .slider-content --> /div>!-- end .image-slider --> /li> /ul>!-- end .slides --> /div> !-- end .layer-slider --> /div> !-- end .main-slider --> /header> !-- end #masthead --> !-- Main Page Start --> div classsite-content-contain> div idcontent classsite-content> div classfeature-news-box> div classwrap> div classfeature-news-header> h2 classfeature-news-title>Richard Brooks/h2> /div> div classfeature-news-slider> ul classslides> li> article idpost-25006 classpost-25006 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-clasicos tag-richard-brooks> figure classpost-featured-image> a titleLooking for Mr. Goodbar (1977) href>img width220 height330 src classattachment-magbook-featured-image size-magbook-featured-image wp-post-image alt loadinglazy srcset 220w, 200w, 67w sizes(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px />/a> div classentry-meta> span classcats-links> a classcl-2 href>Clásicos/a> /span>!-- end .cat-links -->/div> !-- end .entry-meta --> /figure> !-- end .post-featured-image --> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a titleLooking for Mr. Goodbar (1977) href>Looking for Mr. Goodbar (1977)/a> /h2> !-- end.entry-title --> div classentry-meta>span classauthor vcard>a href titleLooking for Mr. Goodbar (1977)>i classfa fa-user-o>/i> Juan Alsinet/a>/span>span classposted-on>a href titleoctubre 21, 2019>i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> octubre 21, 2019/a>/span>/div> !-- end .entry-meta --> /header> !-- end .entry-header --> /article> !-- end .post --> /li> li> article idpost-25003 classpost-25003 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-clasicos category-policial tag-richard-brooks> figure classpost-featured-image> a title$ (1971) href>img width220 height330 src classattachment-magbook-featured-image size-magbook-featured-image wp-post-image alt loadinglazy srcset 220w, 200w, 67w sizes(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px />/a> div classentry-meta> span classcats-links> a classcl-2 href>Clásicos/a> a classcl-668 href>Policial/a> /span>!-- end .cat-links -->/div> !-- end .entry-meta --> /figure> !-- end .post-featured-image --> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a title$ (1971) href>$ (1971)/a> /h2> !-- end.entry-title --> div classentry-meta>span classauthor vcard>a href title$ (1971)>i classfa fa-user-o>/i> Juan Alsinet/a>/span>span classposted-on>a href titleoctubre 21, 2019>i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> octubre 21, 2019/a>/span>/div> !-- end .entry-meta --> /header> !-- end .entry-header --> /article> !-- end .post --> /li> li> article idpost-25000 classpost-25000 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-clasicos category-policial tag-richard-brooks> figure classpost-featured-image> a titleIn Cold Blood (1967) href>img width220 height330 src classattachment-magbook-featured-image size-magbook-featured-image wp-post-image alt loadinglazy srcset 220w, 200w, 67w sizes(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px />/a> div classentry-meta> span classcats-links> a classcl-2 href>Clásicos/a> a classcl-668 href>Policial/a> /span>!-- end .cat-links -->/div> !-- end .entry-meta --> /figure> !-- end .post-featured-image --> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a titleIn Cold Blood (1967) href>In Cold Blood (1967)/a> /h2> !-- end.entry-title --> div classentry-meta>span classauthor vcard>a href titleIn Cold Blood (1967)>i classfa fa-user-o>/i> Juan Alsinet/a>/span>span classposted-on>a href titleoctubre 21, 2019>i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> octubre 21, 2019/a>/span>/div> !-- end .entry-meta --> /header> !-- end .entry-header --> /article> !-- end .post --> /li> li> article idpost-24997 classpost-24997 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-clasicos tag-richard-brooks> figure classpost-featured-image> a titleLord Jim (1965) href>img width220 height330 src classattachment-magbook-featured-image size-magbook-featured-image wp-post-image alt loadinglazy srcset 220w, 200w, 67w sizes(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px />/a> div classentry-meta> span classcats-links> a classcl-2 href>Clásicos/a> /span>!-- end .cat-links -->/div> !-- end .entry-meta --> /figure> !-- end .post-featured-image --> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a titleLord Jim (1965) href>Lord Jim (1965)/a> /h2> !-- end.entry-title --> div classentry-meta>span classauthor vcard>a href titleLord Jim (1965)>i classfa fa-user-o>/i> Juan Alsinet/a>/span>span classposted-on>a href titleoctubre 21, 2019>i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> octubre 21, 2019/a>/span>/div> !-- end .entry-meta --> /header> !-- end .entry-header --> /article> !-- end .post --> /li> li> article idpost-24994 classpost-24994 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-clasicos tag-richard-brooks> figure classpost-featured-image> a titleElmer Gantry (1960) href>img width220 height330 src classattachment-magbook-featured-image size-magbook-featured-image wp-post-image alt loadinglazy srcset 220w, 200w, 67w sizes(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px />/a> div classentry-meta> span classcats-links> a classcl-2 href>Clásicos/a> /span>!-- end .cat-links -->/div> !-- end .entry-meta --> /figure> !-- end .post-featured-image --> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a titleElmer Gantry (1960) href>Elmer Gantry (1960)/a> /h2> !-- end.entry-title --> div classentry-meta>span classauthor vcard>a href titleElmer Gantry (1960)>i classfa fa-user-o>/i> Juan Alsinet/a>/span>span classposted-on>a href titleoctubre 21, 2019>i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> octubre 21, 2019/a>/span>/div> !-- end .entry-meta --> /header> !-- end .entry-header --> /article> !-- end .post --> /li> li> article idpost-24991 classpost-24991 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-clasicos category-policial tag-richard-brooks> figure classpost-featured-image> a titleDeadline USA (1952) href>img width220 height330 src classattachment-magbook-featured-image size-magbook-featured-image wp-post-image alt loadinglazy srcset 220w, 200w, 67w sizes(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px />/a> div classentry-meta> span classcats-links> a classcl-2 href>Clásicos/a> a classcl-668 href>Policial/a> /span>!-- end .cat-links -->/div> !-- end .entry-meta --> /figure> !-- end .post-featured-image --> header classentry-header> h2 classentry-title> a titleDeadline USA (1952) href>Deadline USA (1952)/a> /h2> !-- end.entry-title --> div classentry-meta>span classauthor vcard>a href titleDeadline USA (1952)>i classfa fa-user-o>/i> Juan Alsinet/a>/span>span classposted-on>a href titleoctubre 21, 2019>i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> octubre 21, 2019/a>/span>/div> !-- end .entry-meta --> /header> !-- end .entry-header --> /article> !-- end .post --> /li> /ul> /div> !-- end .feature-news-slider --> /div> !-- end .wrap --> /div> !-- end .feature-news-box --> div classwrap> div idprimary classcontent-area> main idmain classsite-main> header classpage-header> h2 classpage-title>/h2> !-- .page-title --> !-- .breadcrumb --> /header>!-- .page-header --> article idpost-26449 classpost-26449 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-modernos category-policial tag-sergio-leone> div classpost-image-content> figure classpost-featured-image> a href titleOnce Upon a Time in America (1984)> img width220 height330 src classattachment-magbook-featured-blog size-magbook-featured-blog wp-post-image alt loadinglazy srcset 220w, 200w, 67w sizes(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px /> /a> /figure>!-- --> /div>!-- --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta> span classcats-links> a classcl-3 href>Modernos/a> a classcl-668 href>Policial/a> /span>!-- end .cat-links --> /div> h2 classentry-title> a href titleOnce Upon a Time in America (1984)> Once Upon a Time in America (1984) /a> /h2> !-- end.entry-title --> div classentry-meta>span classauthor vcard>a href titleOnce Upon a Time in America (1984)>i classfa fa-user-o>/i> Juan Alsinet/a>/span>span classposted-on>a href titlenoviembre 20, 2019>i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> noviembre 20, 2019/a>/span> span classtag-links> a href reltag>Sergio Leone/a> /span> !-- end .tag-links --> /div> !-- end .entry-meta --> /header>!-- end .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>Película de gangsters que hace un retrato de la mafia judía en New York en la década de 1920 y 1930. Sergio Leone es capaz de combinar reflexión, tensión, narración… /p> a href classmore-link>Ver reseñaspan classscreen-reader-text> Once Upon a Time in America (1984)/span>/a>!-- wp-default --> /div> !-- end .entry-content --> /article>!-- end .post --> article idpost-26446 classpost-26446 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-modernos tag-sergio-leone> div classpost-image-content> figure classpost-featured-image> a href titleGiù la testa (1971)> img width220 height330 src classattachment-magbook-featured-blog size-magbook-featured-blog wp-post-image alt loadinglazy srcset 220w, 200w, 67w sizes(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px /> /a> /figure>!-- --> /div>!-- --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta> span classcats-links> a classcl-3 href>Modernos/a> /span>!-- end .cat-links --> /div> h2 classentry-title> a href titleGiù la testa (1971)> Giù la testa (1971) /a> /h2> !-- end.entry-title --> div classentry-meta>span classauthor vcard>a href titleGiù la testa (1971)>i classfa fa-user-o>/i> Juan Alsinet/a>/span>span classposted-on>a href titlenoviembre 20, 2019>i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> noviembre 20, 2019/a>/span> span classtag-links> a href reltag>Sergio Leone/a> /span> !-- end .tag-links --> /div> !-- end .entry-meta --> /header>!-- end .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>Spaghetti western en el que un bandido se une a un experto en explosivos irlandés en México durante la revolución en la década de 1910. El tono desenfado de la… /p> a href classmore-link>Ver reseñaspan classscreen-reader-text> Giù la testa (1971)/span>/a>!-- wp-default --> /div> !-- end .entry-content --> /article>!-- end .post --> article idpost-26443 classpost-26443 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-modernos tag-sergio-leone> div classpost-image-content> figure classpost-featured-image> a href titleC’era una volt ail West (1968)> img width220 height330 src classattachment-magbook-featured-blog size-magbook-featured-blog wp-post-image alt loadinglazy srcset 220w, 200w, 67w sizes(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px /> /a> /figure>!-- --> /div>!-- --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta> span classcats-links> a classcl-3 href>Modernos/a> /span>!-- end .cat-links --> /div> h2 classentry-title> a href titleC’era una volt ail West (1968)> C’era una volt ail West (1968) /a> /h2> !-- end.entry-title --> div classentry-meta>span classauthor vcard>a href titleC’era una volt ail West (1968)>i classfa fa-user-o>/i> Juan Alsinet/a>/span>span classposted-on>a href titlenoviembre 20, 2019>i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> noviembre 20, 2019/a>/span> span classtag-links> a href reltag>Sergio Leone/a> /span> !-- end .tag-links --> /div> !-- end .entry-meta --> /header>!-- end .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>Spaghetti western en el que tres pistoleros y una viuda se disputan una tierra por la que pasará el tren en un pueblo ficticio de Arizona en el siglo XIX.… /p> a href classmore-link>Ver reseñaspan classscreen-reader-text> C’era una volt ail West (1968)/span>/a>!-- wp-default --> /div> !-- end .entry-content --> /article>!-- end .post --> article idpost-26440 classpost-26440 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-modernos tag-sergio-leone> div classpost-image-content> figure classpost-featured-image> a href titlePer qualche dollaro in più (1965)> img width220 height330 src classattachment-magbook-featured-blog size-magbook-featured-blog wp-post-image alt loadinglazy srcset 220w, 200w, 67w sizes(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px /> /a> /figure>!-- --> /div>!-- --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta> span classcats-links> a classcl-3 href>Modernos/a> /span>!-- end .cat-links --> /div> h2 classentry-title> a href titlePer qualche dollaro in più (1965)> Per qualche dollaro in più (1965) /a> /h2> !-- end.entry-title --> div classentry-meta>span classauthor vcard>a href titlePer qualche dollaro in più (1965)>i classfa fa-user-o>/i> Juan Alsinet/a>/span>span classposted-on>a href titlenoviembre 20, 2019>i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> noviembre 20, 2019/a>/span> span classtag-links> a href reltag>Sergio Leone/a> /span> !-- end .tag-links --> /div> !-- end .entry-meta --> /header>!-- end .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>Spaghetti western en el que dos cazadores de recompensa se unen para atrapar una banda en la frontera de México y los Estados Unidos en el siglo XIX. A partir… /p> a href classmore-link>Ver reseñaspan classscreen-reader-text> Per qualche dollaro in più (1965)/span>/a>!-- wp-default --> /div> !-- end .entry-content --> /article>!-- end .post --> article idpost-26437 classpost-26437 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-modernos tag-sergio-leone> div classpost-image-content> figure classpost-featured-image> a href titlePer un pugno di dollari (1964)> img width220 height330 src classattachment-magbook-featured-blog size-magbook-featured-blog wp-post-image alt loadinglazy srcset 220w, 200w, 67w sizes(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px /> /a> /figure>!-- --> /div>!-- --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta> span classcats-links> a classcl-3 href>Modernos/a> /span>!-- end .cat-links --> /div> h2 classentry-title> a href titlePer un pugno di dollari (1964)> Per un pugno di dollari (1964) /a> /h2> !-- end.entry-title --> div classentry-meta>span classauthor vcard>a href titlePer un pugno di dollari (1964)>i classfa fa-user-o>/i> Juan Alsinet/a>/span>span classposted-on>a href titlenoviembre 20, 2019>i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> noviembre 20, 2019/a>/span> span classtag-links> a href reltag>Sergio Leone/a> /span> !-- end .tag-links --> /div> !-- end .entry-meta --> /header>!-- end .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>Spaghetti western en el que un pistolero llega a un pueblo dividido por dos bandas criminales en la frontera de México y los Estados Unidos en el siglo XIX. La… /p> a href classmore-link>Ver reseñaspan classscreen-reader-text> Per un pugno di dollari (1964)/span>/a>!-- wp-default --> /div> !-- end .entry-content --> /article>!-- end .post --> article idpost-26434 classpost-26434 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-modernos tag-sergio-leone> div classpost-image-content> figure classpost-featured-image> a href titleIl colosso di Rodi (1961)> img width220 height330 src classattachment-magbook-featured-blog size-magbook-featured-blog wp-post-image alt loadinglazy srcset 220w, 200w, 67w sizes(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px /> /a> /figure>!-- --> /div>!-- --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta> span classcats-links> a classcl-3 href>Modernos/a> /span>!-- end .cat-links --> /div> h2 classentry-title> a href titleIl colosso di Rodi (1961)> Il colosso di Rodi (1961) /a> /h2> !-- end.entry-title --> div classentry-meta>span classauthor vcard>a href titleIl colosso di Rodi (1961)>i classfa fa-user-o>/i> Juan Alsinet/a>/span>span classposted-on>a href titlenoviembre 20, 2019>i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> noviembre 20, 2019/a>/span> span classtag-links> a href reltag>Sergio Leone/a> /span> !-- end .tag-links --> /div> !-- end .entry-meta --> /header>!-- end .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>Aventura en la que un militar griego se ve envuelto en una revolución en la isla de Rodas en el siglo III A.C. La película hace una impresionante reconstrucción de… /p> a href classmore-link>Ver reseñaspan classscreen-reader-text> Il colosso di Rodi (1961)/span>/a>!-- wp-default --> /div> !-- end .entry-content --> /article>!-- end .post --> article idpost-26431 classpost-26431 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-ciencia-ficcion category-modernos tag-rene-daalder> div classpost-image-content> figure classpost-featured-image> a href titleHysteria (1997)> img width220 height330 src classattachment-magbook-featured-blog size-magbook-featured-blog wp-post-image alt loadinglazy srcset 220w, 200w, 67w sizes(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px /> /a> /figure>!-- --> /div>!-- --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta> span classcats-links> a classcl-663 href>Ciencia Ficción/a> a classcl-3 href>Modernos/a> /span>!-- end .cat-links --> /div> h2 classentry-title> a href titleHysteria (1997)> Hysteria (1997) /a> /h2> !-- end.entry-title --> div classentry-meta>span classauthor vcard>a href titleHysteria (1997)>i classfa fa-user-o>/i> Juan Alsinet/a>/span>span classposted-on>a href titlenoviembre 20, 2019>i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> noviembre 20, 2019/a>/span> span classtag-links> a href reltag>Rene Daalder/a> /span> !-- end .tag-links --> /div> !-- end .entry-meta --> /header>!-- end .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>Cuento de ciencia ficción en el que un psiquiatra lleva una chica a un asilo donde un doctor experimenta con sus pacientes en Norteamérica. Las películas del holandés Rene Daalder… /p> a href classmore-link>Ver reseñaspan classscreen-reader-text> Hysteria (1997)/span>/a>!-- wp-default --> /div> !-- end .entry-content --> /article>!-- end .post --> article idpost-26428 classpost-26428 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-ciencia-ficcion category-modernos tag-rene-daalder> div classpost-image-content> figure classpost-featured-image> a href titleHabitat (1997)> img width220 height330 src classattachment-magbook-featured-blog size-magbook-featured-blog wp-post-image alt loadinglazy srcset 220w, 200w, 67w sizes(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px /> /a> /figure>!-- --> /div>!-- --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta> span classcats-links> a classcl-663 href>Ciencia Ficción/a> a classcl-3 href>Modernos/a> /span>!-- end .cat-links --> /div> h2 classentry-title> a href titleHabitat (1997)> Habitat (1997) /a> /h2> !-- end.entry-title --> div classentry-meta>span classauthor vcard>a href titleHabitat (1997)>i classfa fa-user-o>/i> Juan Alsinet/a>/span>span classposted-on>a href titlenoviembre 20, 2019>i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> noviembre 20, 2019/a>/span> span classtag-links> a href reltag>Rene Daalder/a> /span> !-- end .tag-links --> /div> !-- end .entry-meta --> /header>!-- end .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>Cuento de ciencia ficción en el que una familia crea su propio medio ambiente en su casa de Norteamérica en un futuro en el que la capa de ozono desaparecida… /p> a href classmore-link>Ver reseñaspan classscreen-reader-text> Habitat (1997)/span>/a>!-- wp-default --> /div> !-- end .entry-content --> /article>!-- end .post --> article idpost-26425 classpost-26425 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-ciencia-ficcion category-modernos category-musical tag-rene-daalder> div classpost-image-content> figure classpost-featured-image> a href titlePopulation: 1 (1986)> img width220 height330 src classattachment-magbook-featured-blog size-magbook-featured-blog wp-post-image alt loadinglazy srcset 220w, 200w, 67w sizes(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px /> /a> /figure>!-- --> /div>!-- --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta> span classcats-links> a classcl-663 href>Ciencia Ficción/a> a classcl-3 href>Modernos/a> a classcl-670 href>Musical/a> /span>!-- end .cat-links --> /div> h2 classentry-title> a href titlePopulation: 1 (1986)> Population: 1 (1986) /a> /h2> !-- end.entry-title --> div classentry-meta>span classauthor vcard>a href titlePopulation: 1 (1986)>i classfa fa-user-o>/i> Juan Alsinet/a>/span>span classposted-on>a href titlenoviembre 20, 2019>i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> noviembre 20, 2019/a>/span> span classtag-links> a href reltag>Rene Daalder/a> /span> !-- end .tag-links --> /div> !-- end .entry-meta --> /header>!-- end .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>Comedia musical de ciencia ficción postapocalíptica en la que el único superviviente de un holocausto nuclear se refugia en un bunker de New York. Rene Daalder lleva las incipientes técnicas… /p> a href classmore-link>Ver reseñaspan classscreen-reader-text> Population: 1 (1986)/span>/a>!-- wp-default --> /div> !-- end .entry-content --> /article>!-- end .post --> article idpost-26422 classpost-26422 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-modernos category-terror tag-rene-daalder> div classpost-image-content> figure classpost-featured-image> a href titleMassacre at Central High (1976)> img width220 height330 src classattachment-magbook-featured-blog size-magbook-featured-blog wp-post-image alt loadinglazy srcset 220w, 200w, 67w sizes(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px /> /a> /figure>!-- --> /div>!-- --> header classentry-header> div classentry-meta> span classcats-links> a classcl-3 href>Modernos/a> a classcl-181 href>Terror/a> /span>!-- end .cat-links --> /div> h2 classentry-title> a href titleMassacre at Central High (1976)> Massacre at Central High (1976) /a> /h2> !-- end.entry-title --> div classentry-meta>span classauthor vcard>a href titleMassacre at Central High (1976)>i classfa fa-user-o>/i> Juan Alsinet/a>/span>span classposted-on>a href titlenoviembre 20, 2019>i classfa fa-calendar-o>/i> noviembre 20, 2019/a>/span> span classtag-links> a href reltag>Rene Daalder/a> /span> !-- end .tag-links --> /div> !-- end .entry-meta --> /header>!-- end .entry-header --> div classentry-content> p>Psycho thriller en el que un nuevo estudiante llega a una secundaria de Los Ángeles y mata a unos compañeros que lo atacaron. Rene Daalder toma decisiones poco habituales para… /p> a href classmore-link>Ver reseñaspan classscreen-reader-text> Massacre at Central High (1976)/span>/a>!-- wp-default --> /div> !-- end .entry-content --> /article>!-- end .post --> /main>!-- end #main --> /div> !-- #primary -->aside idsecondary classwidget-area> aside idsearch-4 classwidget widget_search>form classsearch-form action methodget> input typesearch names classsearch-field placeholderBuscar … autocompleteoff /> button typesubmit classsearch-submit>i classfa fa-search>/i>/button>/form> !-- end .search-form -->/aside>aside idcategories-4 classwidget widget_categories>h2 classwidget-title>Categorías/h2> ul> li classcat-item cat-item-663>a href>Ciencia Ficción/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-284>a href>Cine Argentino/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-2>a href>Clásicos/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-4>a href>Contemporáneos/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-5>a href>Estrenos/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-829>a href>Fantasía/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-3>a href>Modernos/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-670>a href>Musical/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-668>a href>Policial/a>/li> li classcat-item cat-item-181>a href>Terror/a>/li> /ul> /aside>aside idtag_cloud-9 classwidget widget_tag_cloud>h2 classwidget-title>Directores/h2>div classtagcloud>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-106 tag-link-position-1 stylefont-size: 10.048780487805pt; aria-labelAbel Ferrara (28 elementos)>Abel Ferrara/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-31 tag-link-position-2 stylefont-size: 14.487804878049pt; aria-labelAgnès Varda (38 elementos)>Agnès Varda/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-33 tag-link-position-3 stylefont-size: 9.7073170731707pt; aria-labelAlain Resnais (27 elementos)>Alain Resnais/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-6 tag-link-position-4 stylefont-size: 18.926829268293pt; aria-labelAlfred Hitchcock (52 elementos)>Alfred Hitchcock/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-8 tag-link-position-5 stylefont-size: 9.0243902439024pt; aria-labelBilly Wilder (26 elementos)>Billy Wilder/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-39 tag-link-position-6 stylefont-size: 11.756097560976pt; aria-labelBrian De Palma (31 elementos)>Brian De Palma/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-42 tag-link-position-7 stylefont-size: 20.292682926829pt; aria-labelClaude Chabrol (56 elementos)>Claude Chabrol/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-45 tag-link-position-8 stylefont-size: 12.439024390244pt; aria-labelClint Eastwood (33 elementos)>Clint Eastwood/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-47 tag-link-position-9 stylefont-size: 8.3414634146341pt; aria-labelDavid Cronenberg (25 elementos)>David Cronenberg/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-192 tag-link-position-10 stylefont-size: 17.560975609756pt; aria-labelDavid DeCoteau (47 elementos)>David DeCoteau/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-59 tag-link-position-11 stylefont-size: 9.7073170731707pt; aria-labelEric Rohmer (27 elementos)>Eric Rohmer/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-570 tag-link-position-12 stylefont-size: 9.7073170731707pt; aria-labelFernando Ayala (27 elementos)>Fernando Ayala/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-201 tag-link-position-13 stylefont-size: 9.7073170731707pt; aria-labelFrancis Ford Coppola (27 elementos)>Francis Ford Coppola/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-121 tag-link-position-14 stylefont-size: 10.731707317073pt; aria-labelFrançois Ozon (29 elementos)>François Ozon/a>a href classtag-cloud-link tag-link-102 tag-link-position-15 stylefont-size: 8pt; 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